Baldur's Gate 3: All Permanent Act 1 Buffs & How to Get Them | Full Walkthrough Guide

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hey guys Luke back with another video this one's going to be on the permanent bonuses you can get in act one being like the Buffs and the summons that you can use through the game so if you like the video leave it a like subscribe for more guides to come and I'm gonna go ahead and get started the first buff I'm going to show you is the alphera instrument proficiency buff and you can get this one in the emerald Grove just go over here and you'll need to help her finish her song so go ahead and talk to her [Music] make sure you say hand me that Luke then you'll have the past performance checks [Music] sorry [Music] there was so much and now you should have instrument proficiency and she'll also give you her loot [Music] all right the next one isn't technically a buff but he is a permanent addition to your Camp so you can go ahead and head to the blighted Village if you want to get scratch he is a dog so go ahead and head up this way I'm going to use animal speaking but I don't really think you have to have it I told you to go still of course he will he calls me scrunch you know the creatures he described no if it comes tell him you'll he can go to your camp and then he will and then go ahead and do a long rest and now you can see that scratch is here go ahead and talk to him and you can pet him anytime you'd like and he'll also occasionally bring you little treats like potions or just random junk next up I'm going to show you how to do the search the seller side quest so you can get quasi the summon as well as the Forbidden Knowledge permanent buff that gives you plus one the wisdom saving curves and ability checks if you want to do this one you can come to blighted Village and then enter the Apothecary building go ahead and open this hatch and move these crates to the side and then pull the lever and then we need to loot a casket up ahead to get quasi he's a little demon go ahead and use his scroll [Music] right never never shovel never feed shovel now cool shovel all right now we have quasi or shovel the claws eat rather and you can summon him anytime you want now and then go ahead and talk to this mirror step forward only the true Ally of England May pass what thank you the next set of answers require specific ones to pass so I will tell you them pick two tell me why might wonders to clean a wound acceptable finally if you could see anything in me what would it be to cure myself [Music] all right and now that we are inside we can go over to here and read the book on the table and then go ahead and disarm the strap and open the store looks like I forgot a Starion outside so I have to use will here actually I'll just use myself don't mind taking a little bit of damage go ahead and pick up the book over here it does set off these gargoyles but I don't really care that much come out here and then read the book night time to rest foreign with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth all right and then you can destroy the tone by using radiant damage or holy damage and the next part of the quest is in a different area so I'm going to go ahead and teleport over that way and to continue the unlock the ancient Tome quest You'll need to come to the blighted Village and then go down this well right here all right and now we are in a new underground cave-like area and then we need to progress through the cave and there will be a big boss spider and then we'll be able to get an unusual gem in here as well for our book for the next part you'll need to progress your way through the spider area to where you get to the left side where you see the big phase spider matriarch boss and then you'll need to loot this dark amethyst gem down here see it right here and then defeat the boss fight if you want to I don't even think you actually have to fight it you can just go sneak and take it if you'd like to but I'm gonna fight it the trick to the boss fight is to disable its eggs because it will hatch the mid fight and there's another group of eggs over this way and now I'll go ahead and skip to the next part and now that the spider boss is defeated you can go ahead and loot the gem right here the dark amethyst and then you'll put it in your book then you'll have to pass a series of saving throws wisdom the symbols Dart Beneath Your Eyes warping and twisting your head throbs but you almost understand [Applause] the world around you is gone can only see those glyphs only hear those voices I feel claws moving in the shadows they pull at you dragging you closer this one's a 20 DC so you might have to use inspiration for this one branding your mind with strange rooms written fate undone just running with power power struggle to cling to scraps of what you know powerful necromancy you're sure the book snaps closed seen too much what profane knowledge is now seared inside of you you should never have known and that's how you get the Forbidden Knowledge buff and complete the quest for unlocking the ancient tone and I figured I'd mention that the next part of the quest can't be done until act three and I will be doing an act three all side quest guide 2 and this will be included with it so stay tuned for that next up we have paid the price this Buck gives you plus one to intimidation checks but then you have disadvantage on perception so if you want this one you'll need to come to the Riverside tea house where Ethel is and then you'll let her take out your eye but I actually don't really recommend getting this buff because it's not that good and then you can get a plus one stat increase later on and I'll show you how to get that one after this have what's up regular swimming in your big I want to say want me to take care of the little bugger get it out of me Mom that is my price not not afraid that's my business a touch but sure you've touched and she took my eye out that's you me not now Jews which I nope you're a dead Soul walking to help you it's not my fault and now we have the buff somewhere over here right here paid the price but like I mentioned it's not really all that good so I'll show you guys how to get something better next up we have the plus one stat increase you get from anti-ethyl's hair and if you want that and as well as a zombie companion that you can summon go over to the Riverside tea house down here at the bottom of the map and then go inside of Ethel's house here and we'll need to save marina and Bully Ethel into giving us her stats you best have one half the gods ground me pick what is it what's going on it's and now she'll attack us and I'll go ahead and skip the fight but eventually she's gonna open this up and then you'll head down in and then after you do the fight up this way and make your way through her little building come down here to where I am now and then we can confront her again now we need to help Marina you can use this control orb to help her and I'll go ahead and cut to me helping Marina and then bullying Ethel or at least getting her health low enough for her to give up and then once you get her low Health she'll surrender to you kidding me but it's it's say you want her alive and free it's your choice sweetness and then tell her you want both rewards and then you can get them both you just have to pass a check [Music] ew puppy I can set up shop elsewhere bye and then you can choose from whatever stat you want and then go down and talk to Marina oh my husband I just wanted everything here they sucked is this oh