Aussie Coin Pusher EP 134

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[Music] oh i can see silver can you see silver hey i'm not going to tell you where it is i'm sure you can see it um i can only see one at this stage i'm not sure if there's anything else in there but once i start 50 coins that's what i got so um a quick update on macy i had the absolute best news yesterday oh yeah it was absolutely ripper news i had the phone call from the vet um the lump they took off her face they thought may have been cancer and it turned out it was benign and they got it all so um oh wow [Music] yeah i was concerned about that all right 50 coins let's see what i can do with this so once again i'm just going to go left and right see what's moving see what's not moving [Music] i've got a better movement on that side i'm taking a look at these coins and that does not look like a lot of coins on me i'm normally wrong so i'm hoping i'm hoping there's a lot of coins on here but i don't think there is now i got moving on that side at least i don't know how to play those towels if they fall over on the top tray that's going to make life very difficult for me [Music] so dave has asked me if i'm interested in doing a buy-in [Music] and i said yes dave of course i'm interested in doing a buy-in with a little bit more swearing it [Applause] so i said to him i said what are you thinking how much he said completely up to me so i haven't rang my wife yet i just wanted to get stuck into this [Music] so i see what she says i'll let you know [Music] so what my goal is right now is to drop every coin as flat as i can get him because right now i just need all the coins i get my little mitts on [Music] come on fall forward yeah that was my last point i'm trying to stay away from those two towers all right let's tell it up see what we've got [Music] okay so a couple coins just fell um but i reckon there's probably 25 a good 25 might even be 30. that's not too bad and i want to attack these towers just to see what they're going to do but i don't want them to land on the top [Music] oh nice [Applause] [Music] what do you reckon they got to do you reckon they're going to land on the table i reckon they're going to land on the top table oh that's gonna make life really hard i've been noticing that um generally after the first i don't know 12 hours or something like that i'm getting like a thousand views and all that sort of stuff but just lately there's only been like 160 maybe 150 likes don't forget to like it if you actually do like it that helps me out heaps i bet youtube think that i'm just another crazy aussie hey [Music] nice well they're stopping little buggers okay i got one coin go to the left ish all right let's turn it up so what i got that's not entirely a bad thing um still about 25 maybe 30 if i'm like super lucky [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh oh push it all off push it all off oh that's numbered off [Music] come on handy push the others off [Music] oh yes yes yes pull forward fall try forward land the coins beside it [Music] oh nice nice that's exactly what i wanted i wish the other side had done the same [Music] [Music] oh okay that's my last two coins all right let's tell you that's what i got okay i've got half a bunch of suck-up flowers uh yeah i don't know how well i'm gonna go with this game but anyway um coins once again i don't think we've got any more coins so about the same amount push uh yep we've got a few more now [Applause] [Music] all right come on silva i know you want to come off right that'll get it off that one will push it oh nice yeah i've got a little push out of it [Music] [Music] thank you that was my last coin and i'll take them all right let's tell you that's what i got okay uh same amount of coins but i've got another fiver oh okay i've got enough for my suck-up flowers now another five had just fell oh look at this i'm gonna go and i'm gonna go to the bar and grab myself a bourbon i'm just gonna let this game play hopefully by the time i get back it would have emptied itself out now that would be good wouldn't it no it's not going to happen all right let's keep going [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i didn't see that it double stacked itself all right let's tally it up and see what i got okay i am cruising now um so there's the 10 and probably 35 maybe 40 coins all right yeah i don't like the idea of all those chips being up there i'll tell you that [Music] [Music] so [Music] so this is going to be a slow old game i reckon [Music] oh thank you i got excited that was my last coin [Music] oh keep him covered third wave you know if we wait long enough uh we'll probably get a fourth wave here you go i'll see well you just cracked me up right all right let's go tally it up to what i got [Music] 80 bucks nice you little bloody ripper i've got a funny story to tell you too okay so last night i checked my facebook just to see if anybody left any comments in that because i don't like uh look to be honest with you i actually i don't like facebook um there's just too much bs with it um and i don't cope with vs very well but anyway um so but there's a lot of nice people on there too so i thought i'll check it and just see if you know anyone's left any comments and there's four comments three really really great comments and one [Music] not so great comment right and it's uh hey steve and i won't say your surname but i will call you steve because i know you watch my stuff um i basically just told him where to go pretty much um because he was saying that it's all and it didn't actually say that i asked for money but he reckons that i i