Shadow Assassin Build That Crushes Honour Mode In Baldur's Gate 3 | Perfected & Min-Maxed Guide

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what do you know about operating from the Shadows assassinating your enemies by shoving two daggers up their eyce sockets to make sure you utilize both daggers well but they won't be able to tell the difference between having daggers in their eyes and the seconds before as they will be blinded long before what do you know about operating from the Shadows engulfing the battlefield in a sea of Darkness so your enemies won't know what is going to accordingly happen while you go into hide confusing your enemies to then evaporate them with deadly blasts from your hands what do you know about operating from this Shadows having the ability to teleport all across the battlefield so none of your enemies can keep up but when they finally start getting a sense of where you might be it is too late you're already behind them erasing their existence this is my shadow assassin build a build that revolves around critically hitting your enemies as much as possible while torturing them with darkness and different types of crowd control making sure they get screwed over and can't do anything but we're not just going to make the chance to crit as high as humanly possible for maximum effect we will also apply vulnerability to the pointy end of the dagger so doubled doubled damage the shadow assassin is a multiclass build revolting around six Shadow mon three th Rogue Two fighter one warlock I'll get into all the details while leveling but Shadow monk being our most prevalent class means two things one we can teleport a lot on a bonus action giving us insane Mobility to really drive that assassin play style home two we can use stealth Mechanics for extra damage Advantage utility and darkness to control the battlefield in this video I will we will go over how to properly play this build for each act as the combat strategy will differ per act but the basic gist of this build is to play it as a hyper mobile Ultra bursty melee DPS with crowd control aspects to get rid of enemies as quickly as possible while utilizing the darkness and Mobility to make sure you evade any retaliatory actions and there's also a lot of other good stuff that I haven't even mentioned yet but that you will get to know real quick as we get into the leveling details but before we get into the leveling details we need to talk about something else related to Shadows this game has the best graphics around on mobile brutal boss battles deep tactical gameplay and literally hundreds of Champions for you to meet including Legendary Champions my personal favorite Champion is wrath loss the blade Master thanks to all its epic moves and everyone will be able to get this legendary champion for free simply by logging into raid for 7even days between now and March 5th this guy has only become recently my favorite because you might actually recognize him from a different game and that is because raid Shadow Legends and Monster Hunter are colliding for this insane crossover running from January 9th to March 5th and aside from wrath loss you can also collect other iconic Monster Hunter Team Champions like zenra alatreon Fatalis and runer ner Gigante there will be also various community events and other activities to celebrate this amazing crossover and when the weather outside is frightful you need something delightful right like the Cur city which is one of Ra's biggest features since the Doom Tower with 100 sessions to complete with some of these stages including finding two of R bosses at the same time completing the Cur city gives you great rewards including a mythical champion so it is the perfect time for you to download R Shadow Legends do not miss out on all of that and to do that click my link in the description or scan my QR code on screen to get insane bonuses available only via my link doing that you will receive 500,000 silver energy and chicken and then also epic Juliana after reaching level 15 she's an absolute insane BOS kular you can find me in game as well just search my name and you definitely don't want to miss out on joining my new Clan giant Willie Gamers so like mentioned earlier we're going to go with six Shadow monk three Thief Rogue Two fighter and one warlock while leveling in act one you just want to stick to being a monk as much as possible to get your extra attack at level five and all your monk goodness as fast as possible at level seven however you respect you then ultimately follow this progression path your starting class is going to be a fighter into six levels of Shadow monk into three levels of brog Thief into one level of Warlock and then finally you close off again as a fighter to reach level 12 now if you're new to Ballers gay 3 it might seem a bit overwhelming for different glasses but really it looks harder than it actually is in fact a lot of the leveling is just going to be you clicking the accept button and yeah I've done all the work outside of that for you before we get into leveling though we need to talk about races and which one is the best in my opinion now as always it doesn't matter that much but in this case there are some races that definitely add something to the build starting off with probably the best option Baron a half orc half orc gets first of all Relentless endurance which helps out your survivability and make sure you don't get down so fast but the main selling point is obviously going to be Savage attacks as we will fish for a lot of critical hits with this build Savage attacks gives us extra damage every single time we crit basically and we will crit a lot and yeah that is commutatively speaking going to be significant extra damage just