Baldur's Gate 3: All Equipment Locations | Act 1 | 100% Guide

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hey guys Luke back with another video this one's gonna be Baldur's Gate 3 all unique items in Act One what I mean by unique items is any item that is in a static place in the world and you can't get it anywhere else that's just one item there are very many of them and I took a pretty natural progression through the game so if you want to follow along you shouldn't miss any key points in the act I didn't go to the underdark until after I fully cleared the top side so I recommend going there a little bit earlier probably level four and the only other thing you need to know is that there's time stamps down below if you're looking for something in particular and if you liked the video leave it a like And subscribe for more guides and I will go ahead and get started first up we have the everburn blade and you can get this one before you leave the nautiloid so make sure you're still on the nautiloid in the tutorial and all you'll need to do is give yourself the command spell on Shadow heart she doesn't come with it by default so you're going to want to replace it here and then before you go into the fight with the demon where you need to get to the transponder all you have to do is use drop weapon command on the boss and it'll drop his ever burn blade the blade gives a 1v4 additional fire damage on it and it's a great sword I'm gonna run up there real quick all right I'm gonna try to use it on him if I'm close enough I'm not sure if I am here we go 65 chance he did drop his weapon you can see it right there and I'm gonna pick it up and let's take a look at it here it does 6 to 19 damage huge for this early gives you those three things if you're proficient with it it's a great sword and it is two-handed next up we have the Watcher's guide and it's a spear that gives you true strike to get this spirit all you need to do is come to the overgrown ruins Waypoint and this is the very beginning of the game where you find Shadow heart or close by and there's a store right here that needs lock picked and it does have a really high lock pick requirement it's like 20 roll to get through so if you can't lock pick it just travel through up and over here up to this Bandit Camp up here and go ahead and defeat the bandits and either jump down this hole here or lock pick the door back over there which is much easier to lock pick and then you can make your way through to where I'm about to show you trim be cautious there are traps all throughout here you can either take the pots and just sort of cover the vents like this and go through and do that for all of them or you can come over this way make sure your party is clear I already put mine over here so they don't get killed I'm gonna go ahead and loot the sarcophagus and that's going to trigger traps so I'm going to take what I want and then immediately start running this way that way I don't get killed go ahead and exit should be safe if I get to my character and I'll show you the weapon and it is a spear it's a throwing Weapon It's versatile and it has Advantage for attack rolls if you ever Miss next up we have the Amulet of lost voices this gives you level three speak with dead and this is right after you get the Watchers guile and that trapped room right before you talk to Withers have seen everything in the Dank Crypt go ahead and come past this lit up statue and click this button here come in this room and you'll find the amulet right here in this chest next unique item we have up are the gloves of power and this one's really easy to get it's just the Goblin Raid that happens right before you go to the Druid Grove and you rescue those people and the boss one drops the gloves you probably already found this item I'm just gonna go ahead and include it for completion's sake and next up we have Hell Riders Pride it's another pair of gloves and it's just right after you enter the Druid Grove all you need to do is head over here to where zablar is you'll have to take a neutral stance on their argument here and just stand back and watch otherwise you'll need to do the full quest for them and Save The Grove and then you'll get the gloves a long time ago but if you want them now just let them get knocked out walk on over here [Music] let's try to avoid Crouch and you can pickpocket them right here and these make it to where whenever you heal a creature they get resistances to that and then a strength saving throw plus one if you want these six unique items listed in this time stamp you'll head to the emerald Grove and you'll speak to the vendor here called Aaron you need anything else and he sells all six of these items so here's the gloves of missile snaring I'll just pause for a minute on each one so you can read here's the Ring of flinging here's the Hedge Wanderer armor and the rain dancer people that doesn't matter of course the dragon's grass weapons and there should be one other one sure it is spell thief and that's how you get these six items just bring some gold over this way and grab them next up we have coralon's Grace and you can find this item also in the emerald Grove just head on over to the marketplace area over this way [Music] and make your way down to Annie Ethel down here uh trade with her and you can find the staff sitting right here and it gives you these two bonuses here I'll go ahead and let you read those and next up we have the hunting short bow and the Safeguard Shield I have a bit of a confusion going on and that when I came at level two I had the only the shield in his inventory well and now that I'm back at level four he has the bow as well so I'm guessing they add stuff depending on what level you are and that also makes me think that the inventory might also be random in terms of unique items and which vendor has them because I looked up online and it said that there should be a blooded ax here as well so I'm guessing it might be a little random in terms of unique items for vendors I could be wrong and they just might have changed it in a patch or something and that's old info so take this all with a grain of salt for the vendors everything out in the world should be concrete though so next up we have komira's locket and this is also in the emerald Grove you'll just need to come to this part over here near Mattis that little kid that sells you the Rings and then go over here I'm gonna go ahead and Skip all this dialogue but we're gonna go through and we just need to save these people's daughter and return to them and they'll give us that necklace I'm sorry and she's right here oh I will imprison the devil do it go ahead and try to persuade her or whatever you're good at and she's now saved so we can head back out everything's over and you talk to her our little Hellion told us what you should give us this next up we have another vendor item that may or may not be there for you and that is the whispering promise ring yet come to the emerald Grove and then head down to the center here and we're going to speak to Volo and check his inventory and see if he has this room I must prepare to travel he does have it for me and he may not have it for you like I mentioned check the other Merchants like the one on the goblin camp and the surround you might find it there if you want the broodmother's Revenge amulet you'll head to the emerald Grove and then you'll head to this stone door right here and to get this amulet you will have to kill kaga and when you kill her she drops the amulet to get to this point in killing her you'll have to progress the quest line a little bit I think so make sure you do that but once you do that and then kill her you get the broodmother's Revenge I've tried to persuade her into becoming a good guy and after I did that she didn't give me this amulet so I'm guessing you have to kill her to get it and that's how you get that one next up we have the Amulet of Sylvanas and you can find this amulet in the emerald Grove also just come down to where this bear is sort of in the main ritual area right here at the beach and you'll need a character with enough strength to move this rock which you should have one and you'll find the amulet sitting right here it does look like it's a steal so make sure you are hiding take a look at that and it looks like it just gives you the Lesser restoration spell this next one is not an equipment it's more of a quest