let everybody know how broke i am well that's not entirely accurate um you know everybody has bills and so i did actually say to him um i said steve i said i have never ever ever asked for ask for money uh so i do not have patreon account and i don't believe in it because uh i do this because i enjoy doing it i don't do it for the money i'm talking about filming now i'm not playing the game and that's a different story [Music] and it pretty much just told me to go get left so uh he hasn't uh returned returned my message yet so that ought to be interesting um yeah so i find that really really funny because i've had people say that they want to give me donations they want to send me stuff and all that and i say to him every one of them um no not interested i don't want i don't want your money i've got my own i don't want you you know if you want to send me something like a i don't know a homemade birthday card absolutely um yep no problems whatsoever do you want to put money in that birthday card no i'm not interested i don't want it so um but anyway yeah i found it really really funny that this guy was saying that i was pleading my poverty and so uh yeah steve good one mate hey you clearly don't watch my channel very long he must be a new person and thinks he knows everything about everything so yeah i found that really funny i was laughing last night while i was commenting back to him [Applause] oh yeah another 20 is off [Music] i think what i need to do with all these chips at the top if i can just get one chip off every now and then oh not 20 bucks just still then eventually they're all going to be gone so thank you i think that's what i'm going to do i'm not going to chase them because i need the coins and then that's probably the smartest way to play and that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tell you that's what i got all right 30 bucks nice i'll take it [Music] uh i'm gonna go 50 probably 50. i'm going to go 55 coins on this i was going to say 50 but i reckon 55 because they're all neat as you can see i've met them up [Music] oh yeah i did turn the camera on i have done that a few times all right let's keep pushing i just try to speed it up just a tiny [Applause] [Music] bit [Music] my house hi judy um if you didn't get my message today for this morning i sent you a shirt oh thank you i think you sent your shirt so um apparently it takes about two weeks so uh let us know when you get it will so basically what's happening is um judy left me a comment um i thought was just it was so good it was so good and it was a comment i needed right at that particular time it was so bloody good so i said to i said i said that comment deserves it deserves me to send you a shirt um complete completely free charge i'm not i'm not gonna charge for it and um so yeah so i sent it yesterday so it's one of my new little bloody ripper shirts hopefully she likes it i'm still working on those nice it's the pricing that i'm concerned about because it just costs so much to send over to the usa so much it's nearly double what the shirt's worth it's crazy so i've got to look into other places [Music] hmm oh guys [Music] i'm getting a build-up right where that 100 is i'm getting a bit of a build up there not much is happening so okay there's my last three coins yep not yet mate all right let's tell you that's what i got all right 60 bucks that's good coins maybe 40. that's not [Music] so what do i need to do here i think what i need to do is i need to get rid of some of this blockage here so then the coins can come off i think that's one thing i need to work on the other one i'm getting a nice little build up of coins right here so i think i'm going to concentrate on that too so to all the new people that are playing this game um not this particular game well maybe you are i don't know but um whoever you are in the world what the people try to try is they try to get you to go for the money first most people would be aiming for this try to knock that off that'll fall off on its own don't worry about it um that's the fastest way to lose all your money is actually to go for the money so um yeah i mean you need coins you gotta get your money so keep that in mind when you're playing it that they do try to trick you i mean dave's trying to trick me all the time i played a game the other day he didn't even think i was coming to oh nice oh i'll take that [Music] and he set it up in such a way if anybody that didn't know would have played for the money and i can guarantee you they would have lost all of theirs so keep that in mind when you're playing it just look at the coins the actual cash and the chips and whatever else is in there will take care of itself [Music] there you go [Music] i am now 100 richer [Music] [Music] oh i tell you what having those chips up the top is not making life easy [Music] they're hanging on to all the coins there's my last two huh let's tell it up see what i got [Music] yeah i've got to hold them like this but there's there's 190 bucks there i reckon there's probably 30 to 35 coins the coins is going south i'm not happy about that [Applause] [Music] uh maybe 40 coins 41 coins oh see boy you're such a pain in the butt mine okay all right i'm going to target that clump of coins that are down there with as little as doing that as i can alright [Music] i see my timing hasn't improved since yesterday [Music] oh i'll take that though [Music] [Applause] all right there's my last three coins all right this is what i'm targeting right here the rest of it it'll take care of itself let's tell you it up [Music] all right 20 bucks uh 35 coins i reckon yeah maybe 40. ish pretty much