Baldur's Gate 3: All Act 1 Side Quests Guide | Full Dialogue Walkthrough

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hey guys Luke back with another video this one's gonna be all about all side quests and act one I ran a poll on my community and they asked for this one with full dialogue so I won't be skipping any dialogue and I won't be showing each and every single possible dialogue choice that would just take ages so I'm just going to show you the most interesting ones at least in my opinion and with that said this is also not going to show any companion quests because they are not side quests so if you came here looking for that I'm sorry and with that said if you like it leave it a like consider subscribing for more guides to come and I'm going to go ahead and get started first side quest I'm going to show you is free lizelle and it's probably one you'll do either way but it is technically a side quest and it's just right here where you first start the game near the roadside cliffs just right here and I'll go ahead and talk to them right twice as ugly leave it for the Goblins to kill and if it escapes how will you oh a guest skull pounds in response to the prisoner's white hot stair her lips don't move yet you hear her voice get rid of them I'm gonna do persuasion he's right no one's safe if that thing goes loose not even us maze enough lower the Trap radio blade you've put one chance and now attack the tieflings so I'm going to but you don't have to this gives you an inspirational event for Australian rats and it's also just free XP and there's the quest complete auspicious but the longer we wait the more it consumes my people possess the cure for this infection I must find a crush you will join me careful she obviously sees your kindness as weakness don't let her take advantage as many things Hatchery a training grounds a shelter give Yankee protocol is clear when infected with a gate tadpole we must report to August still for purification you may as well suggest a wyvern bow to worms The Cure I offer will suffice his thanks you are full up dismiss your weakest Warrior all right and that's Quest complete next up is the explore the ruins side quest and if you want to do this one you'll need to head near the roadside Cliffs right after you saved lizelle and then you'll speak to the bandits that are in this area got company up here whoosh this thing trying to creep around us and loot the Crypt not happening or is it the ship you're after don't matter either way it's ours all of it I'm gonna use persuasion well uh in that case come on you lot no point in getting killed second worm gets the cheese and all um second mouse gets the cheese no nobody's getting any damn cheese now move it and now that they're out of here we can make our way down into the Crypt you can optionally break let me zoom out a little bit this thing right here and it'll knock this hole open that's an option or you can come back here and lock pick this door or interact with it everything all right out there then you can pass a deception or performance check Oh I thought that it wasn't safe out there get inside and I'll rustle up some bandages and that will be a free inspirational event for a stereo in there and now we can make our way inside and fight the bandits and I'll go ahead and teleport after that and then once you're down inside of the ruins and you've killed all the bandits inside you can head to the back room with the Statue and in the back you'll pass a perception check for a lever and that will open this door right here and then once you're inside of here you can go over here we need to get a key out of the sarcophagus right here this is a trapped room so I'm gonna go ahead and just put my guys out here and then grab the key and get out foreign we can open the heavy oak doors for a tip if you want to you can loot all the zombies in the area because they are going to attack us and then that will take away their weapons I didn't think anyone still worshiped him go ahead and hit the button s and then once all the skeletons are dead can come back in here it'll be a heavy chest right here with an amulet in it it's pretty nice to have and then you can go ahead and open the sarcophagus [Applause] foreign now I have a question for thee what is the worth of a single mortal's life curiosity nothing more wilt thou answer my question again what is the worth of a single mortal life and death so very well I am satisfied we have met and I Know Thy face we will see each other again at the proper time and place farewell and that is the side quests complete the next side quest you're going to come across is called save the refugees and you'll find it right before you enter the Druid Grove here after the roadside Cliffs once you come up here you're going to do a cut scene and I'll go ahead and let you watch it nobody gets in order what's going on I've listened to run our tail open the gate the floor now you let goblins here where is The Druids please there's no time thank you we got nine Hells open the gates damnable Roach provoke the blade and suffer it sting and now you go ahead and finish the Goblins off and I'll skip past that [Music] and now that they're defeated I'm gonna head to the gate go inside for our lives you led them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable he's right we should scrum while we can right lead the Goblins here then leave the rest of us to fight them off you What's it gonna take to shut you upwards human's eye twitches he's about to blow go ahead and try to pass the persuasion check it's a pretty hard one it's a 15 DC laughs you're right there's too much at stake worried about your precious eyes the both of you enough squabbling is pointless the Goblins have found us at least we agree on that and now we can go ahead and talk to zavalor forgive that display adidine's a blow hard but that's no cause for me to join him thank you for your help out there I'm zevlo well met I should warn you visitors are no longer welcome in this Grove whatever your business I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their resolve there have been several attacks by different monsters The Druids blame us Outsiders for drawing them here nobody's welcome anymore they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave we are no Fighters I've tried corger their new first Druid won't even see me you though I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place perhaps you could persuade her for more time to prepare if nothing else let's not forget why we're here no point in wasting precious time on the lost cause we know you are great debt if we are forced to leave now we won't make it to the city you'll find The Druids at the heart of the Grove please make them see sense before more lives are lost all right now we can go down and talk to kagga and you can do that just by going around and going down over this way you can lock the camera so you guys can see it just go down and go into this door and I'll meet you there on your way down to kaga you're going to run into a group of people and they're going to give you another side quest called save Arabella right now she's a thief hell spawn and you will wait for Kroger's judgment now get back oh let me through Miracle chaperon rickets and throw it out all right now we can go ahead and talk to komira Bella out now you heard the guards they're waiting on Corker to give word I'd sooner Trek through the nine health and trust that snake a rebelled fry to steal their Idol Druids lost their damn Minds about it they need it for their precious ritual now arabella's being judged by a bunch of Druids who hate us that's not right sounds like she made the Fatal mistake of getting caught we shouldn't get involved thank you they won't give us the time of day all right give him a chance you get back drew it or not you're still an outsider to this place entry is forbidden a moment Gianna what oh I understand apparently Corker wants to see you go ahead and now we can go in and talk to kagger and she will be harassing Arabella and threatening to kill her so we need to stop that from happening I'm sorry [Music] please I'm sorry this is madness korga this is just a what wrath a thief a poison a threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger and find her you have milk bad poison before single drop of it could kill that child in a heartbeat tree father's words your circle taught well you know then that Sylvanas spoke further the parasite must be removed for new seed to grow yet behold the parasite lives she eats our food drinks our water then steals our most holy Idol in thanks wrath lock her up she remains here until the right is complete and keep still devil Tila is restless come cougar we took back the idol surely do it snakes hiss of approval reveals its intentions should the child struggle it is poised to strike the death of a child Timeless tragedy that never grows old go ahead and try to persuade them to not kill her I'm gonna go ahead and save just in case it doesn't work but it should I hear the tree father's spirit in your words it is as you say to me out Thief my Grace has its limits hurt thank you Koga Master Holston halsin isn't here keep his name off your tongue lest Tila pierce it and now we can speak to kagga to complete the save the refugees question say it you think I'm a monster I know you're kind from other circles you see only villains and victims a Viper Bears her fangs defending her brood I call her mother you call her monster no matter I took back the idol of Sylvanas and the writers resumed we will seal the Grove free from harm free of intruders the right of thorns it is the tree father's gift that none come to harm when we speak the final prayer the great find will Sprout forth The Grove will be cloaked in Bramble and Thorne no one enters no one leaves sanctuary teachings come into Focus the right of thorns is a rare practice outlawed in most circles for causing more harm than it eases none of this can happen while Outlanders infect us Sylvanas demands that we choke them out a disease of the flower must not reach the root pluck the petals sever the branch if you must cut out the rot before it infects the whole of the wood teachings of the tree father do you agree then you know I heed his wisdom I protect the circle whatever the cost you showed great metal at the gate the metal of a skilled sword for hire I want you to provide your services to sevlor offered to guide The Outlanders out of the Grove I'm sure they'll reward you well they're to be gone before final prayer if they are not the Viper must strike you will do more than speak this tale ends but one way with the Outlander rot cleansed and the Grove forever shrouded said to the right of thorns a rare art plucked from illicit domains when the prayer ends Vines curl upwards from the earth and Thorns Sprout Falls within are isolated and those without rejected isolation breeds violence few circles survive it there is more to culga's tale The Grove must hide her secrets and then after talking to kagga you can head back over this way and we need to investigate her just back in this way and then back here will be kaga's chest you'll need a lock pick it and then you can read this note and that will basically say that she's working with the shadow Druids and now we can go turn in save Arabella back at komira and I'll go ahead and skip over there you ever scare me like that again and I'll feed you to a null mom I'm fine stop it our little Hellion told us what happened thank you don't know what we do without her I did but I was robbed wouldn't know anything about that would you marry all we can offer is our thanks Arabella thank you for helping me and that will give you come here as locket and now we're gonna go back to zavalor over here and talk now and now that I'm back at zablar I'm gonna go ahead and talk to him I heard what happened thank you for protecting the child if The Druids are this far gone then it's not just goblins we have to fear so we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road quite the choice isn't it it's good of you to offer but there's a whole Army of goblins out there we'd need an army of our own to escort us safely to Baldur's Gate and while I don't doubt your abilities you're no Army there may be a way though goblins are a little disciplined it's unlike them to organize so cleverly somebody must be leading them bringing discipline to their ranks take out that leadership and they'll scatter it's no small thing to ask but I've seen you fight you're equal to the task if Nettie can't help you you'll need to go to Baldur's Gate and you'll face the same threats as us along the way kill the goblins and you'll clear the way for yourself as well please tell me you will everyone in this Camp depends on it thank you we'll be ready to leave as soon as you give word all right and now to do the next two parts investigate kagga and defeat the Goblins we need to go later on in the game and of course near the blighted village and then also in the goblin Camp so can't do that right now because I haven't unlocked those areas and I'll go ahead and add them later on in the video and I'll have the time stamp name the same that way you guys can navigate it and then directly after talking to zevilar here in the Druid Grove we can speak to Eridan and pick up the Night song Quest the beginning of it if it ain't the Fearless Goblin Slayer you sure you want to be seen with me I ain't exactly popular with this lot half my crew are full of holes now I'm gonna take the blame for leading the Goblins here and losing track of the bloody druid the chest us all the way from the ruins we're poking around in I his name's halstein and if he's still alive he'll be cursed in the day laid eyes on me we've got a contract to track down some Relic and he wanted in on the job I slits up when he heard about it didn't work out though Goblin's gone when we return in sale these are the digging the trains are boiling in a cook pot by now job's all yours if you got death wish there's a wizard in Boulder's Gate the opaque goblos for a relic supposedly buried round these parts but gold in any use if you're too cold to spend it it's called The Night song supposed to be hidden under the temple where the Goblins jumped us I'd give you the map and wish you a happy funeral but Mama Brian kept hold of it like his own charger goblins made sure to the fat old chunk all I've got is the contract it'll show you where we turn back if you feel like dying don't thank me I'll be well on my way to Baldur's Gate when you die all right and for the next part of this Quest we'll have to go over to the goblin camp and I will be doing that later so we can skip ahead in the time stamp if you want to see the next part all right and now we're going to do the Quest for steal the idol and to do this one you can just head to the emerald Grove and we're going to speak to this kid named Donnie right here I'm gonna do it as a Starion because he gets a rogue Advantage check as right past you as if you're