Aussie Coin Pusher EP 41

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[Music] g'day jason from aussie coin pusher here so look what's back hey nobody won it well i'm not surprised look where it is um another opportunity few little beauty um so stock standard stuff here 50 coins 250 bucks uh sammy's with us uh joe's still in the bag haven't even bothered pulling him out just yet but i will pull him out a bit later on um yeah i meant so this is i've had a good look at it this is not going to be a high profit game i am literally only playing this for the opportunity to get that gold nugget off uh so i'm trying you know i've had a good look at it trying to look see how thick it was trying to work out how heavy it is all that sort of stuff it's got to be at least a 10 grammer now at least i'd say it's got a little bit of thickness to it so uh man i want to hold that in my hand so bad once again i've only got 250 bucks today so let's see what we can do with it [Music] i've noticed the top deck is quite light there's not a lot up there and i'm completely ignoring everything on there accepting for the coins that's all i'm going for right now it's just coins if something falls good if it doesn't you know as long as it's coins so uh but i am learning their secrets as you can see along the edge here uh it's going to take some pushing to even get stuff off the top tray is very light uh so i am learning their secrets it's not the first time i've seen this so i'm just going to be very careful with the coin placement [Music] happy new year to everybody as well i hope 2021 goes really great for years [Music] all right finally we start to get some return i was getting a little worried there [Music] so far i've used about i don't know 25 coins and i think i've got like two coins in return [Music] so i'm just taking my time right now i do apologize if that's a little bit boring for you i want to give myself the absolute best opportunity that i can to win that oh oh i thought i was going to fall forward then [Music] i got one coin left come on baby oh yeah all right oh man i totally forgot again i've got a list in my bag of things that i've got that i'm supposed to be saying and all that sort of stuff so i don't forget my memory is really really bad um started with 50 coins sorry kev sorry zack uh started with 50 coins uh gee if i finish with 30 coins i think i'll be happy all right let's tally it up see what we got well we did a lot better than i was expecting and there's probably a good good solid 40 coins there i did not hear much more see those machines in the background allowed today i hope they're not too annoying for you [Music] oh this is what i'm talking about [Music] all right so i can start picking up the pace just a little bit [Music] staying away from the edges [Music] oh me sideways what are you doing out there as long as that gold nugget doesn't fall flat i've got a good chance of getting it off i reckon i'm confident i'm getting it off if it falls flat i think it's going to be very similar to those um to those hundred dollar chips it's not coming off regardless of how many coins i've put on it [Music] last coin and i double stacked it on your dice all right let's tell you that okay i actually thought i did a lot better than that uh isn't it funny how it works let's probably be like 35 maybe 40 if i'm really lucky [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so nice i'm holding one coin [Music] i didn't really want it to go there but hey that's what the machine said if we're going all right let's tell it up see what we got okay um probably 35 coins there [Music] i'm not concerned yet [Music] oh there's a big clump on the left there that's the club i was talking about so [Music] hmm [Music] oh come on one coin left stick it to the left i'm aiming for this oh my god all right take a look at that side all right let's tell it up see what we got okay well i don't reckon we lost any coins so that's not too bad [Music] did that turn the volume up to that machine that's over there it's all i can hear right now i hope it's not too annoying for you so i really do apologize if it is [Music] it's funny i've never seen anybody playing that machine [Music] mind you i'm only here you know hour sometimes hour and a half i'm not here in peak times either now you come here at 7 30. standing room only i tell you it pretty much turns into like a uh like a nightclub not not really a nightclub but um yeah it's sort of that top of atmosphere me personally i'm not really into that so uh yeah i don't like crowds at the best of times [Music] oh come on it's funny how that happens three or four coins dropped nothing happens one coin's dropped drops and pushes somewhere over the edge nice [Music] i'm holding two coins i want to keep them to the left [Music] now that's what i'm talking about you'll be beauty i needed that all right let's tell you it up see what we got [Music] oh yeah we're back to 50 easy no problems there whatsoever all right let's keep going it was a good push that last one that dropped a lot of [Music] coins isn't that a sound you just love to wake up in the morning too [Music] [Music] instead [Music] i'm just taking a look at that stack there it is leaning forward it is leaning to the glass and by quite a long way i wonder it's never happened to me before but i wonder if we can actually get a whole stack tip this way straight into the hopper yeah that would be good especially with 100 sitting on top of it there's a few i think i know only 100 a couple of 50s in there though now we're making money sort of on the left there i reckon i might get that 100 off that might