Aussie Coin Pusher EP 55

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[Music] g'day jason from coin pusher here so as normal 50 coins hey joe 50 coins there so um yeah i'll take a look at this one bottom tray not a lot top tray there's about a thousand bucks sitting on the top tray uh we all know that we're not getting that off but hey if i can pull one or two hundred dollars off of the top tray bonus so yeah a few people have been asking me uh play just the middle uh middle only don't worry about the two outsides play middle only they reckon i get better pushes off it this particular game um yeah i'm just sort of going to play everywhere the game beside me providing nobody comes and plays it um i'm here a little bit earlier than what i normally do um so i'm like 15 minutes early so that's a bit of a bonus there the game next to me looks really really really hard i mean really hard so i'm going to need a lot more than 50 coins for it there is nothing on the top tray apart from hundreds and chips hundreds in notes fifty dollars in notes um all up top tray no coins zero coins so i'm gonna need a lot more than 50 coins to start pushing anything but anyway this game here if i can get you know three four five hundred bucks i doubt you know 500 is pushing it but even 400 i'll get that in chips and play the play the other side so anyway let's start pushing that's what i've got to play with i have had a look at that backing plate uh it looks nice and level well reasonably um and it's not set as low as what it used to be so yeah he did fix it and i'm not surprised i was a little pissy with him i didn't mean to be but it was very frustrating and i was very tired and sore so no way no way come on [Music] so unprofessional i can't believe i did that my hands are a little bit slippery i'm really tired outside so what i'm gonna try to do with this game i'm gonna go one coin on the left and right two coins towards the middle and i'm going to give that a go i mean it's not always going to work but we'll see oh thank you ah queen got stuck up there i mean that's the sort of thing i've got to deal with nice oh look at that really pushed that whole stack off that whole stack on the right hand side really came off oh i know i don't have a lot of coins in the hopper oh what do i do oh if i get that whole thing off that'd be amazing oh no it's just pushing it out from underneath it all right forget about it pretend i didn't see it go for getting coins first [Music] so oh now's the time i should be pushing that stuff off i haven't got the coins that was my last coin oh nice push too all right let's tell it up see what we've got [Music] so i'm down there cleaning out the tray and all i hear is coins falling down landing on the back of my hand i've got another 10 coins so there's probably 30 coins there and i've just noticed another another 50 just fell so at least my hand wasn't in front of it i mean mind you the camera wasn't turned on either so would you prefer my hand pull the camera on [Music] excuse me oh coming from nice hot hot windy outside and i'm talking hot like 36 37 degrees into like i don't know 22 degrees i mean it's cold in here they've got air conditioning on [Music] [Music] oops i forgot oh 100 bucks off the top you can't get upset with that oh i don't get stuck one coin left i'm gonna go ish oh bad choice all right let's tell it up see what we got okay maybe 20 coins 22 coins i'm not worried yet [Music] [Music] ah don't get stuck i don't know if this was working it's a bit of a struggle at least the coins are coming through nice two coins left oh did not i did bugger all right let's delete up see what we got [Music] probably about 15 coins that is not good but i'm not worried not yet so uh queen got stuck up there i just want to wait for a second oh wow oh nice okay i'm holding one coin [Music] all right let's tell you see what i got okay about 25 coins there not too bad let's get that fibre off of there oh come on there must be a lot of gaps in amongst all of that oh i haven't i don't think i've heard much fall come on big push big push a bit bigger than that please one coin left i'm gonna go to the far left bugger all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] that's a nervous laugh i've got six coins all right one coin at a time um i'll try one on the left ish mostly on the right because that's where the coins are overhanging oh yes thank you it was my last coin all right let's tally it up see what we got okay uh probably about 18 coins i reckon uh and i totally forgot to play the game again i am so sorry um i reckon probably if i can end up with 70 coins what do you reckon you're probably not but hey i'm calling 70 coins i've got faith in myself i just can't double stack a single coin oh thank you these are five at least i'm going over something okay it's not even enough for a bourbon oh i know that was my last two coins [Music] oh at least i've got something to play with all right let's tell you that's what we got [Music] okay probably about 20 coins and a fiber no way that's what happens when you try to do everything with one hand oh man total clutch today i hope that's all it fell i can't afford to lose one quinn and i can't see anymore all right let's get going [Music] oh geez good start i've done it again at