invisible or boring staring right past you turn around see nothing out of the ordinary as you turn back the child slips between the rocks you find the edges of a concealed entrance and now we can go down in and talk to them all well look who's come to visit my kids say you've been busy since you got here you saved Arabella from The Druids don't know what those bosses would have done and we're happy to be helped now what can I do for you making sure we're ready to leave when the time comes I do as a matter of fact Revenge you saw what those bastards that run the place were going to Arabella scaring the precious might I want to steal that Big Shiny Idol they're all chanting at the important thing is to get it away from them that Rachel's gonna get us all killed and we can sell it once we get to the city thing like that's gotta be worth a small fortune sure when we sell it in the city I'll make sure you get your cut be careful they look as brittle as old bark but they're vicious anything else you've been a friend to us come back anytime all right now I'm going to head back to the emerald Grove Center and steal the idol and now that I'm back at the center of the emerald Grove I'm just going to steal the idol here and I'm just going to use a Darkness Arrow to do that once I steal it I'm going to teleport out to the Waypoint that way the idol isn't seen as stolen so that way they don't just begin killing all the tieflings and then I'm gonna walk back in and turn it in and now that I'm back at mole I'm going to turn it in feeling you'd be back thanks see you in Baldur's Gates I hope now scram before I get emotional and that will give you the Ring of protection next up we have investigate the beach and to do this Quest you head to the top right of the emerald Grove and then go right to here [Music] drownings will take place in shallow water slice of the ankle tendons don't you hear it it's no no it's just a bit of water I only want to listen Just a Little Closer yes everything's gonna be fine once I get there all right and go ahead and defeat the harpies are they gone no yes I mean I don't know that's what the voice said I almost got to the nest but the singing I need to get back mole will be so mad wait um you should meet mole she'll be grateful you helped me find a boy called Donnie tell him you want to see the Dragon's Lair all right now we can go back up and talk to Donnie as you got him out of a tight spot with some harpies gotta say I'm impressed anyway you want to talk you've been a friend to us come back anytime that's the quest complete next up is save the Goblin sazer and if you want to do this one go to the top of the emerald Grove up this way and then I recommend bringing like invisibility to turn her invisible and I'm gonna do long Strider as well to make her faster but you need to escort her out and you'll be stopped by a bunch of people you will have to pass a series of checks if they stop you you ain't gonna shoot me your hands are shaking put it down can't fight back that's the point get out of the way she didn't kill your brother ARCA you're better than this shoot before you lose your nerve tiefling if you ever had it to begin with looks like the absolute sent me a protector you're gonna kill him too you move you're right I wish you weren't I really do damn you damn it but why do you care if a goblin lives or dies heart will be the death of us right it's all right ARCA let's go all right and then now you can rescue her by waiting for them to leave and then lock picking this gate a long way from waterdeep now I'm gonna use the invisibility on saza after I speak to her me my tribes coming they're gonna burn this burn this place for the glory of the absolute and then you buy your guts goddess we're burning her name across the face of the world we are the absolute is gold from the sky she is the blessing in the storm and the storm itself well maybe she sent you to help me and you will if you want to save your skin help me escape and I'll tell my mates to leave you alone what do you say we have a deal it's a deal and she will give you access to the goblin Camp My Tribe ain't as friendly as I am happily lead the way and now you'll need to escort her away and I'm just gonna do like I said earlier and do long striders ability and then we can just walk out and now we have our escorted to safety she should chat with us what does that mean exactly Augusta will have fixed the safest ah I thought I was never gonna get out of there good to be free again gotta say never break a promise unless there's something in it for me I'll introduce you to my whole tribe and put in a good word for you see at the camp all right and now we can go ahead and continue I'm gonna go to the goblin Camp much later in the video so skip to the next time stamp next up we have the rescue The Gnome side quest and to do this one go to blighted Village and then right over here will be a windmill with a gnome attached to it unfortunately and go ahead and persuade these goblins into releasing him [Music] another little little birdie want in warning fly stop this thing flat nose Wings some more and I'll feed you a worm and you hope you got a stomach for rights bloody look like we're teaching this year pipsqueak to fly cause it makes me laugh release the gnome you want this little cave lurking what's it find your own Hazel's as the thimble glows power courses through you Authority go ahead and do whichever one you want whichever one helps you pass all right yes whatever you want a shiver runs across your mind you feel sated the Goblins nostrils flare nervously all of his Bluster seems to vanish we're leaving are we supposed to bring into well I said we're leaving I apologies sir we didn't mean to doubt a true soul we'll be off all right and now you can go release them all you have to do to release them is hit this button right here stop the windmill cut me loose postulant thugs well get on with it you saved me now you'll extort me that's how this works yes my own fault really I should have dropped my pack and outrun those bastards alas take my pack if you can find it the only reason those goblins caught me was its weight I'll travel lightly from now on ignorance is alive and well it seems deep gnomes aren't restricted to the underdark you know I've lived in Boulder's Gate for years I'm in search of a friend I fear he's in trouble see this I gave it to him years ago before I left home I found it around the neck of a thug in the lower City it was speckled with blood my friend nowhere to be found but I still have hope I have reason to believe he's in the underdark hopefully I'll pick up his trail from there I always help my friend on that note farewell if we should meet again well we will have met again all right that's the quest complete next up I'm going to show you how to do the search the seller side quest so you can get quasi the summon as well as the Forbidden Knowledge permanent buff that gives you plus one the wisdom saving Heroes and ability checks if you want to do this one you can come to blighted Village and then enter the Apothecary building go ahead and open this hatch you can move these crates to the side and then pull the lever and then we need to loot a casket up ahead to get quasi he's a little demon go ahead and use his scroll [Music] you recognize the tiny fiend a closet Wicked creatures often used as familiars wait you know Ellie the blacksmith the teacher the grocer the baker little piggies to the butcher so your shovel's master now fine because we shovel don't like it change it so well first Master Gotti locals raising the date making them walk making them scream Yes master is fun more fun than Illy Amy's so busy only cares about the book book this book that oh oh Master should go see door to the mirror and remember Balsam weapons all right now we have quasi or shovel the Quasi rather and you can summon him anytime you want now and then go ahead and talk to this mirror step forward foreign the next set of answers require specific ones to pass so I will tell you them pick two tell me [Music] to clean a wound acceptable finally if you could see anything in me what would it be to cure myself [Music] welcome all right and now that we are inside we can go over to here and read the book on the table and then go ahead and disarm this trap and open the store looks like I forgot estarian outside so I'd have to use will here actually just use myself come get me out don't mind taking a little bit of damage go ahead and pick up the book over here it does set off these gargoyles but I don't really care that much come out here and then read the book night time to rest his lock tight no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those all those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in you can sense something dark about this term something profane a cursed book how obvious whoever opens it deserves the Fate that befalls them we surely shouldn't leave such a threat out where anyone could stumble across it all right and then you can destroy the tone by using radiant damage or holy damage and the next part of the quest is in a different area so I'm going to go ahead and teleport over that way and to continue the unlock the ancient Tome quest You'll need to come to the blighted Village and then go down this well right here overgrowth of moss the world looks unremarkable the coin disappears into the well after a moment you hear a soft clink not a splash giant webs they're alert they're Spinners all right and now we are in a new underground cave-like area and then we need to progress through the cave and there will be a big boss spider and then we'll be able to get an unusual gem in here as well for our book for the next part you'll need to progress your way through the spider area to where you get to the left side where you see the big phase spider matriarch boss and then you'll need to loot this dark amethyst gem down here see it right here and then defeat the boss fight if you want to I don't even think you actually have to fight it you can just go sneak and take it if you'd like to but I'm gonna fight it the trick to the boss fight is to disable its eggs because it will hatch them mid fight and there's another group of eggs over this way and now I'll go ahead and skip to the next part and now that the spider boss is defeated you can go ahead and loot the gem right here the dark amethyst and then you'll put it in your book make sure the character you want the buff for is the one you have that opens the book an oval recess in the cover's mouth you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those eyes draw you in you can sense something dark about this term I think profane that looks terribly heavy why didn't you let me carry it for you the book's pool is irresistible you feel changed bettered for having opened it suddenly you are capable of anything mountains darkening Suns conversing with the Dead glyphs shift gently before your eyes words slip into your mind onto your lips forming words you don't understand something is is trying to reply then you'll have to pass a series of saving Pros wisdom A Simple Start Beneath Your Eyes warping and twisting your head throbs but you almost understand [Applause] the world around you is gone and only see those glyphs givenly hear those voices Shadows pull at you dragging you closer this one's a 20 DC so you might have to use inspiration for this one the glitz is green branding your mind with strange rooms I'm Rewritten fate I'm done your future thrumming with power struggle to cling to scraps of what you know powerful necromancy you're sure it dots away the book snaps closed seen too much what profane knowledge is now seared inside of you you should never have known and that's how you get the Forbidden Knowledge buff and complete the quest for unlocking the ancient tone next up is finish the Masterwork weapon if you want to start this one you can head over to the blighted Village and then go to this building and go right here and in the corner you'll see a journal right here and that's how you start it then make your way over this way and you can break these webs and jump down in or you can grab this key which I believe is the key to the door below me right here but I'm just gonna go through here and now we can jump down in be careful there are traps go ahead and disarm this chest foreign and then inside it you'll find the blueprints right here and then it'll say you need to find the saucer bark which is down in the underdark and I'm not going to the underdark until I finish completing the entire top side map so that will be later on in the video you can just skip to the next time stamp to start find the missing shipment you'll head up to the blighted village and then go north up this way and then there will be a lot of hyenas here if you had to talk to them they didn't creature's eyes roll back in its head equal parts Bliss and agony her awful smell irresistible and while her Blood Feast has filled her the hyena is not yet sated come see my flesh becomes new flesh you hear what comes next before you see the sharp snapping of Bones and a Yelp of pain as her body starts to twist and undulate you engrave her pained meals upon your heart her back arch is impossibly a Grace made possible only by it being broken bones snap as the hyena is hollowed From the Inside Out forming a vessel something new her belly splits like a rotten fruit birthing a frenzy of Claws and fangs all right the raw hate of Life reared from the miracle of death a tear almost Springs to your eye all right now I'm gonna go ahead and bite the hyenas and then we can head north and continue up this way there is a side entrance over here that you can do a back door on them that way you don't have to run into the Knolls up front and that's what I'm gonna do figured I'd tell you guys real quick who the hell get over here and help if we don't deal with them nose none of us are getting out of here alive fine he's useless to dead man there you are fairly bought and paid for let's take them all right now I'm gonna go ahead and fight that the Knolls outside here and then once they're defeated you can go talk to Ruben oh well even down the ladder thank the gods that's over we should been with us when the beasts attacked on the road might have been more survivors I don't suppose you saw any of my crew alive out there this whole Journey's been one Grim size after another Knowles goblins drow resin roads more dangerous than ever you're the first friendly face we've seen since Elder guard we're Bound for Baldur's Gate got some cargo to deliver but we've a stop to make along the way were Kane's rest it's just up the road I'd be enjoying a mug of Ale right now if those beasts hadn't jumped as listen you look like you know how to handle yourself you should meet my associates we've got our own drinking spot by The Tavern Invitation Only tell the fellow on the door little serpent long shadow he'll take good care of you thank you shame we lost so many agents but the chest is all that matters