come off okay that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tally it up see what we got all righty all right 20 bucks you build it straight to my pocket thank you uh coins there's got to be 65 coins there [Music] they're doing really well on the coins [Music] right there i mean that's pretty big so there's probably 15 coins just in that one little clump alone oh nice [Laughter] i actually saw that so i was just taking a look at this tower just here um it's literally now leaning back the other way so yeah i don't think it's gonna fall forward that's a shame but anyway that's cool [Music] what i don't want to happen is i don't want that gold nugget to fall over flat four off the tray onto the bottom tree absolutely i don't care what way it falls but if i if it goes flat up the top there yeah you can kiss it goodbye there's no way i've got a chance to get it off but once again i'm not even looking at that really i can't keep my eyes off it it's coins it on that i'm chasing okay that was my last coin oh those hundreds on the right but they were looking pretty good there at one stage i think they just slid straight back down again all right let's tell it up so what we got oh about 20 bucks and uh 60 coins 65 coins some other not bad so i'm sitting pretty right now all right so those hundreds just slid right down i wonder if i can get one of those hundreds to push push those other hundreds off now that would be good [Music] close your eyes everybody oh nice oh that's awesome that actually scared me a little bit it startled me that was noisy ass so oh i think i'm coming one coin left and it's not really where i want them oh i'll take it all right let's tell it up see what we got all right another 10 bucks you'll be guilty straight up there um there's got to be 80 90 coins in there um hey good morning sammy [Music] yeah i'm one of those people with a really weird sense of humor you've probably noticed that [Music] [Music] oh i totally missed it but sounded bloody awesome i mean just take a look at the big chunk of coins being taken out of there there's a lot of coins just went down i hope you guys just saw that i really do that coin literally just went flying off and landed next door straight onto the bottom deck all right i'm going to try to do something with all those coins on the right hand side i don't really know how to stop that when coins do that on the ground like what you're seeing on the right hand side apart from stop double stacking them on the ends that's really the only thing i can think of which is very very difficult to do [Music] oh don't fall over fall off [Music] [Music] so they've definitely worked out i'm 100 sure now um they've definitely worked out the top tray is never impossible to get off uh that's my phone okay that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got all right another 30 30 bucks here that's handy you got there uh coins yeah i still recommend doing really well on coins there's got to be 70 80 coins there so that message was uh adventures with purpose just uploaded a new video if you're interested mind you when i actually post this that video will probably be a couple of days [Music] old [Music] come on big push to get all that off in one clump big bush oh that'll do that'll do another 20 just went down [Music] so [Music] [Music] wow [Music] that was my last one all right i'm working on it all right let's tell it up see what we got all right take a look at that handful hey there you watch me drop them all as well they don't all right so i've got another 20 bucks [Music] all right coins yeah we're doing really well on coins there's got to be 90 coins in there i can hold 100 coins just um and yeah i can probably get another 10 coins on there all right you can get straight in my pocket [Music] all right let's get this clump of tens off over that 40 bucks that's it next wood [Laughter] oh my goodness i'm now dropping coins too oh damn oh man hang on i've got a lot of coins holy the food is huge oh [Music] it was an avalanche [Music] i saw that in slow motion oh wow so much fill too isn't it funny here some things that you see you like you actually see them in slow motion and that was one of them i just saw that just tipping over the edges very slowly straight off the edge i enjoy myself way too much on this game i tell you i like the easy ones and right now because i'm not concentrating on the top deck which means i'm not stressing out because i'm not getting anything off well you say what i don't keep i get get anything off right now that's not my goal i'm still going for coins but uh yeah after hearing something like that and seeing it in slow motion of me oh it's all happening at the moment be careful i'll get a noise complaint soon just how many coins are dropping [Music] oh well was teasing me always that was well funny goes 20. now let's get that other 20 off i'm only holding about 10 coins come on push off that 20. that was my last coin come on 20. oh 10 on the other side that'll do all right let's tell it up see what we got all right look at that no wonder why it's so noisy hey there's 150 bucks there it will be your team that helps all right up there in the pocket right now look at that yeah there must have been some really really big falls because there's got to be like 130 coins in that i mean that's good i'm getting the ammo to uh to work the top section um i might even start working 130 yeah i'll see it now i'll keep looking for coins [Music] i just don't want that gold nugget to fall over flat if if that falls over flat up there yeah i've got no chance of getting it off oh that worked and another 20. damn i'm