Can you Solo Kill Everyone on Tactician? - Baldur's Gate 3

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oh hey look we found Darth Maul's door half killer myself then use the clock doors too small for you trick you idiot oh that's underwhelming oh oh no yeah oh my God so we're back to Baldur's Gate because apparently you guys don't like talking about sweat a while ago I made a video where I killed every NPC in bothers gay threes first stack thing is I wanted to do it legitimately but it was going to take too much time so I just cheated I got pushed back for that not a lot you are very sweet actually still seeing all that I decided not just to do it again legitimately this time but do it in the hardest difficulty and completely solo let's get to it and for the people that watched the previous video don't worry this one's gonna be quite different into that one person who commented that they were disappointed in me for cheating [ __ ] you who are you my dad well you might as well be because I'm clearly seeking your approval right now hey just a moment we're very close to a thousand subscribers and getting monetized subscribe if you like the content of the channel and leave a like too thanks first off we're starting just a bit before we started cheating the previous run so about when one would arrive in the sacred grove so a soul around his heart why because of something called the action economy what is that you ask it's the amount of hits your enemies will use to Pummel your corpse after the first strike [ __ ] kills you how do we avoid such a Fate by not letting them hit as you idiot your style require a new Ally a resurrection to that end we are respecting into a Rogue assassin aiming for a levels in Ranger to become a gloomstalker assassin or in the case of this run an assassin with one Ranger level because this is what we're going to be for most of this early levels in d d are famously hell so we need to level up ASAP we also need good gear looking for the merchants the only good gear for us I could find was a hunting Longbow from the Smithy pain Is For Fools and we just became a rogue so let's steal it now we rest twice to get the extremely important and broken death stalker mantle which will be crucial for a strategy you open your eyes with a lurch you are not in your bed you stand above a body you could have done this Brave girl how dare you how dare you I was going to do it every time you kill someone the manual turn is invisible or it should but multiple times when I killed someone it didn't trigger excuse me why am I not invisible so cross your fingers and loop your anus just in case ideally we get three free attacks before our opponent can do anything one to start combat one on the Ambush round if we get it and another own initiative which we should mostly be at the start of due to our class bonuses and decks I decided to go for the paladins early because early there is a dumbass and gives you his very powerful weapon if you kill karlak leaving himself unarmed also the inside of the house is a great High Ground advantageous position High Ground would be extremely important in this run uh insert Obi-Wan joke here this encounter was the first time I encountered something which we will see often in this run the AI having a complete existential crisis and breaking down Yep this is it this is a challenge oh no wait how many turns does she have in the Mirror Image six okay five four three two one and it's gone you see Baldur's Gate 3 is AI like most AI in games isn't the level of a toddler and has no object permanence so if you stealth in a very good position it completely shuts down sometimes I honestly couldn't get it to happen consistently so I actually have no idea what is happening here let's not look a gift Paladin in the mouth though we go through most of the encounter when I realize I actually forgot to turn the game to tactician difficulty ah [ __ ] wait damn it huh whoops my bad if you don't mind Enders I'll have this back anyway after the paladins I went on the hunt for easy kills oh oh no that's more than I uh don't mind the tiefling outside the bro for easy pickings those are some of the Goblins in blight Village bolstered by the easy XP I decided to go into the spider caverns and this is when things got complicated face spiders close in real quick with their face ability so I fought legitimately and I actually came up with the Escape which would be a rarity until we leveled up also the AI situation happened again here with the last creature go figure once again feeling too much like a VG champ I decided to take the Queen off now with my prescient knowledge of best runs I first sniped the XX and that won Aaron spider before going for the queen here's how to do it safely sneak attack the creature run back and flee the battle exit your camp and you have reset everyone's position while having One Last Enemy to deal with now you have graduated from Virgin dungeoneer to Chad cheese master of course once the fight started lo and behold my dumbass forgot one egg [ __ ] whoops well that's it I thought I was boned screwed absolutely pooched hey [ __ ] 80. but then I thought wait killing it is a free stealth without having to position myself I can do this yeah really I still had to reload a lot now this fight only got saved because of a lucky dark spot in the spider's Vision but