Baldur's Gate 3: All Side Quests Act 2 | Full Walkthrough

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in this video I'm going to walk you through all of the Side Quests for act two just like I did for act one so if you haven't seen that video go check it out and it will include full dialogue so you'll get all the story and with that said if you like the video leave it a like and consider subscribing for more guides to come and let's get started the first side quest in act two I'm going to show you is punish the wicked and you can come here to this corner near last Light in and shadowed Battlefield and then speak to he who was where lies your guilt waning moon when you have lived as long as I such simple magic become second nature a fair point perhaps this one could assist us the murdered lie silent The Raven asks will you be their voice she is not the victim nay she is the perpetrator this woman tended a bar where she took her patrons her friends into her confidence promised their secrets were safe with her yet she turned their words into knives and stabbed them in the back they died because of her and to this day her victims lie unavenged you see it as I do I seek a record of this one's crimes written in her own hand through it I can summon her spirit and force her to face trial for her crimes such spells are ancient secrets and closely guarded but I could be convinced to share them with an ally your soul Sparks with Justice with fortitude this is your chance to bring a murderer to Justice to avenge her victims will you take it I thank you as to those who died by her words go to The Distillery the one she calls the waning moon find the Ledger and bring it to me and now to continue the quest you can make your way down over to the waning moon over here and to continue punish the wicked you can head over to the moonrise tow Waypoint here in wraith town just go over to the left side and go to the waning moon you can go down here and then speak to this guy drank go back down W your whistle tell you story son of Thor son of Sword Coast go on Che Bottoms Up The Curse has wrecked this man this is no life this is torture leaning in you can see how the creature's skin barely holds it together the Bulge of its belly is on the cusp of bursting wide open oh look at the thing a few more tastes of its own medine and it'll burst go on make it drank be Dr you and I both to our good health the liquid burns your throat as you swallow but other otherwise you feel no ill effects but such a small sh you take feel not you will soon qu as I do no me a story a failable ass give me we long for a feast feeling Goring hold the join with devils you ask you drink then you amaze and fuse Stone me again a your belly rumbles as the vile Brew fills it yet your mind remains miraculously steady more [Music] stor tell me of FO fil villains vanquished be this bastard m h heavy I saw such a beast in my the train a fierceful ask question make your query and drink once more father take the reach laughter not Jo not ever never ho after no drink it de each Swig is as painful as the last but you remain in otherwise sound mind and body I know you I knew I know I [Music] am you one father's personal missterious secret secret no not never father said ordered command it don't say it don't say it cage cage perish die bu bu in Tom father told me I can't beish no too strong [Music] to and there we have it it is now safe to go ahead and head behind the bar here and then you'll need to pass a perception check and you'll find a matal Lin's Ledger that you can use go ahead and read it and now we can head back to he who was so go back up that way now I am back at he who was and just a heads up if you want to get the Raven's glove Quest reward from him you'll have to do everything he wants you to do which is basically torture the dead person so do that the air stirs in trepidation you have the lger we have it her lies her guilt meline reported her friends to a dark justicia and fled when they were butchered well she flees no more I will be the conduit for Madeline's spirit I will force her to face trial and you will be the judge make her back make her suffer The Raven was right we were fated to meet break her my friend most thoroughly Witness [Music] you he said I was going to be punished that you'd be the judge but I didn't mean to hurt anyone but but this wasn't supposed to happen I swear I said it didn't mean nothing that Ben and Mark were just drunk and whining the dark justicia promised she was going to chat with him she promised you didn't see it didn't see what the dark justicier did she gave him a dagger reach and told them to press it against their stomachs on the count of three to start stabbing and not stop till she said so she never said stop I do anything to take it back anything obviously if you make him stab himself that doesn't give you the request rewards so don't do that one you're right I'm a killer a monster I should have died instead glorious look my hand still shakes you broke her most thoroughly well done if you are satisfied then so am I you have done well her pain and anguish were Sublime I will treasure it here for your services however a friendly warning be careful or you may be the next murderer I bring to Justice and that's how I get the Raven gloves and complete the quest next up we have the hide and seek quest with Oliver you can come to the shadowed Battlefield and then come to this little ruined house and there'll be a little kid here someone Bo I scared you I saw it nobody beats me at hide and seek will you play with me not an ordinary child but not a spectre either one part of a greater Hall something ancient and oddly sad I don't know what you mean I'm just me I have a mommy a daddy a pet doggy all right I'll hide and you seek find me and you win get ready and no cheating and you'll find him right here you weren't supposed to find me you weren't supposed to win good idea you're smarter than some Playmates I've had they always tried to leave before I was done with them try to find me again but my family will be looking for you at the same time so don't get caught all right and then he'll go in here and I'm going to cast invisibility on myself so I don't get caught you're good at this are you sure you didn't cheat but I can't let you think me a bad sport here's your price you'll need it and then he will give you the Ring Of Shadows not technically a side quest just yet but it is something interesting here in Act 2 at last Light in you can talk to the strange a once again this is a continuation from the act one where you spoke with him there and then you can also get an actual side quest and act three from them no still incapable not for you to know well come close your mind to [Music] mine are you satisfied a kindred spirit but I only wish to be an ox do you understand how very kind I'm so glad you understand here