Aussie Coin Pusher EP 33

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[Music] g'day jason was a coin pusher here well take a look at that i did not think they were going to build another tower knowing full while i was coming down today so anyway they have so i've only got 50 coins so that's all i bought down with me i did not expect anything like this so uh hey i'm happy about it but 50 coins i don't know about that i do have another bit of a problem here um joe's injured so he's got a nice big crack going from there all the way down so uh unfortunately uh the amount of times that i've squashed him in my bag uh with all my camera stuff so i think he's finally given up the ghost uh i'm gonna try to fix him he's been loyal but right now i don't see what i can do with that if i can get that to fall with 50 coins yeah that'd be a good job i can't see it i'm gonna i'm actually going to aim either side straight down either side i want to try to get some coins i'm not even going to worry about that tower right now oh got 100 off the top already that's a bonus i got one coin to play with oh i take them and that one i'll tell you what i've got some electrical tape in the car i might duck out to the car and grab some and fix joe before i uh rip them even more i'll do that after i uh clean this out [Music] [Music] so come on i need every coin i can get that was my last one going in all right let's tell you that [Music] all right well that's not overly good is it nice there's about 22 23 coins there so that's what i did with joe so oops sorry kick camera um so yeah so basically i just grabbed some electrical card electrical um tape out of my car um i use this stuff all the time at work so yeah i'll just take them up so anyway i don't need your services i can hold that myself ah stop double stacking please and what do i do [Music] last coin all right let's tell it up so we went okay not entirely a disaster so it's probably i don't know 18 20 coins there that's alright let's keep going come on i'll take them ah you can have that one back [Music] oh oh wow okay last coin all right did not hear much for that time i might be in a bit of poop okay let's check it [Music] uh yes so not that many i've been in situations like this before and cleaned up so i'm not that concerned right now that helps yep one more i'll take them big bush okay i got one more coin oh i'll take it all right let's tell it up oh oh second wave another third wave please let's have a look okay about 15 coins i'm getting a little concerned so i've won no money yet [Music] i'm just going to drop them in one at a time i do have that's what i'm talking about right there i do they seem to have a little bit more luck when i drop them in one at a time except for when that happens [Music] sorry i got him patient i really don't have a lot of bacon all right last one all right let's tell you that all right you little ripper like i don't have an you know and it's not like i've got 200 coins jason just stopped dropping them on the ground all right so 10 bucks probably about 30 coins well there's probably about 29 coins here because i did just drop one all right stop looking i found it all right so about 30 points let's keep going even coming come on nice that whole thing shifted half inch i reckon i put two coins in where's my other coin [Music] hello [Music] oh come on that'll do last coin all right let's tell it up zero where oh look out look out all right let's tell you it up oh look another coin you little ripper i'm doing all right [Music] just when you think a game's gonna whoop your butt you're doing all right [Music] oh sweet i'm thinking about this tower oh so i'm thinking about this tower the last time i played a tower on this game was actually on the other side i think um i end up stopping because i was feeling guilty because i knew it was just a bad setup well i did actually go and mention to them that i mean i stopped early i could have won another 200 to 200 bucks easily probably 400 bucks but i stopped just out of respect for the club and let them know that it wasn't a great setup i had like 2 000 profit anyway now they've done it again gloves are off there is no guilt here whatsoever if you can't learn by your mistakes [Music] it's not really my concern so so yeah so i'm thinking i'm going to play this until there's no chips no money i mean if i can get that tower down you'd be guilty so yeah with me this is this is in my work life my living life every life you know just everything you get one chance with me i mean i'll go out of my way to help anybody out guaranteed you screw me over yeah you'll never get another chance for as long as i'm alive so and that's just the way i've always been so uh yeah anyway that yeah i've got mine you you're going down all right let's tell it up seriously all right another 10 bucks and about 30 coins still so we're not losing any coins [Music] uh we're hovering around that 30 mark i don't mind hovering about 70 but 30 is a bit light that's all right let's fix that problem something else about to go so i'm just trying to play to the left and the right of the tower i'm not trying to push the tower directly fast coin all right you guilty another coin all right let's fill it up see how we went [Music] all right another 20 bucks haha you little booty you can go up there with your mates uh coins yeah back to 50. back to 50 i reckon damn all right you get back on there please ah so back on 50 so so i've got a little bit of an apology to uh to make i'm not going to say who it's to but i uh at work where i'm working right now i'm working in the bush and there's a lot of wild kangaroos around so uh and she asked me if i could um um get like a photo type thing so and i said