Aussie Coin Pusher EP 132

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[Music] here so um yeah this one looks interesting um let's just forget about everything that's on there let's have a look at the coins um as you can see this half is just like way off that's way back i'm worried about that and the top has got a lot of gaps in it too so i don't know what the bottom's got all i can do is drop in queens and just see what moves and what doesn't so um i've been reading all of your messages and i absolutely deeply apologize for not being able to get back to them so but i have been reading them um man you guys are absolutely amazing absolutely amazing so uh macy um so basically what's happening is um when we got her back um she slept for like an hour hour and a half something like that um and then obviously we wanted to you know see if she was okay so but she couldn't walk um her back end wouldn't work so um and she had an operation on her face to take a lump off of her wrinkle so um yeah so you know back and forth to the vet not literally taken just by phone call and um pretty much they just said well leave here until the morning and see if she improves i've got a bit of movement out of the right hand side so we left it to the morning oh we're getting some movement anyway um yep so we left it through the morning and um she was able to walk a little bit and what the vet said was apparently um because she's got a cone on her head to stop her from scratching the stitches it's the first time she's ever worn one [Music] so the vet said um she's probably stopped walking because when she's got the cone on she thinks that she's broken this is what the vet said and so yeah so lots of cuddles she's walking now um so we're trying to take the um the cone off for as long as we can but we have got to be sitting with her pretty much as long as we're awake so but cut a very long story short she's going okay [Music] so my wife can see that i'm still quite stressed out and she pretty much just said look just go somewhere and unwind i think i was getting under a skin so i thought well what a better way to unwind play the coin push it with a bourbon that's what i'm doing so thanks again for everybody that left a beautiful comment for macy [Music] you guys are absolute rippers very nice people all right oh there goes a fiver i didn't think those 50s had come off so easy being sideways like that that was my last coin [Music] nice i'll take it too this is looking pretty good over this side this side here is still a little bit on the light side but yeah that's nice all right let's tell it up that's what i got we actually gained coins i reckon i can there's more than 50 coins there little ripper plus fiber nice so i did see a comment there somebody asking me not to swear um well that's the way i am i am i mean i don't even look at what i say as swearing i mean i've been saying everybody's everybody the people i hang around with say what i say so um so yeah i'm look sorry but if you don't like it then maybe my channel is not the one for you [Music] oh meet me i'm sure my wife does oh nice what pushed that off esp you guys you guys are doing it for me thank you [Music] nice [Music] oh [Music] i feel so good not just to be thinking [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] i got one lift [Music] i've got no idea where to put this right in the middle that was supposed to be right in the middle [Music] all right let's tell it up see what i got i'm not giving you a slow-mo that is just resting holy ah no oops um all right so i'm gonna say i've got 99 coins there because my 100th coin just landed on the ground plus 30 bucks nice all right let's see if i can get rid of these before i drop more all right [Applause] [Music] tying yourself in knots here all right let's go [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] cool thank you [Music] so spin that wheel hey where's my wheel spinning i got ripped [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on that was my last coin and i've got something real funny to tell you all right the other day i was sitting out on the back lawn just on my own just sitting out there i often just sit out there on my own especially what i'm thinking anyway um we got little black ants out there i'm not sure what they're called but i'll tell you what when they sting yeah and they do they sting you from their butt um oh it hurts and it hurts hardcore anyway i'm sitting out there and i'm just in a pair of shorts so i'm just sitting out there because it was a nice day it's like 32 degrees just sitting out there and then all of a sudden on my um how do i say this nicely um yeah anyway down there um oh my goodness hey i got up i'm ready i'm running around yeah a um an aunt stung me fair on the nuts and oh geez i tell what he brought tears to my eyes all right i'll tell you what it would have been funny to see though um yeah i don't um i put a i've got a plastic chair that i sit on now so i just thought i'd say that to you put a smile on your face anyway that was all my coins i'm going to tell you that [Music] 110 bucks oh you little ripper oh man that's awesome queens we are doing awesome in coins take a look at that there's well over 150 coins in there oh nice and yes well my wife said she said go and unwind oh hey so good though [Music] maybe i should be sponsored by them alright let's kick off [Music] oops [Music] that was