Ranger of The Spore Baldur's Gate III Build

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the ranger of the Spore is a Spore Druid slash Ranger multi-class that uses a horde of zombies in combination of Halo Sports and symbiotic entity with multi-attack from the ranger to do some devastating damage while also maintaining some high level utility spells to help out your allies throughout combat it's a really fun multi-class and depending on how you multi-class with the ranger you'll have a different play style and overall it is one really fun that you can play throughout acts 1 and 2 and really starts to shine in Act 3. what's really great about the Spore Ranger here is the fact that you can pick any race and have it work really well this means you can pick this as an origin character of course you would at the respect that origin character but it works really well for origin characters it's really really great and race is gonna have very little impact in combat however there are some things I do want to notate I do personally think what else fit really great from a theme standpoint I mean being a ranger they are kind of naturesque depending on who you ask and Druids of course are extremely nature based what else are nature based so it kind of fits if you ask me what else also get increased movement speed which is pretty cool they get dark vision they have proficiency with long booze which is pretty cool which doesn't matter because you'll get that anyway as a ranger but they also can't be put to sleep so I really like what else here but really any race will fit drows are really nice I like their lore and the Darkness spell they have is pretty useful give Yankee from a combat standpoint they're extremely powerful I mean they get a free Missy step they get a free enhanced sleep free Mage hand and the astral knowledge they receive is extremely useful for outside combat purposes so pick whatever race you want it's going to be up to you class here I'm going Ranger to start out I do want to note you can start out as a actual Spore Druid however I like starting out as a ranger first because that way I'm guaranteed to get my Longbow and short bow proficiencies regardless if you start out as a druid first you will only receive proficiencies in that weapon type if your race allows it so I like using Beast Tamer getting the fine familiar is just really useful and this has a lot of outside like combat opportunities for really fun stuff so really useful here and it's free no spells not needed I also like Bounty Hunters just for the proficiency and investigation but really that's going to be up to you background pick whatever you want uh do it based off of the background skills in my opinion but if you're going for an RP thing pick whatever you want I think animal handling and survival kind of fits the theme of the Ranger slash Druid combo so that's why I'm going folk hero now pay attention to your abilities here because I get asked this all the time in all my videos if you are using the hag's hair which gives you one stat increase for free you can get to 20 dexterity with only one feet which is why I'm set up like this if you do not use the hag's hair I would change it to where my ability score is like this that way once I hit level four I can increase my dexterity to 18 and then my Constitution to 16. however if you do have The Hags hair you don't need you don't need that so then you can get to 18 dexterity that way with the hag's hair so it's going to be up to you hag's hair gives you one additional feat without the hag's hair you will spend both feets on ability Improvement to get your dexterity to Max you only have two feets of this build so keep that in mind when it comes to your actual skills here pick whatever you want is going to be useful to you I do like having a little bit inside Athletics in case I need to try to like push someone and think and things like that so pick whatever you think is going to be needed I don't think stealth is going to be all that needed all that much but if you would like to use that feel free so let's go ahead and talk about leveling now and I am going to be showcasing leveling for the first half of this build with my dritz character from another video just because it's easier to do but really pick whatever race guys I don't want any confusion because it happens all the time pick whatever race okay as we level up I want you to go ranger level one all the way to level five you could technically do Spore Druid first if you wanted to however I prefer doing the ranger route first which is what I'm going to showcase so spell wise here pick whatever spells you want I would say longstrider is a must pick getting free 10 feet movement for you and everyone in your party and all your pets for free because you can cast it as a ritual spell is really strong definitely get used to using this on your allies the other spells are going to be up to you Hunter's Mark is really useful here and I would say probably to get that as well fighting style archery because we are mainly using a bow however if you do not want to use a bow and you would rather simply go with melee then pick whatever you want I'm assuming you know what you're doing if you go in the melee version Ranger level 3 is when you get another spell so here I would say engineering strike could be useful it's not a must-have pick but it's definitely useful so could pick it pick whatever you want because of my drought I get fairy fire here this is charisma