trust i'll do my absolute best to take a photo on my phone and uh of a kangaroo like a wild kangaroo because they're sort of all over the place for three days three days i was looking around while i was working for kangaroos couldn't see any didn't see any but i did see a bunch of goats right yes then another one so yeah i saw like 20 goats it's like 38 degrees and i wasn't gonna be running through the bush trying to get a picture of goats so i never did get the photo of the kangaroos and another coin just got stuck thank you so for that i do apologize i mean i was trying [Music] so the driveway um is just like a homemade driveway type of thing it's just made out of rock for the whole way up there it's about two kilometers long i had my phone out ready to go with the camera in case i'm bounced across in front of the car nothing so for that i apologize i did try that was my last coin oh bigfoot all right let's tell you that's here when [Music] okay 50 bucks cue beauty um probably about 40 coins there you can go up there and you can get in the machine here one other time yeah they've definitely made this tower different made it stronger by the look of it i mean it's not even moving at the moment i mean they've probably put lead weights down the bottom of it [Music] but as i've always thought we want to pay off to those who are persistent all right [Music] i got one coin left come on oh i tend nearly went in it's closed all right let's tell it up so we went oh that's not cool hey he's like 15 coins there that's right take a look at that i mean there's a lot go go go go there's a lot um just hanging over there so i'll aim for the right hand side that's where the majority of the coins are and far left and let's double stack them both because i've got plenty of coins oh no i haven't heard any drop yet on that thing i could be in trouble here come on come on oh there goes a ten and one one coin come on [Music] one coin last coin come on give me a push well i've got one more coin all right let's tell you it up okay um on what you call here in australia um i'm in the so i got 10 bucks there that helps i don't need to tell you how many are there i'm sure you can count those yourself three coins not good i'm only going to play on the right hand side of that tower right now i'm going to try to get those chips off if i can [Music] oh no come on what are you doing to me i'm just gonna wait for the pendulum to come back over [Music] oh that was close come on last chance oh no bugger all right i'm not walking away from this so i've got some money up here that i've just won i just dropped some it wouldn't surprise me i'm shocking for that all right what do we got ah 50 70 80 90. i got 100 bucks that's what i've taken out of the machine so far i'm going to catch that in and i'll see you in a second all right 20 bucks i mean that's 100 bucks so 20 coins right there [Music] oh man i better get this dowel down come on i just need that clump to fall that's some of it that's some more come on well that helps come on can i fight back come on i need a good fight back here [Music] last coin all right let's tell you it up so we went [Music] i reckon we did all right uh i'm happy with that so you know there's probably another 20 25 coins there [Music] oh another 20 bucks oh i can't call it another 20 because i haven't got any twenties left i've spent all those so 20 bucks landed ah stop it last coin i did not hear any fall down yet come on last chance oh oh i think i'm in the pool all right let's tell you that [Music] all right so i got the 20 bucks how about 12 coins not great but it's not over it'll be over fast if i keep double stacking them all right one coin at a time from now on that way i can't stuff everything up [Music] that helps oh that really helps that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tell it up here we went about 10 coins yikes i'm just gonna go one at a time again [Music] i've only heard one coin fall so far oh are you guilty oh come on kitchen come on that was my last coin all right let's tell you that up [Music] okay that's about 15 coins so not bad not bad [Music] sorry i've got impatient oh it's worth it what i need to do is i need to concentrate on that and that [Music] come on come on big push oh uh i think one fell so hey it's not over yet let's tell you it up [Music] bonus seven coins so i don't know if i should just jam all seven in there real fast and see if i can't get one big push or if i should just go really easy and hope that i'll put the coins in the right place i really don't know i'll go easy come on big push that helps oh that helps even more i got two coins left get them both in there [Music] and got two coins back all right let's tell you it up back to 20. [Music] maybe even a few more than 20. thank him oh yeah [Music] all right i've got five coins left five or six [Music] big bush oh i'm 20 bucks i really don't know where to put this i'm just going to go straight about there all right let's tell you it up all right 20 bucks about 25 coins ish all right we're doing all right we're hanging in there all right that will check them oh that's what i was waiting for oh [Music] one coin left all right let's tie it up i reckon about 28 coins come on [Music] yes [Music] all right i'm gonna aim for that clump i'll take it [Music] that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tally it up okay up to about 30 coins so not too bad at all [Music] [Music] [Music] so nice couple more of those would be really handy last coin [Music] all right let's tell it up okay not too good um probably around 20 21 22 coins [Music] all right that one just went completely next door actually landed on the top deck i got one coin left come on come on big