Aussie Coin Pusher EP 129

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[Music] [Music] um yeah there's a funny-looking one in it hey um does that not remind you of an octopus sure as it does with me um all right let's have a look at coins uh so coins on the bottom you can basically see the entire tray that's a little bit of a concern but it looks relatively thick in there i can see quite a lot of gaps that's all on the bottom tray top tray can't really see a lot i can definitely see some gaps more on the right hand side um overall yeah it looks interesting um there's a bit of art going on there well sorry dave i am going to destroy it oh coins i reckon uh i'm gonna go 100 coins that's my guess i've already cracked me bourbon just gonna have a bit of a look or tons of gaps on the right hand side oh i'm not that bad oh i've got a 50 off now what's on the left [Music] in the middle okay just want to check the middle again okay so the middle looks like it's definitely got gaps the two outside seem to be moving okay so i suppose that worse i could just play the two um the two edges [Music] sort of anyway [Music] nice so i think what my plan is today uh whether this is going to work or not i don't know but um i want to play this game and once i finish playing this game providing i can and it's still available i want to play the other side now the reason for that is is um i don't think i'm coming down here tomorrow actually i'm pretty certain i'm not coming down here tomorrow and the reason for that is is uh macy needs to have an operation so pretty much what's gonna happen is um the vet wanted her down there at 8 30 in the morning and oh nice thank you and um i said to the vet i said well i said when's the operation going to happen at 11 o'clock so why do you need macy down there so early uh prep prep time i said when did your prep time start 10 30. i said why do you need macy down there so early well we don't really i said okay fine i'll see you at 10 o'clock um so um so that's basically what what's happening so what it is she's got a growth on a um being a pug uh it's pretty common so um i mean my son's pug had had the same thing and it's a lump they get a lump on there on their wrinkles of their face they don't know if it's cancerous they are actually going to send it away so that worries me a lot but um yeah that's all happening tomorrow so what i'm going to do i've already i'm already taking taking time off work i'm not working tomorrow at all so what i've already decided to do is um i'm going to drop i'm going to take macy down there on my own tomorrow at 10 o'clock and i'm literally gonna sit in my car in the car park for five and a half hours waiting for her to come back that's what i'm going to do anyway that was all my coins i'm starting to get upset so let's tally it up [Music] okay well i reckon we've got our 50 coins um probably and then some not by many probably 55 but that's better better than i was expecting that's my plan that's what i'm going to do so on the game next to me there's notes flat notes in it hence the reason why i'm not playing it now i hate flat notes but if i can play that one then um you guys will see that one um the uh tomorrow well probably the next day after tomorrow by the time the time difference but [Music] if i don't get to play it and things turn to then uh yeah i won't be posting a video at all because i said i won't be coming down here [Music] all right [Music] so [Music] so this sort of reminds me of a blue ringed octopus i don't know if you guys have got those wherever you guys are but in australia we absolutely have blue ring octopuses they're deadly poisonous um yeah yeah you really don't want to pick one of them up now trust me yeah you won't last long if you do um absolutely beautiful stunningly looking things i've seen them um just while i was mucking around in the rocks when i was younger nice and yeah just sort of reminds me of the blue rock there's all the blue in it so [Music] thank you [Music] okay that was my last my last two coins oh that was a big push all the way across the front here nice all right let's tell it up see what i've got well i reckon we did very very nicely um there's got to be like 110 coins in there i just cleaned the deadweight fingerprint off the glass um i've got a thing about dirty glass i really wish people would just not touch it there's no need to touch it no with your fingers anyway all right let's keep going [Music] thank you [Music] so [Music] gave me a little push as you can see i've just stepped it up a bit trying to get some of these 50s off of there plus i'm trying to take my mind off of what i'm thinking about [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh that'll probably clear itself there you go [Music] well there goes a 50. that's my last three coins okay you're probably going to see me just sort of going a bit stupid today i'm just going nuts um it's easiest and the best and fastest way just to sort of get my mind off of everything that's around me everything that's going through my mind right now and that sort of number fives me so this helps too so but i'm only allowed two of those so that's just my rule that's the actually the police rule you're not allowed to avoid that um because i do i do still have to drive home so anyway um i'm gonna tell you so what i got 80 bucks all right yeah little bloody gripper all right you sit up there beside me titty don't you dare drink my tea um 140 to 150 coins that's what i reckon i