right now i don't care about the about the right hand side i just need to move this left hand side that's where the coins are [Music] boy thank you so [Music] oh three coins left oh look what's right on the edge i didn't even notice it's right on the edge oh you little bloody ripper let's tell it up [Music] ah 50 bucks nice and look at the coins hey i reckon there's probably 45 even possibly 50 coins there i reckon it's gonna take what two coins to drop that 50 right there [Music] [Music] three coins four coins [Music] all right now you're making me look stupid [Music] oh wow all right that'll do it [Music] thank you back in a minute nice now you've got a lot of marks on him this one so um yeah not in you know condition wise i've seen a lot better but at the end of the day that is a round silver 50 cent piece so there's 10 grams of silver in this 1964 my favorite coin in the world oh are you in the bloody river thank you all right i left everything else that was in there i'll get that next time [Music] so thank you [Music] all right another tenor off [Music] oh okay see how i'm getting the pushes but nothing's falling that means it's back building [Music] little turd hey that's my last two coins oh i double stacked one of them yeah so basically when you're dropping queens in and they're falling and they're giving you pushes and nothing's falling that is back building it's getting bigger and bigger so you've got to keep an eye on that ah maybe 35 240 coins i reckon all right and 40 bucks nice i'll take it pay all that up um yeah i don't really know what to do do i need to smash it i think i do [Music] [Music] i'm taking an absolute huge risk right now i can very very easily leave all my chips but i mean all my tokens but i can hear them falling so that was my last three coins [Music] all right let's tell you that's what i've got well i've got 65 bucks out of that so that's not bad coins yes probably 40 45 maybe i'm gonna go 40 coins yeah maybe 45 who knows well i think that worked pretty good so i'm going to go again but i'm going to listen very carefully [Music] so okay so it's definitely building up on the right hand side now i can see oh my timing seems to improve a lot when i drop coins fast oh nice another chin is off and that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so we got there's like 30 coins there i did get the 40 bucks so what i'm doing is playing a very very dangerous game [Music] as i said i could lose my tokens really quickly i do the wrong thing [Music] so i think i'm just going to slow it down i'm just going to watch see what's building where oh guys [Music] i got two coins i just want to wait and see what's going to happen all right right hand side please or the middle whatever whatever floats your boat all right let's tell it up so we got i seem to be hovering around that 40 mark don't i um that makes me a little bit uneasy i don't mind hovering around 100 but thank you i think that was andrew that just felt [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh my last four coins uh bugger okay that didn't go to plan it's funny because whenever i'm concentrating on my timing i always think of the movie called runnings now with john candy in it john candy was like one of my favorite actors if you haven't seen cool writing so you've got to watch it but um yeah thank you whenever i'm going for my timing and i'm trying to get my timing right and sort of nothing else is in my mind um that movie just keeps running through my kids running through my head just a particular part of it so funny all right let's tell you that's what i got that was a great round for me um i'm probably very close to 50 coins and 120 bucks hey can't snub your nose at that can you well you'd be an idiot if you did all right so i'm still thinking the right hand side needs to be shifted and so the middle seems to be building a little [Music] ideally you wouldn't drop coins in like the way i am with the amount of coins i've got as i said it's a very dangerous game i'm [Music] playing [Music] so oh thank you [Music] i've got one in the middle that thinks he wants to change the scenery [Music] oh wow the coins are slipping underneath it all right that was my last four coins [Music] nice i just got paid out with two coins all right let's till it up see what i got 40 bucks definitely more than 50 coins um i'm gonna go out of my way and say there's 60 coins there so i think this is actually the best we've been doing this whole game so speeding it up was the right thing to do but you can overdo it too so i do keep slowing down so i don't overdo it [Music] [Music] i'm gonna go for that tin right in the middle [Music] not like that oh i like that totally meant that [Music] oh [Music] [Music] whoops oh i know we got another one [Music] there's my last four coins all right let's tally it up okay i've got 30 bucks there and easy 60 65 coins easy all right i've got to be a little bit careful though because what i'm seeing though there's not a lot of coins left so um this is going to want to start building back up again but i can't let it but i know that i'm going to be losing coins if i keep pushing hard [Music] especially doing that and that ah chase you're a great shocker mate [Music] so [Music] ah 50 where you going [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm i built up on the right hand side eh [Music] [Music] okay one coin left oh no i see that that's a concern all right in the guts ish [Music] so what i just said was a concern was i must have had like six coins dropped and nothing nothing really moved on the edge here it all just built up so yikes that's what it looks like not