based because I'm a drow but you get to pick your subclass so all three subclasses will work for this build but I do want to note that The Beastmaster the higher the that you level up the weaker this gets you're only going to put five points into actual Ranger and because of that your Beastmaster in the early levels will be pretty strong but it starts to fall off later on especially towards act three because your pet is really weak compared to everything else so the pet dies a lot so keep that in mind I would say going Hunter with Hunters prey for Colossus Slayer is really strong doing an additional 1d8 damage as long as the target doesn't have Max HP is really really useful and this is something that's just going to be a lot of sustained damage throughout your playthrough or the other great class is going to be gloomstalker this gives you a lot this will give you dread ambusher to get plus three initiative extra movement speed and an additional attack at the start of combat if you don't already have dark vision you now gain dark vision you can hide from a bonus action which is really useful and once for long rest you can actually go invisible and you get disguised self as a spell so I really like bloomstalker and at level 5 Gloom stalker you get Missy step as a free spell that's always prepared which can be really useful for needing to go throughout different areas of combat for positioning wise so I'm going Gloom stalker but really all three could work but I think bloomstalker and Hunter are going to be the strongest foreign okay so at level four you get your first feat if you have the hag's hair which this character specifically does I'm going to put two points into dexterity because with The Hags here I'm going to be at level 20 or at 20 dexterity I should say if you don't have the hag's hair you're going to need to spend two ability Improvement points to get this to 20. and I do want to notate if you want to use Sharpshooter which is a really powerful range attack feet you either need the eggs hair to get the 20 dexterity or you're going to be stuck at 18 dexterity since you will be using the other feed for Sharpshooter to keep that in mind okay so level five as mentioned because I did choose gloomstalker I get my Misty step here for free I do get two more spells and I do want to state that these level 2 spells here go with silence you actually have spiked growth from being a druid so in my opinion silence is nice because you won't get this as a druid normally so now you can get it as a ranger and when you multi-class you'll still have it it is situational but it is pretty useful to have okay so level six is when we're gonna start putting our points in a druid and we're gonna go the rest of the levels inside Druid as well cancer applies you don't need sheleighly we have dexterity for our damage so this isn't going to be useful instead take guidance plus 1d4 to Ability checks is really huge very very much a fantastic can trip to have Thorn whip I mean it's up to you I don't really ever use this in combat so you can replace it with Excuse me replace this with something else if you wanted it's going to be up to you okay so now you are character level seven so you should be done with everything in act one and most likely going into act two so instead of choosing circle of the land I want you to choose circle of the spores this will a you can turn into an animal which is nice because all Druids will get that and this can definitely save your eat like Save Your Hide since you get temporary hit points inside the other animal forms but instead our wild shape is going to be used for a symbiotic entity you gain temporary hit points when you have this up which lasts until your next long rest and as long as you have those temporary hit points your attacks will do additional necrotic damage and you get a bonus reaction Halo is forced to do even more necrotic damage as well and it goes up to 20 feet so the higher your level in Druid is the more temporary hit points you have which is why you won't need a lot of constitution because you'll see by end game you'll have a ton of HP this will pretty much double the HP you normally have and of course if you want to change your spells here you can I would say Thunder Wave is really useful because in my opinion you're going to be using this character at range being able to knock people back is really useful ice knife is okay I mean could be good could be bad it's going to be up to you whether you'd like to use this or not I said a set of taking pure wounds take the one as a bonus action healing word that way if you did need to bring up someone that was down you can do it as a bonus action all the other spells pick whatever you want here it's going to be up to you charm person can be definitely pretty useful if you would like it for extra CC and if you did want the other enhanced sleep for another ritual spell you can you can also get fairy fire here and I do want to notate because this is fairy fire from being a druid the saving throw or the spell DC isn't going to use Charisma it's going to use wisdom while the one from being a drow uses charisma foreign Druid you get some more spells and you can see you automatically get Spike growth here which is why I didn't think it was needed for the ranger portion so you can now pick some different things if you want if you want to rearrange your spells which I would for sure Spike growth is pretty useful in my opinion I'm going to take ice knife off