mike's fault mike made me do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] come on i'll get some of those tins pushed over it'll be nice [Music] [Music] oh keep you on this one [Music] oh so close [Music] i don't even know what's holding that up ah thank you so [Music] oh it's good to be out of the house [Music] [Music] so what i'm looking at right now this side here is starting to build up back side there is starting to build up a little bit not too much on that side i'm getting quite concerned about the left hand side [Music] [Music] there's my last oh nice that was my last four coins okay this side here is definitely not moving that's concerning me all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] 170 bucks woohoo you beauty nice a few more little piles like that would be handy all right coins yeah we lost coins probably 130 coins there and i've totally forgot to guess all right i'm just going to neaten these guys up it's amazing how that neatens them all up oh let's go i've got to concentrate on the left hand side so middle to left [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] oh there's a good push [Music] [Music] come on push the 50 over please easy that's what happens when you use your manners right i could have called it uh i won't say that [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh that's not really moving much at all is it on the left i can use the skill stop but i want to avoid doing that [Music] so [Music] oh that's how you do it [Music] come on 50. thank you [Music] oh i think i've done pretty well so far [Music] oh i barely got 100 on the left i got one coin left i'm just gonna go to the left [Music] i hear youtube bounced all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] 250 bucks that's what it just cost me to pay for this game you're a little ripper that's what it's all about and we've got our coins back hey all of them and probably then some nice all right what do we got one two three probably about 350 350 bucks to go [Music] didn't even see that oh i don't need to play the right at all there's really not enough coins there to warrant me dropping a bunch of money side [Music] although that did just shift the whole tray that one coin oops [Music] there moved it a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've got a cyclone hitting um just up north not far actually durian bait is copping it right now um and here i am in perth it's just raining a lot pretty windy it's not that bad but they say tomorrow is supposed to be really bad battle batting down the hatches they're asking people that are visiting durian bay to leave [Music] i'm thinking about going metal detecting in it [Music] i'm going to see obviously you know you've got to think about safety as well but the last time i went uh metal detecting in a um cyclone wall over here we call them cyclones in the u.s and they call them hurricanes [Music] same thing they just spin different directions that's all um yeah the last one of those we had i had to go out on it i had the best time it was so windy [Music] it got real hairy towards the i end totally out of my comfort zone so um yeah i'm just gonna wait and see what the weather's gonna do and if it's ah i just dropped the coin yeah um yeah if the weather's um like bad but not like stupidly bad where it's dangerous then oh yeah i'm totally got metal detecting in it [Music] so come on start pushing not much is happening i think what i'm going to need to do is to attack the middle i'll show you why i said if i attack this section right here um this section over here is not moving very much at all so i've got two choices i could attack here or i can attack right over here i think i'm thinking attack the middle and what that might do is it might help twist if i can twist this around slightly as i'm pushing down here it might twist it around a bit firstly i might knock that off and those and i'll probably break that up that's my plan i want to give it a go i'm gonna try to do a reverse skill stop this is dangerous this really kills my back fine you're supposed to be in the middle [Music] that was all supposed to be in the middle all right let's try that again they're a shock and joyce all right that looks terrible mate ah that's the middle come on [Applause] i have better accuracy when the pendulum [Music] [Music] i think this is going to work i just got to get it accurate [Music] all right let's go skill stop but let's just go slightly to the left with it yeah look they're all going to the right oh nice that's what i was trying to do i'm still going to stay there i wonder if i'm putting spin innovatively i wonder if i'm putting spin on the coins because that's actually going where those coins are landing is probably three inches to the right of where i'm literally dropping them and for some reason ending right up over there so i'm trying to drop coins to the right of these chips anywhere in this section here towards the middle that's what i'm trying to do i don't really want to drop directly over them in line with them [Music] like i did just then [Music] there's my last two coins [Music] okay let's tell it up see what i got [Music] another 250 bucks nice you little bloody ripper i'll have you i literally just caught that trying to slide down the glass ah coins yep i reckon we're hovering around the 150 mark yep so i reckon if there's anybody out there that have some thinking issues where