a little token between friends for your discretion and real quick I'd like to mention the two bad guy quests that I can't do the decide manthara fate Quest and capture Isabelle the cell unite cleric I'm going to go good guy choices so I can't do these two but those two quests do exist next up there is some dialogue you can do with rescue the Grand Duke here in llight in all you have to do is talk to councelor Floric this is the lady you saved in Walken's rest in act one any of our people into the he still won't speak just keeps going with the bloody song nothing of use on his person his original RIT of Duty signed by Elan himself fella must be one of the very first flaming fist he must know something let's not give up on him yet Floric will Gods please no the blade of Frontiers was supposed to be my secret weapon we believe the cultists have taken your father to moonrise Towers I don't suppose you found a way in merciful time Mor that's the first piece of good news I've heard since elel but I'm not pinning all my hopes on you I trust you will do everything you can to free the Duke but in case you don't find a way I'll be heading to Boulder's Gate to seek reinforcement the council sent a carrier pigeon with news that the city has been dealing with absolutist attacks the steel watch is holding strong I'll request that Lord gach send some of them to Aid in the fight against moonrise the curse won't harm them gach as in Enver gach last I knew he was a minor player in City Affairs A lot's changed since you left Boulders gate will gash has gained considerable influence since then the steel watch of the future of warfare gondan automatons that can be sent into battle without risking any lives except those of our enemies Lord gach had only completed work on the prototypes before ravengard and I left for eleral but even they were formidable with the steel watch at our backs we can storm the tower whatever Krick throws at us I'm sure of it I'll do my best but there's every chance I'll fall to the curse all the cult before I reach the city don't count on me and assume no Aid is coming work with jira that Harper's mind is a sh sharp as her blade follow her guidance farewell we'll meet again God's willing and then directly after speaking with counselor Floric we can talk to Art cig here and begin his little side quest to wake him up wake up art calic seems like a good moment to talk flame color that's your name isn't it art color I'm fist jel thanel and me are climb climb climbing up a tree we we need you sir one of our own's been taken a grand Juke you might know something that could help us bring him back we found him out in the shadows just wondering nothing survives out there for long don't know how he made it or where he came from this is no physical ailment it is a spiritual Mala the man's mind has been gripped by the shadow fou yet it has not broken no idea I'm afraid whoever it is must be someone important to him he's been saying the same thing over and over ever since we found him if you know how to get through to him don't hesitate he spent a long time in the shadow fou a Shon realm without color or light it's had a terrible effect on him without a reminder of who he is of what he held dear his mind will remain lost to the darkness his fingertips sport calluses and toughen skin as if from manual labor or playing a stringed instrument perhaps this was in his pocket he doesn't seem to have any reaction to it now but he held on to it for a 100 Years anyway if he does he isn't saying and now later on we can go pick up a loot instrument of his and the next side quest is continuing to talk to Arabella here in The Wraith wind town and you'll need to have saved her in act one so make sure you did that hey I know you you're twist them up wait that's a rebella isn't that looks like she's got some new weave up her sleeve sorry knocks the wind right out of me I don't think so I'm good well kind of good that Druid Idol I took it changed me I can do all sorts of stuff now not just the vines I think real hard and say some loud words and then it happens mostly that's who I'm looking for Mom and Pops I mean when zor when he well there was an ambush mom yelled run so we ran I could hear him running behind me till I couldn't still can't find him but I bet you can you'll help me I just know it thanks mister I knew you'd help me again the vines won't last forever I don't I don't suppose I can stay with you just till you find Mom and Pops I won't be any trouble I swear it thanks you're the best so you send Mom and Pops there I'll be waiting hero man and then she'll run off and you'll need to find her parents and she'll also give you the quest to find Z zor and her parents are literally just right around the corner just right over this way and I'm going to go ahead and use speak with dead just to see what happened to him the call regards you lifelessly arabella's father poor man met a ghoulish end surgeon sister to look husband to CRA father to Arabella seor betrayed R shelter the corpse remains silent it does not know the B's power wavs you can ask no more questions and now we can head back to camp and do a long rest and speak to Arabella hey you I made it easy peasy you find Mom and Pops no no no no I don't believe you it isn't true it isn't get away from me go and she'll be mad but I'm going to go ahead and do another long rest and then talk to her again I don't believe it they can't be breathe child resist not The Winds of Change let them carry thee no no listen Dost thou not hear it where creation meets ruin where morning meets midnight the root of all being balance they're dead I can't balance you're very soul is Tangled in Shadow arabella's Magic wild as cursed Bri her Talent is now yours too the girl must learn the ways of the Arcane but she Shan remain here The Weave knows her purpose it will guide her plainly if she listens Arabella holds a power beyond Reckoning that of the decaying forest and the seedling that bore it but it is unbalanced her yoke is already heavy if she walks thy path it will surely break Arabella will depart once thou dust leave these accursed lands she will find her way safely thus it is faded Bowman you're making me leave fear not girl abandon not the weave and it shall not abandon Thee I you feel g f as if it were your own there is a lightness in her now veiling The Power Within soothing it is that my future is that why they died it is it's wonderful thank you bow man for being nice if there are people like you around perhaps everything will be all right and then she'll give you this Shadow Blade ring that gives you a pretty cool spell and that concludes that one and to start the investigate the cell unite resistance side quest You'll head up to the last Light in and you can enter through either the cellar or the place that I'm about to show you just right over here go into the cursed building