Baldur's Gate 3 - Best Items In Act 1

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act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3. personally my favorite act you know what I'm saying um there are a lot of good items that you can get in this early game of act one okay and by good items what do we mean by that build enabling okay uh useful to keep in your inventory at all times or just easily missable items through either the request line that's hard to hard to reach or a hidden hatch or a hidden cave somewhere okay um and by act one this includes the base map that you see here and of course the underdark as well alright um plus some you know again some hidden caves or some hidden hatches or some hidden areas in general that you can get some pretty useful stuff in okay um so without further Ado I present to y'all the absolute best items to get in act 1 of Baldur's Gate 3. thank you to get the everburn blade right at the beginning of the game at the nautiloid this dude right here the the weapon he's holding is called the everburn blade and it's honestly gonna be your best melee weapon until act two because it just does pretty good damage um and to get this is actually pretty easy so uh when you pick up Shadow heart on your team make sure press K I think that's the hotkey to pull up your spells make sure she has the command spell and why do we do that when it's her turn in this combat we're gonna move her up We're Gonna Save here because we might have to load up the game again we're gonna press command and we're gonna use drop and it has about a 55 chance of working so that's why we save uh a 55 chance of working is pretty damn good on a level 8 character from a level one character by the way so just take a couple tries but you want to keep doing it uh let's go and keep trying first try let's go and as you can see when I press alt the blade is on the floor just pick it up get out click the button and now you have a melee weapon that you can pretty much use for the whole of act one you're not gonna be replacing this for quite a while so there you go the Ring of flinging which is a ring made for throwing type of builds like a throw Barbarian for example can be found at the first vendor that you're probably gonna run into in the game it's at the emerald Grove right at the entrance as soon as you do your first battle out of the emerald Grove boom he's right here his name is Iran and there you have another the the Ring of flinging very good the gloves of missile snaring can be found at the same as exact vendor and these gloves they're fairly expensive for early game but they are pretty good because if you're playing a DEX character um all range attacks early game will pretty much do no damage against you because they will get reduced because of these gloves it's a pretty solid item here the last item that I'd recommend off this vendor is the rain dancer which is a Quarter Staff and the reason why I like this weapon is because it has the create water spell that you can refresh on a short rest and if you don't know create water um it's pretty damn good not only early game for like dowsing out fires or whatever but water it makes a enemy wet okay it creates the wet condition and when some when something is wet in this game they take double damage from Ice and lightning attacks and there are a lot of ices and lightning attacks in this game okay and it actually makes for one of the most strongest just pure damage builds in the game it being a tempest wizard sorcerer build which you're gonna probably see in this in this channel eventually um but yeah this is the last item that I could recommend the ring dancer at Aeron the first vendor in the game the next item that I'd recommend getting which is pretty nearby is coralon's Grace this gives a plus one bonus to unarmed attack rolls and damage uh and of course if you are a monk you're probably not wearing armor so they receive a plus two bonus to saving throws so this is this is pretty nuts if you're a monk okay and of course this could be found at the anti-ethyl vendor in Emerald Grove and if you know you know who Auntie Ethel actually is but it is pretty much right across from Damon Defender that I just showed you um anti-ethyl she has the coralon's grace probably your go-to monk item for the whole of act one I would say you'll be using this for quite a while another really good item that Auntie Ethel has is uh a stack of three elixir of Hill giant strength just so you guys don't know you can refresh vendors pretty easily in this game all you gotta do is take a long rest take a long rest and the vendors will refresh their potions their Scrolls I believe um and that and that and I think that's about it and of course some of their material some of their maths some of their materials that they have um so you can stack these up and basically if you have a character that depends on strength you can dump strength if you want and just use these for the first half of the game pretty much she sells three of these every time take a long rest make sure you grab them they're not that expensive they're about 200. you know so so like 75 a pop really really good or even less like 50 50 60 a pop you know what I mean so uh Auntie Ethel Elixir Hill Giants super good early game and um they refresh after a long rest she got three of these the super early lightning weapons can be found uh again really early in act one you have to complete a quest and you can get either a trident that you can throw a bow for your Bowman or um a spell sparkler for your spell Caster okay for me I'm gonna choose the bow because I have a Bowman in my party right so I want to use that and uh you can find this Quest up here okay there's a starting zone you go a little Northwest in this building you gotta save the first thing if you want to do this Quest don't take any long rest because they're they might die in the fire building okay make sure you go in this building say the people uh accept the quest to go save the Duke of West The Raven guard or whatever the then you'll be rewarded one of those um lightning items okay for me I chose a jolt shooter and these items are really good um they're pretty good too so um the the the spell cat spell sparkler is the one that you guys saw that I used in my Eldridge blast video and I do a wheel of that with the other lightning staff and made a super duper Elder blast lightning build so these are very very strong especially early um unfortunately they're not um they don't give like they're not Enchanted meaning they're not plus one plus two but the lighting charges does add a little bit of damage and adding a little bit of damage especially early will help out in in your playthrough also when you complete this quest with the zentarums uh in the secret underground you unlock different items in their store uh and let me just show you a few of them the jolte vest this is uh goes Works in tandem with the lightning weapon that you just got so I would recommend buying this and giving this to your lighting web in person okay they also have the giant breaker here another Enchanted weapon and your weapon this weapon hits hard enough to send your target reeling and reeling um gives them a penalty on attack rolls for every turn remaining so they would get minus two Attack rules if you do land a hit with this giant breaker pretty good right and this is the weapon we just got I sold it to them if I could take to get my money grasp to me okay also uh the Titan string bow um I'm actually gonna buy this bow I'm testing out a a different a different type of bow build you guys saw my dual crossbow builds I'm gonna test out a different build with this bow um using those uh strength elixirs plus your decks and the reason why this bow I think is really really good one it's plus one enchantment and this weapon deals additional damage equal to your strength modifier so normally Bill uses our decks let's let's assume you have 20 decks and then let's assume you you drink an Elixir though those very common strength elixirs that I told you earlier in the video how easy those how easy those are to get now you have plus five strength plus five decks so you would do a plus five per attack with this with this bow if your strength modifier um if you if you drunk those strength elixirs so I'm gonna test out this bill I'm gonna buy right now you know what I'm saying um what else does this vendor have they got some halothorne gloves um I'm actually gonna buy these two because this makes it really really really easy to steal stuff and pickpocketing people in this game is op as if you haven't tried pickpocketing listen stealth stealth and pickpocketing are two things that if you haven't tried I recommend making a rogue getting expertise and sleight of hand and stealth and doing that stuff because you can save so much money you can get so much stuff for free um and it's crazy so I'm gonna go and buy these because I know how powerful these are you know what I mean um anything else that this vendor has that is worth showing off just just some more enchantment weapons you know what I'm saying pretty good stuff over here so yeah if you want to finish this quest line again grab that Caravan box at the null cave with a bunch of those nulls grab it do not open it give it to the zentarum leader in this in this Underground and then they will they will give you the The Herald as a as a quest reward and of course they will open up the shop to give you some more cool stuff there you go The Smuggler's ring can be found right here the Risen Road Waypoint again in act one you're gonna go down a little bit down you can see a little bit of river okay it's actually pretty near where you could find Carlock as well you know what I'm saying and you find that off the skeleton it's kind of hard to to to spot you can't even see it if you press alt so you gotta like click around but it's around this area it's a skeleton guy here just around the bush and he's gonna have this ring and this ring uh is amazing for your stealthy sleight of hand lock picking disarming trap character you want to have this on them whenever you want to do that stuff and again and make it things like lock picking and pickpocketing a lot easier and stealthing around I definitely recommend getting this ring before you leave act one the silver pendant can be found right here 's the roadside Cliff here's Emerald Grove kind of go in the middle and go left um and you got to go up Cliff upwards some some ladders okay and it's on the skeleton another