Is This Baldur's Gate 3's Unstoppable Party?

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I recently read an article somewhere and I can't quite remember it but it stated that the least paid class in Baldur's Gate 3 was the cleric which you know I understand if you've never played the game before I mean who wants to play the support healer class everyone wants to play The Warrior or the badass sorcerer or sneaky stealthy Rogue however after finishing the my first Boulders Gate 3 campaign with shadowhard in my party I can comfortably say that the cleric is by far one of the strongest classes in the game and you should totally do a run as a cleric and I'm pretty confident in the statement so confident I decided that I would do a whole campaign at Baldur's Gate 3 with a whole party of clerics the whole campaign in three parts with you to prove just how strong the clerics can be I'll be rushing to Withers to respect every character I take into my team I'll also be respecting each into a different subclass of cleric so that we have a good spread and a bit of a variety and I'll go through each level with you and show you how I'm leveling up each character now let's get this started by introducing my cleric here so Tia is a Memphis Mephistopheles Mephistopheles deepling who is a lover of Nature and peace so obviously he's going to be a nature domain cleric this gives him the domain spell speak with animals and animal friendship now since this is going to be my second run I was curious and I decided to give here the backstory of the dark urge I don't know anything about dark urge so this could be quite interesting for Tia surely I won't regret that later on but can trips he gets magehand from being a Mephistopheles teethling guidance resistance sacred flame and I chose we're gonna settle and [ __ ] like or restarting spells he's going to be starting with guiding bolt Shield of Faith healing word and Sanctuary his stats are going to leave his classic default lyric stats which is Strength 11 dexterity 14 Constitution 13 intelligence 8 wisdom 17 and Charisma 12. and so let's start our adventure so as I said before we're going to rush through this opening sequence and get to Withers as quickly as we can so the first thing we did was saved us because you never know might come in handy later on down the track we teamed up with Lazelle and obviously we had to save chatter because you know she's the OG cleric we tried to steal the sword from the Demon King but uh we ultimately failed so just decided to just abandoned ship after crashing we wake up and teamed up with Shadow heart can't think of better company or the intellector bowels and after this we reached level two so tier gained heal wounds and I switched Sanctuary for being because I really didn't think Sanctuary was going to be worth using Shadow heart I kept it with the default skills and like of inflict wounds guarding bolts healing word q wounds and shield of Faith next up we collected a stereon and then Gale and then we went to Withers tomb but we did have to fight our way through the guys inside and fight the skeletons inside before we could actually get with us once we gained Withers I basically started changing everyone straight away asteriona made him a tempest a man cleric which gives him Thunder Wave and Fong the cantrips he had resistance blade Ward and sacred flame and after he leveled up I gave him the sound of spells of guiding bolt Shield Faith inflicting wounds healing word and cure wounds but Gail I turned him into a light domain yeah the cantroops resistance anyway sacred flame being the light domain cleric he got burning hands very fire and for his starting spells godding bolt Shield of Faith protection from Good and Evil healing word and bless so now we had a thought a full party of clerics and we were ready to go and face the world properly so the next thing we did was rescued Lazelle from the cage although I don't think I was planning on using her anyway but you know you never know and then it was time for our first test with a full team of clerics defending the Grove from the Goblins so basically I knew this fight was coming out so I used Shield of faith in the whole party before entering and then I moved everyone up to the cliff to start off the cutscene straight away after the cutscene we had two goblins pretty much spawned up on the cliff with us first up what the rack was Gail who used Radiance of dawn which I didn't realize was a spell that he had in his kit and it absolutely just wiped the floor with those two goblins that spawned on the rocks but from that point gliding bolt pretty much carried everyone through the fight and we managed to get through them pretty easily after entering the Grove week prevented zevlov and arroden from fighting each other forgive me brother hi forgot myself we agreed to helping the tieflings out with The Druids we know you were great debt if we are forced to leave now more of my people will die we reached level three in the Grove in which I ensured everyone had spiritual weapon which is one of the strongest spells that the clerics can have we recruited will and I decided that I would have will over a Starion since uh emo personal run I had already finished the quest line for a Starion and I had hadn't gone through Wills so we're gonna go with will darling I'm hurt