I Spend 100 Days in Baldur's Gate 3 and Here's What Happened

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today is going to be a different type of video 100 days yes but one where I spend 100 days in balers Gate 3 more like 100 long sleeps but still counting the days in balers Gate 3 you were going to see creatures straight from DND that are as vicious as ever to different spells being used for both good and evil and to meeting a lovely old lady that later on wants to kiss your eye will you let this wonderful lady take your eye out and give it a big old kiss or are you going to further the story and make it to balers gate the choice is yours so without further Ado I spend 100 days in balers Gate 3 and here's what happened as I loaded up the game into the menu the transitions were seamless and Graphics just stunning even with me trying to decide on what character I wanted to create that took me a hot minute and by that I meant 30 minutes my name's going to be thr ha I'm thr you had a variety of races different sub races after that choosing a class that would hopefully meet your expectations and so much more even the customizations through building your first character was intense with the side of holy crap look at what we just built if that wasn't enough the game also allowed you to customize your personal Guardian mysterious figure in game who would eventually come to your age now I was meeting those of which took us captive all I wanted was out hey the frilliest boy ever look at this orc oh this looks so good oh look at us the first thing we did as we made it out of life was to touch some unknown pool full of tadpole who thought that was a good idea okay this is Boom went boom continuing down the mutated Corridor we found ourselves a lift that went up someone or something calling out to us I first D okay here we go let's go D20 come on give me a 20 I'll take it this was the first time in my gaming history that I didn't want a brain for a companion following me around finding ourselves ready for a fight but instead to be met with a newly acquainted friend Lazelle who was fierce and someone to be reckoned with one who would cut down the muddiest of foes and leave no one behind wait I might be able to kill him here actually come on oh well he's down for a little bit and then we'll swing at this guy here we go again woo woo all right we killed them all in a single blow the path ahead was simple and led me to a weird looking console this one had certain controls I wasn't supposed to touch but I did anyways bionic energy radiates from the prisoners dead bodies okay not that's kind of creepy but look really cool all right finish him oh I love how strong I am kind of crazy I'm not going to lie the biggest reason for choosing the class I did was was exactly for moments like this can I how do I use use you get me out of this we're not finished yet here we go and ooh baby as our party was ever growing this next person joined our team someone by the name of shadowart she was a secretive type who kept to herself a dark presence that would linger over her in hopes to regain what she had lost continuing on as we were feeling pretty great here because my party was full that meant obviously nothing could stop us well let me tell you something stopped us oh this looks like a bigger battle all right okay we must escape now wait are they attacking we'll deal with a G after we escape they're talking to us the N isn't that not oh I don't know connect all right here we go who we fighting with first impact is I must connect [Music] the 23 what the [Music] fudge oh that was it cool all right ooh something's coming it's hurry before they strike you made it in time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we actually made it okay we haven't made it off the ship just yet [Music] [Music] there I go hey picking myself up from what should have been a death sentence I found shadowart a few steps ahead of us unconscious and holding this mysterious box she's a little beaten up oh the Box not Mak it weird right now you're alive I'm alive how is this possible true seems like we're the lucky ones well back on the path we found a few fish for the taking a dead body or two that seemed past D dat and a weird looking sigil on the wall these markings meant that we found a waypoint and if connected with more it would provide us with easier ways of transportation just up ahead I found myself in a little bit of a pickle with some intellect devours and let me tell you they weren't that smart I mean we killed them as quickly as they came this orc is so strong I love it oh oh no no no no no no no no no no I oops Gathering what I could from a nearby chest up top we found ourselves headed towards a little dock checking out to see what was inside this first chest and that was today's sponsor today's video is sponsored by unlisted I will use the add money to buy toilet paper and I'm not talking about the one ply stuff I mean the two stuff okay introducing Enlisted the ultimate World War II multiplayer shooter that puts you in the boots of these brave soldiers in the heat of the battle heroes are born War rages alliances are forged and the history is written by those who dare to fight immerse yourself in the most authentic campaign and battles ever depicted in a game from the beaches of Normandy to the streets of Stalingrad every moment is a chance to prove your Valor and list it is available on PC Xbox and PlayStation 5 as well as PS4 and Xbox One with crossplatform support choose your side be it the Allied Forces or the Axis powers lead your squad through tactical Maneuvers seize strategic points and turn the tide of battle unparalleled realism awaits with meticulously recreated Weaponry uniform and environment feel the weight of history in every shot every explosion and every Victory join the forces with friends and players from around the world coordinate your strategies communicate with your team and make his history together as you fight you'll unlock new weapons equipment and upgrades customize your soldiers to fit your play style and become a force to be reckoned with enlisted isn't just a game it's a Journey Through The Crucible of History will you raise to the challenge and shape the outcome of War join the fight today and download and listed for free on all platforms ready to enlist as we caught up to the next companion this would be one for the books aaran a Charming vampire cursed with an eternal existence and a thirst for blood his journey Journey was filled with twists and turns keeping you on your toes the entire game the next companion we would find was Gail hand sticking out from a weird looking portal and one in need of our assistance sure why not uh slap slap you know I got the strength let's do it Yale was a powerful spellcaster with a wide variety of spells making him essential to our party giving him a alongside a few spells for his kit we found ourselves confronting gimbal boach got ourselves competition already that's our ship yo I get really big intimidation here this is Big D energy man what the fudge look at that well uh in that case come on you lot no point in getting killed second worm gets the cheese and all taking a moment to shoot down this big cylinder of a rock hanging above there seemed to be a place underneath and very unknown one I was really excited to start exploring ooh okay we got a locked door this guy's awesome he just gives me the seven already like it doesn't even matter it's just so good time to rage on out okay finally we got one oh my lordy yes oh good crit a good crit a good crit okay it's just this lady that's fine you tried to push me you didn't push me I'll get you buddy don't worry I will get [Music] you pick him up pick him up please yes oh he saved the character the last few things we would accomplish was finding a hidden lever to pull that was found inside a library combing through the insides of what seemed to be catacombs and eventually finding ourselves a button just waiting to be not pushed but I push it anyways okay let me tell you as we cleared up the dungeon we found a lid to the sarcophagus pushing the lid aside and meeting Withers for the very first time an undead friendly who was privy to Our Success later on this would be my very first sleep to send us off into the next day waking up to a new day the plan was simple to find and save our friend lelle from captivity what if I shoot you down now to the gr hey we did it okay now we really got to help her woo yeah baby look at us the tadpole hasn't yet scrambled all your hello supicious but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crash you will join me it sounded easy enough but not without a few obstacles in our way continuing on the path to the next location something could be heard from up ahead as a fight was about to begin I hear shouting up ahead we should check it out but be careful oh we do have people open the bloody Gates oh they're being attacked Z's orders all right my turn kill him sweet oh dang good job on the nine there and you dazed that fool let's go he zor is rallying love to see that with the last goblin slain and defeated it was time to loot all the dead bodies around one second let me just not fall here we go okay the first couple of steps into Emerald Grove and another fight was about to hatch you led them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable here we go let's do it oh intimidation baby squabbling is pointless the Goblins have found us at least we agree on that now who's ready to do some selling of items to Aaron here okay this guy I want to buy some stuff or sell some stuff actually I don't know what to sell and what not to sell there's a thing but it looks like I might seal everything Not only was Selling Stuff satisfying but leveling up in this game and the way it looked was another guilty pleasure of mine meeting up with another companion while inside Emerald Grove this was Will known for the blade of Frontiers will carved a reputation as a renowned living legend and an esteemed Noble encounters with him unfolded early in the game as he was in Pursuit for a demonic foe while looking around the cave somewhere I found myself learning to speak with animals specifically a rat St back or else or else or else what or else I'll I'll bite you oh my tooth it's the front one I chipped it on the evil thing looks fine of me what evil thing sounds like your problem in the Box follow me I'll show you ooh yes please cool I can talk to animals this is sick I love this how long until Rand shows off his Thunder Wave what where are we going what the fudge hello uh all right you're going to have to unlock this buddy should we easy whatever's behind that lock it's being watched fine we can't get there then to step away if there was a single person who really did scare me to my core it was Auntie eth next this game had me talking to a cow of all things Str wait what O's gaze is following me strange o ax ah you're addressing me a humble Ox how quaint how are you talking what uh yes please give me bonus something's off this creature isn't what it appears to be you are incapable incapable excuse me o out with the cow oohoo or intimidation I'll tell you this much I'm going to Boulder's Gate with or without the rest of these poor SS now that's all I have to say besides and I really mean this it seemed I was pretty popular with all the animals nearby that and animal speaking came in quite handy while in these lands even a Sleeping Bear that was cute and cuddly though while in search for a Healer I was forced to watch kaga almost kill a kid while everything in Emerald Grove went swimmingly I found my favorite person of all time one with such a beautiful [Music] voice smile pain will fade away words of my mind will change no become Moon Moon reminds me of your grace all the love I can't repay [Music] wait [Music] stars tonight smile and pain will fade away words of will turn you the last down remind of your gra all the love I can't repay rest did I will pray fwell my dear old friend son oh remind me of your grace Faith care all the love I could repay Mo oh remind me of your grace than care all the love I could [Music] repare [Music] star tonight smile and pain will fade away of M will turn to when you call the last down reminds me of your grace all the love I can't repay rest and no I will pray farewell my dear old friend dance upon the Stars tonight smile will fade [Music] away the last thing for us to do was head back to our campsite and see if there was anything else we needed as I was ready to take on more of balder's gate three the path ahead was blocked by a few people a certain set of people who thought of us as a true Soul unsure where to go next from here a fight was about to rage on while taking our time to familiarize myself with the surroundings I found dead bodies littered all about dead Travelers were they headed into the druid's Looting their stuff in the process as they wouldn't have any use for it going forward something that did catch my eye was this animal laying on the ground oh wait waa what happened to the boar here around me Tre me the pig's dead my friend staring at it won't bring it back come on we'll never fix these brain worms if we stop and gork at every piece of carrying you find apparently it was my lucky day too because I would find the blighted village get over there surround him like I know you're there show yourselves um you spotted us good it's like they say no fun in skewing a pig what doesn't know he's cooked we got you surrounded here's how this goes you take one step further and we'll fill your front with arrows or you turn around and your backside gets the same treatment as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority all right here we go hold up Lads this will might be more we bargain for go on then just keep your nose clean all right I could do that I could do that going into this game I was aware that certain romantic scenes would show some Bitties let's say but I never expected this to happen hello what the oh my God what in okay I don't know if I could show you guys this but oh man puny I am strong I am file I am a enough oh my God my guy just making fun of them passion squished like slow goats underfoot we leave we didn't even have to fight you guys sweet oh look at the lovely couple guys look at the couple they're so cute they really are cute together though we got berther and groa after intruding on some lovers quarrel we found ourselves with a little fire pit in front of us a dagger sticking out of some meat and rolling a D20 that would end up snapping the thing in half uh I'm going use strength cuz I got strength you tug at the I can't believe that just happened I also can't believe how strong my intimidation was to these goblins look what w go all right hello what's going on bird want to fly stop this thing yeah flat those wings some more and I'll feed you a worm and you hope you got a stomach for I it's that one or ooh let's try this no you wouldn't be able you just uh [Music] um the Goblin's nostrils flare as if trying to judge you through smell alone we're leaving wber know ain't we supposed to bring it I said we're leaving there's plenty of sport and Rich picking out there for us cool look at that we win moments later we found a few creatures lurking inside an abandoned house trying my best to avoid a fight tastes like chicken no chicken tlog fish gentlemen contain yourselves this quarrel sells are Fe besides taste like POG and what surprise is this unfortunately for us I didn't have the greatest luck and that left me rolling every D20 we didn't want or need food [Music] food oh crap are we fighting oh jeez uh you guys have somewhat of a lot of HP oh god oh crap this isn't good this isn't good this isn't good who the heck is this gra