skeleton that you can't really find by pressing alt can I ask to just hover over it click on skeleton it has the silver pendant which comes with the guidance can trip um you should you should probably already have a person in the party that has guidance because guidance is I think it's number one can trip in the game just because it gives you a 1d4 to every single ability check and you can apply it all the time you know what I'm saying I like to put this on my Thief uh you know the the ring I showed you earlier that gives plus two stealth plus two sleight of hand plus those uh gloves at the thieves Ariza that I showed you earlier as well at The zentarum Hideout you combine those gloves with the with that ring with this pendant you have an ultimate pickpocketer that can steal pretty much everything they want except for like super high value items okay silver pendant guidance get it if you don't have it the lumps warhorn is um one of the cool items that you can get in Act One um and basically you you use it and three big ass level five-ish ogres come to help you during battle and to also scam you out of your money and maybe even try to kill you afterwards honestly this war horn isn't really useful what's really useful is um the helmet that the uh one of the ogres was wearing which we'll go over in a little bit as soon as I can get high enough level to defeat those ogres but yeah you can get this over a blighted village here's the Waypoint go a little uh South Southwest at the house okay you're gonna find some three big ass ogres and you're gonna have your charisma character talk up walk up and talk to them you gotta make a couple checks the DC is pretty high so make sure you know uh you might you might want to have a Bard in your party or have a road with expertise and persuasion or something like that or deception you talk to them you get the war horn and you can call them during battle I like to use this uh for the big battles in the game um but again it's not really that useful because the the O's are scam scammers so what I would do is I would use this horn use the ogres for battle and then immediately fight them afterwards because you should be strong enough to be able to fight them at that point in the game okay lumps war horn by The Village Bang Bang braces of Defense you get a plus two to your AC as long as you're not not wearing armor or holding a shield so they're pretty perfect for a monk at least until you get your offensive monk gloves and you can find these uh we're still at the blighted Village you can find these in the cellar you know so so search around blooded Village try to try to find some hatches okay I believe it is it is across from the ogre ogre room okay the house across from the ogres okay you go in the house you go down the hatch keep exploring pull down some levers or whatnot and you'll you will eventually find these bracers and I'm definitely gonna put them on my monk right now as soon as I uh move on to the next item the necromancy of Thai is probably a book that you've ran into we're in the same Cellar that we that we I just showed the braces of Defense in we're in the same Cellar and the necromancy of Thai is a book that you probably have run across and don't know what to do with it uh I'll explain a little later basically you're gonna go to um uh the well in lighted Village or however you want to enter the the spider Den spider Den is is uh guarding a dark amethyst I'll show it later in the video but I'll just explain right now so you want to get that dark amethyst you want to insert that item into the mouth of this book you open it you make some checks then you take this book all the way into act three where you gotta read one of the one of the legendary books at sorcerer's Sundries which gives you the language of this book and you unlock the language you fully unlock the book and this book what does it reward you with it rewards you with a pretty powerful summoning spell it pretty much um uh if I'm not mistaken every long rest you can summon four ghouls to fight with you it's at that thing it's a level five um Conjuring spell if I'm not mistaken okay and um so if you're a summoner build or you just want some Bell does not cost a spell slot it comes with the book four ghouls to fight with you I mean it doesn't hurt then uh get this book it's um it could be found in the same Cellar uh braces of defense is right here just go left inside here as you can see there's a lot of traps that go along so all you got to do is turn on turn based mode steal the book and get the hell out before you start getting blasted with these fire bolts you know what I mean but I definitely but uh if you if you definitely want um those four ghouls are are definitely not um and are not are not ones to play with they're actually pretty useful in your party so if you want to get that and want to make your summoner build even more beefy necromancy a tie blighted Village basement and again I will mention later um on where to get the the dark amethyst which is able to open this book okay the haste Helm is a Helm that uh gives you momentum at the start of combat for three turns and combat really only lasts for three turns anyway in this game even in taxation mode if you know what you're doing so pretty good helmet and momentum pretty much just gives you more movement speed okay uh during that time and it's a really really good early Helm to get you can get it pretty much right off the bat you know what I'm saying Bloody Villages is a place you would you would go pretty early you know what I mean and you get this again we're a blighted village still a little top left you've probably seen this big ass chest you gotta do a little bit of lock picking it'll be in here bang I like to put it on my melee boys and from from my melee Boy The Punchy boy uh uh here's a monk so I'll put on the melee boys okay meet grat the traitor the first vendor that you should be running into at the goblin Camp you can find it right here let me show you the map real quick so here I am at the entrance of the goblin Camp here at lighted Village go left go up and he's the first goblin that you should talk to he has the vendor right here and he sells some pretty notable stuff and let me show y'all what he what he has stuff the stuff that I like so first things first he sells the gloves of archery a very good early game bow user gloves I'm gonna go ahead and buy it because I do have a bow user in my party bang bang and he also sells boots of Aid and comfort pretty solid boots for your healer um there's a lot better boots that you'll be getting for you here later but if you need some extra boots go ahead and buy these you know what I'm saying another good item that he has is the whispering promise which is pretty much a self-bless um I wouldn't really use this on a support character but on like a on a on a paladin which is kind of your your your damage tank healer uh this is perfect for them at least early you know what I'm saying so pretty solid healing items there and the last item that I want to show recognition to is the returning Pike if you guys have watched my throw bearing video you know that this is um second best in slot when it comes to the throw Barbarian Build you know what I'm saying if you're not going to if you're not using the packed weapon or weapon bond um feature in the game you know uh this this along with one other weapon in the game has a special passive which is homing weapon where if you throw it it returns back to you there is only one other weapon like that in the game and that weapon is in act three but this weapon is in act one so if you're doing the throw Barbarian Build you can get this super duper early and um you can use it all the way up until act three it's pretty solid along with the um other throwing items that you can get which again you can get them all in act one and act two really really super strong build early and just throughout the game really so those are the items that I recommend getting from this from this Trader and of course cam supplies when you need it the cap of curing is a mardic helmet or if you inspire an ally using verdict inspiration they also regain one six hit points so you can kind of do two and one here while inspiring someone during battle or out of battle you can regain you can um can heal them at the same time pretty solid early game Bard hat you can get this next to alphera yes you could find alfier earlier than act two um and it's in the emerald Grove see over here it's kind of easy to miss you know but you go you see you enter here to the emerald Grove you turn left you turn right up this hill you find all fear doing her little loot band trying to learn a song and this chest over here I'll do a little bit of lock picking and then you open it up and it'll be right there cap of curing The Sword of Justice another pretty good early game choice just in case you don't have the everburn sword from the not a Lloyd ship it comes with tears protection where you can concentrate um and give anyone in your party a plus two to their AC um as long as you keep the weapon equipped okay and this sort of Justice can be found at the paladins on this dead boy over here his name is Anders okay and where is it on the map here's the Risen Road Waypoint and here was karlak if you found karlak and of course you can get this weapon two ways you can either side with the paladins go go cut off karlak's head who's in my party right now and they will reward you this weapon or if you have a heart and of course Carlock is probably the most awesome person in this game you're probably going to not sideway them and instead uh murder their asses and then you can get the weapon for yourselves there you go Sword of Justice Roa Moonglow this vendor you probably are familiar with but you can actually interact with them before you reach Act 2 and moonrise Towers where you're still at the goblin Camp okay let me show you where I am so we're inside the goblin camp we turn left we just dealt with Princess gut okay and this is your room right here Princess Cuts room and the the vendor is just outside she has a big ass bow in her back and her name is Roa Moonglow and she sells some pretty decent stuff for example this plus one blooded great ax which is of course we're looking for plus one plus two weapons this early in the game and when the wielder has 50 points or less with the HP uh percentage hit points or lasting deal an additional um point of damage is kind of expensive too early in the game and honestly there are