Aussie Coin Pusher EP 80

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[Music] g'day jason from aussie coin pusher here and take a look at this bloody thing hey um as much as i'm happy to see it i'm not because i've only got 50 coins that's it that's all i've got i've got no money in the car i've got enough money in my pocket for a bourbon that's it so i've been having a good close studio but the game next to me is even worse the tower's not in a dead center it's more to the left than it is to the right but there's more coins on the left than there are the right so what i'm going to do is i find it easier to play on the right so i'm going to play on the right i'm going to split this game in half i'm only going to play the right hand side i think that is the smartest thing to do right now and i'm going to play it reasonably slow because last thing i want to do is that double stack of coin so this game is going to be very slow at the start and i do apologize for that but yeah i don't want to be slamming in coins and it's going to come back and bite me in the butt when i got nothing left so i just got to keep waiting for this pendulum to come come back that's the bad thing about it that's what i don't want to do yeah this one's going to be a toughie [Music] not a lot of movement i got bitten off oh do it again come on chase i'm beating off more than i can chew here i reckon [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] so nothing is moving there must be a lot of gaps under here that's gotta be worried oh a little bit of movement first i've got one point back well i kind of have it off all right so the right start to move now that's a good thing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no nice [Music] at least i got some coins out of it i have a little look on the left i just want to have a look oh we'll get movement on the left maybe i should have started on the left [Music] so i'm thinking just by looking at this game i think maybe i made a mistake already maybe just playing one side wasn't a smart thing to do what i should have been doing is playing the middle so it pushes both sides i probably would have been getting half of these coins off already there must be like six coins in the hopper i reckon so i'm gonna change my strategy just a little i'm just going to target the center and just see if that works [Music] as much as much of the center as i can [Music] this hopper i mean this um pendulum is not going to line up for me so i might not be able to do that [Music] yeah i thought it bailed [Music] well the left is moving pretty good all right let's tell you that's what i got okay um that's a lot more than i was expecting okay that's a pleasant surprise so there's like i don't know uh 20 25 something like that it's not too bad [Applause] let's just play jace see what i can do [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on i'm not hearing any falling going on here come on something paul please i'm not holding a lot of coins oh look what i'd go and do look [Music] oh thank you i'm holding like literally three coins and yes i was getting very nervous okay there's all of them all right let's tell you that's what i got okay uh we did not lose any or many coins at all so that's not entirely yes that's that's not bad so oh i didn't mean to drop three what am i doing nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i think that's 10 bucks i'll tell you what the left-hand side on the top tray just loves to um get stuck up like this it just builds coins it doesn't really push them off now i've got one coin left [Music] nice well let's tell it up so what i got [Music] [Laughter] just as i turn the camera on another coin drops down um 10 bucks you beauty at least i know i've got one coin to play the next round um yeah i still don't think we're losing anywhere we're staying around the same all right so just then you might have just seen i've decided to take a bit of a risk um throwing in more than one coin at a time i think the game sometimes needs that [Music] but it's risky to do i mean very easy to double stack of coins oh i got stuck up there come on [Music] i'm holding one coin left just want to see what this is going to do that tower is not really shifting too much i think it's just twisting around a big circle probably thinks it's dancing all right let's cut tally ups what i got okay we did real good there's like 40 coins there [Music] so oh uh the tower shifted quite a way [Music] not that i'm aiming at the tower i'm totally just looking for getting coins [Music] [Music] so had to happen well the left is looking good not much happening on the right so i don't really want to do too much on the [Music] right [Music] okay i got one coin left straight the guts nice all right let's tell it up what i got [Music] i reckon we increased again there's probably like 55 coins there [Music] nice i know 20 went down [Music] so i'm practicing at the moment i'm practicing when i see coins drop from the top all along the top here look straight down here trying to watch what's falling over that's what i'm trying to practice that's something i don't do normally and it has come back and bit me in the butt a couple of times simply things get stuck in the hopper and i don't get to see it because i don't see what goes down yeah debbie i want to show you something all right as you can tell i'm on this side of the camera now my hands are a little bit sweaty so i'm literally holding four coins now not just three [Applause] if i can ever get them out of