Aussie Coin Pusher EP 121

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[Music] [Laughter] um yeah there's um actually you add all that up there's quite a lot in there so um you can see the middle or the middle there he's got all queens there different uh yeah i know he's just testing different stuff i suppose i don't i don't really know but anyway i have 50 coins here so i have solved one of my issues and i'm in a good mood and so this past i don't know a week i suppose i've been trying to simply just not drink anything basically i'm trying to lose weight so and these things here well yeah they're not too good for you so um but i thought you know what stuff it i'm going to come here i'm going to enjoy myself i want to crack a tiny or two and that's exactly what i've done so anyway i've got 50 coins i've got no idea what this thing is going to do um but i'm going to start pushing to find out bloody wall [Music] all right there's no point in looking for gaps i think right now my main number one rule is just don't double stack anything i think i'm just gonna need every single coin i can get my hands on coin wise is not too bad i mean it's a little bit light on the top as you can see i'm not getting a lot of drops but totally just bent his wall [Applause] i'm just going really really easy right now real easy i don't want to do anything silly i don't have a lot of coins and theoretically i should be playing half of it not yet i'm not buddy i'm working on it though [Music] oh that's a good push [Music] oh wouldn't it be nice if i could just push that stuff straight over the edge okay um i've only got a very small handful of coins left so i'm just going to play the right hand side with what i've got left which is what i should have done right from the start and i know that yes i found the gap oh man all right come on oh so close that was my last coin i know there's only a few dropped [Music] oh that was so close it's so close all right let's tell it up see what i got i was hoping for more looks like i've had 12 coins oh i've got 100 bucks in my car if i need it which obviously i really really don't want to try that so once again i'm just going to go right hand side oh thank you i do like getting a freebie come on [Music] oops that was my last coin all right we're getting some movement take a look at it hey take a look at that wall [Laughter] sorry dave all right let's tell it up to what i got okay i reckon we did pretty good then that's probably like 20 22 something like that i don't really know if i should keep going to the right there's just not a lot of coins there i mean the middle looks pretty good oh come on i need every corner take a risk oh i went for it it totally fight off oh i took another risk and totally backfired all right let's tell it up to what i got all right there's like all right some 30 coins i can't be affording that [Music] you're a winner i took a chance oh totally backfired on me [Music] there's my last two coins okay as you can see take a look at it hey nice s bend in it there's a nice chunk of coins right there that's what i want i'm not sure if i'm gonna be able to get him it's s-bending for a reason so uh anyway i'm gonna tell you up to what i got okay um i'm borderlining on being in the newer i really am um because what i'm seeing at the moment is there's only a certain amount of coins here then you've got the chips but then you're obviously going to have a gap in between there's not any queens there apart from these guys here in the middle um oh noah means um sorry i do have a tendency of forgetting sometimes it's just my normal talk um so yeah so i think i'm in the uh yeah i think i'm in the yeah yeah not the not good um i'm concerned so i've got to get at least half of this off to give me a chance i reckon i'm going to get absolutely blown out of the water here so i'm just going to go real easy just a double double [Music] i like to try to see the potential issues before they actually happen that way i can try to do something about it before i'm completely stuffed i think i am in a lot of trouble here [Music] oh i took a chance in the backfield again jace gotta stop that [Music] come on give me some pushes okay that was my last two coins nice i'll take them okay let's tell it up see what i got okay definitely in the newer uh yeah that's not good so maybe 20 if i'm lucky but i did get a tenner now i just need another tenor so i can get flowers i have a tennis here thinking i might need those i mean it looks great if i had 100 coins oh come on oh thank you there's a bit of money there probably like 70 bucks oh yeah yes i need you to go the other way okay that was my last coin but the top tray is just absorbing coins at the moment okay oh look at this on this side here i might target that next i reckon um i mean obviously i'm going to try to get this but i might target this side here there's quite a lot of coins there all right let's tell it see what i got all right there's 80 bucks there nice but the problem is yeah there's not a lot