bush i'll take it all right let's tell it up see what we got oh yeah uh i reckon we're back to about 35 coins there i knew this game was going to be hard oh don't do that wow thank you [Music] so that tower has the slightest angle going on heading back towards the back tray the slightest of angles they've definitely built that stronger i don't know what's going on maybe he's done some research on it that was my last coin probably been watching now you play uh replay see how they build their towers wouldn't surprise me all right let's tell it up see what we got about 22 coins [Music] i'm aiming for that clump take them come on oh yeah listen to it oh i've got this machine singing now and then i double stack it oh it slipped off one coin left let's get this fiber off oh come on all right let's tell it up see what we got wrap your eyeballs around that yeah you little beauty there's got to be about 60 coins just there [Music] all right now we can actually start playing the game properly let's just keep double stacking the top why wouldn't you i'm not deliberately double stacking the top either by the way oh good shot oh that five looks like it's gonna get [Music] stuck [Music] [Music] so [Music] nice there's a couple of hundreds over here that want to go down but i'm worried now they're going to slide down that fiber and get stuck themselves [Music] oh good hey 100 as well with the five [Music] i've got one coin left oh the other hundred when looks like it there's gone [Music] 205 205 bucks so i'm thinking uh the coins yeah i mean that's looking real healthy that's probably 50 coins there so i'm thinking with the 205 i just won i've already won 40 bucks has minus five dollars well one two there you go there's your five bucks that's my profit i'm actually going to stop now no i'm just kidding like hell i'm stopping so how many people how many people's veins just popped out of their neck right about then [Music] [Music] come on people oh yes oh yes [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay got one coin left i try not to double stack it get it double straight one coin come on come on back up that's right let's tell it up so what we've got yeah we're doing awesome on coins uh there's 50 coins there for sure let's have a look at this tower hasn't really moved a millimeter i don't know what they've done but they've definitely done something to that tower or the design of it but yeah they don't want they don't want to fall apart oh hello i did only put in two coins there [Music] [Music] oh where did that go another one for the deal i bought a little bit oh nice last coin all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] okay there's about 45 coins there let's get going [Music] [Music] [Music] lovely last coin yes i double stacked it all right let's what have we got going on here we've got a tenner that's about to go 50 not far those two are a little bit back yeah we got all right um yeah that's got about the same amount of lead on it i don't know what that probably glued it all together that would surprise me all right let's tell it up see what we got okay about 35 coins there [Music] so we're heading the wrong way so i'm going to leave this side for now i'm going straight to the right hand side and let's double stack the first one there are more coins on the right hand side than there are the left right now i mean i'll still go a little bit to the left nothing special [Music] so come on give me some nice big shoves last coin oh no what'd i do what did i do jason okay let's tell it up see what we did okay so we're sliding downhill rapidly um i've got about 25 coins there [Music] that's not good i don't know what's going on with that tower i really don't it's not shifting a millimeter it's not leaning at all a little tiny tiny bit but you don't know i wonder if they have done a little dodgy with it i wonder if they've done like maybe uh glued it together perhaps not expecting anybody to go as far as i do i'm going to keep going because i find out that that thing is adopted in any way uh yeah i'm not going to be happy with them because i won't i won't stand for any kind of cheating whatsoever but i don't do it but right now i don't know i haven't played it long enough one coin left nice come on big push all right let's tell it up see what he did [Music] well i don't reckon we lost any or many so that's all let's keep going that is a massive clump forming right there on that side just in front of the tower just there i've always said it just takes one coin that's all it takes what where's that hello i guess that coin was camera shy yeah that's a good coin guys i got one coin left on make it sing clearing its voice all right let's tell it up so what we got [Music] about 15 coins [Music] oh nice come on big push well that helps come on i've got one coin left and nada all right let's tell it up 10 coins bugger we're going downhill hard [Music] and oh i thought i want to double stack him oh that helps [Music] oh yes [Music] last coin [Music] i'll take it all right let's tell you it up so we've got okay uh not looking too bad at all hey um in australia uh we we like to say not looking too shabby so that means looking good so yeah all right let's keep going um i just took another look at that coin tower it's definitely changing shape so it is it is on a lane heading back towards the moving tray um so yeah i don't think they've glued it but as i said we'll see come on big push oh come on 50 i know you're waterfall you just need a little bit of convincing [Music] oh yeah i'll take it [Music] i've got one coin left [Music] all right let's tell it up we're looking really good here um so yep 50 coins there for sure all right let's keep going i want that 50 out