make sure you have protection from Shadow curs if you want to do it this way and then go down the roots right here and then when you come in here there'll be a bunch of enemies to fight they're not that hard just go ahead and wipe them out and then go ahead and interact with Alfred's note and that's how you start the side quest investigate the celite resistance and now we can head over to the Mason's Guild and to continue investigate the celite resistance head over over to the Mason's Guild near wraith town make sure you have a source of Shadow protection to be here at all if you haven't done that go kill carnice and get his Moon Lantern and then once you're here go inside there will be a hatch over this way something over there a pile of crushed bones varing shapes sizes and creatures head down over here you'll need to pass a perception check for this that and if you don't have the key which you get from Mattis in last Light you can lockpick it unfortunately for me Mattis is not there because of the dark urge killing alira that might that chest is trapped and doesn't have anything in it when you come through here you'll need to do a fight and I'll go ahead and fight it all and skip to the end of it and once he's defeated or the Shadows are defeated you can go over to the Mason log here and you can read that if you want to but that completes the quest and then you can go over here and there's a gilded chest and I'll show you what's in it it is trapped better be careful not to trigger that thing inside the chest you'll find the helmet of Arcane Acuity now if you want to continue the wake up art Quest just head to here at the house of healing and wraith went to and then we're going to go inside here to see the doctor oh we poorly are we desperately poorly or not so well but well enough to wait join the line and you will be seen yes yes but all must wait the doctor's hands are full join the line you will be seen as a hint of recognition in her eyes as she studies you the Unseen wounds of war the doctor's hand will close them down to the theater be swift be saved and now we can make our way through and I think I'm going to do this one as my main character still alive so that's progress the objective of the scalpel sisters is to soothe for the scalp indeed is an extension of Shia see how the patient reacts when I but stroke the right nerve here it's Comfort hear the very Melody of Mercy pray sister show us the extent of your beneficence stop stay your hand for it slaps where it should stroke we can hardly hear the patient size of Solace Perhaps it is our unexpected audience that makes you quiver come step forward you are no sister but that matters none every student is welcome behold sisters the very face of ignorance one who mistakes tenderness for torture go on acquaint the face of ignorance with the true object of our studies absence absence no other word captures the heart of sha so very perfectly it is the scalpel Le Journey that leads from Pain to peace else only a monster would inflict misery and call it medicine see what is the light of eyes but the cancer that causes one to witness the laceration of being if light is the symptom then darkness is the cure for enlight light there is presence but in darkness there is absence in light is presence in darkness absence you are well on your way but one white orb disfigures you still let us finish the Cure you remember Aaron Maxim go forth and so doubt but do not compel it for only the Willing may know the lady's Embrace only the Willing may know the lady's embrace you know her teaching well and yet these sisters must exercise their gifts for the art of absence lies in its execution how to proceed I wonder I see now by example I must edify and quell the light that blinds us come sisters Soo me and now that he's dead you can just loot him and you'll find The Battered Loot and you'll need this for the quest to wake up AR and now I'm returning to the last Light in to turn in the loot well not turn it in but show you're not wrong though monsters snuffling and stalking in the shade where we are walking Daniel he's still trapped there he needs help my loot you got it back how you killed a thorn the cck's elite how did you never mind he needs us needs our help I've been lost in the shadow know so long and I met a boy there too thanel he's the only reason my mind survived that emptiness that loss he told me about someone he knew someone called hen a druid thanel spoke of little else do you know him please hurry thanel is more than just a boy he's the spirit of the land and he's all alone without him the curse won't lift he said houseon could help find how please and now we can go back to camp and talk to Howen The Shadow is upon us as foul as I remember it perhaps even worse but with the oak father's blessing we may soon see it banished from these lands do number four a Survivor sylvanus blesses us this could be just the person we need to speak to thaniel is no ordinary child he is the very Spirit of this land if this fist knows where he is then perhaps we can save him save everything I will go to see him at once join me when you can all right now you can make your way back to the fist that if the eyes are the mirror to the soul yours have dark curtains across the mirror you hen thanel said to find you you must help him please I will but I need to know where thanel is if I Venture into the shadow fell blind I will never find him I'm not sure I can put it into words the landscape there shifts and changes lavender whenever I saw thanel I always smelled lavender I can work with that rest now meet me by the lake shore I have what we need to proceed but I'll need your help be ready this may prove perilous and now I'm over at the shore going to talk to Howen and completing this Quest actually unlocks him as a playable companion so that's pretty cool you're here good now we can begin very well once I begin the ritual a portal to the shadowfell will open one that will help me save thaniel whatever happens I must go alone with the oak father's blessing I can Infiltrate The shadowfell but doing so will sap my strength I'll need your help if I'm to return I need you to stay here keep the portal open until I return and defend it at all costs good now it's important that only I pass through the portal once it opens the magic is fragile any mistake and our one chance will be lost forever it took me years of study of seeking the oak father's favor to find a way to part the veil pray that this works Oak father hear me a Lead Me Force open the jaws of Darkness make passage for Your Vessel of light it's ready I'll return with thaniel as soon as possible stay close to the portal buy me what time you can and just as he said go ahead and defend this portal from all the attacking enemies I recommend focusing The Archers first cuz they will shoot at it I'm going to go ahead and skip the