Baldur's Gate 3: All Companion Locations and How to Unlock Them

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in this video I'm going to walk you through step by step on how to unlock all of the companions in balers Gate 3 the first four or five of them are pretty basic and easy so I'm just going to tell you where they are you get Shadow heart on the nautiloid if you save her there and then she'll be on the beach aaran will be over here Gail will be inside of this Waypoint lizel will be right here captured by teelings and then once you go up into the emerald Grove will will be right here and now we can continue on to the more challenging ones Carlock is over here and I'll go ahead and teleport over that way and get started and now I'm over this way right here and to get Carlock as a team member just go over and talk to her one that I'm carlac the latest yappy little dog she sick on me tell them you'll send them back to where they fromn her and now we can go up and fight the guys up inside of this building up here who who's there please keep your distance you're welcome to shelter here but we agents of we are paladins of tear sworn to protect those in fool and now you can go ahead and fight all these guys then once they're dead you can talk to Carlock and she was in my Camp yeah make room there and now she's a part of the group if you want to recruit night Warden manthara you can head to the goblin camp and then go to the big main building and go all the way in the back right and she'll just be right here and to recruit her you'll have to be an evil character and unfortunately doing that will lock you out of having Carlock will and also hous so make sure you don't want those comp Companions and then also you'll need to betray The Druids and the teelings at the Grove and then in act two you'll rescue her from moonrise towers and then she'll join your party so I'm going to go ahead and talk to her and I'm just going to skip all this dialogue no on the other hand the absolute brought you here for a and then you'll need to do this me at the CR our and now we can head over there and now back at the Grove and I'm going to help Menara kill all the teelings and The Druids so again if you want to get Menara you'll have to lose out on Carlock will and also house in just as a warning once again but once I walk this way it'll trigger a cut scene and I'm not going to reveal that I'm betraying them until she gets here we've spotted goblins in the woods what happened we threw them back once if you're with us we'll blow blow the horn to draw them in and pray out your make now slit his throat go ahead and do this traitor what are you doing see you lose companions whenever you side with her so do be careful you're with them aren't you and now you can go ahead and kill them all and then after you kill them all you won't be able to unlock manthara until you go to moonrise Towers in act two so I'll go ahead and Skip all the way to there after traveling through the mountain pass once you come out the other side there's going to be a group of goblins just right here and you can talk to them and that's how you'll get the safe passage to moonrise towers and now I'm inside of moonrise Tower hours ready to talk to night Warden and see this cut scene with cck thorm all I did to get here was come through the path there was some goblins here I showed you those previously and then we walked straight through fought some Harpers and then we just walked straight down through to here and now I'm here and all I have to do is walk forward and you don't really have to do anything for this there's the option of passing check you don't really have to disciples and what do you have to contribute they'll send her down below you heard the the Goins are and then we can go down and free her from being killed and to go down I'll show you on the map it's just right here once you're down here head over to their little torture room and then you'll need to defend them I'm just going to kill these two guys so I'm going to close the door first you were come to observe true Soul she is go ahead and fight him I expected then once they're dead you'll need to escort her agreed lead the and once you come out here they're going to question you so be ready to persuade minara is supposed to be in a Cell you have some explaining to do I'll use some inspiration here alternatively you could make her invisible with an invisibility spell I just don't have that the guard is and now we can just walk over these doors and now that we're outside we can just walk around the corner and jumping over to here will make it to where she is is considered out of moonrise Towers I last the other there is much we must discuss and now we can tell her to go to my camp and go meet her there and now we should have Menara in our camp and be able to to recruit her into our party and I'll go ahead and do that and show you what class she is and stuff it does they broke my we must eradicate them start swear that you will keep me close rest well and keep your wits about you I'll go ahead and do a rest real quick and now you can see that she is in my party and I believe she is a paladin take a look yep she's a paladin and she is a LOL sworn Dr to begin your journey to save housing all you have to do is go to the goblin camp and go in the big main Goblin building then go all the way up to the top right up here to the store and this is the war pin this is where you'll find housing when you come over this way there's going to be a cut scene and a bear trapped in a prison that is housing inside the there so I'm going to go ahead and defend them again make it look look you'll see give me that rock I'll show you the I don't have animal speaking but it is house but not yet attacking and I'm going to go ahead and defeat beat the Goblins take and then once they're all defeated he'll talk to you by the way I owe thank and then he will ask you to defeat all of the leaders of the goblin camp that must be where these if you want to find a cure I cannot allow these they are the ones holding these parasites together there is no safety not while this rot all right and then you can either take them with you to go kill the leaders or just go kill them and I'm just going to skip past killing them all and now that they're all dead we can go back and talk to Howen the ring leaders have to die the very you did killing's never my first choice but those three were too and now we go back to the emerald Grove a scout I took a collection but