item but I figured I'd include it anyway because it has a pretty cool effect it's the idol of Sylvanas and to steal this you'll first need to come to the emerald Grove for one and then once you're down here my method to steal this would be to shoot Darkness down there's spells for this as well and then take it and then afterwards somebody might run up to you and then accuse you of taking it and if they don't that's good too but if they do run up to you you can do deception and talk talk your way out of it but once you have the item in your inventory this right here it gives you this Aura sylvanas's blessing and anybody within eight meters also gets it and they get nature and animal handling proficiency next up we have the cap of curing and you can get this one also in the emerald Grove once again just right nearby this barred girl who's singing go ahead and lock pick this chest and you'll find the cap right here and this one gives you when you inspire an ally using bardic inspiration they also regain one to six hit points next up we have the ring of color spray to get that ring you'll need to head to the emerald Grove and then make your way up over this way towards the beach and you'll find yourself a kid who is getting lured in by some harpies finish off all those harpies and then we can go ahead and make our way back here don't waste a step foreign go ahead and jump up here and you should find the ring right here if you want the Nature's snare staff just outside of the emerald Grove right here is a perception check for survival check rather and that'll let you open the stone door here and it's a secret passageway so I'm just gonna go ahead and run through this is a trap and the staff is somewhere over here so let's go ahead and not moving in have Shadow heart I just let's just let her die I'll show you where it is it's right here in this chests entertained this is not going well oh there we go got a lock picket too funny all right and that gives us access to the Nature's snare staff and it ensnares Targets on hit by chance and also gives you topple next up we have key of the ancients and you can find it near the that's Nature's snare staff we found earlier and you'll find it on the corpse so well not the corpse but the unconscious body of Finn doll here before you wake him up and send them off you can pickpocket them and then you can loot the key of the Ancients right here go ahead and steal that doesn't matter because it's unconscious anyway you can just keep trying and that's how you get that one next up we have the silver pendant and to get this one it's just also right outside the emerald Grove right here we're going to begin and head up this way so go ahead and start jumping up I don't think you needed to jump right there go ahead and climb the ladder here and right over here on this skeleton we'll find the silver pendant next up we have a two in one special and you get the vision of absolute and the oak fathers Embrace right nearby here just head over to the emerald Grove environs and head over here and then talk to these three NPCs here I'm gonna go ahead and Skip everything the injured man locks eyes with you do you have orders for us we're looking for fugitives survived I told Edward not to look in that they spoke all right and now we can go ahead and talk to his body's memories go to waste and then you can loot his body and grab the shaft of a broken spear you'll need that for the weapon whoops out say murder if Nest must be please looks like a shrine to saluner over there cheers go ahead and keep heading through here up to this owl bear you can do whatever you want with this owl bear you can fight it kill it help it I'm gonna kill it foreign for you guys you don't have to wait all right and after you finish killing the owl bear prolonged it's misery pick up your Fallen comrades and then loot the Albert get the head of a broken spear open your inventory find the two pieces and combine them together and that will give you the vision of the absolute I'll go ahead and show that to you real quick and now if you want the armor just head right over here and you'll find it sitting right here and if you want the Moon drop pendant you can head over to the owl bear Nest once again just near the emerald Grove and then you'll head inside this cave mouth here once you're inside make your way over here the Luna statue jump over here and you'll find this selenite prayer sheet right here go ahead and pick it up just an old Pratt jump over here and then read the prayer in front of the chest and that will unlock the chest giving us access to possible I want to get rid of her and that'll give you access to the pendant next up we have the haste Helm and to get the hay sound all you need to do is go to the blighted Village this is right after the emerald Grove and then head your way over to the center of the Town sort of near the Waypoint and there's a locked chest here I already picked it but you can find the helm right here inside next up we have the fleet finger gloves and to get these gloves all you need to do is head to the blighted Village right here just near where the emerald Grove is and then head down to right here and you'll find a dirt Mound near this tree what's that go ahead and shovel it up make sure you got a shovel and then the gloves will be right here and next up we have the steel forged sword this one's pretty much identical to the short sword plus one so I'm not sure why they added this one but if you want that one you can come to the blighted Village and then lock pick this or jump down this hole once you're down inside of this little blacksmith area you can come over to this ladder then go ahead and lock pick this and the sword will be right here and as you can see it's pretty much exactly the same as a short sword plus one so I wonder what's different about it next up we have lumps warhorn and the Warped headband of intellect to get these two items you need to come to the blighted Village just near the emerald Grove and then you'll head inside of this house here and it has some ogres you can see them here if you want the war horn which lets you call these guys to battle you need to persuade them to give it to you and if you don't do that you can kill him and take the helmet which is the Warped headband of intellect it raises your intellect to 17. I am gonna try to persuade him and if I can't I'm just gonna kill him the Mark is her measure shows the brand of the absolute not and you no make me enough go ahead and persuade or at least try it's a tough go so I'll use up my inspiration see if we can get it thank you I won and I didn't get it but he would give you his war horn and you could use it to calm the battle but I'm gonna go ahead and kill him so we can get the helmet and once you have them killed you can go ahead and loot lump and you can get the lumps warhorn from oh I guess you can get it from his body that's nice so if you didn't get it from persuasion you can get it that way and then you can get the headband right here which raises your end to 17. next up we have the bracers of defense and to get these you'll head to the blighted Village as well just near the emerald Grove and then you're headed down the hatch right here this is the Apothecary cellar and then once you're down in here just head right over to here you can move these crates out of the way pull the lever that'll open this here sometimes this bugs out but for me and just like does this so just walk through if it does that to you it actually consistently does that for me so it might just be on my end but nonetheless talk to the mirror here tell her your name yes now we can go inside and you'll find the bracers right over here in this gilded chest next up we have the Speedy light feet these are boots and they are also in the blighted village so just come to the Waypoint and then head up to Route around where I am now and you'll see a bunch of goblins you can either persuade them to leave or fight them and then after they're gone we're just gonna head over to this hatch right here and then sitting right over here in this corner will be a chest and that's where you'll find the boots if you want to get yourself these spider step boots or the spurred ring you'll head to the blighted Village and you'll come to the very center near the Waypoint and then you'll click on this well from an overgrowth of ma the coin disappears into the internet climb