Tempest Fury Sorcerer: The Most BROKEN Build in Baldur's Gate 3

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hello everyone and welcome to my lightning sourcer build for models Gate 3 this build is all about delivering devastating lightning damage and in this guide we explore everything you need to know from character creation to leveling up Spell choices elive Powers equipment options and some game changing tips I have gathered from over 500 hours of gameplay so without any further today let's Dive Right In starting with character creation your choice of character race will significantly impact your performance as a sorcerer so feel free to choose the one that ABS you the most I CH because they have interesting dialog options ciliar dark visions and the benefits of f ancestry they also learn very far at level three and darkness at level five both of which can be used once per long rest for your abilities Charisma is your most crucial ability since it improves your spells difficulty class make it harder for your enemies to resist your spells enemies that succeed in Saving throws against your spells only take out damage it also improves your spells attack roles like chromatic orb and Fireball furthermore charisma directly impacts your persuation skills dexterity is also important since it improves your armor class and initiative early in the game we won't rely on dexterity for E because we will be using heavy armor which negates any dexterity bonus however the initial bonus remains valuable Constitution is essential to increase your maximum hit points and make it harder for enemies to break your concentration on some of your spells like coal lightning or his assign the plus one bonus to Constitution and the plus two bonus to Charisma says to 8 D 30 to 14 Constitution 16 intelligence to 8 wisdom to 10 Charisma to 17 during act one I SP s of the H and accepted her Bon which boosted Charisma to a total of 18 since you are likely going to be the highest Charisma character in the group big either are get artson or Noble for your background to have proficiency and persuasion and then big deception and intimidation from your skills that way you cover all the necessary skills for most dialog options level one sourer can learn up to four cont trips and two level one spells as well as choosing your subclass you can choose between wild magic or draconic bloodline but for this build we are going to focus on storm sorcery storm sorcery gives you access to tempestus Magic at level one this is an excellent close feature that allows you to use flight as a bonus action after casting level one spell or higher this will enable you to reposition your character to line up multiple enemies for lightning bolt or to Simply Escape many attackers without provoking an attack of opportunity for your conts I suggest Fireball shocking grassp friends and light Firebolt inflicts a moderate amount of fire damage and proves handy for igniting explosive barrels or causing flamable surface to catch fire troken grass deals lightning damage which will have Synergy with certain features and items in this build it also denies enemies the reaction so for example you can use it on a m attacker to move away without provoking an attack for opportunity friends will give you an adventure on Charisma checks which is very helpful in most dialog options like is highly utility to shine some light in very dark areas in the game there are more conts that you can play with but those were the ones that I was frequently using in my breth through for your level one spells choose chromatic orb and Magic missiles chromatic orb is an incredible spell because it offers a wide variety of damage types like lightning fire poison Etc so if you ever encounter an enemy that has immunity to lightning damage you can change the damage type to something more useful chromatic orb also has the potential OB dealing the highest damage in your build but in order to understand why I have to quickly explain two types of spells in b g or D andd in general you have two types of spells one that has an attack role and other that have a savings row spells that have savings throws like chain lighting or lightning bolt are guaranteed to deal at least half their damage if the target succeeds in the same savings Ro while spells that has an attack role like chromatic orb can miss completely so you don't deal any damage but also has the potential to become critical doubling your damage dice for example a level six chromatic orb will D7 d8 but if it crits it will deal 14 d8 which is very powerful chromatic orb lightning also creates a small bowl of electrocuted water that deals D4 lightning damage to any enemy SC Inside Magic methods never miss so it can be useful in the early game to quick dispatch low HP enemies it doesn't require a direct line of sight to your target as it can home on them around corners at level two we are going to multiclass into cleric and more specifically into Tempest domain we are doing this to gain access to destructive rat at level two cleric anytime you did lightning or thunder damage with one of your spells thetive PR will prompt you to spend one challenge divage charge to maximize that damage this is better spend on AOE spells like chain lightning or lightning bolt to maximize your lightning damage to as many targets as possible however you can also spend it on chromatic orb to disintegrate one target from existence temp domain will also gives you access to Heavy Armor and shields transforming your sorcerer from a vulnerable spellcaster into unyielding and formidable button Mage in act one I had 20 armor Claws and could easily go over 23 with certain potions on Buffs which is extremely tanky you also gain access to rest of the storm which allows you to retaliate deing 28 liting or under damage against enemies that strikes you in close combat for your cic cont trips