Cyrus did have our hides if we lost it black hand to be thanked I didn't think anyone would find us we'll take the chest back to The Hideout I owe you a drink lots of drinks since when does a mule know what it carries all right and now you can take the chest to The xantrum Hideout in joaquin's rest and I'll go ahead and show you guys how to do that and I'd also like to give you a warning that if you open it you will get locked out of a vendor that has a ton of rare items on them so if you want those rare items don't open this chest but if you do open it there's a Beholder and a bottle and you can throw the bottle and release the beholder so that's up to you what choice you want to make the next side quest is hunt the devil and if you want to start this one you can come over to where I am now under the Risen Road Waypoint above the bladed Village and then you'll come inside of this building right here and you'll speak to this guy who who's there please keep your distance you're welcome to shelter here but we've grave injuries to tend to a devil the most deadly foe we've yet encountered we are paladins of tear Lord of Justice he sent us after an infernal being so straight out of the nine Hells hiding in the form of a one-horned tiefling one horn then you mean karlak Arch Devil's boot licker you know her which means you know what the fiend is capable of she slaughtered countless refugees fleeing the absolute yesterday she butchered an entire family without Mercy we were lucky to survive our encounter with her she ran toward the river when she saw we were merely wounded not dead down the hill from here she must pay for her crimes if you capture her you will have served here where we could not this is the Sword of Justice blessed by tear I've wielded it since I swore my oath it's all I have but it's yours if you stop her bring me her head and tear will consider her crimes repaid May the just God guide you all right and for the next part we need to head down over this way you can easily just walk down over I'll go ahead and teleport and you should probably have will with you because they have like special dialogue with each other oh one horn the stink of a furnace advocateus diaboli well I'll be God's stand the blade of Frontiers thought I'd shaken you for good that'll teach me to underestimate you bloody right an honor to be chased by the blade of Frontiers but I a great heat Roars through you her heat fiery as the as the shells then your last envisions of demonic armies as you as you tear through a landscape of Fire and Blood the blood warm sword from above us the north will always pass through awareness this woman was on the front line what was that evidence proof that you're a devil a gladiator in the archdevil zariel's army I can explain the situation if you just hear me out another Vision kylax Blade Raid slicing through Devils zarya's servants as her highest Dart around seeking Escape her rage and Desperation seep she is a victim of the blood War an agent of it trying to trick us don't believe her lies you saw the truth I never wanted to serve Zario I was enlisted in her Army against my will forced to fight and fight I did when I saw an opportunity to get away I took it finally home near It Anyway You served her that's enough to damn you now you'll have to make a choice between having her killed or not and she does become a companion for your group so you can make whatever Choice you'd like I'm gonna go ahead and protect her will catches his breath and his lips straighten she had dread twists his face you don't know what you're saying you're asking me to trust the devil listen to sense now I don't want this to end badly for either of us you know monsters right better than anyone look into my eyes can't you see I'm not what you think you really are no devil are you I've I've been deceived oh thank the gods thought I was gonna have to take your head you would have died in the attempt but there have been enough threats today truth then I truths and you are well met Soldier nice to meet you friendly around here it's been tough going so far I may not be a devil but I can put the Blade's reputation to work how would you feel about helping me kill some evil bastards little background if your moral compass needs something to Point At You already know I fought in the blood War I was good really good it turns out I've got a knack for killing demons that made me a valuable asset zariel the arch devil herself made me as her personal attack dog I played along until I could get the [ __ ] out of there but Devils don't like to lose their assets as Ariel liked it so little she sent a bunch of goons so-called paladins of tear to take me back problem is I'm not going [ __ ] yes they cornered me outside the toll house just up the hill doubt they've gone far after the scorching I gave him then we can work on evicting this parasite and take favor and buy their short hairs sound good sounds great I'd hug you if it wouldn't Scorch your skin off ah hang on though looks like you've got enough backup at your side not sure there's room for me I'll catch up with you when it's time to camp for now but don't get to any of the fun stuff without me got it all right you've been witness to a pantomime I'm sorry to say and I've played my part all too poorly it means that a reckoning is coming and I'll be the one to pay up God's what now do you have a tax collector on your tail you're closer than you think one night soon when we make camp the veil will be lifted and I'll pay my penance you're not in any danger I promise I can't say the same about me and I went ahead and went back to camp and got Carlock so he could bring her along to confront the paladins he brought her here we won't survive another assault leave us in peace and we shall leave you in kind the crap Anders I know what you are don't let her hurt us please we just want to go home okay the arch Duchess will be delighted when we return with carlac's head on a pike I never was good at playing the coward there is no Beast here or in the hells I fear not with her ladyships protection least of all this dog you do well to reconsider your alliance with this animal she destroys all she touches useful in the blood War ningly dangerous anywhere else Rage or you want carlak burn with the might of the hells zaryel will find you she will bring you home in pieces and your little friends will have to watch unless we feed you their eyeballs first the furnace was never my home it was my president I'm free now and I never going back all right I'm gonna go ahead and kill these guys [ __ ] follow real I won't go back I'm never coming back and if any of Mommy's little friends want to pick up where the others left off they'll find nothing but a pile of Ash zario's gotta stop [ __ ] with me you know I'm done with it I'm done with her I'm free hahaha one bad day all right and that should be the quest complete yep you can see it right here hunt the devil completed and now we can go over towards the joaquin's rest area and do a quest over there and now we can continue and do walk-in's rest there are a few quests you can do here the first one is rescue the trapped man and the other one is rescue the Grand Duke which goes into act three and then the other thing is that you can go down into The xantrum Hideout and do a couple quests there but I'll go on to that later let's go ahead and do rescue the trapped man and rescue the Grand Duke key of the unsleeping eyes grant me the might to carry this burden grant me the faith to face Darkness without fear a massacre drow and Goblin slaughtered the lot please just leave me be foreign someone needs help keep putting Duke Raven God could be inside or cancer three one two Raven guard it's here yes now make yourself useful push damn it push hurry we don't have much time all right and the first one we're gonna do is rescue the Grand Duke actually I'm gonna go ahead and do rescue the trapped man real quick opening it could spell trouble go over here I'm going to use my strength character to try to help them the fire hurry get this thing off me [Music] you did it thank you now how the hell do we get out of here the smoke I can't see a damn thing right I'll try to keep up go ahead and take your strength character and break this foreign and then you can take them out this way oh no Gods no no no you should have stayed you should have been with me I was in our room we had a fight if I just kept my mouth shut about that Bloody Dowry she's still be here for a sister's wedding they made a stupid joke about keeping it we argued about it for hours Dorian left she said I'd never see her again she was right I'm sorry Mary I'm so sorry just go a moment with her all right now we can go rescue the Grand Duke or do that Quest go ahead and break this oh but thanks Mr Waite counselor Floric are you all right well by the main cup I'll come with you a story best left for karma days now breathe deeply are you in pain scorched throat a few hairs singed off nothing a bit of time and fresh air can't cure Gauntlet a new duty calls drow have taken Grand Duke older Raven guard Westward if my eyes and ears can be believed report to the manic and send for reinforcements we must find the Juke on your command counselor no it can't be you mean they've taken my yes will the drow have your father the circumstance of my birth is no matter of Pride for neither me nor my father but pride is no reason to refuse help to my own flesh and blood how can we help rescue Raven Guard from his drow captors Baldur's Gate needs him now more than ever trust us to see it through counselor Leah travel with the blade of Frontiers who might I trust if not a legend who might rise to the moment if not Raven God's own son the invisible force holding Boulders gate together without him the city's collapse is certain I fear that may have been the intention of those who abducted him thank you when the Grand Duke returns to the city Bill Hale is only son a hero go you should pick up the drow trail with ease I will seek reinforcements and join you when I can remember will courage is found in the battle against fear not in the defeat of it so father said I won't soon forget fist to work all right and then you'll get a quest item [ __ ] you can put distance between you when yesterday but you'll never leave it fully behind father's words hard to argue with them Floric spoke true I'm a grand Duke's son Raven God Duke in the city thank you that means a lot but I wonder what makes a Duke of Boulder's Gate so interesting to the drow even the houses of menzo baranzen would have little use for my father no this is no drow plot these at absolute Nutters these true souls are behind his abduction his absence alone will sow chaos in the city if they were to infect him he could lead Boulder's Gate to ruin all the more reason to find him the absolute has seized not just my father but the future of the Soul Coast I know and you're right my story is one of two men the blade of Frontiers a man hunting the fiends who prey on the weak and Claw at the coast and will ravengard a memory of a memory a man who belongs to the Past I wanted you to know the blade not the shadow he left behind all right and then now we can go over this way and go down into the Zant term hideout and then to finish the rescue the trapped man Quest this one right here all you have to do is go over to here right near the building you just save the guy in and then pass a perception check on this Haystack that'll pop out a gilded chest with the Dowry ring I was expecting and then we can take that back over to what is Ash what's his face oh I found the chest I think it's yours I know this doesn't change anything but it helps thank you I need some time alone with her say goodbye and that concludes the quest now if you want to continue find the missing shipment and get the next quest for the artist you can go up to the top left and then go inside of here by moving these crates okay you spot a man crouching between the shelves just as he spots you [ __ ] dwarfs flaming fist we're down you go then they'll be on this soon so if you're looking to trade you best be quick entrance is hidden behind the Wardrobe here's the key now we can head on down in it's down here and so honestly and maybe we'll kill you clean then your answer decides his fate as well as your own so make it good that just tells me you've met my people not why you're here in their Stead really that information would be worth quite a bit to me if you're telling the truth we've disarmed the traps come down and now we just need to go talk to her and now we can talk to her [Music] job as black bones you did it I'm still sealed you're a goddamn Wonder here's your coin actual professionals are rare you ever want more work come and see me in the gate our Trader can show you some of our more exotic items now but don't delay this place is likely to be Rubble soon someone kidnapped a Duke right on our bloody doorstep the Flaming fist will need someone to blame I don't plan on it being us all right that'll give us the herald crossbow and we can go down and get the free the artist Quest as well as check out what new items are in his inventory hmm well don't you cut a fine figure want your portrait done if you have the gold my pet artist will make your most heroic a likeness let's say we're is patrons yeah found him wondering the Wilds alone he needs protection and if his paintings cover our costs so much they're better hey I am I'm open to offers mate threats not so much I doubt you've got that kind of Dosh line about you can either do persuasion and and or intimidation or Pam I'm going to go ahead and try to persuade him it's going to be a tough one let's go ahead and do everything we can here we go all right so maybe I was fishing no fooling you I'll take them for six hours don't forget to feed him he balls something proper and now we can go ahead and check the extra items all fire and fuel that he gets in his inventory from turning in the shipment unopened all right back already and I think that's it I can't say I've ever been bought before how much did I fetch no don't tell me there's nothing so depressing as learning one's True Value well you should at least know what you've paid for I am the Oscar feveras At Your Service a genuine pleasure I'm in your debt as is my Patron my betrothed I should say assuming lady Jenner still wishes to marry me after a little um falling out you look cool though recent scandal the patriarch of Boulder's Gate who wished to marry a commoner I did not run away a date was never set there were complications before my thing my Patron there was a another woman when I plan to spend my life with but when lady Janice offered me a future well it felt only right to mention my past right but unwise I was forced to retreat into the countryside to paint and to clear my head choose I suppose absolutely none I'm Fame they very well no doubt and yet I think of that first love and I hesitate luckily I'm going mad regardless we have more immediate concerns your reward once I've returned