I thought we had something special I re-classed will to a tempest cleric and used the exact same specs as I gave a staring next thing we rescue the tiefling child from Arabella from korga Thief my Grace has its limits then we agreed to help the tieflings leave got cured by Nettie it's a risk but maybe you deserve a chance and then we agreed to go and save helson spoke to zevilor again and agreed to also kill all the Goblins then we wandered up this hill and helped afira finish her song which the voice in my head wasn't too pleased about [Music] next we did a little bit more exploring and we found this kid who was being taken by the harpies so we decided to help this was our first fight with spiritual weapons so they came in quite handy against these however where I really saw some great stuff was uh with when one of the harpies tacked will he had a reaction where he could use rather storm lightning it also allowed him to use his channel Divinity reaction destructive wrath which obliterated one of the harpies reactions spiritual weapons and guarding bolt continued to carry our fight and Will Shadow also doing some great damage to the harpies but basically you know got through this fight pretty easily after we helped the kid we decided to leave the Grove with the intention to recruit Carla since I also hadn't gone through Carlock story I decided that I was going to take her into my party as well Raphael presented himself to us in which we told him to politely stick it hope [Laughter] such a tease we also fought the Albert which our spiritual weapons and this flaming ball which was summoned by Gail as being part of the light cleric which pretty much you know did most of the damage to it anyway after fighting the Albert wind continued to recruit kalak and prevented will and her from killing each other which you know not gonna have great outcome for will listen to sense now don't want this to end badly for either of us decided to replace Shadow heart with card fine I'll be here whenever you ReDiscover your tasting company and then turned Carlock into a war domain cleric because you know that's just how carlak B now instead of the standard stats though with color because she was going to be a little bit more of the offensive type I decided I'd give her two points in strength instead of dexterity after that we long rested and was quite surprised to have elfira wanting to join our crew it's all fairer from the groove and I thought this was quite cool because I hadn't realized that ephra was a playable character and I thought oh well I might actually add it to my party or I might even try and remain so who knows and then this happened you open your eyes with alert and you are not in your bed you stand above a body which is in a state of Gore nearly beyond recognition the body of that brave girl who earnestly swore to devote her life to your cause her blood covers you and its warmth feels like the Embrace of an old friend so everyone was absolutely convinced that Tia did it I'm going to say something I'm confident we're all thinking um what's this you're doing in which he admitted that he did it to everyone which everyone was quite happy to blame the tadpoles about so win-win and hope this Affliction spreads no further keeping my eye on you anyway before we long rested kalakar asked us to help kill the worshipers of tear who were chasing her though we decided to find pretty much kill them all although their leader did one shot both tear and Gail oh so I was a little bit concerned but this is where healing word is super super handy the fact that it's a bonus action means that you can easily just revive someone at a quite a long distance and pick him up off the ground and continue to have an action yourself but we made short work of them using as you would have guessed Spirit weapons and guiding bolt that night the party was greeted by Missouri who was you know there for Will and since will hadn't killed karlak well you know what happens will get turned into a devil and strangely later that night tear was greeted by a strange little fellow bellaratus fell Ence day I have found your vile self at last and he gives some kind of explanation to tears behavior and what's going on in his mind but doesn't really explain everything even though I tried but he does give Tia a cool invisibility cloak as a bit of a reward for killing alfira I guess we are Dreadful inheritance so next we attempted to help the zentarim and trapped by the knolls but during the interaction with the Knowles kalak convinces the Knowles not to attack us through you Authority however the canals continue to attack the men in the cave so you know being the Good Samaritan clerics that we are we decided we're gonna go help the clerics so we attacked the nulls again however the men are not convinced that we're there to help them as well so we end up having to kill them though we decided to take the iron flask we then killed the Knolls and the hyenas and the past towards a burning Tavern and then help cancel a Floric and baron Escape The Burning Tavern in which we reach level 4. this was going to be our first feat and for tear Gale and will I gave them all ability improvements in increasing their wisdom by two points to 19. however I increase carlak's strength to 17 instead so next we decided to investigate The zentarium Hideout