of coins either so so that 80 with the 10 that i've already got that's 90. well i can pull out another i mean if i can drop that guy there i might be able to use those coins ah use that money to buy more coins all right let's go for the left hand side [Music] and the middle oh jason that's what i'm trying to do come on last coin come on last hope oh no oh hang on that calls for another swig anyway before i do that i'm going to tell you it up well i totally read it i read it right but unfortunately i read it too late that's my issue right now i've got to read things a lot faster so um i mean it's very hard because you know you're concentrating on other things you know you're trying not to double stack you know you've got 100 things running through your mind at the same time and yeah every now and then like what's happened right now i saw it but unfortunately it was a little bit too late i got what is that five coins five or six i haven't got my glasses on but i'm thinking it's five all right i think what i'm gonna do is i'm going to attack hard if they double stack and that will stack give me a better push totally more arse than class all right let's tally it up all right probably got a little more than 20 coins there plus 20 bucks nice all right but i'm still in the noah because you can see that's the only coins coined coins not obviously chips that's really close to the edge everything else i mean there's four coins on that side there's like three coins on that side i think i'm in trouble still but we'll see i've um i've got myself out of worse predicaments in this before thank you ah that totally was not my fault [Music] that was my last coin bugger all right let's tell you that's what i got okay i actually did a lot better than i thought i did nice i mean i knew some coins fell but i did not expect that there's like 30 coins so we [Applause] [Music] so i'm torn between a rock and a hard place at the moment um i've got two options that are just like in my face like hardcore in my face that i can follow but i can't do them both at the same time so what do i what do i do do i attack this because that's really the only coins that are close to the edge and i need coins do i attack that or do i attack this on this side here and hopefully get some of that off so i can buy more coins if i need to but i don't know i don't know so let's just have a crack in the middle and just see what the middle does that's totally not the middle mate [Music] [Applause] now you know what i actually think i should i should be attacking the right hand side that's probably a really bad decision oh go the middle jace go the middle [Music] so oh come on i frustrate myself so much by doing stupid things like that and that oh come on okay i got one coin left [Music] oh i've got to go the middle [Music] bugger all right just um let's tell it up see what i got so i totally forget to i forgot to guess again so um yep uh mike that bourbon i'm drinking now that's my pay 40 bucks that's good um probably like 22 23 coins not so good but it's better than having four coins isn't it always got to look for positives oh nice oh i never got a bonus i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to tack middle left and i think i'll just leave the right will align because that's really tempting but i think that'll use up a lot of coins oh so close oh payday i might need that divide more chips to buy more tokens yet trust me i'm only holding two that was all of them oh so close look how close it is i don't even know what's holding that up anyway let's tell it up see what i got all right there's 120 bucks there and there's probably yeah less than 10 coins there might even be 10 coins i think there's like eight coins there 120 20 bucks all right go for the guts chase go for the guts [Music] oh people must look at me thinking who the hell am i talking to i'm talking to you guys all right come on that was my last coin oh man did anything fall i don't even know if something fell huh i'm gonna have a look if it didn't i'm gonna use all my chips up there to buy some more chips no tokens well i got two coins nice and two is better than one i'm just gonna dump them both in and see what happens you know totally smashing it all right um yep i'm gonna tell you that up okay so i just turned two coins into ten bucks and probably nine oh coins oh really i'm bouncing [Applause] i had to do something i took a big risk let's tell you it up see what i got okay so i turned uh two tokens into 30 bucks all right plus the other 10 and i reckon there's probably 12 to 13 coins [Music] i mean you always got to take a risk every now and then when you try not to that's generally how you lose oh come on and that's how you can lose two you don't want to be doing too much of that oh nice [Music] all right so much money is about to fall either chips or tokens it doesn't really matter either way that's so much of it oh i got four coins i'm going to take another risk well yeah that sort of worked i'll take it that was my last coin let's