Guy finds a "Coin Pusher" with $$ THOUSANDS $$ of Dollars in It!!

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thousands of dollars are inside of today's playing field and i am going to try to win it all all that more coming up after this guys welcome back to the high risk coin pusher and welcome to an amazing game i'm feeling great today and this is a perfect way to come in here and try to dominate for the weekend video so you will see this damn the v of quarters blocking back all that cash from what i can see there's several thousand dollars in there mainly because there is a gold bar sitting back there the only rules for today are i only get one buy-in and the buy-in cost me six hundred dollars but it was a big couple quarters if i can break through this damn break through the barrier and get that cash up front then we will be selling pretty especially if we can get that gold bar real quick guys this video is proudly sponsored by my favorite app in the world you all know everything about them already but winner winner it's a real live claw machine app that you play from your smartphone whether you have iphone or android to download winner winner use the link down in the description use my code bartley 21 when you're loading up your tokens get free tokens also go over to our facebook page and learn all the inside secrets and tips and what good uh games are playing good what games are not playing good and you can also win free stuff over there so thanks so much to winter winter for sponsoring today's video without further ado let's get back to the fun all right guys look still got that diamond how long did i put that thing on there so big buy-in i give it to you however i think we can do good today i feel good no rush we're just trying to win as much cash as we possibly can now other big surprise we have we have the loot cam running today something i haven't done in a while so the loot cam is up and running i'm feeling good without further ado let's go ahead and get in here and start winning some money every day as i say guys every day i feel a little bit better and today was just another example that felt like i got a good sleep went and got my first round of the pfizer covered vaccination started that was pretty painless pretty interesting process but i was ready to come up here and get this video recorded so as you can see we got this big wall of quarters now the other advantage it's sitting pretty far back but if we can get those quarters to come off that's a lot of quarters we can add to our collection uh we can't do good if i keep them quarters on top like that this game is notorious for doing that say it and it did it again hope everybody's doing wonderful i hope it's springtime is kicking in your area and you get to see that sun and something about spring i love my favorite time of year days are longer sun is out flowers are blooming man there is well when that comes off there that is going to be a bunch of cash [Applause] [Music] there we go keep on coming gotta get that gold bar to come off too gotta work on that there we go push that stuff right off there [Applause] [Music] so [Music] man seems like the more third there we go that's when we need a nice even push i don't want that to go to the right side and just get completely lost so for now i'm just going to keep throwing quarters in the right try to get that gold bar to come off because that's how we get our money so happy april i guess this would be april 3rd when this video comes out hopefully you all didn't prank each other too bad on april fool's day something i never really got into not a good pranker there we go that's a nice big push good fall come on baby and that gold bar is having a hard time coming off i'm gonna go back to just playing straight across that was a nice fall quarters [Music] all right that was officially my last quarter let's go down here and collect see how much we got oh come on big push oh that was an excellent return no cash yet but that's all right so somebody left me a message one of you all awesome people after a live stream now they had during the live stream they had put you can buy quarters which i didn't know this until just after i won that one but you can buy quarters in those those uh plastic packs they're already pre-packed and someone had sent me one very similar to that and they said it was their father's collection that passed away their late father's collection and it made me think i have not done a video on all the stuff that you all sent me that meant so much to me so i told them i was going to email them pictures but what i think i'm going to do is just do a video showing you all of all the cool stuff that you've sent through the p.o box over the time of everything i've done normally if it's coin related i'll take it and put it into this book that actually was given to me by one of you all and i try to label it to who it's from that way when bray is older he can look back and remember how they came from all over the world thanks to you all i want to show you all the progress of that it's my fault i apologize that i haven't but i was making a comment because when it came in the pack i thought they just shipped it that way and i cut them out and put them into the the case and then i seen one in here and i didn't put two and two together till afterwards and i was like maybe i shouldn't have cut them out of the pack maybe they were supposed to stay in that plastic pack i thought it was just literally for shipping but i went on the computer and that's literally how they sell pre-packed oh there it is come on baby all right now it's in the playing field so we almost got all the cash off the front [Music] [Music] so [Music] that was perfect it pushed it to the middle maybe you'll do it again all right so now if you look up front there is a whole bunch of weight sitting up there we got to get that all like that exactly like that all right let's go in here and collect whoa [Music] this was an amazing return twenty dollars back obviously we're a little ways away from our buy-in but a whole bunch of quarters so let's just keep playing this thing even guys if you all have been keeping track i have been in a losing streak for the past six times that i've been up here [Music] so it's time for me to do some