cleaned up but i did get another tenor and i'm still saying 60 coins i mean there might be more there ah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay that was my last coin what a marathon so basically what i was doing there i wasn't speaking much at all but i was watching very carefully on what was happening down here and you can see the size of this whole area now in coins i'm expecting i've probably lost nearly half my coins that time i reckon i mean it wasn't half but it was a lot but i did get another tenor yeah i sort of figured that was gonna happen [Music] i need to get a lot of coins on the left-hand side but they're all going to double [Music] unfortunately there's not much i can do about the double stacking on the left hand side i've got to get some sort of pushes and one of two coins just isn't cutting it [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's my last two coins [Music] oh i could be in some trouble let's tell it up well we did get another 20 um and coins yeah it's probably oh jeez i'd be lucky if there's 30 coins there the problem is i saw what was happening but i reacted a little bit too late and that's all it takes i just were to milk all your coins i might be alright i might be able to drop it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay a couple more of them be nice [Music] ah come on guys all right so as you can see it's still there i'm going to keep working on it [Music] i reckon there's probably close to 45 to 50 coins there um just a rough guess so not bad we did gain coins for sure i just want to keep working on the left hand side i just got to get rid of that [Music] mound [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm getting a little wiggles out of it but that's all i'm getting [Applause] [Music] i've got to try to stop double stacking so much on the left i suppose i could use the skill stop i didn't think of it right and just go slow and just see what slow [Music] does i think it's got some merit to it i'm just gonna wait i can't use the school stock for very long it's it's a matter of seconds for me that was my last one nice all right let's tell it up so what i got all right there's probably like 40 coins there so i reckon i'm hanging in there by the fur on my tongue how many people do that just gross out [Music] oh that's what i was looking for one of them pushes i've all but given up on the tens on the top three [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oops [Music] thank you that's a bonus i've got two coins left so i want to go roughly the middle thank you all right let's tell you it up okay we've got another 20 and it's probably yeah i reckon there's close to 40 coins 35 40. all right get that 50 off of there i would be very happy i mean there's not a lot of coins left on there so [Music] yeah i don't think i'm going to be gaining too much on coins [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i'm just doing a bit of coin removal off the top right now i might as well nice i got a push out of here thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can see it building again why [Music] yeah see three more i'll teach you to build on me mate [Music] ah two coins right in the middle ish okay let's tell it up so what i got [Music] i don't reckon we lost any i reckon there's still probably 40 there might even be 45. one of these days i'm going to count it [Music] not all right here goes you cannot come on 50 i can tell you what that 50 is not camera shy [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no now look at it massively building up on the left hand side i didn't even notice that that's my downfall right there i think i made a bit of trouble with this one all right let's tell it up yep i noticed that way too soon i meant so way too late now i did get another 10 of those that's good news um yeah you can see the bad news quite clearly wow how do i miss that [Music] i might as well keep going now [Music] well one good thing's happening my timing's improved okay that was my last coin oh that did not take long i'll take them all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] ah maybe 30 coins i reckon might might be 30 coins there [Music] i'm just going to keep going i mean i might as well my timing's picked up now so you never know what's going to happen i could do a lot more of that [Music] there's my last four coins yeah i took a risk on it and i think it backfired i reckon it did all right let's tell it up so what i got oh bugger um so that was my fault the reason why i've got that is my fault i saw this forming but for some reason i didn't attack it i did not attack it i don't know why and i should have attacked it i attack everything else so so i'm going to attack it now even with the very very limited amount of coins i've got i thought i was making the biggest mistake doing that that was all my coins oh man that was that was a good one all right let's tell it up [Music] all right there's probably 45 coins there so i'm just starting to wonder now is um is enough enough as you can see i'm having a lot of trouble getting that 50 off he does not want to come off i could probably get it off but i'm going to lose way more than 50 in coins i say like 10 coins that's what i'll buy them i don't know um oh i don't know what to do let's go through once more i know i should be walking away right now i should be walking away and for some stupid reason i'm not and i don't know why and if this backfires on me and i lose my coins i expect a lot of you people to give me plenty of for it but if it doesn't backfire [Music] hugs and handshakes please i can already see it's gonna backfire i'm