from your Race Choice so half or definitely is going to be the best in slot here if you are a racist against them Orcs though then dard takes second place and is also great due to giving you invisibility at level five that works well with our stealth mechanics without needing to use a spell slot by the way as well as sustain against CC if you don't like our dwarfen friend however then third place is going to be a half with Elf or a half elf for extra movement as well as against some sustain against annoying CC in the form of Fay ancestry with race options then discussed it is time to discuss our leveling process and now remember for your first six levels just go full monk but then respect for the following overall leveling progression path we start off with fighter for the simple reason that it gives us the most as a starting class compared to all other classes first of all it gives insane proficiency options because it gives us Proficiency in all armor types as well as weapons so that is very useful second of all it gives us the most HP out of all four options and third it gives us the amazing Constitution saving proficiency which is going to be really nice for upkeeping our Darkness at all times since that is a concentration spell in fact and with the way we built this build we're going to successfully pass our concentration saving throws pretty much always and that contitution saving proficiency is going to help out tremendously with that at level 9 and Beyond it's also a whopping plus four bonus out side of the benefits of using fighter as our starting class level one fighter also gives you second wind which is a nice heal but it's also a great way to remove annoying CC like bleed and getting maimed and those can be very useful at times especially with things that impair your Mobility because as an assassin we want to be all over the place then we also get a fighting style and we're definitely going to go with two weapon fighting here as we will be fighting with two weapons and this way we basically boost our offand weapon which we're also going to attack with at least twice per turn since we will get an additional bonus action from the te in us for our abilities we're going to be a dexterity based melee DPS basically so we put dexterity at 17 since it's our most important ability not only will it scale all our damage but it's also going to give us a bunch of initiative which is going to be huge since we want to have our turn as fast as possible as an assassin then second of all we will get six in Charisma this is going to be very useful for Charisma checks and dialogue especially if you make this character the face of your party which now is going to be a really good idea because yeah you basically need a good amount of Charisma as the face but that is not even the main reason because Charisma will also skill our spell casting damage that we get from being a warlock but I'll get into that when we get to warlock then 14 constitution for the HP and initial bonus to concentration saving throws to maintain concentration spells in the earlier levels wisdom at 10 and you can dump the rest yes dumping strength on a monk will definitely feel weird but this is not your Tavern brawler shenans build I have a different video for that now if you feel like you need more defense in your first six levels you can also put the levels of Charisma into wisdom instead as a mon so you get armor class that skills with your wisdom this is only for those first six levels then at the mentioned Respec at level seven starting with fighter go for this ability distribution instead the one with 17 dexterity and 16 Charisma as that will be your starting ability distribution for the remainder of your entire playthrough the choice is up to you at level two we start getting the monk levels not a lot of choices to be made here though in the leveling interface just like at level three you don't have to make any choice but you get some nice utility like Dash and disengage on a bonus action as well as defense in the form of patient Defense level four is when you make your first choice in the interface your subass and we will absolutely go way of the Shadows here for this build level five is when you get your feet if ATI ethyl's hair is available for you to set de charity to 18 then definitely do that and grab Savage attacker here because Savage attacker works very well with crits if ATI ethyl's hair is not available here however for your shadow assassin then I would just just get more points in dexterity either through an ability Improvement or something like athlete just make sure you bump your dexterity to plus 18 and then later on with the mirror of loss whichever route you went you can get another plus two IND dexterity level six or level five monk or level five PR Respec is a huge level because you get your extra attack you get your stuns and you get the ability to utilize cloak of the Shadows to abuse invisibility and at level seven it is teleport time and here is where we get our final level in monk at level 8 to then we get three levels in Rogue getting our sneak attacks which will amplify our damage output even more as we will benefit literally all the time from it and then at level 10 we get Thief for our subclass which will in turn give us another bonus action so either more damage or just more useful actions to take like teleporting for instance level 11 is then when we get our warlock level level 11 is a great level in my opinion to get the Warlock level because eldri blast scales with your total level not your warlock levels so even though we only have one level in Warlock we still get three juicy blasts and now at this point in the game we will also have started stacking a bunch of crit chance so our Elder