what there's a goblin crawler weave save me sometimes the only way out is through yes oh yes yes yes yes pick him up pick him up pick him up oh my God that was tough this guy was a another thing you should know here is that I did learn much later on how to manage my inventory using companions for their inventory space and sending stuff back to Camp so you'll have to bear with me while I struggle to hold stuff here and figure things out let's say you don't sleep well flitting between dreams and night we're having dreams now what is going on wake up because something is wrong is there someone by our camp you just get lucky what the fudge yo this man's about to bite us I don't think I get to like first or second base with anyone not even a Starion but hey you know what When in Rome let suck dry neck Shar pain that's so weird your breath catches your pulse quickens can we let him go here we go please oh gosh please thank you thank you thank you just yes oh of course that that was amazing this next part of the story I brought Lazelle with me as certain companions would have different outcomes with certain NPCs in balder's Gate eyes another one my friend's blood not enough come to rip me up yeah in cres cier a formal greeting begins with a bow is this monster with you you do as she says all right you do as she pleases lower waiting for the tieling to obey on your knees she won't say it again you saw another GI where on the road to Boulder's Gate near the mountain pass saw us for we saw it jammed its blade through yol's belly straight to the other side no twisting kin must have been in a hurry the map show me now it was time to head towards the blighted village once more going through the front Gates of emerald Grove Crossing a sketchy bridge and finding a little sad pup just standing over its owner hello dog let's talk keep moving stranger quietly ah I can hear you now I told you to go still you should go my friend is injured he needs rest he looks dead just go I won't ask you again uh I mean I loot him hey remember when I mentioned Auntie Ethel scaring the daylight out of me yeah well now we had to choose sides Here For the Love of it's never clapped eyes on your poor look at this drop the ACT h you was the last to see Meena just let her go please you there please I don't know what to come over these boys I just want to go home stop this we we won't ask again careful don't trust the word out of her mouth our sister went to the hug and we ain't seen her since hand over har I don't don't know their sister I will gladly help you all look for her though enough where is she I'm sure of who I was supposed to trust in the moment it was clear to me that I made the wrong decision but that was the magic about balers Gate 3 you could make the wrong choices you could kill the good or bad guys and still enjoy the game for what it was the next part of our travels took us deeper into the forest hidden with magical minds of sorts am I bleeding oh I am bleeding that's not yeah what is this oh I do not like water this place almost felt like a dream trees were perfect and the grass couldn't have been more luscious everything around us looking like a cute and cozy place but feeling like a lie until I found it The Well of unfathomable strength fresh sweet smelling water gurgles gently the warm Rush of power flows through you you feel stronger faster better what I didn't know at the time was who this well actually belonged to my bad I'll tell you now Auntie Etha was a piece of work I don't want a crumb left on that plate girl Auntie Ethel please One More by and this pie is going to wait she did steal the sister oh my God I killed those guys let me get the wooden spoon you're eaing for two so get to it and the second she wanted to kiss my eye that was my cine get this damn parasite I'll check my 10 depends on the price that depends on the job removing a parasite is no small fee but I like you pet so I'll only ask for something small one of your pretty little peepers I pluck it from your head kiss it for luck then back in it goes won't take but a moment that is my price nothing more nothing less nothing more I don't like her I don't like her she's crazy uh I feel like she's going to kill me someday while making my way back to the Village top side the animal speaking spell was again definitely a top three favorite of mine these jell water green leaves jell water um okay oh I bet you it's Auntie I bet you it's Auntie looking out to The Dangerous Waters there was no way I was about to do that to my companions again so back to the blighted Village was the plan searching the grounds a little more and then continuing our Journeys towards the goblin camp this place was easy to spot as most things left in their path were burnt to the ground as much as I did want to fight the horde of goblins as well it felt like a good time to take a rest don't get me wrong the goblin Camp was still our priority but I wanted to clear up some more of the fog that covered the map that meant visiting each location to be uncovered I had a Direction in mind too but the game had other plans for us oh something's happening what is happening hello my my what manner of place is this a path to redemption or a road to damnation not to say for your journey is just beginning what would suit the [Music] occasion the words to a lullabi perhaps the mouse smiled brightly it out foxed the cat then down came the claw and that love was that they do know how to write them in Cormier don't they well met I am Raphael very much At Your Service who is this oh apparently we're going somewhere okay ooh okay I like this middle of somewhere nice deor the House of Hope where the tired come to rest and the famished come to feed okay that looks really good what go on partake enjoy your supper feel like I'm watching a movie it might just be your last are you not entertained well far be it from me to disappoint oh that's awesome holy crap better than a devil you don't know a devil you do as little as this was I learned that jumping would play a pretty significant part in Boulder's Gate while all our companions did make it across the Gap safe was in need of some help here my um predicament has become rather urgent I need a magical artifact to consume right now we've already found enough magic to soothe it this quiet if you'll just give me what I need I'll give you the boots all right we got to find more loot now holy crap that looks scary what if there was anything to take away from my playthrough right now it's that the game had so many surprises waiting around every corner creature's eyes roll back in its head look at this thing Agony she'd eaten feasted and yet looking into her eyes you can see it wasn't enough she's still hungry come see my flesh becomes new flesh you hear what comes next before you see it the sharp snapping of Bones and a Yelp of pain as her body starts to twist okay I do not like that God cold realization this isn't the end s vicious monstrous humanoids can spawn from the corpses of dying hyena we got to attack while we can holy crap you learned a swift strike against her skull she Yelps then goes still having defeated all hyenas in the fight I would Press On In Search of clearing more fog from the map there's something happening over here I'm not a fan of that the Risen Road was a place I would need to come back once we grew stronger obviously I didn't want to back out from a fight but seeing that this was my first time playing a game like balers Gate 3 I tried my hand elsewhere this led us to finding someone across a Riverbend Carla she was a powerful tling Barbarian who admired strength in both combat and life once a slave Soldier condemned to fight a war for the rest of her days soon turned to inspire and appr proove acts of kindness towards the oppressed oh she's going Super Saiyan this is carlac by the way are we supposed to fight her I don't want to fight her with carlac by my side and a Vengeance to fulfill we did exactly that up ahead cut it out it's worse than NOS out there see if we can attack this person no time for mercy kill him kill him kill him you s a fight and now you have one it's okay so I take more damage now and you guys destroy the ladder oh that's good oh we died because you tried to move right you got to push me buddy what are you doing all right now it's my turn oh wait let's give us one more is there another person oh crap there [Music] is hold the [Music] person [ __ ] them [ __ ] SEL I won't go back I'm never going back she is just breaking down the entire place looking back on it now I realized what I did wrong here and how much dialogue I actually missed oh well as we were back on the beaten path once more another sigil was close by finding what looked to be a dead end full of traps in this Cave of course this is where my curiosity got the best of me nope we didn't get that please don't die please don't die please don't die please don't die oh h i mean well now the Rock's in the way and we almost died oh he did die wow while still stuck in the cave the only way out was through so trying to jump across the other parts of the cave some of our companions had a troubling time themselves stuck as I was the only other plan I had left was going back to camp in hopes it would set us in a new location as you could probably tell that's not exactly what happened please tell me we're out of that place now oh um yeah we're out of that place okay well this is not good is this the big guy oh crap it is Flynn level five if I wanted to clear the enemies out the only way was facing the enemy's head on the amount of time I would try to clear out this hyena Camp was Unreal we actually had a moment of relief as I found a way to turn the time oh we're talking to him apparently you see yourself through her eyes a pulsing red cluster of organs Feast no The Voice has forbidden this meat no see your whole world as a meal this voice is acting as a leash but it won't hold them for long as the symbol glows power courses through oh authority authority authority the fact that you could turn your enemies and have them fight alongside you was Bonkers oh it is happening look guys oh I'm getting this person to attack though it's not until we killed everyone things really turned for the worst Dominator mind Commander to Feast on herself exert your mental power commanding her to leave sever the connection prepare to fight but I want to see her eat herself or not okay I think we're going to fight oh God fighting it is if we couldn't get lucky again then I needed a new plan and one I would have to come back to for now it was time we visited the rest in which a dragon destroyed and set a flame while being up on the second floor here I completely missed the part where I was supposed to save a person come on oh I got it I got it I got it thank you now how the hell do we get out of here so as carlac was keeping this man safe downstairs it was off to helping another group of people close by come I'm afraid proper thanks must wait just before thinking of leaving we were met on our way out fresh air at last your boldness is a blessing I'm in your debt counselor are you all right takes more than mere fire to break me youa now listen close fist duty calls Dr have taken Grand duuke older Raven guard Westward if my eyes and ears can be believed Gauntlet report to the man and send for reinforcements we must find the Duke on your command counselor this game had it all from burning houses to people peeping on one another hold up before they see you mesam what's the matter and who are you exactly might have been concerned but I had the slightest idea who they are just another harassing fool trying to get to Boulder's Gate in one piece I want to get to balder's gate oh let me get the Boulder's Gate that lot are swarming all over the bridge I don't know what they want but it can't be good I'm going to find another way around you ought to do the same I doubt a fight against them would go your way drop your weapons I'll feed your innards to the ants that istic this is your last chance no look up that was your last chance istic now burn oh look at the dragon oh my God woo they are not alive oh but the bridge is also [Music] gone stop wasting time Bara oh wow look at all them you're not here to play with the locals as we were traveling deeper into the mountains a vision came to while hearing a voice hear my voice obey my command the voice is irresistible every word is drenched with a power and authority that you do not understand but cannot deny your vision clouds leaving you in a dark featureless shadowscape nothingness in every direction then there are three figures before you an armored male elf exuding power what is this a handsome younger man with a quick easy smile and a pale young woman with even pale eyes These are My Chosen they speak for me somehow you understand it's repelling the Pres oh the artifact right we had that almost forgot my power grows my for SC the Reckoning draws near feared for my life as we entered the next camp scene oh this this might be me what is happening we're tired the air is heavy moisture drips down your forehead head pain shoots through your fingers your hands Shake as they reach upward your forehead remains drenched no matter how much you [Music] wipe Chu gate vth maoc Can you feel it crawling through you tendril squirming in your chest gripping your heart piercing your belly your bones popping your flesh swelling I can I see it in you I feel it in me we are lost I will be quick with my blade first you then the others then myself your mind's intertwin you sense a touch of uncertainty a touch of disgust I will not let the GE take me I will earn vet's honor I will wait but know this I am watching oh this is the person I made this is like our our that person like our friend or I don't know what to call them [Music] really yes you have I saved you before so she was there on the Nautilus oh that was her and I'm here to save you again oh my god oh don't worry you will not become a mind flayer not while I'm around I'll protect you oh my gosh I have to go the enemy is closing in I will be back this is what this is just casually happening okay wake now you'll feel better I promise so she just helped us cured us did something to us was I ready for another fight who knows all I knew is that I wanted to fight the hyenas one more time not two more times or even this third time definitely just wanted to attempt this one more time okay seeing that luck wasn't on our side all we had left to do was find the three captains within the goblin Fortress and take them out even before talking to the Goblins at the entrance here I was curious to see if sneaking our way through was was an option this place had it all from Goblin Merchants to Goblin meetings and even a goblin peeing in public is that dude peeing what do you a what he's peeing oh he's straight up just peeing that's great okay o it's one of these guys again guard ggen the next place it took us through were these big Gates once inside I knew right away that this was going to be quite the task walking to a set of stairs we were met by some goblins they wanted to chat a bunch and I just wanted to roll 2 D20 as successful as I was it was time we had our little chat with the Priestess now here's somebody special the absolute has touched you hasn't she Priestess gut needs to touch you too hold out your arm so I can mark your flesh uh no I assume this Market has a purpose I'm not letting you burn me for life on a whim she too carries a Darkness seems to swallow the temple leaving you with a vision of the goblin Priestess receiving instruction from a handsome young man oh that's one of the three chosen the vision dissolves away you stand before the goblin heck was that a vision push deeper into her mind no let's keep going yeah floods