choose thermatology guidance and resistance I never really use any of them outside options or SK checks it doesn't matter which D you choose so big whatever you like perhaps mistra or tals for your spells choose create or destroy water casting the spell on your enemies will make them wet which makes them resistant to burning damage but vulnerable to lightning and cold damage vulnerable means you take double the damage this is an essential spell and you have to use it in most of your F to maximize your lightning damage usually you want to C the spell with a different character mainly your group cleric sometimes you want to C create water to cover a wider area to drench more enemies you also gain access to Thunder Wave and F Cloud Thunder Wave is very useful to send enemies flying from Ledges it can also push any large enemies like trolls and level three we are going back to sorcerer where we will gain access to metam magic and sorcery points metamagic is a powerful mechanic unique to sourcers allowing them to enhance their spells and give them extra properties metam magic is essentially what sets Sorcerers apart from Wizards and warlock you see wizards can learn a lot more spells than Sorcerers however Sorcerers wield their magic a lot better thanks to the metamagic mechanic for example metamagic twin spell will enable you to mirror a certain single Target spell like chromatic orb to attack two Targets at the same time you can also use it to apply useful Buffs to another Ally like Hast or greater invisibility one thing to keep in mind is that not every metamagic applies to every spell you have for example you can use metam magic to spell on haste but you can't use it on cold lightning the easiest way to find out is to toggle the metam magic first and it will automatically highlight all the spells it can affect it is important to note that you can only use one type of metamagic at any given time metam Magic Use sorcery points as a resource to enhance your spells there are two ways to gain sorcery points first long rest will replenish a number of sorcery points equal to your sorcerer level so if you are Level 10 sorcerer you will regain 10 sorcery points after a long rest the other way is to use create sorcery points which allows you to spend your spell source to gain number of sorcery points equal to the spell slot you sacrifice however you can also reverse this and use a create spell slot to gain back some spell slots in exchange for sourcery points metamagic costs vary from one type to another metam magic Twi spell will have an increased cost depending on what spell slot you are attempting to duplicate a higher level spell slot costs more sorcery points to mirror the game will tell you how many sorcery points you need before using any type of metam Magic choose metamagic twin spell and for your second option you can choose metamagic distance spell to extend the range of your spells make sure to also choose the Sheep spell every time you're about to get hit by a Mele or ranged attack you will get prompted to spend one spell s to increase your armor class by five at level three sorcer you will gain access to a new metam magic you want to choose metam magic quickened this is a very powerful metam magic since it would enable you to cut spells using your bonus action this way you can get to cost two spells in the same turn one with your action and another using your bonus action you will also get to learn a new spell I tried shatter in my playr but wasn't at all impressed shatter deals s damage and sadly doesn't benefit from enemies that are wet like cold and lightning spells I would likely suggest feather fall Missy step knock or invisibility for utility or go with shutter for damage dealing at level four sorcerer you get to choose one extra cont trip and new spell and your first feet feel free to choose any cont trip and SP you like and for your first feet goes Improvement to increase your kisma score to 20 at level five sorcerer you gain access to your first level three spell and you certainly want to choose lightning bolt lightning bolt is your first powerful a spell since it has insanely Long Reach you always want to position your sorcerer to line up and blast as many targets with lightning bolt as you can for the next level we are going back to cleric to gain access to destructive R to maximize the damage of our lightning spells from this this point we are going to only invest in the sorcer class at level six sorcerer you get to learn a new spell you certainly won't taste since it gives you an extra action point to cost one more spell as the same turn it also enhances your movement speed and boosts your armor class by Plus tool and don't forget you can also use metamagic spell to apply to another Ally in your group you also learn call lightning sleep storm gust of wind create or destroy water and Thunder Wave from the storm sorcery subclass the most important spell to focus on here is co lightning this is an absolutely great spell to save your spell slots it will cost you one spell slot at the beginning but every subsequent cost for the next 10 rounds will only use your action points and nothing more one thing to keep in mind is that cold lightning is a level three spell that deals 3d10 lightning damage however if you choose to upcast it to let's say level six spell you will get to deal 6 d10 lightning damage and every time you use activate C lightning you get to deal that upgrade damage again so I recommend that you always try to upcast the spell as high as you can to utilize the activate C lightning I would like to point out that you should be careful to not use Co lightning after using the H spell this will immediately stun your character for one round and end the H effect since both spells require concentration I can't tell you how many times I made this stupid mistake in the middle of the fight a work around is to use