fight it's done I have him but something's wrong dreadfully wrong no it can't be no but some part of him is missing he's Hollow I need to examine him back at the camp come see us when you can and we're going to go back to Camp thanel is resting but it's no easy Slumber I discovered what's wrong with with him the Shadows rendered him in two when they bore him away to the shadow fell half of his Essence remained here amidst the curse what stayed behind would have been the strongest part of him but after all these years left in the darkness corruption must have taken hold it's both simple and not we need to find thel's missing half and make him whole again only the missing half may not come willingly the curse will have sunk its tendrils deep twisting thel's Essence into something else and you saw this boy yourself that can't be a coincidence but we need to be sure and I truly mean we if you wish every moment counts and I've asked much of you already without being at your side this doesn't have to be your burden alone every moment if you want me I'm yours against the curse against the absolute anything just say the word I'll be ready all right now we can go back to Oliver that little kid we talked to before with the invisibility and I'm back at the shadowed Battlefield just going to go back and speak to Oliver once again not back to Glow are you nobody likes a bad winner though shrouded in Shadows the child's resemblance to thanel is unmistakable this must be his Dark Half warped by the curse I still think you might have tricked me if you did I'll the gr out spoil sport I'm not going back I like it here I made a family for myself I get to play all the time yes I do you can't make me do anything I don't want to play with you anymore he's scared we'd better track him down if the Shadows don't stop us first and now you'll need to battle the shadows and I'll go ahead and skip that why couldn't you just leave me alone why can't I just stay here playing I had everything I've ever wanted right here and you you've ruined it I'm not leaving you can't make me he's nothing to me he left me here all this time I had to do everything for myself even when it was scary even when I was alone I didn't give up but would he even want me back I've changed a lot so I wouldn't have to make up friends to play with anymore I'd have someone real I'd like that and he would too I think all right I'll do it I want to do it bye and thank you for playing with me and now we can return back to Camp once again and speak with Howen I believe he's over here thanel rests well he's healing very rapidly now that all of us has returned to him I knew I could put my faith in you if only we have met sooner no more than my right hand can absorb my left Oliver is helping thanel to recover they both lie dormant like trees awaiting spring once the curse is lifted they can stand as one or as a pair whatever they wish I hope they will remain as a pair it will be good for them both to have a friend once I'm gone still I would like to return here someday see thanel and Oliver again in my meditations or perhaps in person if the oak father wills it I hope he does I have but perhaps there is more that I want anyway once the curse is lifted nature can take its course without me I belong at your side the Druid hon spoke to me while I was sleeping he spoke of you said that you fought Shadow and spite to restore me a 100 Years of sickness almost ended I feel every root that riddles the Earth beginning to unfold but there is one anchor still holding the shadows in place the soul that brought it into being for the land to heal cck Thor must die all right and now we'll have to kill ke Krick Thor so uh let's go ahead and get started doing that and now I'm at the Docks at moonrise towers and I'm going to do rescue walbrun and rescue the teelings just as a quick heads up normally you would do rescue the tling stuff over here with Roland and alira and beex but I didn't realize when I created my character that the dark urge just kills alira unless you knock her out so he did kill her against my will unfortunately so I couldn't do that part of the quest here but that's okay cuz I can still complete the quest by rescuing the teelings and in the prison so I'm going to go ahead and do that it's only a matter of time we sered up for your conversation has been cut short these prisoners of for disciple balthazar's attention only your association with Disciple balazar inspires respect and a touch of fear you are free to speak to the Prisoners the Gnomes speak to the Gnomes and now we can go over and speak to the Gnomes you ordered that guard about as if you were the absolute herself what do you want with us exactly huh and why would you be so inclined barcus is out here didn't think he had the stones well if he sent you you're no slave to the absolute you're a damn Wolf Among sheep aren't you I reckon you and I were meant to meet I'm wbr we've got a plan for us and the teelings both but we're scuppered without the right equipment we need tools that head case of a Ward and robbed ours but anything that breaks Rock will do even if it's not IR inand quality whatever you find throw it through the bars but for the love of GLE make sure a guard doesn't see you or we're both done for and now you'll need to find a bludgeoning weapon to give to him uh if you don't have one on you you can go through here and then upstairs you'll find W's Hammer but I'm just going to give him one of the ones that I have F my friend any luck with those tools good work we're going to wait until it's quiet and then bust out the back wall we'll grab the tee flings along the way we'll need them if it comes to a fight you however are the clinch once we move keep the patrols busy if the bastards spot us all of bloody moonrise will come down on us we'll move once it's quiet until then be ready and then eventually they're going to start hitting this wall and then the guards will start to come out and then you'll have to fight them and now I'll go ahead and fight the guards and defend them from getting killed and then I'll see you on the other side and now that I have all the guards defeated I can wait for them to break this rope here Bo's good to go all that's left is to ship off my plan for now is to hide out on the water unless you have a better idea you can either go with them or stay here something survived in this hell Escape you should have led with that see you there and now we can head back to last Light the reason I didn't go with them is because there's a long sort of little thing where some guy inspects them for like 10 minutes and it just takes too long let's rescue the T flings complete is clear Mom good we'll leave soon we don't want any surprises oh you made it Well Done steering a boat is hardly a challenge and this place is near a beacon in the darkness now was there something else did I not already