even that was enough until I went oh yeah it's big rain time hope this end air genius strategy then again this [ __ ] God [ __ ] three different types of Advantage still manages the Baldur's Gate experience oh and it was a critical hit well timed buddy well time really enough though the queen ended up being easier than the Red Mage basement this room look at this look at this are we doing an attacks what is this the game's cheating me there's God forsaken room it's cursed and I'm not just talking about the red Mages damn the chronomicon this hellhole made me reload more than in the goddamn Spider Queen fight I have never never missed more than in this place not even in ex-con watch this watch this watch this okay now the game's mocking me pretending I'm crazy pretend I didn't miss the last five times and you tell me missing this part of the game yeah but when you miss 50 80 chances in a row you start to question whether the game is lying to you or if courses are real eventually Something's Gotta Give and their resilience yielded before my psyche so lucky me Jesus I hated this back up in the village I picked off a few more people you you sniffing were you nope yes really after being pushed off a ledge what the hell are you doing got a humble pie from the couple working on a queen pop but it was here that I learned a valuable lesson talking to people can be good listen the point of this runs to kill everyone generally by attacking them as soon as you can but due to this Goblin having some of the work and the fact that there was no other way to get up to where he was besides the letter who was silicon straight at I ended up accidentally triggering his conversation I thought okay let's get him friendly so I can position myself to shoot his ass but then this happened my [ __ ] ball I have spent so long killing people I forgot this game gives you XP via other interactions however before we get too excited this run is focused on mimicking my kill everything on psychron so we aren't going to be doing quests or anything of the sort we are going to much off some easy XP from now on by talking to people though the easiest dialogue to get XP seem to be the ones where you use your realistic powers on the goblin guards of the blighted village in the goblin Camp it's a total of 260 XP for two meager wisdom checks I also use the opportunity to enter the goblin camp and buy the braces of archery to do a bit more damage still no rest for the wicked and we still need a lot more XP I went back to the Grove killed some children killed some more [ __ ] goblins killed my wife saza your actions are pushing oh my God how did you get out thanks Megan and went for the harpies now of course to make sure those bird women didn't get what they wanted I love the child first then ran away they're hiding but I can't save this after that I plucked their feathers off from the distance while being keenly aware that at any moment I could get some chicken breasts on my face the AI broke again riveting gameplay and that was that for this encounter I thought it was time I visited the block I got Chase through it by the rad caps go away girlfriends know like you apples I don't have time for you managed to cut and kill a couple but when they got me cornered let's just say I had to reload a bunch until I managed to sneak away from the corner where they put me in and pick off the stragglers Grendel was weird I managed to get a couple of good hits in right away he teleported away like a coward Hill then came back but thing is some NPCs recover completely after eggs in combat unless I hit away he would have killed me which meant I needed to hit him immediately after we exit combat to stop him from healing which I managed after a couple you guessed it reloads however this fight is worth it because Grendel's weapon is really powerful it lets the strike with advantage against Monsters does more damage than our stolen bow and has an ability to lets us do Max damage on our next attack which when coupled with a militant ability would get later down the line essentially means we get a Max damage crit whenever we want I was quaking in my boots for this one the frog the frog required finesse I got rid of its reflective mucus which deflects the first Ring's hit he receives by throwing something at him he damaged me a lot of his poison and the disadvantage he gave me made it very difficult to get his Nick attack in it's in literally every hit to kill him in the last two turns certainly didn't help it was close but the Fearsome frog Was Defeated I decided to deal with vessel later considering I ideally had to kill her in one turn so I want to deal with the nose that ran me up further just gotta be careful okay oh [ __ ] this fight was a simple Titan kill cheese and murder no bait and assassinate I have no idea where I'm going with this finally I decided it was time to take care of the Grove for good like I mentioned in the previous video always start with the children then work your way up Anakin did it all wrong honestly what I did find out is that once you start your murdering don't go to your Camp to rest otherwise The Grove closes off and all those juicy lives inside will be out of your deadly cold grip so once you start combat commit start by the entrance it has less people around to join the combat and you have an easy path back out if things