Aussie Coin Pusher EP 110

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[Music] g'day jason from aussie coin pusher here well this is something i was hoping i was never going to ever see again um yeah that's not good at all so uh there is a stack of money in that uh not the coins inside it but i'm talking about all those 20s and all those tens yeah all those together that's a lot of money um yeah that's not good though i've only got 50 coins uh oh hey joe hey he's still got his pads on um yeah i think i'm going to get totally totally smashed on this this isn't actually the game i want to play i want to play the other side but the problem is the other side it's got four silvers on it um but i know for a fact i'll get smashed with 50 coins even if i go and get my other 100 out of me car those 20 here they're not gonna do nothing so what my idea is i don't think i'm going to get anything off of that i just don't think it's going to move so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go for coins if that comes down excellent if it doesn't well so be it uh but if i can go go for coins and possibly get about a hundred coins i reckon i'm gonna have a good chance at this next one so that's my goal wish me luck because i tell you i'm gonna need it today all right i'm just going to go slow i just want to find out what's going on i know the top decks thirsty [Music] well we've got a bit of movement down there what's this side doing yeah it's not bad there's a little bit of movement it seems to be a gappy around the actual tower itself but i saw that side moving i saw this side move that's just not gonna move unless the tower moved of course well let's see if i can move the tower okay definitely get movement on the right hand side that's a good thing all right as predicted the tower is going to be very hard to shift so i really don't care too much about that right now let's just go for some coins so i'm just going to play left and right of the tower and try not to drop too much in front of it [Music] like that i've got a little tiny bit of movement out of it it wasn't entirely bad oh yeah look at that okay i'm just testing out a bunch of different things oh hello so as you can see i'm dropping two coins i'm dropping one coin i'm dropping three coins i'm just sort of watching very carefully [Music] [Music] hmm i'm still trying to decide whether it's a good idea to drop something in front of the tower like i just did i just wanted to have a look see if it was actually going to push these coins as well there's i mean there's a lot of coins either side but there's also a lot of coins in the middle so i want to try to utilize everything so if i can get one coin to push the entire entire tray rather than just one half of it then um that's what i'm sort of looking at right now anyway that was my last two coins nice i'll take that all right let's tell it that's what i got 35 maybe 40 coins pretty much what i expected well i sort of expect a little bit less than that oh no chase i've been so good so when i got down here and i saw both of these i had to go straight into the toilets and change i had to put my big boy pants on so i've got my big boy pants on now and uh yeah let's see what i can do it was so nice if i could just push that that whole thing straight into the hopper oh [Music] so now i've got a bit of an idea what the game is doing and what i need to do i can just speed it up just a tiny little bit i haven't got the coins to go too fast but i can speed it up just a bit nice [Music] oh no i was trying to avoid that okay i've got two coins left everywhere in the guts why not okay let's tell it up to what i got [Music] yeah i got about the same amount so i don't reckon i lost any i don't think i gained any either nice oh yeah that was a good one you can see what i meant by all the coins in writing behind this thing i mean there's a stack of coins there and because this thing is moving i might actually just i didn't think i was going to actually shift that whatsoever i didn't think i was going to move at all but it is moving so yeah i might actually target the coins and that i mean if i can get just some of that then wow nice oops oh come on chase i've got one coin left let's go to the far right with it oh no it's a bouncer all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] yep there's like 75 coins there you little ripper [Music] nice [Music] i'm working on it oh i've got an update on the tin too uh yeah no news sorry um pretty much i asked dave i asked him this morning so um he just come over while i was at the bar and just asked how everything's going on there and i just said yeah good i said i do have a question for a shoot i said the the tin i said do you think it was somebody just walked in here and stole it um or was it actually the correct people come in here and took it and literally just forgot to give you another one or is there something else going on that i don't know about and he goes no he goes i haven't heard anything he just said as far as he's aware yes the correct people picked