don't know how I know it's there so we get in without being blown up which was great however we end up getting blown up because we opened the package and basically they want us dead this was actually the first time I had to reload this game because I did not expect them to actually just you know straight up want to just blow everything up like that so after obliterating our party and I had to reload I decided to get the preemptive strike have everyone up on the ledge and basically do the same thing to them unfortunately this means that we weren't going to be able to get any of the loot that they had so next it was time to go and confront the Goblins in the destroyed town I managed to convince the Goblins to let us through and then I proceeded to get sidetracked in an area that I actually hadn't discovered before I found these men who were confronting Auntie Ethel but during the interaction I found something was not quite up so I decided not to help her face creases with false concern you realize she's lying about seeing this girl Marina the men decided to run off without wanting my help in which I decided I will follow them because you know we're good Samaritan clerics and then found that they were dead after speaking to one of their dead bodies I found that the Sheep were a little bit suspicious using tears talking to animals we decided to talk to the Sheep but something still was quite suspicious so we decided to straight up attack the Sheep which you know turns out they're actually just this guy's blood caps because we had the upper hand we knew what was going on we quickly dealt with them and continued on to the Tea House in the tea house we confronted Artie Ethel who had the sister there and something wasn't quite right we didn't take her warning and I was feeling pretty confident so we decided the fighter turns out obviously she was a hag I was pretty confident about the fight until she turned invisible but luckily tier had this nature domain spell Spike growth which I was able to cast on the battlefield which revealed her location to us which was quite useful we then completely surrounded her with spiritual weapons and went to town on her causing her to run away foreign so since we managed to scare off quite easily we thought you know we're just going to charge in straight after her after we quickly bought and dispatcher followers we managed to get past all the traps without getting blown up too much at the bottom of the cave I could see that the sister was still in the cage however I kind of knew if I tried to talk to her this is going to start the boss fight so I just thought you know I'm going to explore a little bit more just in case I managed to do a lot of looting in the back room get a few potions get everything ready we also found our way out in which we were able to Long rest before going back in so cheesed it a little bit once we came back in we were ready to fight Auntie Ethel RT Ethel set the cage on fire in which we use an ice Arrow to put it out so we could fight Auntie Ethel without having to worry about the system during the fine anti-ethyl multiplies themselves with different Illusions so you have to try and work out which one's what which the spirit weapons are very useful for and then we continue to use guiding bolt to do a lot of work taking her out you tried this in the invisibility trick again on us but tear spell Spike growth made quick work with that after defeating the hag we decided to go back to town and then I found another area that I hadn't discovered yet they're Well after going down the well we quickly went through managed to kill all the spiders pretty easily and then leave quite quickly after we left the well we confronted the Goblins who were torturing The Gnome on the windmill and decided to just straight up attack them now I was a little bit concerned with this fight because there was quite a few goblins there however gal pretty much walked in used Radiance Adorn in his first move and caused them all to surrender by wiping out three of them to the goblin Camp to my surprise the Goblins pretty much just let us walk straight to the door without any issues so once we got into the camp I was feeling pretty confident with we were quite strong we've fought many things without much difficulty so you know I thought I'd just pick a fight with a goblin this fight took a little bit of time but basically using being able to summon spirit weapons and doubling our numbers along with the Flaming ball we were able to take out the goblins so gliding bolt obviously being the next used spell which did quite a lot of work for us as well as will spell shatter which actually was quite helpful at taking out quite a few goblins people standing quite close to each other so after making quick work of all the Goblins it was next to go inside and continue to decimate them all the next thing we had to do was fight the goblin priest and we decided to just flat out attack him again this one was a little bit more difficult because they pulled the statue down on us but with these Spirit weapons and guiding bolt who made quick work of them yet again next We rescued Hassan we walked out of the dens and decided to fight these goblins who were standing outside which caused mythara to come and fight us as well which we made quick work of after we kill her we reached