All Permanent Buffs in Baldurs Gate 3 (And How to Get Them)

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first up is musical instrument proficiency this buff allows you to use musical instruments and any character can acquire this proficiency by helping alira come up with a song and act one within the druid's Grove you can find her practicing in the Southeast end of town and you'll need to pass two Charisma checks in order to progress the dialogue and learn musical instrument proficiency if you manage to do this you'll also get Lala's loot as an additional reward for helping alira number two is the brand of the absolute this is a permanent bonus that unlocks extra powers from certain items these Powers range from reducing all spell damage from spells by one from the absolutes protector advantage on death saving throws from the absolutes Talisman a plus one bonus to saving throws from the absolutes warboard plus one Thunder damage with thunder damage spells and attacks with the Ring of the absolute force and even inflicting Bane on melee hit from gloves of power you can get the brand of the absolute from Priestess gut in the goblin encampment and if you like that tip don't forget to click that like button and subscribe subscribe for more Ballers Gate 3 content number three is loar's love levar's love gives you a plus two bonus to attack rolls in Saving throws every time your health drops below 30% this is a pretty sweet buff considering if you're close to death you could probably use a little help to get this permanent buff you'll need to go to the goblin Fortress and find an NPC called abdar who worships latar he asks if you want to endure some pain and if you make it through all rounds of it by succeeding all the roles you'll be rewarded with this buff also a really cool trick with this is if you take off your armor before starting the will add bonus modifiers to your roles making it easier to succeed and now a quick message from this video's sponsor this video is sponsored by Dungeon Hunter 6 the newest game in the Dungeon Hunter franchise it is a completely 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attack Auntie Ethel and bring her to low Health but don't kill her eventually a cut scene will begin and she will offer you a deal to spare her life and in return she will give you her hair which you can consume to improve an ability score of your choice but be careful if you're an oath of Vengeance Paladin because if you spare the hag that will break your oath so make sure there's another party member close to her and make that person trigger the dialogue instead if you want to keep your oath number six is sea invisibility sea invisibility allows you to see invisible creatures within 9 M of you the creatures must succeed a dexterity saving throw or lose their invisibility in order to get this buff you'll need to save Volo from the goblin camp and afterwards he'll offer to remove the Mind flare tadpull from your head claiming it's just behind the orbital socket but instead of removing the tadpole he removes your eye but Volo being the good guy he is replaces your eye with one that can see invisible creatures it's pretty amazing actually you won't need to cast create water to reveal invisible enemies when you can permanently see anything invisible using your new eye number seven is Forbidden Knowledge Forbidden Knowledge increases your wisdom saving throws and ability checks by one this is from the book necromancy of th in order to get this buff you'll need to read the necromancy of f the book is found in the room hidden behind the ornate mirror below the blighted village you can enter from the trapo in the alchemist's house in order to get past the ornate mirror you'll need to answer a few questions correctly once inside you'll find a locked and barred door with a couple traps protecting this book use a character proficient with lockpicking and disarming to get past it and pick up the book now once you have the book you'll need to find a dark Amethyst in order to open it the nearest one is in the whispering depths which is below the blighted village you can enter from the well and proceeded through until you find the phase spider matriarch the amethyst is on the ground in that room there's also another Amethyst in act 3 if you missed this one once you place the amethyst into the book you'll need to pass several checks eventually leading to learning Forbidden Knowledge some of these difficulty checks are pretty high so you'll want a quick save before the roll and after you succeed if you want to guarantee your success at the end of these rolls you'll walk away with Forbidden Knowledge number eight is bal's benediction this buff grants you advantage on Attack rules against bleeding Target this buff is really good when paired with a wildart barbarian who uses Tiger's blood lust which causes three targets to bleed that gives your whole party advantage on attack rolles against those bleeding targets to get this buff you'll need to head to the depths of the underd dark to find a group of kuoa worshiping bual if you sacrifice a teammate to bual your remaining party members will all get this permanent buff granting advantage on attack roles against bleeding creatures as long as there are Kua TOA worshiping bual number nine is awakened this buff allows you to use all of your ilod powers as bonus actions this buff is incredibly powerful and can be earned within the gith Yankee Crush in the rosy Mo Monastery if you go into the purification device and pass all the checks to remain within it you'll exit with an incredibly powerful permanent buff allowing you to use athid powers as bonus actions some of these difficulty checks are pretty high so if you want to guarantee this buff make sure to quick save number 10 is the potion of everlasting Vigor this potion grants plus two strength permanently which can be very powerful considering that is the equivalent of a feat to obtain this potion you'll need to find araj aedra inside moonrise Tower she will offer you this legendary potion in exchange for aaran drinking her blood now aeran will pull you aside and complain that her blood smells awful and he doesn't want to drink it but if you press him and say do it anyways you're going to lose some approval but you will gain this amazing potion a very fair exchange if you ask me however if you are Romancing aarion he will break up with you if you do this and if you insist that he drinks araj's blood so be careful if that is also something you're working on number 11 is mistress benevolence this buff grants advantage on