Aussie Coin Pusher EP 45

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[Music] here well i can't put this off for any longer so so i'm pretty much on to my second uh second woody so um yeah i better uh i better get cracking onto this so stock standard 50 coins so i don't want to spend any more than this uh 50 oh wow i just dropped it all right maybe i shouldn't crack that second tinny so i'm not looking to get them off off the top right now i'm simply looking for [Music] coins all i'm looking for right now [Music] so what i'm thinking if i can't get at least two of them off with 50 coins plus what drops then i definitely won't be having a second line [Music] so nice [Music] i need all the pushes i can get my hands [Music] on i absolutely do not like my chances here [Music] okay i've got one coin left and i double strapped it well done jase hey all right let's uh let's go have a look okay that's actually a lot better than i was expecting so there's about 45 coins there so yeah didn't lose much at all happy about that all right let's keep going i did i just got double checked to make sure i actually pressed record [Music] so if i if i can get up to about 130 tokens i am just going to absolutely smash that top tray [Music] but for now i've got to get 110 tokens so oh nice okay that was my last coin all right let's till it up see what we got all right got to be at least 60 coins in there yeah happy with that all right let's keep going [Music] so oh nice [Music] come on get coins all sorted out come on i'd love to accidentally just be able to knock one of them off just while i'm chasing coins oh night just fell down that was my last one oh yeah oh that was huge oh you little bloody ripper all right let's go tell it let's see what we got alrighty it's a start hey five bucks thank you uh coins yeah it's gotta be 90 coins there um yeah they're nearly slipping out of my hand so uh i reckon at least 90. so we're getting closer i can't wait to hammer the top party absolutely can't wait too all right nice another tether just went down if i get that five [Music] come on oh come on oh thank you oh there goes the fiber i'm not hearing a lot drop here [Music] come on oh wow what is going on with that end okay i'm holding one left oh i needed that come on i need another one oh yeah come on one more one more oh bugger all right let's tell it up see what we've got all righty got another 15 bucks [Music] all these small denominations they add up i tell you uh coins yeah i just commented hook nearly dropped them there's got to be like 95 100 coins there um yeah maybe about 95. [Music] all right let's keep going the right hand side starts to look good the middle start to look good the left hand side looks like it's still shed one coin to get all that off [Music] oh nice [Music] oh look at that i've never got oh yes [Music] i haven't even started attacking it yet [Music] all right four more to go [Music] [Applause] no one got stuck up [Music] i'm just trying to clean that end off a little bit that's why i'm just going one at a time [Music] come on oh nice [Music] am i missing something on the on the left hand side here i think i might feel down a bigger note i can't remember if it was 100 or a 50 oh man i hope so [Music] i got one coin left i don't really want it far right about there all right let's tell it up see what we got all right 50 bucks hey that makes a uh a bit of a chunk in the old debit doesn't it uh yeah that's looking really healthy too so there's got to be 900 coins in there for sure so sami is just glad she's playing [Music] oh what was that that was a fiver i think [Music] so [Music] so [Music] come on and some big pushes [Music] [Music] so pretty much on the left and the right hand side i'm just trying to go one coin at a time i don't want to chop that up now the right hand side you can see is already chopped up so i'm trying to clean that off a little [Music] bit oh come on you see that roll over oh 20 just went down [Music] so come on oh that was my last coin all right that's all right all right let's go tally it up okay another 25 bucks yep he can go up there with his mates uh coins yeah i reckon we're doing really good on coins there's gotta be like 110 in there now so look out dice hey i'm getting the ammo to come for you all right let's see if i'll get that hundred bucks off that'd be nice not by doing that oh come on what's the chances that one got stuck what's the chances it's actually going to land on the same coin come on [Music] i didn't see i'll never get sick of that sound so if you just take a look along the front there you can see it's really start to stack up i mean that's probably five or six deep right there [Music] come on let's get that 100 off thank you i'll have a look see how many tokens i've got after i've used more see whether i start pounding top or go for even more coins oh i nearly dropped them all come on i'll take it ah the coins are slipping through my fingers okay that was my last coin all right let's see what we've got down there thank you yeah let's tell you that [Music] okay 120 bucks oh yeah not going to win you that are we no uh coins yeah definitely going very good on coins i'm predicting there's like 120 in there so i'm going to start smashing the top i'll do it with this lot and i'll reevaluate once i've done it with this light now the trick is you can get it in there fast and not drop them on the ground which is exactly what i'll do or block the machine up that's uh [Music] so [Music] oh i can't i just can't