of there yikes come on [Music] all right wants to go once again come on it's going to go holy the whole damn train oh man that was huge wow all right i don't think i've got a coin problem anymore so [Music] oh wow [Music] andy come on i really badly want to see that thing fall over that was my last coin let's have another look it's definitely changing shape that i can guarantee you all right let's tell it up see what we did no siri went no see see what we got all right so we've got 60 bucks you know that you know that means nature that puts me in the profit coins i've had to resort back to joe um he doesn't mind he's getting bored up there anyway so um yeah i mean there's probably a hundred coins in there uh i mean it's a bit hard to tell so let's get 80 coins [Applause] i mean i could sit down and count them but that would take a long time doing that after every time you know every single time i would run out of filming time pretty quickly and i just want to play i'm not interested in sitting there counting [Applause] [Music] coins [Music] [Music] so so thank you jake you're a legend mark [Music] oh yeah now that thing's definitely got a huge lean on it now way holy snapping duck whoa just as i caught that i just looked i just looked at it just to see if it was moving at all and i saw it shift just that tiny bit wow oh man okay it's official it was just very well built very well built my hat's off to them [Music] oh man look at all the coins on there that is massive i am going to clean this up [Music] so what did i get down to like three chips uh three coins three coins to what i've got now oh that's right i had to sell yeah yeah of course i like to sell all my money all right that was my last chip uh last uh queen sorry i get excited and i call everything chips oh chips i wonder if the kitchen's open all right let's tell you that okay got another 50. you guilty he can go up there with his mates uh coins yeah there's 80 90 coins in there no worries i reckon soon there's gonna be a hundred or 189 coins in there 1890 whatever i'm going to do something a little weird here i'm going to start double stacking the top see if i can't targeting those hundreds up there [Music] i'll definitely get my coins back okay hmm [Applause] oh nice [Music] whoa no one went next door [Music] so oh look at that big chunk about to come off that's gotta be loud [Music] come on i'd love to get all that off in one hit see if that sets the alarms off well maybe they think that game over the other side is easy to escape from i've got no idea all right let's tell you it up that was my last point sorry i just got excited uh let's tell it up so we've got take a look at this look at it look at it that's all happening here all right i reckon i've got about 120 130 coins take a look i'm not touching it [Music] so [Music] [Applause] oh yeah come on let's make it [Music] so hey top top hundred dollar notes stubborn [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you paid out well [Music] look how much sitting on the edge that is insane [Music] so oh [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell you it up so we went all right another 20 bucks big up there uh well you can't see it anymore yeah all right so i think i'll put the tape down too low but anyway um so there's probably 150 coins in there and take a look at that that's probably i don't know four or five hundred coins just in that big pile right there now maybe not that much maybe i'm exaggerating maybe 250 [Music] [Music] oh [Music] nice [Music] so so right now i'm pretty much got no mercy so um last time this was happening i was feeling really guilty only because i didn't think i knew how to set him up well maybe he did i don't know maybe i should have just kept playing but anyway i'm happy i did i'm going to keep playing out i'll see you you make a mistake twice you pay for it the second time oh whoa there must been 50 coins just [Music] dropped listen to it you never get sick of that i want that as my ringtone on my phone [Music] so i've always given up trying to get those hundreds off [Music] [Music] so [Music] damn [Music] [Music] oh that'll teach him a lesson for putting another tower in [Music] okay i got two coins left oh i completely forgot to tell you too sorry i supposed to say this right start the video um yeah dave's fine um so he he's rang me he's at home now uh he's he's not allowed to do anything uh and i know this for a fact because they said the same to me too you're not allowed to do anything that excites you um that's everything that excites you so uh i mean even spending uh you know personal time with your misses uh yet not allowed to do that for the next month so um he rang me up and and basically you know thanked me you know so much i mean it was unbelievable it was nearly embarrassing really i mean i didn't do much so um you know i just said to him look i'm always here day or night you call me uh you know you you don't feel right or anything like that first place you do is call an ambulance second person you call is me and i'll come around so um yeah so he's fine um he's all nice and perky and that no yeah you should be sweet all right let's tally it up [Music] okay i don't even think i'm gonna bother showing you the bottom part of the cup i think i'll just go straight in for a top view oh i just tap the glass then so as you can see uh sorry i'm getting a little close to the camera because i don't want to tap the glass again uh yeah there's heaps in there um i don't know i got no idea a couple hundred [Music] let's keep going all right see ya coy i'll be happy if i can get that 300 bucks out of there too [Music] where'd you go come on come on like i got all day [Music] [Music] yeah i would not play