here and you could have heat metal which basically makes them drop their weapon really useful for cc hold person another really useful spell uh flaming spirit is really useful as well it is a concentration so I'll keep that in mind but it is another summon you can do and this is going to be useful later on once you start getting your zombies and stuff all right so your character level nine now you get another cantrip here pick whatever you want I'm just going with resistance and you get your other feet so we already talked about if you had hag's hair how this would be 20. so because of that I'm going Sharpshooter this is great it's a toggle ability which will basically make you do an additional 10 damage at a negative five penalty to hit but your ranged weapons do not like they will never receive penalties from attacking someone that's at High Ground so Sharpshooter is definitely for sure worth it with The Hags here you'll still have 20 dexterity as well which is really nice unfortunately if you don't have the hag's hair your dexterity is only going to be 18. okay you are now Druid level five and you are class level overall level 10. so you can see you get some subclass features here for if you are in your wild shape which can be useful as mentioned before wild shape can really save your hide you gain level 4 spell slots which is pretty cool and you gain some new spells which is really awesome but as a level 5 score Druid you get anime dead which is really useful because now you can really start getting your minions up you get gashes form which is okay and then you can take a look at your spells to see which ones you would like to prepare again I'm dropping ice knife I don't like it call lightning is really powerful I think sleepstorm is also powerful all these spells will have usefulness depending on how you play what you want to do so pick the spells that you want it's going to be up to you here uh plant growth is another great spell and if you did want to use call lightning the other spell I would say to have is create or destroy water that way you can put water on someone and then immediately afterwards use a spell like Thunder Wave or call lightning to do double damage so gonna be up to you okay Druid level six this is nice because then you get the owl bear form very powerful but specifically for the Spore Druids you get fungal infestation this allows you to summon basically the zombies that are like plant-based I'm not sure how to describe it other than they just are fungus zombies they're really cool and with this combined with everything else you've gotten so far you can really start to bring up your Undead Army and then at level seven you get you are now max level so you are a level seven Druid level five Ranger for a total of level 12. you get some new spells here uh first off as a Spore Druid you get blight and you get confusion but there are going to be some other spells I want you to take so you can see from the noon spell list here you can get dominate Beast conjure Woodland being conjure Miner Elemental and all kinds of cool stuff in my opinion pick whatever you think is going to be best here but my recommendation for sure is either going to be Elemental or a woodland being because you're going to have a lot of minions having even more Minions on top of that is pretty nice thank you and you can see I only have 93 HP right now but that's okay because we do have a bunch of ways to increase it so I want to put on my symbiotic entity and you can see I have 28 temporary hit points not a not a ton but as long as you maintain those hit points you will do additional damage and since you will be attacking from afar it's pretty easy to use that I do I'm going to Showcase some items that are going to be useful so a I use my hags here I'm up to 20 dexterity as you can see and most people notice this is my dritz character from my dritz build so some things that you would like to use and act one and two that are going to be really useful is pretty much the setup I have here so I have my diadem of Arcane Synergy so anytime I basically do a condition to the enemy whether it's Hunter's Mark I slow him down whatever it may be I'm going to gain Arcane Synergy because I have 16 wisdom it will give me plus three attack to all my attacks which is nice I had the cloak of protection just for extra AC and saving throughs chess piece I went with spider silk armor just to get the advantage on Constitution saving for checks and extra bonus to stealth checks the gloves or the flawed hell dust so they get additional fire damage boots evasive shoes plus one AC and acrobatics if you did want to use a melee weapon I'm going with this weapon right here that you get from the underdark this is a finesse weapon and it's a long sword this has a really unique ability that which will just simply allow me to do tons of Thunder damage to anyone that's within range like additional damage neck piece pick whichever neck piece you want here I just chose the amulet here because it's a free Missy step caustic Band free acidic damage and the strange conduit ring as long as I am concentrating on something I will do additional psychic damage so I'm gonna go ahead and you can see I have my symbiotic entity it's just to Showcase this at a lower level because there are some differences with this compared to End Game Gear that we'll talk about in a minute so poor stereo on here I'm going to enter turn base mode let's go ahead and put Hunter's Mark on him at a level