into you a tide of shuddering ecstasy her tadf Nestles within that Mania secure hidden I feel you in there digging around don't want this rabble interfering with true I can get her by herself okay change a plan I'm going to yeah the absolute will protect me you don't stand a chance all right you want to see you want to see you want to see what are you 40 let's go be mode all right get that extra damage in please there we go you should take a look with one of the three down I found an athid worm that was ready to burrow inside our brain oh my God there's an actual elith Powers oh no no no no oh I'm actually holding the worm oh my God I do not like this but I'm going to go for extra damage okay walking through a random door nearby we were immediately caught and forced to go back the way we came you don't have permission to be here you're about to be ejected continuing my search through these sanctum some more I was about to be a witness to a murder SL sacrificing I don't know we want you dead you D knuckle not dead and heroic get down there and stop complaining get down there and stop complaining who that man just got pushed in there oh look at the spiders that's the spider pit oh I don't like that and we found Hera the next in command and a Dr if you were sent here to hunt him perhaps you can help me the Druid makes his home in a nearby Sanctuary where his followers worship a false god okay I'm going to try this you would dare the darkness will take you iith what is this orb thing um us fighting men the way we did would announce ourselves to every Goblin inside and out oh crap it's calling reinforcements I got to kill that oh reinforcements are here oh crap I pushed with the got him oh God that was good come on come on come on yes oh my God collected ooh look at all this stuff camp supply pack ooh look at that it's a mace oh hey look it's us again uhoh hell's fire she's coming whoa who is this will you've been naughty and you know what happens when you're naughty God's damn it anyone but her you flatterer why if I had a warm heart I'm sure it would be skipping call me maora and his leash Needs A Yank we had a deal will but carlac still breathing I've taken more pleasant shits than you maora and at least those can be buried after that's no kind of talk for a lady by the way carlac zarel sends her regards you told me Devil's only she's a tling not a monster how precious the little p ERS found his bark Clause G section 9 Target shall be limited to The Infernal the Demonic the heartless and the soulless carlac meets the criteria by virtue of having no heart will burds in the fires of a verus the lightning storms of disc strike his flesh his soul passes through each layer of the hells gaining their essence and their torment what is [Music] happening holy crap did that just happen that's better what the hells have you done a promise broken a price paid you know know the terms get used to the new form pet there's no going back some magic even I can't undo I'm so conflicted I like her a lot but she's so evil so it's like what what do I do the next fight being Raglin knowing that every Goblin in this Camp wanted us dead I would make sure they knew exactly who we were as I stole their gold running into batches of goblins all over the place as we tried to avoid the majority of them it didn't really work out so well something else that didn't work out so well was us trying to leave the sanctum and alive at that I completely forgot that at the time fast traveling was a thing and apparently had it in my head that the only way was fighting our way through the biggest encounter inside had to be the main hall here goblins on every corner and with each kill one more would pop out from the Shadows lucky for us though I was ready and prepared for whatever they threw our away we did happen to run into one of their captives hied up and in the process of being tortured even Volo was being held captive inside this place alongside with a person we came looking for hson what I didn't expect to happen was what happened between shadowart and Lazelle you carry a ganki relic I will have an explanation or your head walk away girls girls stop fighting come on can't we be civilized I hope you had every chance to look the other way but here we are you you chose this spare me the justifications coward if anyone asks I'll say you were transforming don't expect to be mourned they're really going to do this right now come on guys Teddy squalls disturb my rest stop at once or I'll make you stop she's a liability it's the artifact we need not her let me up and I'll show you can I do that lasel can I turn my back on you never thieves aren't afforded such luxury loosen the grip on your pride for one blasted moment won't you we needn't be enemies there's plenty of those to go around already what would you have that we be friends let's not get a ahead of ourselves but imagine what we might achieve if we channeled some of that hostility back at our real foes instead of each other they wouldn't stand a chance what was so hard for me to understand is that I didn't know how to leave this place the conventional way sure I could open up the map and just click a new area to get away in seconds but that was something I just didn't understand quite yet the only thing we attempted was fighting our way through a horde of goblins within the camp all who were waiting outside for us there was even a single moment where I was so close to finally killing more than I thought possible but I just needed a few more terms to make it really count just before calling it a night I wanted to weigh out all my options and look around the temple some more see if there was anything I missed continuing throughout more of the corridors I did come to find a room filled with all sorts of puzzles one we would need to figure out if we wanted to progress further I hope it's that this goes very far down the phas is unfold that's a really long ladder what who what Sal where am I am I supposed to be here I I honestly I've been trying to go back upstairs I don't even want to be here I have so much loot it's kind of annoying with the night guys finally here this is where I learned more about my protector and a little backstory with shadowart I promised I'd be back don't worry I have things under control for now you haven't been using the parasites power you think you don't need it but things haven't gone as you expected you thought NTI might be able to help you in the druid's Grove but all she did was reaffirm the danger you're desperate to be rid of it understandable but you're looking for Solutions in the wrong places follow the cultists trail they will lead you to their masters it's difficult to put into words I think it might be easier to just show you use the tadpole the connection come into my mind [Music] sh [Music] she asked my name can't remember what I said can't remember anything before those words all I know is she saved my life and gave me a new home with Lady sha it hurts that's all I remember remember that's everything wow I finally realized how easy it was to leave this Temple so if I use this can we get out of here let's see Camp overgrown ruins over oh my God we can I can get out of this place oh thank Lord oh my God we got to go back here return to Deon all right thank you oh my god I've been trying to do this thing forever now I was honestly thinking of not showing you this but I mean hey even better than that hson was finally back at Emerald Grove and we were here to make things right you took it upon yourself to undertake the right of thorns I ought to Exile you from this place forever instead I shall listen to the explanation that you owe me I owe you nothing Goblin swarmed us like roaches when you stumbled after the past you chose to abandon us I chose to protect us silence the right has been ended I will allow you to stay but consider yourself a novice a new you have forgotten the ways of The Druids our place in the natural order you shall learn it all once again right here backslide and Nature's Fury will crush you as you wish Master hon with a Burning Heart running as hot as the depths below we had one more Pit Stop just before meeting the blacksmith let's try this door uh don't who where are we going hello I'm just literally trying to open this stuff up oh here's the mouse the mouse was like uh you know we got to check this out hold on what's in here the evil thing gone no where was I the tling who would help carlac was one by the name of dam you story I spent a good bit of time in the hells enlisted against my will by the arch Devil's Ariel same as you I suppose if you're from elel i' need infernal iron and to pray that my hammer Will Survive the work find me again in Boulder's Gate if I'm worth my salt I'll have figured something out by then it was finally time to enjoy myself with a nice celebration for the Grove the next day and a place that actually drove me away because of how strong these creatures were was a camp full of hyenas the levels we gained and some knowledge from previous really did make all the difference I would need look at that we actually did it while having another Victory here it was time to do a little more exploring around the caverns perhaps we missed something what I planned on doing next was definitely the wrong thing to even try my hand at because of their levels alone IAL with one last cleanup it was back towards the goblin Camp because we still had a few stragglers inside the base all right you guys go first come on now we did it guys we freaking did it all we had left to do was visit our camp for another surprise visit with a new day here there was no reason not to loot everything up goblins were dead and I wasn't there was a lot of loot to go around and that also gave me a good amount to sell back at Aaron in Emerald Grove something I will never become a fan of is spiders all right I don't want to do this I don't know why I'm doing this but we're letting the spiders out oh God okay okay okay we got spiders here oh that guy jumps that guy jumps can I just do a normal attack not enough action what do you mean we stuck all right now we can attack now you guys are dead God freaking spiders are so obnoxious with the last few bits of the temple cleared it felt like I'd finally gathered all the XP I could with no more bodies to fight that actually took us back outside searching around Auntie's place in case we missed anything who is this hello gendell gend a fellow Wanderer forgive the aroma you catch a waft of something foul metallic and sickly sweet part of me really didn't want to revisit athl here but seeing that she was of the last few quests we didn't complete it felt like the right thing to do hello sweetness you're going to give me one of those precious peepers a touch but sure you have two eyes in your skull don't you no need to be precious I'm afraid that's my business pet it's nothing the fairest though I promise I don't trust you at all whoa what what is she oh my God whoa look at athl I knew this was all fake it looked too good to be true you blink and the Wilderness changes oh my God a swamp stinking and Insidious assaults your senses whoa much better that human skin is fierce rest dtive ah so the brothers were right you're a heg cute am I supposed to be impressed uh I'm going go indeed I am and a fabulous one at that not many get to see a hag in all her glory consider yourself blessed now choose which eye will it be right are left I changed my mind I changed my mind I'm going to attack you right now you absolute egot egy we're in egy now she teleported she's invisible while the day did last a little longer than planned our companions would eventually need a good break Auntie Ethel fled away into her Lair this gave me no greater reason than to chase after her the place ahead was fouled and filled with a poisonous stench something I would have to get used to the longer I stay you are as thick as they come sweetness this is my personal Playhouse and you don't have an invite get out you feel crushing waves of fear as the presence within the door recoils it can't let people through not again it almost felt impossible without a key of sorts or way to truly break down this living door images flash a man cowering a bag open at his feet gold coins spilling onto the floor his cries for Mercy are cut short as the hag slices into him dismembering him painstakingly limb by Lim she cackles the man's remaining flesh twisted and contorted becoming the Twisted surface of the door before you unfortunately for us this part of the quest would have to wait as we had a few more spots to clean on our map the next being a little shed in the blighted village visiting the rest once more I found myself a small cabin outside the outer walls is that him that might that might be him you spot a man crouching between the shelves just as he spots you buer helps I thought you were a flaming fist well down you go then they'll be on it soon so if you're looking to trade you best be quick entrance is hidden behind the Wardrobe here's the key all right that was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be oh this is the Wardrobe we have to get into okay that's so cool I love that while we did have a lot more of our map cleared up be it the fog or locations there was still one place that I didn't fully explore every inch of I do want to go back to this area I feel like there was something else I was missing and I don't want to miss it wait there's a crack in the wall what the hello crack in the wall I still see you oh it did work oh let me use it again or here we go finally why did that take so long my God as we made our way back through the deeper parts of this Cavern I now had to deal with more spiders oh my God spiders dude I don't like spiders and they teleport teleporting spiders or phasing spiders I don't know man hey as long as they're over there that's fine being back inside the same Cavern what I didn't expect in the slightest was a big boss fight uh-oh uhoh what's happening what's happening what's happening what is it what is it what is it what is it oh oh oh my God okay this is going to be tricky but here's what we going to do hit the bridge hit the bridge hit the bridge yeah buddy all right woo holy crap that scared me all right that makes more sense we got to kill this thing first here we go here we go here we go oh a rough Tempest I will raise Tor big one's dead big one's dead now we just got to kill the little one thank you thank you oh this was so scary I mean I don't know why I did the boxes I'm going to be honest with you but still taking a look at the map to see what else we had left the last two places to conquer was either between the mountain pass or the underdark and so it was time to visit the underdark and see what awaited US traveling through the underd dark all right there's a lot of stuff happening here oh woo look at this Minotaur what is happening jeez these things can they be powered down I mean maybe we shouldn't do that though you know hold on hold on hold on hold on okay okay I figured as much I figured as much I figured as much bit of an issue here I did run into was with my character and his outfit the thing was so bugged it left me a little naked until the outfit actually came back figuring out where to go next in this place it led me walking down some broken bars that was housed by some Stone soldiers oh what's happening okay we got to watch those what the fudge poof of smoke something happened here what is that oh oh um am I going to die holy crap okay petrified that's good 90 damage nice how is this thing able to just attack like that like that's crazy please kill him crit all the crits thank you oh just on my thank you thank you thank you thank you winning what seemed to be the craziest fight yet we were greeted