blast will also benefit from that and crit all the time as well for other can trips it doesn't matter what you take bone Shi is nice however spells and such I really like hex here in case we don't want to spend our concentration spell on Darkness or other Shadow monk abilities it is basically just extra damage and with a bunch of attacks or blasts per turn that does definitely stack armor of agst is a great option too for your other spell just a bit of extra defense as well as retaliatory damage then a major aspect of going warlock is also its subclass the great old one it sinks directly with what we're going for here with critically hitting enemies a lot frighten means they can't move and have disadvantage on their ability checks and attack rules and fun thing is if you crit one enemy it can in fact apply to everyone surrounding that enemy it's going to be busted for this build so I included it but more on that when we get to the combat strategy segments level 12 then is where we finish off our our leveling journey and get that second level in fighter to get action searge now I will talk in depth about combat strategy per act in the next segments but to do so we will have to Prelude Every Act with the gear you want to aim for I have made setups for each Act basically and starting with the start of act one so basically gear you want to rush as fast as possible you want to go ahead and grab the haste helmet for a bunch of extra movement the bracers of defense for extra defense and the moon drop pendant for some sustain as well you can grab all of these very early then at the drw Grove make sure to buy Corin Grace this is going to be your weapon for the first few levels acid boosts are an armed attacks and then also The Haunting short bow which gives us advantage against monstrosity type of enemies for I would say level one to4 and with the just mentioned starting gear the strategy is simple at this point in time you're still coming up not really a shadow assassin but more like a shadow disciple we will therefore utilize unarmored defense and movement bonuses from the mon by not wearing any armor and flurry of blow blow is going to be our main damage dealing ability basically you want to spend all your cheat points on Flurry of Blows as much as possible it is two hits on a bonus action and you get it level one right away making it an absolutely amazing ability but even if you run out of cheap points we still get those unarmed strikes when a bonus action two hence why with all these sources of unarmed attacks we went with the coralin graay for our staff or our main weapon since it will buff all of our unarmed attacks and then we can use the staff for attacks for our main action as well giving you two to three hits per turn in damage for those first levels make sure you use your short rest as much as possible as they replenish your cheap points at level three you get Darkness but you don't want to enter it yet we can't see inside of the darkness yet so we just use it as a zoning tool and to set up for amazing damage for example it Stacks very well with AE abilities from your party members an early game spell like cloud of daggers or really any AE damaging ability will do a great job and screw over the AI pathing while melting your enemy's HP away and that is also how I would recommend you to use darkness in those early levels while you progress through act one then you will get a lot of great gear actually for this build all obtainable in act one you want to keep the helmet and bracers however at least for all of act one in my opinion but you can get the graceful cloth for your chest piece very early which will set our dexterity at level 20 giving us amazing damage and accuracy early on highly recommend you to get it as soon as possible for boots get to disintegrating night Walkers which will help us out tremendously with maneuver ring through difficult terrain and that's definitely what you want as an assassin and it gives Missy step two which is always welcome for our weapons we can already get two Banger weapons right here all in act one first of all the short sword of First Blood which gives us extra damage for every first hit against an enemy and the knife of the under Mountain King the knife of the under Mountain King is going to be our offhand weapon for the remainder of our playr it's absolutely amazing and fits at assassin playy with a lot of critical hits perfectly because it gives us advantage on obscure targets and we will abuse that condition very significantly as we progress through say darkness and it gives us a higher chance to critically hit as well as statistically improve our damage output as it rolls ones and twos for our damage die and that is very important for a crit build like this because you don't want those low numbers to be doubled we want to crit but with high numbers on our damage die that is the dream you also get fantastic rings in act one by the way that fit this build's idea costic band for instance is really nice since we will by now have our extra attack and we can attack on a bonus action two as you saw from the combat strategy earlier on for act one so we will benefit from this ring a lot then the strange conduit with ring for our other ring which will give us extra damage too but only when we are concentrating we will concentrate a lot with this build though even early on through say Darkness so we will get that bonus damage all the time pretty much but even if you don't want to think about using concentration spells actively you can just cast Shadow arts pass without trays from our shadow mon subclass once and it will remain active till your next long rest given that your concentration is not broken you also get the possibility to get an amazing