down it does not touch those webs or I'll end up as a meal and then you can make your way this way head over here to where this chest is you'll find the boots sitting right here and they make you immune to the webbing in this area and the other stuff is just right over here on this skeleton I'm gonna send my stealth character to sneak past these spiders and the spurred Band Here gives you during combat when the wearer starts their turn with 50 hit points they gain momentum and next up we have The poisoners Robe and to get this one you're inside of the same spider area inside the blighted village well so just go back a couple times stamps and you'll know how to get here but right after you looted that I just headed over this way and now there's a boss over here my strategy for this boss is to destroy the eggs there's a set here there was one over here I already killed it and there's one over here so what I did was set lizelle down here with the fire bomb gonna throw one there and then I'm gonna take my guy that has the spider boots across this web that way I don't alert the spider then I'm gonna head right here and enter turn-based mode and then I'm gonna throw these and then do hers and that will clear these eggs out because this boss will try to hatch them and you don't want that happening as you can see they spawned in the fire and they're just gonna die immediately [Music] and then I'll just skip to the part where I'm killing the boss and showing you the loot and then once you kill the big spider boss she should drop you the poisoner's ropes next up we have the sparkle hands and Woodward shield and to get these two items you'll just head below the blighted village just make your way south and then once you reach this area with water and a bridge right here you can start jumping with haste over into this area in the upcoming area there is a fight and I'll just go ahead and skip the part where I'm fighting to save us time okay and then once you have defeated all of those enemies you'll find the Wood Road Shield right here on this corpse on one of the wood Woods you killed and you'll find the gloves right here in this chest next up we have gandrell's aspiration it is a crossbow and it's just nearby the Riverside Tea House Waypoint and that's right under the blighted village to get this weapon you will have to kill this NPC right here he's a Monster Hunter and he's level five and I'm not entirely certain if he has a quest later on in the game he does mention something about Baldur's Gate so I would advise against killing him if you're worried about losing a quest but if you do kill him he does drop his crossbow so I'll go ahead and do that all right and then once you loot him you'll find the crossbow right here the next two items we're gonna do are the ever seeing eye and the staff of Crohn's if you want these two items come to the Riverside tea house under the blighted village and then from here we're gonna make our way up into anti-ethyl's Shack I'm gonna skip all the dialogue and the fights that way you guys don't have to sit there and wait what is it what's going on ah ah [Music] and now she will fight you and then Retreat into this fireplace right here so I'll go ahead and Skip to where she's doing that bye bye Loveless all right she's retreating then you just follow into here once you're down inside of here you just come over to this door here is stop please this is delightful and you can actually just walk straight through you feel crushing waves of fear scene of his weapons screams you let them in the door suck you see the hack with a all right and now you should be able to just walk straight through there's a fight up ahead there are about four or five enemies to kill not too hard of a fight consider knocking them out I think because they're people I don't know but do what you want I'll go ahead and skip the fight and see you on the other side all right can't slow down and then after they're dead you come over this way through here there's gonna be a lot of poison a lot of traps so I recommend either using slow fall and jumping potions and just jumping past it all or using what I'm gonna do and stealth through with the stereon and just disarm all the traps and give them like poison Resistance potion and all that so I'm gonna go ahead and do that I'll probably just get past that because that'll take a while and I figured on my last person I'd show you the path that I ended up taking through so just go ahead and jump over to here I take a little bit of damage jump down here I don't mind taking a little bit jump down to here actually let's move up a little bit jump there jump over here and jump over here and now we're all together in the cage I'm not gonna show the fight because you don't really need to know it just know that if you spare anti-ethyl she will give you an item that permanently increases one of your stats by one and it's really good so if you want that spare her all right and then after you are beating her up she'll sort of surrender to you and you can go ahead and choose to spare her and she'll give you an item that increases the stat by plus one and it's pretty good so I like to do this one I knew I like jadiri look it's just and here's the item it's anti-ethyl's hair pick whichever one's good for your character I'm gonna take dexterity and then we can go in here and this is where we will find our weapons all the two things we're looking for the ever seeing eye right here and the staff of Crone sitting right over here 's the ever seeing eye let's use protection from evil and good and the staff of Crohn's gives you Ray of sickness and does pretty good damage and then over here is bitter divorce if you didn't free Apple and you take this item you can go with my right Mirena outside go up over here and she'll be out here and then you can resurrect her husband and use him as a zombie pet anytime you want and if you want The Smuggler's ring you'll head to where I am now right above the blighted village just right after you cross the bridge and then you'll go ahead and climb down this cragged rock make our way over this way before me and loot the skeleton in the bush and this one gives you plus two stealth plus two sleight of hand and minus one charisma if you'd like to get yourself The Sword of Justice you can head to where I am now above the blighted village and in this little house will be a guy this guy right here Anders he gives you a quest to hunt Carlock who's over here and he'll give you his sword if you do it and I don't want to hunt Carlock I've already rescued her so I'm just gonna kill him and take the sword from him that way so I'll see you on the other side of that and then once you have them all slain you can go over to the body over here and then you'll find The Sword of Justice right here and now if you want the gloves of heroism you can head to where I am now above the blighted village right here and then we're going to loot a key that's just sitting right here and now we can go ahead and head up here a little laggy in here for me go down this hatch and then now you'll use the key on the store you need to drink the blood step carefully through here there's traps everywhere so just be careful when you come through now there's two chairs have one of your companions sit on each one of the chairs so just like this put lizelle over here and then you'll find these gloves right in one of these there's poison on the ground so be careful of these traps and these gloves give it to where when you use your channeled oath spells you gain heroism next up we have four items all in the same area and all you need to do to get these four items is head above the blighted village up to around this area there will be a bunch of Knolls and a cave with some guys inside that are trying to defend themselves if you want the Speedy reply dagger open this guy right here and you'll find the dagger sitting right there and if you want the shattered flail go ahead and loot it from the boss that you kill in this area and then if you want the rube or the iron flask rather this thing right here it has a bee holder inside of it so do you want to beholder loot that and you can throw it and break it and release it and if you want the gloves the reasons grasp they're up here in HS you'll need to lock pick this chest there's a trap here under the feet so be careful and this one's also a 20 DC lock pick if you want these Sparky points