see what you could do with one coin it's amazing all right let's tell you that see what i got okay 180 bucks probably 20 coins um i don't think i've ever come back from two coins before i do remember having a game where i had four coins left and i actually did really well uh but two coins oh man this is the don't ever give up attitude this is what it can do for you and uh a lot of us i think this machine right now just needs a bit of a push along well well i've still got some coins left i think it needs um just rather than one coin at a time there's my last three coins [Music] oh so close all right let's tell it up see what i got not bad not bad at all i was not expecting that so it's probably 30 coins maybe all right if i pick up the pace [Music] i just want to see what it's going to do i think it's going to do a good thing oh nearly come on there's a whole stack of things want to go over oh there's two stacks of pins well there goes one of them and a butt load of coins i think oh nice totally payday this is my last three coins all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] i'll tell you what i am slicker than our two coins i had two coins i'm actually a little impressed with myself um i've totally forgotten how much is here is like 230 240 bucks i'm sure you can count it yourself that is not bad i'm even gonna start yourself another stack coins i reckon there's like 55 to 60 coins probably even 70 coins in there man i can't believe it totally can't believe it from two coins oh man all right let's pee on the right because i want to get paid again because i haven't been paid for such a long time that's my phone [Music] so that's what message bank is for nice oh i reckon that ring time i hate it i cannot change i don't know how to change it i can't forget to ask courtney to uh change it for me that's what you're supposed to do with it ask your kids oh nice i don't want to go too nuts just yet i do not want to get down to like two coins again totally thought my ass was grass i really did [Music] oh nice [Music] [Music] i actually don't think that's seymour singer i think it's i think it's him howling okay that was my last two coins all right not yet all right not yet all right let's tell you that's what i got okay 160 bucks not bad at all i am wrapped ah let's make that tower that phone call was one of my boys from work he forgot to take a roller cable out of my car this morning and i've got it and he needs it so um i was about to have another bourbon but uh looks like i've got to go back to work so um looks like i don't know 110 coins i reckon ish let's say ish alright let's keep going [Music] i'm not sure if the coin build-up that i'm seeing right now is because of their stacks and they've literally and they're left to reform like this um so i don't know if that's what i'm seeing that you know like the ass end of it uh i hope that is the case oh so looking forward to grabbing another bourbon i shouldn't have checked my phone oh nice oops [Music] i can hear chips going down left right and center [Music] oh stop doing that guys but i'm trying to get coins in fast but i'm doing my best not to double stack them but i'm gonna double stack some but i seem to be double stacking quite a lot [Music] i am trying not to [Music] you little beauty that was a massive stack of coins and that was my last two coins oh no it's not sami's hiding them sammy what have i told you about doing that [Music] all right so we've got a bit of a problem under those stacks of pens that's really building up there so [Music] that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up see what i got 160 bucks nice don't forget i had two coins two coins i'm going to keep saying that because i'm just so i think i'm blind smoking my own ass at the moment hey um queens yeah we're doing really really well on yeah try today i'm watching you um yeah i don't know how many coins just filled in um yeah i reckon there's like i don't know 120 i'm calling 120. i mean i'm probably way off but that's right i'll give you an indication of what and what's what i'm you know what i'm up to top thing [Music] all right so we had a problem on the right hand side so let's have a look at that okay so it doesn't look like there's going to be much movement happening which means it's going to be trapping [Music] coins [Music] so you would have just seen the whole tray shift then but that's this part just along here shifted very small this shifted quite a lot but there's a lot of coins underneath those chips i can't see them but there must be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my getting stuck oh i'm a busy one busy one today i am very popular [Music] all right i'm gonna try something a little stupid here just close your eyes and it totally did not work i was hoping i was going to drop enough to start shifting that and that is stuck so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to pound the absolute the devices out of it and see what happens i'm good at pounding stuff i'm not very good at