Aussie Coin Pusher EP 130

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[Music] jason from aussie coin pusher here so this is the other side um flat notes yeah we all know how we feel about those um let's go with the coins first queens yeah they look really good um i mean really good so but every time i think that the coins look really really good yeah for some reason not so good top i can't see the top at all i'm guessing there's going to be a bunch of gaps under all that i've got no idea overall money side of it there's not a massive amount on this one so um but hey money is money right i've got 170 coins left over from the last game so this game is a hundred percent profit all right my guess for this game is well over 300 coins i'm gonna go oh yeah 340 coins that's my guess let's see what sort of gaps we're looking at oh that didn't even move down the bottom all right left hand side's looking not bad well that was expected all right so i just want to go middle ish [Music] okay well the right hand side moves great oh [Music] let's go i'm hoping these flat notes aren't going to give me too much i reckon they probably will you're a winner [Music] two i tell you what it'll be nice to get them off early [Music] [Laughter] you little bloody ripper [Applause] i'll tell you what starting with so many coins makes my life so much easier oh listen to that [Music] [Music] so personally i think it's their biggest their biggest mistake was allowing me to use coins from one side to the other so quite a while ago now i actually i wasn't sure um somebody brought up in the comments and when i was just doing it so i actually um had to ask permission or find out what the rules were and they said no you can use coins from one side to the other no problems whatsoever i think that was their mistake [Music] so [Music] so holy got a little bit too excited then oh man i tell you if you love um big balls this is a game to watch it's loud too [Music] oh yeah [Music] if i can keep those notes sideways like that i've got a good chance of getting them off they start turning i've got to be very [Music] careful [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh 170 coins that was my last two coins yep i reckon i'm gonna be let's tell it up see what i got 90 90 bucks right there and the game's only just started um what do you reckon i reckon definitely gained in coins too so we must be like 180 i reckon at least [Music] at least oh game's still playing [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so so i'm just trying to work on my timing at the moment it's a bit shitty right now [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so many coins [Music] so [Music] oops [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so while i've been at the top there trying to concentrate on um i'm not double stacking so much because my timing is just right now i'm also noticing a big mountain happening right here you can actually see it on the chips um i think what's happening is i'm just not dropping enough coins to give me a big enough push to remove these so i think what i'm going to do i've probably got about only 60 coins left i think i'm just going to go nuts and see if i can't remove those which means i will probably double stack the top a little bit more i'll try not to [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i needed that that took some that took a nice chunk out of it [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] that was all my coins okay let's have a look um still got a little bit of a mountain now i've got nice nice gaps in it now so um pretty much what i'm going to be doing only targeting this sort of area here um i don't need to be worrying about coins but i do need to be worrying about these mounds building up that's what that's what my plan is 100 bucks nice i'll take it all right coins well i don't know if we lost any i don't think we lost any i reckon we probably gained some so as you can see there's the top there so about the same ish [Music] so [Music] i don't know about you guys but everything seems so loud right now [Music] the machine's loud i can hear machines in the background going off the coins are loud everything's loud probably just me my timing is so far out on this game nice [Music] i'll take it [Music] all right i've gone for a massive handful here oh [Music] ah so i see how to control them slippery little suckers these guys as you can see um there i just wanted to get a nice big hand for them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was better see what happens when you drop coins flat and fast thank you [Music] so [Music] come on give me a rip a push i need a massive ripple push [Music] [Music] i went for a hail mary all right let's tell it up so what i got 50 bucks nice i'll take it coins i don't reckon we're losing any coins or we're just hovering about the same so there's probably you know around the 170 mark see once again i thought before i started this game i thought there were so many coins on there i was going to hit 300 really really easily really fast no problems whatsoever but i don't seem to be gaining any coins so every time i think that there's heaps of coins on there um they're here maybe i should start thinking maybe there's not future just opposite to what i'm thinking nice [Music] [Music] i thought there was two coins that phil where's the other one going [Applause] oh i can't see the other well it was only one coin i thought it was two but maybe one maybe it was one bottom's up people oh my problem is i'm holding too many coins at once [Music] [Music] oh i think there's a hundred bucks oh i can just see me dropping a handful of coins here [Music] so [Music] so i'm still getting that little mountain forming which is stopping everything from going over so i think what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go a little nuts on it see if i get some really good pushes [Music] that's how you do it [Music] well that's looking a lot better [Music] okay last coin right in the middle fish all right let's turn it up so what i got [Music] you little bloody ripper 140 bucks nice what can you do with 140 bucks hmm you could buy a decent tackle box for 150 bucks you could probably get about 15 pizzas for 150 bucks i've got to stop thinking like that i'm trying to lose weight [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i know i'm double stacking a lot of coins here [Music] please [Music] i've got to remove those hundred dollar notes i can't see what's going on [Music] underneath so ah what do i need um i mean i can see coin uh you know like a coin build up behind this hundred i can't really see under it um i mean it's looking reasonably flattish but it's fairly high up so there's a lot of coins under that this one here well yeah i've got no idea what to do about that [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] nope [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on [Music] hmm any ideas [Music] [Music] wow nothing's moving i think maybe i need to change my strategy here all right well let's try to get some coins off of the top [Music] just see what that's going to do that was my last coin yep i know thank you all right let's tell it that's what i got [Music] well i may have lost some coins america's about 150 in there i reckon we were up to around 170 ah correct we lost about 20 coins so what my plan is this round is i'll remove the all the double stacked coins from the top and i'll just see what it's going to look like down the bottom [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so i do know the right hand side