the jolt shooter the spell sparkler or Hammer haft you'll head to the top of the map above the blighted Village near the Knoll camp inside this Village here there's going to be some burning buildings and people trapped inside we're good we're going to go ahead and head this way I recommend bringing somebody with lock picking because we'll need to lock pick a chest that's a 20 DC so bring lock picking with you go ahead and attack this and now we're inside of there go ahead and rescue this guy real quick foreign hurry and then you can head over into here and the hammer half is in this chest right here [Applause] right here and then I'm gonna go ahead and head out so my character doesn't die oh and then I'm gonna switch to liezel and move this out of the way if I can [Music] then we're gonna jump up here you'll need a heavy strength character to move that and then I'm just gonna attack the door and break it down using my weapon and then we can rescue this person here we can come proceeding and then she will give us the choice between the three Sparky spell sparkler shooter weapons may I trust you'll see it through I fear that may have been I right here if you want the abyss beckoners very rare gloves you can head to the top of the map above the blighted village up here where the burning buildings are and then you'll head inside of this building here this guy will see you and you can tell him to chill out and he'll give you the key and head down or he'll just run away and you can chase him down this hatch head over to this corner here where this wardrobe is hmm you might have to lock pick it if you didn't get the key from that guy what have we here then you'll get a waypoint here and I recommend picking a character that has good persuasion or intimidation because up here there will be a check to get through trade with books all right now we can go in don't get comfortable climb this ladder over here um and you can start heading this way we need to go over to the store oh go ahead and lock pick this door it's a hard lock pick so use your best character for it as you can see it's 20. go ahead and head inside and inside of this chest you'll find the gloves you're looking for if you want the five items listed in this time stamp you need to head to the goblin Camp just west of the Blended Village right over here and you need to be friendly with the goblins and you can rescue saza in the emerald Grove to do that that's how I did it and then you'll come to this Trader here grab the trader I got stuff good trade and he has the five unique items Swire Z shoes hide armor plus two I believe this is unique to him gloves of archery the boots of Aiden comfort and the returning Pike I say even a bird it's got a big like and if you'd like to get yourself the glowing Shield you can head to the goblin Camp once again and then once you're here near the Waypoint there's going to be a ladder right over here go ahead and climb it and then back through here there's going to be a ton of traps right here like literally like 50 so be careful here and then go to this chest here and it's going to be locked lock pick it I already did this and then you'll find the shield sitting right here if you want to get yourself crusher's ring you can head to the goblin camp and then right here near the Waypoint there will be a goblin that's given a speech to three other goblins you need to find a way to kill him without alerting it these goblins of your presence or they will all be hostile in this Camp so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna Chuck a barrel full of dead goblins at him and kill them and then whenever they're all distracted I'm gonna shoot Darkness down and loot them with the Starion over here so let's go ahead and do that I'm gonna put them back in the stove and then get her away and now that they're all running whoops just go ahead and install throw Darkness down just to be safe you see the ring here crusher's ring plus 10 feet movement speed not sure what the meters conversion is there but there it is if you want the ritual ax or ritual dagger you can head to the goblin camp and then go inside the big main building and once you're in here make a right to the right hand side and then go in this room and the two weapons are right here on the table to steal them I'm just going to use Darkness and I'll leave the room that way they don't say that I did it me and here's the ax and here's the dagger and also just nearby where you picked up the ax and Dagger you can also purchase a yes and next up we have the Assassins touch dagger to get this dagger you'll need to First go over to the emerald Grove and rescue saza she'll be back here locked in a prison cell in the northern part of the emerald Grove you can escort her out to safety and then you'll again meet her over here when you first enter the goblin Camp through this bridge and she'll escort you up through and then you can go to the big main Goblin building where I'm at now and then we're headed all the way back up to the top right hand corner save the goblin saza you'll probably see it on your map so I'll go ahead and Skip to being up there and we'll come back here and talk to saza she's telling the truth she didn't know the other hand participating in the slaughter as she asks you here for a reason throw open those Gates and this one here or whichever one you want to do and then grab us reward we won't let you down here's one that just randomly popped up the Blazer of benevolence I got this for helping Volo and the Goblin Camp Escape so if you want this chess piece here help follow inside of the goblin camp and that's how you get that one next up we have beastmasters chain and if you want to get this one you need to head to the big main Goblin Building inside the goblin camp and then we're gonna make our way up through to the to the right hand side up here and head through the store and this is gonna take us to the ward pens warehouse and is down here but we're not going for housing we're coming over to this chest here and that's where we will find the amulet that we're looking for I'm just gonna use Darkness to steal it let's show it and you can see it over here the beastmasters chain and it gives you level one enchantment spell animal friendship next up in the big Goblin building we have the line breaker boots and again we're going to go to the top right up here to this door and enter the ward pens and then we're gonna head over to Beastmaster zerk here and kill him and he will drop the items we're looking for you can see it right here the line breaker boots and then after you get the line breaker boots from Beastmaster zerk here in the Warg pens inside the goblin Camp you can head back over to the body back here this one here the pile of bones and grab yourself the Warg Fang dagger if you want to get the six unique items listed in this time stamp you can head up to the goblin camp and then go into the big main building and then you'll find the NPC named Rolla moon glow on the left hand side and she is one of the main Traders for the ACT and has several unique items I'm I'm not entirely certain if the unique items in each vendor is set or if it's just like randomized between a set amount of unique items but I have these ones that might be different for you again I'm not sure but it's still worth it to check every vendor to make sure you get every item you want so I have the blooded grade ax the monster Slayer glaive the gold wormling staff The Amulet of Elemental torment and I also have the bow of awareness here and the Hunter's dagger and that's the six unique ones that were for me they might be different for you the next item I'm going to show you is a large Quest reward it's wapira's helmet and you get it for defending the Grove from the goblin Invaders basically you had to kill all of the Goblins inside the big Goblin building the three main bosses and you can't use menthara and then betray her either or you won't get the reward so make sure you just kill them all there and then once you get back make sure you collect this from him and don't let him keep it because if you let him keep it he won't give you the helmet so hit thank you but perhaps we need not speak of farewells and then you should get the reward right now right here next up we have the absolutes war board and absolutes Talisman and once again we're inside the big Goblin building the main building inside the goblin camp