with those soldiers before us I am daor third son of house bartl first Rank evoker and initiate of Graven hols oh oh no no my dear dark Gods below no I was ready for the hardest part making sure we didn't touch any of the traps ahead of us this place is so scary it keeps blowing up I don't like it this creature inches away from us just lurking around aimlessly all I saw was free experience W you let what the heck oh great I hope there aren't any spiders around so for this next part I was going to have to avoid all these weird looking turrets unfortunately I didn't clue in fast enough that we were supposed to attack the turrets in order for them to stop zapping us that meant my companions and my character would have to suffer a little bit longer as we did our best to avoid them with everyone still alive by the grace of gods I had no idea where to go next through a window no activate some sort of switches or a light maybe a lantern not a chance then it hit me what if I could get Gail to turn these turrets off because I tried everything from range to Mele and it just didn't work what about magic let's try this out [Music] wait is it are we good oh that did work holy crap oh crap wait is that going no that can't hit me okay we're good taada as much time as it did take me to get inside the tower we still had two more turrets to deal with oh water does work okay so water and lightning for these things Wicked with all that said and done we still stood around for a bit longer hoping the magical lift would move but no luck so that led us to looking around and finding a different route leading us outside the tower all right it's like I'm lining them up for something we can jump down here oo okay go down here be careful please oh my goodness your turn personally I was never great at puzzles and this game would do a fantastic job at forcing me to figure out well puzzles this is going to suck looks like we're I take a lot of damage from this nine damage all right buddy I know that sucked I honestly meant this too but with balers Gate 3 they did a fantastic job at teaching you to look at less conventional ways out of a situation most of the time there was like 10 options or five options or something just drastic you can choose from it didn't have to be a you know 50/50 of like hit that shoot this there were so many ways so many options you can choose to either get out of a fight go into a fight get out of a building go into a build there was just so so many things you can do with all that we gained and explored it gave us enough experience to finally level up here level five this is a big one for me I've never reached level five two spells ooh ooh look at all the spell that sounds amazing we have the fire hands though is the thing I think we have to fix this engine and take it to the top oh yeah yeah yeah that is the fuel source okay cool oh wow okay oh look at it [Music] go I've I've don't T I don't really play D and D so it's not like I'm following or know what to do I'm kind of just like going on you know Instinct at this point oh and there everything is turned on now oh that's beautiful and this is where I think we take the elevator to the the top floor like many times before this one would definitely be a tough battle yes s can't keep going oh crap uh I'm a friend I come in peace I'm not foul or contemptuous but I'm a foe that [Music] Ste oh crap okay what if I just stand right there my turn he can't be pushed they're metal people oh my God there's so many as you could imagine I tried everything and more with my Arsenal even with the guy falling to the very bottom of the floor okay okay we kind of did it now we can take care of the little guys for now please don't tell me he comes up oh he does come up um and we threw him down all the way oh I'm not going to say how many times but we do eventually turn the tides on Bernard oh he's done okay this is good this is good this is good I'm just going all out with this guy yes oh my God yes okay and hopefully killing you with the one HP again holy smokes oh my God for as long as I was here the only thing left to do was travel back from Once We Came making sure we went through everything else and other paths we might have missed the crepet village is it abandoned I don't think it's abandoned I think you lied to me I heard something move of oh I just saw something did you see that there let me tell you we missed quite a bit as crazy as this guy was he planned on giving me stuff and I love stuff we did run into more of these crazy looking men but not before hearing a cryptic voice in our heads voice hello do you hear it too they're coming they're coming if we can hear it perhaps it can hear us they are coming you are coming woo so glad I shot that wait I don't think I can come here because this is the exploding stuff no I found this next part to be so cool and almost Nostalgia like Slender Dr Blade impales the stone before you keeping us silent vigil oh this looks so good this feels holy consider what the appropriate ritual might be grab the sword with both hands and pull the drow script inscribed on the blade flickers and glows it rises from the St in silent this looks so cool for the life of me I still forget to this day what these people are called but we found some strange folks hiding in the fog was swallowed by a chorus of turbulent music through one creature sing many voices the harmony of an entire Collective Sovereign she has come she is here the choir Fades a single Melody rises above the others Rassy and commanding fungal Roots weave through your mind seeking your true intent then the Sovereign drones a new Melody cautious but welcoming descend to me let us speak in flesh the persistent music coaxes you forward the Sovereign expects you the next day as I finished up my conversation with the Sovereign Spa we were given one more Vision before leaving to our next location looking around the map of the grot we found thulla close by asked of us to kill her and take the boots but I had other plans for dealing with a situation like this what happens if I just take the boots no approves disapproves please boots of speed the battle here was heated and filled with dwarfs on different levels of terrain you just killed yourself buddy I um okay sure but hey seeing that I filled my first Quest but also cleared another I felt better to help those in The Grotto than some murderous dwarfs on a rampage I couldn't do it instead I found a new way to repair the guy the rot has been purged still melancholic but now streaked with hope do you hear a new Harmony Serenity I name you you peace bringer I like that name fragrant stes waft through the air your heart swells with bliss with your every breath freely you have given to us freely you may take the guardian gate is open go and claim your reward making sure to search every inch of this new area we came across an open but abandoned cave a few corpses laying about with something for the taking just like the Overworld it was all about revealing more of the map and finding as much experience as I could that and getting to Boulder's Gate of course but that would eventually come I did find myself having a problem with some swarming toad stool stuff it was everywhere oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap oh crap I completely forgot about this stuff moments later we found a hook Horror in the hollow making sure to crouch As We snuck by quietly I needed the best Advantage I could get here don't kill him please oh he's jumping oh he's jumping now we're prone oh that one's jump it too oh God while I was tempted at punching this bird off the cliff it seemed we would have bigger problems to worry about having just a few more creatures in the vicinity clearing them out and getting all the experience at the're ready it was time to call it a night closing in on Balin we would have just a few problems up ahead the biggest one being the green smog wouldn't let through at the time I didn't know it was as simple as just pick up the backpack and throw it to him but in reality I made things three times harder shadart is just not having it about anything carlac loves me Gail wants to have sex with me don't want that no offense he's a gorgeous man he's a beautiful human being but I'm just you know with only a few more places to fill in on the map and really explore the most exciting one had to have been the waph one that the dwarfs wouldn't let us use until now a vessel wobbles on the Lake's murky Waters well that sounds nice and comforting okay let's go this is really cool I like this look at us we're going places are we leaving I don't know the thrill of the ride as we took the raft on the waters would soon come to a stop unfortunately you what are you doing on gex's raft uh I murdered him don't mind us where's Geck who are you oh here we go here we go push him push him push him push him you continue for forward in silence until the lights of a camp twinkle through the M I don't like being through going through this water man oh this is so like oh an oh my God this is this is like the main screen thing sort of I mean it it it's got that vibe there was like two statues coming down there was lava there's no staircase there but still that's really cool oh I like that oh okay that's so cool oh that is awesome look at the architecture the work on that well I'll get plowed sideways we got a welcoming party you [ __ ] time you showed up we got trouble spit it out Sergeant finally choked on true Soul near prick drug no the [ __ ] Soul caused a rockfall trapped tighter than a ring on a fat finger you're [ __ ] me you pay up that's the trouble he's got the gold on him Sergeant's arm is falling off with all the gnome slav she's been Bea continuing up a set of stairs we crossed paths with a stone Mason named kth talking about the history of the place we were standing in and trying to understand what all the Fallen Rubble depicted who had been here before them now taking some time to myself and looking around all Corners within the Grim Forge I was in search for the juiciest of loot left for the taking being just a few steps away from a rotting corpse I did the unthinkable uh I okay what kill okay hold on I got to save that here we go look away kids look away I got this oh on the datu the head breaks off cleanly from the drow B all right she doesn't have to narrate that the head do I still get the loop while speaking with a captive dark elf he seemed to be more knowledgeable about the Lantern and one for Moonrise Towers making my way back to the raft as we Revisited the underdark from scaling the side of a cliff and by jumping across this little platform there would be a portal in front of us that would take us outside this is when I knew things were getting really serious what is that Arcane barrier hold on knowing that the door to Auntie's Lair was still locked I made it my mission to find a way inside there must have been something dark and mysterious from keeping us out that or I miss something something very small were these here the entire time what the heck maybe this is how we get in oh maybe I should have done that wait a minute hello and let wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute let's take that off please please yeah let's take it off first do we have any type of I need some sort of protection right protection from evil and good all right so then well that was rather easy although now we had another issue here do we have to fight all them or what oh crap think I'm one of them can I can I fight I want to fight oh miss snaring nope the scariest thing we were about to face was myself not fully knowing the true power Behind These masks really gave me a scare all right stench of rot is a slap to the face suddenly she is there beside you behind you inside you yes what are you playing what's happening it's that Bloody M uh oh I don't like how I have to kill him to die must get up taking another win home and the HP to my team very low I didn't expected to be so hard to move just a couple steps the next day this part in front of us would give me quite the headache I took it off in time I took it off in time don't you dare okay now we got to find granny I mean I could try what I did last time but we got to stand over here first facing my worst nightmare as it was for that green fog again something I knew Little Bell but tried anything I could I tried throwing stuff at it to see if it would give me time to move but didn't take then I had my team jump across just to see if they' live through the damage oh no no B bad idea bad so bad the only thing that really clicked for me was finding a few of these little red plants in the cloud disarming them was the toughest thing to do here because we had one shot from each character to land a perceptive role all the while hoping to detect the area needed for the item to then sit on as the poison Cloud was tough enough to get through antio would prove to be a much bigger obstacle okay o here we go here we go you come to my home interfere in my business and now have the goal to face me in the heart of my air you petulent bollocks I'll rip your spine out your [ __ ] I'll keep you alive until I've sucked the marrow from your bones and then I'll bring you back and do it all over again all right love to hear cool I'm choosing different skills and abilities to use against her the battle was going well making sure to keep an eye out while looking for the right clone can we reach you from there oh you're dead you're dead I'm going to just max out goodbye see you never I did manage to win the fight which surprised even myself but something I didn't account for was the burning cage with a girl inside to fall I'm going to be honest I think merid I think this lady just died I'm going to have to oh my God are you kidding I got to reset again okay knowing that I should have played out my choices and continued on here I decided to turn back time with another reload ready for another fight as we looked for the right clones again this time things took a much better approach and one that showed Mercy in her way so I think we can stop that from burning okay putting that out actually helped I love that [Music] stop it all of you wait wait just a tick hello killing me is a waste of time I'll find a way to return always have always will I'm still going to kill you it's unpleasant so how about we be civilized about this I have something you want want but the deal what about my husband what happens to him deals off you dco if I ever see you again you'll have a tentacle for tone bye-bye pet all we had left to do in this area was find a way out though we wouldn't be able to save a beloved from Arena if this was any other playthrough I I would easily snap it in two but I'm going to I'm going to point it towards the coffin this is why you don't bring the dead back to life what what's happening why is he still dead cuz he just is a zombie now that's it that's what happens you going to love a zombie you feel something pull at you do zombie the creature yearns for a master you bastard it give it back I thought you were going to hell as we had the quest finished up that took our travels back through some spider infested caves and into the blighted village once more giving the blacksmith Bellows as many temps as I could we were looking for the right combination if that wasn't going to work then possibly selling more items from my inventory would so back into The Grotto it was for us sifting through our different Loot and ending up back inside the emerald Grove this is where I found the perfect dagger to turn all right let's try this out again so if I click the furnace this time go here I think wait uh put daggering so we could start crafting better weapons like this okay a candy sweet scent wafts forth the susar infuses the