how remiss of me here that's to cover your services I have plans in Boulder's Gate the work of many years labor that will finally bear fruit you should look for me once we're in the city the name wolverin bongle will be mentioned among many I've little doubt that's ironhand gnome business you recall stories of the ironhand Gnomes a talented group of inventors who were banished from Boulder's Gate do not speak of a story you only know the half of we are inventors of the highest order matched perhaps but never surpassed by the gundian at the High House of Wonders but our forebears were foolish complicit with Sarah Madness over a century past and so we were banished we still are to this day the very one it's the only mistake the iron hand gnomes ever made and it cost us everything I have fought tooth and nail to restore our reputation particularly against the gondan detractors who live in glass houses our return to Boulders gate will usher in a new era for the ironhand Gnomes the realm deserves the benefit of our genius appreciate it and he'll give you some gold and that is rescue wbr complete and now we can go ahead and start kill Raphael's old enemy as well as continue find the Night song that we started in Act One by heading up to the top above the house of healing and we're going to talk with Raphael here our hero thought but a treasure ahead did not consider the Peace of the Dead through the dark he went creeping and awoke what was sleeping a new Grave they dug which he himself fed this is no night you can Sleepwalk through somnambulist you must be wide wide awake to survive I've grown quite fond of you you know in my way I thought it only fair to warn you about the dangers ahead oh we both know they are soon to be revealed it would be pointless of me to try to BU you from entering but I can set the scene as it were prepare you for your role there is a stage down in the dark upon which a great drama has suspended itself in time its actors dwell there still mired in the Langer of their long tired scenes if you however through the dark go creeping and awake what is sleeping chances are many more Graves than yours alone will soon be fed very well there is a creature that lurks in silent and Shadow a creature who like me is very much of the infernal persuasion should it make its way out through the very doors you are about to brazenly swing open you will have Unleashed a pestilence upon this realm in truth it is Carnage incarnate so if you meet the devil of which I speak kill it consider no other course of action this creature and I go back a long way I admit it would be in my best interest as well should it remain trapped in the dark or misplace its head perhaps I should not relish its reacquaintance let's leave it at that you have it in you to author a thrilling finale if if you heed this warning do not underestimate this opponent at best you will have the blink of an eye to strike strike First Strike true defy the odds for they are distinctly in its favor that much I owe the bastard to concede after all if there is one rule I hold dear it's that one must always give the devil his due and to continue that Quest we'll need to head inside the mausoleum but I'm going to go ahead and grab this Waypoint real quick and the first thing I'm going to do inside of the grand melum is speak with Bazar and I know he is technically part of the main quest but the main quest and find the Night song are the same thing so I'll include it in the video just because it's interesting dialogue you come you prow my Battleground why are you friend foe thi scavenger you find yourself in a dead putrid skull somehow hosting a tadpole amongst a squirm of maggots another presence lurks within manipulating the corpse like a puppet a friend an Uninvited friend I do not request help did she now enter I will see if I have any use for you stinking pile of ogre after birth the Quakes haral the Shadows they found me and I'm going to go ahead and do the fight and then skip past it and I'm going to go inside and talk to him it's been a long day ah the interloper and in one piece as well not just any true Soul would have succeeded in following my path through this place you should be pleased General Thor rubbish everything is at hand here zurell mely envies the General's faith in me I am in the midst of a grand strategy but you're here now and I may be able to put those limbs to work you know what's at stake here I take it it comes back to you balazar headed a monastic order that controlled a place called anthan in the deserts of kaluman but he is long dead from what you recall oh him yes I decided to take his name for myself after taking his rib bones suits me better I think but enough idle chatter keep to the matter at hand you do know what's at stake here yes there is a relic here one which general Thorn desires no needs I will retrieve it for him and you will help me ignorant you may be you've shown some prowess in scouting and combat by making it this far fine if it'll spare me your bleeding The Relic lends the general his strength his invulnerability it must be recovered before his enemies attempt to exploit it promising flesh wasted on an idiot mind I see I'll Salvage what parts I can from you and I'm going to to go ahead and fight him and see you on the other side and there actually wasn't any dialogue or anything just loot to get from them and you can get circle of Bones as well as a summon Golem Bell and the Soul cage research and now we can do the kill Raphael's old enemy Quest here in the grand Mausoleum there's a number of ways you can do this Quest you can kill him you can break his contract or you can convince him to kill himself I'm just going to kill him but if you decide to break his contract you can head over here and talk to this rat guy up this way and kill the rat guy and that will break the contract so much blood what the hells have been happening here something's wrong what's this fresh entertainment but you're too fresh for this place aren't you there's a whiff of the surface to you a new arrival then you borrow too deep little rabbit I don't talk to prey I there's something else almost hidden by your fear stink cherries musk and sulfa Raphael I can smell him all over you where is he that perfume trickster swindled me trapped me where is he spit it out now careful I'm not sure we want Raphael is an enemy if you won't speak then you don't need to draw breath tell me what I want or I'll feed you to my pet over for tende day and keep you alive to watch I'm going to go ahead and attack him bold of you stupid but bold and I'll go ahead and skip the fight then once your gears dead you can loot them and get yourself the Hellfire hand crossbow and then also you'll need to go down and pick up that umbrell gem so you can place it in the pedestal over here and now we can do the few trials and get the umbrell gems that way we