get him in as fast on this side as i can the other side [Music] one good thing about it is it's going to give me some nice big pushes dude i'm struggling to get him in fast oh i never got the two left-hand ones off oh yeah you little bloody ripper [Music] all right if i get [Applause] [Music] i knew i shouldn't have that second second titty [Music] oh this is ridiculous yeah that was my last coin okay let's tell you it up see what we got [Music] okay another 10 bucks thank you um i reckon there's only about 80 queens there so i'm going to go back to my normal two coins uh start getting some more ammo back up again so i meant for it to cost me 50 coins to get one of those dice off absolutely worth it full-on worth it i'm just going to try to empty off the top tray just a little bit so no double stacking right now like that that was huge [Music] [Music] so it's funny that machine behind me doesn't seem as loud as what it was a bit earlier it's funny how you just get used to something you just stop hearing things [Music] [Music] so all i'm doing right now is i'm just trying to oh thank you i'm just trying to empty off the top tray uh there's a lot of tokens up there so i'm just trying to empty that and i'm trying to get some um get some coins so i can start smashing the top again i'm not going to smash them with 80. that's how you lose [Music] oh come on so hey that was my last coin all right let's tally it up so what we've got [Music] okay um so yep once again there's probably about 80 there [Laughter] i'm trying to hold a ball there you go okay so there's about 80 there things we have to do eh all right i sort this mess out so we're still chasing coins so it's just important i don't do exactly what i just did double stacking although that is a massive clump on the right hand side [Music] come on i've got to get that clump off on the right hand there [Music] what else come on [Music] i thought i'd give the dice on our left hand side there just a bit of a nudge [Music] okay i'm holding two coins all right that definitely shifted all right let's tally it up see what we got [Music] okay so this is definitely not going to plan so there's about 60 coins there yeah we're not supposed to be gone look well let's call that 59 coins let me just grab that oh there's another coin down here hey yeah two coins i only dropped one so must have dropped at the rent or somewhere along the line okay let's keep aiming for that uh right hand side see if we can get that clump off i don't want to stop on the left because there is a dice over there oh yeah now it's start to sing oh that dice is cranking now [Music] so well i suppose that's one thing i've never thought about on the bottom bottom part here there's actually a lip uh it goes up on an angle um i hope these dice don't just keep sliding down i never really thought of that i'll watch these two guys very carefully that was my last two coins all right let's tally it up see what we've got [Music] okay we're back to about 90 coins i reckon that's good jason likes there's still loads of coins up on the top shelf loads of coins i can't seem to get them off [Music] [Music] [Music] another nice little clump forming right in the middle here [Music] well i'm watching those dice very carefully they definitely are moving so that's a good thing [Music] so i think another another bloody coin got stuck up there again oh nice that guy is definitely sliding backwards that is not a good thing i'm going to try to get the coins out from underneath it [Music] that that dice is nearly ready to go down on the left-hand side oh come on this time that was my last lot of coins [Music] all right let's tally it up okay so i can just hold about 100 of these coins in my hand so uh i reckon there's probably about 90 day that's cool still more than i was expecting oh there goes one dice [Applause] oh that other dice is just he's just moving around wherever he wants [Music] so oh yeah [Music] oh we got closer after the end to the dice up on the top i wonder if i should give a quick smash [Music] [Music] come on come on push it off push it off push it off [Music] [Music] time just to oh that went completely next door i'm just trying to get some tokens off the top because they're uh as you can see there's a loads and loads of tokens up there [Music] oh come on my timing's a bit out hey that was my last coin and i double stacked it you little ripper all right oh let's tally it up see what we got okay one down four to go okay yeah little buggers uh coins yeah probably back to i don't know 80 coins oh wow i did not just drop one i did all right so i'm going back to uh coin hunting empty that top tray off i'm sorry if that's a bit boring for you i just think it's very necessary oh don't do that [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay so uh in the um in the comments somebody was asking uh how big the tray was he was trying to work out roughly how many coins are fitting on it so in my eyes just just going by eye obviously i'm not going to go and get a ruler it's probably about a foot long by about six inches wide when it's fully open so when it's closed obviously it's probably two and a half maybe three inches [Music] i hope that helps you i hope you can see the future oh looks like we've got the other dice that helps now i just need tokens lots of tokens yeah i don't know if i'm getting those off the top though i don't like it when they uh like on the right hand side you can see them all overlapping each other like that yeah i don't like it when