redemption [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on baby there we go man we are just loaded with quarters and the back playing field is officially cleared off exactly what we want to see the only thing i don't like is everything a lot of stuff is moving to the right that is the gives over there and you just can't win it it's a dead spot [Music] i went and got a chest x-ray done and it's funny here i've been in the medical field for a long time and i had to google a lot of the words that the radiologist puts i didn't know what it was but basically summed up like this i still have a partial collapse in my right lower lobe and i still have a lot of pleural space a lot of fluid around my lungs so that's stuff that i definitely need to get taken care of um i'm breathing 100 better but my family physician when he gets the report monday hopefully we can come up with a game plan i really appreciate all the thoughts and prayers and everything that you all done truly means more than you can even imagine so i'm start getting um i got most of the stuff to send stuff back but those you all that are og's my channel you know shipping is not my forte what if you would like to send me cool stuff to get featured on a channel it's po box 393. p.o box 393. bunker hill west virginia two five four one three if you're looking for that it's also in the description of my channel or in the description of the video i'm gonna start showcasing all stuff a little bad that i'm this delayed but tell you y'all really got some sending me some awesome stuff but i started getting a little overwhelmed there for a while and uh now i got this big box full of stuff that i got to showcase i want to showcase them i made the mistake of some of them i started putting away and kept your notes but i'm going to just show show it while it's in the display case that i already have and if you want to send me something that you don't want me to showcase on channel just please put it in a note and i will now some people like keep things private i completely respect that [Music] [Music] [Applause] man it feels like we've been playing forever off these quarters oh i got quarters stuck there we go oh and one went behind the case hate when that happens man we are about to get a whole wall of cash guys come on baby oh it's looking pretty i haven't had oh there we go keep on coming off last few quarters [Music] all right let's go down here and collect guys whoa holy moly [Music] man [Music] oh i'll just show you in sections first bit of cash also don't forget there's a little gram gold coin second row of cash 150 and chips a copper coin and all of that change unstinking believable i guess you also oh there's another 50 chip in here 200 worth of chips [Music] wow man and that gold bar staying on the right track today could be an amazing day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was a big role can he talk that was a big load of cash that just fell [Music] [Music] [Music] come on baby we're going to get this gold guys i'm not even worried about jinxing myself i feel it i know it today is going to be getting some of my money back oh man that was 100 bucks right there man it feels good to actually put a winner back out i hate when i have to put a losing video out to you all but you can see if i didn't i wouldn't hand a video out for like i said past five videos just can't afford not to show that side of it [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on baby that's a big chunk of cash [Music] all right coming up on the last bit of quarters here oh it's getting ready fall last bit of quarters [Music] [Music] all right come on baby big push oh there it is there it is guys all right wow look at this my goodness inspiration [Music] almost all the way to the top so i'm gonna do the same thing i'm gonna show you just batches of it that hundredth and last but not least that my goodness gracious [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] got to get that gold bar off [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] so come on baby oh it's getting so close that was my last quarter guys is so close oh that's a big score let's go down here and collect [Music] oh man [Music] all right check this out and that so not as good on coin return but if i get that ounce gold bar i'm not complaining [Music] so [Music] come on baby oh come on that seemed like it lit went a little bit backwards that time [Music] big push big push get it off there oh man getting over that lip is such a pain come on baby come on look it looks like a slide over there on the right oh open path ready to come right off last quarters come on baby get over that edge [Music] and again that's uh 45 bucks but hey that pile remember the most important thing again i keep repeating myself pete and repeat but [Music] come on baby come on come on [Music] so ah come on just go off come on baby come on second wave now that's not a good one all right let's try this again you ever get random cravings just like out of nowhere alaskan king crab legs man i'm just like my mouth is watering for him i guess the season is coming outside of red lobster though man all the good seafood places that were around here just not here anymore and you would think liv not close to chesapeake bay you know she got almost gonna hit the baltimore for that [Music] i mean there's a few places to get like uh maryland crab at about the bushel and all that let me know down in the comments if you are a crab lover or a crab hater be interested to see all right so that was my last quarter uh i'm still keeping the faith man still keeping it we're gonna get it so the first pool that we have not had any money in that's okay trying to work off this skull bar like that guys if you were wanting to get the code vaccine but you were just worried about the side effects i will definitely tell you if i i really get any sort of side effects whatsoever just keep keep an eye out i'll let you know my second one is april 23rd three weeks apart [Music] oh no it's stuck in here and i lost another quarter to the black hole behind those things i hate when a thing happens i don't know what to say about this gold bar did i jinx myself earlier is that exactly what happened should i have kept my mouth shut [Music] coming up on last