the clothes off my back and now we can go down in here go ahead and grab bitter divorce what's this and then head outside and then once you're outside you can talk to me Arena just right over here tell her about the wand you just picked up you bring it back your husband I have the wand I'll make use of him and now you have a summonable path that is her husband that you can use have fun next up you can get a permanent buff called the absolutes brand as well as a tadpole from True Soul gut here in the goblin camp go ahead and talk to her it hold out your hand and that's how you get the brand and this lets you use the couple of items that have interactions with that buff s away all right now we can follow her back into our little Shack over here ready to clear your head cross your mind you recognized health I ain't deceiving nothing and now you can fight her and that's how you'll get the tadpole and you should have the brand now good riddance to that grimy wretch and there's the two items that work with the absolutes brand and then I'm going to go ahead and kill her and that's how you get the parasite you should take a look next up we have levitar's love and this one gives you plus two bonus to attack rolls and saving throws under 30 health and if you want this come to the goblin camp and go into the big main building and head to right here and you need to talk to abdarak I'm gonna do intimidation checks oh without forgive please I wouldn't let his now stand right here and he's gonna hit you and you need to pass the pain you suffer will cleanse you do not fight it how wonderful just wonderful that's it welcome the pain let it become you I am proud and I will give you the buff and you can see it right here somewhere should be on here right here and apparently if you die you lose the buff so try not to die the next Buff is see invisibility and if you'd like to get this buff you can go to the big Goblin camp and then outside talk to Volo they'll come inside and then make your way back to here and talk to Gribble and you'll see Volo in a cage right there you can intimidate her to let him out or you can pay her I'm just gonna go ahead and pay her because it's fast I guarantee we mustn't I dare say the fish tell them they go to your camp and then do a long rest foreign just takes him some time to leave the goblin camp there he is quite I was just the dream go ahead and let him do his research on you tell me that's quite impossible ask this not a ticket isn't it and that will give you the chest piece and then you'll need to leave and do an additional long rest to give him more time and I'll go ahead and skip all right and now we are back so I can go ahead and talk to Volo again quite the Cozy setup you have here just go ahead and keep letting him stab you in the eye and then eventually you'll get the buff carefully Volo slowly cold metal presses against this and now we have the buff right here see invisibility and if you want to get yourself survival Instinct the illapid power you can head to the micanid Colony here in the underdark and you'll need to talk to blurg and have him bring out his friend omalam it's K could I ask what are you looking to open your mouth I'm just doing one for everything and even without not with the design but there may be a way to pop tamasks cause confusion in those that approach them I can come back when I find the mushrooms basically he needs you to go get some mushrooms so we can go down to the Arcane Tower down here and get them down there and I'll meet you over there and now I am over at the Arcane Tower right here I went behind it just went out the door jumped down and here I am now we need to grab a bloom breathe deep from over here this thing here saucer bloom chill runs through you you look great all right and then go ahead and lock pick this door and then you can take the bloom and stick it in the machine over here that might be worth a look or whichever character you picked it up on let's get going and that will unlock the tower and let's use the elevator there's a blue amulet in this chest go ahead and show it to you real quick go ahead and ascend and you can find all of the mushrooms that you need for the quest right inside this room and then we can go back and turn it in back at the Mike and Colony after I loot the madness over here might be useful I recommend finishing the rest of the Tower because it's pretty interesting and now we can make our way back to Omaha and then you will need to pass a series of saving throws visits edges its finer boundaries dark and fear kisses your mind like nines of ice parasite digs the carpet oh that lava I would and I must my research and then he'll let you buy a ring of mine shielding from him yes and now we have the power right here and now we can do blue all's benediction and if you want to do this one you'll have to sacrifice your companion and that will give you advantage on attack rolls against bleeding targets so you'll have to come to the underdark and then the cellulite Outpost make your way over to where you fight bullet then climb down the cragged Rock there will be a torch stock over here blow it up before you jump over and then climb down the cragged Rock then we can make our way over and talk to the fish dudes thank you one and then pick whichever companion you will have to fight him and then kill him and they won't be resurrectable because they're sacrificed though [Music] I think I'll keep excuse me go with my blessing show the world the power of the wall chosen don't forget mad guilt swells in your swearing sick pot and then once your companion's dead that will give you the buff and I'll show it to you right here in the final buff in act one is over here in the mountain pass area inside across your leg and come over to the infirmary and we'll need to speak to the crash get the Yankee crash person and then go in their machine and pass several skill checks and that will give us awakened illicit Powers which just means you can use your bonus action instead of an action which is actually pretty nice just talk to this person here the better question is tell me go to the safest whichever character you put inside the zathisk is the one that gets the buff so make sure you choose the one that you want the device the safest I will not I gave you my might you will rest the device is strange let your skull groans and bends under the pressure intelligence saving throw agony through bit of how you feel yourself instead of the time no more the rooms her voice Cuts with a fanatical Edge an obsession wait and now we have awakened illiford powers incredible your parasite is evil and that's the end of the video if you like it leave it a like consider subscribing for more guides to come and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: LukeCanWin
Views: 265,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: InstrumentProficiencyBG3, FindFamiliarScratch, BrandOfTheAbsolute, Loviatar'sLove, PaidThePriceBG3, AuntieEthel'sHair, Volo'sErsatzEye, NecromancyOfThay, ForbiddenKnowledgeBG3, FindFamiliarShovel, BOOAL'sBenediction, SurvivalInstinctBG3, AwakenedIllithidPowers, BaldursGate3, BG3Act1, BG3Bonuses, BaldursGateGameplay, BG3Guide, Act1Walkthrough, BaldursGateStrategy, BG3Abilities, BG3Locations, BaldursGateSecrets, BaldursGate3Tips, BaldursGate3Buffs, BG3PermanentBuffs, BaldursGate3Tutorial, Act1BuffsGuide, LukeCanWin
Id: m50GNy2DPwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 30sec (1590 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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