got let's do this the way we do it in australia [Music] so oh that just gave me the biggest push [Music] [Music] so right now as you can probably tell i just don't really give a rat's ass about double stacking i'm here to enjoy myself right now [Music] [Music] i wonder if that thing will fall straight into the hopper very nice [Music] oh do it again [Music] it will probably clear itself providing i do not drop another coin on top of it okay [Music] oh chase oh that was so lucky i can't believe i just did that now i was trying to beat the tray oh man i gotta stop doing that oh no i'll tell you what my aim ah thank you [Music] yeah my aim's a little bit off today so is my timing [Music] [Music] now it's my last four coins [Music] i'll take them all right let's tell it up to what i got [Music] 180 dollars nice um yes i used to play darts too so that's what they used to call whenever you throw 180. um 180 bucks [Music] am i going to get these to stay up here okay take a look at that now we gained coins for sure definitely 150 coins has to be 150 coins probably more all right let's knock this tower over i can start getting him in the hopper [Music] [Music] [Music] come on fall over [Music] i'll take her straight into the hopper too that'd be nice so i'm not doing the 10 thing at the moment that just because that sort of means i need to think so [Music] i think our fishes are felt [Music] so [Music] [Music] so oh what is going on here oh don't mind me i'm just having a swing um somebody told me a joke were you a clean joke oh that's don't good me mind off of things [Music] so oh that was all my coins oh i still didn't knock it off and i still didn't push this over that is unbelievable these things are stuck all right let's tell it up so what i got 165 bucks there's another one under there nice 165 so out of all that i think i saw one of those notes go down and one of those chips go down um i reckon we did lose a couple not many probably less than 10. all right let's keep going i do apologize by the way i'm playing today i'm just trying to sort of number five myself in fact i've got a bit of a question for you oh take a look at this that might go straight to the hop of the whole thing it is on a it's on a nice little angle heading back towards the tree there but it is climbing get out of it it's climbing that might if i can hold together i reckon the whole thing will go in my question the vet said to us while was there um she goes because it's a ladybit she goes uh listen guys you know this operation can be about you know like a thousand dollars and i'm like i don't care i was a booker in because i was sort of in shock it doesn't bother me in the slightest and my missus just sort of looked at me and i said to her after we got into the car oh wagger it didn't go all the way in but at least it fell over i said to her in the cast in the car i said you know what i said i would sell my house no problems whatsoever i'd sell my house i'd sell my business i'd sell my other house i'd live in a tent if it meant doing what i had to do to help help her out [Music] any of you guys feel the same sort of thing with your pets it's sort of it's sort of a little bit i don't know my mystery seems to think it's a bit weird i mean i don't think it's weird myself not when it comes to macy i mean everybody knows [Music] [Music] i'm just gonna wait i'm just going to attack both of these 50s at once [Music] that was our freeze hold jesus [Music] there with me there is no amount of money i wouldn't spend on it no amount of money if that operation was going to be 50 grand i'd find it i don't know where but i'd find it i'd sell my house [Music] come on get off 50. that 50 don't all right well there's only one way i know how to shift something you know what that means sorry seymour oops not like that i'm just going to wait for the pendulum to come back across [Music] hmm i'll give it one more go if it doesn't work then i can stay up there for a little bit longer [Music] [Music] there's one oh and i gotta push out of it you little bloody ripper well i reckon i can get the other one off too not like that i can't i might as well keep going for an hour come on oh so close one more little push i've got him see how close it was i didn't even need a coin [Music] [Music] so [Music] so come on give me a push that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up so what i got 235 dollars all right [Music] coins um yeah once again i i do believe we lost some coins not many though you know i'm talking about like 10 coins if that and let's face it i am not playing a smart way right now i know i don't care oh no sorry mike yeah i dropped it just trying to arrange my coins in my hand so i can get them [Music] quickly i think [Music] so [Music] okay um everything seems to be moving okay i mean the right hand side's a bit tough but it is moving [Music] [Music] so oh nice that was a big chunk i was watching thank you [Music] [Music] so i think the right-hand side's starting to build up a bit [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got 160 bucks nice thank you coins yeah we totally gained on coins we are way back all right there's easy 150 in there [Music] all right oh one thing i forgot to mention um tomorrow when you're actually watching this video uh when you guys are watching this video i'll be very very close to taking her down there uh yeah sort of uh because i'm going to be sitting in my car for so long and then obviously i'm just going to be looking after