much better weapons you're better off using the bloodied great sword or sorry that ever the everborn sword but if you wanna if you're a great ax user this is definitely the one that you want to turn to and the next best one is an underdark which I'll show you guys later uh what else does she got she got she has a glaive monsters glaive which deals additional damage to monstrosity type foes again there aren't that many monstrosity type foes in the game but if you're looking for something like this bang bang here it is uh she comes with a staff that you can use another plus one staff it comes with the Firebolt enchantment a little bit too expensive but but again it's here if you want it some cool spells I'm gonna go ahead by scroll to fly Scrolls of flies are amazing and this potions are amazing let's see what else she got any cool little r armors here not really nope nope um a little heavy crossbow plus one bonus to initiative rules above awareness not bad pretty cheap as well okay you can use this as a stat stick I'm one of your characters and actually I might even do that myself okay um Hunter's dagger um one of those assassin weapons that Target must succeed on a dc-13 which is not very high saving throw but then they become ruptured which means they take more damage when they move not bad if you're looking for that for that pure assassin build you know what I'm saying uh plus one weapon plus one weapon same thing cool out here no some more spells roaring Thunder some camp supplies so yeah Aurora Moonglow very good vendor again you uh keep you want to keep this vendor alive because they sell even more cool later in act two and more and and by now I should have probably released that video so so yeah keep the vendor alive Roman glow at the goblin camp the absolutes war board and the absolute Talisman first of all uh when you get into the goblin camp and you interact with Priestess gut this Goblin that we murdered over here you want to make sure you actually get that brand because not only does it help you make certain checks later in the game to get you into VIP stuff but the absolute brand is one of those permanent Buffs in the game that certain items works with it right and much like this shield and this amulet so the amulet you get advantage on your debt saving throws and of course you receive Aid which which this one only works on yourself but still it's nice temporary hit points and the shield of course you get a plus one to your saving throws and you get the heroism spell so it does not cost a spell slot so I would use I I would normally put these items on my support character very good on support characters it's pretty easy to get your support character all geared up pretty early as you can see in this video so far but yeah so after after you after you get uh after gut Brands you with the thing put it on your cleric um take her to the make sure she's alone uh and beat her up get the items you know what I'm saying and there you go Amulet of Misty stuff you probably already know where to find this but just in case you don't this is a super good amulet Misty step dimension door anything from ability in this game is super useful okay and of course Misty step is very strong because it only costs a bonus action to use all right you can find this amulet at the goblin camp at the in the room right behind Priestess gut after you defeat Big Bertha here um it is in the chest in her room and the kill the chest pick it up and there you go you have a super strong amulet until I end game pretty much the helmet of smiting when you apply a condition with one of your Smite spells you gain temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier now of course this is the go-to palette in early game helmet okay and by the way it's super easy to apply a condition whenever you use one of your Smite smells you're probably already applying a condition so if you've got a paladin group or you had a multi-class paladin you know for that Divine Smite give it to this give this to them super solid all right and you can find this uh at the underdark see this Waypoint right here under dark cell in that Waypoint uh under dark cello Knight Outpost my bad uh and of course this is this is the this is the entrance to the underdark that is just below the goblin Camp again it's connected to Priestess gut room did a little puzzle over there super easy puzzle to do and uh you can find this helmet right here in this chest this door has a pretty high DC though to open it's like 20 so make sure you got a lock picker for this door and this chest right here pick up the helmetest mining for your Paladin the Luminous armor when the wearer deals radiant damage they cause a radiant shock wave and what radiant shock wave does it applies radiating orb and radiator radiating orb does I gotta keep pressing T in a it gives the enemy a a debuff to their attack rolls per remaining turn and radiating arm is one of the best debuffs in the game you can pretty much keep stacking this you can have an opponent have like -5 to the attack rolls crazy and again this is probably your your clear clear um chest um super early game that you can get we're in the same place under dark selenite Outpost okay you're gonna go here you're gonna go near this wall you got to make a little perception check so make sure someone's got perception on your team and as well as gonna be a fake wall you go in here uh disarm this disarm this chest lock pick this chest and then pick up the Luminous armor for your cleric or whoever does rating damage in your party probably your Paladin too crazy all right so this next part is not an item but it is a one of them it is another permanent buff that you can get so you can you not only can get the absolute brand here which is kind of a permanent buff but you can also get something called lovia tar's love which pretty much gives you a bonus to your attack rolls and a bunch of stuff when you're low HP okay it's a super good buff and there's no reason not to have it but the reason why I'm including in this video is because you got to make some checks with it to get to in order to get this buff and if you want it on a character that doesn't really have Charisma it's going to be kind of hard but there is a way to make these checks a lot easier and don't ask me why I know this it is what it is you have to be completely naked as the guy whips you and there's no other way that I could say that in sentence I'm going to do this quickly because I don't want to get banned so let's do that and underwear off okay cool so I would talk to the guy boom I'm doing dark urge so I'm gonna do the darker stuff Bang Bang and then so he's gonna whip you and you see this buff here Ardent Apostle this only appears if you're completely naked and you get a plus 4 bonus to your performance and intimidation checks with the checks that you need to make to get this and then we'll do a little fast forward here and there you go levertar's love pain is the path to Clarity when you have 30 hit points or less you're getting a plus two to attack rolls and wisdom saving throws for three turns so yeah pretty good buff there's no reason not to have it and only bad thing I don't even think it's a bad thing but you got to get a little nakey all right line breaker boots Adrenaline Rush once per turn when you dash you gain wrath for two turns wrath gives you just a nice little small bonus to your um the damage with melee weapons okay so you want to put this on your melee person pretty good early boots for damage and you get this off of Beastmaster zerk up here in the goblin Camp prison or your or you uh you're gonna help my man helson halson what the is his name Houston where the is his ass I just freed him oh he's over here there you go Houston okay you free him you can kill him whatever you want but beastmasters elk has these boots and they're nice for melee people volo's ursat's eye this is a passive just like levia tar's love that I showed you earlier as one of those permanent passive Buffs and for this one you're able to see invisibility which is pretty damn good because there are some points in the game where you are going to run into some invisible monsters and if you don't have a fairy fire or a way to see those invisible enemies this comes uh super handy and I'd recommend putting it on your Melee character because the other one getting into the thicker things and you can get this one if you didn't know so when you say Vala from the goblin Camp he's gonna go back to your camp and go back to the camp and talk to him he's gonna have a little exclamation point on him uh he he does run away after this though um so that's why he's not here currently because I already have the eye but he'll be in your Camp after you free him from the goblin Camp so after you free him from the cage go back to your Camp talk to him take a long rest he'll be um talk to him again and then have him basically do eye surgery on you and it's gonna look like it's you up but actually it gives you a new eye uh see invisibility another unfortunate thing is it does replace one of your eyes so you don't you know if you have some super cool eyes um it does replace it with the with his you know pretty blank plain eye but it is a really good buff um to be able to see invisible monsters Hell Riders Pride Helm protection when you heal another creature it gains resistance against bludgeoning piercing and slashing damage dealt by weapon attacks and it also gives a plus one strikes having throws uh so pretty much you get uh resistance to most physical damage in the game these are probably gonna be your bestest lot as far as early game goes for for healing gloves I'm definitely going to put these on my on my on my support healer here and you can get these off of completing the investigate kaga quest line okay um and that Quest is definitely easily missable so I'm going to go ahead and show you all where to start the quest so you're gonna go over here Emerald Grove in this door okay you definitely have probably been in before see that these dead people on the ground that's part that's part of the quest don't worry about that you're going here you're gonna turn left okay so in there is where you talk to Nettie where she tells you to uh go save hallsen but this time you turn left go over here go around in in this chest it's called kaga's chest you're gonna find a note in here and that's going to start the quest and that Quest is going to lead you to go to it's going to mark your map and lead you to the swamp near the hag let