you are thinking too much like me i overthink a lot of things not just with this game but we work with it well with everything that's what i do it's just where i've always been come over to my place go sit on the back lawn and within 10 minutes trust me you won't be thinking of much apart from me you might want to go jump in my pool i suppose i nearly did all right i can paint that idea what i need is those chips to fall over so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to pound the left hand side just for a little bit and the middle [Music] it didn't even move to see that they didn't even move a millimeter after all that wow more coins i know how to do more coins [Music] okay this is not working less coins [Music] okay so somebody told me if you want something to shift on this side here you aim for that corner uh i can't see that myself because personally i think it's just going to come straight down here because it's a lot lighter here i'm going to give it a go my way is clearly not working [Music] that's pretty much what i thought it would do [Music] yeah i can't see that working at all i think i'm gonna stop putting coins in that side keep aiming for the middle i had more movement in the middle than i did anywhere else oh sorry that was my bad i wasn't watching [Music] so walk a little bit [Music] [Applause] so [Music] it's just not moving that's right [Music] all right bugger yeah i'm guessing you all just heard that hit my foot another coin another shot wow has anyone got any ideas on how to shift this my way brute force just isn't working i mean we'll eventually but how long is that going to take how many coins am i going to lose [Music] hmm that was my last coin oh i've got some movement out of it that may just climb up over the top now all right let's tell it up so we got what we got is a lot of coins um 160 probably 170 [Music] and i've got a bit of movement out of that so that's uh that's good news [Music] [Music] oops that's me not watching what i'm doing when i'm doing that i'm probably grabbing another handful of coins while i'm looking at the coins see which handful i'm going to get oh let's try the flat approach ah when i can land them flat that'd be nice i'll try the flat approach so in other words try to drop some coins in or get them all to land flat i'm just going to wait for the pendulum so i can just hear debbie right now jay stop double stacking land them flat what she's saying it's right it's definitely an economical way of playing the game you get more coins way less fun but i'll give it a go [Music] [Music] okay so we're starting to get build up happening in the middle now and a little bit happening over here um so that's absorbing coins i've got to be very careful i don't get too big but in the meantime i've got to keep attacking this side or that's going to get even bigger [Music] so [Applause] all right we need some monster pushes [Music] dab close your eyes oh i can't grab a handful of coins there's always one coin that wants to uh bugger the whole lot up [Music] well it moved that's a good sign it wasn't much [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] can you believe how stubborn this thing [Music] is oh wow i do not know what to do i absolutely do not know what to do i've tried everything that i know oh about time something happened now we might get some movement [Music] [Applause] that was all my coins [Music] oh nice all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] we're still doing all right on coins we definitely lost some coins then we put it back to about 140 but as you can see that started shifting all right let's make it shift all the way into the hopper i just wanted to clear that pile off that's why i've got a lot of coins on the right-hand side [Music] [Music] uh yep i reckon i am [Music] [Music] oh did it get stuck again i told you these things are like concrete [Music] bloody coins [Music] come on over you go [Music] i know you want to uncle yobo will convince you that's what you want to do [Music] oh man do you think these things are as stubborn as i am i actually think they're more southern [Music] [Music] this time no i should have known [Music] oh it's getting closer i need to get that other chip off the top of it i got two coins about there i reckon i guess not all right let's tell it up so what i got all right 150 coins back i reckon all right i'm gonna sort these coins out all right so what i mean just by shaking them around in my hand like that i hope you can see what i'm looking at um they're all nice and neat ready for me just to grab a pile like that that's probably a little too many but i don't think mike thinks so hey he's open to see some sliding down the glass i don't need to muck around by grabbing another handful we've got that off of there getting closer [Music] okay [Music] come up oh got something down millimeter by millimeter we're slowly getting that stack of tens towards the edge and i'm not losing any coins so it's not like as if i'm losing a bunch of coins i wouldn't be continuing on if i was we're hovering around the same so i might as well keep going there's a nice little build up on the right hand side now it was oh totally all i saw was them just right the very end of them falling over all this time i didn't even get to see them go down that's right i know where they are now [Music] all that middle part is about to fall there's got to be 20 30 