can go down and find the Night song and the first trial is the soft step trial and normally you would go through this trial and avoid like these enemies that are in here and make it to the end but I actually just went ahead and lockpick all the doors and walked back with one of my characters that way I can avoid having to deal with the enemies and now I'm going to go ahead and start the trial now that my character is already over there to do the ball contains an ancient rust colored blood stain it forms a neat disc as if spilled calmly and willingly you recognized this as a trial where initiates would prove themselves to lady this one would put their skills of stealth and infiltration to the test those that can and now I'm just going to go back to my other character and grab the gym and now we can do the next trial now next up we have the self-same trial and this one's pretty straightforward and doesn't really need an explanation when you start it you'll fight a mirrored group of your own party just go ahead and fight it all and kill it and grab the umbrell gem I'm not going to do all that in the video because it's pretty self-explanatory and now we can do the final trial the faith leap trial downstairs just go down those stairs here goes nothing another B what am I supposed to do stop here go here and grab the gem and now we have all of them and can go down and find the Night song and now we can do the Silent Library just right next to the trial we just did so go ahead and head in and then you'll have to fight these guys and I'll go ahead and do that and then skip then once they're all dead you'll need to loot these bookcases and look for a book they're trapped and here's the book we need teachings of loss go and pick it up and then lockpick this sport callus and then place the book what silence the nights on that will go down mine better be careful not to trigger that thing and you can find the Spear of Knight right here and you'll need this to continue the quest this is No Ordinary Spear and then more loot in these chests best keep it close and now I'm going to head back over to the pedestal and start placing those umbrell gems Wait nothing nothing's wrong at all it's fine really I just feel we're on the right track I'm right where I need to be under lady Sha's gaze now we can head down below and place the rest of them the disc is moving might be useful to navigate this place [Music] sharp as ever and now we can go down to the shadow fell this must be where initiates undertook their final preparations you show greatti do not this must be the last step I need to pray only by lady sh's Grace did we even make it this far nothing shadowart continues her prayer in silence she pays you no heed remaining on her knees all right no need to dash in ahead of me I'm ready now we can go down in your party is gathered you are ready or so you hope as you step into the silent water a foreign dread travels through you it curls its way up your leg squeezing tight sh lady sha I can feel her all around this is her domain this is the shadow fell all right now we we are tasked with a choice between killing the Night song or saving the Night song could send drift away and I'm going to go with saving the nights saww like I mentioned earlier I'll go ahead and Skip down to the bottom and here we are I have felt you coming the first in a century you who have come to to seek the praise of your wicked goddess you who have come to drive a dagger through my heart not a dagger a spear my lady Sha's spear her fate is mine to seal let me handle this the Fate you seal is your own to be a dark justicia is to turn your heart from everything but loss you will know no love no no joy only servitude until of course your mistress inevitably discards you and there is much she does not tell you a terrible blood price that may extend beyond my own death you feel Shadow heart bristling this is important to her you may yet have the chance to dissuade her from doing her duty but not without risk to your bond and Night song is not blind to your conflict behind that that raging heart is the Restless beat of one who knows too well that her fate hangs in the balance if I have to step over your corpse to fulfill what lady sha asks of me so be it your choice well well well well what's that I sense a spear intended for my heart empowered by your goddess I empowered to kill the child of a god do you know what I am little assassin for I know you a Lost Child frightened by wolves in the dark what did you say much has been promised to you hasn't it but what has been taken from you what do you know of your own heart your own life I sense more in you than you know whatever you think you know in me won't matter once I become who I'm meant to be theni you need to persuade her for I I can't believe I just did them lady sha will disown me what will happen to me not what will happen what will you do your past is not yet lost your future is not yet fixed lay a hand on me in Friendship not quite Shon and I will fight the battle that has been waiting for me this last century then oh then we will have much to discuss Our Lady of Silva hear me she who guides the moon Maiden Salona mother of the socalled Night song The Night song is no more [Music] I am resplendant you have given me a great gift little warrior don't you find it oh so curious that you would spurn your dark lady perhaps you feel a staring of the truth already but that will come later there is a battle yet to be fought you have done what we feared was impossible you have released me from A Century Of Sorrow your power is great so too must be your weapon you must choose what you will wield and the moon Maiden will provide thus I have said thus will it be so are you ready to kill cck Thor we need to leave lady sha won't stand for us to be here not after what we did I'm not sure there's a place that's far enough away for me to go lady sha must be angry there's only silence let's get out of here please whatever's coming I don't want to be in the heart of the Shadow fell when it finds me the nightsong will be headed for Moonrise Towers we'd better get there and see what she's Unleashed against cathc Thor [Music] [Music] [Music] and then for saving her you'll get the Moonlight glaive and then later on in act three this will turn into a legendary and you can also continue find the Night song over in act three as well and that's the end of that one for now and now I'm back at moonrise Tower so I can assault it and then that will let me do the lift the shadow curse and then find zor down in The mik anded Colony and the rescue the grand de Quest I believe that's part of this maybe let me go ahead and start has an elith parasite in that corpse you should take a look Unshackled From Shadows she will rise in moonlit glory and carve a path of brightness to the accursed one's second death so sayth the wise Alondo that Beacon