and to get these two items you'll need to talk to Priestess gut in the very center right here and then you'll she'll walk over this way into this room and then she'll try to have you remove your tadpole and all that and then you can just either kill her or get abducted by her and then somebody else will kill her and then she'll be dead either way and then you'll get the two items here the absolutes war board and the absolutes talisman next up we have the Amulet of Misty step if you want to get this amulet you need to head to the big Goblin main building again and the Goblin camp and then go to Priestess gut and progress that little RP event where she walks back in here and then do this part and eventually you'll gain access to this door here and enter that door and then you'll see Palma here she's not hostile at first so you can just run past her and then over here in this gilded chest you'll find The Amulet of Misty step and if you want the faith breaker weapon you can head up to the very top of the big main Goblin Building inside the goblin camp and at the very top you kill the drawer ragslin boss Goblin leader and whenever you kill him he will drop you the weapon so I'm gonna go ahead and fight him and then I'll skip the fight and show you the weapon dropping and then once you kill him he should drop the faith breaker weapon as long as another specimen and then directly after you finish off Jorah ragslin here in the big Goblin camp you can head up the stairs this way and back here there will be a door quickly then go ahead and open it and now you can loot all this and then you get Amulet of saloons chosen gloves of the growling Underdog and Spring Step boots oh and also you get this infernal iron which is a quest item for Carlock and you give that to Damon and have her in your party you need two of them and he'll give you some items and then for the final Goblin Raid leader that we have to kill Knight Warden Mandara back here in the top right hand corner drops us the spider silk armor the boots of striding and this mace here do note that she is a character that you can actually recruit into your party if you're a bad guy character so if you want her as a group member don't kill her because you can get her as a group member and then right after you kill menthara and the top right hand corner of the big Goblin building and the Goblin camp you can go to the back right hand corner right here at this gilded chest and you'll find yourself the water sparkers if you want sorrow or the Robes of Summer you'll need to defend the Grove from the Goblin Raider attack and save housing and then once that's happened you can head back to the big stone door and the Druid Grove and then you're gonna go back to Roth back here and he's going to reward us for saving house and you I cannot imagine taking on a and he will give us a rune of the wolf you can also pickpocket it from him if you decided not to save housing and then head back this way place it here and then you can go ahead and click all four of these [Music] also while I'm here there's a mind player specimen right here you want one of those take a closer look and then once this is clickable head back over here you'll find sorrow sitting right here and then you'll find the robes sitting inside here this one grants you resistance to cold damage and this is sorrow and now that I've saved the Druid Grove and I've pretty much been to every single spot in the top side map I'm going to go ahead and head down to the underdark there are several ways you can get down to the underdark the first couple off the top of my head or the one in The xantrum Hideout I think that's how you pronounce that and then there's one here at the goblin camp and the big building where you talk to Priestess gut and then there's a little door here by our corpse over here this is the way I'm gonna take to go in you can either fight and kill her or persuade her to let you live and then just head back this way and then there's going to be a puzzle here I'll go ahead since I've already solve the puzzle I'll go ahead and explain what you need to do you just need to put these all to empty the ones with the light shining on it just need to be empty and these all need to be full it's pretty easy to do you'll figure it out after a few seconds of messing with it and then you this will this door will open after you solve the puzzle and then you can make your way down to the underdark and I'll see you at the next item and right off the bat when you first come into the underdark here at the cell unite Outpost there is an item in the chest right here so go ahead and lock pick this door it is a 20 class so it's a little tough go ahead and long pick this and here is the item that we're looking for it's also worth noting that this door is openable and there's a chest over here but they didn't it didn't have any items in it for me so it might for you might be worth checking next up we have the spectator's eyes and the blast pendant and these are just right outside the cell unite Outpost I just went up this way out this little door here and then I'm right here you can see it right here this is the path I went through with this open window climb down these ropes here and then once you get over here there's going to be a boss fight between a spectator and then these guys are going to become unpetrified there's a boss one called dorm or Dorne or something like that and he drops a amulet when you kill him and that's completely up to you if you want to do that but I'm gonna go ahead and kill him and get the amulet and I'll go ahead and start the fight and I'll see you on the other side and once you finish this encounter you can loot The Spectator for the spectator's eyes and then you can go over here and loot Dorne for the blast pendant and then you also want to pick up the icy health because you'll need this later for an item and then directly after The Spectator fight that you did up here you can head down this way and then once you reach here there's going to be something that comes through it's a little mini fight you can go ahead and fight that guy and kill it if you kill it before it runs away you can loot it and get the blood guzzler GARP and then once ballet's dead you can looter and loot the item right here and then next up directly after ballet that we just killed here in the underdark we're gonna head over this way and break these spider webs and then we're gonna lock pick this chest here every supplies and you'll find the drow studded leather armor right here do you want the slippery chain shirt or the sickle of ball you'll head to the underdark in between the Arcane Tower and the cell unite Outpost right here we're gonna jump over to here where there is this little hidden area just blow up this thing right here before you jump and then go down this rock pick your most deceptive character and then head over here we need to turn these guys on their God become a new God go ahead and I'll just kill you and claim it now we can kill blue all right let's go ahead and pickpocket it I just throw down darkness and uh pickpocket here let me do this there we go now I have that just gonna go back over here blow this up before you jump over there I recommend blowing that up so you don't go off the cliff unless you want to go off the cliff go ahead and lock pick this and disarm it as well and you'll find the slippery chain shirt right here and next up in the underdark we have the sky breaker weapon and it's over here in this corner right here where I'm at you'll need to go do The Spectator kill boulette here come through here this is the path that I took and then now I'm here there are two Sentry turrets here and here they have the medium toughness thing where they don't take very much damage unless they take a big hit so Hit them hard and they are weak to electricity I use electric arrows to easily kill them and then you can lock pick this chest right here that's in this corner after you kill the turrets and you'll find the weapons in right here and next up we have the Arcane Tower I went ahead and entered through the front door after killing the two Century turrets and right here where I'm at now right when you come in there'll be a door over here just go ahead and enter there'll be a perception check for this chest right here and when you open it it's just going to look like regular items but if you open each item it actually will turn into an