least i've got ten i've got enough for a bourbon now oh come on i even slowed that right down then so somebody suggested uh once again i'm not gonna mention any names but somebody suggested that i literally slow the speed of dropping my coins into the machine um that means i'm going to have to up my game and my timing because as you can see there's not a lot of time to slow them down to both you know basically so they don't double stack what was that i got no idea it sounded chunky all right but for now i'm just going to drop one at a time [Music] oh thanks but i don't get stuck up there come on this is not cool drop drop thank you so i've totally missed the left so might as well stick to the right come on okay let's go tally it up see what we got okay i've got about 20 coins and 10 bucks so 15 bucks total all right i still don't know what uh made that big that big bang i mean that's all the coins i got so i mean it sounded like one of those towels one of those towers went down it was loud all right let's keep going i'll try to slow that down oh i thought that was gonna jam up again then oh thank you [Music] okay that was going really slow and that's still double stacked so i mean it's proof that this machine is just impossible to guess i think even josh would struggle not double stacking on this machine okay i got one coin left bloody machine that was a very nice price i've probably got 40 45 coins so yeah i was not expecting that [Music] oh i'm going to drop them again oh don't get stuck that's so annoying [Music] thank you oh that was a nice one that was my last coin oh thank you come on i know you want to fall come on i know you want to fall oh really okay let's get telling up see what we got and you guys were worried hey getting down didn't get down to six coins i mean that's normal to me okay uh five bucks that's probably 70 coins so we're doing really well oh totally forgot one coin in the ends two in the middle and of course it's in the middle and i'm holding one coin another tenor [Music] [Music] was that tim just four then we did five another sorry i got bored [Music] yeah to be honest with you to be 100 honest with you i hate playing like this now this is so not the way i like playing um so i might just block everything out right now um and uh just go back to the way i was playing sorry robert i know my double stacking drives your nuts mate but you've got to admit it's not easy [Music] okay come on last coin i think it's a bad drop no it's not a bedrock yes it's a bedroom all right let's tell you that [Music] all right take a look at that hey 10 bucks say i dropped something i got paid out so there's 50 bucks up top [Music] [Applause] coins yeah there's got to be 80 coins in there so we're doing really good on coins really good on coins actually [Music] all right let's keep going [Music] oops that's a great start one double stack double stick i'm working on [Music] oh my god come on baby [Music] oh i can't wait to start smashing the top [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell you it up see what we got [Music] okay there's about 75 i reckon about 75 coins there all right let's play the left that was supposed to be the left thank you oh look at that [Music] so [Music] so come on be good to me i've been good for you today oh thank you [Music] i got one coin left [Music] come on do it for me all right let's delete that see what we got [Music] okay well nearly um probably 65 70 coins there so we're going downhill slowly so once again i'm not concerned seymour's just playing hard to get he does do this oh no i'm about to drop everything thank you come on i need a wow moment that's what i need come on knock the 20 off thank you it'd be nice to get that it'd be nice to get that right off all in one hit i'm hoping that 20 that's sitting on top of it will hold it all together and it'll just push the whole thing right over in one place in one place [Music] come on give me a whale moment [Music] three coins that was it come on oh thank you all right let's tell you that oh thank you tell it up see what we got all right back to about 50 coins 20 bucks all right 50 coins let's see what we can do with them let's see i predict i'm going to turn my 50 coins i'm going to turn these guys here into 40 coins i can see everybody smiling out there so [Music] oh yeah there's my wow moment thank you seymour you're a legend mate [Music] so oh another queen got stuck up there [Music] come on thank you seymour you're nice all right let's tell it up to what we got all right i did really well that time uh says 100 bucks there thank you i'm not counting it that's my rule now uh coins yeah there's probably still about 50 coins there so i really let myself down so uh i was really hoping to get 40 coins no i'm just kidding uh 60 coins would have been better [Music] all right let's keep going let's get a bit more cash out of this thing turn my 50 coins into 80 coins it's been a good it's been a really hot day and i've been outside gardening and cleaning the pool i'm a smart person would have jumped in the pool to plan it no i've never been accused of being a smart person so oh just take a look that whole bottom tray is about to come off did i press record alright i did press it oh god oh i'm seeing some notes go over that's what i needed