one spell you can see I got my buff here and it costs a bonus action so now when I attack him I missed and you can see I have my passive one so my chance to hit isn't that high so I'm going to turn this off so it's definitely use or useful to have someone with bless to give you blessed while doing this so I'm going to attack again I'll crit him just because so if you take a look at my combat log real quick you can see I did 12 piercing one acidic five necrotic one fire and three psychic and all this would have been extra sap used his reaction to take less damage but you can just see from my attack look at all the additional damage you would normally do that's a lot and he took half damage because he is a uh Thief so he has on Candy Dodge to reduce it but that's a lot of additional damage and the weapon I'm using isn't all that great so I do want to showcase how this build actually works at endgame so you can really see the additional stuff you can do and of course if I wanted I could use my halo of spores reaction which doesn't actually cost an action the two necrotic damage on him as well SFP saved so didn't do damage and for end game I do want to showcase this on ascended a Starion just because the additional necrotic damage with him on top of everything else just Stacks so so well but I do want to showcase I am going 17 15 16 here because I don't have the hags hair so I am going to use one ability Improvement for dexterity and Constitution and then get Sharpshooter and if you use the mirror of loss then you can get the dexterity to 20 as well but that's if you choose to do that or not in Act 3. so before we go into combat for endgame I do want to point out I do have a chess piece here the armor of the Spore keeper that is extremely useful you can see this will give me just plus one bonus to my small DC's but I also have additional things I can cast here to the right so I get 10 mask spores which is really nice this is an action so keep that in mind in its once for long rest but I can cast this to be photo people I have my bibbering spores probably said that wrong basically poisonous spores and the one I really like hey spores you cast this once for long rest and it creates a field on the ground as you can see and anyone that steps into it will gain haste including my minions you're gonna have a lot of minions as this build you have my conjure Elemental here so you can pick whichever Elementals you think are going to be useful I'm going to go with ice I have my Woodland being it does require a high level spell slot so keep that in mind you always want to use it at level four if you use it at level five you don't actually gain any benefit so I put that on I have my concentration spell for my flaming spear that I'm not going to use yet just because I don't want to actually get anything caught on fire but you can summon that as well and then you have all your zombies you can also do so you can get a pretty nice set of little groups here what's even better is my dryad also has an ability to do some really cool things she can use her she Lily she has in tangle she has Spike growth she has food like she has a lot that she can do which is really nice and she can swim in a little creature as well so even she has an extra thing so now just from one character alone without even summoning my zombies I have one two three four minions they are pretty weak they die pretty easily but that's okay because you can always summon them back if you needed and of course I don't have any bodies on me but I could get even more zombies as well so when it comes to my gear you can see my AC is only 18 and that's because I only have 18 dexterity so if I wanted a set of using cloak of displacement I could go ahead and put my cloak of protection just to get a little bit higher it's going to be up to you boots are the same I'm using the held us gloves I'm keeping my diadem on feel free to move this out for anything else when it comes to your rings I'm using the Crypt Lord ring this is going to allow me to summon a mummy which will then stack with all everything else I have I'm using the caustic band feel free to place this for anything else and they have the Amulet of The Devout just for extra spell save DC you can replace this with a lot of things obviously there's the Amulet of Greater Health which is huge if you want to rearrange your points for other stuff if you need to rest do like it's because I use my spell slot here I could use my spell Crux to get that back so I could equip that real quick and then use my class or class real quick to basically turn that back so I'm like oh yeah you know what I do want my level four spell slot pack thank you so much so I got that back so now I can unequip that and put anything else I want on aiming that the ball is also useful it's just to inflict bleeding on someone it's gonna be up to you I use this character more so for support and damage than I do anything else so if you find yourself using a lot of support spells or CC spells the extra bonus as well DC here from The Amulet is useful if you find yourself using a lot of attacks with your bow then the inlet a ball is going to be useful pick whichever you find to be the best weapon wise the dead shot I mean it's just free crit it's really nice this thing is really really powerful and then I'm using the dancing Breeze this is a great blade that is considered finesse so this is going to scale with my dexterity which is pretty cool all right let's see this baby in