just loading up top decks just a little bit nothing special oh look at this look at this who said double stacking doesn't help [Music] [Music] so it is all happening i just want to go so nuts it's just ridiculous but i'm trying to hold myself back although i started with 130 coins on this round i could very very easily end up with 50 coins if i'm not careful oh hello [Music] if i hadn't seen this same setup when i first started i can guarantee i would have lost all 50 coins in my first run um it's only because you guys that are commenting basically teaching me how to play teaching me how to think options you know different strategies i changed my strategy there on every coin uh well not quite but close to it for what i'm seeing at the time on each side each part of this machine is different so and for that you know i mean there's no way in the world i would completely ignore all of that at the top there even the stuff down the bottom um you know if you guys uh journey you mainly um but you know all of you teaching me go for ammo first uh i know that's what you call it and that's what hails call it and everyone else calls it um you know go for the coins that way you can you know i've got more options and for that i absolutely think thank you i really do all right so getting those 200s off the top like that that's just turned a you know if i got you know if i managed to get everything every single thing off without those two hundreds i'd have a profit not a massive profit just a an average to small profit and now i've got those two those extra 200s off that just increases my profit margin providing i can get them that's what i was hoping was gonna happen i mean you know you're not getting all of it that top deck is unrelenting it's unforgivable that top deck but to get some of it off that's awesome i got one coin left all right let's tally it up see what we got all right another 20 bucks yep you little bloody ripper thank you uh coins yeah i don't know i don't reckon we lost many uh definitely lost some so uh but there's still probably 110 maybe 120 there cannot complain with that i did not want to see that happen oh look at it in the light oh man that thing is so pretty yeah now i don't think i've got a hope in hell and getting it off [Music] so i can guarantee you that that gold nugget that's just going to keep slipping down all the time but i'm still going to keep going for ammo as you guys call it [Music] [Music] another 20 bucks and a butt load of coins [Music] oh that other 100 looks like it might come off let's give it a go oh i don't slide back come on come on [Music] all right let's just slide back ah number one totally missed it again oh man [Music] [Music] okay that was my last point all right let's tell you it up see what we got [Music] all right another 60 bucks you little beauty [Music] you can go up there coins yeah take a look at the coins yeah that's going really good i mean there's got to be like 130 140 coins there he killed me right well how many of you guys come to expect me to drop coins now oh man all right so i feel as if i've got the coins now to start playing with the top deck um i'll probably cop some flack for that but that's fine if i get that gold nugget off [Music] [Music] so [Music] so so sort of want to double mostly uh obviously on the left-hand side oh we're getting some coins up there so on the right hand side i'll go for ammo on the left hand side i'm just going to load it right up so [Music] oh this thing is hard it is hard i don't think it's going to shift all right that was my last three coins all right let's tally it up see what we got all right another 80 bucks hey there that helps oh yeah i've got to be in the profit now surely well didn't even see it uh coins as to be expected uh please don't write that in in the comments i knew that was going to happen so i'ma just take a look at the top deck so there's probably 70 coins maybe 80 at best i'll go back to coin hunting coin hunting [Music] so [Music] so that top deck that's pretty pretty much triple sacked more in some areas come on hold it up thank you welcome to the party and what a party it is so man i can't believe 130 coins in rapid fire didn't shift it yeah they've definitely got this top tray worked out i'll tell you that oh nice that's 70 bucks i saw that good thing is there's still a lot of coins hanging up hanging around the edge [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] you little guilty that's 90 right there hey thanks uh coins yep doing better on coins pull it back up to about 110 120 coins i'm going to do the same thing i'm just really hunting for coins um i'll have another crack at that when i get like 150 up around there somewhere that way if i do end up losing 50 coins it's not going to hurt me too much and there's still plenty of money down the bottom there don't get me wrong on that last cleanout i literally turned the camera off and within a second all this corner came out i'm like bugger [Music] i want to get some coins over to the left but the machine's not letting me i don't want to use um skill stop because i reckon i'm still going to be here for quite a while and the last thing i need is my back to give way on me so i mean that's a game killer right there so i'm just going to keep plugging away at it so [Music] so [Music] oh come on hey that was my last one all right let's tell you it up see what we got all right another 20 bucks to the collection you got there uh yep coins are going okay so there's about 110 120 coins there so we're just gonna keep going hunting and plus i'm trying to push these guys here a little bit closer to the edge [Music] oh look at that look at that i wonder i'm gonna try something a little bit stupid here but if you don't experiment you don't [Music] know okay that didn't work [Music] oh nice [Music] so [Music] you see that hundred there on the right hand side every now and then he likes to come up to towards the edge and just take a bit of a pick or a peek over the edge i'm gonna catch him out i'm like a crocodile you come too close to the water [Music] come on [Music] okay i've got one coin left i really don't want on the right hand side let's just wait for the left [Music] all right all right let's tell it up see what we got okay back to about 70 coins i reckon so that's not too good [Music] all right so i'm just going to concentrate a little bit on the left see if i can get some of that off one of those hundreds come off [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh one of those hundreds is coming off i'm not i haven't got the coins to go nuts with it so i'm just gonna wait and see what happens so they're gonna come off or not that was my last coin oh that's definitely coming off now there's no he's at the point and they return there's no way he's coming back and take a look at that big big clump that is huge all right let's go tally it up all right another 100 bucks yeah you beauty i wasn't 100 sure if one to fall or not i didn't see it fall it just looked a little bit different up there uh coins yeah about 70 coins so i'm hoping to get all that off and increase that to about 100. ah talking about hundreds look at that one hanging off see if i get it off oh yeah so [Music] come on coin thank you all right three coins left [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tally it up see what we got okay um yeah not looking good there at all so about 50 coins at most so um i thought well i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong here so have a quick break and uh yes yes yes i cracked a tinny they're like seven bucks here holy really yeah um 50 coins so yeah so i decided to have like a little tiny break i'm sitting right i was sitting right outside the door there anyway i'm just watching all my stuff so other stuff literally just go everywhere um so i'm just going to refocus on what on what's going on because you know having 130 coins to having 50 coins clearly i'm doing something wrong so uh i just wanted to refocus and yeah all right looking for coins back to basics [Music] [Music] so i'm guessing that on the right hand side is what happens when you load the top deck up when you load it up i've noticed that was happening now when i was going really easy and i was basically removing coins from the top that disappeared so i'm hoping to get that to disappear again [Music] and that's probably not the best way to do it one coin at a time on the ends i don't like my chances of getting that nugget i think it's gonna fall through my fingers again i'm gonna take a look at it under the lights that thing is gorgeous could you imagine finding that oh man okay i got one coin left come on give me a big push i'll take it all right let's tally it up see what we got okay i think we're still on the down downhill slide here so uh yeah there's probably about 40 coins at best what am i doing wrong probably nothing i'm sure you guys will have comments saying what i'm doing wrong [Music] talking about comments i won't mention your name but you'll know straight away who this is um he he left a comment saying that the tokens have big ridges on them okay i've never really thought about it so um i mean i've never seen um like a quarter like uh i mean i've seen the quarter don't get me wrong i've seen a quarter i've actually held a quarter but it was a real old quarter and it had no rims or anything on it plus i wasn't even looking for that sort of thing apparently these these tokens once again as i said i've never thought of it have big rims on them unlike um the quarters that you guys have so um yeah they were saying that that makes a difference [Music] so i'm just wondering how much of it [Music] works come on give me some real big pushes because i need them as long as coins are falling into the hopper i can't be doing something too bad that 100 is about to fall that was my last coin come on all right let's tell you that see what we've got okay we're climbing up that hill again so it's probably a good solid 50 coins there [Music] nice well i think 100 went too yeah i reckon it did it looked definitely looks different [Music] double stacking the ends oh he escaped [Music] last coin all right let's tally it up so what we got okay back to 40 coins bonus i got 100 i do enjoy winning those hundreds so yeah back back to about 40 coins i'm just gonna concentrate now on the center part and that's it i try not to go too much to the ends on either end ah my queen's got stuck [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tell it up see what we got we actually did so much better than i thought there's probably 60 70 coins there a little ripper so that worked by doing that but pounding the middle yeah obviously i'm not going to do it now i don't need to that's exactly how i learned um you guys have given me the ideas obviously i put those ideas into practice uh it's not that i don't believe you i get ideas about the same thing you know some people are saying yes that's a great idea to double stake the top no that's a really bad idea and a waste of coins to double stack the top so you know i'll double stack the top just to see um and you know and that's how i learn and you know learning is is probably a lot better than a handful of handful of coins because you've got that