a couple more of them [Music] i'm just gonna pick up the pace of the game a bit because i think that's what helps get things moving and of course just after i say that only one coin falls all right let's tell you that see what we got okay we've got a 25er thank you it all adds up a whole lot adds up so um there's probably 65 coins there oh yeah i'll get that 20 off and all the coins under it [Music] oh no don't drop them how many times have i dropped queens today twice in there oh you guilty i should make a rule if i drop coins three times i'm not allowed to have my bourbons you watch i bet you i can guarantee if i make that a rule i'll never drop a queen [Music] again [Music] [Music] so oh thank you [Music] come on get that big stack of chips off there what is there there's like 60 bucks [Music] there's my last two coins all right let's tell it up see what we got all right that is so typical probably the biggest fall of the game and i had the camera turned off really like what don't do don't do it 40 bucks um [Music] and coins yeah there's probably 80 coins there maybe even 85. all right what do we still got left on here anyway uh 20 40 60 80 100 uh near on 200 bucks so what i'm thinking if i can get that 200 bucks off maybe another 100 or 200 off the top i'm going to give this game beside me a really good shake anything less than 400 i'm not even going to bother because it will just take more coins than that that's what i'm thinking so that one got stuck up there i'm looking at all that what is it there's got to be at least 20 25 coins there plus the 60 bucks that's going to be good oh nearly it wants to come off i've just got to convince it that's what it really wants to do this time [Music] yeah i actually reckon you're right this time though i've got to be getting close to breaking even [Music] that queen got stuck up there that's all i seem to be saying thanks well these are about to fall off see if i get them off now now come on come on go go go oh yeah 60 bucks right two coins left and i'll probably just double stack them no oh i like this new setup that he's got all right let's tally it up see what i got all right doing really well now so there's the 60 marks coins probably 75 to 80 coins [Music] another 60 bucks to the total tell me something is it dark in here or is it just just me it seems so dark in here i mean the lights on [Music] might be because i just spent you know probably four hours out there out in a bright light [Music] oh another 50 off and i didn't even mean it well i reckon if i tried really hard all on that right hand side i could probably easily get 150 off thank you [Music] so i've only got about 80 coins so i'm not going to try just yet i'm hoping to increase that [Music] [Music] okay i need to come up with a game plan well that's a start i might just try to concentrate mostly on the left maybe the odd coin on the right hand side just to stop you from getting bored but i think the majority of them on the [Music] left [Music] so you love it when a plan comes together no i totally ringed that one that was my last coin [Music] thank you second wave oh what's holding these guys on all right let's uh go down there and check it all out all right i'm calling 90 coins 90 coins joe can i hire you for sake buddy thanks mate i'll buy you a cup of water yeah i've been um by joel bourbon you'll see him dancing on tabletops [Music] so [Music] oh come on oh yes didn't that just look pretty that was a waterfall that was a quinoa fall [Music] [Music] oh i'll take them one at a time or a hundred at a time i really don't care hundred out of time here right [Music] so [Music] that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tally it up see what we got all right um i'm gonna go out of my way and say there's a hundred coins there uh very very close if there's not it's still not enough for me to attack the top yet so i like to do that on 120 130 coins around there somewhere so it just gives me that little little extra backup oh nice come on keep them coming it's all happening just gotta keep the momentum going [Music] hmm so i'm not trying to i'm not trying to double stack the top i mean you can see the coins are landing reasonably flat but i think if i just speed the game up just a little bit it helps with the bigger pushes so that's what i've noticed so far but by doing that you will always double stack i mean you cannot all right oh there goes a tanner [Music] well that 50 on the right hand side is moving around the place oh yeah oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't really want to play too much on the right right now okay that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got all right 120 bucks i know i'm in a profit now all right and the good news is so you can actually see a gap just under there so it's basically right up to the tape so that tells me straight away 130 coins all right top tray even maybe we gotta dance all right so this is actually me double stacking now so i'm deliberately doing it [Music] [Music] oh i love flying like this [Music] [Music] oh don't slide backwards that wasn't cool [Music] [Applause] so [Music] that was my last coin and bugger got nothing off the top it was like 130 coins all right let's tell it up see what we got all right so we actually did a lot better