perhaps we need not speak of farewells and now you can celebrate in your camp and do all the chatting and and stuff like that and then to continue the quest and actually unlock house in you'll have to go to act two and do some quests there and I'll go ahead and Skip to that and to continue the quest to unlock Housen head over to the last Light in here in act two then go over to Art and click on him flame this is no physical ailment no not till I met R anyway this was in his pocket thank you and I'm going to go and read that and that gives us the quest to go over to the House of healing so let's go over there now I'm over at the house of healing to continue wake up art over this way and I'm going to go inside and we're going to get stopped at the front door you'll need to pass a check join the line you will be seen and then we can go back this way up ahead there's going to be a boss and you need to either kill him or convince him to to do it himself come tell me absence we do not wish to see you suffer so let us you remember a Sharin Maxim how to proceed do this one I wonder it's going to be a tough one and then you can pick up the loot off of his body right here get it out of the and we need to take that back to last Light this is no physical ailment pull out the loot do you know him and now you need to go get house from your camp and now I went and got hous and we're back here we'll see what what I can learn you I'm not sure just let do it and then he's going to walk all the way around to the shore and I'll go ahead and Skip to being over there let's do it very well one I need you to stay here good it's and now you'll have to do a battle and defend House's portal don't let the ranged guys shoot it with their arrows that's a priority I'd say it's done I have him but no come and now I'm back at Camp to talk to Howen and at this point he will join your group so this is technically him unlocked so I'm not going to continue and show you the rest of the quest you can just go do it if you want to but I'll show him joining my party there he is and he is a druid for Jara she's pretty easy to get so I'm not going to go Quest by Quest like I did with houson and Menara all you have to do is go to last Light in you'll meet her there first and then don't kill Isabelle the cleric girl and also don't kill the Night song CU if you do those two things jira will not join your party and then once you assault moonrise Towers protect jira make sure she doesn't die you can actually put her in your group at that point as well but once you're at the top after fighting Krick for the first time you can invite to your group awaits and if you don't have space for her right now you can always just go down into the mine flare Colony kill Krick and then invite her after the fight but she is a druid just like Howen is and to unlock Minsk all you have to do is go to act three and Rivington and then make your way up all the way over to the top left corner and there will be a group of enemies about to fight each other other go ahead and protect the ones right here and I'll go ahead and do the fight and Skip past it you you did good they wouldn't earn the Gratitude of the Gil and agents of the stone Lord he's a newcomer to our delightful under and they'll give you some gold and then you'll get Aid the underd this here and to continue this Quest and unlock mints you'll need to go down into the sewers and I'll show you how to do that to continue Aid the underd you need to go down into the lower City over here and I brought jira along with me right here and just talk to this person that let you in since we protected the people on the beach and then you can head back over this way and talk to the leader it's they failed to and Seed more I I didn't say keep your underc you when I heard you die of gold no because I'm curious we wanton of course oh all right now we can go over this way and talk to a couple guys well I don't care about no i' now you were speaking to my friend politely and to continue this Quest we'll need to go top side and go over to the counting house now I'm top side over at the counting house over this way just right here go ahead inside talk to this guy welcome the well who is this Stone Lord to you account holders only for and now we can head down into the Vault once you're down inside here you'll need to step on these in a certain order and I'll go ahead and do that the first one you do is this one here one next one is three then five and [Music] six it's still hash and there's Minsk meet Minsk and now you'll have to do this fight once they're defeated you can go over and talk to Rath here you can wait the stone Lord just cleared not for us you what he can do with that kind kind of coin and now to continue the quest we need to go down into the sewers and now we can continue Aid the under duuke and find rath's gold down here in the sewers the top left once you're at these levers you'll need to get the optimal temperature and water level at the same time so go ahead and click this and then wait for this to go up and now you click this one it's still rising and you can see it's perfect now and the door's open up ahead will be Minsk and the other people as well I recommend turning on the ability to knock people out chahir I do not understand good that means you're back to your old ways we have a lot to discuss But first you have someone to thank he says we will join with you and cleanse Boulder's Gate of evil together you have a great many companions already there is no room for little Buu or slightly larger Minsk who and I are most Adept in the doing of things but as you wish to cin for his heroics here today Buu has earned the most vigorous of back scratchings and that's how you unlock Minsk as a companion and that brings me to the end of the video if you liked it leave it a like consider subscribing for more guides to come and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: LukeCanWin
Views: 4,704
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, BG3, Companion Guide, Unlock Companions, Baldur's Gate III, BG3 Guide, BG3 Karlach, BG3 Minthara, BG3 Halsin, BG3 Jaheira, BG3 Minsc, Baldur's Gate 3 Party Members, RPG Guide, Extra Party Members, Secret Companions, Larian Studios, Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, BG3 Gameplay, BG3 Tips, BG3 Secrets, LukeCanWin, aid the underduke, assault moonrise towers, Save Halsin
Id: c4ZjSzOXOv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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