forever pretty much as long as you don't just forget everything and that's sort of me i keep having to relearn myself i mean repeat myself sorry it's good english [Music] oh that was a nice fish well that whole bottom tray is shifting so i've got an idea i might backfire on me [Music] i need the coins to fall first [Music] [Music] that's exactly what i was trying to do oh you bloody ripper hey [Music] okay i'm holding one coin let's get it to the far left that was supposed to be far left all right let's tell it up see what we got yeah that worked oh yeah look at that that was a massive fall um 110 maybe 120. [Music] i probably wouldn't do stuff like that if i didn't already know i've got a profit because that could very easily backfire and you could lose everything you know lose all the all the um tokens in your hand but i've already got a profit so right now is the best time for me to be learning it's the best time for me to be um testing different things because if it does backfire it's not like as if i'm walking home or you know i'm going home with a loss just means the potential of winning more has been [Music] eradicated [Music] [Music] nice [Music] come on come on come on come on go go go [Music] come on trying to aim for this side here to get these chips off but they're just so stubborn and this machine just does not like playing the left i might actually wait for that to come back back across and wait to still still stop in and i've got five coins in my hand so i'll get them in trust me i won't be able to do it for much longer than five oh idiot four coins left [Music] right that sort of worked i mean it did move oh excuse me no i don't have coronavirus [Music] okay um all right that's third wave yep can i have a fourth wave please oh looks like one's trying to shift all right let's tally it up so oh that's fourth wave all right let's tell it up see what we got okay um yeah that's probably back to about 90 coins so as i said i can hold 100 in my hand that's about 90. [Music] all right let's keep going [Music] i can't see me getting that that gold nugget off the top there it's just not budging i mean it's always nice to try [Music] oh i'm not sure where that came from or when again really what's going on here how many coins are stuck up there oh that was nice ah i can't budge them that's 150 bucks right there [Music] out of ten coins i just got one at one return okay last coin all right let's tally it up or is he gonna fall yeah he's gonna fall all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] yeah now we're smashing it with coins take a look hey uh yeah going really well with that uh there's gotta be i don't know 120 maybe a few more [Music] so [Music] so they've definitely slid back uh over here in the left hand corner uh the 150 bucks they're sliding around the place but unfortunately they're not sliding towards the hopper [Music] come on puts a whole new meaning on writing done it [Music] i'm not sure if that's my coins just coming out from somewhere at the top or there's just going stuck up there [Music] what's up girl you look at that [Music] until seeing something like that but that gives me hope to get that gold off i just don't know if i'm gonna have the coins for it whoa i may have scared the out of me [Music] there's some coins for them i don't think they're the ones i'm putting in there i'm not too sure [Music] so oh that was the last of my coins nada not a thing all right let's tell you that see what we got okay about 100 coins there maybe 110 so i've come to the conclusion nothing is moving uh there's nothing on there that's actually shifting obviously that new hundred dollar chip up there he'll come down but then he'll probably get stuck like the rest of them have what i'm going to do is look this this is either going to make the game or it's going to break the game so not literally break it but i'll run out of coins i've got to get things moving [Music] there's no point in me doing what i'm doing because i'm just risking losing my my tokens anyway for what for nothing i'm not getting any financial gain back out of it so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to absolutely smash that top throw with everything i've got if i jam the machine up i jam it up and i'm about to drop all my coins oh that's better i think that's uh but whether that's a good idea or it's not a good idea you guys are probably yelling at your tv right now saying don't do it [Music] but i've got to do something something here i mean it's just not moving there's nothing shifting i don't want to be standing here for three hours just gonna try to win 50 bucks when i've got a potential of losing way more than that already i can see that 100 shifting a little bit closer [Music] so there is method to my madness so [Music] so now we're getting some movement right across the table next to me oh why wouldn't you that was my last coin all right let's tell you it up see what we got well are they gonna fall i reckon they're gonna fall all right let's talk it up oh yeah well i did a lot better than i was expecting i was expecting to lose at least half like half my coins then but there's still probably a good solid hundred in there so i'm going to do it again and just keep moving stuff except when i'm on the far right hand side as you can see they're piling up that's not really helping me at all so i'll just go one other time on the far right so i'll smash the rest of it oh nice did you see what happened it actually landed on the bottom tray and bounced up and landed on the top tray so its final destination was in the same place just how it got there was different oh see that