this game if i only had 10 uh 10 coins i didn't probably get stuck really bad machine for that so that other coin pusher machine which i've basically stopped playing now i haven't played that for a while not one coin ever used to get stuck or lost or anything in that one nice yeah this one seems to be bad for it but that's fine i don't mind i really don't care when i got so many [Music] coins [Music] [Music] just listen to that sick of sound i heard them people walking faster though listening to me giggling they probably think i'm completely nuts [Music] oh i'm going for i'm trying to hold that it's not looking too good let's see what i can do [Music] [Applause] that's about how much i like to hold so i can control that pretty easily every now and then i'll get a little bit grip when i try to hold more [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh we're cleaning this machine out that's for sure [Music] [Music] bloody hell must have got so many coins [Music] here [Music] so [Music] i've got those hundreds lined up quite nicely [Music] [Music] come on give me some big bushes not that i'm being greedy i'm getting very tired my back is starting to hurt locked [Music] so [Music] [Music] cool just keep on coming what is holding them up [Music] oh playing this back [Music] lovely ah that was my last coin finally all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] whoa give it slovo unbelievable holy i've crap coins everywhere um i'm not going to say what the australian term for that is because that's a little bit harder than what i'm what i'm used to saying [Music] so all right you can go over there you can watch from the sideline that's a red card for you my friend [Music] did a coin get stuck what happened where it it disappeared [Music] [Music] [Music] so all right those are those chips aren't moving much i think they're just slipping backwards [Music] so my heart [Music] let me help so i'm not 100 sure how all this works i'm not an expert by any means um you know i'm not like what the hails are they'll probably look at this and know straight away what to do so josh actually um i'm still learning so i'm taking a look at these coins here and i'm watching them slipping back slipping back now i'm thinking what what i need to do here is try to get the coins out from underneath and get her on a flat flatter surface and then they'll start coming forward that's what i'm thinking tell me in the comments if that if that sort of makes a bit of sense because i don't know i'm guessing 100 [Music] guess [Music] and the reason why i'm oh really the amount of coins that have gone next door i could have just played that game so uh yeah generally what happens is the longer the game goes the quieter i'm going to get i don't mean to be rude or anything like that but obviously my back hurts more and more so um yeah i generally don't talk when it's like really painful because uh yeah i don't really want you guys to know too much about it but but that is what's happening right now and looks like the battery's about to die in my camera lovely i'm gonna have to change you over in a second i'll keep going until it dies oh nice [Music] come on big bushes now i'm not mucking around anymore no more mr nice guy over here i'm going to teach these people what it means to put a tower in here [Music] all right i'm just going to throw those in and i'm going to change the battery because i don't want it to die and i forget to change it and i keep playing the whole game without you guys watching that'll be a disaster all right they're shifting nicely alright so i'm going to go change my battery and i will be back in a minute [Music] okay got a new battery we are good to go [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh they're getting closer [Music] [Laughter] oh man i think one of the 50s fell i'm not 100 sure i didn't see it all um i keep my eyes on the top deck to make sure that you know i'm doing the right thing up there not like that all that or that oh what the hell come on [Music] oh there's coins for days take a look at that that is just about ready to go that guy that's got me now noisy [Music] [Music] [Music] so come on gotta come up soon oh yeah so i'd normally like to stop right about now but uh you know there's 200 bucks sitting right there's a 50 hiding under there's a big chunk of coins right here so um yeah as i said earlier you know if they want to put a coin tower in here and i'm going to do my best to destroy it and take all the coins why not [Music] so oh the hunter might be coming off i might do a little extra double stacking up the top see if i can get them off i've already given up on when i've double stacked the top so many times [Music] i've got two coins left all right let's tell it up see what we've got [Music] all right 150 bucks you oh look at beauty look at this look at this look at this slow-mo whoa um yeah you little beauty i don't know why i ever got concerned about playing a tower it's good when this happens it's not so good when you don't push it over and you run out of coins man this is gonna be a long video hope you guys don't mind i know you're leaving in the comments that you don't mind this is gonna be like a two day video [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on big bushes [Music] [Music] oh that hundred's getting close to the edge not that one up there that one down here [Music] [Music] give me that much [Applause] i'm gonna see if i can get that clump off i'm not too concerned about the 50 right now uh but i'm gonna see if i can get that clump off simply because uh yeah my back is absolutely paining me [Music] and this video's already gone for god knows how long oh i must be in a really really good profile i've got