my other hand oh [Music] i reckon i'm getting better i'm not getting faster oh guys come on push it off my eyes okay so i'm back on this side again um so i have been practicing using my left hand now i think i'm getting a little bit better at it okay that was my last two coins [Music] nice did too cool i think two coins fell out did it maybe one got stuck up there who knows all right let's tell it up see what i've got [Music] all right take a look at that 20 bucks um yeah quite a lot 75 coins do i guess i totally don't know if i guessed so after completely missing out the whole run on the camera which i'm still really dirty with myself um i do deeply apologize for that [Music] i am literally concentrating on the [Laughter] camera so i don't do that again [Music] oh is that the coin that got stuck like half an hour ago [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh don't get stuck up there come on i'm trying to clear the left out oh look what happened ah seymour you're a pain in my butts mate nice 100 sure phil i think it was a [Music] fiver [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh that was a total mistake all right so if you take a look at the top tray right hand side underneath the 50 that looks pretty good left hand side all chopped up i've got to work out why that's doing that is that me i don't think i'm double stacking too many down there that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] all right 20 bucks and i reckon we lost coins you get back on there yeah i definitely reckon we lost coins so probably 65 coins 20 bucks as a bonus i thought that might have been a fiver probably not even any fires either is it yeah i'm not very observant [Music] ah [Music] yeah the left just doesn't want to push off the top shelf for some reason stacking up there [Music] i think it's getting caught under that lip that's what it looks like to me right now i don't recall ever really doing that being a major problem before [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] another tenner i'm doing a little bit of it i'm doing a little bit of an experiment at the moment that top tray is actually um it's concerning me so there's a there's quite a lot of coins up there and i can't seem to get them off so what i'm going to do about that way go that way about an inch two inches where's my finger there it is um so if we go that way about uh inch maybe two inches no coins further into the corner as much as i can try um and yeah so i'm just going to stay right away from like literally right in the edge on that side [Music] oh that wasn't supposed to happen that's what i'm trying to avoid see what i mean it's just not dropping coins i've got one coin left oh i see all that [Music] take a look at it that's all i've been hanging there it's gonna be good when that goes down alright let's tell it up so what i got oh i totally lost some coins then uh but i did gain 40 bucks [Music] probably 45 coins i'm not concerned about it because just take a look at that bottom tray [Music] [Music] i wasn't even looking at it i was looking at my coins in my hand come on [Music] all right let's just take a look at this tower i'm trying to look at it directly on top of it and it looks straight as a diet [Music] oh come on [Music] oops did not mean that that's just wasting coins putting them over there 20 bucks no beauty oh jay stop it [Music] there's my last two coins nice sweet all right let's tell it up see what i got all right it's a nice little handful of cash right there that's a 30 bucks [Music] i reckon about 70 coins maybe 65 let's go with 70. [Music] wise so i'm totally avoiding the left hand side right now [Music] what is that smell i can smell [Music] it smells like peppermint ice cream oh it smells so good i mean oh i wish i had smellovision hey [Music] come on [Applause] oh totally didn't mean that that might have been okay [Music] i said 50 bucks oh i'm sorry [Music] [Music] nice [Applause] [Music] all right take a look at the coins i've only just noticed this [Music] bugger all queens there bugger all coins there even less up there and that's nearly that's like one to two deep there i'm not going to be getting off a lot of coins this is where i'm going to be losing a lot of coins so i need to be very very careful until i can get that tower down i need to be very careful and don't do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] oops might be alright i got one coin left all right let's tell you that's what i got i totally did not see oh don't i did not see that hundred go down um oh man that was so sweet when i pulled that out my eyes just lit up hey man 170 bucks uh coins yup that's probably the most we're gonna get until we knock that tower down so let's get that in camera sorry about that i have got it turned on yep it's giving me a bit of a complex now 65 70 coins [Music] oh i didn't mean that [Music] [Music] so we're getting a little bit of movement out of that tower not enough to knock it over though still looks quite straight i don't get worried [Music] so [Music] oh bugger [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh totally wasted all those coins then look at that one coin falls now i don't really know how to stop that [Music] i've got to keep trying to push those coins off i don't have a choice i need the coins [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got okay didn't lose any coins it's probably like 65 70 coins there still so that's a good thing let's take a look at this tower the tiniest of lens [Music] [Music] [Music] oh