one oh look at that feel that gold nugget this move it's sort of hanging over the edge there a little bit oh there's no way surely there's no way always given up on it come on come on come on yeah stop unbastard [Music] that was my last coin come on come on please come off all right let's tell you it up i hope i got some coins yeah i'm still going good i'm still going real good so i don't know if there's a hundred there but hey oh what happened there oh something just fell i think it was a um um chip well it might have been that happy chip that was there all right let's get this thing off [Music] come on damn [Music] oh look how close that's getting look how close that's getting i've never put come on i've never put coins in the machine so fast [Music] [Music] i mean that nugget's got to be worth well over a thousand dollars so i'm gonna give it everything i've got [Music] come on please fall off [Music] oh no just keep sliding back i think it just needs one really good shelf that was my last coin no these are sliding back so the 150 bucks on the left hand side they're sliding look at the coins just it's like a waterfall there's so many coins at the top look at them i can just sit here for 10 minutes and just watch it all right let's tear it up see what we got okay got that 100 coins yeah i don't think we're losing any at all so around the same my battery lights flashing away there so i'm just going to uh i'm just going to keep going until it dies [Music] well i can't believe it happens to move uh he wants to come off [Music] so yeah i reckon my camera's gonna turn off any minute now [Music] [Music] i'm giving it everything i've got i just can't get it i'm getting the hunters off though yep i don't think it's gonna move i really don't think it's gonna move that was my last coin take a look at the coins in there that's intense all right i'm gonna go change the battery over because i don't want it to turn off um and uh yeah i'll be back in a second plus i'm gonna tally it up [Music] okay um so i've got a new battery and there's probably about 70 80 queens there um so while i was cleaning it out it was doing that so basically uh coins were dropping off uh and they'll continuously pushing coins off the edge so um i could just sit here or watch it there were so many coins i don't think i'm getting that gold off i mean the amount of coins i put up the top there uh that should have definitely got it off so um what i'm going to do now is i'm just going to try to take some of the coins off of the top tray that's my goal but yeah i think i'm giving up on the gold that's a shame [Music] well i did manage to get a couple more hundreds off the top so hey you can't be upset with that [Music] [Music] highest [Music] so pretty much what i'm targeting that 50 to 200 and there's still 150 in fact there's actually 250 just here so uh i mean if i can empty that off bonus but yeah i've pretty much stopped on the goal it's just uh it's just not going to happen [Music] i mean let's face it that thing's got to be worth well over a thousand dollars um so yeah you really wouldn't put it in an easy place to win would you [Music] [Music] all right two coins that was it nice come on [Music] all right let's tell you it up see what we got yeah there's like 70 80 coins there i need to start getting uh getting some of these chips out of there [Music] this video is going to be like two hours long but i know i know you you know you guys say that you like the the long videos but yeah i mean this is uh a very long one so i do apologize for that [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that 150 on the left is getting real close to going over sorry the 250 [Music] oh there's a hundred of them all right we're starting to get a bit of money there are still so many coins at the top okay that's my last two coins all right let's tell you that okay you're beauty another hundred bucks hey oh yeah uh queens yeah we're doing really well on queens is probably a good solid 80 coins there [Music] all right let's keep going so another one escaped oh there goes a hundred [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on there's a massive clump right there [Music] [Music] that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] all right look at this oh i got two hundreds i did not see the second one for little beauty it's all profit for me uh coins yeah we're definitely losing coins so it's probably 60 coins there uh i'm aiming for that section right [Music] there [Music] all right just shifted so that 50 note on the left hand on that 50 chip on the left hand side that just keeps sliding down i don't think i'll get him [Music] right now i'm concentrating on the 50 that's middle right [Music] [Music] ah there it goes that big clump [Music] okay one more coin all right let's delete it see where we win okay another 50 bucks uh coins yeah i reckon we've gone up again so probably about 70 75 coins here all right so i'm just watching that 100 that's on that side there obviously all this clump here that 50 i've been watching him for a while now and he just constantly keeps sliding backwards so i'm not too concerned about that one [Music] [Music] nice come on so so [Music] so [Music] so oh next door that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tally it up see what we got [Music] okay still got about 60 65 coins there [Music] [Music] so oh nice well it is moving ever so slightly [Music] [Music] that was my last coin come on okay let's tally it up see how we went okay that's not too good uh that's about 50 coins at most probably more like 45. i've got one more run i'll see where that hundreds at