weapon from within the Flames the Flames sputter away the dagger is yours for the taking all right new dagger all that was left to do in these parts talk to those who guarded the next area we would travel to now go are we fighting already okay oh no we're not on my way sweet we inspired guys oh that is so good thank you oh God quite the intimidating Bunch but ones that did eventually let us through a permanent thing hold on let me see cuz it says Mountain Pass uh no no no no we got to finish up with the underdark then I was back inside the Grim Forge with my obsession of wanting to finish quests up this place would take me quite some time the first few hours back here I was lost and losing my mind trying everything as we searched every single inch to every corner of this place it landed me back at the decapitated body around these giant gas filled to the brim of the place what if I just use a little bit of fire maybe we can push it off ooh open the door open the door all right we're free now what something that did eventually catch my eye was this upper level that looks like there was more there to explore I did come to find exactly what we needed which had me following a path into the last area of this place I was excited but more so relieved to finally be moving on and progress the story coming into this little room up ahead there were skeletons filled with bones bookshelves filled with spells and books and a nicely locked door that didn't look suspicious at all ooh that's people that's a lot of people oh damn with a new day here and a quest still in need of us we would press on using a few switches to get this platform just right this place was a legit maze that needed my complete Focus if I wanted to progress the game it definitely wasn't my forte but something I tried my best at as we made it to the end of the platform finally grabbing Gail as swiftly as I did we now had a wait to where this Quest pointed us you know it's a good day when you find a wayo oh with a few Undead soldiers blocking the path here we would need to make sure the undead soldiers would never move again between looting and killing there was a lot more sightseeing here this would be the forge itself and something that would allow for greater Creations in weaponry and sets of armor the only catch was we weren't exactly alone I'm sure that most of you know by now and if you don't well this is what happened oh the lava's coming in the lava's coming in the Forge is crazy what is happening what is that oh there's a beast lava man metal man oh my God holy [Music] crap well he's about to kick my butt 300 and we're on lava and I bet he's lava resistant oh my goodness all right let me show you the perfect battle I had in what it actually took of me because this fight was insane to say the least and drove me mad for a good few weeks where I needed a break direct me has no [Music] [Music] effect well well look what we have here Soldier tail for the ages believe me when I say this I spent way too much time on this one part it was just so frustrating oh I did it I did it I did it I did it oh my god oh I've been spending like I I think I spent 7even hours on this this boss alone on this Forge boss oh my God h i I didn't even use this Anvil thing the Smasher thing in the beginning I had someone actually tell me and give me advice to do that and then at this point it was just bludgeoning and I was using the wrong wrong attacks on my actual monk where if you use the base attack it's actually a lot more damage I that marked the day of my happiness in which would allow for me to finally progress the game more finding ourselves needing to get through a bit of lava here there was something up ahead you guys want to see something cool why I really love Monk Is this this is the reason whip go to pull pull you up to me please or not that works not really but okay blood follows me come on pull him pull him pull him pull him pull him please please please dang it next time if there is a next time let's see can we kill him and oh hey that was really easy what the fudge okay now I was on to bigger and better things like that oh it's right there the too smart for that could I technically hit this guy let me see oh I guess not hold on hello look at it mimic oh mimic oh my God it looks so good too oh the teeth it looks so good damn okay I love that holy crap and we got to kill these mimics they look so good look at that hello don't you dare oh they stole the weapon oh [Music] god oh slice and dice is gone for some reason as we returned back to the underdark looking for a way to save Balin I thought it smart of me to run through with a [Music] torch so I don't think we can use the torch because when you use the torch it actually sets everything up a this is what happened okay so I think we killed him I totally think we killed him while that part of the quest wasn't happening right this moment there was something else I wanted to look for a necklace that Beed some sort of curse I'm going to bring it never mind hello amulet is heavy a subtle warmth like it was left under the sun suddenly the my beard is also doing something weird I don't know if you guys have been noticing that power and an overwhelming urge to laugh can now endure yeah I can enure oh hey we got it cool all right a 13 You observe the urge to laugh from afar with my big brain and taking time to actually read through the Quest we had active it said for us to just give bail in his backpack and let me tell you what I would have given to stop missing stuff like this I'm so tempted I want to use this right here can I throw it to you take your bag that's yours he took it he took it oh I'm all right he took his bag guys yeah I got to leave the hand here he's gone he used Misty step to all right hold on we got to go back look at that got my useless old man back I suppose that's your doing his hands are empty as a whole we'll have to send him back out soon enough we did it oh hey look at this we got reward day 35 would dub the day we finally made it into the mountain pass and the next big chunk of unknown you're about to progress your adventure make sure to type in a loose ends I hope it it said the same thing at the other place I don't know we'll see apparently this is the mountain the mountain pass so never experienced never been here this should be so cool and so far it is beautiful I can't see a thing oh there's a lot of blood over here hello in a big cave o okay okay okay okay not even 30 minutes in and I was already dying and getting really upset with these Undead creatures certain creatures would die to be revived again some would hit me in battle and create this Medusa effect others were just this bombardment all around us surrounding us and killing us the best I could honestly come up with at this point was trying out a different path to see if I could take a different approach thankfully I would learn that sometimes a different path or finding another point of Interest would do just that you picked the wrong fight FR I'll fill that one later oh who is this this is Lady Esther hello a friendly face oh you are a sweet sweet blessing my dear hello I've had nothing but trouble all day I've been accosted chased insulted look over there look it's just an egg perhaps you'd be willing to help then to prove your point they may have chased me away but surely the gift would welcome a person with such sympathetic views to their crash yeah sure and inside you could simply pin an egg pin an egg what does that even mean be well compensated of course just bring me an egg sure thing get Yankee egg here I come cool now let's kill her let's kill her dead do we need her speak with animal please I've got nothing left to take so you might as well shove off someone steal something for you do I look like a bloody tour guide maybe is the roof the best Nest spot on the whole CH on far I got there first too before the thieves showed up the thieves I can't help but notice you you have a nest right here steel Eagles are bigger they just take Nest prey everything that's how it works here not on top of the monastery they don't it's not even like the eagles need my Nest the drunk lizards they eat aren't hard to catch you killing Eagle I can do it mhm but if you think you can I know I can please please kill the Eagles they're the washed hey Soldier I well I'm not feeling so good she's really burning up actually or she looks hot my engine no pun intending it's getting worse feels like it's going to burst out of my chest we need to catch up with Damon see if he's thought of a way to f fix this thing if it can be fixed learning that carlac was starting to feel more in pain and become distressed the quest was now to find Damon and fix her up from burning too hot it's also that time in the video and if you made it this far comment owl Bear Down Below also learn that if you shot down a boarded up wall and jumped to the other side bad stuff would happen and didn't oh God are these cats ra okay maybe I should jump back on over Tor is that going to kill you guys oh yeah all these little things are are dead I don't know what they really are but okay this would also be my favorite day a new level up which involved a lot more this time while climbing around the top side of this enormous Castle there were vines and all sorts of greenery growing everywhere finding what looked to be a few Giant Eagles perched over top the same ones that bothered our blue feathery friend but it says they want to talk they're not red normally if they you know if it was that situation mother the pled one it speaks to me help a terrible idea get away wait are we what hello no e it smells and oh we're just okay you know what I didn't want to attack you guys but now I will just kill the bird woo look at that reinforcements what reinforcements get out of here with that what get that soft shiz out here unless they're still coming then don't glorious fe's bloody everywhere mate feels good to be home in my Nest oh tell you what when I escaped The Eagles I spotted something buried near that fairy dock my be worth a Lu fall to death ah can I survive this fall you think I'll make it I can make it watch this I'll make [Music] it but wait look at that we have one HP as I continued through more of the castle the next day we learned early on that breakable walls meant trouble oh hello there crumbling wall [Music] um boom baby oh wait wait he's level oh my God level seven Guardian permanently armed creature cannot be disarmed break back at the next enemy that attacks you retaliation oh my God hello hello sir oh that was some good damage okay that's not bad actually wait can I do this again oh no way yes no way uh Reckless oh baby we did it let's go let's go let's go let's go turns out I was slowly becoming strong younger than I thought I was that and we found another room filled with stained glass what almost seemed to be a certain society called the dawn Masters just before ending the night I was extremely curious about the new update a mirror that could change her appearance and actually located in the camp there was something over there give me just a second oh you can oh I love it I love it it's so good okay I'm going to change the tattoo finally something I do want to say right now and as early on as I can when I was creating my character and choosing my race apparently I chose female then I went to the next screen at the next screen I was like why does my character look so female and I was like ooh I'm going to change it to male but the character initially was female I didn't actually change the sex of it I just made it look like a male on a there is so confusing making my rounds again the statue with a piercing voice caught my eye or rather my ear Danel whater forgive me we have to fire the Lance hello H talking statues are never a good sign the ganki stronghold was massive and a sight to bear that and the most random occurrences would happen while roaming the area too drunk uh is he drunk are you supposed to fight these guys oh they're all drunk I don't know if I want to fight that what I found so funny was running into more of these drunken creatures you could hear the little drinking noises coming from barrels around the winery feeling like we covered most things inside the castle I felt there was time to see what the crush had or wanted of us sentri to Arms histic State your purpose quickly you've talked to one of our Queen silver Knights and hold the Lost weapon prove it istic if you are lying it'll be a painful death The Inquisitor is deeper in the crash report to the captain she will take you to the Inquisitor noticing the Big Chief up ahead as we started talking to him rolling for a chance to see certain dialogue we are training to fight G you think they will hesitate they won't need to if we keep killing each other for them it's stupid Orie silence it seems your childish prattling is attracting an audience you fight again this time daggers only and to the death as instructed who wants to challenge this sniveling istar I suppose your inan speings have distracted enough for my lesson go W the swords I want them sharp enough to peel a G's eyeball just by looking at them I hope you prove as weak as this meet on the battlefield what's happening with the cape as we continued on there was a painting close by that gave me quite the idea this imposing portrait depicts a powerful G yanki Warrior undeniably Regal in her mean wonder what we're going to draw do I get to choose oh someone's coming oh wait never mind take a moment fly appreciate your Masterpiece moments later I found the next objective that would need finding and stealing an egg for a certain someone do not approach the egg istic it is strictly forbidden oh I want an egg Green Egg think I got it an uneven shell I think I got it you can see a vague outline of something within it Reach Out And Touch the egg pick it up gingerly and stow it in your pack crush the egg if that wasn't juicy enough this next door into a new room would truly teach us how strong those elcid tab really work vertical incision from pineal ey to end of Noto cord intestinal coloration consistent with samples 231 to 259 so you're conscious of your infection showing no signs of cerebral impairment either your tadpole is special or you are we must find out which you PA yourself into the tadpole's putrid magic its strength multiplied it unleashes on the machine the two forces fuse violently together your brain their conduit your body and mind drift apart you are being undone this is the scariest thing ever okay am I alive the room swims back into Focus your mind is intact yet unfamiliar no no the zisk what have you done you said you could fix me my life's work gone and yet you live and so does your parasite her voice Cuts with a fanatical Edge an obsession bordering on Mania if there's a chance the parasite lives she wants it h the zis must have damaged you when it was destroyed frustrating I should have liked to have found out what happened but I have no use for gibbering idiots leave me I was ready for a fight not knowing if that's what I actually wanted I did it anyways but while dealing and dishing out damage it wouldn't be a party if Mor yanki joined the fight which meant I would accidentally hit the reload button and try try again this go around I used barrels to block the entryway just in case and continued on with round two what I didn't realize though was Shadow heart's fear towards walles and giving me a big disadvantage there we go finally a 42 like that's insane Big Boy crit okay thank goodness she wasn't the one pulling okay as we find finally had the gemstone in our pockets to progress further it was time we met with the one and only and what seemed to be our match so-called ganki God Inquisitor with wargas was potent we are impressed