come on wow that did nothing [Music] thank you [Music] another tenor that's a good thing so [Music] nice right the left-hand side is what i'm really trying to target without actually going to the left-hand side that's actually very difficult to do i'm trying not to waste coins like i did just then and then oh i did it again well i think i got away with it okay that was my last two coins [Music] all right let's tally it up see what i got [Music] [Laughter] totally just dropped half of my toilets [Applause] bloody slippery coin nearly did it again come out okay sorry about that mr professional um so i've got another tenor that's all right uh coins yeah we did did lose some coins uh that's to be expected [Music] that's about all i'm seeing that's half decent i mean there's a few coins on this side here that might go over shortly but these coins here problem is i can't play the left because it's just absorbing all my coins so i'm just trying to that's probably why i'm a little bit quiet right now i'm just trying to work it out just quickly in my head just know what to do without trying to waste too many coins like i did just down again [Music] it's surprising when you play this game like when i first started playing this game this is before i had my youtube channel for it and all that sort of stuff i didn't notice any of this stuff i just put my coins in and just you know i was double stacking coins and doing stupid things like i did just then um i didn't know i had no idea whatsoever i would have dreamed holy watched that go over yeah that was a nice one um oh totally sidetracked oh well that one just blew my mind there's actually surprisingly a lot of thinking that you need to do with these games i mean a lot of thinking it's not just like the matter you can just go up there let's have some fun like i used to remember the old days even when i was filming them is to get like 130 coins and just go nuts yeah that's uh probably not the smartest way to play i mean i must have been losing i must have been losing quite a lot of money and didn't even know [Music] but yeah the amount of thinking i just i didn't dream like that that's a stupid coin i don't want to be doing that i got away with it that time but many times you don't [Music] [Music] so oh no oh no again double oh no that's a wasted coin let's see what it does well i got away with it [Applause] [Music] i did it again [Music] and that was two wasted coins [Music] this is what i need to get out of my game if i'd get that out of my game then i would have a lot more confidence okay i got one more coin left and it got stuck up there i think we're back to like 75 coins again um another 20 bucks [Applause] now let's take a look at this tower now a little tiny lean on it nothing special it's not gonna go over anytime soon if you guys don't you guys are gonna get a long video um it's gonna be shorter if i keep doing that oh [Music] oh bugger mate what is going on with my timing right now [Applause] [Music] so and that tower didn't even move a millimeter then i'm starting to doubt i'll never get it over [Music] [Music] no movement two decent-sized pushes okay you all know what i'm about to do [Music] [Music] i totally missed that with about six coins totally missed it [Music] oops that was my last coin all right let's tell it that's what i got well we definitely didn't lose any coins may have gained like 5 or 10 [Music] 75 80 coins perhaps all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right that hundred is not wanting to come off so i'm not gonna waste any more coins at it right now [Music] that's about to come off though oh see that comes off when you don't even aim for it [Music] all right so that's the top tray taken care of now just got the bottom tray [Applause] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] one coin left let's go right in the guts sort off that's more of a kidney if you're lung all right let's tell you that's what i got all right 50 bucks came off and totally didn't even see it but that's what i'm trying to fix if they hadn't got stuck in there i wouldn't have known it was there and i would have lost it um coins yeah don't slip off probably 70 coins there [Music] so [Music] no whoops there was there hey totally deliberately done [Music] and the coin got stuck up there let's take a look at the angle oh yeah well that's a lot more than what it was still not massive but it's definitely uh angling [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] all right left hand side is not doing it for me at all so i'm just going to wait [Music] one coin left [Music] all right let's tell it up so what i got okay definitely increased in coins that time so it's probably like 85 coins there but i am taking a look and there's not a lot of coins there built up anymore so yeah that's probably why i've got a lot of coins so this is going to take some coins to get that built up again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so oh yeah by the way that thing did not move [Music] was it made out of concrete i nearly said is it made out of metal ah that would have been embarrassing [Music] oh nice there you go [Music] so [Music] whoops oh did i get away with it didn't move a millimeter wow now i've got one coin left i just want to save it for the middle that was actually supposed to be the middle all right let's tell it up so what i got okay got the hundred you're a little guilty so that would have to put me in a profit now so uh yep not that bad uh coins probably about 50 coins i sort of