not smart enough to walk away why [Music] [Applause] all right guys that's not a good thing to do [Music] oh give me push [Music] there's my last two coins [Music] oh that might have just saved me all right let's tally it up well yeah no it didn't save me uh well sort of did i don't know 25 30 coins 31 coins so i'm already 10 coins down to where i was do i keep going and risk losing the rest of them oh man that's a lot of money yeah i do [Music] thank you [Music] all right let's get that 10 off in there if i give me a push i don't care about the tent itself ah no push no push today jase oh and early that was my last two coins and i've got a jumper on so close so close oh bugger all right i reckon there's about 40 coins there probably even 45 [Music] i should have walked away i don't know why i didn't [Music] i reckon i can i can just see half of the comments let me try to explain something um what i go through uh when i'm playing this this game i'm a gambler right so i've been gambling all of my adult life and then some so um i've got a bit somewhere in australia um every single day so it doesn't matter what day it is there's i've got a bet somewhere going on so i'm often when i'm playing this i've got races that obviously i don't listen to because i'm playing this but i've got races going [Music] sometimes when you're a gambler and you know you're like a legit gambler somebody that you know gambles a lot like me um i'm not addicted to gambling don't give me no don't get me wrong i'm not addicted to gambling um because i'm you know i'm smart about it i know when to walk away this game is testing me i should have walked away but sometimes when you uh when you're gambling you've got to put your money on a roughie [Music] um so in other words what that means is uh you put your money on a horse or a dog or a fighter or a footy team whatever on somebody who you think is going to lose because they pay a lot more if they win that's what i'm doing now i'm risking for the payout if that makes sense to use [Music] sometimes you've got to take a chance and that's what i'm doing right now i'm taking a chance it's a stupid change it's a stupid chance [Music] but i've already got a profit so i'm not that concerned if i do lose them it's not going to kill me i got one left yeah it's pretty much where i wanted it all right i'm gonna tell you that make a decision [Music] okay um so i'm calling at least 50 coins there at least so basically what's what's just happened is my gamble didn't pay off i mean it didn't pay off big or anything silly like that i sort of hope it was going to but it didn't but it didn't backfire either because i've still got these so i'm actually going to stop now this is when i should have stopped like 20 minutes ago um but i'm stopping now i'm not using these i'm keeping them so um yep that's uh it's not worth a risk so i think i talked myself out of that one anyway i'm going to tell you everything up and i'll be back [Music] okay sammy is looking good um yeah i'm happy with that i'm very happy with that so um i still feel as if i stopped um 20 minutes too late so um in future when i feel as if i need to stop i'm just simply going to walk away so anyway look the telly's go i got six hundred and ten dollars in chips six hundred and ten dollars is that mine that might i might have added that up wrong or he might have added it up wrong who knows 610 dollars in chips uh 250 dollars in notes i ended up with 59 coins so nine coins more than what i started is you know that's that's actually really not bad so um yeah i was quite happy with that uh that's 177 bucks so uh everything together is uh 1037. um minus the 250 that obviously i have to pay to play it uh 787 787 bucks that's what i'm walking away with so um yeah you little bloody ripper that's nice love it um so i'm gonna go catch everything in i'm not gonna go play the other side um i want to bring my wife find out about this buying see what see what we can afford plus i want to get home and i want to take macy for a uh for a little walk um so well she hasn't been out for a while so i want to get her out get her down to a little play oval and uh yeah see how she goes out there so anyway i'm going to catch everything in and i'll be back okay bloody battery died didn't it so i've already said all this and now i'm going to say it all again 700 bucks that's what here um 87 oh chase get it get it together 87 bucks to the tin so um yeah nice i love money especially when it's in my hands it doesn't stay there for very long though um so as i said a bit earlier um if you actually really do like these videos um yeah can you do us a favor and hit that like button uh subscribe if you haven't um yeah i just want to let youtube know that i'm not just a another crazy aussie and i do have a very loyal bunch of followers so um i know you i absolutely know you guys are just by the comments i'm getting if you seriously don't like what i'm doing let me know um be nice about it but let me know i'm not going to take offense to it if there's anything i can do anything i can change anything not me personally i'm the way i am if you don't like my swearing then either mute me or go somewhere else but um yeah you know let me know and um as i said keep it nice keep it clean and um but anyway yep don't forget smash that like button and i'll see you guys in the next one you little bloody ripper
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,829
Rating: 4.918736 out of 5
Id: Ko6FA0ilRY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 15sec (3735 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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