of angelic wrath has taken a fight to kic on the rooftop in the first line of defense are dead but storming the tower won't be easy and if we wait too long kic will gather his strengths and retaliate for now though he's on the back foot for the first time since he returned from the grave this is it the spearhead moment you brought us this far so how shall we proceed if you're hunting one target among many the key is to isolate and corner it my Harpers and I will be the Noose that closes in around kic and as it tightens you'll go in for the kill Floric left some of her flaming fist they'll Scout the prisons and the barracks below to ensure we're not taken by surprise say the word and we're off at the ready Harpers in this Al light there will be victory in this Al light we will avenge the [Music] [Applause] Fallen the time has come G will taste of Death At Last all right now I'm going to goad head and assault moonrise towers and now that I defeated all the enemies in the tower I'm going to head upstairs to the ornate door and confront kri you what have you done what have you done to me impossible you are a thrall a slave you serve the absolute you serve me bow you Dog bow the prism you've had it all this time you worm you will bow before me and if you will not bow you will break you how good it is to see see you again cck at last you found a godm that suits you it seems Halen the thief you stole Isabel from me and now you think you'll take my life in the bargain you dare to speak her name after your crimes innumerable you are devoke her before me enough this ends here and now at last he will crumble at the power of your touch give him all you have the gods fight at our side and now I'm going to do the battle enough my Lord beckons me you must return to your prison and my daughter must be reclaimed your daughter [Music] Isabelle you will fall as sure as she this has only begun that tentacle was colossal and now we can go down into this thing over here to do another side quest find zore the hole yawns back at you impossibly wide a single tentacle burrowed through Stone this must be where they harvest the tadpoles we're close to the source of the infections I wager that devil and now I'm down in the mine player Colony I can do rescue zlar somewhere over here and now that we're down inside the mikid Colony after fighting Krick we can do fine zor he's actually inside of one of these mine flare cages your tadpole forms a telepathic connection with the device and a chorus of static energy fills your mind every mind flare in the room calls out hungrily from its pod seeking release and sustenance but there are others in the pods those not yet infected not yet athid terrified desperate to escape the device is open to your tadpole's command to your Authority and now do the fight I didn't think I was going to make it thank you I owe you an explanation much more than that but first please the others the Ambush tell me they survived you've heard some of it I'm sure that I froze or broke or some other lie that is Kinder than the truth we were ambushed by cultists yes and then I heard her their false God whispering promises in my mind I would be a paladin again with a God's purpose a God's power everything I needed to protect my people and all the while the cult tortured them they fought and ran and died around me while I imagined myself their Savior by the time I regained my senses it was too late I did not just surrender to the absolute for a moment I welcomed it it would be nice to think so but whatever these monsters twist us into I believe it begins in us I won't make excuses I can't make amends but I know something of what you came to do I want to help if you'll let me cck is below he thinks you're no longer a menace descend and show him how wrong he is if there are any more survivors to be found I'll find them and lead them out of this place and you my friend and pathetic inadequate as it is thank you all right and that is fine zor complete now we need to go down and lift the shadow curse by fighting kri thorm and now that zevar is freed I am going to lift the shadow curse and do the rescue the Grand Duke next part here at the bottom of the mikid colony and confront cath thorm no longer a background murmur the presence in your mind builds to a roar we found it the absolute sh is behind this door you said it was under control it isn't you I answer to gorz oh the general voice is this where we salute salute yes with Cleavers through his blood starved flesh how it crawls with failure like flies on lick wet Carion you forget yourself Orin I've played my part you've built an army for our masters true enough but what of the astral prison a rogue true Soul flaunting it under your nose all this time and you ran from him sure that they would follow and deliver it into my hands here if you would cease these distractions the distractions have been yours Krick perhaps we never should have dug your daughter up so you haven't lost your Edge but you're still not as sharp as Orin I wager the Slayer against the undying one that' be fun to see his Crypt breath sings to my senu again again again again again but he must lead the murder march to Border's grave if the weapon is truly in your grasp cck might I suggest closing your fist Orin and I can wait for you no longer the plan proceeds we're going to the city and we expect you to follow Army and the weapon in toe the Edict of Bane the Lash of [Music] ball The Testament of Merkel an elder brain one of the cruestv by mere mortals look at that crown it radiates with power unlike anything I've ever seen to have it to hold oh if only I could but I can't this is it I must do as mistra commands what choice do I have more than just a goddess counseled my courage Whole World's hand in the balance I do trust you more than myself right now perhaps even more than mistra I I have no desire to end your life you know that to end it to struggle on it is a grave Choice you're making for us both but if it must be so very well I'll Stand Down to stand by you there we are it wouldn't do to fight in front of our guest behold Duke Renard the absolute whom preserve us you w your word flap in vain olding once the worm holds the whip your shredded flesh will serve us [ __ ] no father now it's really time we were going we will empty this place and begin the March you may catch up with the Army once you've retrieved the weapon and cck do try not to sulk you're supposed to be the Fearsome General come to conquer the city and I am the hero who will save it it is time faithful ones march on Boulder's Gate we go to prepare the way and now I'm going to go ahead and fight him there you are as predicted what is it I wonder that draws one toward death like a moth to light you could have run away absconded with the prism the one thing that could prevent me from fulfilling my destiny but the lure of one's Destiny