item and here's the item that we're looking for mistress Grace and then I'll go ahead and show you the rest of what it gives and that's how you get that for the next item we'll need to power the elevator in the Arcane Tower so come around back to where I am now I just went out the door and jumped down from the mushrooms and went this way now I'm right here I'm going to pick up something over here unlock this door and then go inside pick up the susser bloom I feel cold too what are those flowers doing to me go ahead and come inside here then you can head over to this and then it's like this right here and that will turn the power on for the elevator then we can make our way back up [Music] go ahead Ascend once more and this is where we first came in and then one more time then head back over here and it should be over here somewhere let's see right here mage's friend and then from the chest with the ring in it and the Arcane Tower we are just gonna go down to the floor with the plants on it and the reason we're doing that is so we can read these books if you've already read the books you don't have to do this just to note there are 10 Max scores here for a quest you get and there are also tongue of Madness over there so if you need those for a quest pick them up and I recommend saving them and now we're going to go back up head over this way and read the dusty book head back over this way Ascend one more time go around here to this table read the torn out paper and then go over here and read the roads to Darkness and now we can head up to the top floor and talk to Bernard you know these words they're from the openings and you can say this one here how can I trust and now he'll walk over here and put a ring on this table you can see it here Guiding Light and now with this ring you can see an extra button that takes you to the basement if you put it on there it is and then after you get Guiding Light from Bernard you're in the Arcane Tower you can go over to this little stool right here and flip it up right take a seat on it pop off and then now you can destroy it this camera's bugging out fixing weapon and here is the club of Hill giant strength and next up we have the light of creation weapon and if you want to get this weapon you'll need to kill Bernard in the Arcane Tower of the top floor so I'm gonna go ahead and do that and once he's dead you can loot the light of creation off his body right here and now that you have The Guiding Light ring you can go to the basement and then over here you'll find the staff of Arcane blessing as well as more tongue of Madness let's look for the staff I'm not seeing it there it is [Music] and then also right over here you have the Sparks wall and then I really want to go show you one other spot that I completely forgot existed go ahead and Ascend one floor then go right over here and open this gilded chest and you'll find the uncovered Mysteries and next up we have falar aloof and I'm just gonna make my way from here up through this way so if you want to follow along with me I'm getting that way but the sword right here is falara Louvre sitting over here and you'll need to pass a check slender drow looks like strength the religion I'm gonna do religion let's try again this blade was a warrior sacral and that's how you get Valar elude can't seem to click it just yet hold on next up we have the Amulet of the Unworthy and if you want to get this amulet you'll need to come to where I am now just right after falar aloof near the cellulite Outpost right up here you're gonna run into a Minotaur this one here is a big club and he is the one that drops the amulet there's some more enemies I believe another Minotaur right here and there's another enemy as well that pops up so go ahead and fight these guys kill the one with the club and then I'll see you on the other side and then once he's dead go ahead and loot The Amulet right here next up we have the 13 items listed in this time stamp all in one place so go ahead and talk to blurg I'm going to do it as liezel because she gets advantage on one of the interactions go ahead and hit one I'm curious to find a gift uh one again do you know to explain the whole story are you looking to have it yes open your mind to me open your mind can you extract that doesn't sound ideal [Music] or the tongue of Madness from the Arcane Tower you can go down there there's like a hundred of them well not 100 but enough to do this Quest go ahead and hit I found the mushrooms I'm gonna use some inspiration up like a creature suspended in Amber dark and fear kisses your mind like knives of ice there's like digs I would offer it and now you can use her as get the Yankee since they have a unique interaction to get advantage on getting the ring for free is there anything you could offer me so I'm gonna use this Advantage rule laughs to get the ring for free that's and that is the ring of mine shielding and now I'm going to show you their inventory for me they have the Creations Echo the pearl of power amulet the boots of Stormy clamor the Ring of solving and the shade spell circlet and then next we can move over to the other Merchant who also has a bunch of unique items back have you made any new discoveries and the boots of General striding the circlet of blasting the baneful [Music] psychic Spark sender shoes the sun Walker's gift the lifebringer and Mel's first staff and that was a lot of reading but that is all I think I said 13 items that you can just get right here and the mic in a colony it's great and for those of you that are following along with me I just picked up this Quest over here from Sovereign Spa to kill the jogger and then I'm gonna pick up glut over here and he's gonna become a follower trivial I'm gonna hit it very well you may join me and now he's a pet of mine and he has this ability where he can resurrect dead bodies and you can actually use that on the Minotaur and bullet and any of the big monsters that's what I'd recommend just know that if you attack him or kill him or whatever both monsters become hostile so you'll have to fight him again and if you want to get these six items that are listed in the time stamp you can come to the mic in it colony and then you're going to want to speak to daryluthier what and then you'll find The Amulet of restoration the corrosive flail gloves of hail of thorns the herbalist gloves the Ring of jumping and the caustic band and that's how you get this six and for those of you that are following along with me you can go ahead and take the quest from her that has you find her missing husband all right and then after you get the quest to rescue the mushroom picker from the vendor over here and the mica Knight Colony you can head over this way and down the knotted roots once you reach the end of this it's going to trigger a cut scene you can just do one as the dialogue then we'll go ahead and walk try to avoid popping the mushrooms loot these two here use one and jump over here talk to him my back do one one and now that he's out we can travel back to the mic in a colony head up over this way and he'll be on his way back just give him a second feeling there you are did you bring the noble stock the what Noble stock the mushroom gotta wait for them to stop talking of course sorry love absolutely worthless all right now she should give you a quest reward look at that I suppose his hands are empty as a whole we'll have to send him back the gloves of an uninhibited kushigo failing think and if you want one of the three saucer weapons you can head over to the micanid colony in the underdark and over to this bridge you'll need a dagger sickle or great sword depending on what type of saucer weapon you want and then give her psionic Jones you can do it the old-fashioned way if you want going to jump across here over to that [Music] he's going to be hostile but that's fine let's go ahead and grab the bark go ahead now and jump back well I don't have enough speed so let's go Dash then get more and then do this then we can flee combat and now that I have the saucer tree bark we can head back to the blighted village on top side head over to this door here it's going to be locked if you're bad at lock picking you can come up here and jump down this hole head over to the forge and stick the tree bark in there it's gonna make it nice and blue and then we hit this thing here and stick whatever weapon base you want in and that is how you