is not [Music] moving ah who puts notes in these games at least one good thing about it they are still sideways so i've got a chance to win them [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay so what i'm seeing is uh the 220s up on top of the 100 yeah they're just they're holding everything there they're just um yeah so i've got to get those 220s out of there that's what i need to do and i can see everything's just building back up again oh that goes 100 thank you so think to stop that from happening simply just go fast [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so that was my last two coins [Music] all right so what i can see that's a big pile that is actually a very large pile there um it's i haven't really noticed it much because of this hundreds like hiding it um that's a that's a concern to me i'm gonna need to absolutely smash that pile up this side here i can't really see what's going on but yeah it looks a lot smaller so i'm going to be concentrating on this side i'm trying to remove that all right let's tell it up [Music] okay 160 bucks that helps so what my problem is right now is i'm losing coins um quite a lot of coins they're all getting stuck here not really coming over the edge some are but not many uh and it's just building up big time right there that's the reason probably why i got that um i'm gonna go 130 coins here so while i've still got some coins left i'm going to nail it [Music] oh [Music] [Music] all right oh it's getting smaller [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm totally not meaning to triple stack [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay that's my last two all right let's see how we went 20 bucks i didn't see where it fell so it must have fallen from that side i reckon um i suppose i could have fallen from this side he knows uh coins we didn't lose any coins that time i reckon we gained some coins so that's a good thing probably back up to about 140. all right let's see if i can get off one of these hundreds this round that'll be nice [Music] oh i've got no idea why i'm double stacking for today on the other the other side played all [Music] [Music] right [Music] oh something felt i didn't see what it was and i don't recommend it either [Music] uh it looks like the hundred on the rice gonna get stuck ah that is so typical [Music] [Applause] i'll tell you what though if i can get some coins to land on front on top of this thing it might be enough to push it down that's going to be some big pushes though [Music] [Music] come on don't you get stuck oh nice nice and i totally can't see it [Music] oh oh i totally can see that one um no i cannot see that [Music] so i just got to remember there should be two 100 notes in there [Music] all right 160 bucks left [Music] there's my last four coins [Music] all right let's tell it up so what i got 220 bucks nice you little bloody ripper once you've got these hundreds in your hand you sort of don't mind them once you're in the machine yeah you sort of really hate them we've got the coins back i reckon there's probably easy 150 in there now all right once again we've got a [Music] mountain didn't i have 160 bucks i didn't see that fall but i'm guessing it did [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on you stubborn bugger [Music] you can see the massive big pile of chips building up on this side here i've got a little pile going on on this side here i'm sort of concentrating on this because i'm trying to get that 120 bucks off [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] uh oh that's a good push what did i do different things [Music] [Music] that hundred wants to come off [Music] oh i thought it was going i thought it was going [Music] so basically what i'm doing now um a few coins ago i'm just doing a little coin removal off the top i might as well get those little buggers in the game for me [Music] nice [Music] um i've only got like 10 coins left in my hand so i might as well have a look there's my last coin okay um i could probably stay here for another i mean 20 30 minutes get this guy even maybe that other side that other one just keeps slipping and sliding but he'll come off eventually there is still quite a few coins on here thing is i'm happy with what i've got um and i'm a bit buggered right now because don't forget to play the other side so um i'm actually thinking about i'm going to leave this for somebody else that's tempting i mean if i saw that and i had a handful of coins i would absolutely play that so um you know i mean you can see the bottom tray fair way along just here and a little tiny bit on this side here where you can't see the bottom tray it's going to take some coins to get it off but uh when it does yeah it'll be all right so i'm going to leave that for somebody else good luck to him um i don't mind doing that you know um so that sort of as long as i'm happy with what i've done so and i am happy with what i've done so anyway so i'm going to tally everything up and i'll get back to you [Music] oh man i did so much better than i thought i was gonna do hey take it look nice all right don't you drop hey buddy mike will be drunk for a month so yeah and with that is an absolutely outstanding result outstanding result i mean don't forget i started with 170 coins so i mean how do you lose it's just it's near on impossible actually i'm getting people in the comments um saying why don't i start with more coins well i'm going to buy them firstly so um you're trying to start with the least amount of coins uh as you can yeah you know if you need more coins and you've got the money then fine buy some more coins but uh yeah i mean just to go out and buy 500 bucks of coins like 100 coins um and you only needed 50 well you've just lost 200 bucks so straight off without you know just on the buyback so yeah that's the reason why but anyway um i ended up with 500 bucks in notes nice uh 400 dollars in chips 191 coins so there was way less coins than i thought way less um yeah um what do i say like 300 300 340 coins or something i'm such the i am the worst judgment on coins it's just yeah it's crazy 191 coins is 573 now this game was a freebie uh i'd already paid for it um hence the 170 coins um and everything together is 1 473 now don't forget i also started with 170 coins so um you know i didn't have to buy any coins and 170 coins is quite a lot of money so when you add that up so i didn't totally win 1473 on this game um you know with those extra coins in there so anyway i'm gonna go and cash all of that in um probably grab myself a bourbon should i grab a bourbon no i might not grab a bourbon no i'm not going to grab a bourbon i already had one today so uh if 1473 bucks and i'll be back in a minute oh take a look at that hey nice watch wow oh bugger me okay so what i've done is there's 1350 right here um i've given the tin 100 bucks and i've given 23 dollars to the jar i'm gonna call it the jar um it's a tips jar you know so um the staff get that anyway um yeah thank you a little bloody ripper so um oh no oh chase i got a thing about messy money um yeah you little bloody ripper so um look i just want to apologize that i was a little quiet in that game i've got a lot on my mind right now so um anyway um yeah if you like what you see give us a thumbs up and you want to see more subscribe if you haven't i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,009
Rating: 4.9103642 out of 5
Id: gJ86l-jdDbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 10sec (3070 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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