finesse all right another turner that was my last two coins come on give me a push that'll do all right oh i'm not finished all right let's tell it up so what i got 90 bucks nice that's what i need a few more that would be really nice oh my chip stacks up the top again i imagine dropping a whole chip stack a couple hundred bucks straight down the glass like you'd be pissed for weeks um coins yeah we're doing really good on coins just take a little more flat um yeah i'm calling uh 130 130 coins all right left uh left side is looking pretty good still some coins on there i want the right side plenty of stuff on there so i was going to buy myself another team but now i've got to go back to work i'm going to buy myself another water [Music] can right believe that cost 3.30 ah 3. all right let's start pushing this thing [Music] over [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on give me a push nice big one [Music] so [Music] that was a good chunk [Music] yeah i reckon we've broken its back it's going to start moving now i reckon if i can keep the pressure [Music] so [Music] all right two coins left i've had that salt and pepper song stuck in my head for like last hour you want me to sing it for you i will you'll get stuck in your head too now i'll pass on that [Music] 20 bucks nice queens i reckon we gained a few coins i definitely reckon we gained some coins i'm going um 135 didn't gain many all right let's keep pushing the right [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh that was huge that nearly cleaned the entire machine out of coins sorry seymour [Music] [Music] foreign well it looks like it's going to be stubborn again yesterday the right hand side was just near and impossible to shift looks like it's going to do it again but i got more coins this time i think and my back isn't so sore so yeah you want to play with me seymour oh i got a little push out of it [Music] nice so i think what i'll do is on the on the left hand side i'm gonna do a little coin removal on the right hand side i'm gonna continue pushing so i save as many coins as i can come on give me a push come on see more you can do better than that mate that was my last coin [Music] oh so close that is about to fall all right let's tell you that's what i got 60 bucks nice you should see my my chips at the top okay we definitely lost coins that time but i'm still calling 110 coins in there easy let's do the hand test so now i'm up here you know i just finished my tinny and mike's all you know sort of wondering why okay maybe 95. [Laughter] i never once said that i do call it very accurately come on uh what do we got there um 20 40 60 80 bucks and probably twice that in queens oh that made me look down [Music] oh i'm getting some good pushes [Music] come on so oh nice i was just starting to think it was blocking back up again okay [Music] very close [Music] i better stop doing that [Music] all right let's get some coins off the top into the game earning me some cash [Music] that was my last coin okay not exactly sure what's going on with these guys here they look like they're stuck again everything just seems to be going in underneath i reckon i'll get this guy though hey yeah i've got my eye on you all right let's tell it up see what we've got [Music] okay another 70 dollars nice these chip stacks they look like they're pinnacles uh if you're wondering what the pinnacles are um google it um yeah natural formation uh actually um true story my granddad used to be the very first ranger there so um yeah he used to um live in a caravan actually this is going back in i don't know the early 40s i'm guessing 50s maybe um coins yeah we're going really good really good so um got all those coins back that we lost so it's probably like a hundred and yeah 20 125 so there's actually probably only really a hundred around there somewhere ah let's see if i can get this ten off and see what we can do about these 20s [Music] i just want to watch i just want to watch everything that's going on what's moving what's not moving what do i need to do [Music] so [Music] so oh i'd like to see that 10 slide i think it slid backwards oh [Music] [Music] that's it keep them coming [Music] okay so the 10 thinks he's ice skating around the place [Music] so oh let's see if i can do something with these 20s oh nice nice see the 20 shift camera totally died just then mr professional it is honest but uh mike i've got some good news for you buddy um as i was changing my uh my battery over i am popular today aren't i um i found that sitting on the ground under the camera stand so i cannot remember dropping it i know it didn't slide down here it may have slipped out of my hand and i just didn't notice but anyway as you said my hits the carpet all right let's see what i can do with these [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm totally gonna get that 20. oh yeah 30 bucks to go i can't see me getting it off so i can get that other 20 be nice oh yeah i'm totally getting that one coin left let's go to the left just