get hairy also here's proof that The Druids don't give a [ __ ] about the thieflings the thieflings in the main part of the Grove have low health so it's easy to just kill one go invisible and do it again and imma do it again Zephyr on the other hand is more dangerous just kill his friend then exit his cave to come back and finishing off the same way as always now the inner growth isn't this image so emblematic of the whole Grove quest line two Thief wins desperately asking for help and angry over the corpse of their friend while The Druids just watched them attack the guards cause a stampede and smile sinisterili as your evil plane comes together here's the thing the inner Grove is not a good place to fight everyone's too close together in a cramped space when you attack The Druids they for some reason think you're helping Zephyr even though you have a scalp in your pocket that makes an all move into the thiefland's part of the Grove oh here comes the Stampede look at everybody go just one little straggler to fight literally no one since you already did a mass murder yeah yeah because kill everyone however that makes all The Druids scatter around in a much less in close space making them just as easy to pick off as the tea Flames kill Gaga's friends get a lucky hit on her then nearly finish the fight without having to reload reload then get another lucky hit on your first try and rejoice with a prayer to iron Jesus one major Camp down one more to go lucky hits but first let's clear off the stuff we missed in the blighted village the goblin stormed in The Gnome are barely worth talking about Help The Gnome become the first ever gnomestronaut then kill a loving couple or be killed by one of them throwing rocks repeatedly until the egg glitches out and you can just Spam attacks without worry so much for a hard mode time to absolutely wreck the goblin Camp get it I recommend starting off by teaching the Goblins in the back a lesson about the value of sobriety then climb on top of the main gate and shoot every Goblin and work down no fuss easy as they can as long as you remember the eggs in combat with invisibility is just as good as attacking with it go to Camp rest nature dream GF see the cover of a 70s album in motion then go back to your day job of murdering people name Camp time again start at the back of the Druids get pissed get pissed on something I don't know thank you not here [Music] oh well all right make things easier for me will you we've then cleared you have the perfect vantage point to play duck hunt on ogres are tough so have another big brain time no no no oh my God I'm too weak and push a barrel off the top of the building onto the ogre then finish the big guy off that sounded dirty oh nice oh as you're clearing the place just remember that the Goblins for some goddamn reason can just appear at the top of the building without actually having to physically walk there how did you get up here self as always is your best friend now that is done suddenly remember that since you've met the dream visitor you can now eat illicit brain worms in the previous segment would have been much easier if you weren't such a stupid worms get powers under the goblin sanctum immediately fight and let the goblin score reinforcements Hide Away out of combat and make one of the Goblins into the goblin that cried invisible murderous Dragonborn I swear guys he has freaking fire eyes I swear here we're going to repeat the kaga strategy which is a super villain strategy of go for the friends and family members first before finishing off your fall oh [ __ ] from the Raptor you'll still see oh God damn it really can I just throw something wait a sec I think holy [ __ ] what he wasn't the first try I didn't even reload anger some spiders then use the classic the door is too small for you trick and then shoot it through the door because this game has no flaws whatsoever yay which is it just like this whole run hmm okay everything has been very easy and simple for a while right well we're going to fight manthara now and she is annoying she has lay on hands Misty step and once she catches you she slams you as hard as she does in her sex scene what's the trick here items potions and Scrolls hope you've been loading [ __ ] baby like always clear the minions first she will annoyingly use lay on hands on them so you're really going to have to go hard on the Amber strategy here to do it when that's done we go to the draw herself because of the last illicit power we got from Princess gut we can now get a free MAX damage crit so couple that with the ability of Brando's bow and tons of damage is done to her immediately nearly all of which she will probably heal and you lay on hands do you have so try not to be too sad runaways while taking pot shots and sneaking once he gets close use a misty step throw to get the hell out of Dodge then use his scroll to do a bunch of damage to her hopefully once she begins to get close again sneak away and luck out of a crit to kill her remember we are always rolling with Advantage when we sneak attack which means we have double the chance to quit this saves our bacon a lot but see it's not luck it's smart specification on to the big guy boss Rags something or another I forget climb up the rafters and clear his room most of the Goblins here don't have that much help and due to your