sweet what Just Happening who is this you are permitted to look upon me you are invited to KNE yo this is vth uh stay stand just as you are wave politely I love that you bear that which is ours but are you friend or are you Thief I didn't steal it just found me at least you brought it back it is a start we will test you to assess whether you deserve reward or punishment the astral prison it is corrupted there is someone inside their mind is Warped broken a blight they are an agent of The Grand Design sent to sabotage the astral prison our last defense against the return of the elith Empire as long as they live the prism is compromised o this is getting this is getting really good find the one inside and kill him be aware they are not alone and they will appeal to your trust they are not to be believed oh this is you must accept all that was left to do here was activate the prism and visit the dream world heat pulses out of the astral prism as it begins to flower oh this is cool this is so cool your burs hot with excitement o this like the astral plane oh this is okay this is the dream in you I told you to stay away from the gith yany but you just couldn't help yourself could you and now you've come here to murder me I already told you I protect you that I saved you that I'm just like you if this was not enough to convince you what more is there to say it seems I was right to put my faith in you after all thank you doesn't mean I trust her yet will be furious to make no mention of your githyanki companion the Lich Queen fears nothing more than the loss of her Empire the knowledge I have of her deception will bring that about I bet you tell me about it h what could possi yeah what could you possibly know to bring her down if she is such a threat to her why hasn't she killed you already well I guess Technically she's in the dream world and vth can't get into I don't know but that very power the power to resist ilcd control which vth only pretends to know is how I've been protecting you I suppose you hoped to extract it from my corpse any type of secret I guess since you spared me that fate she will come for you as do I I have delayed long enough the next attack is overdue and I can't risk you being caught in the middle of it I need you out there searching for the absolute you were on the right path to moonrise Towers return to it I hope you are ready to face Black's Roth the entire crash stands ready to kill you in her name good luck could I could I go to Camp first could I get a little heal back to our travels the next day we had an arrangement to deliver a g Yankee egg thank you paying up front seems to have had its benefits a pleasure to do business with you oh I mean it doesn't look great but whatever we have new Quarter Staff new quter St that's so cool oh baby look at that our damage went up our deck is getting there man holy crap having everything we planned on doing finally accomplished we were about to enter the deep dark depth of the mountain pass it's another wizard cheer up who there wonderer it's Gandalf stay thy course to indulge an old man G great the very same gaale and a fair bit miffed he is too finding himself forced to expose his best pair of boots to so many miles of country road on your behalf meet elminster orar friend of mine but rather more significantly he's the most famed and respected wizard in the Realms am I indeed most famed and respected erand boy more like I was bid and spare neither time nor my own self to find you she sent me Gail you know of whom I speak but why out with it elminster in love with please I know young man has your Ser away from water de washed away your decorum as well as your patience n a 10 day I've gone without honest fair worthy of the name drank not but what the sky entitled my thirst why some bread cheese and a cup of wine would appear unto me a feast surely you w't begrudge me a might of rest and repass before I get get out with it oh for the love of uh this way then to your camp Oh mist's delicate feet are ill suited for the hardships of the road you know where you went wrong Gail we need dwell on that here and now but even so you're to be given a chance of redemption what I didn't know at the time though is is that this was actually taking me from Act One into act two I served flaki the whole of my life learned her words fought her battles yet she names me her charlock your words carry truth I will meet you in Boulder's Gate do not make me regret it as we awoke Shadow heart came to us I didn't expect glazel to turn on the Lich Queen so readily wonders never cease surprised about Lazelle able to turn so quickly on her own people or even vth I was shocked myself to get my mind off of things I brought both Lazelle and asarian back on my team to give them a level up the first thing that happened as we moved on to act two and again something I didn't know about at the time was having met a little goblet asking us about a true soul and informing us on their encampment close by wait a minute oh we got Shadow curse who whoa whoa whoa whoa what feel her the shadow curse is a powerful threat that lurks and devours in darkness surround yourself with light to avoid the most Leal effects oh crud oh I think we all have to have lights wait can I actually go up these things oh this was a way to get up and down okay I didn't realize those were Pathways hey boy you want to bone fish you see that BL go swallowed all by the shadow curse bet he was pure tasty one last thing go and fetch the bone you threw oh ithd go on fetch man they really go dark with this true Soul an honor hey did you bring the liar uh why do you need a liar exactly we were told to expect a true soul that night Warden minaro would send someone with her liar to summon a guide through the darkness learning that we would need someone with a Lear this next part scared the actual boots off me okay this thing was terrifying cool but terrifying something stirs deep within you hungry and alert it's taking something you'll never get back your silent greeting hangs in the air a moment unanswered then from the dark ooh is that a spider thing yes I hear them your majesty calling us oh God I don't like that damned someone pinch me please I'd really love to wake up from this nightmare me too mans and the absolutes name youve been charged with guiding us new flesh for you my queen but who are they best introduce yourself perhaps you'll listen to her true Soul well here goes nothing I I guess oh God look at that thing look at it oh it is so creepy I don't like it but I also do hello and you what are you more faithful of the absolute they need a guide to the D same as us your minds connect and you hear a whispered voice the absolute or just the echo of his fractured mind reverberating in the [Laughter] dark a true Soul you have more worshippers every day Majesty yes yes they'll do nicely are we about to die what the fud we literally stay in this light or we die die trying oh this is so weird there was no way I was about to fight every single person here let alone carness wait we could totally kill this guy oh I didn't realize you could do that I'd have to plan out and actually strategize my next move surprisingly oh another cut scene okay oh dang Menara play time's over oh maora oh I love this time of year the [ __ ] start popping up wherever you look what do you want maora drop the attitude and perk up your ears you've got a new Mission absolute's cult has gone and grabbed one of zari's assets a devil and a powerful one at that they're locked up in the cult's Fortress moonrise towers and you're getting him out we are okay well your Playmates wasting precious time let's see about getting her priorities fixed clauset section 13 should promised Soul refuse obeyence or neglect Duty the PA holder shall cast The Promised into a verus as a Le M I'll make it simple will fails or refuses and he turns to a thick blob of stink flesh and sinks to a verus now be a good boy in play fetch pup or you'll spend an eternity sizzling in the hells maor's words may be flippant but they are tinged with desperation fine I'll play your game but I amend the pack once the mission's done not before the thing about me though is I wanted my own Lantern to explore all we could without having to worry about someone else leading us from point A to point B please let's see if we can kill it oh he's going to attack oh that was it no way oh look at this seek protection from the shadow curse who needs protection when you have the moon Lantern and then a cruel sting can't gives off a chilly glow look at that look at that we got it all in its vicinity from the surrounding Shadows you notice a tiny pick see trapped within oh please oh golly me oh my you must release me or I'll die this Lantern only lights the way when I am hurting night and day the third thundering it is no no no what made it the coolest day ever was having our very own Moon Lantern wonder how I got that allowing for me to travel wherever and whenever no one holding this orc's hand let me tell you oh we can go down this way no way okay cool this place is massive a trap yo there's so many red blighty things over here I'm not sure I like that the last thing I expected was for the shadow creatures to be lurking in the dark needles On th not good not good not good oh God big guy big guy big guy Fireball oh we won somehow that was easy as they were we had to be on our toes now about what came next with quite the road ahead of us this gave me time to venture out for forth and see what these lands really had before I knew it there were lights straight ahead with this Aura protecting some sort of Camp from any Darkness it seemed like as good a place as any to take shelter no Shadows look at this what the heck we got cool people you there oh wa it's fine it's fine Step Forward wait wait keep your hands off your weapons just keep your hands where I can see them and follow me come jira now who is this oh hello do I know you oh that's stare a just this once I wish people would say hello hello you're about to this is why we're here you see it is a curious creature that hides all manner of Secrets but if there's one thing that we know it's that it knows its own kind you should never have come here true Soul Stand Down or will'll put you down I'm not interested in the absolutes manipulations Harper cut this true Soul down too late all right well how many are we fighting what's she doing she's the one who saved us oh oh my God she the one who protected the emerald Grove yep didn't leave a Goin standing not so bad to hang around with either saved one of my friends from a druid with a snake knows when to be discreet too I pretty much trust her with my life we keep saying her with a mind of her own why why are they calling me a her I don't like that M what I'm not a her okay as I ventured around perusing through more stuff we ended up talking with a few poor souls selling off more junk to the same tling and then made our way to Jahira please be welcome have a drink oh my gods to your very good health you perceive a faint hint of cloth grass a herb that is said to elicit the truth jira Smiles at you knowingly it doesn't spoil the taste if that's what you're wondering well over a century old and yet it hasn't lost a hint of flavor still not quite so sure about you though people tend to lose more than just flavor when IDs get their hands on them just before calling it a night in the last Light in we bumped into another friend well actually two oh it's Raphael holy crap you tra me having rested with a new day upon us I did a little bit of rumaging through everyone's belongings before finding this beaming of light lady whoa what is she doing out here hello she's cool oh I like her oh [Music] oh who is this hello hello Isabelle Marcus hello is that you what's happened to you I've been blessed you can be too come with me and you can hear all about it from cck himself to go Isabelle what the heck are these things me oh my God guide my hand we are we about we're about to oh my god look look at this place we got to kill him fast then huh a this I could do goodbye another parasite collect it it might be useful Isabel are you all right I'm fine Marcus has been with us since the start they've been tracking us this whole time and that was no random attack you were the target Isabelle they know how important you are but they don't know about you KCK will strike again we need you to strike first discover the source of his invulnerability make him mortal so we can make him bleed good luck huning a new area to explore now this little hatch located in a dark and infested home it led us into seller of sorts oh yeah disarm that bad boy now we got to unlock it but we cannot do it so I pick it up and I give it to my best friend ever she's just going to have all the chests initially in my mind I figured maybe three or four of them were close by not eight of them oh there it is oh my God that kind of freaks me out these things are really oh there's a lot of them oh damn okay thank goodness oh my God look at us we're like like we had to fight a lot of I didn't even realize there was that many don't say a word hello I'm listening listen quietly a parasite grips my mind my own people hunt me but I am GED by an even greater torment which is you my thoughts are Hallowed Ground yet you've crawled your way in Uninvited I'm going put you prone cuz that's the dirty way to do it hope your soul is in good hands martial artist best me wound me lael's touch is unusually gentle her think fingers lightly graze your bruises and wipe away your sweat no more I can't bear it okay what what I don't torn flesh from Monsters and Men I've laughed as they suffered all right but you me I don't want to hurt you I want to protect you a for you to protect me I am yours are like noticed the conversation we shared with Lazelle which meant we needed to reaffirm carlac that she was ours oh thank the gods thought I was losing you for a second there not sure this old hunk of junk I call a h can take any more damage a I'll leave it to you to deal with LEL she'll be all right nothing can bring that woman down not even you afterwards it was back to exploring the cavern some more finding anything to loot and take with us moment later as we were selling our Wares I realized as I was literally editing this part and looking at the game that the adding item to Wares option was amazing you could just hit sell Wares and anything you locked in would sell just like that holy crap seeing that we spent enough time in the end it was back on the shadowy path for us finding what looked to be a battlefield full of corpses and something up ahead ready for another Ambush with every inch and every step we took there was always something new waiting for us right around the Corner tread carefully you are still necessary secret but first wait here I go up oh no you can't go up okay I was astonished with how easy the fight was but truth be told if you had the lantern things actually came really easy devastated with the mistake I made from day one somehow I had to see if there was any way to change the sex of my orc traveling more lands of this decrepit place I was startled by what what I saw here them what the what the fud wait that's her rebella isn't that looks like she's got some new weave up her sleeve revealing more of the fog from the map we found the house of healing a place I remembered actually watching back in the hype trailer of balers Gate 3 While most of the inside was either ransacked or just old from age we found another sigil close by I literally went to dig a grave what our hero thought but a treasure ahead did not consider the Peace of the Dead hello again the dark she went creeping and awoke what was sleeping a new Grave they dug which she herself fed well that's not good o