get the saucer dagger and for those of you that are following me the old-fashioned way and not leaving just yet you can instead of jumping over to the saucer tree and going and getting that you can keep going down this way and come up over here and we need to kill Phil Rhoda forgotten right here in the underdark near this Waypoint and he will drop a piece of a weapon we're gonna get later called morning Frost and that piece is the icy Crystal so we need to kill this guy and then he'll drop the icy Crystal I'm gonna go ahead and skip the fight and then once you kill him you can loot his body and pick up the icy Crystal here and right after you get the icy Crystal from over here near the saucer tree you can head to right here and right here will be a tombstone go ahead and click it this item doesn't have any stats but it is a unique item that you can wear and I figured some of you a cola cup there would find this one useful it must do something damned if I know what though and next up we have the short sword of First Blood and to get this sword you just come to right here in the middle of the underdark this is pretty close to the micanid Colony Waypoint and also pretty close to this one but just right here there's going to be two executed deep gnomes on one of them will be the sword there it is and next up we have the exterminator's ax and Boots of speed and to get these you'll come down to the middle part of the underdark near the saucer tree or the mic in it colony and then you'll find the gecko NPC right here and you'll need to kill him to get the ax and then he will drop a antidote that you'll take back to the micanid Colony and cure the Deep gnome and she'll give you the boots so I'm gonna go ahead and do that go ahead and do the fight and then show you the items and then once you kill the final guy he can loot back here after I take this rock off and you'll find the exterminator's great ax right there as well as the dragger amulet or antidote rather so we're gonna go back to the Mike and Ed colony and we'll take the antidote up here to Thor don't all right mostly ice take the boots and now we have the boots of speed and now that we killed the slavers over here and the center area near the beach we can head back to the micanid Colony and turn in the quest and also if you have icy Crystal and icy health from earlier time stamps you can go over and get the other piece harrowing elegy doors and now we can go over here and you can go over here and find the final piece of the weapon icy metal right here and the helmet shadow of Enzo baranzen and we'll combine them together this and there is the morning Frost weapon and here is shadow of menzo baranzen and for those of you that are following along with me I'm now gonna go over to the other side to the Grim Forge and you can do that by heading to the underdark beach here and then you can take this big boat I'm gonna return later with the head to give to The Sovereign spa and then after I give it to him and get the reward for that I'm gonna kill him to get the reward from glut and right off the bat when you take the boat to go to the Grim Forge from the underdark you'll get ambushed by some people on the boat and make sure you attack them if you want to get the intrinsic and Warhammer because you'll have to attack them hello vessel wobbles on the Lake's mid go ahead and skip skip should get attacked you worse Geck who are you and there should be a chassis up right here that's where we'll find the weapon and you'll find it right here if you want to get yourself the wondrous glove so you can head to the Grim Forge and then right down here there will be a rock you can climb down and then you can just head right over here and you'll enter a cut scene after you click on this chest an enterprising Harbor and you'll realize it's a mimic and then there will be a fight and then on that mimic body you'll find the item you're looking for and I'll go ahead and Skip to that and then once the mimics are dead you can loot them and you will find the wondrous gloves right here if you want the three items listed in the time stamp you'll head to the Grim Forge where you first get in and head down this way and there is a vendor named Corsair Greymon and he sells the three items that we are looking for [Music] next up in the Grim Forge we have the protective Sparks wall so just come to right here where I'm at by the Elder brethvar and Corsair greyman and give yourself triple jump on a character with high strength or high or far jumping you can get the ring of jumping from a timestamp earlier if you don't have lysol's psionics jumping abilities then go ahead and jump over here and you'll find the item you're looking for right here next up we have the fetish of the color Duran smooth hands and I recommend bringing a character with high perception and a source of theft like Darkness go ahead and throw it down and start Loof corpses they find it and it's right here you've got a brain of your own use it and if you want to get yourself these Char and crossbow you'll need to come up to the top above the Waypoint here right by where the animals are and then there's a chest here that'll need to be lock picked oh Frisk Edison key [Music] and when you open it it'll just say it's a light crossbow plus one if you pick it up you'll pass a history check and then that will reveal reveal that it is a Sharon crossbow next up we have the real Sparky Sparks wall shield and to get this one you'll need to come up to the top up here right where I'm at now and then you'll head down to this rock here and we're going to go down over here to this chest you'll need to disarm a trap and also lock pick so bring a character that can do that foreign and in the chest you'll find the real Sparky Sparks wall this next one isn't technically a unique pieces of armor but they are useful and they're really easy to to nap so go ahead and just grab them from right here on your way up and you'll find them right here the dark Justice ER Helm and the dark just to see our mail next up up here above the Waypoint right here there's going to be an encounter with a guy who's beating on some animals you can go ahead and use a speaks to animals potion or the spell and then persuade these deep Roth to clear this Rubble for us my patience is hanging on by an ass whisker don't something spoots the dumb shits trust you got no need to know and I got no need to tell so get dictating what are leaving slight glint catches your eye excuse me is looking to get through those dialogue don't get any smart ideas Masters I'm gonna use inspiration since I failed all right and I would kill these guys and clear this way out I suppose you don't have to kill these guys but I'm going to after this gets cleared I almost feel bad about this and the reason I wanted this cleared out just so I could presume my quest through here up to get more items and if you're following along you'll need to do that and now if you want the fire stoker the American halberd The Shield mold or the long sword mold you can head to where we just cleared the rubble with the animals at the top of the Grim Forge and we're going to go head up this way I recommend bringing somebody who can disarm traps because there's going to be quite a few of them first one's right here and then each of these right here are traps this thing's a trap you just need to clear out to the ladder and get down to here and I'll go ahead and Skip to there all right and now that I'm down here for the ladder I'm gonna get all my guys up on here switch to liezel or anybody that has Mage hand myself is very handy and go ahead and hit the lever you can see the long sword mold right there feel free to jump down and grab it actually I'm gonna go ahead and do that whoops used in forges to get armor and weapons and now we need to lock pick this big door I believe it was at 10 DC or 15 10 or 15 maybe 12. yeah 12. and you can head in here come to this body right here that's hanging go ahead and grab the key and then you can find the shield mold for the Adamantite Shield right here then you can use that key to open this door there's going to be [Music] some Demons Inside so be ready to fight I'm gonna wait for everybody to get close and then open up and I'll go ahead and kill all these enemies and skip to the end of that so I can show you the loot and once they're all saved you can loot the American Legionnaire here for the Halbert again