it up so that's that's a huge relief to me um yeah i started thinking it got stolen i put a lot of money in that um so yep so apparently the correct people picked it up they just simply didn't leave another one so they're not sure what's going on dave doesn't know anything rose doesn't know anything nothing's been said so he's going to ask i've asked him if he could ask find out what's going on and he said yeah sure he'll do that no problems but i do have a backup plan anyway so over here we have a thing called telethon now it's it's wa so where i am a western australia type of thing we um as west australians we you know we like to as a you know as people we donate millions i remember 20 years ago when i went you know when i used to stay up and watch this it goes for 40 hours right so um i think it's 40 hours but anyway um and yeah i remember like back in the 80s when when i used to start watching it they used to get like one to two million dollars and back then that was a huge amount of money huge amount of money now they're getting 40 35-40 in a space of just a few days or a couple of days or less less than that um so they are legit they're 100 legit and it is for the kids so we donate to it every year anyway so i'm thinking i'll use that as my backup plan um i'll just have my own tin if i have to [Music] and yeah i'll just keep it at my house and once a year when it comes up then um yeah i'll just take the whole tim down there or might even be two teams for all i know and just give them a stack so i've got that as a backup if i need [Music] to oh not yet okay i'm not sure if you can see that but just on there somewhere um one of those chips have been pushed out from underneath it um so that's actually out so it's a ten dollar chip you can see just a little tiny piece of it but it's not in line where where it's supposed to be so we're definitely doing some kind of damage to it and that was my last two coins lovely all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] there has got to be at least 75 coins there um yeah i'd like to say 80 but not i think like 75 i'm just going to pick up the pace just a tiny little bit and try to land as many flat as i can that's my goal right now no double stacking whatsoever [Music] [Music] [Music] whoops oh my god [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i think i might just go a series of [Music] tunes [Music] so come on oh we gotta spin [Music] okay that was my last coin all right you can also see a blue chip on this side as well that's i'd say that's probably right out so that's a good thing unless i'll get 10 bucks [Music] well we haven't lost any so well i hope we haven't lost any these are stuck quite neatly so when you stack them neatly they actually pack up a little bit tighter so i'm still calling 70 coins [Music] so nice as you can see i've slowed down again i just don't want any double stacking i am totally hopeless all right i'm a little i'm a little concerned right now because things aren't moving too much i'm still dropping in coins and not a lot of coins are coming out so i think i'm just about guaranteed to lose quite a lot of coins here and doing that doesn't help either [Music] i'm just trying to keep the motion going i drop a coin every time that the tray goes in and that was my last two coins come on give me a push well i'll take it i was hoping for bigger so my wife says the same i'm just kidding uh all right let's tell it see what i got yeah absolutely um i picked that like a nose i'll tell you um there's probably like 35 coins there that's not good considering i'm playing this game try to get coins not lose coins i'm being very very careful on my on my um drops and i'm not dropping in too many trying not to double stack too much it's uh it's just all building up not much i can do about that unless i absolutely pound it and then i'll probably just make it worse anyway all right so i needed that oh yeah [Music] whoops [Music] so i'm fighting the urge not just to smash it just slap my coins in there quickly okay that was my last coin i'll take them come on what else you got nothing ah okay let's tally it up all right we're back to about 55 coins i reckon um you've probably noticed that you're a little bit further away from the game so yesterday i tapped the glass pretty good with uh with joe uh that scared me so i've literally moved the camera back a little bit give me a little bit more room so i don't ever touch that glass so i'm just trying that out as an experiment at the moment already reckon one little go one little go on just smashing them in there just that many ah just that many coins what do you reckon no jose no no stick to your plan oh i could have thrown them in fast i'll take that i'm not sure if you've noticed but i'm not very good at patience so as i thought that tower is not going to budge i mean if i can drop a 10 a tenner out of it maybe another 10 is coming out of it then i'm going to take that as a bonus but i'll give more than 50 coins i really need 100 coins ah guys you're a let down mike so oh see that