it does that just means there's too many on there [Music] so [Music] i've got one coin left yes listen to it let's just go on come on all right let's tell it up see what we got okay we got the second one new beauty keep an eye on you little buggers uh coins yeah not not too bad in coins so i reckon we're back up to about 110 maybe 120. [Music] [Music] oh wow they get stuck up there bad time oh whoops i just finished clearing that out [Music] oh i nearly got it off [Applause] [Music] come on oh thank you oh get off get off get off oh that is so close [Music] ah man i thought that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] okay about 100 maybe 110 that's fine i'm going to kick down for the top tray see if i get at least one more of those dice off at least come on look how close it is oh i don't want to spook it back on the table oh that's so coming off oh yeah oh yeah now for the hardest one so we all know how how much of a problem i have playing left so uh yeah this may be the old skill stop [Music] [Music] nice [Music] ah man i can't believe how hard this get these coins in fast [Music] all right i'm gonna have to attempt the skill stop [Music] now i suck at skip that skill stop i can't see me getting this off [Music] oh [Music] i'm going to try it without so [Music] okay i got one coin left just gonna wait for a second [Music] all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] okay so somebody's holding probably 110 i reckon we're getting pretty close to that all right let's keep pushing i'll try skill stop again [Music] oh [Music] all right i'm gonna let it let it go for a little bit i'm just gonna let it go across come back all the coins are on the right hand side that's so typical [Music] so i'm gonna hit this thing with everything i've got and hope i got coins at the end of it oh i can't do this for much longer all right that was my last coin oh [Music] nice i don't think i better do that again for a little while i mean i will not be able to walk tomorrow so um okay let's take it up see what we've got not yet let's try this [Music] normally what happens when i put my hand in front of it something that something happens behind it all right let's tally it up [Music] um probably about 90 coins so you definitely lost some coins then and i'm not surprised you can see all the coins are on this side not much happening on this side so what i'm going to do right now is i'm literally just going to target that um i'm not interested in anything else i'm not even looking at the dice at the top if i can hang around 100 110 coins um you know maybe go up to 120 go down to 90 80 whatever i don't i don't really want to go too much lower than 80 so [Music] so i may have to just stop what i'm doing chase a few coins every now and then oh yeah close that thing is to the edge [Music] i'm going to play it smart though [Music] so [Music] so oh look at that first piece of edge oh no wait oh i'm chasing it i gotta chase it um i could vibrate that thing back onto the top tray again so i really don't want to be doing that so i'm going skill stop again right about there oh you'll be guilty i did not ever think the life would be i'd get them off of the top all right um i might have to take a break in a minute so that skill stop is an absolute killer for me anyway i'm gonna keep going i don't have a huge amount of coins left [Music] [Applause] oh wow i cannot believe it i didn't think of in a million years you'd get that off of there so i'm just trying to empty um empty the tokens from the top tray because they do actually push a lot better when there's less on there okay that's my last coin okay i'm gonna go tally it up but i'm gonna have a break first [Music] okay um so that's probably 70 coins so now i've got to be very very careful um what i don't want to do is run out of coins and have dice still up top there so i really don't want to cash in the money that i've already got i mean obviously i will but i don't want to i'm just going to play it safe start getting some coins off the top [Music] [Music] so what i also think i need to do is i need to get rid of that mound if i can get rid of that mound and give these two dice a free run um then i think that's going to benefit me too so i might as well start working on that while i'm still pushing the dice up that way i'm not waiting on right here [Music] i'm working on it done [Music] come up big bushes [Music] one more coin and it got stuck in there come on give me a good job all right i'm gonna tell it up so what we got [Music] okay uh i reckon there's about 70 coins there so i'm hoping there's 70 coins there anyway um when that falls yeah i think i'll be uh i won't have coin problems at the moment i still need to be very careful oh come on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] come on big push okay i've got three coins left i'm just gonna wait right about now only one of those coins went where i wanted it all right let's tell you it up see what we got okay definitely back to about 80 coins i reckon so um yeah i mean that's that's excellent let's keep smashing when that falls i'm not gonna have a coin problem i mean it's gonna be awesome it's gonna be loud too [Music] i'd love to be able to get that off in one hit and one big crash [Music] i still cannot believe i got those diced off the top [Music] come on give me a nice big push yeah that's a stop [Music] that's my last coin all right let's tell it up [Music] okay um it's probably 80 85 queens all right i've got to keep working on that mound