Baldur's Gate 3: All Permanent Act 2 Buffs & How to Get Them | Full Walkthrough Guide

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in this video I'm going to walk you through how to get all the permanent Buffs in act two of balers Gate 3 this is a continuation of the Act One version I did for this so if you haven't seen it go check it out and with that said leave it a like if you liked it subscribe for more guides to come and let's get started if you want arabella's Shadow entanglement you will need to have saved her in act one from kaga and then you can head over to wthin town and make your way up this way and you'll find her sitting right here you can just talk to her sorry I'm just going to do one all the dialogue basically you need to find her parents and you can easily find them just right around the corner and I'm just going to click the body here and that will be the journal updated that means you can go back to camp and talk to her there the first time you'll come she'll get mad at you and tell you to leave her alone but then all you have to do is just do another long rest and come back which I'm going to do now and I went ahead and did another long rest and now I'm back going to speak to her again and she should give us the spell girl and she also gives you a ring with a cool a cool ability called Shadow Blade it's pretty unique and then the spell is right here Arabella Shadow entanglement if you want the potion of everlasting Vigor this is a potion that grants you plus two strength permanently you can come to moonrise towers and then you'll need to speak to araj obla and make sure aerion's in your party and then you'll need to convince aarian to let her suck his blood AR or take his blood for my services if you're willing I'm going to skip all the dialogue I'll just tell you which ones I take sounds interesting I assume he belongs to you or whatever you want can't you talk some sense into your obstinate charge I'm sorry but because there's something wrong with her blood I can and we should have the potion in our inventory times there it is the next permanent buff is a Gil only buff so you'll have to have Gail in your party and then you'll come to the moonrise towers and we're going to head up to the second floor nearest library this is just where you talk to Krick Thor for the first time make your way back in here wait for this guy to go away and then lock pick this door no no when you come into this room go ahead and click the books right here that are above the row of books you'll hear a click and then pick up the heart stick the heart in this ancient Al alter and then interact NE experimenting on the tadpoles ritual Circle judging by the shadow sigils inscribed it was used in the creation of balthazar's moon lanterns and make sure you erase the sh the sigil and that's how you'll get it it doesn't take much the sigils fade the circle tainted Magic dissolving harmlessly Into The Ether for the briefest moment you feel the touch of a reassuring hand on your shoulder mistra has noted your service and if you check your Buffs you'll see it right here there are two Buffs you can get down inside the Mike ined Colony this is after you fight Krick thorm the end boss of the act so you can't get these two to the very end but if you saved us the brain from act one in the nautiloid ship when you begin the game it will be here in this cage right here and you can go ahead and talk to it and try to free itly they wish to repes oh no no faces no no touch I'm going try to persuade him it is wrong other you s we are free thank you friend but perils remain near and far better to stay together you and us we we will remain with you call us and we will be at your side and now we have our very own SU for us conjure us and the final buff is GI zarai M barrier and you get this one at the very end of act two after you fight cck thorm and head down into the mikid colony then go to the bottom right you'll see a thingy right here go ahead and touch it console it is and you need to connect every one of these to solve the puzzle and I'll go ahead and show you how to do it just go ahead and do the top one which is the easiest it's just straight across and the next one we can do is green just go down here and now we can do gold welcome back master and blue that's the puzzle complete and now we can go pick up the waking mind sitting right here and we need to take the waking mind back to the necrotic laboratory down down it's right over here go ahead and stick the mind right here use your tple eras me and I will pass my technique onto you I'll do it my mind and Purge it at the very moment you do I will make my knowledge yours the awareness that floods you is nothing like the tpon it is tentative and tinged with the loneliness of eons it fades beneath your touch but you feel something left behind a fragment it is only knowledge yet without comprehension but when you use it you will see and I I see and now I should have G mind Bearer and that brings me to the end of the video if you liked it leave it a like subscribe for more guys to come cuz I'll be making an act three version of this as well and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: LukeCanWin
Views: 47,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BaldursGate3, BG3Bonuses, BaldursGateGameplay, BG3Guide, BaldursGateStrategy, BG3Abilities, BG3Locations, BaldursGateSecrets, BaldursGate3Tips, BaldursGate3Buffs, BG3PermanentBuffs, BaldursGate3Tutorial, Act1BuffsGuide, LukeCanWin, PotionOfEverlastingVigor, Mystra'sBenevolence, Arabella'sShadowEntanglement, ConjureUsBG3, GithzeraiMindBarrier, MoonriseTowersBuffs, HouseOfHealingBG3, NecroticLaboratorySecrets, BaldursGate3Act2, BaldursGate3Upgrades, GaleConcentrationBG3, MindBarrierBG3, BG3PuzzleSolutions, UndeadEntangleBG3
Id: 07O8uJDat6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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