to the city for one say you I wish you could spare some coin could you ease the discomforts of the road some a hero to the hilt take me out in the city truly beneath my brush you'll live forever until Boulder's Gate then all right and that's free the art is done and you won't see him again until act three next up we have save marina and you can begin that one right here just under the blighted village just go ahead and approach these people right here drop the ACT hug you was the last to see me Arena just let her go please thank goodness you're here sweetie I I know what's come over these boys stop this we we won't ask again careful don't trust the word out of her mouth our sister went to the hug and we ain't seen her since hand over harsh I don't know their sister I will gladly help you what I look for it though enough where is she potlucks you were supposed to rush to my defense love of God you are advice you have a darkened my door you'd best have that head bowed and an apology at the ready bye bye now bloody health she just disappeared I didn't see nothing like that before she could shoot fireworks out of her backside for all I care the hug has greener it's her sister Marina she's well she was in a bad way after her husband died started saying weird things like how she was gonna bring him back next thing she's gone looking for the hag of all the stupid things to do and we haven't seen her since and no good ever came from dealing with a hag none of this matters all right we need to get her back and fast are you joking I ain't got a clue who you are no way I'm leaving Arena to you but Joel not a chance we're getting her back on our own now come on all right now we have the save marina Quest and to continue it we need to head down into the swamp so go ahead and make your way down that way and now that we're down in the swamp area we can continue investigate kaga so go ahead and head down here under the blighted village and come to where these bridges are near the water and go ahead and jump over this way there will be some enemies here to fight these mud methods go ahead and fight these guys and I'll see you on the other side and now that the enemies are defeated we can go ahead and investigate there's a lot of uh slow stuff here so be ready to walk one mile per hour what's that connect there and now we can return the KAG I believe yep so now you can go ahead and return to kaga if you want to but I'm going to go ahead and continue the anti-ethyl quest line and now we can continue trying to rescue Marina down here in the swamp and doing anti-ethyl's questline so just come on down this way I'll show it again real quick by the Riverside Tea House I don't want to crumb left on that plate girl Auntie Ethel please one more bye and this pie is gonna come back up to say hello don't make me get the wooden spoon we're eating for two so get to it if it isn't the cheekiest pop of them all best have worn Hells of an apology for me young man ah I do like the melty ones you know I was gonna give you a swift kick up the ass and show you the door but I think you and I could have a bit of fun together God's ground me patience each up Marina I won't say it again keep that hole under your nose shut oh things will get messy that hack doesn't tell us what to do what is it what's going on that can't be true auntie ettle they were being rude and I detest rudeness [Music] for way would you blessed silence at last some time in the cage should do her good and you you'll regret sticking your nose in my business thank you [Music] all right now I got a fighter and eventually she'll open up a little hole right here so go ahead and Skip to that you are as thick as they come sweetness this is my personal Playhouse and you don't have an invite get out regular eating you all ready leave oh you'll end up in tonight's stew we'll go nicely with me Arena she's already marinating interacting with these things is optional but I'll go ahead and show you guys what's that my sweet Callum the tiffer fade you edge closer to the mirror a pale face appears contorted in fear fists Slam against the mirror's surface again and again what is this place my darling she wished for the mind of a genius but that silly head crushed me all right this poor dear wished never to lay eyes on her family again ravaged him and you can actually get rid of that petrification but I don't have a way to do that at the moment look no no don't look mustn't look myself see I see it what's to come me dead dead bones Shining no future bone splitting knife twisting skull screaming future gods don't hurt me oh please please please please please please monster or mind dripping flesh peeling my flayer no no no no no no I'm sorry no intention of letting that happen you feel crushing waves of beer as the presence within the door recoils let people through not again you see the gallery it's walls lined with The Hags victims bodies and Minds Twisted Beyond ruin flee you feel it crying appears in your mind two paladins and a cleric marching through the door shrouded in the glow of the Divine weapons brandished they charge into the hag's lair screams of Terror pierced the air you let them in naughty that's a decade for each you're mine for 30 more years pecker the door stays silent form flickers and you realize that the door is transparent relax you see the hag eyes bright with Glee as she sets fire to the door Jack you're pulled from the vision presence within shrinks begging you not to run through it and I will do a fight and I'll see you on the other side of that all right now that we've defeated those enemies and navigated our way through that poisonous area we can continue on and speak with Ethel you'll come to my home interfere in my business and now have the goal to face me in the heart of my children I'll rip your spine out your [ __ ] I'll use your blood test spice myself I'll keep you alive until life sucks and do it all over again and she'll split up and you'll need to find which one and then send somebody over to hit this control orb make sure that when she splits up Marina to not kill Marina I'm guessing the one with slightly more health is probably the one that's hurt wait ah wait just a tick killing me is a waste of time I'll find a way to return always have always will but it's Pleasant so how about we be civilized about this hmm I have something you want this happens whenever you get her to low Health by the way and there's a few things that you can get from this interaction Marina gives you her locket as well as bitter divorce what's up which lets you have a summon that is a zombie which is her husband and then the other thing that you get is a permanent stat increase from Ethel but she's worthless to you don't love take me please shut it you won't be a babe girl and I'll take it whether you like it or not and I believe you can get both of the things you want to be stronger tougher smarter done anything is possible just let me keep the girl and her babe please she's dreaming if she thinks we'd leave Marina here it's your choice sweetness you can do one of these and try to pass it and I believe that's how you get the both of them it's a pretty hard DC as you can see that's fine here uh not soon forget this witness you have my word but the deal what about my husband what happens to him deals off you dumb cow and you have him to thank for it not the dead mattress I'll find another just as plump and ripe I can set up shop elsewhere people always need lotions and potions oh don't act like you want to miss me bye bye better all right now you get to choose between a stat buff it's all the main stats so I'm gonna do wisdom there we go now I got wisdom and then to continue the quest we just head on through here I speak to him Marina here too stupid how can I have trusted her I almost gave that monster my child it was part of the deal for him my husband she was going to bring him back bring on her back to life Connor would have done anything to save me I had to do the same I just wanted everything back what else it's my own fault for letting her look I don't like Owen people here this socket is worth some coin just just look after it all right my husband gave it to me I should take him home his coffin is just upstairs a decent burial is the least I can give him thank you yeah I don't think there's anyone else who would have saved me all right now we can go down in here and get better divorce right here on the table and you can exit right here there's more loot in there but I'll do that later off camera and I'm going to come up over here and speak to Marina again with bitter divorce didn't hear you coming I know we should head home but I can't bring myself to leave the thought of putting him in a wheelbarrow and making the journey all over again what you can you feel a surge of power from the wand the air suddenly tastes acrid it wants to be used bring it back bring Connor back please what what's happening why is he still dead you feel something pull at you the creature yearns or a master what have you done to him he's not a creature he's my husband I wondered him back back the way he was not this you bastard give him back I feel we're going down all right now we have our very own zombie companion that you can summon anytime you want just like this and now that we finished the anti-ethyl quest line I figured it'd be a good time to come back and turn in confront kagga why are you here I sent you to zevlo and if it is strangers are The Scourge the right is the remedy no laws can change that what foreign ERS has gone poking in our business mistress ollerton I can explain no need it couldn't be helped Koga what is the meaning of this you think yourself quite the Spy don't you go on tell him a shadow Droid Koga have you lost your mind you and Allison welcome Untouchables to your midst you defile The Grove for the sake of Harmony oladen speaks truth who disagrees Grove in ruin the choice is made Koga burn the tainted away start with a snitch as you say oligen and you can persuade her to side with the Grove and not be a shadow Druid or you can fight her and kill her the choice is yours but I'm gonna go ahead and do the Druid nature check here it it trembles in shame it knows that in harmony we perish in Shadow we are pure cougars voice breaks and her lips tremble she heard reason in your words oh when when The Darkest Hour fell it was us that brought light Sylvanas demands we illuminate Shadow not hide within it how was I so blind careful Koga the Shadows don't forgive I belong to the Shadows no longer you've no power over me well you would question my power Mother Earth hear me grant me your Wrath all right now you go ahead and defeat these guys you once called me a monster seems I've proven you right Sylvanas bid me to protect my people from harm yet I was the one to inflict it there was but one Druid who guarded the circle who protected our ways we are forever in your debt you burn like fire you howl like wind you are Faith Warden take our gift and be known may I not be the last monster you Vanquish when you speak the circles will listen among Druids your words will shine brighter than Sun I endangered a child I betrayed the circle's Trust we will stop the right and I will stand trial my fate lies with Sylvanas may he have mercy we will grant them Safe Harbor until they depart while help us contend with the goblins perhaps we can dissuade them from attacking it began with a letter there was no messenger it simply appeared oladen came soon after an army was coming she said goblins drow and more still Legions upon Legions The Druids of cloakwood knew the dangers this would bring they ordained that all circles cast the right to Shelter From The Storm oliden taught me to harness the tree father's power to wall us in in return well you know the rest I would turn the Grove over to them I won't forget the wounds I've inflicted I pray how sin returns to heal them in full all right and then you'll get the pale oak staff if you're a druid and that is that Quest complete his back just report back to zevolor and now that I'm back at zevolor I can go ahead and turn in the quest by delts virtue play the Frontiers what's happened will I paid the price of angering the wrong devil believe me I understand better than most a moment passes as several contemplates Will's words he then turns his attentions to you I'm told The Druids have stopped their damn chanting what happened truly it'll make his ashes I never thought she would actually see reason thank you we still have the Goblins to contend with but you've given us time to prepare I need to ensure my people make the most of it but here left over from my soul during days it's sparse thanks for what you've done for us but gods and goblins willing I won't need it again if you can clear the road of goblins as you say I'll ensure a reward is gathered for you and that gives us the hell writers Pride gloves and here's the pale oak staff I forgot the show earlier and and that is investigate kaga complete and now for this one we just need to go over to the goblin camp and I'll go ahead and head that way now and now I'm back over here at the goblin Camp over this way by the bladed Village and their sazo the goblin We rescued wow look what the rat Dragged In and it I know something regularly more water here yeah what's that I've been in some fruits Grove this one spring me now move over so I can tell regularly Miss self all done we're innovators date every last one brex Lynn's drawer friend won't be happy to hear that she'll be happy enough when I tell her where them losers is holding up hold on now is it true or says this you helped her Escape that growth behave yourself satisfaction for you you mess up you and sayazzle get it that's enough are you drown though where them loses be heroes all right now we can make our way through The Stranger hey I can tell recall if you must with fragilous crown and with scepter a braid draw ragslin short work of the incaper made in funds to us the captives were many goblet kind had reduced them to cowering Phil fenny so raise it your goblets and drain them with pride draw Raglan the true Soul had led you glad warm rag slings the Gobo in charge the way this one's carrying on not what are you doing I'm busy here you lying to you never that's because continue our ballad draw ragslyn it's all right [Music] um I am Patrol rexling um you broke him wait wait draw Rex Lynn we play we come up picking back to your cage oh look what you've done and that's how you start the rescue Hollow Quest just talk to him here in the goblin camp and now we can make our way into the main building I'd like to give you some heads up on this Quest because if you go to over here and then you tell menthara that you want to side with her and then you betray her that's all well and good but then you won't be able to get a unique item that is a helmet called wapiro's Crown you have to kill all of the goblin leaders and then refuse a reward and that's how you'll get the helmet but if you want to you can go over here and then