because these two dice aren't they're not just going to go up over the top of it they're going to want to go through it so all the doc at the moment all the coins are just slipping straight underneath it so i need to get that flat that's priority number one right now i'm not concerned about coins so i'm going to go with some big bushes see if that's going to help me [Music] i watched that [Music] [Music] okay i got one coin left no i haven't sorry sammy's still holding some [Music] so [Music] so hey that was my last coin all right let's tell you it up so what we got okay back up to 120 easily hey so now i can afford to do some big [Music] pushes [Music] so [Music] wouldn't you be absolutely devastated if you ran out of coins ran out of money and you still had one dice left on the on the deck i shouldn't laugh i mean that's that's something i can very easily happen [Music] i know i'm double stacking the top again i'm doing that so i get more coins dropping off and giving you bigger pushes that across there is just not moving for some reason well gene left in one of the comments that the center part is that harness to push it's probably best to attack it from both sides fully agree with that absolutely fully agree with that [Music] [Music] oh there goes one of the dice [Music] come on that was my last twin all right let's tell you it up so what we got [Music] we've got three of them hey little buggers and there's his mates and i am targeting them uh coins yep absolutely lost some coins then so we're probably back to about 100 maybe 105 [Music] but we've got some really good pushes out of it and that mound is getting smaller that's the whole idea to be honest with you i don't care if i don't walk out of here with a single coin in my hand just as long as i walk out with one big [Music] bar [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] come on [Music] it's moving [Music] [Music] so [Music] i got one coin left oh man all right let's go daily it up man i'm glad that fell because if that didn't fall how many coins would have i had norman probably 30. that was massive the whole trade just went down um so yeah i'm probably only back to about 100 so right yeah i'm grateful it fell 100 coins is that enough to get those two dice off i'll make sure it is i just wanted george's trick shots oh wow all right my timing's completely out at the moment [Music] [Music] so [Music] i can smell cat food yeah i can smell cat food [Music] what are they cooking in the kitchen [Music] [Music] so hey there was a question i was going to ask you guys i completely forgot about it um over here a very very common food for us to eat and trust me if you can see my gut i eat a lot of them uh pies do you guys have pies like meat pies bacon pies you know all that sort of stuff over in the u.s and canada and all that [Music] with a bad drop on it [Music] yeah they even brought out a vegemite pie [Music] i tried one once holy tasted like crap i bet you might pie if you guys have never tried vegemite give it a go find it somewhere i don't even know if you can i think it's been banned in the but uh yeah audrey's absolutely going up for it [Music] i have to admit i i love my vegemite too oh yeah i often think of stupid stuff like that you know what have you guys got that we don't what have we got that you don't that was my last coin too by the way all right they're getting closer let's tally it up see what we got [Music] okay that's not too good is it there's about 80 queens there so i've got to be a little bit more careful take a little top try there's probably a couple other coins just on that alone [Music] so [Music] nice so i'm trying to play smart at the moment and that's not too smart [Music] you know when that fiber falls we're getting real close [Music] so oh i needed that [Music] okay that was my last who's coin closer all right let's tally it up yep there's a good solid 80 coins there i reckon [Music] oh now i can't even grab anything [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] [Laughter] you're a bloody idiot not me i'm talking about this time i didn't realize but dave was just standing at the door i just caught the glimpse of him at the corner of my eye and i just looked and he slept the top of his head because he's just sitting not i've got all the i've got these dots off himself and walked away oh oh god i'm crying oh that is funny stuff [Music] oh there goes the fiber but whenever [Music] [Music] close [Music] [Music] oh that is moving it's going to go over [Music] i'm trying to stay focused go go oh i'm trying to stay focused ah i tell you it is hard i can't stop looking at that silver bar i'm trying to watch what i'm doing [Music] all right now push it now oh yes okay that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tell it up see what we got but we all know what we got i totally forgot about the five um yeah that was a nice surprise i got four of them he said if i have five in my hand that is all mine all right let's keep going um coins yeah we're still we've still got 100 coins or maybe 90. [Music] all right so the uh the battery light my camera's flashing away again see if i can get it [Music] [Music] so so [Music] come on before the camera turns off [Music] [Music] the only way i know how to get big bushes out of this thing is just absolutely smash the top that's what i'm trying to do right now yeah that was my last coin come on all right let's tell you it up see what we got look at me hey i better stop doing that um it's probably 70 coins there