figured it was going to absorb some coins because it wasn't a lot down [Music] there this top tray seems to be holding quite a lot of coins on it right now and i'm not sure why he lifted it maybe he's altered it i don't think so doesn't feel like he has [Music] [Music] i've just got to last long enough to get that tower over that's all i care about right now [Music] oh what a waste [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] got a bit of movement out of the tower that time what a much bigger [Music] that was my last three coins all right let's tell it up so what i got okay this was what i was afraid of there's like maybe 30 coins at best they are starting to build up quite nicely though so i'm not that concerned right now and let's have a look at this thing oh yeah that's definitely going on an angle that's quite a nice angle now yeah it's not going to be too long before that thing goes [Music] [Music] oops don't want to be put on there [Music] oh oh i totally didn't see that i'll have to watch that when i get home but i don't care i got it over you're a little beauty i've got a lot of coins [Music] that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tell it up to what i got all right take a look at my coins hey there's like 20 coins there if that i did get the 10 bucks i'm hoping i've got enough coins to get these get all that pile over oh this is cutting a little bit short i think i'll be all right i just don't can't double stack right now until i start getting some really good pushes i need to stay away from the left that left is killing me up there on the top tray [Music] well this will be a good one when this [Music] lands [Music] [Music] so okay i've got two coins left i'm just going to go straight to the guts or the right hand side [Music] all right that whole bottom tray shifting that is going to be noisy as when that comes down [Music] okay there's about 25 coins [Music] i'm a little nervous i'm a little nervous i do not want to leave can you imagine leaving the machine like this or can you imagine finding a machine like this oh i think you just wet yourself [Music] come on i just made it i need a big push i totally forgot oh that was a good one actually nice [Music] come on it's gotta come down loud put your earplugs in [Music] that was my last two coins oh man bugger i know bugger all coins fell all right let's tell you that's what i got uh that was more than i was expecting so there's about 20 coins there that might be enough [Music] i think i get stuck up there oh wow two coins got stuck up there now both double stacked [Music] oh another one got stuck up there you're legit come on that's not cool [Music] there's my last three coins oh man that's gonna be loud all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] oh no about 60 coins there we're going right now and then we've got this game licked by just drop the coin hang on i need every coin i can get [Music] oh that is a lot of coins on there [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] as you can tell i've sped the game up [Applause] [Music] holy [Music] there's my last four coins all right let's tell it up to what i got [Music] all right more than 100 coins definitely more than 100 coins there so um as you can see it's right up to the tape line or his shirt line so way more than a hundred points just below 130 coins in there get this game [Music] humming oh man [Music] i am [Music] all right there you go [Music] there's a couple of people oh there's a couple of people watching and they can hear this guy oh oh that's funny i'm crying oh at me [Music] i have to admit my memory is really bad so i'm going to have to say that this is the best bunch of pushes i've ever had i mean it's just not stopping [Music] and they are loud i don't know how well the camera is picking it up but they're loud enough to get people from the bottom watch [Music] so [Music] [Music] that was my last two coins and one coin got stuck let's see where it's going to drop now all right let's tell it up so what i got holy snapping duck there's like 240 coins there unbelievable what a huge difference and it's probably about another 240 in there oh wow [Music] what a game ah don't go getting started [Music] [Music] okay i just want to quickly explain something while i'm thinking about it um robert you left me a comment mate um it sort of sounds to me as you you absolutely hate double stacking and that's fair enough too everyone's their own if you ever look at the top tray there you can see there's quite a lot of double stacked coins up there and that's because i'm i'm not deliberately doing it but because i'm putting in so many coins at once this is a single coin slot so you can only put them in one at a time but i've actually gotten very fast at doing it you know quickly i've gotten good sorry at doing it quickly so um and that what that's going to do is it's going to double stack the top but just take a look at how many coins are falling off each time so those double stack coins that are sitting up there i can see somewhere even three or four deep they're all going to come off and give me ripper pushes down here that's the reason why i do do it the way i'm doing obviously i don't do it if i've got no coins so just try to explain that to you so sometimes it's not an entirely bad thing [Music] oh man it's just coins just falling for days [Music] oh boy nice [Music] that much is there 20 40. 