is irresistible isn't it perhaps you hope to learn your place in history before you are erased from it a bright flash of clarity before the snuffing out your place is to die so that I might finally live let us speak plainly my Lord Merkel gave me the one thing I desired the one thing no other God could grant me my daughter's life returned her heart beating once more for that he asked that I serve as his chosen join aurin and Gores to grow The Cult of the absolute and then take control of it he's never had a more devoted follower I have fought great Wars before in the service of other gods and other powers but for Merkel I would condemn all of fyon to death you are all that stands between me and my destiny and you have brought the prism here I will kill you now and then I will raise you as my servant yes join the army of the Dead true Soul witness Lord merkel's Glory nowhere fast what a fool you are you cannot kill me I am Eternal Merkel Lord of Bones I am here I am ready I am yours you dare end one who belongs to me I am the smile of the worm cleansed skull I am the regrets of those who remain and the restlessness of those who are gone I am am the Horn of morans the god of Graves and age of dust and dusk I am Miracle Lord of Bones and you have slain my chosen but it is no matter for I am death and I am not the end I am the beginning the Triad help us and now I'm going to do the fight impossible death cannot take me I am its Master my Lord hear me nothing I am forsaken you you have no idea what you've done Isabel the villain is De the rest together we have crushed him brain and body now now we pick our way toward our Fates Unleashed you have my sword my FIY do what you must then we fly this foul place and to complete lift the shadow curse kill catrick thorm like I just did and then lot his body in death the body is cooling that energy radiates from the stone remarkable truly and now the picture comes together the absolute is neither God nor man it is the elder brain you saw held here by those three against its will the crown it wears controls it and these Stones control the crown it has been dominated to master an elder brain to subdue it our enemies are formidable a temporary reprieve but a welcome one with a brain on its way to the city its influence here is weakened the Crown's marking suggest it was forged in netheril an ancient empire whose Mastery over magic rivaled that of the Gods it is a crown of domination the stones were taken from its Crest they are nether stones imbued with the ability to control the wearer of the crown the Crown's nees magic must be the true source of the parasites abilities this must be what elevates their potential and it must be the reason nobody could heal you if the crown can do this to the parasite I dare not imagine what it is doing to the brain nees these chosen are powerful indeed to have such magic in their command one of them I know Lord Enver gash an arms dealer and a slaver a worshipper of Bane the god of tyranny the other is a mystery to me but the way she spoke it is most likely she follows Bal God of murder cck was a follower of Merkel which means the absolute is a front for the gods of death and our enemies are the chosen of the dead three Bane Bal and Merkel the Tyrant the Assassin and The Necromancer they are known to pick from their most devout followers a chosen granting them incredible Powers each one alone would be a formidable enemy but working together and controlling an elder brain I dare not imagine what they might acheve aeve we prepare for the fight of our lives and the lives of everyone in fyon the army of the absolute is marching on Boulder's Gate within the city an elder brain brimming with power ready to turn everyone within its reach into mind flers all it needs is an order an order the death Gods chosen are on the cusp of giving we must must rest control of the brain from The Chosen before that happens we must take their Stones our chances of success are slim but we must not fail if we fail everything ends I will be your Shield but you must be the sword and when the chance comes to strike you must take it for there may only be one chance and that is the act complete and should be all of the side quests complete as well lift the shadow curse should be complete because I just killed kathri and find the Night song we did that so now I need to go to balder's gate to continue find the Night song hey enen Isabel my love you are dead I saw your body I'm here and and so are you and my father he he can't hurt us any longer I dreamt every night that you'd come back to me that somehow it was all a nightmare Dawn would undo I had no dreams at all nothing but darkness and when I woke my father said you were dead his soul was poisoned by the god of death his sick devotion ruined him but for all his sins he brought you back to me are you all right I will be and you in this moment I want for nothing oh there you are this is aen aen this is oh but we have met this is the soldier that freed me most valiantly from the shadowfell they watched my boot crush the very brain of villainy and fought well against your changed father may he Rest in Peace at Last now that he's dead I have more to thank you for than I knew and we have much to discuss perhaps we could join you in your Camp later we look forward to it you there Sharon by the fires of your Camp's Hearth we will discuss all we must I'll be ready whatever you have to say had better be worth your life now you will leave us we must take sucker in one another's bodies and words alen we'll see you later and that is fine the Night song The Curse has been lifted the lands cleansed of the Shadows krick's reign of living death is over your courage has been tested and in this at least you have triumphed [Music] sh and we should have every Quest complete lift the shadow curses done cuz we killed them and find the Night song continues in act three and with that said I will be making the act three alls side quest video alongside this one so expect that to be coming and if you like the video leave it a like subscribe for more guides to come and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: LukeCanWin
Views: 15,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BaldursGate3, Act2Walkthrough, BG3Sidequests, FullDialogue, BG3Guide, CompleteQuestGuide, Act 2, Side Quests Walkthrough, BG3, Punish the Wicked, Decide Minthara’s Fate, Capture Isobel, Wake up Art Cullagh, Lift the Shadow Curse, Find Arabella’s Parents, Find Rolan, Rescue Tieflings, Rescue Wulbren, Selunite Resistance, Kill Raphael’s Enemy, Find Zevlor, Find Mol, Guide, Full Dialogue, RPG Guide, Larian Studios, Gameplay, LukeCanWin, find the nightsong, rescue grand duke
Id: m9Efpo0Knhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 41sec (7301 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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