me show y'all all right so the hagway point is right here Riverside Tea House you're gonna go east okay and you're probably going to travel over some water a little bit here's the pathway boom boom boom go down you're gonna have a little battle over here against some uh against uh just some nature tree stuff okay uh and and the the quest marker is going to be around here and then in this this middle area you're gonna have to do um probably a perception check but there'll be a little tree branch like I saw like I told you earlier in the video when I showed you guys that the Sparky spark hands or whatever or whatever those Lightning Charge gloves and the the note can be found um a little to the left of the chest inside of the tree it's in the little tree where I can read that note it tells you to go confront kaga about being a part of Shadow Druids and then you can either choose to um kill kaga and the shadow Druids or you can kind of I would recommend convincing kaga to leave the shadow Druids and then you guys kill the shadow Druids which are those dead bodies that you saw earlier and then you talked to zevolor and zevolor would give you these gloves that are really really good for Healers the Ring of protection AC plus one saving throws plus one this ring is really really good and this is one of those items that's also pretty easily missable in act one so I'm gonna tell you exactly how to get it so we are here in the underground uh hideout in Emerald Grove this is where the little kids are little thief kids okay and how we get here is first of all I'm gonna show you how to start the quest and finish the quest and all that kind of so um basically you have to steal um if you if you play this game before would you I assume you probably have you there is an idol there's like a shining super Idol in the emerald Grove okay and it's in the middle of here right the idol is here okay and you're probably gonna see a lot of Druids surrounding it um so that is the ritual that they're casting to basically shut off the emerald Grove from all dangers that that is why The Druids and the tieflings have beef because The Druids are kicking out the tieflings um for this ritual to pass so there's only Druids here uh so they're so their people are safe okay so that's why they're doing that you're gonna see a lot of Druids with their hands up like you know holy a la or whatever and they are praising this Idol and you know doing their ritual or whatever you get to get this ring you have to steal that Idol all right which and if you if you normally try to do this All The Druids are going to attack you and you have to go on a druid killing spree right which you can do that that is definitely the probably the easiest and fastest way but if you're a peacekeeper if you're not trying to murder a bunch of pretty most innocent people this is how I would suggest doing it so the quest that I mentioned earlier investigate kaga that um that is very important to do it in a peaceful way so you want to finish that Quest you want to confront kaga you want to out kaga so now all The Druids are like man maybe we don't have to do this ritual anymore you know so um once you finish that Quest and get the the you know the the hell Rider gloves and um and talk to zevolor The Druids will stop doing the ritual so there will be a lot less Druids around it a lot less eyes keeping keeping an eye on the uh on on the on the idol over here and then what you're going to do after that is you're going to cast flaw cloud or Darkness around the idol okay you're gonna pick up it's actually pretty very specific you're gonna pick up a chest and let me just show you how to do it you're gonna put this you're gonna you're gonna pick up chest or a barrel anything that can hold items in it and pick up a chest or a barrel okay you're gonna place it right around here 's a good spot okay you're gonna open the inventory first of all you're gonna enter turn base mode then you're gonna cast Darkness all right you're gonna cast Darkness uh I would I would click right here it's actually pretty specific cast Darkness or fog Cloud click right here right in front of the idol okay this will make it so no one can see you steal it all right but the thing is if if you take it outright you'll get a dialogue but if you have a chest open the chest inventory while you have the darkness up you're gonna drag the idle into here like dragging a normal item into there like that boom now it's inside the chest okay while darkness is still up pick up the chest TP quickly over here or anywhere just TP away and then you'll have the idle inside the chest and then you can give it to mall okay now how you start this Quest is um over here at the beach which again could be easily easily missable okay the alpha is up here go over here keep going keep going so that there's some blood spatters because you're going to get into a fight with some harpies um but there's basically going to be a a child here right and if the child is dead if if there are no harpies or the child is dead over here that means it is too late that means you you've taken too many long risks or you've progressed too much in the story and you are not allowed you're not not able to um to start the quest but there would be a child here who will Who will be being basically Charmed by these harpies that I've already killed uh you gotta defeat the harpies talk to the child and then the child will basically give you a put in a good word for you and then they'll tell you how to get to the to the thief hideout back over here okay you go inside that Thief Hideout that I showed you earlier you talk to Maul m-o-l that is her name and you want to keep them all alive because she's pretty relevant throughout the whole story and she'll give you the quest to steal to steal the idol uh and you're gonna steal the idol on exactly how on how I showed you you're going to complete completely investigate kaga Quest first so the Druid stop doing the ritual and then you're gonna you're gonna cast Darkness or fall Cloud over over the idol or around the idol have a chest or a barrel or any container put the put drag the idle into that chest or container pick up the chest TP away and then go back to Mall and give her the I gave her the idol and you'll get this sweet super good ring that is good for every single build in the game the hag hair all right so if you don't know now you know the hag hair gives you a permanent plus one bonus to any stat of your choice wisdom strength Constitution dexterity intelligence or Charisma and I get this uh is um when when you're in the hag den and uh she's about like 30 HP or less you want to go and Skip ahead to return she's gonna stop combat she's going to give you the option to uh she'll trade you one of these permanent bonuses to take the girl you can convince her to tits so that you get both you can you can get both the power and save the girl if you wanted to if you make a a very high DC persuasion check but in any case take the power uh it's a plus one bonus to any stat and um this is very good because this allows you to start one of your characters with a 17 in a certain stat and normally um an odd number is wrong in DND because you only really get bonuses for even numbers but this allows you to bump it up even one um so you can turn that 17 stat into an 18 plus your ability score Improvement at level four to have a Max stat very early in the game super strong hag hair hack done hack done take the power it's pretty damn good also you can kill hack later in the game anyway if you wanted to one of the bosses in the gambling camp that the game um will require you well require but you have an option to kill her and if you do she's got some pretty good stuff on her one she has a Minds layer parasite specimen go and add that to your brain uh two she's got the spider silk armor go and give this to whoever your sneaky Deaky person is in your party if you've got a rogue you know what I'm saying um she also has his weapon where once per short rest you can uh it's it's a free fairy fairy fire it's a free fairy fire on a Target so um if you have that support character that doesn't really do damage in the group but instead provides you know some kind of utility go and give this to them I definitely I'm going to give this to my uh to my hero healer in the group so they can give Advantage for my teammates and of course finally her best item in my opinion mythara has is the boots of striding when you cast a spell that requires concentration you gain momentum but that's not the the good part of this uh of these boots the good part of the second part while you are concentrating you can't get knocked prone or be moved against your will if you've played uh this game you know that you lose concentration when you get knocked prone and um it's pretty easy to get knocked prone in this game if you are a spellcaster because you're not going to make those strength saves you know what I'm saying but these boots make it so you will never get knocked prone or or get pushed which is really really good and I and normally I leave these on my spellcasters for quite a long time until we get the end game so Buddhist riding uh spider silk spider silk armor mind flare specimen and the xeonide from mythara you can kill her in the goblin Camp you can kill her in front of the emerald Grove um you can keep her alive and never get these items the choice is yours draw Ragland draw ragslin yeah uh so this is one of the other Goblin bosses and he comes with a nice little Warhammer here which is versatile but the reason why I like this Warhammer is because it comes with a certain special attack called absolute power where it adds a force damage and you can push a Target back it's pretty good um so and you and of course it's a versatile so you can wear a shield with this item and it still does a good amount of damage and of course he comes with another mind flare specimen and a little key that we can use to go up here and use back here and get even more goodies and in the back room and draw ragwan's valdi comes with saloon's dream which is uh an amulet with saloon's dream which you can touch your ally to hit to heal them but they possibly fall asleep I would not recommend using this because if you put an ally to sleep then what the hell is the point in healing them okay but it also comes with an infernal iron which is pivotal to carlex story and these there aren't too many of these running around so the these are kind of nice and of course if you're not doing carlak's