side with menthara and attack the Grove but in doing so you will be locked out of quests in Act 2 for tieflings and also I believe you also get locked out of the Grand Duke quest line this one here you get locked out of this and then you also get locked out of having will as a companion oh that cleared us got a Visa for the drow I do my ass what's a true Soul what with any mate are yours private business that is raid in business but if anyone wants a piss pot garden we'll call just get your friend Brandy proper light sazer got better things to do than no you don't come on then rocket all right now we can head on through I so much do you hear the absolute smells like burnt flesh a scrying eye let's not do anything suspicious while it's watching Mysteries it's me your loyal servant says her I'm back and I bought a friend how thoughtful and where did you find this for I was in some rickety Druid Grove mostly full of teethlins but them Intruders you're after well hide it out there I presume you dealt with my prey and massacred the rest ah well the fear about that is I say we stick a few out in him so grateful we are you feel a cold hand caress your mind a drower Praises you dear your prisoner is one of the absolute's favorites saza a true Soul nah undercover no doubt carrying out the absolute's will who sazer made a and it will be your last my spiders are hungry little one but before they feast tell me where that Grove is and I may yet spare your life he's past the bridge to the east big old gate covered in Ivy don't hurt me mistress please I will not hurt you my spiders will have that pleasure I told you I'll try to follow all this best I could silence stretch and remember you owe your miserable life to this one our own cause any more trouble I swear Sherlock that pathetic worm has brought me a mission I nine and it seems that the inhabitants of the Grove we can use that against them you have a part to in this Slaughter return to the Grove when my raiding party approaches throw open the gate and Signal me the fate of the Grove's inhabitants hangs in the balance killing the drow here would spare them but it might be better to face her warband at the Grove itself on familiar ground on the other hand participating in the slaughter as she asks maybe the perfect way to earn her trust and access to the Cults Inner Circle God marshaling the goblins is no sin will be ready to attack by next light once we are in position we will wait for your signal and then we will break them all right and that is save the Goblins as a complete and that gives you the Assassins touch dagger and now we can go ahead and continue rescue Volo and you can continue that inside the big Goblin building right back here keep him safe listen to him such or sit to you damn nah then catch one on your own as the thimble glows power courses through you Authority this Rangers I should have turned him over to mintola by now but he's such a nice little pigeon what what means Thora don't give a cake what you think the just take him if you care so much see if he'll sing for the likes of you though does he think he's the key pigeon's all yours all right now we can release them look at this I'm quite saved a joy to see a familiar face in such a precarious setting I guarantee the story of your daring rescue of my person will live on for eons I intend to do just that stay invisibility potion goes a long way in a place like this we mustn't carry but I hate for our friendship to end here please won't you meet me once we've both slipped the goblin yoke say go to my camp smashing soon my friend soon we can share the flag and of something liquid at a tale of Daring Do I'll slip away when the coast is clear see you soon my friend I simply can't wait to pick your brain there he goes and now he will be in your camp so we can go ahead and find the quest and see the next part return to your Camp we'll go ahead and do that and now he will basically carve our eye out good quite the Cozy setup you have here I'll just make myself comfortable thank you so much I was just settling in and reviewing my latest findings mind flayers cultists and of course your esteemed company why I'm practically an expert they've tentacles you know quite shocking the Druid halson had some kind of mind flare specimen in a jar in his quarters a replica no doubt but truly fascinating to see up close yeah on the sword Coast impossible that that can't be you're mad but tell me have you noticed any residual psionic belays since the alleged encounter that's quite impossible you'd have undergone ceramorphosis by now I can't attest to the specifics but I do know that not long after insertion the host that's you turns into a mind flare as there's not a tentacle on your head I can only assume you haven't been infected it's what you say were true you'd be a mind flayer by now you infected by my Flair oh ridiculous isn't it perhaps that's for the best I'd be irresponsible not to debunk such a strange claim if I just peer in your eye I could quickly oh dear straight guns we managed it we'd have a specimen of incredible Rarity on our hands I'll need to research the particulars however give me a bit of time and I'll have this little issue sorted and that will give you the Blazer of benevolence and then I believe after a while you can have him carve your eye out and then he will give you an eye that gives you C invisibility and then to get him to actually put the invisibility thing in your eye all you have to do is do another long rest it's not technically part of the side quest but I figured I'd include it [Music] good fellow quite the Cozy setup you have here I'll just make myself comfortable thank you so much my research turned up a rather brilliant technique that seems quite actionable it's not too deep just behind the orbital socket I could attempt an extraction either needle in my tunic after all I saw you I've dreamed of it a thousand times over Volo carefully holds one of your eyes open and begins to prod uncertainly with the needle the needle finds the gap between eyeball and socket Volo frowns and begins to push pain shoots through your body as the needle snags on your optic nerve think needle seesaws back and forth plucking the nerve like a heart string oh bother there's some obstacle in the way I shall need a more robust implement Volo carefully withdraws the needle from your eye then reaching into his back he produces an ice pick Volo slowly brings the ice pick closer to your eye now don't move cold metal presses against the skin beneath your brow and then tap tap stab do you feel that I think we have that lighter on the Run I agree Volo tears the pick from your brain with a violent jerk your eye plops down into the mud trash he pauses looks down at your eye and recoils slightly as it sinks into the mud there appears to be an amount of cosmetic damage oh fantastic that squint does wonders for your gravitas in my humble opinion though perhaps there's something we can do take this a far superior Relic to that old jelly you were chained to try it on for size and um it was very nice to have met you I'm sure you're sold out your little brain problem one way or another far away from here if you've a heart terribly sorry my friend ta and now we have C invisibility and now that we've saved saza and spoke to menthara you'll have a choice of either killing all the goblin leaders and that will save the Grove or you can go ahead and trick menthara by telling her that you're going to betray them but then actually not betraying them that's what I'm gonna do there's a quest in Act 2 that's tied to this so if you kill them you won't get that Quest we took you for a goblin get up here I want that gate sealed before they arrive and we need to talk I'm gonna go up and talk to him God's above you're alive a little light just as the day seems darkest I've given you up for dirt at the goblin camp I'm damn glad to be wrong but what happened we've seen the massing in the woods truly house I didn't expect it we were almost ready to leave well there's nothing for it now a fight it will have to be we threw them back once if you're with us perhaps we can do it again what I have is no choice we need to thin their numbers quickly if we're to survive every ounce of oil that we could spare has been buried out in front of the gate we'll blow the horn to draw them in and pray our fire arrows strike true your courage is catching it seems or perhaps I've finally lost my reason make what preparations you deem necessary and then Sound the Horn let's have this done all right now to begin the fight just sound the warhorn [Music] [Music] this is it everything turns on this thank you get that damn gate closed I know that you are all afraid but I also know that you have been fighting your whole lives we have never been handed the easy choices all the gentle paths and this is no different these creatures would take our lives our children our future and we must resist a splinter of ice Works its way into your mind pretty speech and open that gate the absolute once all of them dead sacred it is filth it will burn and you will burn with it all right and now go ahead and do the battle as usual and skip it oh God and then once she's dead you can loot her and get her tadpole and a bunch of items and then you can go talk to zevlar that's that's the last of them tymora smile on me they're dead we did it watching Gods you did it they name us outcasts hellspawn foul blood but the blood of those who fell today ran as pure as any Heroes so I call us by another name we are survivors We Are Family the road to Boulder's Gate is a long one yet but you have earned every stride so far make your preparations we leave as soon as we're able you I don't know if you were sent here by gods or fate or sheer bloody luck I don't care you were a friend when we needed it and we won't forget that should you ever need it you have family in Boulder's Gate but we need not speak of Departures just yet we have time the road is clear and I for one could use a bloody drink we'll join your camp tonight if you'll have us buy all the watching gods that's Allison he'll have some hard words for Korger I expect go speak to him you're the reason he has a Grove to return to at all we'll be here when you're ready to travel all right and that is those complete and now we can celebrate our Victory by going to a long rest the singing we could probably do without but even so thank you go on now don't waste a night like this talking to me we'll discuss your problem tomorrow go on enjoy yourself seek out some wine before it runs dry there are a lot of thirsty people around here all right and that looks to me like the save the refugees Quest is complete and go ahead and end the night Buzz of Celebration quiets to a soothing hum as you approach your bunk you've picked up a few pleasant memories on your journey amongst your struggles sleep alone uplifted by memories of your recent triumphs trust you enjoyed your evening after all your efforts it was well deserved it may be some time before you're afforded another such night there is much to be done and my promised I would help you however I could I'm certain a cure for you can be found at moonrise Towers but it's complicated the journey specifically it's extremely perilous though it seems you're well accustomed to navigating Danger to moonrise Towers then may the sun and stars guide us to get to the towers you'll need to pass through a terrible place a cursed place this curse shrouds everything in Shadow you will not find life lights or anything natural there any who linger Twisted by the curse they become Shadow beings tormented dangerous Souls you're half right you have to get to moonrise but you still have a choice of how to get there you could go Overland along the Risen Road or through the mountains easier at first but you'll run into the shadow curse eventually you could also go under there is a tunnel somewhere in the ruined Temple of soluna it leads to moonrise Towers through the underdark long ago a man called Catholic Thorne built a secret stronghold deep down there before rallying a whole Army of dark justices Shah worshipers dark justices must see for myself aaradan and his lot were looking for a way down there they were promised riches if they retrieved A Relic called The Night song but I think there's more from this stronghold catharik's forces could access both the Temple of soluna and moonrise Towers but he was defeated before he could launch an attack if you can find this place I'll wager it will reveal a more direct path to moonrise Towers and maybe even bypass the worst of the Shadow curse you'll need to pick it up where aaradin left off find the hidden entrance it's somewhere in the temple of soluna you may reconsider once you see the effects of the curse for yourself I would like to join your Camp if you'll allow me I can offer my skills my counsel I've long sought to return to moonrise Towers it seems our Fates have aligned May Sylvanas guide us and that is save the refugees complete let's see if we can find it completed here yep right here the road is finally safe and the tieflings have left for Baldur's Gate and now I'm going to make my way to the underdark to do the underdark so let's go ahead and go down in I'm going to go through the goblin camp and the Priestess gut door there's several ways you can get down into the underdark you can go through The xantorm Hideout you can go through a big hole feather falling near the big spider boss and then also you can get in by there's an area in Ethel's area that you can jump down into something over there there's probably other ways to get there too I'm just not thinking of them but basically you need to come in here solve this puzzle it's really easy you just need to make all of these empty and all the rest of them full I'll go ahead and do that there we go this goes very far down and now we can go down to see the bottom and that is how you get into the underdark the first place I'm gonna go when I went down into the underdark is up here towards the micaid colony to get a bunch of quests there's a bunch of them up here in this hub so I'm going to go through here and blow up these dudes [Music] this should all go away here in a second cat was swallowed by a chorus of turbulent music through one creature seeing many voices the harmony of an entire Collective Sovereign she has come she is here the choir fades single Melody rises above the others brassy and commanding I am Sovereign you see a vision your lifeless body wrapped in fungal tendrils The Sovereign is threatening you State your purpose you detect a distinct quiver in every note these creatures have experienced recent tragedy fungal Roots weave through your mind seeking your true intent then the Sovereign drones a new Melody cautious but welcoming descend to me let us speak in flesh the persistent music coaxes you forward Sovereign expects you all right and that's how you unlock the micanid colony area and this is a bunch of quests here and there's also some waypoints and vendors the