tower shift then hey [Music] [Applause] okay i've got one coin left i really don't know what to do with it so let's just pop it there and see what happens yes i found the only gap in the top tray all right let's tell it up to it see what i got all right look at that i've got suck-up flowers and a bourbon not in that order hey nice three of them i saw one go down uh joe's got probably maybe 75 to 80 coins in him ah so i cannot lose focus on why i'm playing this game but i'm looking on how many tokens are left on the table and there's not huge amount so i don't think i'm going to get my 100 tokens [Music] so oh i heard um in the comments somebody wrote that um that josh bartley is in the hospital um yeah can you leave in the comments on if you know what happened just let us know what happened uh josh this one's for you buddy get well soon mate um don't hesitate to contact me if you need you know if you need anything so um you know i'm always here for me mates and yeah as i said you know i get well soon buddy um your people are pretty loyal so don't be too concerned about that when you're back they'll come back just take it easy yourself fed up and start ripping them videos out again buddy [Music] all right yeah i don't know what i should do here i don't know if i should keep chasing that that tower and basically throw the game next to me um the game next to me was it one two three four five six seven seven fifty eight fifty is about nine hundred dollars on it um four silvers four silver's on the bottom deck four silver's on the bottom deck they're not on the top deck um and there's a butt load of coins in there uh yeah i mean there's a lot of coins in there so but the problem is uh the coins are gonna be very hard to get very hard to get so [Music] what i'll do if i do end up bailing on this game and it is looking that way i don't think i'm going to get this uh i played the game not to get this well it would have been nice but i don't think i'm going to get it i need the coins so i can play that game that's what i'm trying to do so sometimes you've got to play one to get the other inside of that or you play one hoping you're going to get it and then walk out here with nothing so and i don't want to do that but if i do end up bailing from this game then what i'll do is i'll pick the camera up and i'll show you the game next to me the one that i want to play so um yeah but yeah if i end up trying to go for this um you know like it starts breaking up or if i start pushing towards the edge a little bit closer um but then i won't you'll see it tomorrow providing nobody plays it of course um but just looking at it i can't see anybody playing it you could put 50 coins in there and it's it's not going to change but anyway that was all nice not all my coins joe what are you doing hiding my bloody coins mate hey oh you want to go all right let's keep going [Music] [Music] i am thinking i do have another problem as well if i leave this game it's not my issue and i'm not going to make it my issue but if i leave this game with that so close to the edge it looks like as if you could just push it straight off with 10 coins i know you can't so many people are going to put their money into this game and they're going to lose trying to get that off [Music] obviously i don't want that to happen but once again as i said it's not my issue so i'm thinking about that as well maybe i should stay and attack it but i know i know for a fact this place makes an absolute fortune every day um every day so yeah i mean it gets packed trust me i know i got one coin left and i just checked joe to make sure he wasn't holding any more [Music] okay let's tell it up so what i got all right as long as i keep getting handfuls like this i'm going to keep putting them in the machine so yeah that's nice so that's like 80 coins there yeah maybe 75 but let's call it 80 this time i'm pretty much watching that tower just to see if it's going to move i mean my eyesight's not really all that good but that didn't look like it moved a [Music] [Applause] millimeter [Music] so so nice of course i wasn't watching oh that tower is not moving [Music] yeah that's not moving millimeter okay so what i'm going to do um i'm not going to waste too many more coins on trying to get that tower to shift it's not shifting i'm going to go for that pile that file once i get both of them i'm going to stop playing this unless that changes and then yep i'm going to jump over the other side oh i did move [Music] so hey that was all my coins didn't move not even a little bit all right but there's still coins packing up on either side so i'm gonna go for them [Music] all right well we're actually doing really well so we gained coins that time uh i'm calling definitely 85 to 90 coins in there definitely and i'm really surprised i haven't dropped a coin yet sorry mike there's like six or seven of you guys all doing this so if you're getting thirsty i do apologize but you can you know you can do the iou you know if you get too thirsty and i'm just not dropping coins well then just