and i might have to swap um stop and change the battery anyway let's keep going so i'm not going to keep doing what i was just doing i mean that gives you some really good pushes but it uses up a lot of coins too [Music] [Music] oh in the wrong spot come on [Music] [Music] so okay one coin left oh let's tell it up okay about 80 coins uh 70 coins maybe 75 coins that's all right [Music] [Music] all right that thing is flashing away quite nicely now [Music] come on keep dropping them coins [Music] oh one for the dealer so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] okay i'm gonna go change the battery to this thing so it doesn't die and i'm gonna go tell you everything up oh okay so about 100 coins uh so i've got a new battery [Music] let's get this bloody dice off of there so i don't try to start oh thank you i've got to try to start cleaning up that um that right hand side up the top there so who would have thought i got them off the top oh come on [Music] show me that in 20 minutes so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh nice okay i'm holding one coin right about there oh it definitely shifted all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] okay we're still doing pretty good so there's got to be 100 in there look how close it is to the edge i'm getting so excited so i badly just want to absolutely smash the top not much is happening [Music] so i think this is where you're getting uh i'm getting too many coins up top [Music] and the only way i know how to fix that is simply just drop one coin in at a time and try to get more than one coin off [Laughter] oops oh man where's that guy [Music] i'm sure like three or four drops but i found two and so i'll keep an eye open for him i just want to get stuck into this thing come on come on push it off [Music] so [Music] i'm gonna go for some big pushes [Music] see if i get something moving here that was my last coin not much is happening all right let's tell you it up that's not good uh yeah that did not go to plan so uh you won't be doing that again uh i'm gonna take a look how close it is so all right back to uh trying to clean the top off i'm sorry this might be a bit boring for you [Music] [Music] oops so i know where i've gone wrong i've already worked that out oh that's what i needed okay that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what we got okay got about 30 coins [Music] i'm just trying to get some of these coins off the top there there's there's just way too many up there come on all right so close it is so close [Music] [Applause] so i'm trying to be super careful not to double stack them i think i'm failing miserably over that i'm just gonna wait that was my last coin it's getting close oh man all right let's tell you that okay uh i've got about 25 coins here so it's coming down to the wire i am starting to get a little nervous top deck's looking a little bit better come on give me something to play with now i'm just going to wait for it to head back over to the right [Applause] oh it's moving it's not going to take much okay that was my last coin oh i'll take those two all right let's check it oh bugger me i had 12 or 13 coins oh now i'm getting real nervous [Music] hmm oh i don't need to be doing that you're an idiot oh wow come on [Music] come on i need a push let me push not like that oh i'll take it oh man this is nerve-wracking hey i thought i was in for an easy game oh man i went wrong hardcore uh this is my last coin not much phil oh well that's not good um that's a nervous laugh all right i'm gonna go check it [Music] all right i've got about 12 coins i mean i'm just going to go super slow and i do apologize if that annoys people or if it's boring for you there's a lot on the line here for me so i mean i've absolutely blasted a purple valve trying to get to get those dice off just for it to end it's not it's not ending here trust me oh that helps okay that's my last coin all right but at least we've got some coins back i mean just take a look that is right hanging over the edge a little bit on this side too so all right let's tally it up to what we got okay uh it's probably about uh 25 coins there maximum so um so where i think i've gone wrong i'm having a hundred coins to a small handful um yep double stacking is good for certain parts of the game unfortunately i think of what's happened is i've double stacked in the wrong parts of the game and it's just come back to completely bite me in the ass and i think it has so these types these types of um situations i don't find myself in a lot of times so this is where i learn so come on big push oh that's what i needed oh yeah that is exactly what i needed i mean the dice didn't come any closer to the edge but that's all right [Music] yeah that's my last two coins i'll take them all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] okay that's a little bit better so 35 40 queens can relax just a little bit [Music] [Music] i really don't need to be double stacking them though [Music] oh man that dice is sliding back down slide the other way [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh i needed that come on couple more of those i'll be happy oh bugger me all right i want to stay away from the very far right i've got one coin left oh there's so nerve-wracking i haven't heard a lot before [Music] all right let's tell it up so what we got okay so we're back to 18 20 coins oh wow oh come on i want to stay away from the left hand side that's just chewing my coins up [Music] come on come on