story they're worth quite a bit of gold too look at that it's worth like 100 gold he also comes with the gloves of the growling Underdog um the where it gains advantage on melee attack World while surrounding by two or more foes and if you're playing melee in this game you're probably going to be surrounded by tour mofo so pretty good to get some easy Advantage here on your melee characters and of course the last thing he comes with are the Spring Step boots when the wearer dashes or takes a similar action during combat they gain momentum and momentum gives you just some extra movement speed so pretty decent items I draw a ragsiling what appear as Crown when healing another the wearer games uh one to six hit points uh nice little small little healing Helm you could find this if you are able to save the Grove from the Goblins okay uh either zevolor or if he dies one of the teethlings we'll give this to you in a bag full of five items and this will be one of the five items and also to follow that up with if you save the Grove and I believe if you followed it up with halsin uh you can also murder one of The Druids to get this as well but um this this glaive can be found um this this sorrow plus one the reason why first of all the reason why I like this weapon is because uh it is a plus one of course but it comes with a bonus action and a lot of times your melee characters will not have a bonus action to to do stuff and this bonus action is pretty damn good because it pulls the creature closer to you and if you're using this you're probably gonna be in like a melee person anyway so it's pretty damn good and you can find the sorrow right here in the Druid um treasure Enclave uh prize place after again if you if you follow with Halston or as you uh again remember one of The Druids to get to be able to get the rune you're gonna this room that you talk to Nettie in you're gonna see four little things here this one's gonna be empty uh one of The Druids will give you the final tablet and then you turn it you light them all up you go inside the stairs and there you have the Druid goodies for you the hidden vault poisonous robe um if the waric acid a spell that deals poison damage it deals an additional one to four poison damage uh and uh this is normally a bad item on its own but I actually found that it's a pretty good combo with the staff of prones and this is the stuff that you can get uh at the Hagler it's in her back room just pick it up you can cast a ray of sickness every short rest which does pretty decent damage and on top of that it's a it doesn't cost a spell slot and with this row but there's even more damage so give it to your staff of Crohn's person that you have and also um so we can get this at the at the spider Den at the bottom of blooded Village you can get here through the well through the cellar there's multiple ways to get down here um and you can get this robe at the the big spider that we just killed up here okay the phase spider matriarch but more importantly you could find the dark amethyst this dark amethyst what is it used for it's used for opening the necromancy of Thai okay you gotta make three checks um they're either wisdom or intelligence checks I I forgot but you got to make three checks and then and then again if you didn't see earlier in this video the necromancy of Thai can be taken all the way into act 3 to give you a I believe level 5 Conjuration Spell to summon four ghouls to fight at your side every long rest so um it takes a little while to get it going but it eventually works and to and to open it again you get a dark Amethyst from the spider Den underneath the blighted village the falar aloof this is a plus one weapon it also gives you a plus one performance and it comes more importantly it comes with the Melody now if you don't know what this is it refreshesive off of a short rest and what it does is you can either cast a bless Aura bless or a bless gives 1d4 bonus to your attack rules and saving throws or you can use it to cast a damage ore I believe all your attacks uh additional damage gets added an additional 1d4 dice um which I think is the more useful one to be honest because if you're casting bless you kind of have to be a little close um so I would recommend using the damage Aura on your probably swords Bard character or whatever melee characters have an open hand slot this is a very good weapon for doing a little bit of extra damage and they can be found in the underdark of course near the selenite Outpost you're going to go up turn left it's going to be in this rock kind of like an Excalibur kind of thing and you have to either make a strength check or a religion check or some kind of intelligent check I believe you pass one of those checks you pull it out and there you go you have the falar Aloo one of the best early game items to be honest the abyss beckoners demon Spirit Aura the rarest summon creature has resistance to all damage except psychic damage at the start of the summon creature's turn it must exceed a wisdom saving throw or be driven mad um so these are very double-edged sword gloves but these are also very missable gloves and that's why I'm including them in this video if you are summoner build this will make your summons super tanky having resistance to everything except for cycling is pretty damn good but of course the the the latter part of the of these um of these gloves is kind of risky but if you want to keep it spicy you can get these gloves at The zentarum Hideout again this is an easy mystical place this can be found um to the left of the burning building in the a in the north of act one when you get your little electric um lightning weapon you know what I'm saying you go down you find a little Hideout you go up here and behind this door where um You're Gonna Want to lock pick it either in invis or whenever this this dude over here isn't looking it's inside its chest over here and you can find these gloves made for Summoners baby blurg the Hobgoblin vendor and the underdark first of all Michelle where I'm at real quick before we do anything show the items under dark my con and Colony as soon as you get the Waypoint you don't turn right you almost you know you're gonna meet up with blurg okay and he sells some pretty damn good items let's go over them the boots of genial striding the where's movement is speed is unimpeded by difficult terrain uh they're they're going to be quite a few uh points in the game where you are gonna someone's gonna cast web someone's gonna cast and tangle or whatever against you hunger or fedar or whatever you call it and um difficult terrain means half movement speed and you you basically don't you never want that because it makes fighting really really hard especially if you're a Melee character so they get these boots um if you have a non-mobile character you know what I'm saying uh he also has a circuit of blasting this is a scorching Ray Helm it's just a free cast of scorching Ray and and this early in the game spellcasters have very limited amount of spell slots so having extra extra spells especially ones that do damage is pretty useful in the early game okay he also sells the baneful this is a short sword it can be dual wielded and um the reason why I like this weapon is of course it's a plus one weapon but it can it's all it can get it can be plus two if you are an elder tonight or a warlock because an LG Knight can make it a uh a weapon packed or as a warlock you can do the same thing and then you get um additional things on it and on top of all that if you hit the target they have a possibility to get banged which gives the target a penalty to their Attack rules and their saving throws so if you're if you're running a dual wielder or someone that likes using short swords the baneful is a very very strong weapon early game okay and of course you sell some pretty damn good spells ice storm is good Fang death uh I might as well mention this right now real quick feign death plus sanctuary if you're trying to keep an NPC alive for example Isabella uh Jahira um the night the night song little spoiler there if you want to keep them alive the best combo to do that is to put their ass to sleep because the AI is very stupid in this game and then the cash Sanctuary on them you do that they can only be hit by AOE spells um and that they'll most likely be just fine okay because your team would probably probably going to be strong enough to keep them alive anyway but that's probably for a separate video but I feel like I should have mentioned it because I I came across this scroll okay glyph awarding is also pretty strong sticking Cloud solid as well all right and the these Scrolls by the way Scrolls and Potions they um they restock every long rest so if you're trying to stock up on squirrels or or potions and whatever make sure you uh you find that vendor you take that long rest and you take advantage of that fact all right um this guy also sells the psychic spark this is really strong super strong um and I I actually if I'm not mistaken there are actually some builds that use this because it's basically a free up cast on your magic Missile shoot an additional Dart whenever you cast magic Missile so when you cast it at level one it acts as level two when you cast it a level two and actually level three and when you cast magic Missile at level six that is basically eight or nine missiles going at your opponent and of course you can stack damage on top of that it can get pretty crazy you know I'm sure if you if you if you look around on YouTube you guys can find some magic Missile builds um but this even if you're not playing a magic Missile build this on your spellcaster if they have magic Missile and they definitely should should they'll be using this for quite a while let me tell you okay what else does this guy have oh Sanders shoes as well there are definitely some builds that only use fire whenever you burn an enemy you gain two turns of heat uh heat is basically a status that you that you inflict on yourself um and most of the time when you do heat builds you want to use that heat in the same turn or as fast as possible because that damage can add up and kind of kill kill your character I had a I was running a fire sorcerer and I it was a heat build and I was basically the only damage that that was being dealt to me was a damage that I was dealing to myself and I died every combat okay so you want to be using your heat convergence when you gain heat it can convert it with it with this passive ability you can toggle