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what is up everybody i'm back with another high risk coin pusher video for y'all today and as you can see here there is so many ten thousand dollar chips on the back there's over a hundred thousand i know almost 200 000 actually haven't counted yet looks like about a hundred and eighty ninety thousand dollars back there at least nineteen or twenty ten thousand chips that would be amazing if i can get some of those off of there but i don't know and anyway huge tower of chips a little bit of cash in there today bitcoins and what they've done they put ten dollar chips in the front here to make it hard to win the money back there like the high value chips so today's video is going to be a little bit different i have a 25 minute time limit to win as much money as i can so do you all think i can do it we'll just have to wait and see so oh about forgot to tell you all what the buy-in was five thousand dollar buy and they gave me enough quarters to play for a very long time that way i don't have to do a buy-in it's basically like one of those time limit videos like where you have a certain amount of time to win as much money as you can so yeah that being said let's get right into it wish me luck and i will talk to you all in just a second so the time starts now uh well that bitcoin it just fell [Music] that's weird how did that fall off instantly [Music] [Music] that tower is wobbly right there look at that oh my goodness there goes ten thousand dollar chips look at that ten thousand dollar chips fell off of there wow all right let's keep going let's keep going and there's quarters stuck at the top right here you all cannot see them but they're stuck like uh right before they go to the wheel to fall down on the the pan in the back let me go ask them to get that out real quick i will be right back so yeah like i said i have a chance to make over two hundred thousand dollars today that would be amazing if i could get all those ten thousand dollar chips out of there but i do not think that's gonna happen for a five thousand dollar buy-in [Music] and if some of y'all are wondering uh they pause the the 25 minute timer while they got the stuff out so the time that they spent getting this stuff out for me that did not go toward the [Music] the time limit [Music] but the time i spend talking does so i'm just going to be quieting this place [Music] [Music] so oh my goodness there goes a bunch of ten dollar chips while there we go [Music] [Music] so [Music] where did that other ten thousand dollar chip go i can't i can't find that other 10 000 chip oh my goodness look at that tower right there so i'm not i don't think we've won any of the big chips yet like the thousand dollars or the 500s [Music] so yeah i've still got a wall on my time limit [Music] [Music] wait no way that ten thousand dollar chip is right there on the edge you all cannot see it but i can it is right there on the edge look at that hang on wait you won't see that it's not barely like you all barely can see it probably oh my goodness i'm going for the right side [Music] that 10 000 has to fall off of that there we go all those 1000 tips there goes the 500s no way wow this is amazing that 10 000 chip it's not really moving though so i'm gonna have to all right oh that 10 000 chip just moved a little bit more here i'm gonna put the camera the camera on that side right there that way y'all can possibly see that ten thousand dollar [Music] chip all right that was all the quarters in the bag i'm gonna have to do a collection real quick nice there goes at least two thousand five hundred dollars right there in the middle that tower so close on that 10 000 chip all right come on i just don't want to miss any of the footage hang on let's see what that does all right i'm gonna do a collection on the quarters and i'm going to take the chips out of the bottom and see what i've won i'll be right back all right so i've got about 15 minutes uh [Music] until the time limit runs out [Music] so [Music] oh my goodness everything is stuck right there nothing is falling out let me go ask them to get that out all right that's just going to take up time i'll be right back all right so it turns out all this was stuck right here this is about [Music] about nine thousand dollars there so i i have made a huge profit they messed up putting all those high value chips in there so yeah let's let's keep going i'm going for that 10 000 chip on the right side over here so so far i have made a huge profit i love the time limit all right there goes something else i think a 10 chip that tower's getting close all right come on ten thousand dollar chip fall off of there come on oh my goodness it's so close and that tower just fell backwards oh my goodness that ten thousand dollar chip it is so close come on [Music] come on fall off the bear come on [Music] oh my goodness it is so close it's right over there [Music] so so all right so a bunch more 500 chips fell off of there and that 10 000 chip is so close let me check the time real quick 10 minutes left 10 minutes left to win that 10 000 kick [Music] you all think i can win it comment below if you think i can [Music] oh my goodness it is right there on the edge it is like barely hanging now look at that wow all right that should have it right there come on come on oh my goodness it is so close it's very very close yes there it goes wow that is over five thousand dollars profit over five thousand profit just in this one chip right here plus there's like thousands five hundreds this is one of my biggest wins yet wow i'm sure they expected those 10 000 chips not to fall off the [Music] back [Music] all right [Music] looks like i got another bitcoin out of there wow we've won so much money [Music] it would be really good if we could get another 10 000 chip off of there [Music] all right come on get it off of there get those chips right there come on get them off my goodness they're so close [Music] oh there goes 200 let's see if i can get that thousand and that 500 right there there goes a thousand bucks just like that wow oh my goodness this is insane this has been one of the easiest wins i [Music] all right we got about five minutes left five minutes [Music] there goes those two thousand two thousand dollars right there come on all right [Music] nice there we go a bunch of myself oh my goodness why would they set it up this one did they not understand that like it's not that hard to win from this machine like why don't they keep putting this much money they keep putting so much money in this [Music] machine [Music] all right there goes some more [Music] [Music] so how much money how much money do you think i've won back in total how much do you all think i've won back [Music] [Music] [Music] all right four minutes left four minutes that's all we got wow i can't believe we've won this much [Music] money [Music] there goes another 500 nice [Music] look at all that right there oh it's so close [Music] all right come on get them off there nice there we go about fifteen hundred dollars right there excellent [Music] so [Music] all right i think i got one minute left one minute left on the clock okay one minute left let's keep going [Music] about 30 seconds left about 30 seconds is all i have left oh my goodness about 20 or know about less than 15 seconds now [Music] all right this is it right here last one come on get something else off there get a 500 tip yes there we go we got like an extra thousand fifteen hundred dollars something like that all right now i think the time is up all right let me go get them and i will see how much money i've won you all are not going to believe how much money i have profited today this is insane oh wait there goes another coin that went to the owner though i couldn't claim anything else that fell right now because they did the 25-minute time limit want as much money as you can in the 25 minutes i love those first time doing that and it was the most money i have ever won profit from a high limit coin brusher 45 000 profit the buy-in was 5 000 so our total money 50 grand back on the dot that is insane very very good profit today and yeah forty five thousand dollars profit i can't remember the most i've ever worn profit i'm pretty sure this is the most actually so if y'all enjoyed today's video leave a like subscribe turn on the notifications that way you get notified every time i upload a video i will see you all in the next one have a good day
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 20,582
Rating: 4.8002853 out of 5
Id: xDwOBJu4ck8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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