level 5 which allowed us to unlock Spirit Guardians and this is pretty much when things get pretty freaking cool for the lyrics I was feeling extremely confident there at this point so we basically walked into draw ragson's cave and started the fight and made sure each character used Spirit Guardians and spiritual weapons to really bolster our numbers a spirit Guardians is just so strong anyone who came close to our party just got dominated by it Joe ragson tried to come in but he just got absolutely obliterated and then we just tied it up and cleaned everyone else up with guiding bolts after we killed row Raglan we did a whole bunch of looting tidied up any goblins that we might have left behind and then went back to the Grove to celebrate everyone seems to be in Heist so while we're back in the groove I decided I'd buy everyone different dies to you know stylize the characters up a bit and ended up turning my entire party into the Power Rangers and while we're here I also heard from a friend that where I should try and let Volo help remove the parasite from my eye he didn't tell me what the outcome was so I thought I'd give it a try it produces an ice pick in which Volo knocked tears eye out eye plops down into however he was nice enough to replace it with another cooler eye which lets me see invisible people so I guess it's a good trade so it was now time to proceed through the goblin camp and into the underdark so we quickly fought and killed the ogre who was gut in the entrance to the underdark we completed the puzzle and continued down while we're in the sooner Outpost we did a long rest and I found that the Albert Cub had come back and become a permanent resident of our campsite and that the cub and scratch were getting along very good friends after looting the outposts we climbed through the window ran into the statue Garden to fight The Spectator this was actually a challenging fight especially with the dryer helpers The Spectator took karlak out pretty quickly straight off the bat and put a lot of pressure on her health but luckily Mass healing was able to help us stay alive Radiance Adorn helped deal some good damage and take out one of the droughts quite easily completely messed up will Shockwave but we won't talk about that anymore and then Spirit Guardians and spiritual weapons as you would expect did quite a lot of work Spirit Guardians is great because you can basically just like move towards the enemy you don't even need to do an action in your turn you can basically do damage to two different enemies in two different locations with Spirit Guardians as you just walk around the map so pretty much at this point in the battle I had three Spirit weapons surrounding the spectator each doing a good chunk of damage to the spectator's health and this basically was what was able to help us win this fight quite easily and then we just quickly wrapped up the remaining drought as we continue on bullet almost discovered us however because the game went into automatic turn based mode we're able to sneak past it it revealed itself down the bottom of the sledge so we were able to sneak up onto it and because we had the higher ground and we attacked it and gave us a surprise attack on it we were able to completely wipe the floor with it it only had one round of attacks and it completely missed so we were able to kill it without even taking any damage so we continued on to loot and explore the underdark then we came across the invisible duurga Who Was Not Invisible anymore because of Tears for seeing eye however we decided not to attack them and then we spoke to him they didn't seem very happy with us being there and so we retaliated with our weapons so of course Spirit Guardians was our opening spell but Carla couldn't get through this doorway because of Gail so she did this badass move of jumping through the window everybody summons Spirit weapons and along with Will Shadow were able to take a huge chunk out of the leader's Health we also summoned our first zombie to help with the fight and just towards the end of the fight the leader tried to turn invisible again but we're able to use Spirit Guardians one more time to reveal his location and wipe him out after we killed the dwego we continued to the microneeds home and reported to The Sovereign that we killed the dwega which they wanted Dead we also agreed that would kill the leader across the river The Sovereign wanted us to show us the bodies of the world we killed and after showing him he asked us to help him overthrow The Sovereign and we thought nah so we took out blood so before we cross the lake I wanted to explore some more of the underdark so we actually found another area of the map that I hadn't been before and we started the fight with two minotaurs now this was actually quite challenging I was a little bit concerned because both of the minotaurs use their charge attack on us and did significant damage luckily we're able to kill one to get him out of the fight pretty early but the second one took two of us out and that is pretty much on the ropes we were able to kill him just before his next turn which I reckon would have wiped us out we continue to explore the underdark and found the cool cars and Phil Rother forgotten which we took out pretty easily so now it's finally time across the lake and save the names