coins in there [Music] [Music] in your face seymour hey i better be nice to see more um i'm guessing seymour's the guy that actually sits inside this machine with a little crank handle moving this thing back and forward and saying and talking so that'd be quite funny i'm just going to have a quick little go at the coins on the left-hand side because there's a nice big stack of them i just want to see what they're going to do if they're going to move if they're going to move i'll have a crack if they're not i'll give up oh they're moving so right now it's very very crucial you don't double stack there's no need for that whatsoever now [Music] oh that was it yeah that was it i'm not going to put that in them no way you little ripper take a look there's not much left i mean there's a little pile here but what's gonna drop in is probably five coins maybe two coins here if you're real lucky nothing maybe one coin on this side it's not worth it so i could play for another half an hour and try to get these mounds off but they'll probably end up getting bigger anyway so you little bloody ripper nice i'm gonna hold on to that i'm gonna tell you everything up and i'm gonna get back to you [Music] you little bit guilty look at the hairdo oh i nearly dropped a tanner hey nice i've got to be careful that 10 wants to fall out that's like three bourbons you used to stay in there please wow nice nice all right so the tally goes i got in chips i got 605 which is a little weird but anyway 605 in notes i ended up with 139 coins now i'm looking at the coins in sammy right now and it looks about 150 coins that's what i would have been calling 150 coins so clearly i'm over calling clearly um yes deborah i know you've talked debra thinks i suck it when i'm calling coins and yeah i have a tendency of a green but it's just an idea um so 139 coins 417 bucks that's worth and everything together is 1 32 minus the 250 bucks that i paid to play 1072 bucks nice um yep that is going to come in handy so um our vet bill was a lot more than what they said it was going to be so i'm not going to tell you how much it was because because you might not be sitting down um yeah but anyway yeah it was way way um way off what they said but you know what it makes no difference to me whatsoever when it comes to macy as i said before i will happily sell my house both of them anyway i'm going to go catch that in and i'm not going to play the other side the other side looks absolutely disgusting um and so i'm not going to play that plus i want to get back i want to get back to mace and see how she's going and uh yeah you little bloody ripper nice all right i'm gonna catch it in i'll be back in a flash thanks [Music] nice oh i absolutely love handfuls of cash yeah it's a shame that cash is is disappearing um i mean more and more yeah it's card card you know no cash at this shop and no cash at that shop um so yeah cash is slowly disappearing it's a real shame because it's just so nice just to hold it just to play with it in your fingers you know it's just and even to smell it i'm not going to smell this but 1000 bucks 72 bucks straight to the tin um yeah let's have another look can't stop it cut it out jason cut it out all right stop making it messy too okay that's better all right um thousand bucks beautiful beauty and i completely cleared everything out um yeah i didn't know how i was gonna play today i was you know because you when you're thinking about something else number one rule is don't gamble uh or don't make decisions not just in gambling but don't make important decisions when you you know you're not 100 you know thinking of what you should be 100 thinking on and i'm not 100 thinking on this game but look it turned out great look i've emptied this i've got this jar's got what 72 bucks and it's literally just sort of you know just being here right now has um just sort of given me like a new spur new lease um and now you know i'm dying to get home i'm dying to sit there for the next i don't care how long with mace um she sleeps on my lap for a long period of time so and and i simply just don't move it doesn't matter if i need a drink it doesn't matter if i need the dunny i sit there and i stay there so i do not wake her up anyway you guys in your comments absolutely bloody legends i can't say that enough i am the luckiest person alive to have such a great bunch of people watching the things that i do caring about the things i do and the people that i care about so you guys yeah um i just i don't know i haven't got the words for it i really haven't so you you're just bloody legends and i do love you guys you know absolutely thank you so much from the bottom of my heart from the middle of my heart um my whole bloody heart and um you guys are there brilliant hopefully i'm gonna get a little bit more time to start commenting just a little bit um just as macy's slowly getting better oh you know if i can get a little bit of time and yeah i'll jump on the computer and i'll do some more and more comments it won't be like what i'm what i normally do so um but i will do my best you guys legends thank you this is awesome i'm out of you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 1,941
Rating: 4.9741936 out of 5
Id: ura8jVUV32A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 15sec (3135 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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