than i was expecting so i was expecting to lose a lot more than that so there's probably 110 coins still in there [Music] all right let's start getting some of those coins off the top tray [Music] so oh that was a bird [Music] oh yeah so [Music] [Music] no one got stuck up here that's right [Music] so [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] yep thank you very much another 70 bucks ah coins yeah we're doing really good on coins so there's probably 110 115 coins in there hey at least my hand wasn't in front of the camera hey you never got me that time seymour right yeah yeah over there [Music] so tell you what all those chips on the top deck there they've got to be um they've got to be holding the coins underneath them i don't think they're uh yeah i mean i'm basically really busting my butt to get coins coins to drop here [Music] [Music] okay all right so what do we got here what a i need to come up with another plan i think again i'm going to concentrate more on this side here than that side but a little bit on that side stop me from getting bored [Applause] so unless something drastic happens with my coins i don't think i'm going to be attacking the top again i'd love to [Music] but i've got to start thinking about the game next to me as well that's the one i'm planning for i mean that's the reason why i played this side first [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you that was my last coin oh take a look at that all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] all right another 50. thank you very [Music] much um coins we're doing really good on coins there's got to be like 110 120 coins there so yeah i don't know what i don't know if to do attack the top again or if i should just leave it keep the coins and just try to get the bottom off and then play the game next to me that's probably that's that's actually the smartest thing to do i'll leave the top if they come off they come off [Music] [Music] so let 20 move about half an inch [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on oops [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] oh yeah that's what i was looking for [Music] i've got one coin left yeah about there somewhere all right let's tally it up see what we got [Music] all right another 10 bucks you little beauty so i just stopped and had a um had a talk with a um he's absolutely brilliant bloke um old bugger he was um his name's jim so um yeah he he actually goes metal detecting with dave so um yeah yeah he said there's a lot more surprises in the wind that's just what he said so i don't know who this guy is i've never seen him before but um end up having the chat for about five minutes and uh yeah unbelievable we all know how i feel about metal detecting i love metal detecting but um he was busy so he couldn't stay but i would love to spoke to him a little bit more never know might have given me a location i can go to in the in the outback that would be all right all right did i tell you how many coins i've had there's like 115 i reckon sorry he's got me a bit he's got me thinking about metals attacking now i'd love to go out looking for gold uh nuggets nuggets that would be so good [Music] back to the game [Music] all right so what's going on here what is going on here so what have we got 60 bucks on the table fairway it's all a fair way back except for that guy there there are actually some chips hanging over here so i might just throw a few down on the right hand side and just see where we're at i don't really want to be losing too many tokens chasing 60 bucks i'll get there in a minute i'm holding that cut out i'm holding about that many so i might put those through and just see where we're at i just want to play the play the right more [Music] hmm i'll pop those through and see where we're at [Applause] let's do a lot of coins wanting to fall off [Music] [Music] [Music] come on give me a nice push so i can stop [Music] [Music] oh there's a lot of coins hanging off the edge come on give me one good push and i got please coin left well i might also throw it in on the right hand side i already reckon right or left let's go left yeah pretty good call all right let's tell you it up see what we got uh yeah we're going really really good on coins really good on coins so there's well over 100 there so um i mean i got that down to about 110 115 coins and i'm really undecided whether i should go again um you've got the 10 there that wants to come off these ones here they're not going to come off but there's a nice big stack of chip um stack of tokens just there so i might just let's say i'm going to play it but yeah if i can get a nice big fall then i can stop i'm just not finished i just don't want to stop just yet i feel as if i got more i know i'm going to be playing the one next week hopefully [Music] oh [Music] so yeah you know what i'm not gonna well thank you i don't think i need to put the rest in a couple more i'm so undecided on what to do it's ridiculous i'm never normally like this i'm normally you know i know exactly what i'm doing i've got my plan and the way i go but i'll tell you today i'm just so undecided okay one more i am so hopeless it's ridiculous [Music] i mean that's a massive chunk right there there's got to be 20 or 30 coins there and it's