position even if you can't take them out immediately you shouldn't be in too much danger not a good situation ah [ __ ] would you mind your mind trash taken out it's boss time this one is arguably the easiest one sometimes when you attack someone in turn-based mode you don't immediately start combat so here's what you do sneak activate turn base mode attack sneak again with Khan in action move back exit turn base mode and manually keep moving back chances are good that you'll be able to enter turn base mode again and get another hit in before your Quarry gets to you and initiate combat oh hey look we found our from all Zora half foreign just don't be dumb like me and let him corner you no but seriously what happened to your body forcing you to reload over and over as you try different things and well now it's too much to ask and do you remember and you have a Missy steps bro and can just get the hell out of there and easily finish him off if you don't miss or just barely don't do enough damage luckily his AI gave up for some reason seriously what is happening anyway boss is done we just clear out the prison look what I just saw see house in Wild shape three times Jesus Christ my dude God damn it dude how many wild chicks do you have you owe him by repeatedly shooting him while he stands still is done bye bye oh great she actually died from the fall because it wouldn't have been enough we have business to finish up north though and like in our kill everything video this time we are going to help out the man stranded in that Cavern trying to ward off the nose surprise oh [ __ ] or we are going to say we are but we'll instead going to let them absorb all the damage for us as we clean up some nose and remain out of Harm's Way what the [ __ ] hey that's illegal now the no boss is stuck 110. he's one of the bastards that heals completely out of combat I didn't do anything special regarding though I was just willing to use some terms to gain some distance so the next turn I could hide and hit him I did use Scrolls too but most of them missed are you [ __ ] with me God damn it and as always so depth did happen bonus Bounty delicious warms oh God yes I leveled up these boots I was worried about the burning Tavern due to the amount of people and their abilities but it turned out exceptionally easy I just climbed up those rocks beside the building then onto the building itself someone needs help so I can see the person who needs help over there and shut everyone below as they scream blurbs at me not on my watch you're coming with me not on my watch arrest them you're coming with me most interesting thing that happened was the one guard who ran all the way up the burden building to get to me what the [ __ ] are you doing seriously she has put that much Gusto into helping the people inside they would have been out already alright time to deal with family now I tried to see if I could kill her in one turn even with a potion of speed to get true actions in the turn it didn't work I just didn't have enough damage nothing worked created a blockade let's see if it works [Music] so I turned to the oldest of magics one forbidden yet lauded for its Ingenuity one so cheesy you could swear it was a Ryan Reynolds flick before Deadpool Barrel mancy oh that's underwhelming oh no yeah that's underwhelmed oh my God now I did have to hire some help for this one but before you [ __ ] freak out I could have easily done this with my character Alone by respecting them into a barbarian and returned into my gloomstalker build hey how the hell did you get out I just didn't want to go for the hassle of 12 level up screams so I just bought the hireling save time don't judge me he was not used in combat okay so back off oh no time for Mercy thank you for your selfless service the hag's basement is easy and that's all it really needs to be said this guy died standing up I know I know you're too busy to die I get it now the gift Patrol these guys are annoying yeah you run coward high level tons of health and one particularly annoying gift that has the Perry ability just persevere and you can clear all but the one with the Perry or you will have the daycare with Scrolls chicken Parry arrows but can't Parry a fireball now can you you finally we are done and we're gonna say goodbye ah [ __ ] I forgot some stuff didn't I oh okay real quick the ogres they got the AI brain disease so I shot them dead I'll bear more like I'll kill you bear owl bear shut up you're dead you're a kid too no but seriously just guide the Albert you have enough damage if you don't miss and you guys are creatures in the swamp dead all of you dead it's easy seriously though just stealth killed the small ones and use fire arrows to kill the big ones is this going where I think it's going also resulting in an increase in libido oh taste I didn't know that was a part of this
Channel: Jazzy Cee
Views: 77,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bauldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 2, baldurs gate, bauldur's gate, enhanced edition, save scum, roll, critical failure, laz'el, karlach, gale, astarion, drow, act 1, swamp, aunt ethel, auntie, hag, kill everyone, muder hobo, kill, murder, Minthara, bhaal, dark urge, dragonborn
Id: xcR0TJjw2Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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