first Quest you can get right as you come in right next to the Waypoint you can speak to blurg you're in the underdark no harm in a little conversation ah a visitor you're a welcome sight but let us observe the customs of the locals the scholars brow tenses his voice spills into your skull the spores connecting mind to mind proud member of the Society of Brilliance At Your Service or perhaps not your mind is far more complex than that of the fungi understandable we are small in number and rarely stay in one place for long my colleagues and I are working to improve conditions in the underdark this need not be such a dire hostile place it's curious to find a surface dweller here what has brought you down so deep a common phenomenon in the underdark I'm afraid could I ask what you were searching for to begin with you were infected by an illicit tadpole it's a miracle you're still intact you must be worried sick but have no fear I have a friend who may be able to assist I hope this is important samples need constant attention it is this Adventurer has an enlisted tadpole inside her head but she hasn't turned that's impossible but in three entry are you looking to have it extracted say yeah open your mind to me let us see what lurks Within as the Mellow one's mind pierces yours the tadpole pulses with power it feels ten times its size alive awake almost smug this is most unusual the incubation period should be complete as should your transformation but the lava is infused with Strange Magic it appears to be in some form of stasis no it appears to be shielded from physical and magical influence and even without the shield the extraction would involve severe cranial trauma is not ideal process would surely kill you but not to worry should you transform I will happily perform a new examination a nautiloid fascinating I have never set foot on one myself they were our warships during the greatest eras of the illicit Empire we ruled the entire astral plague from their decks the design was lost when the gift rebelled and ended our Dominion of course I am sorry I cannot assist you in its removal but I have an idea oh perhaps I should start taking notes there may be a way to bypass that stasis there are many alchemical substances that can influence the mind tincture distilled from a collection of rare mushrooms they have subtle psionic influence I would require a fresh ton of Madness and timisk spawns to be warned in their natural state both of these mushrooms can be quite dangerous cause confusion in those that approach them the tongue is self-explanatory the underdark of course although they are quite rare and their Discovery perilous I imagine Lenore would have them in her possession she served mistra as a cleric the Southwest when I last saw her although her Tower does have a tendency to move she is quite fond of her garden Lenore has always been a lonely sort nature was her only companion I offered her the chance to join the society but she refused her experiments on Susa bark took priority may your travels be safe and Swift and to continue this one you just go down to here down towards the Arcane Tower and you can find the mushrooms down there but I'm going to go down there later and now you can grab a couple quests from Thula and Sovereign Spa this one is to save the Gnomes and this one is to save the Kill The Jogger or deal with them go ahead and talk don't don't condition this familiar derived from a wild weed common to the underdark she'll need an antidote soon most likely held by the poisoner slashed me oh foreign Grace don't share talking hurts leave me please like dwarves to work are having eight resistance to poison and thus no need for intricate Brews though deadly if left untreated the poison can be cured by the antidote or natural remedies all right now we can go talk to Sovereign over here what's that silver and stick fingers stroke the corpse at its feet droning Melody greets you as the creature turns its gaze to you I show you a memory watch and listen a violent Vision grips you dweger dark dwarves chopping my canid remains they killed our young The Sovereign song slows to the pace of a dirge it is still in mourning we laid waste to many but Intruders remain Lakewood The Sovereign song halts as it measures your worth I sense your resolve we'll find twiga Invaders near Lakes Edge cleanse the rot destroy them killed their children they should pay the price for the cruelty an illusion comes over you but choking on a cloud of gleaming this gift it will help you exterminate the suffering gifts you one more Vision a wall that binds parting to reveal glowing life Riches of magic combined cleanse the rot and they are yours you do the circle of service we will await word breathe life into our enemies flesh dead [ __ ] fine host for my growing children what more would you ask Deep Purple swirl into familiar shapes gnomes in mining gear chased by duerca The Sovereign says nothing but you hear appreciation in its song all right and now we can go pick up some more quests next up in the mic and Ed Colony we have dareth bone cloak over there who has the find the mushroom picker Quest she's right here lavender glut decided to talk to me [Music] it Mourns moved by your emptiness it reveals its own home in reply in mid Cove filled with decaying myconid Corpses [Music] not welcome me I have heard the song you all mean to cleanse the dwega rot I join you remain in the underdark and I will follow we cleanse the Rocks together and that's how you start the glut avenge of the gluts circle side quest just sort of walk over near him I guess and then talk to darylith bound cloak here seems the true on his own on your way in dwarf Bale is his name Bolt blue tunic domicistic right never mind my useless husband sent him for an errand it's no surprise he's made a mess of it knock yourself out but don't come begging for coin if you find him you try to Ransom him to me you will find yourself skinned and stuck with a fat old load okay and now you can go find her husband and now we can do the find the mushroom picker Quest and to start this one you can go to the left of the Mike net Colony over this way and find Balin just go down these roots here you'll see up like a bridge over that way and then you'll need to walk slowly through here and then save them but it's going to trigger a cut scene when I step forward stop stop these mushrooms toxic scroll Escape my bag please I've dropped it somewhere thank you thank you all right and now we can slowly walk through I recommend just using one character just like so and then pick up this pack right here and grab these two Scrolls of Misty stuff my back please [Music] yes that's yes I just have to and then here and that's how he gets to safety and now I'm gonna take Shadow heart here I can find it and talk to him and then I'm gonna go over this way right as what were you saying I was looking for get it she's worried sick I must need to go for you you're trouble foreign and then you can go up here can't seem to see or wouldn't let me click through the UI element there just keep on jumping there's a ring in the skeleton if you want a nice ring and we need to go down there and loot the noble stock and then run so go down however you like I'll probably just crash you shouldn't blow up if you crash right there see like they're just sort of primed but they're not popping now I'm going to grab this Noble stock and then immediately take the Waypoint on all my characters and now we have the noble stock as well which is another part of the quest so let's go over this way back to turn it in again what sorry love absolutely worthless look at that got my useless old man back I suppose that's your doing his hands are empty as a whole we'll have to send him back out soon enough please balance got a job to do we can leave when he's done it love never heard of it balen's Meek no but he used to be a rotten old bastard treated me like an old shoe for 70 years losing his mind was the only good he ever did by me collecting Noble stock valuable mushroom Weaver shop in Boulder's Gate the locals go mad for it nearly nothing it can't cure blindness poison hair loss probably but balen in his right mind wasn't worth half a half of noble stock I know him better than anyone scars to prove it might do why bother things sells in town for enough to make your eyes bulge [Music] to No Surprise of mine you're more competent than Balin go on then hand it over sell it what else worth more than its weight in goals to folk back in Baldur's Gate there ain't much you can't cure loads I haven't got anything to offer first I'm counting on the shroom for that give it or don't um you'll have to make a choice on what you want to do here and I think I am just going to give it to her and can you see then I do thank you come visit me in Boulder's Gate if you find yourself that way we I run a shop called bone cloaks Layla nearly sunk the shop to pay for a drink when he was of his own mind this might allow me to hang on a little longer you take care out here and then you'll get the gloves of uninhibited kashigo and that is Quest complete and I figured I'd throw in his dialogue my friend curious beautiful but dangerous next time more careful next time for certain thank you for your help me too yes very glad someone's got to look after Dennis anyway what do you saying Noble stock yes there it needs Noble stock mushroom good stuff and the ledge on a Ledge crumble to bits and I tumble down the shop the shop needs all refined bone cloaks Baldur's Gate anything from anything sourced here very high rate of profit mushroom powerful did it once it for a brew he's very good my dear it very good at the Brew next up we have finished the Masterwork weapon and you can do this one near the mic in it Colony over here by this big saucer tree you can see the bark right there you need to pick this up and there are some enemies nearby I'm gonna try to grab it without being noticed I don't know if I'll be able to do that and then once I grab it I'm just going to try to leave without fighting to save time grab it here and then teleport to the blighted Village and then you'll need to pick a base weapon that you want to use you can use a dagger a sickle and a great sword so pick whichever one you want I'm just going to use a dagger come down into the blacksmith area once again go ahead and start the fire hit the air thing and then stick the bark right here it'll turn it blue hit the air again and now we can go ahead and pick one furnace awaits an offering scent wafts forth Seuss about infuses the weapon from within the flames Flames sputter away the dagger is yours for the taking and that's how you do finish the Masterwork weapon and now I'm going to make my way back to the cell unite Outpost and go here to pick up the adamantine Forge Quest you can start it a number of ways I'm just going to start it this way and then after I do this I'm going to head over to the Arcane tower for the other Quest once you come to the cellulite Outpost go out this open window and then climb down these roots here and then once you're where I'm at you can make your way this way and there will be a cut scene all right now go ahead kill the boss and then I'll see you on the other side and then once you defeat The Spectator Dorne will come over and talk to you so that's progress on my tongue I offer and he brings a spectator squid quite ruined by Ambush now you are a rival a mere footnote to my Legend you should be more concerned with who I am I am Dawn third son of house bartol first Rank evoker and initiate of Graven Hollows oh oh no no my dear dark Gods below no a memory shard they hold their glow for years and it's fading it contains knowledge that is precious to me if it has grown Miss dull then my enemies have already found the forge which bastard stole my glory zargrim Phil Rowe impossible the master of the adamantine Forge would be known and feared throughout the underdark unless huh the fools must have turned back or better yet died in the search good if they had just surrendered their research to me we might have found the forge together but no they hoarded their knowledge left each of us clinging to scraps I had the good sense to lock mine away in The Shard and now I can claim the forge alone bold of you to ask the others knew of the forge's defenses its operation but I know where to find it the rest I can figure out with time now I am the only one searching or almost the only one you proved your power in freeing me but I need no more rivals try to take this as a compliment yes all right and then he'll betray you so you can just attack him if you want to I'm gonna go ahead and just kill him all right and then once he's dead you can just lose his body and you'll find the memory Shard here as well as some other items here's icy hell this goes to a very rare a very rare staff weapon that you can make the other piece is over by the saucer tree over that way and then I'll go ahead and read this the crystal shines only faintly I'm Richard the wizard had called it the crystals glow swells drawing you into its depths you are transported somewhere deep loud hot as the hills themselves within the underdarks bowels Beyond an ancient stronghold hovers a giant hammer waiting to fall an echoing clang until back to yourself only with a firm sense of a place a grand Forge all right and now I'm gonna go ahead and continue down over towards the Arcane Tower and go pick up those mushrooms now we can go ahead and do the Arcane Tower and get the mushrooms we need to give back to omalam so go ahead and come down here where I am I just went back to the cellulite Outpost traveled through and now I'm right here up ahead there will be some enemies these things here they're turrets and they have the medium toughness thing where you need to hit them really hard so I recommend a two-handed weapon and just smack it and then once you finish the two I'm gonna make my way up into the Arcane Tower and now I need to get inside the Arcane Tower and I'm behind it at the moment so I can either go into gas form and go down this hole or I can go over here and pick up the magic nullifying thing one second this thing right here we can lock pick this door or use gas form and go in these flowers foreign [Music] all right and now the elevator should work there is an item right here foreign go ahead and go up and in this room you'll find all the mushrooms that you need to complete the quest from earlier so go ahead and grab them and if you want to you can explore the rest of the tower it's got some pretty interesting things about it but it is not a part of a quest so I'm gonna go ahead and return back to the micanid Colony and turn this in and here I am back at the mikenid colony and I'm going to go ahead and turn in those mushrooms to omalam greetings on my main character not will greetings what knowledge do you seek the fine specimens it will only take me a moment to brew them to proper potency omelion turns away to prepare the potion lost in its own musings you must drink the entire draft