it in the uh in your action bar and it basically just gives you an extra extra points of fire damage any extra point of damage especially this early is pretty solid okay um what else has it got dark vision ring you know just in case you ain't got um one of your party members not not every uh race in this game has dark vision because this is a pretty solid ring for that uh he also sells a lightning charges Helm if you if you've got one of those characters running a full Lightning build uh they definitely want to be running this they gain three temporary hit points solid you know what I mean um this is definitely probably one of the best weapons this guy sells melf's first staff you gain plus one bonus to spell save DC and spell attack rules and it comes with a free spell melf's acid arrow and from what I understand um so this spell deals damage um on the hit and on the enemy's turn and I believe when you are encased in acid your AC also gets lowered by two so this staff has damage it comes with DC it's the go-to spell casting staff early and I 100 recommend this if you're running a spellcaster in your party and that's blurg the vendor Gareth bone cloak the other vendor at the miconid under dark Colony this is the first vendor I showed you over here okay and then you're gonna go a little further downwards the first window was over here go a little left it's just it's it's super near the town you can't miss it and she has a few good items as well Bang Bang she has the Amulet of restoration this is probably going to be your best in slot amulet uh for quite a while on your healer it just comes with a free healing word and a free Mass healing word okay does not cost a spell slot again items with spells on them are pretty damn good in this game um and you'll you won't be replacing this unless you have uh the periactive wound closure or the amuleta health which are items that you get later in the game but this is definitely a pretty damn good um slot holder for the for those for the amulet spot on your healer okay uh what are some other items the Ring of jumping so a lot of times early game some of your characters are not going to have a bonus action this cost a bonus action so you can literally give them uh you can triple the jumping distance for your immobile characters so if they don't have a bonus action you can give them a free one with this and I believe it refreshes off of a short rest it does so it's pretty damn good ring pretty useful and it's super cheap and the last thing I want to mention is the caustic band you probably know of this one uh your weapon attacks also deal additional damage it's just additional damage any type of additional damage is super good in this game because damage Stacks a lot of your characters probably attack more than one to turn this means it's gonna it's gonna just deal even more damage and there are very few things in this game that are resistant to acid damage okay so that's bone cloak the second under dark Mycon Adventure enjoy gloves of an uninhibited kushigo the wear of the additional 1d4 damage with throw attacks and attacks made with improvised weapons this is this weapon is most likely going to be used in a throwing build most likely a throw Barbarian Build if you guys haven't checked it out I have a video on that whole build it slaps by the way okay this stacks on top of the Ring of flinging that um I showed you earlier and it's just it's best in slot it is best in slot for that throwing build and you can get this super early in the game we're still in the underdark the the vendor that I just told you guys about she gives you a quest to go find her husband you gotta save her husband go around the corner save him from the field get his bag give him a misty step scroll however you want to do it and make sure also there is a legendary mushroom that you want to pick up on the type right of this area as well over here okay uh because that can do something else in the game that I'm just about to show you in a second but these gloves can be obtained through that through saving the mushroom ladies Quest and um there's their best in slide for the throwing build baby the susur tree bark and can be found right here in the underdark we're still right here here's the mushroom field you go a little bit downwards bang it's in the middle of this tree here and this can be used for the finish the master Masterwork weapon if you see that question here see that question your quest line here you press J Bang got the super bark so this can be made into suicide weapons I believe you need sister bark and you need a plain great sword sickle or a dagger okay um and you take this Swiss or true bark to the blighted village and in underneath flighted Village is a little a little Forge not as big as the adamantine Forge it's a little smaller but it's of course nonetheless and basically to use this Mark to turn the fire into blue fire you combine the blue fire with a again a plain great sword a plane Circle or a plain dagger and you create susur weapons now for personally I don't really use twister weapons um what they do is whenever you hit whenever whenever you successfully hit with a suster weapon it silences the enemy so it's obviously super good against Mages but for me I like damage I like pure damage I think the best defense is a good offense but if you want to play around and get some silencing weapons you can use this to a surgery back over here at the underdark the blood guzzler Garb Grievous retribution when an enemy damaged the wear the wearer gains wrath for one turn wrath basically just gives you extra melee damage okay and uh if you're running a pure monk or a pure Barbarian that you you don't want to put armor on because you want to get the unarmored um benefits uh then this is a pretty pretty decent early game clothing and it can be found in the underdark of course we are over here um but more more importantly this is not really a location type of item this is more of a monster kind of item you see this bullet over here you probably probably ran into this bullet before um and it's kind of hard to kill so you're probably going to want to cast you know some some CC spells to keep it to keep it uh on ground surface because the problem with this fight against this bullet is a bear it Burrows away a lot and you kind of have to keep finding it so I would suggest either having high damage having a stunning spell something like that and you want to make sure you you want to kill this bullet in one turn pretty much um but luckily in this game there you can make some pretty strong character builds and that's super possible okay so again the blood guzzer Garb good for monks good for my barbarians and I want to keep that unarmored pure you know pure style about them and it can be found on the bullet in the underdark the exterminator's ax scourge of pest deals an additional one to six fire damage to plants insects or small creatures Um this can be found this great ice can be found here at the underdark beach when you go ahead and kill the um kill the duragar over here if you choose to kill them uh the main guy get cool um and you'll of course you want to try to kill him before he raises the dead and summons like 10 creatures and he comes with this very the this pretty good great ax and the dura guard antidote so this can be used part of the quest line to save uh to save the the Deep gnomes here okay I believe it's um the iron hands deep knowns which uh goes further into the underdark Grim Forge but you could take this to the The Gnome back at the Micon and Colony give her the antidote and then she'll give you the the boots go to the underground under dark Grim Forge and continue that Quest and later on in the video I will show you what items you get on in that area the boots of speed click heels which is a bonus session by the way click the heels of your boots to gain speed and free number movements your movement speed doubles and enemies have disadvantage on opportunity attacks against you and of course freedom of movement if you don't know means you can't be restrained or paralyzed which is pretty damn strong and you can get these boots off of again we are at the underdark Micon and Colony actually this Little Gnome okay uh the antidote that I just showed you all you want to give this to her and she will give you the boots and of course you want to continue the quest line because you can get more cool stuff and we'll show that in a little bit the short sword of First Blood deals an additional one to eight piercing damage to targets that still have other hit points this item is pretty good on your assassin characters on your sneaky Diggy rogue-like Thief characters okay an additional one eight is five damage on average and that's pretty damn good especially this early and this can be found in the underdark of course near the uh under dark Beach teleport near the river that you slain you go a little East you can climb up this ladder real quick or you can also find the the one the Crooked one Fireballs by the way one use and you find it off of his dead gnome Boom the short sword of First Blood Winter's clutches when the wearer deals cold damage and flick two turns of encrusted with frost upon targets and press to encrusted with frost um applies a disadvantage on the study saving throws to them so it's easier to land AOE damage spells on them and when they're when there are seven or more turns remaining with a crusted with frost The Entity must succeed a constitution saving throw or take one to four coal damage and become ferozan on a successful save it only takes half damage afterward the frost loads slows away removed by burning and Frozen does frozen do the affected entity is utterly enameled in ice and is incapacitated if it is dealt bludgeoning Thunder or Force damage the eye shatters and in the condition incapacitated let's go even further okay it doesn't tell us but incapacitance basically means they can't do okay they can't do anything being frozen I'm not entirely sure if there if it if you Auto crit against them with attacks but and definitely they can't do anything as long as they're frozen all right um and it's not even that if you're running a pure coal build it's not even that hard to freeze things okay and um there are actually quite a few cold items in this game which I will show a little bit later in the in the guide um by the way and these gloves are easily missable these can be obtained by basically changing the leader okay uh so this guy silver and Spa he is the normal