spooky this creature and I go back a long way I admit it would be in my best interest as well should it remain trapped in the dark or misplace its head perhaps what are we talking here lemia pit fiend oron getting warmer [Music] warmer hot just as we approached the morg in front of us we had a few enemies to take care of normally I would show this sort of thing but having the moon Lantern really did give us the upper hand as we made quick work of them all from piles of Bones and corpses everywhere we did come across another hidden wall I loved me some secrets with the Next Room the problem here wasn't so much the creatures we would fight it was more so the poison gas we would have to deal with killing them was easy but what Honestly made me go insane and even rage a little or or lot my team was being douches i' I've got stronger words I could use but for for now we'll go with douches as we were out and about again this pathway in front of us would give us such a great view into the next big battle later on look at the absolute not press my luck oo it looks so good there's so many things happening with a new day here we were back inside the house of healing getting all excited to try something new the objective of the scalpel sisters is to sue for the scalpel indeed is an extension of Sha see how the patient reacts when I but stroke the right nerve here it's Comfort to hear the very Melody of [Music] Mercy absence no other word captures the heart of sha so very perfectly it is the scalpel Le Journey that leads from pain P the [ __ ] is this L talking about the scalpel does not discriminate Let each and every one of you partake in its soothing Journey please do absent sisters acquaint yourselves yeah they're go for it we got him we got him fighting moment when one sees one's teachings so lovingly taken to Heart you are to be commended for their graduation rewarded with the promised cure your diligence is exemplary very well your own scalpel you will be observe then succeed me into the sucker of sha you got it what's he going to do oh he's going to do it oh that's that's how you do it man this is the first time I've ever done this had a had a a literal boss just take their own life oh my God and we got the experience it felt so good to finally have a dialogue play out the way you wanted it to that and to not have to fight for hours and hours again this would Mark the day as Raphael warned us pleading and asking for us not to go inside between looting bases and trying to figure out where to go next the puzzles and traps in this tomb were pretty tamed uncovering them as we got closer and finding a few buttons under some Stone murals asking of us to repeat the proper order to get through get it wrong and a film of black smoke would appear get it right and that would allow us to progress oh we did it we did it we did it we did it we did it I got it I got it I got it okay oh here we go everybody jump on come on it's a fullon cut scene too oh here we go apparently the creatures of these lands were not done trying to Ambush us here we go I'm going to try attacking this thing thing that was a nice critical hit holy [Music] smokes that was a good crit that was a really good crit TR that again buddy mhm the crit yo that was 220 experience for that entire thing holy crap I mean we did that's a level eight we just killed a level eight thing okay let's be honest here between that big fight and talking with some creepy and very intelligent rats I got a little over my head here oh I got to get rid of them oh my God the portals just keep coming if going in head first wouldn't work I needed to find a new vantage point one that had us standing in front of two doors the first being filled with luk Galore to gather and take with us the next door having the big bad alar look at him and look at that thing behind him oh my gosh the interloper and in one piece as well not just any true Soul would have succeeded in following my path through this place you should be pleased I thought a battle right under your nose whoever you are some help would have been useful do you truly expect your betters to Sully their hands to Aid you at every turn true Soul such a poor grasp of hierarchy but never mind your potential May outweigh your ignorance I am balazar Chief advisor to General Thorne and entrusted with a mission of utmost importance do you know what is at stake here your life I think there is a relic here one which general Thor desires no needs I will retrieve it for him and you will help me ignorant you may be you've shown some prowess in scouting and combat by by making it this far fine I will assign flesh to Aid you on your way ring this Bell and he will come jeez look at this thingo Bazar was quite the Demonic creature and one we would have to slay in the next coming days though for now we parted ways with him having his brother the Flesh and found a new battle to take part in you do not belong here your mind upends somehow in the decayed soup of this creature's brain a tple lives another presence nurtures it manipulates it like a puppet no you do not belong this is the dark lady's house she's no use for old faithless bones you plunder you mle you upset my plans leave knowing what needed to be done we would have to destroy the tummers first killing off any leftover enemies in the vicinity I can't tell you how close I was at taking the bait here oh oh that's a displacer beast what the fudge yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo look at it look at it look at it holy crap I don't think I've ever seen that and like look at that Throne over there oh my God what am I about oh my God so as my big brain kicked in and we parted ways for a bit that led us to looting more chests for anything of use Gathering more coins along the way and then coming across the biggest of traps set for us there's something out there whoa can feel it your your gear your your gear oh my God that's orthon and then oh there's the elic the displacer be oh okay we got to kill that dude first so how we going to do this I'm saving it I'm preparing cuz I I don't know what to expect so fire immunity is nullified so that's okay cold resistant is also not good so cold and fire not good poison not good cold fire that not good hello guys you see me they saw us they are surprised this first fight was more so a test but man did I get sted hard my next attempt I wanted more bodies on my side so I summoned a magical helper then tried out a new skill I'm going to take him and throw it right here cuz he's still there or not okay maybe maybe he is not wow they actually hit pretty hard I did not think that would work but it did apparently lightning was the way to go and something that would come in handy later down the road War up right don't let anything get past you holy crap we just killed three of them and we did like almost half damage there oh that is beautiful my next attempt I actually did something great and that was get a few kills of those smaller foes but use the Misty step to back myself into a corner don't know why I did that but I did it here I go trying yet again and this time having to fight a few more displacer beasts than I originally planned for no way I can mess up another turn right wrong I thought it'd be a great idea to move my team to the other side so they were spread out more I even got so far to defeating the displacer Beast and the boss thinking that nothing else could go wrong it's it's great that they each get two hits you know it's it's so cool you got to love it a few more attempts in and I was about to call it until I thought back to something basar said ring this Bell and he will come so this was it my last and final attempt okay they're still surprised this is good this is good this is good um we're going to go over here actually yeah I guess we're going there uh let's use cast and then can we also use this oo I just hope they don't kill me oh I mean still pretty cool though okay okay can we do another one of those please I won't give in all right um oh wait Thunder Thunder Thunder that's good okay hopefully this cat's still surpris cuz we need to make our guys run back I might have to keep her there though which is unfortunate I want to blow up those bombs there's no way that's happening again oh I'm so sorry carlac I want to do it so bad sadly but I won't oh fine okay I need this flesh guy to like kill three of them right now oo okay thank you thank you for Raging gosh wait but it's red now that it's like it's looking angry at me it's threatened okay just don't get close to it okay maybe we want to get it low so we can kill it after wor Clos to being done though Catch My Breath we win oh that took way too long oh my God like actually whoa ooh look at the Hell Fire hand crossbow possibly in burning when hitting a creature ooh I'm going to give that to my dude as happy as I was winning what was probably the longest fight and more infuriating one than ever I had to press on I didn't want to stay here any longer than I had to in this place with that in mind we still needed to gather gems and complete three trials it wouldn't be a ray of Panda's video if not for doing all those trials though in reverse the bow contains an ancient rust colored blood stain it forms a neat disc as if spilled calmly and willingly this is one of Lady Sha's trials allow me oh gosh we're actually sacrificing the blood okay here you go oh God teaches us that we are Our Own Worst Enemy much of the time her Embrace will elude us until we shed that which holds us back which which is blood blood's holding us back what what is this oh God I heard something oh Shadow what the fud yo hold who that who that who that who that yo we got to kill one of these a I'm going to hit myself because or well Gail we're fighting ourselves which I don't like the look of although this guy has no hair so okay you went invisible here we go again here we go again oh that was supposed to pull you oh dang a little bit of this a little bit a little bit of that what get out of here go again okay cool kill him kill him kill him kill him oh we got the first one down okay aha get countered son should end you too cool we got to run away from this guy oh one hit here we got one more guy where he at though thank goodness but that's one thing I loved about balers Gate 3 it didn't have to make sense and I could have fun in all the chaos seeing that our inventory was getting a little full it felt like the right time to make some pit stops any Merchants I could find and sell all we had I did on top of all that we actually picked up a few upgrades and some more potions along the way as for the next trial this one had Shadow heart sacrificing some of her blood to get inside the trial was a little game of can't see me this is the perfect mission for sneaky peaky oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God please save me please save me please save me did I just touch it oh yeah oh sweet I think that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it did work as for the last trial this one felt hard initially but once I realized Gail had the ability to fly oh man okay I know this might be a little cheaty doodle but can I fly it's part of the game man it's part of the game you ready woo all right we did it guys we freaking did it oh that's great okay oh okay this makes more sense now successfully inserted wait hello nothing nothing's wrong at all I don't believe for a second maybe this one oh here we go here we go here we go here we goad to the next part of sh's gaunlet I don't know where I'm going this is cool oh oh that's where we were trying to go okay and we got the other two orbs for this place see now it makes a little more sense okay okay okay I got this i got this I got wait do we need three woo we got it hey The Shadow entrance was about to become the most interesting place with a lot of spicy deaths feel your mind slip into Shadow Hearts but you are not the only one present there is another ancient commanding rendered from purest Darkness sh take my spear step forward and strike down the site please how many breathed their last just so we could make make it this far trust me this will help us just remember what I said let me do what I need again I I can't you need to move the shoulder out of the way all right here we go your party is gathered you are ready or so you hope lady sha I can feel her all around this is her domain this is the shadow fell you did well better than I would have credited you with now hurry along and bear witness to my masterpiece this is the dark lady's domain he does not belong here very well then my sincere thanks while finding each point of interest to jump down on Bazar was standing in front of someone someone someone I didn't recognize or know come to add more bars to my cage or perhaps to lead this would be justia blade directly to my heart I invite you keep more sins upon your head my retribution will be all all the sweeter for them all this time and you still fail to appreciate the gifts I bestowed on you alien sad to see a thing of beauty not recognize its own worth but General Thor he appreciates you and he wants you close at hand so I am here to whisk you back to him cck I welcome the sight of him after these hundred years he whose immortality I Supply with my very Soul General Thor I'm sure you'll be on your best behavior for him but just in case I've taken some precautions keep back it will take quite some concentration to secure aen for her little journey this though is where my patients would truly be tested because of the amount of enemies I was told to fight and basar himself so if we kill him we kill all of them right let's hope so did you really just push her off oh you are a son of a the craziest thing about this battle is that it felt more like a chess match every move mattered and counted one wrong move could mess up the entire play what are you so it's just that okay so I can use anything basically Al feel like we need to get rid of some of these you know don't kick them off well reload okay quite a few more tries in and we found it the one reload yes I did reload a few times here that would save my people from dying let's end [Music] this mov oh we literally just wrecked his holy crap that was beautiful okay well I guess the boss is done woo that helps a whole heck of a lot oh big crit big crit we get the big crit out here while the big bad was finally defeated all the big soldiers were taken care of we had just a few more skeletons to clean up before talking to our friend here Bazar has drawn his final rancid breath a Pity it was not my hand that brought it about instead it was you you who have come to seek the praise of your wicked goddess you who have come to drive a dagger through my heart not a dagger a spear my lady Sha's spear her fate is mine to seal let me handle this the Fate you seal is your own to be a dark justicier is to turn your heart from every everything but loss you will know no love no joy only servitude until of course your mistress inevitably discards you and there is much she does not tell you a terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death you feel Shadow heart bristling this is important to her but your bond is strong you may yet be able to sway her from the path of Duty to the path of life and Night song is not blind to your conflict behind that raging heart is the Restless beat of one who knows too well that her fate hangs in the balance you don't have to be the darkness anymore wo I can't believe she did that oh oh I can't believe I did that sha will disown me now I'm truly lost you were already lost little warrior a Lost Child frightened by Wolves what did you say much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life lay a hand on me in Friendship not quite Shon and I will fight