for shits and gigs and totally nothing happened all right let's tell it up see what i got oh 20 bucks nice so that was steve um yeah he found the cable so guess what that means that just means one thing oh yeah number two back in a flash oh that stuff is so good okay coins yeah i reckon we lost some coins um i got no idea let's just say 110. all right so that means i don't have to go to work i can enjoy myself now i don't have to rush anymore so i'll start to rush there a little bit [Music] i'm just gonna do some coin removal from the top that's so good [Music] i just don't know if i'm going to be able to get that tenant in the time limit i really don't want another you know an hour long or two hour long whatever it's been whatever yesterday's was yesterday it was shocking i totally did not enjoy that now i was so frustrated [Music] um i think i'm gonna go for this little patch here if that falls good but i think i'm going to go for this little patch here i don't think i'm getting that towel i think it's just going to keep slipping and sliding all over the place so i've got a plan if i can get that off quick and uh i might see how about playing the other side [Music] oops that's what i'm trying not to do oh lucky come on push it off so [Music] i reckon that's enough totally didn't mean to drop that oh now look what's happened okay one coin just changed that all right let's go a little bit longer that's enough i'm not even going to put that in this last coin i had obviously i got still got something sammy here send me catch oh good catch um yeah there's i meant from the angle i'm looking at it because i'm looking straight down at it while basically more of an angle like this whereas you guys are looking at it you know on a pretty serious angle there's not a lot that's going to fall off you guys are probably looking at that and thinking holy there's so much that's going to fall off but oh but from what i'm looking at yeah no it's not i can see the basically see the entire bottom tray except for right there all of that i can see that 10 i'm not going to get i mean it'd probably take me another hour to get that that's not worth it so um so yeah so what i'm going to do is i'm going to tally everything up now and yeah i'll get back to you [Music] i'm not giving you a slow mo i'm going very very easy as you can see they are sticking way out of the top of sammy [Laughter] uh yeah trust me you don't want me to drop that uh mike would be drinking for the next three weeks um that is amazing not bad for a day's work oh it's heavy too okay so the telly goes i got 1 310 that's ridiculous 1 310 bucks in chips uh i end up with 117 tokens so my counting wasn't that bad 117 tokens equals 351 bucks nice add them together 1 661 minus the 250 that i paid to play uh 1 411 total profit you little beauty um yeah that's amazing so um my wife actually said to me before well she showed me actually before i'd left our bills i don't get to see what's you know what the bills are and i don't get to see what's in the bank i'm not interested i'm seriously not into it i've got more than enough problems of my own um to have to worry about finances so um i haven't known for years it's just the way it is with us so i mean people probably think that's really strange but i trust my wife 100 and um you know i've got to make her go out and spend something on herself so um yeah yeah it opened my eyes uh i i didn't think that it was that bad so but anyway um so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna play the other side uh [Laughter] so i'm gonna use the coins to play the other side so i've got 117 coins that's what i'm going to use so i'm going to hold on to them and i'm going to cash the rest in i'll be back all right take a look at that nice nice i've got it backwards doesn't matter you know what it looks like so i mean there's a lot of money there that's uh oh grace don't do that uh that gets me really really really annoyed very quickly uh thousand bucks 60 bucks to the tin uh i wish i could give it more but after seeing what i saw today um yeah that's uh you know i've been pretty good with it the last couple of a couple of runs so um yeah i'm just going to back off from that just a little tiny bit uh until my wife says all clear so a thousand bucks right there so i've got the 107 117 coins to smash out this game next to me so i've just cracked my second bourbon i'm not allowed anymore so um i think what i'm going to do is i'm just going to get stuck straight into it no breaks anyway um if you like what you see give us a thumbs up uh if you want to see more subscribe if you haven't i'll see you guys next one and i will beauty get your eyes around that
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,876
Rating: 4.90099 out of 5
Keywords: winner, gambling, coins, jackpot, high limit, silver, gold, fun
Id: elgSdT8qkJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 6sec (3426 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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