amulet in Act One the sentient amulet which restores our Che points and that then means using more useful abilities and more damage per long rest whether you want to go for the easy route and get the rare one or the very rare run is up to you but just know that the very rare one can restore more cheap points for bow we then also get a really nice bow actually the bow of the banshee and with this bow let's transition nicely into our combat strategy for the end of act one you can use the bow to frighten a Target preemptively or at the start of the combat cycle to render it IM mobile as well as you getting a nice boost to your damage output this is a really nice combo that you want to utilize you now also have stun hits as well in your kit and these are amazing as stun is probably the best CC in the game so use your cheat points on these versus the more difficult targets to completely tip the tights of the battle in your favor and make sure you know have a concentration spell up at all times as well to get the benefits from our Strange conduit ring like darkness and you still want to use darkness in the the same way as the previous mentioned strategy by the way but now you also want to make sure to get as many first hits in as possible to get the bonus of our main sword which will definitely happen as with our 20 deck C and thus a bunch of initiative at this point in time it will mean we will have the first turn a lot of the time and with extra attack unlock that is at least three steps per turn however you still definitely want to use Flurry of Blows here as well if you have cheap points remaining especially with both of our ranks now as the more hits per turn the more additional bonus damage that we will get one important ability that you want to start utilizing as well is the shadow art silence ability that you get as a monk this is amazing versus Caster so say that annoying onti eal fight that you'll probably take on somewhere around this point in the game just silence her with this and dominate the fight it works very well versus any Caster type of enemy or boss as they won't be able to do anything really and you can destroy them like that in act two however the come up and training stage is over and things get even better because we actually become become the shadow assassin in act two we get a bunch of good stuff but we also keep our boots our amulet our Strange conut ring the bow of the Banshee from act one as well as our offhand knife of the under Mountain King for our main weapon now however I really do like getting sword of Life stealing act two it is a plus two weapon that Nets you a huge extra chunk of damage in the form of 10 necrotic damage every time you critically hit as well as sustain with 10 extra HP and we will now start getting a higher chance to crit thanks to our covered C which is an amazing headpiece so get that thing for your headpiece in act two but the short sort of First Blood as discussed in act one is still good here by the way and I would use that one in areas with a lot of Undead enemies since sword of Life stealing won't work then but otherwise sword of Life stealing is definitely amazing we also grabb the UNT skill mill then in act two which is a medium armor piece so we do lose our Monk on Armor defense here but it doesn't matter because it starts at 15 Armor class and adds all of our dexterity modifier to it which should be at the very least a plus4 bonus at this point in time and it gives us initiative bonus very good piece all across the board you also can potentially get the hell Gloom gloves or the fla hell dust gloves in actu both do the same thing and this gives us basically just extra damage whether we Punch or use our weapons amazing piece cloak of the cunning broom is amazing too for your cloak slot here for when we want to Blind our enemies but can't use Darkness due to for example running out of G points or because we simply don't want to use our action for Darkness you basically disengage with this cloak which we will get on a bonus action with this build by the way and you will blind enemies and get all the benefits from lightess on enemies accordingly then the final piece probably also one of the most important pieces the ever side ring which grants us the ability to finely see in darkness and you can beine straight to it in act two to get it so I strongly recommend you to do so this ring is absolutely mandatory so get it and it will be a Centric piece for determining our combat strategy for act two for combat strategy you still want to do everything I said for the Act One combat strategy so for example capitalize on those stuns and use the Banshee of the bow combo but now we have the amazing ability to actually see in darkness so you can use Darkness on a bunch of targets and accordingly go ham darkness is really good especially if we're standing inside of it because it's going to give us advantage on all of our attacks while severely limiting the possibilities of our enemies their range gets really tiny pretty much preemptively killing off gers and Rangers and all of our enemies now have to attack with disadvantage as well so they're going to miss a lot it is fun because in the case of Rangers and Caster they can't actually attack you if you hide in the Darkness while you can in fact shoot from the darkness and kill them like that so that's a nice little strategy that you can do but the reality here is that you will see a spike your damage output with us getting sneak attacks from the Rogue now which will automatically go off as you attack with Advantage all the time and if you want to manipulate where your sneak attack per turn actually triggers you can also put the notifications for them on in the menu and choose for which hit you want