keep keep tab of it so if i do end up like dropping like 10 coins at once then that did not move that is a shame oh i got moved all right fine challenge accepted [Music] uh debbie close your eyes mate [Music] [Music] [Music] so that's funny that's really funny so okay i got one left [Music] stick him to the left ah did i just find the other gap let's take a look at this thing it still looks straight there are a couple coming out at the back here that's a good thing and if i can rip them that'd be nice um apart from that yeah it looks dead straight if i can manage to get that keep pushing it i can just see the whole thing going into there in one piece well i might break in half but at least half of it um yeah well hey i'm going to go for it so um i hate being undecided so i've just made a decision i'm going to attack this thing with everything i've got so i'm going to tell you up see what i got yep we're doing all right so that's not bad i don't reckon we lost any and take a look at the top deck the top deck is loaded oh yeah oh yeah we're definitely getting movement i'm hoping not to regret this because if it stuffs up i'm gonna leave four silvers in the game beside me oh come on coins [Music] that's annoying you've only got four coins in my hand [Music] so i do remember dave given me one of these setups before and it beat me i could not beat it i know a little bit more now so now this video might go for a while too [Music] [Music] [Music] so okay that's my last boot [Music] nice all right let's tell it up so what i got yeah i was totally hoping that wasn't going to happen it's like 65 coins that's not good all right that's all right let's just keep going this thing has got a little tiny bit of a lean on it nothing special though whoops that's what happens when you're not watching what you're doing [Applause] oh i see that shift that had to have been a couple of millimeters then you've probably seen i've changed my tactic just slightly i'm doing what i can not double stack but i'm still trying to get my coins in [Music] [Music] quick [Music] oh that's got a nice little lean on him i must have did some damage there somewhere along the line i got one coin left well that is moving let's go right in the guts okay let's tell it up to what i got [Music] all right well i reckon we've got like 65 coins there that's not too bad um i'm thinking what's going to happen is i'm going to hover around anywhere between 40 and 70 coins i just don't see huge amounts of coins on there at the moment so obviously i'll get some of those ones off the top but yeah i can't see me getting any higher than that but if i can get that tower over hey ah stuff that one up um i know everybody would be saying hit it from the sides hit it from both sides to be honest with you i don't know if that's really going to help because this thing is heavy so whoops [Music] i just can't seem to get it up over the top of that lip i can see it moving around but yeah it's just not coming towards the hopper [Music] there's my last lot of coins all right let's tell it up see what i got it's still the same so it's like 65 yeah maybe 70 but yeah probably more 65. [Music] oh did it move forward oh it might be moving forward well moving to the hopper anyway [Music] so [Music] nice [Music] come on oh why'd i say something there's my last two coins okay let's take a look at it a little bit of a lean on it nothing special still looks nice and strong that's still there that's still there nothing's really moving much uh i think we're just making it dance a little bit but anyway i'm gonna keep going and i'm starting to regret that decision [Music] uh maybe 50 coins if i'm lucky like real lucky now i'm just going to drop them in a series of two see what that does except for the ends so come on stop giving me some pushes [Music] oh [Music] oops wasn't watching [Music] okay that was my last coin nice i'll take them all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] 50 to 55 coins i reckon yikes i should have stopped it's that challenge thing you know i love a good challenge and i know one of these have already beaten me i know you know i don't want it to be again i don't want dave to know that beating me again i just don't think that's helping me out at all all right [Music] [Music] all right so i'm holding about 20 coins i think the only thing i'm going to do slam them in there just see what happens to it [Music] that was it okay let's tell you that's what i got 45 to 50 coins oh man why didn't i stop well i did not stop it i had all those coins i could have been playing the other side by now anyway you gotta live with the decisions you might make [Music] come on i didn't say it was a good plan oh that moved oh that whole thing whole thing shifted wasn't much but it moved so [Music] oh [Music] oh there's it's leaning a lot all right two coins [Music] okay let's have a look at it oh that is leaning so much oh yeah definitely you guys probably can't see how much that's leaning but it's a it's a fair way so anyway i'm going to tell you what i got okay so more