Aussie Coin Pusher EP 136

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[Music] tasting poison couldn't push it here well i've never seen a tower like this before take a look and see what's on top of it nice um yeah i've been trying to look at this thing and um you know what i reckon the top heavy that's what i think i'm thinking it's top heavy i don't reckon it's gonna be all that difficult to knock over anyway i've got a hundred coins oh i say good day joe 100 questions a thousand bucks there yeah that one hurt um so yes that's definitely interesting i was expecting um was expecting massive um chip towers and i used to start running through my mind all right so what i want to do is i just want to find the gaps i've already got a bit of a plan if i can push off some of those 50s and 100s off the top try and give me a good push with them that'll be a bonus [Music] all right plenty of gaps oh [Music] oh gaps everywhere [Music] oh well i've got 100 coins i don't need to be really really super careful with them [Music] but i am just going to go slow all right movement on the left that's a good thing [Music] let's attack the left for a little bit [Music] yeah i'll tell you what cool but i'm nervous this morning i was thinking all different types of things i'm actually really happy with what i'm seeing at the moment [Music] i mean i don't want to say it but i think this thing's going to be top heavy i don't think it's going to take all that much to knock over i mean i could be totally wrong too i might not get it over right now i'm just going for coins [Applause] [Music] okay so left side is definitely moving right side moved a little bit obviously none of this has moved whatsoever which no that's moved which means that hasn't moved so in one of the comments um i'm pretty sure it's tim he just left me a comment just saying that um he doesn't understand why i waste coins looking for gaps and all that sort of stuff it's not just for looking for gaps i generally try to use 10 coins or less today i've got 100 coins so it doesn't really matter too much but normally what i'm doing is i'm looking to see how the game is playing sometimes the right hand side won't move at all but the left will so then i had i know i'll play the left and i'll leave the right will alone um it sort of gives me an idea on how the game's going to play that's why i do right at the start i generally drop one coin in left right and middle just gives me an indication and an idea on how to play the game because every game is different that's a good push hey i have to admit coming down here i got the butterflies i got very very nervous uh i tried to uh just say to myself it's just another game a thousand dollars that's a lot of money potentially two thousand i'm only allowed one buying uh regardless of what happens i'm only allowed one by him [Music] oh nice and i really want to avoid that maybe i was wrong about that tower [Music] ah did not give me a push oops i've got one coin left [Music] stick it to the right hand side [Music] all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] well we've got 100 coins back i reckon uh not too many more but at least we've got some um got 100 back yeah i reckon i was totally wrong about that tower has not lost its shape it's sounds pretty strong [Music] i just want to pick up the pace just a little bit oh that 100 gave me a push [Music] so [Music] so [Music] come on oh yes not much happened but it definitely got a push out of it [Music] that was my last no it wasn't sami's got him oh no i thought the towel will start to lean but i don't think it is if i go home with nothing or very little that ant would have been the least of my problems you know what i'm saying [Music] all right let me push nice come on oh that definitely made that tower lean a little oh nice one [Music] [Music] oh that was all my coins [Music] all right that tower is a lot stronger than i was expecting all right let's tie it up so what i got [Music] 500 bucks bloody ripper i saw 50 bucks go over that's how uh that's how much i watch this bottom part i don't really look at it very very rarely unless i know something's about to fall well then i'll watch it but coins yeah we've got a little a little bit more than a hundred that's pretty there's probably like 2 170 180 coins [Music] and we haven't even knocked the tower down yet there were that many coins [Music] i sort of can't knock it down i reckon [Music] i have to admit my timing's pretty good oh wow oh look a silver landed right near the edge nice where's the other ones there's another one just there's another one oh i had two at the back little bit your team look at all the money on there that is insane [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on seymour i want to hear your singing voice what do we want to listen to today what about a bit of bony ends oh come on go see more push like you've never pushed before [Music] look at the timing one double stack out of all those oh when i got paid for it thank you oh my gosh oh yeah that was probably like 50 coins that just fell then that i saw [Music] [Music] come on [Music] that whole bottom tray is about to [Music] explode [Music] that was all my coins nice all right let's tell it up so what i got totally forgot about the silvers um but i did pull 750 bucks out of it holy that's absolutely awesome and two silvers oh yeah now very gentle [Music] coins they just keep going i know i can get 326 coins in this probably more if i shoved them in there so that's got to be close to 300 i'm calling 280 maybe 290 coins that's ridiculous and take a look at see how many coins are still in there and if i can crack 400 coins today that would be so bloody good eh [Music] [Music] oh nice that's what happens that's what happens when you're trying to get coins in fast you stuff it right up [Music] oh nice keep singing buddy oh thank you that sounded chunky [Music] oh wow i've noticed my timing's totally gone to [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] now i trust just slow my queens off so i keep stuffing it up all the time what do we got one two three four five six two one one two three seven plus two [Music] silvers [Music] so [Music] nice look at how fast that came off that's like 500 bucks in a matter of what 60 seconds oh you can't steal money that fast [Music] it's definitely changed from the last time i looked at it i don't really need to be playing too much of the right hand side that little clump will fall off on its own [Music] [Music] [Music] come on silvers you can beat the hundreds in there [Music] [Music] there's one of them [Music] so oh thank you [Music] two silvers to go i'm not leaving them in there there's no chance [Music] no i'm not coming back to work [Music] oh there was one silver i'll be back ah stop stop i'm back i'm sorry i'll be back [Music] oh yeah yeah buddy up there with your mates yeah get this other one down i don't need to be playing well anywhere really accepting for the far left so i know i haven't been talking a lot but i've actually been like really really full blown