Baldur's Gate 3: All Permanent Act 3 Buffs & How to Get Them | Full Walkthrough Guide

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in this video I'm going to walk you through how to get all of the permanent Buffs in act three this is a continuation from my act one and two videos so if you haven't seen them go check it out and with that said if you like it leave it a like consider subscribing for more guides to come and let's get started the very first buff you can get in act three is partial ceremorphosis this is where you become half of an athid and it unlocks the outer ring of powers in the tadpole tree so if you want to do that just go into act three and you'll automatically come across this eventually inside the astral plane and make sure you say do it I'd like to evolve you now hold out your hand it wants to evolve but it cannot do and say open your mind to the tadle if you eat it you can't give the partial cam morphosis buff to your other teammates so make sure you do open your mind if you want to give the others the powers as well the team and now you can see it Oh wrong character intestine thr right here partial saram morphosis and that did unlock the outer ring for me and I like the black hole spell the most here you can get a permanent bless buff over here in the circus of the last days all you have to do is talk to bony oh but and you'll have to buy a statue for your Camp it is 5,000 gold but if you buy it you can do long rest and you can see it here my statue and I have a permanent bless buff [Music] now the next Buff is called Monk's curse and you'll need to have looted the sensient amulet this here in act one in the Grim Forge and if you've done that you can come to the open hand Temple here in Rivington and go down this hatch come around here and in this door and the sarcophagus we're looking for is this one here in the back CL is buried here lies sister Shir clarwin date of birth unknown died 1491 Dr here it is the Tomb of the amulet spirits and we'll have to wait for some dialogue here I'll just go ahead and Skip past the dialogue and to get the buff you'll need to pass a series of checks I'm going to do Constitution the monk himself holds your answer your Madness tugs at your mind prods in places best left untouched you feel your wisdom begin once again you feel your wisdom draining away hilarious the cor and you'll see I now have Tasha's Hest laugh right here well he was always good enough and I have nothing to cast it on so I can't show it to you the next two Buffs are over at the sorcerer sundrees here in the lower City and this is a continuation of the unlock the ancient Tome Quest so you'll have to have picked up the necromancy of day in act one and then read it and then once you've done that you can come up this way and I recommend bringing like a source of remove curse as well as some maybe invisibility or Darkness so you can open this door [Music] and now we can lock pick the door once inside of here you can come over here and click this book and that will open a portal right here and then up ahead there will be a locked door and behind that door will be a series of doors that we have to go through in a specific order and I'll tell you the order the first door is silver hand someone and then to the left avocation right behind you will be wish and these this is there's a trap right here you can disarm it if you want to but I'm just going to go and now you can go through the gate door and illusion and that should open the door down to the tharia CeX if I'm saying that right ramith eler silver hand cus each door named after a powerful whz you'll find the Codex right here what lies behind goe and lockpick it it's a 20 DC and now that you've read that you'll get a debuff called tharia withering hidden between and you can go ahead and remove that and then it'll turn into a buff this buff isn't permanent it only lasts until long rest so that's kind of unfortunate but there it is and then you also get dance maob for now opening the necromancy of day after reading this book The you have to pass the saving through feel dangerously familiar and now we have dance maob and I'll go ahead and summon them and show you what they do they kind of look like the doppelgangers and they have like the same paralyzing attacks as you can see here and then they also have like a prone interaction that does extra damage the next Buff is unstable blood and this one makes it to where your blood is flammable and explosive and it's a staran only so go to lower City Central wall slightly below it in lower City and then you'll be right here and then head over this way towards this building it'll explode and you'll notice a rod from moonrise Towers you saw before forgive the fire in Brimstone if you'd come inside not ah a cozy little SP and now that you're here the crown oh H goe and drink it and you should have the buff let me find it here there it is next up we have the vampire ascendant buff that is specifically for aarion so have aarion in your party and then you'll come to the lower City Central wall and we need to make our way up to cazador's Palace and to do that right next to the Waypoint will be a door and this is how you'll get up there once up here these guys will talk to you you'll just need to persuade them to let you pass int behind her eyes you see and the entrance to cazador's place is right here and I'm not going to do a full walk through of the place I just want wanted to show you how to get up inside of it and now you'll have to do this and get all the way to the end where you fight Cazador and I'll go ahead and jump to there and now that I've made my way through the dungeon and killed Cazador the way I killed him was just shoving him off the cliff and then he teleported back into this sarcophagus so you can still get the loot and then I had aarion take the ascendants in place of him and that gave me the vampire ascendant buff with the ascendant bite ability and does a lot more damage and then you also get Misty escape and a top it off you get a 1 to 10 necrotic damage to your weapon and unarmed attack rolls next up we have Slayer knowledge this gives you advantage on saving throws against being frightened by a ball spawn Slayer if you want this you can go to balder's gate here in lower City and go over to this side at the Docks right here and then Volo will be trapped on this cart these people will be attacking him you need to go ahead and rescue Volo before this blows up up and kills him so go ahead and do that and I'll go ahead and Skip past all this fighting and then once all the enemies are dead you can talk to Volo and then he will go back to your Camp there he goes and now we can do a long rest and go talk to him you'll find them over here perhaps you and he has you in Optimist that I am it is a study of the SL it is a beast of in the end Theus took the and then he'll give you regarding the Slayer and then once you read this that will give you the buff it's called Slayer knowledge here and now to do the mirror of loss buff this lets you sacrifice two of a main stat and get plus two and another main stat and to do this one you'll head up to the top left of lower City up this way near balers Gateway point and you'll need to go in the house of grief inside of here and you can get access to the door over here by lying that's what I'm going to do speak to the attendant by the front she will put everything in order for you then you will be free to enter you'll need to pass and investigation check over this way for this button and now that you're down inside here you're going to need to travel through and then do a fight and I'll see you after the fight and now that vion is dead and I'm past her over this way I lockpick this big door it was a 30 DC but you can probably get the key somewhere in there and I'm over here at the mirror of loss and and how this works is you'll need to sacrifice two of one of your main stats or you can also sacrifice The Forbidden Knowledge from the necromancy of day that's what I'm going to do and then once you do that you can get plus two in a stat of your choice just know that if you fail the religion check you will get minus two and no buff so don't fail it but one that offers I'm pretty sure you can remove the curse all you see is a void of endless Darkness great Powers rest within the the Mir you must surrender some and here's the forbid knowledge one that's the one I'm giving up something where once the mirror showed nothing and I'm going to take the intelligence which is this one here they're all pretty straightforward strength is strength daring exploits that's dexterity Etc to choose from words and you don't get a buff in your buff list but you do get to see it here plus two from Wizards memory and that brings me to the end of the video if you like it leave it a like consider subscribing for more guides to come and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: LukeCanWin
Views: 39,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BaldursGate3, Act3Buffs, PartialCeremorphosis, UnstableBlood, MonksCurse, VampireAscendant, MirrorOfLoss, TharehiateVigor, DanseMacabre, RPGguide, BG3gameplay, BlushingMermaid, OpenHandTemple, CazadorsDungeon, HouseOfGrief, RamazithsTower, AstralTadpole, MistyEscape, BG3walkthrough, legendarybuffs, weaponbonuses, BG3secrets, characterenhancement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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