her when i get it back i won't be able to return any of your comments just know that i will read them when i get time thank you uh yep so when i get time i will read them but uh yeah i'm just going to have slightly bigger priorities at that's at that time i know you guys will understand because you're all so bloody awesome [Music] i have a 50. [Music] [Music] i reckon i am [Music] oh that whole thing moved that was a nice push [Applause] [Music] hey what are you doing over there [Music] thank you one chunk [Music] oh [Music] that's what i was looking for all right 60 bucks left oh [Music] hey lips stop dropping coins hey mike does not need any more any more drinks sorry buddy hi are you actually willing me to drop coins is this you doing this okay that's my last coin all right let's tell it that's what i got 220 bucks i think that is nice i'll take that me oh yeah excuse me jenny teddy you're in my way all right hang on oh this stuff is so good definitely lost coins let me explain i don't think it's got all that much to do with the top although there's actually more than i thought up there this is starting to build up again i've got a line happening here this one's starting you can actually watch them grow um i have actually watched them get you know get bigger and bigger just take a look at these piles they're going to start swelling up basically so what i've got to do is i've just got to absolutely nail this and hopefully i'll get all that with that 50 that 10 i don't know what it's going to do i haven't really been watching the tent too much so i don't know if it's moving sliding [Music] what i am going to do is start getting some of these coins off the top thank you [Music] and there's still quite a lot of coins on there i know i can have a crack at those and have a crack at that 10. i'm not worried about that 10 i'll make 10 bucks i'm still pushing it though [Music] i'll keep going for [Music] now it's not really all that much on the left that i want [Music] oh it's getting close well the middle is building up now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh so close thank you come on push it you little bloody ripper i don't need to put any of these in all right take a look at the bottom tray now not much happening there is a little bit here but from my point of view i can probably get maybe 10 coins at best to fall from here so i don't know how many coins it will cost me to get those 10 so i'm not even going to take a chance i'm going to hold on to those yeah catch um look at that absolutely beautiful i'd love to see an empty tray so and i'm not talking about just of money or chips or whatever's in there coins as well all right what that means is now i can go play the other side [Music] because that's what i'm planning to do but i might as well know what else wants to so bugger anyway um i'm going to tell you that i'll be back in a minute [Music] okay sammy is full with a hairdo oh don't fall out 50 bucks how many shots is that hey that's a lot of shots um that's probably you're probably talking about bottles there yeah but anyway um that looks nice uh i'm gonna put this up here before i drop it okay so i've got 800 in chips wow i got 390 dollars in notes i ended up with 170 coins um now i'm not going to add those coins in because i'm actually about to use them on the next game so so they're actually worth i don't know like five something 570. uh i think five sis yeah i think it's 570. uh 570 bucks roughly um oh is it no that's not right it's 500 something anyway um look apologies all i'm constantly doing is just thinking about macy uh if anyone's wondering who macy is macy's my pug um she's a dog but i don't treat her as a dog and she doesn't act like a dog she's she's no she is like a baby a newborn baby um either me or me missus needs to be with her all the time and it makes it very hard um courtney's really the only one that looks after her courtney's my daughter but she's very very pregnant at the moment so uh that makes it a bit hard too so but anyway uh 800 bucks in chips 390 bucks in um notes at both of those two together leaving the 170 coins out uh 1190 minus the 250 that i cost that you know that'll pay 940 bucks that's my profit on this side here plus i'll get the game next to me for free so that in itself is basically going to pay for the pay for the operation tomorrow um and uh yeah you know beauty all right i'm gonna hold on to my tokens but i'm gonna cash my cash cash me cash and chips in cash me cash and say that fast hey you know what i mean i'm about to go do that okay here it all is here it always nice all right so there's 900 bucks here 40 bucks for the tin and haven't given anything to the tipster i'm hoping to get that from this next game so um anyway 900 bucks nice thank you straight in my pocket i don't actually carry a wallet with me um i'd much prefer to have it like that in my pocket so i can feel it and yeah we should be all sweet anyway if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and um once again olaf this game was a bit off i do apologize um when i've got other things on my mind i have a tendency of playing like so but anyway end result or take a look at it nice yeah can't say bad things about that anyway i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,445
Rating: 4.919075 out of 5
Id: 84mqRnwVtG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 55sec (2395 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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