no idea i'm not counting it i'm gonna look up there every now and then find myself you know sort of looking at it no not allowed to know [Music] so so yeah i've given up on that top deck those hundreds there are coming off i mean i've double stacked that top deck for like three different times now and i've gone through a lot of coins trying to get that off and they're just rolling around the place i mean they do look like they're enjoying themselves up there [Music] no boys [Music] so [Applause] oh that's so many coins it's ridiculous [Music] so [Music] so oh there's another 50 hiding under underneath these chips here i can see sorry under the coins that's a bad habit of one i'm all excited and i'm not thinking straight [Music] oh oh there goes 150. i've got those hundreds turned sideways now there's two hundreds up the top there that actually sideways [Music] so [Music] so [Music] come on all right barely drop all the coins and one better [Music] are up on the top deck [Music] oh i'm about to get one 100 off oh there it goes oh yeah last coin yes and i double stacked it all right let's tell you that all right oh nearly dropped it another 200 bucks yes you guilty uh that's the good news [Applause] that's not looking too healthy so i'm not surprised just take a look at the top deck um so yeah i reckon oh i just touched the glass again so i reckon i've lost quite a few coins then obviously i don't know 70 80 coins i reckon i lost that's not good oh come on come on freebie um i'm going to try to get this off and if i can get that off i'm just going to determine what to do then i don't think i'm going to chase the 100 that just fell off not if i'm going to lose all my all my coins there's no point um so i am definitely targeting that 50 plus this clump here if i can get that off i will then make a decision i mean this video has already been going oh i don't know two hours is it all right i'll stop double stacking the top [Music] start get some of those coins off [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay um what am i going to do what am i going to do i'm going to go and see what's in the uh in the bottom tray there and [Music] anymore we'll feel like joining the party and then yeah i'm going to make a decision on what to do there is quite a lot of coins along there um but you know my back is absolutely killing me that's why i'm not talking a lot i don't talk when we're in a lot of pain and i'm in a lot of pain right now so um i'm thinking is that worth a little bit more pain probably uh i'm going to take a look see what coins fell what coins i've got i'm not going to count my money just yet now i know i'm in some sort of a profit so um yeah i just want to make that decision so i just don't want to use up any more coins back in a second well i did get another 50 out of it yeah totally forgot about that so that was a nice surprise thank you all right so i've had a look at my coins uh it's not looking that bad uh so i reckon i have gained just a few so i'm going to bite the bullet and i'm going to go a little bit longer so uh i'm just going to deal with with my back if i don't talk much i do apologize for that but it's just me trying to control the agony [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] nice it's all happening [Music] that one got stuck [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay that's it i gotta stop if i don't stop i'm going to fall over so i'm going to tally up everything i got and i'll be back in a minute [Music] holy snapping duck take a look at this i didn't dream i had that much um whoa all right so the telly goes that is really heavy too by the way uh the telly goes uh i've got 400 bucks in chips 375 dollars in the notes or 291 coins wow uh 291 coins so the sellback on those is 8.73 uh 873 bucks unbelievable add all that together 1648 minus the 250 that i cost that i pay to play um so my total profit is 13.98 hundred and ninety eight dollars wow considering i got right down to nothing uh and i come out with a game like that it really pays to be um persistent uh try to use your brains uh slow it down if you have to speed it up if you have to do whatever it takes so um that is absolutely intense so i'm gonna go catch all that in and i'll be back in a minute but it's everywhere um so they ran out of hundreds and fifties and i had to give me some small stuff and i said i don't care money's money it doesn't bother me in the slightest um so that's what our five dollars look like anyway um so what i've done is uh there's 1 300 here and i've put 98 bucks in the tin uh absolutely more than happy to do it uh it's a christmas thing too you know you always get more um uh cheerful around christmas time not sure why just kidding so yeah absolutely brilliant um wow my wife is going to be so happy i mean that money is really going to come in handy um so yes she's pretty much cut my uh my other betting my horses my dogs um all that sort of stuff a lot but it bit a little bit on the cricket too um it's pretty much cut all that in half at the moment um only because of christmas and i fully you know fully expect it i don't win a lot on those you know sometimes i win sometimes i lose let's rephrase that sometimes i win most times i lose but i'm doing really well on this machine so um yeah unbelievable so if you if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and yeah i'll see you guys in the next video and sorry this was so long
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,557
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Id: xz-YHqO60sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 42sec (5862 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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