80 bucks 80 bucks and 20 is about to go over [Music] [Music] all right so pretty much what i'm doing now you can see the pile of coins coming along here that's only about two inches thick not sorry two inches wide thick i wish it was um that's like 50 people um but yeah that's only it's only you know it's wide so uh what i'm doing now is i'm up the top deck i'm literally um just taking coins off of that now getting all the double stuff ones off get them into the game more pushes less coins so i'm basically thinking about the end game now [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i can't believe they could hear that i'm not surprised i can't believe they can hear that from afar oh there the bar's like 20 meters away [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh what an incredible game [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh where did that go [Music] uh yep mr professional at his finest look out i mean mind you i am i am literally holding that and you try to control that one at a time it's not easy to do i know when i'm playing well i seem to i seem to be able to do that quite easily but yeah i've slowed down now so i think i need to hold less coins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you little bloody ripper that's the amount of coins i've got left oh is there like five i don't know that's all blurry to me but i'm guessing about five uh well i might as well put them in quite a nice little stack still going up alongside you [Music] oh no oh i got away with it that's a poorly timed drop now i got two more coins i just want to go about there somewhere [Music] oh no all right well i'm going to tell you that but i'm going to pull out at about 20 coins and that's probably all i'll play all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] 100 bucks hey little bloody ripper uh coins hmm [Music] very little unbelievable uh 250 260 probably even 270 coins in there that's unbelievable right now i'm absolutely happy just to leave that for somebody else to come and play maybe they can get something out of it but you know honest as i said i'm going to stick through like 20 30 coins whatever i get out because i'm more than happy more than happy with what i've won that's what i'm going to use right now and if that drops it it drops it if it drops it early good i saved some coins if it doesn't i'm leaving it somebody else i feel really greedy when i do this and i don't like feeling that it's not a feeling i enjoy coins go all over the place [Music] there's my last coin i'm using regardless of what happens all right that's good i've left something overhanging here for somebody else i'm happy about that so hopefully they can get that little patch off a little bit on that side nothing special i mean i could keep playing it but right now even just by putting in those 20 or 30 coins i just did i feel really really guilty really guilty i shouldn't be doing it uh it's not what i it's not the way i am it's not the one built i'm not here to milk this machine with every single scent that's in it i'm happy to leave some for somebody else if i can leave it easy they can drop in 10 coins and pull out 20. hey yeah you little bloody ripper hey that puts a smile on my face so i'm not here to milk this machine so i'm going to leave that tally up everything i'll get back to you [Music] silence is golden hey take a look at it oh you little bloody ripper all right that's got some weight to it all right so the telly goes i've got 100 bucks in chips i've got 480 in notes i've got 207 coins if anybody guessed that or even anywhere near it you're an absolute legend um 816 dollars they're worth and everything together is 1 396 dollars minus the 250 dollars it cost me to play uh 1 146 bucks so yeah i'm a tough game tough game had me concerned there for a while but um yeah slow and steady wins on this game anyway so what i'm going to do is i'm going to keep the tokens i'm going to play the game next to me the game next to me is nasty yeah there's notes up on the top covering the top tray again notes on the bottom flat notes yeah i hate flat notes i hate having flat notes in these machines they're just uh they're a major pain in the butt so anyway i'm going to keep my tokens i'm going to go um with all the chips and the cash i'm going to swap all that and i'll be back in a minute [Music] all right so 250 bucks uh that's what i've got that's what um so yeah pretty much what i've done is i've given 80 bucks to the tin now the reason why i've given 80 to the tin and i'm only holding 250 just don't forget all those tokens they're worth like 813 or something 816 bucks um so i'm thinking about that as well so yeah i'm at 250 bucks in the pocket for me that's awesome plus i get to play this game next to me completely for free and i've already i've got like 272 tokens to play it with so i'm not going to lose all of those so yeah so that's the reason why i've done that 80 bucks to the tin so i try to give the tin as much as i possibly can when i can however i can so yes that's what i've done so uh yeah if you like what you see give us a thumbs up i've noticed a lot of people are watching aren't subscribed hey guys do us a favor and click that subscribe button for me look it does help me out it really does um so um and those people that are doing that thank you very much i really do appreciate it love you guys and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,483
Rating: 4.9875774 out of 5
Id: fOamlCAI1-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 40sec (4420 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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