i'll do my best not to double stack them [Music] it's not moving very quick [Music] come on nice that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so we went they're not bad at all there uh that's about 75 maybe 80 coins all right so i'm still trying for that hundred i've already given up on the 50 that's just that thing just keeps sliding all over the place [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh i'd like to get that 150 off and then i can see i've cleaned out the bottom deck oh that 50 is on the move so i've come to the conclusion that um it's the second time they've put that that gold nugget off up on the top and if i can't win it i don't know if anybody else can that was my last coin oh 50 just dropped i haven't given up on the idea um of that thing coming off i mean i nearly had that off that was so close it was ridiculous uh i think i was just unlucky uh all my timing may have been out just a little bit but um yeah i just didn't get that coin in exactly the right spot you know it might have been off two millimeters you never know um but that's all it takes so um i'm not giving up on that so if i see you know obviously if i see it up there again yeah i'm going to want to play it so uh but anyway let's tell you see what we got okay got another 50 bucks [Music] uh coins yeah that's not too good so maybe 55 coins that's all right i'm aiming for that that hundred dollars um i'd love to be able to say that i've just completely cleaned off the hit you know the entire bottom deck but as you can see there are coins all the way along i don't think i'll have a problem doing it [Music] [Music] oh boy well it's definitely moving last coin all right let's tell it up so what we got okay so we're hanging around the 50. that's fine oh see how far went in [Music] oh nice oh three coins left come on can i drop it in three coins no i know by doing that ah move two i'm just gonna wait [Music] no i can't drop it all right let's tell you it up see what we got [Music] what a clean up hey there's got to be a hundred coins in there all right so i'm pretty much just going to play the right [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right i'm gonna throw them in really fast last ditch effort uh have a crack at that nugget i don't think it's gonna work [Music] [Music] now i think i'm going to give that up as a bad joke that's not even shifting all that's doing is costing me coins i don't want to be doing that come on if i can get that hundred off there that might give me a really good push um somebody else can plant and try to win the hundred so oh it's moving oh yeah oh yeah beautiful all right um i don't know if i should keep planning to try to go for that clump there i might i'll tell you what i'll do i'll use that uh there's probably 15 to 16 coins there i'm going to try to get that off if i can't get it off using that bad luck i'm gonna stop if it comes off and i've still got coins in my hand i'll stop see how we go [Music] [Music] [Music] that was my last two coins anyone else want to come off all right i'm going to tell you it all up and i'll be back all right another 100 bucks yeah oh yeah thank you um coins yeah i mean i'd like to think that there's about 100 in there but i don't think there is there's more like 80 to 90. um i'm going to count them up in a minute so just to see how accurate i am so yeah i'll be back in a minute with the tellies sorry i'm just marking around here um take a look at it not bad concern this was going to be a game where i thought i was just basically going to get my uh get my money back with a little tiny tiny bit of profit so that is huge so the telly goes i've got 120 in notes i've got 1 220 in chips i had 83 coins so uh i am pretty accurate with my guessing on coins um which is 249 dollars uh all that added up is 1 589 now it cost me 250 to play and i can't stop watching that gold right now um which is 1 339 um so yeah one thousand three hundred and thirty nine dollars profit so far so uh oh yeah you know i would probably swap all of that for that gold nugget right now i might even offer that but anyway um yeah let me go catch all this in i'll be back in a minute [Music] sorry at least get it the right way around they all right yeah that is massive absolutely massive um wow so basically what i've done is um there's one thousand two hundred and fifty dollars right here sorry let me turn that up um yeah so there's 1 250 right here right now i've given 89 bucks to the tin uh yep that makes me happy and this holding this amount of money makes me happy too so wow considering i thought when i first saw this obviously i saw the gold nugget as the first thing i saw but um realizing that i would never get it off but if i didn't get half of those chips off the top tray yeah the profit margin would have been way less and i knew that was going to happen so but i wanted to have a go at it anyway uh expecting to lose it all but uh yeah what a massive profit what a great game uh very long game um very tiring game i am buggered um so i know this one went for a long time so i do apologise for that but yeah hey i'll fight it to the end and look at the bottom tray there is not another thing on that so that makes me happy too i feel i feel i've done my job right now so so if you like what you see give me a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and i'll see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 5,294
Rating: 4.9263802 out of 5
Id: maWggSU3njg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 17sec (6557 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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