so when we got there they believed us to meet members of the absolute but they continued to insult us so I thought this would be a good time to pick a fight for brains although this start had me a little bit concerned as they managed to do some good damage to us straight off the bat plus everyone in the whole area started making their way down to us so I was a little bit worried we managed to turn the fight around with Spirit Guardians and spiritual weapons and mass healing words to keep everyone healed after a little bit of a back and forth fight we managed to kill them and all the others that were making their way down to us just basically gave up so I took that opportunity to take a long rest so we ventured forth and spoke to Sergeant thrim my intention was to start a fight there and wipe them all out but I ended up picking the wrong dialogue option and gave her back her boots the forcing tier to leg it around the Barefoot because I had actually sold all the boots I had to the trader in the microneed town so at this point I thought it'd be best to try and help gnomes by Saving near and the known that was trapped inside so we spoke to the Gnomes who told us about their friend who had the explosives we set out to find her friend and fought some slime monsters plus these random hellhound Helms and hellspawn we quickly made our way to where their friend was hiding and convinced her not to blow us all up [ __ ] can't do it we return back to the cabin with explosives and blew it up Neo came out and we confronted him with the intention to fight however I forgot to Long rest and pretty much had no spell slots unfortunately this fight was over before it started and we all died so this was their second time that we are unfortunately all died after reloading I ensure that we're all long rested before this fight this was actually quite a challenging fight even though we had long rested Spirit Guardians helped just chunk the health of all the duego who was surrounding us initially and spirit weapons and Gale's flaming ball to help us balance the numbers but things were looking rough for us at the end of the first round all of us except kalak had less than a half Health luckily Mass healing would help keep us in the fight for a little bit longer we also are able to summon more zombies to help and even the odds I use our minions to keep consistent damage on near but by the end of the third round things were looking rough again will was knocked down and gal had been knocked into the lava which made it impossible to save him eventually I managed to get all their minions to gang up in the air along with the spirit Guardians to take out near and I use all of our other minions to chase down the archers and take them all out so after we'd won the fight Gail had died in the lava and there was no way I could get him out and we had the revive and prevent him going Nuclear Station that means I have prematurely perished I wasn't able to follow his secret Revival methods so as I had to go to her with is to revive him as I couldn't access Gail's body in the lava oh it's good to be alive we're talking his head to the micrones who sang us a song in Celebration then next week continued to the Grim Forge we made short work in the methods who appeared at lava with Spirit Guardians and gaels Radiance Adorn which you know Arrow of effect damage just insane after that it was time to start making a first mithril item which summoned the Grim now since I've done this before the fight was actually quite easy I knew exactly what to do and knew exactly what to expect however for some reason after we beat the Grim I wasn't able to make anything else out of mithril that for some reason the game glitched and I wasn't able to continue the process so unfortunately after some time trying I eventually gave up and so we continue to wrap up a few loose ends around the area and then we continue to act two and that everybody wraps up act one and now to be honest act one has been pretty easy so far towards the end there were some pretty difficult fights and I've only had to reload twice compared to my first run when I first played Builders gate this is a significant difference honestly you haven't really been trying to avoid fights and I've been doing everything now there's two ways I could think about this because I've been attacking everything and I know what to expect obviously it makes the game a little bit easier I'm higher level because I've been attacking everything so I think in the next ACT just to add a little bit more challenge we're going to up the difficulty the tactician and see how that goes now from what I know Act 2 is harder than act one so this could be a mistake overall but I'm up for the challenge so if you've been enjoying this so far I would really appreciate it if you did hit the like button I will be releasing Act 2 in the coming weeks so look forward to that and I will see you for the next video thank you very much
Channel: TheJury94
Views: 136,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clerics Baldurs Gate 3, cleric team, cleric party, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate, baldur's gate cleric team, baldurs gate cleric party, Gameplay, Clerics, Act 1
Id: ABikSaEThfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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