in deep concentration trying to just watch the problems you know so i'm working on my timing all that sort of stuff oh no come on i got two coins in my hand can i get it with two coins i doubt it because look at the top tray it's light come on come on push it over for me no no no you're in trouble now i've got another 60 coins [Music] i don't want to put in any extra coins that i don't need to i really didn't need to double stack oh come on that is so close [Music] all right it is actually starting to build up a little bit on the right hand side but other than that take a look at it look how empty this thing is oops come on push it over come on do you want to play the butt oh my battery light's flashing already [Music] bloody battery died just as my silver fell right oh spewing anyway there's my silver nice look at that sixteen hundred and fifty dollars one thousand six hundred and fifty bucks plus a silver in my hand i'll get stuffed no chance [Applause] well i can see how people can get addicted easily to gambling um so easy to get get addicted to gambling i've got to be a lot more careful than that [Music] take a look at this that's sammy so there's way more than 300 coins in here and that's not all folks joe's got about 100 coins in him so i reckon i reckon i'm very close to the 400 coins um so yeah oh wow what a game what an absolute rip snorter game i'll tell you i'm sweating i had all different kinds of things going through my mind last night and this morning what's going to be in here um you know and my missus wasn't overly happy about me playing a thousand dollar buying because obviously i always bring two thousand um and uh yeah she was not happy about that at all so uh i sort of talked her into it but uh oh i'll tell you what if i had a loss today that ant uh yeah he wouldn't he would have been the least of my problems [Music] if you know what i'm saying um but yeah uh i mean i'm looking at a stack of a hundreds i'm looking at stacks of 50s up there um plus all the coins you know i mean if there's 400 coins in there that's 1200 bucks not just in the coins of the south holy plus my four silvers um so yes i mean when whenever there's silver's in here that's like my pay um because you know we don't spend them obviously you don't spend them but we don't sell them um you know they're they're just there and i play with them all the time so you know i'm always in the safe always looking at them um and even that silver bar that that i went out of here a while back um you know i sit there i'll polish it all up with a piece of toilet paper not my coins i don't do that with my coins i just look at them um and that's my pay all the money that comes out of here obviously goes to my wife and then goes to bills and wages and insurances and house macy um so that'll get you know spread up so um oh what an absolute ripper game oh man that was just um that was unbelievable that was i'm gonna go tally everything up but i'm gonna get back to you i cannot wait for it to find out how much i got [Music] look at it just take a look at those chips oh oh man that is a massive pile of cash that is joe is chockers um he's chockers with coins so the telly goes i've got 2 200 in chips i got 500 bucks in cash i ended up with 419 coins new little bloody ripper that's 1 257 bucks and everything together is 3 951 minus the grand that i paid to play it two thousand nine hundred and fifty seven bucks that's my profit two thousand nine hundred and fifty seven dollars oh oh wow oh man i have the shakes like you wouldn't believe um i have actually gone and bought myself just trying to calm down a bit because uh yeah oh what a what a game what a game uh i bet your dave won't do that again i mean the towel was harder than i expected but yeah it still wasn't the hardest i've had so um oh what a little ripper game now now i don't have to worry about my my privates now when i go home so i get to keep them you little beauty oh man i'm stoked all right i'm gonna go catch everything in um i'd love to play the other side but the rules are that in a buy-in i'm not allowed to use any of my tokens that i get from this side any other in the other game i've literally got to go catch them all in and then buy another whatever i want to play the other side um that's just what the rules are so um and another rule is that um dave has mentioned uh he said not this game but it may happen on the next game uh the next buy-in game um i'm only allowed to have 50 coins so at the moment uh you know like a they're like 10 bucks a piece or something like that so if i have a thousand dollar buy-in i'm only starting the game with 50 coins um i don't know how i feel about that that's um yeah he reckons i'm too good he reckons um he can't stop me this is his words not mine um i mean i would never say that about myself anyway so um yeah so um i don't know i don't know how when he said that to me sort of i was on a massive high so um he said that when i went up and got the bourbon uh i was on a you know when i was stoked and then he said that to me it was like a big kick in the nuts so i wish he hadn't told me straight away so it's sort of just taken all the fun out of it but anyway i'll think about that later right now i just want to think about you know 2 957 bucks bloody hell holy i'm sorry if you don't like my swearing but uh that's a lot of money to me that is a massive amount of money to me so i can't believe it plus i got four silvers don't forget my silvers oh my little babies oh look at the backside oh wow oh take a look at the shine on them oh where's the shine of course i'm trying to show you this on um this one here is like a mirror i hope they haven't cleaned it but anyway um beautiful coins absolutely stunning coins yeah um i'm gonna go catch everything in and i will be back [Music] oh look how big that is they can't believe that i did that so fast i've got no idea what the time is um i know i say i'm a lot i do apologize for that too yeah i've got no idea uh it could be was this an hour game was it an hour and a half i don't know i got no idea whatsoever now it feels like it was a five minute game to me so and i'm walking out with that uh 1 800 bucks right there uh so 150 bucks went to the tin seven bucks went to the uh tipster i know it was only seven bucks but it all adds up for him wow what a game what a day as i said i'd love to go play that other side i'm not going to i really want to go home and take macy out for a walk um she's you know she's i want to try to get her back to normality although she's still wearing a cone she'll be in that for a the week and a half so she's getting used to it though so everything's all sweet there so anyway if you liked the video give us a thumbs up uh i'm mind blown i can't think of what to say subscribe if you haven't that's it something like that anyway um so i'm super stoked so uh yeah i'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,880
Rating: 4.8974357 out of 5
Id: tFpHJ5RqVDc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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