leader of the silver Reigns here at the miconin colony if you decide if you run across this big dude right here this guy he's gonna ask you he's gonna ask you he's going to help you kill the durogars okay if you choose to help and then he's going to ask you hey by the way I'm the true leader of the silver Reigns and um you you kill the leader for me so I could become the true leader again all right uh and if you do that you will get better rewards so I suggest doing that and during the fight you're going to see a lot of enemies on the side but um all you got to do is kill the main guy The Silver Ring Spa the battle ends this guy becomes new leader and you can still access all the vendors and whatnot in in the area all right Winter's clutches my kind of colony change the leader kill the main guy and uh he'll get better rewards and the rewards I will show you later in this video the blast pendant comes with lightning blast this is obviously uh by now you should probably have a a character that uh thrives with lightning charges okay if they're using one of the lightning weapons from the earlier Quest that you could do in Act One lightning blast forces the electricity in your veins to strengthen your next Lightning Spell or can trip your next lightning speller can trip deals additional lightning damage equal to your remaining lightning charges so it's just a nice little bit uh most likely for your spell Caster because it only works with spells or cantrips um but if they have an open pendant slot and they're using the spell sparkler why not use this for a little bit more a little bit more lighting damage and of course this wasn't cost a bonus action so you can add that on top of your uh Lightning Spell okay and also this um dead drow over here has uh this memory Shard this pretty much is just another way to figure out about the adamantine Forge so there's that but more importantly they hold the icy Health the icy Health can be combined to make um a cold weapon which I will show in a little bit to make pretty damn good cold weapon for spellcasters if you are a cold type spellcaster in this game you're going to combine the icy Crystal the icy metal and the icy Health the health can be found again against the Dorne at right next to the soluna Outpost you're going to have to fight a um uh Beholder here okay and when I would what I would suggest is I would wait till the beholder unpetrifies the stone creatures and then kill the beholder because um you can they do hold some items much like this guy who owns the most important items um and you could find the icy Crystal uh well you could find the icy health and the icy Crystal these two here uh both of them one of them is over here at the underdark sister tree Waypoint you're gonna find a mage uh that's carrying a staff that has one of these items over here and then the other one is at the miconic colony when you you know when you tell the the silver ring that you defeated the duragars they will reward you with the back room or the key to their treasure or whatever and you'll find the um one of the parts of this weapon on that uh in that room and then so let's go and combine them so I can show you guys what the weapon is it's pretty good combine bang bang and the morning for us when dealing cold damage the wheel of these it deals at an additional cold damage so just cold damage on top of your cold damage and then dealing cold damage with a Spell possibly inflicts chilled upon the target what does chilled do the affected entity is vulnerable to cold damage and resistant to fire damage um so of course the the resistance to fire damage doesn't really matter okay but they are vulnerable to your coal damage so you don't have to spend a turn casting you know or throwing a water bottle or casting create water on them which is also another way to make enemies vulnerable to Coal damage and lightning damage of course the possibility of dealing double damage because when enemies are vulnerable to take double damage from your attacks and of course it comes a ray of frost which is a nice little cold spell unfortunately it costs an action so you're probably better off using a real spell in that case but yeah this is a pretty good um ice weapon that you can go to okay there is a better one in act 3 but until then using this why not the Sparks wall the wearer can't be electrocuted Grant resistant lightning damage so this may not seem like a good ring but this is a really good ring if you are again doing a lightning build okay there are there are the boots that I showed earlier that if you're standing on a watery surface you get lightning Chargers you put on the and if you put on this ring that means you will not be you know negatively affected by that and you should become a full ass Lightning God in in early game it's kind of crazy actually I definitely recommend um using the spell sparkler as a spellcaster early especially for Elgin blasters this can go pretty nuts okay and of course uh what's also nearby here is the staff of Arcane blessing and in my opinion I think this is best in slot for any support character and the reason why is because it comes with bless which is really cool but obviously bless is a very common spell the cool thing about this staff is when you cast blessed it it kind of casts another bless on top of that calls mistress blessing bless grants and additional 1d4 to saving throws and weapon attack rules and an additional to spell attack roll so again really good with an Eldritch Blaster so you're going to use once you equip staff of Arcane blessing if you bless your peoples they will get blessed on top of this bless and the another a good thing about this is you can concentrate on another spell and this bless will still stay on on your teammates that's the best thing about it actually let me just go and show y'all real quick just so I don't know exactly what I'm talking about so we're gonna go and equip this Bang I'm saying do this real quick we're going cast bless uh let's do it on everyone so we can we can make sure okay boom you see that bless and mistress blessing now let's go ahead and concentrate on another spell let's go and do enhance ability uh advantage on intelligence checks on our board Gail here so Boom the original blessed goes away but as you can see the mistress blessing stays so it's kind of like a Perma bless um by the way you can get permanent bless in act 3 which you'll probably want to watch my act 3 video for that but yes this item is very very good and best in slot one of the best in slots for sure for your uh support character to find these two items the uh lightning ring and the staff of Arcane blessing we are at the Arcane Tower over here okay we are still in the underdark of Arcane Towers in the bottom left you can go either left of the underdrived cellulite Outpost or south from the underdark beach Outpost you might have to run into some enemies here and there okay and by the way you're gonna run into some some Arcane towers that deal quite a bit of damage okay and uh to turn off an easy way to turn off those Arcane Towers guarding this um sorry I should call them Arcane turrets to turn off those Arcane turrets guarding this Arcane Tower you want to pick up the Susu Bloom sister Bloom tree uh flowers over here at the sister tree I'm gonna pick up like four of them because there are four Arcane turrets and all you're gonna do is you're gonna drop one of those things and the other near the turrets and they get turned off it's that easy any place you get a little bit of XP from it too um but once you make your way here make sure you read all the books here at the Arcane Tower because this is going to be a little um a little not a puzzle but a little bit of a a riddle up top on the top floor this Bernard dude is going to ask you some questions if you read the book then you're going to choose the first answer twice and then he'll give you this ring on this table he'll drop the ring on this table it's called Uh The Guiding Light ring which looks like a legendary ring but it only has light on it but the reason why it's legendary is it reveals another button right here ring on boom it reveals a button where we can go to the basement and make sure everyone's on there to go there we go to the basement and the basement is where you could find again the lightning ring and the staff of Arcane blessing all right Arcane tower under dark disintegrating night Walkers can't be in webbed entangled or ensnared and can't slip on Grease or ice and it comes with Misty stuff which refreshes on a short rest These Boots honestly you can wear these boots as soon as you get these you can put them on any character and use them the whole game pretty much they're good they're mobile they come with a cool uh they're legendary right they get it off of off of near the drow that you deal with in underdark okay you can either let them die behind the poison I would recommend you know breaking the wall and just dealing dealing with the crew because that'd be that way you save uh more lives in that sense you know what I'm saying again when you're in the Grim Forge when you're down here be careful about taking a long rest because um when you take a long rest throughout throughout the game certain quests get um they get expedited they get they get fast forwarded and some quests are not available so again be careful about taking a long rest I have not taken a long rest yet I'm about to take a short one though bang bang like that um but near Great Stuff disintegrating nightwalkers good on any build the protecty Sparks wall you gain plus one bonuses spell save DC the wearer has plus one bonus to Armor class and saving throws as long as they have lightning charges again this is probably your final final police if you're running one of those Lightning Spell casters and this is very solid I mean just this plus one spell save DC is good enough anyway until you get you know some really good items later on in the game so this can be found um over here under dark grimfarge and you probably recognize this bridge it's a bunch of traps it's just a bunch of traps I'd recommend first you need [Music] um two things you need a character that can get over here with fly or jump okay or can miss the step or dimension door their ass over here and you want to make sure you have turn based mode on because these these things will keep pushing you back over and over and over okay also this door cannot be lock picked I don't know why they did that it's cruel but it can be knocked you can knock it okay