don't make me have to go for another buy-in okay that was my last coin oh at me all right let's tell you that [Music] okay 25 coins oh boy and what do i do the first coin did it slip off nope come on i gotta get things moving here it's crazy [Music] oh yeah it makes all the difference if you just speed it up just that tiny bit it makes all the difference it's very risky though all right let's tell it up so what we got okay back to us old 50 coins [Music] wow [Music] come on so it looks like that dice is going to be very stubborn i think it's just going to keep sliding back all the time i just got to get the coins out from underneath it [Music] so [Music] oh nice [Music] so oh boy so yeah this one's testing me i've got one coin left all right let's tell it up so what we got okay about 40 coins there goes that bloody hand again [Music] all right let's keep going ah keep falling off [Music] so [Music] [Music] so oh nothing's moving oh this is killing me okay i got two coins left come on i need a drop i'm gonna go to the far left far left seems to be moving oh bugger that didn't go to plan oh or did it oh i have all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] still about 40 coins that's fine with me we can hover about the same and keep shifting that thing forward it's only a matter of time [Music] [Music] ah come on [Music] i think half of my problem is i've got too many coins up on the top tray oh nice there is a coin right behind right behind that hopefully that's going to be enough of a lip just to push it off the edge so it doesn't slide back so come on i'm working on it that was my last coin [Laughter] oh man i gotta keep my voice down um see that that is now mine oh what a game oh wow i am absolutely buggered i mean brainwise my brain is just yeah it's basically jam it's nothing so um oh what a game i cannot believe it all right i'm gonna grab that out and see the look on dave's face [Music] dave said if i'm holding five dice in my hand that is mine oh you little bloody ripper well i can't believe it uh what a game um i'd have to say best fight i've ever done uh coins i actually ended up with probably about 70 coins so uh wow absolutely in shock so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go um give these dice to dave oh man i wish i could film that i really wish i could film it um but anyway i'm actually gonna ask him but yeah don't hold you hold your breath on it um yeah unbelievable i'm going to tally everything up and take a look at it that is mine oh unbelievable i'm mind blown mind blown i'm just blown away betty won't do that again hey thank you you guys it's you guys that have actually taught me how to play this machine and look for certain things and do certain things i did make a big mistake in it i know about it and i'm definitely going to learn by it so um wow absolutely mind blown um i'm going to go up there and swap this thing these dice over and i'll see you in a minute all right take a look at that damn that's good hey all right so basically the telly goes uh i've got 230 dollars in notes i had 59 coins left over uh i think i called 70 and yeah i was a bit off of that uh 59 coins that's 177 five dice five dice equals what holy oh that is heavy man that's got some weight to it um so i think it says 999 fine gold fine silver dude i wish this was gold oh i'll buy a house um oh man unbelievable i mean i don't know what it's worth it's got to be worth up around the thousand dollar mark i'm guessing uh i haven't looked so i used to follow follow the market pretty careful but uh that is impressive so um yeah wow um oh listen to that [Laughter] so basically um yeah 230 dollars in notes i've got 177 in the coins um it's 407 minus the 250 i played i've got 157 profit plus the silver plus the silver 177 bucks so um mind blown absolutely mind blown so um wow um if you like what you see oh no see i've done it again i gotta go cash everything in yet i'll be back in a minute okay so what i've done um is that's all i've got so the hundred and fifty seven dollars uh profit that i had for the game i actually gave that to the tin so uh if anybody's wondering uh it's the tin is for autism uh it's for the autism kids there's a tin it's about the same size i don't know it's just it's a money box size uh tim it sits on the bar uh well i guess people just put coins in it so um i feel as if now this is for the new guys um if i'm winning um you know a profit what i do is something out of that profit goes to the tin uh that's my thing that's what i do that's what i love doing i donate all over the place anyway um so unfortunately when i don't get a profit i can't you know i really can't do anything for the 10 but profit only uh give something to the 10 so so i've actually given 157 dollars my total profit out of this game minus to the 10 so i mean that for me wow i mean that is more than enough more than enough i am so stoked about this i mean look at it it is sick and it's heavy um i can't wait to play with this when i get home so i don't really want to announce it too much where i am at the moment um yeah yeah so anyway um oh wow so if you like what you see uh give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and i'll see you guys in the next video one last look you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 5,149
Rating: 4.9761906 out of 5
Id: KV316K14qwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 51sec (6471 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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