more stuff just fell anyway so um but i did get another tenor out of it that's nice so we are definitely hurting this thing um 55 definitely 55 easy all right let's drop it i'm gonna drop you like a pile of mate hey i'm hoping i can drop it this round if i can drop this around i'll be very happy [Music] so [Music] i got it dancing [Music] [Music] come on you little bugger fall over okay one coin left oh that thing is tough it wouldn't be funny if just one of them one coin pushed it over that'd be funny all right let's tell it up see what i got all right at least we've got the 50 coins probably 55 um they're all quite nicely neatly stacked in there so yeah it could very well be 55 okay yeah mike's watching this one mike's getting thirsty hey no uh yeah so all right let's keep going we never dropped it let's try this time [Music] how is that still standing that is impossible it's defying gravity right now [Applause] thing down and into the hopper it is gonna be payday for me today [Music] did i mention i hate these towers oh you all can see that landing now surely that's my last two coins oh so close probably one more coin would have done it uh let's wait and see one will fall eventually i'm just kidding all right oh i see this game um let's tell you that's what i got hopefully that's still gonna be standing when you get back [Music] okay quickest clean out ever hey and one did just fall um yeah that's not good not good at all there's like 25 maybe 30. uh yeah all right so where did i go wrong what do i do wrong then double stack the top too much probably uh let's clear that off [Music] oh that's pushing the whole thing the whole thing's going into the hopper [Music] oh come on either four or four into the hopper either [Music] i gotta be one i don't have a lot of coins [Music] oh go go now this is painful [Applause] come on keep dropping coins okay that was my last coin oh so close look it is dangling and it's got danglies all right let's tell you that see what i got we actually did pretty good so there's probably more than 50 coins there that's nice all right what is this gonna do now it is stubborn i totally met my match here in your face oh man hopefully that's taken enough weight off it now i can just push all of this straight down there that would be so good now i've got to move it nice payday for me today i think i can just see it so come on you all better put your earmuffs on because this is gonna be noisy [Music] okay that's my last two coins oh jace thank you all right let's tell it up to what i got all right i've got another 30 bucks there that's all right uh 45 to 50 coins it's not too bad all right let's see what i can do about knocking that entire thing [Music] oh so close [Music] i still have a lot of weight [Music] come on everything's falling around i'm guessing because it's all interlocked uh that might still you know it might take a long time to actually get that to drop being interlocked the way it is it's just like interlock you know interlocking your fingers really oh [Music] okay that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what i got all right so i've got a nice handful of coins now plus 10 bucks so what i'm going to do is i'm going to stop playing this game and i'm going to start playing the next one just kidding how can you walk away from that hey it couldn't drag me away kicking and screaming oh coins oh yeah probably like 70 75 coins sorry so [Applause] come on push it over [Music] oh my god blockage up there oh see what that does all right let's be a little bit smarter with my coins stop double stacking so much space [Music] so oh how close is that from falling that close i totally saw that [Music] okay that's my last three coins [Music] all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] okay another 40 bucks there's probably like 60 coins 65 coins so slowly getting up there with the money i might start a new pilot i feel like i've been playing this game for three days i think another tenor just fell i'm not too sure oh look at that push [Music] [Music] sweet so you know what's really hard on this game um i absolutely love kfc um oh that stuff is so good this game is like basically putting a bucket of kfc in front of me and saying you can't touch it i'm constantly looking at the silvers in the next game and i'm just looking at them thinking am i going to win you or somebody else going to win you oh [Music] so oh that pushed the whole tray a whole bottom tree just shifted there's my last coin come on do me proud proud enough all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] okay 80 bucks nice and it's probably like 70 75 coins there that is not bad at all that was a good round for me um ten so that's um yeah sorry that's that's worth three shots um yep so basically i'm calculating that because that's my buyback that's three bucks so three of that's nine bucks close enough three shots sorry my bad sorry livers all right let's keep going [Music] so so [Music] oh my arm's dead oh that was nice oh keep my voice how down is that down there that is thick oh