action all right guys let's go ahead and get this going you can have up to four of these zombies right here like your fungal zombies at once uh technically I only have three I didn't get the max but you can see how many minions I have it's a lot yeah I have a lot of minions it's pretty cool and we're gonna Now open up on these guys and I feel so bad for them because they are just gonna get utterly destroyed and I'm sure if you saw any of my other build videos I usually showcase it on these guys to not have any spoilers so that's what we're gonna do here so I'm gonna use my Hunter's Mark rank one on this guy in the back they're all like what what are you doing and I'm like I'm trying to have some fun what do you mean so you can see I got the Hunter's Mark on him which is cool so I am going to cast my hasta spores right here now this thing is interesting because it only lasts for one turn and it gives you like pseudo hey so as long as you put it on an area where your allies are going to be able to attack they will all get haste so if I cast it they have all haste and because I have my diadem of Arcane Synergy on because I gave them haste I get increased damage I'm also going to run in and you can see when I run in I now have hay spores as well which means I have haste without actually using the spell hey so it's not a concentration so we're going to open up on him you can see it's at a disadvantage because I do have Sharpshooter all in but we'll attack anyway missed wow really unfortunate no big deal we'll attack again dang that one's only 42 that's rough and he's dead thank you buddy that's a lot of damage if you take a look and read it you can see 30 piercing two acidic 18 necrotic and 11 fire so I could do some more stuff I'm gonna let one of my pets attack so you can see with their spells so I got death burst which is pretty cool you got your ice breath chromatic or cold and then of course freezing claws this guy isn't in the haste area there so he's not going to get the additional hay stuff unless I go into it so it was just I don't want to do this you can see this will affect my allies but I can do this it will affect one of my zombies which I don't want so then what we could do instead is fly come about right here he crit me but that's okay cause I'm gonna come right here and now we're going to do our death burst and it's gonna hopefully hit all of them and you can see I sacrificed him because he already got hit to do an AOE burst like that I didn't have to I could do the uh kuna cold and it would have hit people as well but I did want to showcase in case that guy is low you have an option to kind of like do a suicide attack so with my dryad I could do a couple different things so you can see I have a couple options I could do here I could do Spike growth I could simply attack I could do shalily as a bonus action you see where she's at she's not actually in the Spore Cloud which is unfortunate so we're just gonna come right here I'm gonna use shili then we're gonna attempt to topple one of these guys we'll go him because it's a higher percent so he is saving on the topple was unfortunate it is what it is so now I have some options I can do I could attack some more and just completely decimate these guys by myself but I'm not going to I do want to showcase the other Spore options here so let's go ahead and do the temescores and you can see it's like an AOE can I hit both of these guys without coming out slightly we'll do it right here dang so they saved as well that is really unfortunate oh well I'm gonna put my melee weapon back on in a moment because I do want to attack someone I'm gonna go ahead and take off the passive though right here for Sharpshooter to make sure my attacks actually hit so she's at 90 we'll attack her and then I'll put my sword on so if I get opportunity attacks I should be able to get it with the extra reach you know in my turn and now I could use charm from my tadpoles skill we'll see if it works but it's not always needed it did work though which is pretty cool all right so now it's my mommy's turn so my mommy can do a bunch of stuff I have this other guy here that can do some stuff let's do the mummy first and try to get him to attack so this is going to be a 60 chance to hit you got saved on the rotting fist though that is unfortunate that's okay we'll go ahead and leave him there for now let's go ahead and use your ice breath here and his turn now you can see it said hey scores on him as well it will affect your enemy so keep that in mind all right all right it's my dryads turn I could choose to entangle if I wanted to just to keep him in like a certain spot if I wanted and it's an AOE so it's going to be up to me no we'll try to get all of them why not see what happens then you can see a lot of them saved but it's okay all right so we'll go ahead and simply just end his turn so now I have my zombies turn so he's only got one HP he has no actions right now which is really unfortunate will attack you he's got 40. this is 50. let's try to hit him instead all right great so what happened there is when you're zombies you can see there's a debuff here that they get called crawling gnaw if they hit an enemy and then an enemy dies within one turn they will turn into a newborn zombie you however do not actually get to control the newborn zombies they will do what they want as you can see the zombie is doing what they want all right so now it's this Zombie's turn so because I I entangled with my dryad