concentration checks this is incredibly useful if you have powerful spells that require concentration to get this buff you'll need to head to belthazar Hidden room in Moonrise Towers you'll find a necromantic glyph within the room and by destroying the necromantic glyph Gail will gain mist's benevolence this can be incredibly powerful since spells requiring concentration can shift the balance in a fight and make all the difference for your party by maintaining them number 12 is the gith zerai Mind barrier this buff grants you a permanent advantage to intelligence saving throws within the depths of the Mind flare Colony lies the necrotic laboratory filled with Undead monsters after you clear the room you'll find a brain puzzle to solve if you manage to solve it then behind that door is a brain suspended in cerebros spinal fluid that brain can be placed in a mind archive interface which is connected to a slack skinned head the following dialogue with the slack skinned head can end in two different ways one option appears to be bugged and has no effect leaving you to just choose the other option which is the one that gives you the permanent buff the gith zerai Mind barrier number 13 is the level three Shadow spell slot this buff is really just an extra spell slot but it has its own Tab and glows purple instead of blue the only character that can get this is Gail when you choose him as the origin character you can acquire this buff by absorbing the shadow weave off of any of the Thorns after they've been defeated in act two having I'll be the only character able to get this is actually pretty exciting because this confirms that there is content to uncover depending on which origin character you're playing as since certain content can only be accessed as a given origin character so it seems if you want to truly see everything within balers Gate 3 it might take at least one playthrough per origin character number 14 is unstable blood the unstable blood passive feature makes your blood become highly flammable and explode when in contact with fire if you gave araj a blood drill your blood in act two she will offer you a a mysterious potion when you run into her again in balers gate act 3 you can give the potion to anyone in your party so this would go great on a Melee character who might get hit in melee range and allow for creating a fire surface near your enemies even better on a melee tling like carlac with hellish resistance to cut that fire damage in half number 15 is permanent bless the permanent bless is just like regular blast you can cast it gives you plus 1 D4 bonus to attack rules and saving throws you can get it permanently on your character by to the circus of the last days and talking to bony one of the dialogue options is that you'd like a statue of yourself for your Camp bony will tell you it costs 5,000 gold and if you pay then after each long rest you'll now have bless on your character who completed the dialogue with bony granting 1 D4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws and you'll also have a sweet statue of your character in your Camp called the true hero of balers gate number 16 is thite Vigor thite Vigor gives you a permanent 20 temporary hit points after each long rest to get get this buff you'll need to ascend rami's Tower by taking the portal in sorcery Sundries once there you'll see a curious set of furniture floating and glowing light blue you can jump down to them to reach the lower floor and you'll need to use either sea invisibility or find the elixir of sea invisibility on the outer ring of that floor to see which weave button to press if you press the wrong one it can lead to activating difficult to kill Arcane cannons so be careful here you're looking for a plaque that says vaults pressing the button teleports you there and you'll be looking for a door called ramith behind that door are three more doors and a puzzle you need to pass through the right sequence of doors to eventually find a lever that will open the door leading to the thite Codex Now by reading the thite Codex and getting the curse placed on You by reading it removed you will gain 20 temporary hit points after each long rest now it's important to make sure that the character you want to get this buff on reads the thar codex first because they're going to get the cursed and subsequent buff and that cannot be passed on to any other character and number seven 17 is thief's memory this buff grants you plus two to dexterity but this buff can also change to be plus two of any ability of your choice depending on your dialogue Choice beforehand to get this buff you'll need to head to the house of grief and find the mirror of loss this mirror grants you additional ability points if you can succeed all the ability checks and choose the appropriate dialogue options when interacting with this mirror you'll have a number of dialogue options an Arcana or religion option to discover the purpose of the mirror and then another relig an option to prey to the mirror all of these roles are very difficult and will likely require you to quick save before you attempt them if you want to succeed you'll have to pass both roles in order to gain the permanent buff once you pass both roles you'll be given the option of a memory to sacrifice giving you minus two in a given ability based on what memory you sacrifice then there's a chance that the mirror will grant you a memory of your choice granting the corresponding ability points the option to gain a memory doesn't always appear though in dialogue for me it took sacrifice three memories to be given the option of gaining a memory don't worry though once you've gotten your bonus ability points all the minus two ability Point curses can all be removed using remove curse and you get to keep your bonus ability points permanently and those are all the permanent Buffs in balers Gate 3 thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video take care
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 144,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate iii, Musical Instrument Proficiency, Brand of the Absolute, Loviatar’s Love, Paid the Price, Auntie Ethel’s Hair, See Invisibility, Forbidden Knowledge, BOOOAL’s Benediction, Awakened, Potion of Everlasting Vigor, Mystra’s Benevolence, Githzerai Mind Barrier, Shadow Spell Slot, Unstable Blood, Bless, True Hero of Baldur's Gate, Tharchiate Vigour, Tharchiate Vigor, Tharchiate Codex, Thief's Memory, Mirror
Id: NF5ilSuMrRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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