man now i know why i'm struggling to move it i'm not sure if you can see with the camera angle but try to have a look underneath those tens that's what i just looked at 100 bucks in red's about to fall and there they go [Music] i'm so glad i stuck it out [Music] [Music] it's all happening it is all happening [Music] there's my last three all right let's tally it up see what i've got and my batteries flashing wow if i've been playing the game for that long yeah i better get another battery okay did really well um 150 bucks right there nice uh coins 55 maybe 60 coins it's not that bad ah i reckon there's more than that let's have a look oh no well i nearly dropped it right but i totally saved it ah um yeah no there's actually more than that so there's probably like 75 coins there nice nearly dropped another one let me just grab that one let's go again [Music] so [Applause] [Music] nope [Music] okay so what i'm hoping is not going to happen is that all this stuff on top is just gonna be slipping back on the coins i'm watching for it i'm hoping that's not gonna happen but oh thank you but there's really nothing i can do to stop it either oops so right now i'm just trying to empty off the top tray just a little bit there's a few too many coins on there i just want to see if i can get them off nice [Music] so all right the whole left side's about to [Music] go [Music] okay that was my last coin [Music] okay so what i'm looking at here um i'm looking at two things firstly i'm watching all this to see if it shifts because that is a big pile um i'm guessing there's a lot of weight in all of these keep them coming and the second thing that i'm watching is further back on the bottom tray uh you can see um the coins getting double stacked so i'm trying not to do that i'm being aware of it and obviously i'm doing my best not to do it so um but you know you can't help a bouncing coin it will still bounce up there but um that i'm keeping an eye on so this is i'm learning about this this side of it now um so yeah i think i'm doing all right look at it hey it's not that bad all right let's tell you that so what i got okay at least i've got a 20 and it's probably like 50 coins there i'm saying that because they're all not nice and neatly stacked let's keep pushing see what i can do [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] so oh i'm dying just to smash this thing but i really don't have the coins for it [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oops [Music] okay i got one coin left [Music] nice run the guts ish all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] okay um that's a problem uh i'll explain to you what's going on in a second at least i got another 60 bucks out of that okay my problem is it's building up here um i'm finding it hard to get any movement there just because of the shield weight so i think what i'm going to do now is i'm going to change my tactics i'm going to play this side and hopefully i can drag some of that off with all of this and i might throw the occasional coin up onto the far right as well just so i don't get too bored but i don't have a lot of coins left so i can just see this milking every corner i've got [Music] so i just got to be very very careful very careful so i'm going to be packing my camera after in a few minutes [Music] oops so just bear with me just a little bit [Music] nice that's what i needed clear some of those coins out i'm just having a look to see what it's done to the weight [Music] it's still very slow i'm not actually looking at the um at all of this stuff at the top i'm looking at the stuff underneath it that's what i want this stuff here that'll sort itself out it's coins that i need and that's what i'm going for okay yeah definitely got some movement out of it then [Music] oh that's exactly what i needed [Music] okay nice okay i got one coin left thank you and that was supposed to be towards the middle all right let's tell it up so what a guy all right i've got 120 bucks nice oh no i'm so sorry mike uh everybody else that's doing it uh come on bottoms up um and there's probably about 55 possibly 60 coins here you can see they're all nicely stacked but that is a good stack of chips all right that's the one that just dropped i'm gonna put him in solo see what he can do should have left him on the carpet all right let's go i did not mean to drop that last one okay hopefully they're not all gonna slide back on me oh come on you're about to fall take a look at that that's just sticking up in the air okay so the left hand side is now good oops i don't really need to play it but i mean if i can drop a coin or two out of it then i'll do that come on [Music] whoops my bad [Music] oh we're just about to get paid out again that whole thing on the right hand side is about to go i'll take it [Music] there's my last coin and i found the gap you beauty all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] okay hey you get back on there uh coins yeah definitely didn't lose any coins so that's a good thing so uh 60 bucks so that's not too bad