which I probably shouldn't have done but it is what it is so this zombie can't actually do anything that person's already dead and I can't really move because I'm entangled so I kind of wasted my turn by entangling them with my dryad but I did want to showcase the AOE of it okay so I could do my hay spores again as a bonus action this sometimes glitches it's only supposed to be her long rest but as you can see it's here for me to do again I don't know what causes this to be honest but let's do it and I'm gonna go ahead and shoot some people down let's shoot you I missed passive's off too which is really unfortunate that's okay we will simply attack again and then I could use the other Spore I was hoping we had to hit both of these guys doesn't seem like I can oh well and you can see he got saved but it's okay I'm gonna go ahead and move up here and I'll just end my turn and you can see it's just from like my one character I have an entire Army your minions aren't really all that powerful but they are nice to have for free opportunity attacks and they're simply just confuse the enemy because they won't eat up enemy attacks as well which is really nice oh it's opened up scary but I couldn't get it oh well all right this guy you're gonna come up and we're gonna use your chromatic orb I'm gonna try to freeze both these guys in the back maybe and we'll see well I'm not sure what caused him to die is my not too familiar with the ice one all that much I use the other ones but the ice one seems really fun which is why I showcase it in this video so it might have been a suicide attack as well but this is basically how you play the build I mean you just you go through and you attack it's really fun and I really enjoy it a lot so he's got the cool like debuff on him so if he dies within one turn he will also turn into a zombie and I attacked this guy with him I can attack again he's almost dead which is really nice that means I should be able to get him on my turn oh she would heal she would I don't have quite enough movement to get over there but I can Dash but when I Dash I can at least get near her so she moves I will get opportunity attacks and now it's my turn so when I was talking about why I like getting the free Missy step like here I'm in a bad position so I can easily reposition somewhere like back here with a bonus action and now I can start to really attack these people so this guy he's already almost dead he's the one I'm gonna for sure want to attack because he had the zombie debuff he's now a zombie and then I can just start working on the other guys as well as a reaction I can use my fungal infestation on an enemy but it does cause a reaction to do so keep that in mind let's attack you and I think I'll just end my turn there attack again and that's basically the build guys um I'm not sure how to explain it any other way other than just mess around with your minions and do additional damage it's really fun I enjoy it a lot one thing about the mummy to get this multi-attack they have to be frightened first so you could use your Dreadful glare on them to frighten them yeah if you enjoyed this video though guys go ahead and like And subscribe and I will see you all in the next one bye this is where to start the quest in order to get the Crypt ring that allows you to have create Undead as a boothbricker paladin one thing to note this vendor actually won't start the quest yet until the second time you talk to him so make sure you do talk to him twice and a second time is when you can actually ask him for help or to have a job offer you could say make sure to actually buy the helm from the vendor first because at the end of this question when you do defeat him you cannot loot the helm the only way to get it is if you actually buy it from him this is thrombos location on map whatever you do do not kill him actually accept his quest you have to keep thrombo alive in order to get the ring leave me be what after talking to thrombo and getting the next part of the quest chain I'm gonna come here over on the map you actually go to the basement and make sure you read the book and that will progress to the question to the next part you will want to come to the undercity ruins and follow the watery path eventually you'll fight a bunch of zombies and go to a secret room that's where you need to go to do the next part of the quest make sure to actually read the book in the left hand corner of the screen if not you will not have the option to tell thrombo the quest item is inside his chest and you need thrombu to throw it up in order to actually progress the question after you go back to thrombo and destroy everything you can then defeat the mummy Lord and thrombo will give you the ring congratulations and
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 22,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, ranger, spore druid, Halo of Spores, Symbiotic Entity, Animate Dead, Fungal Infestation, zombie, gloomstalker, hunter, beast master, Blight, necromancer, misty step, Baldur's Gate 3, builds, dual wield, Crimson Mischief, tiefling, half orc, elf, half elf, Dual Wielder, burst, flourish, wild heart, college of swords, performance, fighter, dread ambush, rogue, thief, assassin, sneak attack, multiclass, end game, vulnerability, piercing, rapiers, finesse, druid
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 26sec (2426 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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