I can make no promises as to its taste the acidic liquid tightens your throat burning on the way down it's a pulse of Agony straight to your stomach not a drop left very good as the potion influences your mind you may find yourself acting irrationally try and stay focused the world loses its edges it s finer boundaries fluid attract like a creature suspended in Amber and you'll have to pass a series of saving throws dark holes bite at the edges of your vision before you cannot draw you in tadpole spasms seizes it's fighting the potion even harder than you are fear Pierce is your mind like knives of ice parasite digs deeper as if it means to hollow out your skull thank you the cold blades lose their Edge you are stalwart turning that tide of fear against itself the parasite swells with power more power than you have ever felt before surges and twists lashing out against that which would dare to intrude parasite in your mind quiets pleased with itself are you well that lava is like nothing I have ever observed before power is unsettling such an outcome was not in my calculations there is more to this being than mere stasis indeed although I may have another solution albeit a temporary one I possess a ring of Mind shielding it prevents Elder brains from noticing my presence it will not remove the lava but it will limit its influence both positive and negative I would to offer it as a gift but in truth the ring is priceless is there anything you could offer me in turn my research is In Perpetual need of funding yes I am willing to accept your coin and you can buy The Ring Of Mine shielding now if you'd like to may it serve you as well as it has served me that thing better work if it doesn't I doubt you'll be in any position to complain of course the lava remains be ever Vigilant of its growth and that is help homolum investigate the parasite completely and real quickly I figured I'd mention that you also unlock survival Instinct for completing this Quest and now we can begin find the missing boots as well as find the antidote for Thula you could also just use lesser restoration and healer that way but come down to here just right under the mic init colony and then make sure you don't have glut with you sort of just go talk to him as one of your other characters what's next I wonder because he does not like the Mike and it's and he'll think that you're being mind controlled what dick got someone sneaking up too loud sunscum I heard you're stumbling noise get you eating down here reckon I'll hush you before something hungry comes along his gnarled fist grips and acts suppose the sound of me cracking your nut would carry down here spoil my hunt and you're dead told you hunting slave ran away took Sergeant Fringe boots got to kill a slave and fetch back the leather all the bosses in Moonrise they'll have friends hide help you don't even know what you'd be up against slaves got yourself some protection hiding up there in a mic in its Circle can't get past those Rock flowers they get in your head make you see things of my squad jumped off a cliff laughing oh wait here she'll make a run for it eventually then I'll get her well and there might be a reward for you back at Camp do really well and who knows maybe the absolute will have space for you in her ranks but that comes later boots first then you'll get what's coming to you Vietnam slave they all look the same but this one's got fancy boots she's with the rest of our expedition across the lake special mission for the absolute and if you want to you can kill him and he'll have an antidote to use on Thula but I'm not gonna kill him I'm just gonna head back and then use lesser restoration on her and here I am back at Thula I'm going to use this amulet that has lesser restoration on it fighting Ava I'm finally dead or you help me why down here tends to be but I'm nearly good to get on my feet I thank you for your help but I gotta get moving oh goals garters oh I don't have time for this my kin need me seems you're the helping kind all right I need you to rescue my kin not charity mind where you can pay we are in hand Clan best artifices in borders gate we were on an expedition down here when the dwega snatched us up I got away but not the others the Grays of them digging out some old ruin across the lake some dusty Temple it doesn't matter they'll work my plan to death before they ever get near it thank you only wish I could go with you but here I NAB these boots from the graves when I run I'll feel better now you're using them to kick some to wear your ass I'll mark where I made my escape and wait here I suppose not much Choice eh and that is the gnome cured and I also got the boots for find the missing boots and we can take those to the Grim Forge which is where I'm about to head and now I'm gonna make my way over to the Grim Forge and to do that just head down to the underdark beach just down this way back where we encountered Geck coal and then you can take this boat over to the Grim Forge just go ahead and talk to the person right here Geck does the talking around here bother him could have told me that before go ahead and get on the boat vessel wobbles on the Lake's murky Waters you what are you doing on gexcraft where's Geck who are you well I'll be you got them massaging's been whining Non-Stop what about Geck where's he at e more like avoiding the sergeant I reckon come on let's get to the shore you're the one telling the sergeant what happened the rest of you keep patrolling I'll be heading back with this one continue forward in silence until the lights of a camp twinkle through the Merc Cloud sideways we've got a welcoming party [Music] you [ __ ] time you showed up we got trouble spit it out Sergeant finally choked on true Soul nears prick drug no that's all caused a rock fall trapped tighter than a ring on a fat finger you're [ __ ] me you pay up that's the trouble he's got the gold on him Sergeant's arm is falling off for All the known slaves she's been beating who's the Hoon greyman another slave for the Dig I he speaks true found the Hoon sailing get skiff that's so I you feel the slightest of starings in your head the dwegar is not infected yet your minds resonate I'll be you're one of them cult freaks felt the tingle your [ __ ] so Chum owes us a load of coins you want through make a donation unclog your hole just just [ __ ] around But I'm warning you that's what soul ain't settled up soon there'll be hell to pay for the lot of you cult boggers all right now we are in the Grim Forge and now real quick before I start doing the Grim Forge stuff I'm just gonna return back the gecko and kill him that way I can complete the kill the durgar by the lake Quest and I went ahead and finished killing those durgar down here at the beach and just teleported back to the mic in it colony and I'm going to turn in both quests to glut and Spa wretched thing pull yourself with a harrowing elegy cheerless as the new moon the music shifts still melancholic but now streaked with hope serenity peace fragrant spores waft through the air your heart swells with bliss with your every breath freely you have given to us freely you may take me take the guardian gate is open go and claim your reward but before this I have another Boon to ask of you you have cut out the dweger blight but not its source in your mind's eye spool shows you a drown striding among Mike and it dead yeah this one is called he hunted us hunt him in turn bring me bring me head and I will know my circle is safe I'm more than happy to kill this whoever he is but tell me there's something in it for us the drow lurks in the ruins beyond the lake bring him death and return all right and now we can go over and talk to glut en we take death I must see myself lead me to the rot I wish to see it faster and you might already have had glut in your party but then you need to take him to the beach so you can see the body you could have done this before if you so choose I just didn't do it here I break ground from the dark with a mighty Circle rise my song will fill the grotto death door The Grotto May sustain but one sovereign in the age of God there may be no sport eliminates the other sovereign I think I'm gonna go ahead and side with glut and kill Spa [Music] [Music] suffered while the twerk of flourished I send a score for help yet it cowered in The Grotto and let my people be slaughtered help me grow a mighty Mighty and reap the reward or protect the precious as he waits for the circle of glut to devour its heart let's go ahead and kill him if you want to or you can side with Spa I'm gonna go ahead and kill him and age of clutch begin and I'm gonna make my way back to the micanid Colony the easiest way to kill Spas to just knock him back off the cliff but you will lose the ability to loot him so I'm just gonna go ahead and attack peace bring up the at home I am let this place be sacred Circle glut takes root my spawn Will Rise and Sing of Your might you will be called King bringer take my gift of song cry glow out but cry it proud so it is certain and so you are known spore's old song falters in the mic in its Minds swallowed by a new rhythm song of glut you have served well our work is not done poor was a coward but in one thing it was correct the drown near Must Die bring me his head a coronation gift s I'm starting to feel lesser protector of the people and more an errand boy love my favor but yes there will be riches as well go across the lake and kill the drow all right and that gives us winners clutches and I figured I'd show you the loot for the completing the spa Quest just come back over this way with this corpse this will give you a lead on the forge the cover proudly announces this book to be flumpf mating rituals the scrutiny proves too much the lurid text melts away before your eyes an illusion what remains are simple instructions written in a spare hand the secret to forging adamantine [Music] the adamantine Forge the same the wizard Dune was hunting for it seems and you can loot all that and then you will find other stuff in here like the shadow of menzo berenzen and now we can do the free true Soul near Quest or at least start it and you can start it right here just after you enter the Grim Forge just go ahead and talk to Elder brethvar I've seen a run with a barrel under her arm just a small one but enough to blow the drought out someone should grab it slaves are never gonna manage with pickaxes can't go chasing maybes the sergeants are ticket in oh would you look at that car someone's having a listen through you your mind is Awash with ancient resentments true Soul no less what do you think Kur should we take near debt off him yet you got that [ __ ] Soul stench if I didn't know better I'd say a mind flayer shatter worm in your brain should split your head open and poke around in there if you lot don't pay up the shiver returns this time it's colder sharper the stench don't lie you're one of them could be your right something's different with you in that case want to earn some gold friends after the absolute Glory that's why she's got those slaves digging for near but we ain't need Glory just coin and Nia's got plenty help friend free near then you and my Chums grind him up whatever the spoils will drop you a fat cut you in half you drugged in fine half it is but first we need to take care of something you've seen that weird or by floating about knife it and don't get caught the cult watches through it and we can't risk more [ __ ] on showing up you still standing about get on it some days back a slave gnome bolted with smoke powder handy stuff her crew know more than they're letting on see if you can get him to talk now move you're hogging my hair all right and now you can go ahead and kill the scrying eye I don't really need to do a walk through for that just wait till it goes into a hidden area and attack it now that the eye is dead we can go ahead and talk to the sergeant thrin here and turn in find the missing boots seems like a good moment to talk what now never thought I'd see these back nasty snake gave even get the slip these ones you need a stiff cane to keep him in line here then his Bounty is yours now move I've got no time for the parasite stairs the mere tickle you hear no thoughts or memories just an echo of scars that never healed a true Soul eh gives us recover looking could have told me glad you're here to take responsibility tunnels collapsed trapped true Soul near he's stuck in there with poisoned geezers we don't get him out soon it's both our heads no need for that nears is the only head that matters to us places older than bone dust previous tenants left a trap dropped a [ __ ] ton of metal once we dug a ways in get near out and you'll have the absolute blessing no doubting that entrance to an ancient Temple General's orders near said must contain something important it got me to recruit non-believers but not everyone seeing the absolute truth they don't get paid soon I'll have a rise on my hands not a one unless you count tacking ability fangs to my whipping cane thought she would true Souls don't abandon their own and then you'll get the reward armor of uninhibited kashigo as well as the bracing band but then you'll lose the boots you just have to pick one of these by the way and now you can head up north up this way and we're gonna have these Roth here clear this cave in and to do that you'll need to use a source of speak with animals and then talk to herdmaster scarjal there or scar y'all however that said you grab a cane and whip these dragon in beasts into shape that Rubble needs clearing and my patience is hanging on by an ass whisker damn right I do getting cramps in my arm trying to whip the dragon in beasts back to work now get to the Canaan for a thrush you instead you've got no need to know and I got no need to tell so get to caning or to leave him uh fine look at this adamantine stuff's no joke stronger than steel rarer than mithril it ain't Mind Is Made there's an adamantine Forge back there sure is [ __ ] don't get any smart ideas that forges Clan property but get the beasts moving and I'll toss some coin your way go on then light a fire under the buggers and now go ahead and talk to the Rock no more pain no more work all must die I'm gonna have them just strike the Masters foreign yes they made the pain now they feed and they'll help you do this little fight and I'll go ahead and skip the fight and now that the guys are killed we can go ahead and have them clear the rubble for us anymore but wait until it's safe to leave you helped me I helped you and now that the rubble is cleared I just wanted to show you the area where you can get the long sword mold for the adamantine Forge and the shield mold is inside of here and the back over this way so go back there and get that one if you want it and then I want to go over this way and do another optional Little side quests that you don't really have to do but I wanted to show it to you and then you can head over this way up towards the top right all I did to get here was go up