this isn't a unique item really but still pretty good and then you can go over here surprisingly heavy and grab this unique item the fire Stoker and that's how you get those ones and now back at the Waypoint on the main part you can head over to this door over here come inside come back here and you'll need to pass a perception check for a button there it is come in here and grab the smoke powder satchels you'll need these to blow up the Big Rock cave in if you want the bracing band or the armor of uninhibited kushigo you need to head to the Grim Forge and you need to bring the boots of speed if you don't have these yet go back to a previous time stamp I already did that one and once you're over here come and talk to thrin they don't get paid soon I'll have a rise I'll take care of it and that's the reward right there is the chess piece and here's the ring and if you want the cap of Wrath the Ring of absolute Force the boots of speed back the Deep Delver weapon these sort of Screams and the disintegrating night Walkers as well as near's head for the quest reward you can come to the very bottom after we did all the other steps we already did and then we need to blow up this wall it's pretty simple to do we you should have the smoke powder satchels that I had to get earlier you can also do a little quest with them to betray near and they'll join you but I'm not gonna bother with that it doesn't give you any extra rewards so go ahead and throw down your satchel one spark and it'll blow and I'll go ahead and you'll need to use fire and then we'll throw the other one and it should instantly blow up and that'll Release Me From his little camp and I'll go ahead and tell you who drops what Elder brethbar here drops the Deep Delver near drops the sort of Screams and disintegrating night Walkers man mine worked flat out you know she drops the boots of speed that you gave back to her and the Ring of absolutely absolute commands and thud I think he is somewhere over here this guy drops the cap of Wrath and I'll go ahead and kill them all and show you loot and once you're done killing all of those people you can loot all the bodies and you'll end up with the cap of Wrath the Ring of absolute Force the boots of speed once again the Deep Delver the sort of Screams and then you'll get near's head and the broken Moon Lantern for Quest items and the disintegrating night Walkers so now that we have this loot we can take near's head back to the mic in it camp and turn that in for request for Ward 2. and now I'm back at the mic init Colony after picking up near's head so we can go turn that quest in a fishing paws I brought you near his head uh and that gave us the on boys amulet and now immediately after I'm gonna kill him to get another item from blunt so let me go ahead and find a good spot to blast him I need a big knockback I think probably arrows would be the best deal here and goodbye never mind let's try that again and goodbye one more time and goodbye there he goes and once he's dead everybody will despawn from their aggro and you can go down here and talk to glut en and he will give you the Winter's clutches and now I'm back at the Grim Forge I'm gonna clear out the Adamantite forage area and get the loot down that way so come to where I am now and jump over here I'm actually just gonna grab a waypoint and then take the rest of my people over so I'm just going to leave them here you can find the Scimitar mold on either that body or this one I can't remember which one it was there's also this here that you can use to get over if you press like these levers here it'll move it but I'm just gonna jump using a vaulting potion gonna take a little bit of damage but that's all right with me you can get the splint mold right here unfortunately I'm about to be over encumbered go ahead and toss some stuff out and you could find stuff here and the dark Justice ear mask sitting here it's pretty nice and then come over here and you'll find the mace mold there and the Waypoint here and there's another mold over here for the scale mail then after taking the scale mold and killing the enemies that were here you can head down this way and we need to go over here and break that so I'm gonna do that on lizelle and send the rest of these guys over here you'll need a force damage or a bludgeoning weapon like a great Club and then you can hit it I'll let you get the ore you'll need that to put in the machine over here to make a legendary weapon or a very rare weapon I'm not sure what Rarity it is and then you'll need your lock picker to go down here there's an amulet in this chest here that needs lock picked and then there's American halberd over here that's not a unique weapon but it's pretty good I already got it earlier in the video go ahead to hand take here's stealther and jump them down doesn't look like I have let me give him a misty step scroll you can also use like feather fall and stuff like that go ahead and lock it up there's a 20 class so it's going to take a probably a few tries and there's the amulet I'm gonna skip this for now come back later I'll just go through it beneath the rampant joy since the Monk's fear and sincerity you follow the amulet all right and that's all you can get down here now I'm just gonna head back up to the end to the Waypoint next up before we go down to the forge I want to grab you guys another mithril ore and to do that all you need to do is head back to the adamantine Forge Waypoint just walk straight down through here can't miss it jump here and then come around the corner and that's where I'm at now and there is an ambush of magma methods and there's a bunch of them and all you need to know really is they do a lot of fire damage and they explode when you kill them so they are very light you can throw them if you want to like throw them away and then kill them by range that's a good way to handle it that's what I did and then you can come over here to the vein and get your bludgeoning slash Force damage it's going and there's your other mithril ore and now we're gonna head back over down that way and last but not least if you want these six weapons armor or Shield that is on screen as well as Grim skull you'll head to the large center of the atomantine forge under the Waypoint here and you'll click the mold chamber then you'll pick whichever mold that you want to use for the item refer to the things I put on screen and I'm going to choose long sword so let me find that go ahead and drag it in and then you can click this to insert your adamantine or your mithril rather and I'm gonna have lizelle just stay here standing right here on top of this and the rest of them can go over here I'm not gonna do like a boss guide for the boss but all you really need to know is that you can't really damage him unless he's superheated you can hit him with the hammer so know that and I'm gonna go ahead and kill the boss and show you the Grim skull dropping and show you the mithril weapon as well and I'll also mention before I start the fight you can pull this lever lever here to drop lava out in the room these things are the safety spots and the lava is what superheats him to make him vulnerable to damage all right Funk now we'll go pick up the helmet and there is the Grim skull helm and we should check the mold there it is adamantine long sword and that brings me to the very end of the video I believe that's every single unique item in act one if I missed any please do let me know and I'll make like a unlisted video and pin it in the comments like a little patch and yeah if you liked the video subscribe I do the guides like this for all kinds of games there will be all kinds of games but yeah go ahead and subscribe like the video if you liked it and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: LukeCanWin
Views: 14,841
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BaldursGate3, Act1, UniqueItems, Guide, POWERFUL, EarlyMagicItems, Weapons, Armor, BestWeapon, Secret, INSANELYOP, 10BestItems, NotWeapons, AllLegendaryItems, HowToGet, Walkthrough, CompleteGuide, 100%Guide, RPG, LarianStudios, MagicItems, RareItems, HiddenItems, Act1Secrets, Act1Weapons, Act1Armor, Act1MagicItems, Act1Guide, BaldursGate3Act1, BaldursGate3Guide, BaldursGate3Items, Timestamps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 47sec (6647 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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