a potion of speed to give you the Hast effect since it doesn't require concentration to maintain or you can use another party member to cause Hast on you storm sorcery subclass also gives you heart of the storm and heart of the storm resistance every time you cuss a level one spell or higher that deals lightning or thunder damage you zap enemies around you for a small lightning or thunder damage part of the stor resistance gives you resistance to lightning and thunder damage at level seven sorcerer you get to learn your first level for spell go Dimension l or greater invisibility for utility or I storm for different damage type at level eight sorcerer you get to learn new spells and gain access to extra feet for your new feed I suggest alert it will increase your initi by plus five and ensure that you are never surprised at level 9 sorcerer you can learn your first level five spell feel free to experiment around but I choose con of C invest the last level in sorcerer and big and extra metam magic metam magic heighten spell seems useful to ensure your targets do not resist your lightning spells let's go over some equipment options you should be looking out for the key item you should aim to get your hands on is the Marco HQ legendary SF in X3 equipping the SFS unlocks the use of krisus favor with krisus favor you can em your character with a specific element once per short rest in this build we are all about unleashing the bols of Doom when you embow yourself with bols of Doom you become resistant to lightning damage and your lightning spells deal extra damage equal to your proficiency bonus however the real game changer here is gaining access to chain Lightning Spell and Arcane battery you also get access to lightning bolt but we have already got covered typically you would have to wait until reaching level 11 sorcer to access chain lightning however since we invested two levels in Tempest claric this becomes the only way to unlock this incredible spell chain lighting targets the main enemy and then bounces to the three nearest Targets my goto move is bearing it with metam magic twin spell and destructive R when dealing with hordes of enemies resulting in total inhalation across the battlefield thanks to Arcane battery the CLE also allows you to cast any spell without expanding a spell slot when using Arcane battery be sure to Acca your next spell to the highest available spell slot since it is essentially free keep in mind that Arcane battery can only be used once per long rest whereas chain lighning and lightning bolt refresh with every short rest temp cleric gives access to Heavy Armor and using a shield without suffering penalty to spell cing I'm currently using kri Shield because it gives plus one to spell save DC and spell attack rolls for the helm I'm using birth right which boosts Charisma by plus two I'm also using robe of the weave and cloak of the weave for the plus one to spell save DC and spell attack rolls gun of the T for plus one to spell save DC the last item I recommend is the amul of The Devout it boosts spell sa DC by plus one and gives an extra Channel dity charge for an extra destructive R use for your elive BS favorable Beginnings is always great to have but you really want to get your hands on lock of the far Realms this can only trigger with spells that have attack rols like chromatic orb bear this with destructive R and you will see some of the biggest damage numbers in the game one ability that will certainly help you deal with a large crowd and make it easier to a them down is black hole the cool down resets every short rest and it can can be used up to 10 times in the same fight it covers a large area and also has a chance to apply slow to All Enemies affected make it one of the best Crow control abilities in the game free cast also is great but for some reason it was bued in my game and only worked once certainly stay away from concentrated blast since you can accidentally end your Hast or call lightning concentration when using it so the way you play this build is fairly simple we want C create water on our to make them vulnerable to lightning damage after that your SP Choice really depends on the situation lightning bolt is excellent if you can line up multiple enemies gold lightning is great for clustered groups and chain lightning is your highest damage dealing AOE spell but you can only get to use it after obtaining the Marco his legendary St in X3 chromatic orb with lock of the far realm and destructive Rass will create for ridiculously high numbers and it's ideal for single high HP boosts targets make sure to cast his spell or use potion speed for an extra action as well as elixir of blood loss it will give you one more action every time you defeat an enemy and can only trigger once per turn this way you can have up to three action points in one round and four if you used metam magic Quicken honestly this build is fairly simple and easy to play and it's one of the strongest builds you will get to play in BT of G 3 and I'm certain you will have a lot of fun bring it this brings this guide to an end thank you so much for watching if you have any questions about this build or anything related to BK 3 feel free to drop them in the comments if you found this guide informative and enjoyed it a like would be greatly appreciated and don't forget to subscribe for future content once again thanks for watching and have a great day
Channel: Kimo Chaser
Views: 47,398
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 sorcerer, baldur's gate 3 sorcerer build, baldur's gate 3 build, baldurs gate 3 best build, baldur's gate 3 op build, bg3 sorcerer, bg3 sorcerer build, bg3 sorcerer guide, bg3 tempest cleric, bg3 cleric build, bg3 op build, bg3 lightning build, bg3 broken build
Id: mzZm6QUh3c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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