that ladder on the other side of that little lift thing and then used feather fall jumped over here fought some enemies and then made my way up through and now I'm here and then up ahead is going to be a gnome hold it I swear it's iron hand one more step and it Blow us to chunks an action scent fills the air the barrel is filled with smoke powder easy now let's not do anything hilarious or I'll shut you down what's this say you're near as boot licker so you're sailing the gods down true Soul better to die in this shitty than rotten moon rise you want me come get me foreign I'm supposed to believe that [ __ ] I can't do it go on drag me to moonrise I'll make you cult not to suffer well aren't you sweet I'm not stupid you know no such thing in Grim forge's kind hearts spit out what you want and let's be done with it then prove it and leave I go where the [ __ ] to stir and there's no shortage of options I'm getting gone you ought to do the same and you can actually steal that from her if you want to but that is how you complete that part of save the Gnomes let me go down to here we found her and now we gotta go ahead and help free the other ones from the rubble that are alongside near so we can head back down that way and to get the explosives you need to clear the rubble just go back to the Waypoint here in the groom Forge and then make your way over this way go ahead and go through the metal door come back here don't need to pass a perception check I believe yep something over there there it is there's the button and back in here you'll find two smoke powder satchels you'll need these to clear the rubble and now I'm gonna make my way back over and now that we have the charges to blow the rebel we can come back and blow it up go ahead and talk to this lady appeal Your Balls Like Potatoes yes true soul that's so set it near the rubble and ignite it that'll blow the drow out and you'll probably need to use both but I recommend only using one at a time because whenever I use both of the time it doesn't seem to work one spark a little blow s go ahead and use a source of Fire thank you Belton can you hear me well done finally worthless slaves your incompetence has been my ruin Ed you care for the weak true soul most curious you heed an overgrown toadstool yet defy a true soul thrin carve out his heart and serve it to the Rothe if he indeed is a true soul let the absolute save him damn right it's time you owe my crew a 10 days worth of coin near and the reckoning's come you bargained with this wretch how vexing near is not without Mercy true soul the rat has given you a chance to earn my favor strike him down prove your faith and I'm gonna go ahead and side with brith bar and the rebels go ahead and do this fight and I'll see you on the other side and then once they're all defeated they'll come out real quick schindleren's [ __ ] you see it Cox Dench had a regular in his skull all the more reason to clear out here's your cut extra two like I promised Clan grab your gear wipe your asses time I scrammed before more Pricks from moonrise Towers moving Clan property they come with us speak up chief you can't just let the clan keep them you've got a point likely to be all hobbled up but with the lashings gnome Pricks you're off the hook it's Glam before I get my senses your brain going mushy shark that's where those absolute freaks hold up goblins drow nose even humans I know and they won't try to turn the way I hear tell some prick there cause the shots the General near called him and there ain't no way I'm sticking around long enough to meet him please we catch your scent you'll get sliced before you can butt your left eye now look your ass someplace else peace all right and that is the quest here complete let me see which ones I got going on talk to the Deep gnomes and then take near's head to take back to blood who cares we're together now thank iron hand we ought to thank someone a little closer by I think okay well on hand you may not be but damn we'll fight like him I'm grateful don't mistake me but why help us you're one of them aren't you glittering Gods I should have known that one was too damn stubborn to die here the iron hand gnomes honor their debts with Wolverine gone that falls to me make it quick we need to find volbrin now you're a little late Barker smile Ed he's already been sent to moonrise Towers we were just slave hands to the cult but not Woburn he knows things they want to know too what has he gotten himself mixed up in now foreign s found the formula for room powder what I the explosive of geared or ironhan's own creation fistful wiping out armies all those old stories only warbran couldn't leave the stories be so he went and bloody found it a small Supply tucked away down here with a manuscript just made sense of the formula when the cult jumped us so he burned the damn thing if there's a single copy left it's sitting in his head those absolutists pull it out and make room powder they could flatten the whole of the sword Coast you really would wouldn't you but not us my people can barely stand and we have business back in the city business is what sent us after the powder to begin with now we'll have to make other arrangements and just like that you'd leave Wolverine behind I knew you lot were foolish but I didn't know you were cruel if you knew half as much as you think my dad Woburn might have kept you around heated by your resolve and your optimism my people will find somewhere to regroup across the lake then onto the city if you find yourself in Baldur's Gate seek us out we'll raise a glass to Wolverine together and that is the gnome saved and the other thing left to do is loot the head let's go ahead and do that the decaying corpse lies before you foreign breaks off cleanly from the drow's body and there's near his head and then we can take near's head back to glut back at the mica colony and now I'm back at glut to turn in near his head you have earned my favor once I sang to you of Hope look now on blood's domain tell me what you see you see you have received your payment now go this circle sings only the song of glut you are Discord and now we have a reward the Champions chain and I think you get something else for giving something to Spa or giving nearsad to Spa rather than glut en and now I am back in the Grim Forge and I'm gonna go ahead and go do the adamantine Forge Quest to get up here just go down over this way jump across to here then head up this way there is a scimitar mold right here on this body and then I'm just going to use Misty step make my way over to this mold in video and then you can go get the Waypoint over here and then bring the rest of your guys over that way and now you can pick up the mace mold here and then there's going to be a fight here I'm going to go ahead and do it and then skip past then once they're defeated you can loot the scale male mold right here and then I'm gonna do a long rest because I need one and do a level up here so I'll go ahead and Skip past all that and I am rested up and leveled up and I'm going to go ahead and continue the first thing I'm going to do is show you how to get both pieces of mithril and then we're gonna head down over to the forward so here's the first one you'll need a source of bludgeoning damage to break that free so bring that Ah that's curious and there's the first myth roller now I'm going to teleport back up now I need to go down here and get this mithril over here and there will be a fight right here with a bunch of lava methods they do fire damage and they explode when you kill them and I'm gonna go ahead and Skip past the fight and show you the mithril and now that the lava methods are defeated we can go over here to the mithril and break it free [Music] that one stuck in the end and then we can go over to the main Forge and make our weapon after we do a boss fight and now you have to make a choice between which mold you want to use and I'll go ahead and stick something on screen with all the items so you can see which one you want then once you've made your choice I chose the armor The Heavy Armor stick it in the mold chamber here and then stick your mithril in The Crucible and now we can go over here to the lever and then we'll have to do a boss fight make your way over this way and then pull this lava valve here oh and now you'll need to do the boss fight against Grimm here he drops a cool helmet and also just as a tip the lava valve is what gives him this superheated buff and this is what makes it to where he can be harmed easily and then go over to the lever and lure him to the center of the room and you can smash him with the hammer if you want to but now that the room is full of lava that's how you create your item as well by Smashing the hammer and I'll go ahead and skip to the part where I'm smashing him with the hammer all right now he's in position to get bonked by the hammer so I'm going to go ahead and smack him and I accidentally killed Shadow heart whoops and you can pick up your item right here 's the one that I chose and loot the boss because he also has some items right here and now I'm gonna make my way to the mountain pass here on the top left of the map now that everything is complete and I'm going to bring lizelle along with me when I go because she has some unique dialogue with the quest the quest is to get a get the Yankee egg and then you can continue that quest in act three after you do it up here there are a couple quests you can get in the mountain pass the first one is to get the Yankee egg Quest you get it from Lady Esther here and you can come by the trial to Crags and that's how you find her and the other one is the blood of lothander which is way up here in Crest your leg and that's later on so we'll go ahead and do that one later stop there not one step further I left your stupid crash while you're still chasing me I don't even want your bloody eggs well not your eggs specifically any GIF egg you're not from that crash are you oh how fortuitous and not just because you're not trying to kill me I was hoping to meet a friendly guest actually I was given a task one surprisingly difficult for someone like me yet it would be Simplicity itself for you I need a gift Yankee egg which may sound a little unsavory but I swear this is all for an excellent cause the best cause there is knowledge inside that Temple lies one of your crushes which I gather as its very own Hatchery presumably chocked full of eggs the Society of Brilliance have asked me to acquire one of your people's rows so they can incubate it and once it hatches raise it in their tradition they believe a gift Yankee raised in a peaceful nurturing environment can overcome its violent nature bring me an egg I can deliver to the society and you will be well rewarded so what do you say sounds good I see this being a highly prosperous partnership a word of advice avoid direct confrontation crash bound gets Yankee can be a deadly sort and now we need to make our way over to the rosiemore monastery up this way and continue our Quest next up I want to grab the Don Masters crest for the blood of lothander weapon it's actually optional you can just grab the weapon and run out but I'm gonna go ahead and grab the crest for completion's sake in the area there are ceremonial weapons that you place on each of these pedestals to unlock this and it takes a minute so I'm just going to do lock picking it's a 30 DC just curious so be ready to do that and there it is go ahead and grab the Don Masters Crest out of here and if you want to know where the ceremonial weapons are I already did them in my all Legendary Weapons video as well as all equipment for act one or act two rather so go ahead and go there and I'm gonna go ahead and make my way into crush your leg and continue next up we have the get the Yankee egg Quest and you can do this one by going into crestulek and making her way over to the left I'm going to use astral knowledge with Charisma so she can persuade him you can tell Keith rock therizine that my position has not changed the egg requires more time furthermore you are not from crash your leg doing here almost all of the eggs in this clutch have hatched we await only one more which is taking its time most caretakers would not give the child its fair chance but I shall there could be greatness in that shell you note that the Hope in his voice is tinge with weariness it's the voice of a man who's fought the inevitable for a long time not all that arrived late are weak I created this entire Hatchery despite being the last of my clutch to hatch they almost drowned me in the hatching pool if it wasn't for the Vash of my clutch this one deserves the same chance you you've no vashing things about you at all still the captain's due for inspection any day now and if she sees it here tell me what will you do with it if I entrust it to you not an easy task and far harder without a crash to train it in but you've a spirit about you that's quite inspiring perhaps even equal to the challenge I can no longer ignore that kithrach therizine's patience has its limits very well here take these they will Aid your approach to the egg and you can wear those boots to get acid resistance at least on the outside you can see a vague outline of something within it the egg is warm to the touch the rough shell-like slate beneath your fingers whatever is within is stirring ever so slightly and now we have the egg and cannot continue this Quest until act three now we can go up and do the blood of low Thunder next up we have the blood of lothander legendary weapon Quest and you can start it by coming up to the very top of Crest you like and then just go ahead and smack the statue that will break it free and then you can turn it facing that way and then turn this one and have it face the opposite What secrets might be still be hiding go ahead and head down in here and go ahead and break the crystals that you see in the area and now we can go up here and we can use the Don Masters Crest that we looted earlier go ahead and place the Don Masters Crest right here foreign and that brings me to the end of the video if you liked it leave it a like consider subscribing for more guides to come and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: LukeCanWin
Views: 19,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BaldursGate3, Act1Walkthrough, BG3Sidequests, FullDialogue, BG3Guide, CompleteQuestGuide, SaveLaeZel, ExploreRuins, SaveRefugees, SaveArabella, FindNightsong, StealIdol, InvestigateBeach, SaveGoblinSazza, RescueGnome, SearchCellar, MasterworkWeapon, HuntDevil, RescueTrappedMan, SaveMayrina, InvestigateKhaga, RescueVolo, RaidEmeraldGrove, UnderdarkQuests, MyconidColony, HelpOmeluum, GrymforgeGnomes, AdamantineForge, FreeTrueSoulNere, GithyankiEgg, BloodofLathander, DuergarIntruders, BG3MushroomPicker, BG3MissingShipment, BG3Act1
Id: VmxPVwEkl48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 240min 0sec (14400 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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