to proc the sneak attack can be useful for example if you want to use them on critical hits only but outside of that with our crit chance now being increased and with with things like our gloves new main weapon and just in general much better gear our damage output will get a really nice boost make sure you also use your teleport and perhaps combo with with your Darkness to take out high priority targets like that annoying Caster that is concentrating on a spell affecting your entire team you can make quick work of them like that however things get even better in act3 when we Ascend and while we're still the same shadow assassin we have some extra Elegance now and some more power now as well in act three our gear setup is finalized and there are a bunch of amazing pieces to pick up in the city and does act three you grab covox horn helmet which gives us sustain and a plus one to Constitution saving throws and it reduces our crit at all times making it a huge upgrade over the covert cow and in line with reducing the chance to crit we get the de shot for our bow the shade Slayer cloak and we still have the knife of the under Mountain King and now our main weapon also reduces the number required to rule a crit namely blood thirst or it might also be known as blade of the first blood in your game aside from the higher chance to crit with this weapon it is a plus two dagger as well and most importantly is that exploit weakness passive this passive applies vulnerability to all our steps accordingly after the first step with this dagger so all our damage will then be doubled it's absolutely insane amazing dagger and especially for this setup get it then we get the armor of agility for our chest piece now which again is a direct upgrade over the chest piece we used in actu it does the same thing but it gives us even more armor class and gives us some extra sustain as well so even more misses now from our enemies we get the hust gloves here as well it's up to plus six extra fire or necrotic damage that can be doubled as well when we crit and we will now start critting very often with up to five gear pieces helping out with that if these gloves are contested by someone in your party then get the legacy of the Masters instead we also upgrade our boots now and get the hell dusk boots and these things are absolutely great for this build it's another teleport in our kit but this time this this teleport comes with AOE damage nuclear damage and it's great energy with Darkness because the burn sticks in fact and keeps damaging our enemies while at the same time they're getting the disadvantages from Darkness as well and we're just destroying them for our Rings we still absolutely use the everide ring very important but now we also use the shadow cloaked ring this one is obtained in Act Two by the way but in act two it's not better yet than the strange conduit ring in my opinion but now in act three with the vulnerability from our main dagger applied and our very high chance to crit the damage of this ring can potentially get up to 16 damage for every single hit and that is ridiculous for a ring so we use it now and finally for our Amulet of Greater Health this thing will give us amazing survivability but the advantage on Constitution saving throws in combination with our absolute insane bonuses to Constitution saving throws just check out all these bonuses check the list it's a huge list means our darkness is now going to be applied pretty much permanently there is pretty much no way to lose it and that is actually really really nice for this build just to never have to worry about losing your Darkness again so I really like this amulet here in act three a lot of the strategies discussed in act two and before are still very relevant it's just now that you have reached Peak damage and crit chance so you will one shot and just annihilate enemies very quickly teleport in Nuke kill teleport nuke kill and so on and so on keep using the darkness to your advantage we now have eldrid blast as well that we can fire to eliminate enemies outside of the darkness and they can't retaliate because they can shoot inside of the darkness so very easy kills there and each blast can crit so that's a potential of 64 damage which just a can really good and with Mortal reminder now too in our build we will consistently frighten enemies and that is really nice because if they get frighted inside of the darkness it's pretty much like a stun lock they can't move and they can't reach you it's pretty much a turn skip win-win situation and to finish everything off we also have action search now we can use it to frontload even more damage versus boss and high HP targets or just when we need action search to get more momentum by killing more enemies in a single turn and now you know everything there is to become a monster shadow assassin make sure to follow everything I said in this video and you will annihilate everything and the best thing about this build is that sound of the critical hit it is too juicy and you will hear it all the time it is music for your ears if you want written Guides of all my builds including this one check out my Patron I have them all there high quality written guides if that's your cup of tea or if you just want to support Channel it is very much appreciated either way and remember make sure to check out raid Shadow Legends link for it will be in the description and I'll see you in the battlefield give the video a like subscribe if you're still not subscribed and let me know your thoughts in the comments
Channel: Nizar GG
Views: 55,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 52sec (1492 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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