you can knock it and then you can open it and then there's also Idol of char here if you're doing uh the shadow heart quest which is not needed to be honest but you can do that it also sells for 400 gold pretty nice but it is it is in this chest these protecty Sparks wall the fire stoker deals an additional wonderful piercing damage to burning Targets this is uh one of your go-to hand can crossbows early games for doing a dual hand crossbow build this can be found uh it's kind of tricky you can be found in the underdog Grim Forge okay you're gonna wanna just explore around this is the exact location this is the Waypoint um uh just keep keep climbing I will say I think it's an upper level the way you get here is to the through the upper level um and just just keep trying to look for it this is a location and this is the this is the hand cross but usually you'll be using this for a while until you find a near misser or until you find the Hellfire and crossbow which will be you can look those up in my other videos for act two and actually alright wondrous glove your armor class increases by one in addition if you have Bardock inspiration you gain one more use of it this is pretty good on bards or of course the uh The Bard Hannibal double hand around cross video that that um that I showed you guys and this can be found under that Grim Forge here's the Waypoint you go a little left go downwards here gonna find some mimics okay and you're gonna beat them up and one of them has these gloves the real Sparky Sparks while I think this is the last Lightning Charge a damage build item I'm gonna show you guys okay this uh this gives lightning Aura what does lightning order do you activate it consumes three lightning charges and it and it creates an aura that does one is one to six uh one D6 lightning damage around nearby enemies okay it's a deck save you can get it after a long rest and and with this item I believe you can complete a whole last spell Caster lightning build if you want to and they hit pretty hard let me tell you and you can get this under dark grim4 just keep searching around go to go to the left side and keep climbing down some stuff some crack of rocks or whatnot you'll find it eventually all right where is it where is that going oh yeah so that's how you get the real Sparky Sparks wall Grim skull Helm adamantine split armor and adamantine scale Mill These are really really good pieces of gear and if you don't know this is at the adamantine forge under dark ancient Forge okay put the little there are two Mithra origin total from what I understand you put the Metro R in here you put the uh mold in here there are other molds there's like a long sword mold a scimitar mold and other stuff but in my opinion the weapons they kind of suck but the really good ones are the is the heavy armor and the medium armor I normally make these every time I do my playthroughs because they're really really strong let's go and go go over them this is a heavy armor the split armor all incoming damage is reduced by two crazy when a melee attack hits you the attacker is sent railing and reeling gives them a penalty there to their attack rolls so because it's three turns they get minus three to their attack rolls if they hit you okay you do get disadvantage on stealth checks which doesn't really matter for your heavy armor characters most likely and you can't get crit like seriously um this may not be the best like best best in slot but you could pretty much wear this throughout the whole game and finish it you know I'm saying this armor is that good all right and the same thing for the medium armor it does the same stuff the stats are a little bit less but it's medium so I normally give this to my melee person whoever the Barbarian is they can have this it's really really good and of course the helmet can be found off the the big robot guy Grim over here and the helmet um it's also a heavy armor I just gave it the same person whoever who wears a heavy armor for that one and um it grants resistance to fire damage and comes with a little Hunter's Mark which doesn't really matter if you're a heavy armor person most likely um but yes adamantine Forge I suggest crafting the splint armor and the scalma armor the heavy and medium they're very very good and you could use them throughout the whole game and be totally fine the sentient amulet this is a monkey amulet it comes with a shatter a level two application spell which damages all nearby creatures um so if monks normally don't have AOE this will give you that okay um we'll talk about a little bit later key restoration use your spiritual energy and amulet you restore two key points and use it as an action and with monks you're for monks your most important action is actually a bonus action so using an action to gain two key points to do more Flurry of Blows is normally a good thing so as far as monks go I mean there is no amulet that really gets better than this if you need some Mobility then you could use of course the Amulet of Misti step but for me if you're going for that full monk theme it doesn't get any better any better than this this can be found uh at the under dark Forge okay we're here adamantine Forge before you put the force down you're going to go you're going to go a little bit a bit a little bit left okay here's the Waypoint and go over here you have to get a fight a little lava Elemento along the way um where I would recommend you bait it over here because it heals off of lava so you want to you don't want to fight it in lava okay and also the thing you got to make some checks you got to make some wisdom checks I believe with this amulet there is a follow-up quest for this amulet and you can give it to a person later in the game but the reward is a level one spell called Tasha's hideous laughter which is I don't think it's worth it um so if you're if you have a monk in your party I would recommend just keeping this amulet and using it for the whole time The Ring Of Mine shielding you have advantage on saving throws against getting Charmed this can be found at the Blurred vendor over here I don't know what the yeah where is he oh he's right he's right here okay uh and if you do a little dialogue with him this little mind flare will appear he'll this mindful will give you a quest to go find some some stuff stuff can be found at the Arcane Tower just make sure you lose everything read every book loot everything at the Arcane Tower okay you give him the stuff he'd have to do a few checks okay and then he will grant you first of all he gives you one of these he gives you a random um mind flare power and Infuse a creature with psionic Force if it reaches zero hit points it heals instead of falling unconscious uh think of it as as I guess a better death Ward okay and um The Ring Of Mind shielding and early game in act one there aren't too many rings available they're actually useful um but as far as usefulness goes this is definitely one of the more useful rings in act one they're they're 100 better rings in that two and act three but for act one this is pretty much as good as it gets and the last item in act one I almost forgot as I was editing the video I forgot about it the Warped headband of intellect set the wearer's intelligence to 17 no matter what the enchantment has no effect so yeah this is a good helmet for um just um making intelligence checks there are certain intelligence checks in the game that are pretty important to make especially the the mirror in act 3 without giving too many spoilers but you can get this off of the lumps warhorn that I showed you earlier in the video we talked about a helmet is it the same Shack that you can find them in blinded Village same place I I didn't really use them during battle because they're kind of and they kind of hit allies too so I like to summon them and just kill their ass and then get their helmet because the helmet is really really good okay and there you have it troll the best items that you can get in act 1 for all types of builds now before we end this video I just want to say I'm fully aware of the silver sword get the Anki sword that you can get at the GIF Yankee people with the dragon okay I'm fully aware of that um but for me you know games like this are all about progression and if you start off with a sword like that one a legendary sword a plus three legendary sword in Act One it kind of defeats the whole purpose of item progression so I will include that sword in the act 3 video that I plan to make okay um so yeah I just want y'all to know that I'm aware of that whole disarming or command drop the at the kithrak Vos guy I'm fully aware of that all right okay um but also I say that to say this if I did miss an item because you know you can only do do so much in these playthroughs if I did miss an item that you guys felt that should have belonged on this on this list then feel free to put in the comments you know what I mean uh feel free to share the knowledge you know I definitely don't I feel like I know a good bit about this game but I did but I I 100 have missed something here and there you know what I mean so I'll leave that up to y'all to fill in the blanks but for the most part I feel like I got a good gist and a good majority of the good items that can enable builds and just be pretty super super useful for any playthrough you know what I'm saying but other than that I appreciate y'all watching and of course the Act 2 video is probably going to be coming pretty soon if not it's out already and we'll be doing it for all the acts all right with that being said thanks for watching y'all I appreciate it make sure you like comment subscribe algorithm stuff and I'll see you on the next video alright peace
Channel: AoE
Views: 68,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wyll, karlach, shadowheart, dark urge, dnd, 5e, laezel, astarion, gale, withers, dungeons and dragons, tiefling, gnome, dwarf, drow, elf, half elf, paladin, warlock, sorcerer, barbarian, wizard, druid, cleric, bard, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, dragonborn, duergar, githyanki, human, halfling, illithid, ability check, saving throw, bonus action, background, feat, attack roll, stealth, sleight of hand, charisma, persuasion, deception, equipment, act 1, act 2, act 3, mind flayer, concentration, action surge, bg3, lae'zel
Id: 4aGcE1Xf0RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 22sec (4942 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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