so there was another coin on the ground though i'm not sure if i dropped it and just didn't notice um but anyway that's another coin on the ground so it bottoms up i'd love to play this game with you but i can't i don't think the cops would like that too much [Music] i totally missed all of that trying to get these coins [Music] oops [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm starting to lose my patience a little bit i'm fighting it [Music] [Music] [Music] and there's my last four coins [Music] all right let's tell it up to what i got take a look at this look at them overhanging what are they hanging on i got no idea [Music] okay another 90 bucks nice coins yeah we lost some coins then all right let's get rid of them first um i'm calling 55 coins on there because they're pretty messy so i mean i could be wrong it could be 60. [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] that's what happens when you speed it up holy i was just going to say holy snapping duck but oh man i totally just got paid wow wow wow oh wow come on come on that was a lot of money [Music] okay before i drop my rest of my coins in which is five coins i think what's happening is i'm worrying too much thank you i'm worrying too much about him about how the coins are falling from the top down to the bottom um i mean you all just saw that crystal clear i just whacked in a bunch of coins and literally just got off a massive pile now was that coincidence yeah maybe um was it a big push absolutely so i think i'm not going to worry so much about how the coins fall from the top to the bottom right now this is something that i need to learn and i need to be aware of but right now take a look at it that looks good uh best i've ever seen it like single coins not too many doubles in there but yet i've still got piles all through here so clearly by having double coins up there is not really affecting it too much down here because i've still got exactly the same thing what always happens every game um unless i get nailed in the first four minutes um i've still got piles of coins here and i've got single single coins at the back there so i'm starting to doubt whether that's even a thing right now so anyway i've got five coins let's whack them in [Music] just like that i have so much more fun when i do stuff like that yes okay fine i'm double stacking the top but i i can get them off easy enough anyway i'm going to tell you so what i got okay being very careful not to drop a handful of them yeah that is nice there's like oh i've totally forgotten 110 bucks i think there's 110 bucks there um let me have a quick look yes yes yes and yes there was 110 bucks um coins 55 60 coins let me just get them up there without sliding them all down the glass all right well as i said before [Music] that's how i like playing it's a toss-up really playing the way you want to play the way that you enjoy playing thank you or playing this smart way i think what i'm going to do i'm going to combine the both of them i'm still not i'm not going to stop playing the way i like playing you can't say that doesn't work all right let's get a little bit of a heartbeat in this game [Music] nice look at that push [Music] come on see more start singing buddy you can speak now so let's see this thing [Music] that was my last two coins i see that shelf that just shoved it like five mil all right let's tell that's what i got [Music] okay i've got another 40 bucks there nice and there's probably 75 to 80 coins there so that was a rip around for me [Applause] let's do it again so i mean i know exactly what you're saying and you're dead right having coins sitting up on top like that is no benefit to anybody i can see that quite clearly [Music] oh yeah i am i am [Music] hopefully oh oh this is how i love playing i totally don't have the coins for it but i gotta get a bit of fun back in the [Music] game [Music] [Music] okay that's my last two coins now i've done two rounds so far dropping coins very quickly as you can see take a look at the top it's a little bit more double stacked but i mean i'm counting like six coins i'm not talking about the far edges because they always drop coins can't do nothing about that two three four five six about two inches in there's about six coins double stacked so i think that's not bad considering i've just dropped 150 coins in so all right and i've got some monster pushes too all right let's tell you it up 20 bucks nice handful of coins even better hey yeah i still reckon there's like 75 there i mean they're neatly stacked so i could easily go as far as saying there could be even up to 85 coins here but i'm calling 75 [Music] so [Music] oh yeah nice i watched that guy over oh [Music] wow listen to it oh yeah [Music] [Music] so pretty much what i'm doing right now is there's two clubs of coins so i'm just trying to drop my coins up the top and land them all flat because i want to try and take some coins off there's that clump and there's a little clump over there i'm not concerned about that right now um so really the reason why i