the battle that has been waiting for me this last century then oh then we will have much to discuss Oh [Music] Oh Our Lady of Silva hear me she who guides the moon Maiden salula mother of the socalled night song The Night song is no more oh this is [Music] beautiful oh my God I am resplendant resplendant you have given me a great gift little warrior don't you find it oh so curious that you would spurn your dark lady perhaps you feel a saring of the truth already but that will come later there is a battle yet to be fought you have done what we feared was impossible you have released me from A Century Of Sorrow your power is great so too must be your weapon you must choose what you will wield and the moon Maiden will provide thus I have said thus will it be so are you ready to kill CC Thor let's do it oh this is so good that exsit we need to leave lady sha won't stand for us to be here not after what we [Music] did [Music] oh she's removing all the light or like the the darkness the thorns and [Music] everything [Music] this is so good powerful Ally well chosen Shadow moon like glaive look at that forgive me shadow heart you all right look at this this is where we came from all that from here travel to the road travel the road to balder's gate is that the road to balder's gate I thought we were supposed to go to moonrise Towers right here assault moonrise Towers having fought our way through so much the fight was over and now we could finally gather with those at the moonrise Towers or so I thought but fate would have it another way failed to kill you I won't make the same mistake well these are all level 9 holy crap that is scary as balls oh oh oh my God guys I was concentrating so hard I'm not even kidding two level 9ines there save me I cannot take much more oh God that waso wow while I did need a break from fighting with all that we conquered there was still so much more waiting right around the corner what oh hello there you're a big one aren't you holy crap this is like if bane just had a really bad day oh my God go down W you whistle tell your story Delight you minion many good ask question mayor query and drink once more let's drink once more okay here we go here we go you one father's personal mysterious sa secret no not never father what's happening what's Happ something's happening [Music] no strong uhoh uh-oh oh is he about to blow up oh oh that experience we just got Yo very well look at this man he just burst in a warn key the Rat Bat I will take that thank you with one of the biggest and undecided battles up ahead I wanted to make sure we were ready and that I didn't miss anything else before readying myself here oh there's people here I just okay okay level six level five ah shouldn't be too bad big old hit all right you love to see it there you are what's happening out there who was that streaking across the [Music] sky an immortal but it couldn't possibly be never mind it doesn't matter what matters is you have him in a corner jira and every fighting body in this place have gone to moonrise Towers to face cthc down she's waiting for you there end this now we're all counting on you knowing that the moonrise Tower Tower in front of us would be the next and major part of the quest line I had a few more places to uncover on the map one being a Tollhouse and a few other places that were still covered up by the fog the toll housee was definitely a doozy because I had no idea what to expect as we entered the area all I could hear was the sound of coins dropping from the floor above us ooh look at the little Co uh-oh oh no what do you so what I'm going to try first is giving you gold just lots of gold at first I tried giving this creature coins as many as I could since no progress was being made I continued to look around for any clues throughout the place finding another secret button to the side of this bookcase which had pieces of loot scattered all over the basement floor if giving coins to the so-called toll Master wouldn't work we had to think outside the box the only thing I could come up with was striking down those little floating skulls they'd either run away or call for help which didn't help me at all though as we started the fight with the toll master I began to notice something strange happening with every death of a skull its armor would fall off losing massive amounts of HP this would happen a few times before something magical bestowed itself upon me 6 hp oh you about to die what hello no no no wo look at that we did it guys we finally did it that only took what I think like two and a half I'd say 3 days tops all that was left for us to do inside the house was unlock a safe with a good chunk of coin inside and find out where this key went to having unlocked that very same door there were chests full of loot for us to take do we do we attack it oh oh I'm sorry where'd you go button button please yes yes yes yes yes yes secret button I've got it running around the map some more I found a little child wanting to play a game it was an odd one who seemed to be alone so letting him hide as we started a round of hide-and seek truth be told I didn't really follow through with finding him and just continued searching through the scraps are waa look at that stuffed owl bear toy and I made the thing owl bear that's so cool I like that okay we did come across another Familiar Face Down by a dock Roland was in trouble and needed our help with a few Shadows making sure that he would get back safely to the Inn Between all the loot on the bridge from the corpses and that of the chests I found I was in desperate need of selling to a merchant unfortunately for me I was too far in and would have to continue the story that laid in front of us I wanted to pick stuff up but the cut scene happened so here we go from Shadows this is rise in Moonrise towers and carve a path of brightness to the accursed one second death so saith the wise Alondo that Beacon of angelic wrath has taken a fight to G on the rooftop in the first line of defense are dead but storming the tower won't be easy and if we wait too long K will gather his strengths and retaliate for now though he's on the back foot for the first time since he returned from the grave this is it the spearhead moment you brought us this far so how shall we proceed no no no I like that a sound strategy once it's done me and my Harpers will hold the ground floor while you hunt down the general himself Floric left some of her flaming fist they'll Scout the prisons and the barracks below to ensure we're not taken by surprise say the word and we're off with that in mind this next battle was something special it was massive but so much fun both good and evil either sides fighting one another as we took turns dishing out damage sadly Jiro was murdered but with many people falling to the blade or a spell we wounded up winning the fight or wait did I hit him hit him come on yes parasite in that cor my gosh potent magic the loot from all those who had fell was great but making it this far in balers Gate 3 was even greater now having fully rested outside of the tower we made our way back inside to the top of the stairs ready for a fight and to put an end to all this madness oh this is it this is it wait is that down or oh my God it's her what have you done what have you done to me this would be our first time officially meeting thorm a H cannot lecture the chosen of the Gods you serve the absolute you serve me bow you Dog [Music] bow I really like the voice actor for this one the prin aome you've had it all this time you worm you will bow before me and if you will not bow you will break I don't think so that's awesome you how good it is to see you again cck at last you found a god master that suits you it seems Halen the thief you stole Isabel from me and now you think you'll take my life in the bargain you dare to speak her name after your crimes innumerable you will devoke her before me enough this ends here and now at last as the fight raged on from killing skeletons picking up Gail a few times we had storm on the ropes enough my Lord beckons me we had to have one come on you must return to your prison and my daughter must be reclaimed your daughter Isabelle oh what is this what the heck you will fall as sure as she this has only begun deciding on where to go next the road to balder's gate or following cathic I had to make a choice here the hole yawns back at you impossibly wide a single tentacle burrowed through Stone this is an athid Colony this must be where they harvest the tadpoles we're close to the source of the infections finding ourselves inside the elith Convoy we found a cage with something or someone that needed our help we are free thank you friend you're very welcome my freed friend continuing to look high and low for this quest of ours we were in search of a devil as all of this was going on we still needed to be careful as everyone was on high alert go on make yourself useful somewhere if you cannot manage that just stay out of the way you won't believe who I found in the last po part of me knew it from the start but this was almost too funny by gr it [ __ ] it's about time you hey maora should have known you were lying yeah it was her this entire time oh gosh why perish the thought every word was nothing less than true now enough sniffing around and get me out of this thing do it and I'll let will off his leash a devil always keeps her promises your eyes turn to the control panel next to the Pod the controls are open to your Tad Paul's command we're just going to smash it Hulk smash here we go yeah buddy look at that trying my hand a few times with a bunch of ghouls to hook horor and a death Shepherd The Experience from this definitely would have benefit me but the amount of creatures that would constantly bombard us left me feeling so overwhelmed picking up a little healing here just before heading down on some sort of lift we would catch a glimpse into who was behind everything whoa look at all these people you said it was under control it isn't you I answer to GES [ __ ] gash oh the general voice is this where we salute salute yes with Cleavers through his who is this she looks hot as crawls with failure like flies on lick wet Carion you forget yourself Orin I've played my part you've built an army for our masters true enough enough but what of the astral prison a rogue true Soul flaunting it under your nose all this time and you ran from him sure that they would follow and deliver it into my hands here if you would cease these distractions the distractions have been yours Krick perhaps we never should have dug your daughter up so you haven't lost your Edge but you're still not a shot as Orin I wager his Crypt breath sings to my senu again again again again again but he must lead the murder march to borders gra oo these guys are awesome if the weapon is truly in your grasp might I suggest closing your fist Orin and I can wait for you no longer the plan proceed Pro seeds we're going to the city and we expect you to follow Army and the weapon in tow look at them the Edict of B the Lash of ball what are they calling forth ooh oh I don't like that that's like a big brain boow or oh my God [Music] never mind I don't know what that [Music] is The Testament of Merkle an elder brain one of the cruelest and most powerful creatures in existence enslaved by mere mortal she's the Elder brain Crown what the heck it radiates with power unlike anything I've ever seen to have it to hold or if only I could but I can't this is it something I had to try for myself here was certain dialogue that Gail had honestly I say we go out with a bang let's do it one last gust of weave one last ask Gail to end them all no I just want to see what happens you know beneath the smoking ashes of moonrise Towers the Elder brain lies destroyed but what of the tadpoles it commanded free it is an ending oh you literally beat the game when you okay don't get me wrong there will definitely be a future video into my next balers Gate 3 playthrough here but this was one of the hardest challenges hold Duke Renard the absolute whom preserve us you wag your word flap in vain olding once the worm holds the whip your shredded flesh will serve us now it's really time we were going we will empty this place and begin the March you may catch up with the Army once you've retrieved the weapon and cck do try not to sulk you're supposed to be the Fearsome General come to conquer the city and I am the hero who will save it this story just keeps getting better and better oh my God this is time Fai fful ones march on Boulder's Gate we go to prepare the [Applause] way shadowart inspired and we have to fight th as predicted what is it I wonder that draws one toward death like a moth to light you could have run away absconded with the prism the one thing that could prevent me from fulfilling my destiny but the lure of one's Destiny is irresistible isn't it perhaps you hope to learn your place in history before you are erased from it a bright flash of clarity before the snuffing out I will kill you now and then I will my S is trapped in C's old cage but she can be freed from it by using the help action on her ooh wait where the soul ah so we got to make our way over there we did it with the last crit oh my God what a fool you are this was so difficult can kill me I am Eternal you are not Eternal not at all not even close Merkel Lord of Bones I am here I am ready I am yours you dare end one who belongs belongs to me I am the smile of the worm cleans okay like how many bosses or fights is are there going to like what of those who remain and the restlessness of those who are gone I I for I am death this is death and I am not the end I am the beginning how are we supposed to fight this now like [Music] what [ __ ] no kidding oh my God Apostle of Merkel if I can't beat this now I'm telling you right the second guys this is where the the video will end and I won't be able to make it to balder's gate so that means there will be another video oh like we still have to kill all the little skeleton guys that are going to kill me in one shot if I can get two crits this would be great right now cuz if I move get a crit please of 10 come on come on come on oh you do come back to life or [Music] not oh my God that's it that's GG that's GG this is it that said guys I really do appreciate the support that you show me every single day and that you still show me to this day I will forever be grateful I will never stop thanking you and I just appreciate the support so very much you have no idea and I truly hope you guys enjoyed this video it is going to be a very long one probably one of the longest videos I've ever done if you did enjoy the video you know what to do watch my other stuff all that fun stuff but this is rayap pandas signing out bye guys a huge shout out to enlisted for sponsoring today's video get your free bonus today by registering with my link in the description down below 3 days of Premium Time and several orders for troops and weapons
Channel: Rayofpandas Gaming Channel
Views: 74,599
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Keywords: rayofpandas, baldurs gate 3, rayofpandas plays baldurs gate 3, rayofpandas plays bg3, baldurs gate 3 100 days, I spend 100 days in baldurs gate 3, I spent 100 days in baldurs gate 3, I survive 100 days in baldurs gate 3, 100 days baldurs gate 3, rayofpandas spends 100 days in baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 100 days survived, rayofpandas baldurs gate 3, I Spend 100 Days in Baldur's Gate 3 and Here's What Happened, rayofpandas gaming channel, bg3, baldur's gate 3
Id: N_UbNr0bNKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 54sec (11574 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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