90% players missed these rare alternative outcomes in Baldurs Gate 3

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rat promised me a reward for rescuing hson I rescued hson and before rat could give me the reward I stole it from his pocket what happened next was very funny see it for yourself and I promised you a reward didn't I where is the Rune my apologies it seems to have been taken forgive me I can only offer my gratitude and pray Sylvanas protects you on your journey I tried a total of 10 experiments like this to see how the outcomes change do you know what happens if you go to the goblin Camp without the mysterious artifact what happens if you discover the swamp ution before meeting Marina's Brothers what could be the consequence of kissing a mind flare can you kill antio at the very beginning of the game let's find all the answers today hello guys this is Tam here welcoming you to G talk without any further talking let's dive into the the video first let's go to the goblin Camp without the artifact I'll drop the artifact from Shadow heart's inventory now I will get to the goblin Camp alone using my main character let's see what happens hear my voice obey my command the voice is irresistible you recognize the overwhelming Authority that you've used on others only infinitely stronger your vision clouds leaving you in a dark featuress shadowscape nothing thingness in every direction then there are three figures before you an armored male elf exuding power and command a handsome younger man with a quick easy smile and a pale young woman with even paler eyes These are My Chosen they speak for me Aid their search for the weapon and you will be worthy to stand beside them in my presence the pain in your head swells pushing out any thoughts the three figures fade away then there is nothing only darkness and silence I'm back to the camp and can't go out without a long rest suddenly you feel an unfamiliar weight amongst your belongings a curious multi-sided artifact ancient looking glyphs cover its dark metal exterior you recall seeing shadowart with it before but how do you you now have it seems like we must have the artif before entering the goblin Camp I tried to kill antito at the beginning of the game time to fill some Graves blast it all I'm going home her heeld bar went down to zero yet she didn't die I was surprised that not a single NP in the Grove reacted when I hit her she just got vanished from the area I tried to go through the mirror door in blighted Village using carac I was surprised to see her way to open the mirror door I do not know this name if you are known to my master step forward and declare yourself an [Music] ally a typical go thing as asterion got caught drinking blood from me at the beginning of the game he wanted more blood promising that he will not drink more than he needs of course not one drop more I was curious to know what would happen if he continues for a long time you feel a little cold but that's all there's no more pain no more fear no more struggle it's all over my main character died in the process before meeting Marina's Brothers I thought that I would go to the swamp first to discover the illusion you blink and the Wilderness changes a swamp stinking and Insidious assaults your senses I did this and after that when I met the them a new dialog option appeared wait what you s through my magic bollocks thanks for ruining my fun some advice you ever darken my door you'd best have that head bowed and an apology at the ready bye-bye now bloody house she just disappeared I triy to recruit carag before will to see if anything changes after recruiting carac I didn't find will in the Grove rather he appeared in the camp before a long rest and I got several new dialogue options the blade of Frontiers thought I'd shaken you for good after the Mind flesh ship you just can't get enough of me can you carlac advocatus diabo I'll do you one better allies we're looking to get rid of these parasites for good and ruin some days while we're at it sounds like your kind of venture I've not grown any tentacles yet thank balron but luck won't be on our side forever yes you have my blade your Your Leader willing of course well Soldier what's the word hey well met and a thousand sorries I've pledged my life to protecting the Meek from Monsters but tonight I was the rampaging Beast I see the good in you carlac I promise not to lose sight of it even when the hell's burn burn hottest H the famous blade of Frontiers In the Flesh clever this hero act you've got going hero blade names strangers gave me my friends call me will excellent if we ever become friends I'll know what to call you I got caught while stealing the idol for M and this cut scene appeared the idol it's gone stolen the time has come remove The Outsiders a Druids and Tiff Lings turned against each other which was a very unwanted battle for me anyway reloading the game here was the best choice for me in my previous playthroughs I killed this mind flare but this time I chose to kiss it get away from that thing warm wet tentacles wrap themselves around your head and for the first time in your life you're perfectly happy King was not a wise decision at all before recruiting asterion I recruited carlik to see her reaction when asterion attacks me in the first meeting let's see what she does hurry I've got one of those brain things cornered there in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others not a word let's try to keep that lovely neck of yours in one piece H and you keep your distance no need for this to get messy I will rip your face off fancy boy and I'll eat your heart fire girl so guys that was my 10 experiments in early game if you have liked this video please consider subscribing have a nice day [Music] goodbye
Views: 78,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldur's gate 3 review, Baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 guide, baulders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldur's gate, baldur’s gate 3, balders gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, BARBARIAN, BARD, CLERIC, FIGHTER, MONK, PALADIN, RANGER, ROGUE, WARLOCK, WIZARD, SHADOWHEART, WYLL, MINSC & MINSC, bg3 ending
Id: gQ7ZKUnmSPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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