literally hanging over the edge i mean how do you walk away from that [Music] but i do feel as if i'm going to use more coins than i'm actually gaining so i'm holding another three more three or four regardless of what happens i'm stopping ah burger anyway i'm not going to put those through the machine i'm going to hold on to those i'm going to tell you everything up i'll tell you everything up and we'll get back to you [Music] okay i haven't tallied anything uh i have actually decided i am gonna i'm gonna chase this um with those so i'm not going in i'm not going in for any more coins than that but i am aiming for that i mean as i said there's got to be like 20 30 coins there probably more sorry about being on i'm so undecided it's quite funny really [Music] so [Music] so oh i know i should be stopping how many of you are yelling at me right now gene i can just imagine what you're going to say to me come on give me that push so i can go [Music] home okay i'm holding one coin regardless of what happens okay that's it i'm done so i'm gonna tell everything up and get back to you [Music] okay um forgive my camera angles uh it's probably not the best because it's still on the tripod um i just shifted across to this side here so it doesn't seem to be anybody wanting to play it so i sort of really i don't know i don't want to play it but i really do want to play it so um i've not played played a game like this before but what i'm noticing here is the coins on the bottom there seems to be quite a lot of coins all on the bottom money on the bottom is there's bugger all um so if i don't start getting coins going over i can guarantee i'm gonna lose um so yeah i don't know um i i didn't think 50 coins would be enough for this i'm starting to doubt 100 coins would be enough for it but anyway let's go through all this stuff together i've got 420 in notes 420 dollars in notes nice sorry in chips chips get it together i've probably got heat stroke i wasn't even wearing a hat either so um if you've seen my face uh on the aussie beach hunters channel uh you'll notice i've got some pretty serious wrinkle action going on my forehead so i generally don't need to wear a hat because my wrinkles are so big they block the block the sun out anyway um okay let's start again four hundred and twenty dollars in chips um i've got a hundred and forty five dollars in notes who uh coins i've got i know i can't remember if i said 70 coins or 80 coins right at the start man i hope i said 80 but hey i'm closing i'm just happy to get within 50 so add all that add all that together um is about eight hundred and eleven dollars minus 250 off of that's like 561 dollars something like that i got no idea um i really should pull the calculator i've got one on my phone so um anyway um i'm gonna go cash it all in and i'll give you the correct helis then okay so what i've done here i've got five hundred dollars here exactly uh 61 bucks to the tin uh so my math was actually pretty good so um which i knew it would be um so yeah 500 bucks here i'm going to put all 500 into this game uh and that's what i'm going to do next uh i'm going to have a break first um i didn't even save enough money so i can buy myself a bourbon i've got no money in the car whatsoever my missus totally raided my car taken out everything including my change not my change i've been saving that for years um so yeah i haven't even got a scent in my car so it's a good thing water here is free because that's what i'm drinking at the moment so yep 500 bucks here i'm going to chuck a break right now i'm going to get that cashed over back into tokens again i am trying to keep the game separate so if you're unsure what's going on i am actually allowed to use right now i'm allowed to use tokens from one side and play those tokens on the other side that's i'm hoping any day now i'm actually going to find out the result um i'm asking well not me personally but it the question has been put forth to management they're going to discuss it in their next agm meeting i guess and uh and yeah whatever the outcome is that's what i do so but right now i'm literally keeping the two games separate yes it's costing me money uh but people know what i'm doing so is that is that giving me brownie points yeah probably uh and that's the reason why i'm doing it so um i don't want these people thinking that i'm here to milk every single cent that i can off them they'll probably just tell me to go and get stuff and kick me out so and i don't want that if they do that there goes my youtube channel it's gone so um i try to do the right thing all the time not only here everywhere else and so that's what i'm doing 500 bucks and tokens that's what i'm going to do and i'll see you when i play this oh yeah if you like what you see don't forget this part um give me a thumbs up and if you love what you see hey smash that spot uh that smiley button oh my god i'll tell you i might take an hour break so you hit the subscribe button if you haven't so um yeah and i'll see you in this game
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,325
Rating: 4.9859648 out of 5
Id: _psKCE0UJHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 57sec (4257 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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