quarter come on baby come on baby come on there we go get it off there oh man that's what it needs all right i'm gonna let this come back in because i want to get it on this side of it come on baby [Music] oh mike when i think travels like that all the way to the right especially now that i'm getting actually low in quarters [Music] that was my last quarter guys um am i going to get it come on big big [Applause] as i look at this big stack of cash in front of me i know cash can be deceiving it can look like a whole bunch and not be near as much as what you think so that gold is definitely what i think i didn't mean to do that [Music] come on baby nice even push like this get it off there come on oh come one second wave oh that thing is close i don't know guys i really don't know all right i'm going to oh that was a dumb dumb dumb thing to have happen come on oh that thing is teetering come on baby please please please oh it's so close yes yes oh i did it oh man how cool is that oh that just put us in the green oh man i can't believe it oh got myself a little lightheaded that was my last quarter by the way [Music] oh man there it is we got another bitcoin entry 40 bucks big pile of cash but this is what we did get unbelievable one ounce troy ounce of pure gold ah i cannot wait man all right let's just play have fun let this time run out [Music] try to get this cash off here oh there's silver man also fixated on the gold i didn't see the silver bar in there shoot that would have got me my money back [Music] i think i told you all the story on the live stream guys but i got to tell you a little story about mine my cousin within a month my cousin billy lost my aunt which is his mom [Music] his dad passed away last monday and lost his 22 year old daughter lived in california on the same day that he lost his mom or his dad i'm sorry guys i i don't even i hate to even remotely think about it what he's going through i've been trying to keep in touch with him but they did start a ghost on me to fly out and bring his daughter back so i'll put the length of their goof on me in there if you'd like to they they've reached their goal but i think that was just like a minimal man just oh it's terrible i mean seriously my aunt my uncle husband and wife and my uncle passed away they said because they were older but when my aunt passed away they kept he kept asking when was my aunt coming home and i kept saying pops you know mom passed away he's like no she's not she'll be back well then one day she comes to the realization that she was gone and he just stopped eating refused to eat refuse to go to the hospital refusing anything and they found him passed away he passed away and i guess him to sleep [Music] cherish life guys cherish every bit of it so oh that was not a five dollar bill that was a 50. i love it i love it man [Music] that's my last quarters and we are down to 50 cents play on the left side of here obviously [Music] come on baby you know what i'm cool with that i am so cool with that so let me do this let's find out how much money we won and uh i know we did well so let's let's get this done and i'll be right back guys guys are you ready for this oh my gosh i am i feel like a little kid just on christmas morning that cash went all the way to the top [Music] so this cash completely full plus 100 200 300 400 gives us a grand total of and 960 dollars i'll say it again nine hundred and sixty dollars to add to the fun of today we also got one two three four okay got some quarters filled up four entries into the bitcoin giveaway we also got a copper coin and the queen elizabeth coin but this is where the fun kicks in that guys so we got a 24 karat gold one gram and we also got a one troy ounce of gold so with everything combined our grand total for today [Music] two thousand one hundred and sixty dollars two thousand one hundred and sixty that's a rough estimate but with the going price of gold two thousand one hundred and sixty guys unbelievable with our buy-in it's minus our buy-in we made fourteen hundred and sixty dollars today unbelievable i needed that so bad you all know i've needed that i have been down every game so to have this game to come back up fourteen hundred dollars is absolutely amazing i am tickled to death yes there's a few more things on here we could have won but guys i am happy with it it's already long enough i've been up here so i am happy i hope you enjoyed it guys if you enjoyed this win finally a win please hit that like button that shows me as the creator that you appreciate what i'm putting out second thing you can do is if you're not part of our family i'd love to have you come over and how you do that is hit that subscription button and also once you do that if you want to if you like what you've seen you want to come part of it then click that bell notification beside button and put on all notifications that way you will know when i go live for a live stream that a lot of people miss that because of not having that button hit guys come over to our facebook page i upload almost daily on the facebook page some are new some are old there's always cool things so i'd love to have you come over to our facebook page just joshua bartley uh it's a black and white picture of me to the side love to have you come over there but guys have a fantastic weekend what a way to start the weekend for me this is friday good friday happy easter to everybody how did i get through all this and this is the first time that i've mentioned it happy easter everybody thank you so much for watching i hope you have a fantastic easter and get to spend time with your family and i appreciate you watching don't forget about going over to winner winner and downloading that again link is down in the description outside that guys have a great weekend have a fantastic easter and thanks so much for watching i'll talk to you soon
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 52,955
Rating: 4.8882098 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine, vegas, slot machine, asmr, relax, sleep, stress, Gambling, gaming, cash, lottery, power ball, mega millions, make money, easy money, careers from home
Id: 7XlKbd5aTYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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