started playing this game in the first place was to try to get some coins to play the other side that's what i'm looking for i don't want to go getting greedy i just need enough coins for that side okay that was my last coin nice all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] how nervous is everybody right now they are balancing balancing i've got 60 bucks and there is definitely 100 coins there probably more than 100 because they are about to fall so what i'm going to do is very gently rest him against my guts all right 60 bucks nice all right let's just um land a few coins flat up a little bit flatter than top please so i said that i wanted 100 coins i've got 100 coins i'm all i'm doing right now is getting the coins off of the top and hopefully they can give me some good little pushes [Music] okay so things have stopped happening right now it's probably because i've slowed right down i've got a feeling i'm going to lose coins here [Music] ah stop it [Music] [Music] i'm just going to wait ah that's close that's real close i've got two coins and that's it come on what i'm looking at is that and i've got a bonus going from this side all right basically that's it i don't need any more um i'm more than happy with what i've got that was a yeah that was a fight and a half that was um intense so i think i spent a little bit too long on that game worrying about particular parts of the the gameplay uh instead of actually just going by my gut feeling i know what to look for and clear the machine out so um i think that's what i'll be doing anyway i'm not going to put that in i'm going to save those i do not want to lose too many it's going to take a little you know quite a few coins to start pushing them over towards yes there's like six coins there that's about it all the rest you can see the bottom tray not worried about this stuff here i've got more than enough um so i'm going to leave all this tell everything up and uh yeah i'm going to get ready to start playing this this one beside me hey those silvers are just calling at me jase chase [Laughter] oh i've gone nuts i'll be back in a minute [Music] take a look nice real nice real bloody dice hey okay um dave if you're watching mate uh yeah look hey put these towers in all the time you know they're really easy to knock over um it's just easy money for me buddy so yeah keep them up if you're not watching oh man i hope he doesn't do that again okay so the tillies are about 930 bucks in chips nice 108 coins um i called 100 was in my hand so that was obviously i threw i threw a few in the machine so um but still pretty damn good guess um they were 324 dollars now i'm not going to use those right now i mean i'm not going to cash them in i'm going to use them on the game next to me i'm i can't stop looking at those silvers um so 930 dollars in chips take out the 250 that it cost me to play it uh 680 bucks yeah something like that i think uh yeah 680 so um yeah that's my profit so at the moment there's no tin here so um yep 680 goes into my pocket and i drop 108 coins into the game next to me to see what that's going to do i've got all this money so if i need another buy-in i can do it i think there's enough cash on there um two out of cover for that so that's my plan now is it a good plan yeah probably not i'm not the best in planning i just like to go to do it anyway i'm gonna go cash in the um cash in my chips and keep my tokens and i'll be back in a minute oh nice nice messy don't be messy now let's mess them up again sweet um oh sorry i just got a thing about messy money i don't know what it i don't know where that actually came from i just absolutely it just drives me nuts um same as dirty windows i hate dirty windows do you guys hate dirty windows oh man i hope you do hope it's not just me anyway um i've given 10 bucks to the jar i've got that tips jar on the thing there i just threw 10 bucks in it uh why not um so i got 870 bucks so nice nice i gotta stop doing that um so yeah that's what i'm that's that's going straight into my pocket hopefully i don't need to use any of it um for this game next to me but so uh but anyway you guys will see that tomorrow um right now uh i'm gonna go and grab myself should i go to bourbon no i don't think i need a bourbon today i'm not gonna get myself a water um i'll make it a full strength water though uh yeah i don't like that light stuff so um definitely full strength water and uh yeah i'll chuck a fiver and then uh i'm gonna get stuck into this one can't wait anyway if you like what you see just thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe show you again once more once more all right that's enough messy money's doing my hitting okay and i'll see you on the next one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,993
Rating: 4.9442897 out of 5
Keywords: Jack pot, winner, gambling, money, profit, gold, silver, funny
Id: H5Pg8jCKx1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 6sec (6126 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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