Aussie Coin Pusher EP 147

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[Music] yeah hey jason promising corn pusher here so i vaguely remember dave building something like this before um yeah and i also vaguely remember i'm not 100 sure if i'm right or not but i think it fell over quite easily i mean it sort of looks like as if it will it's got to be top heavy anyway let's forget about that um bottom tree you look at the gaps i mean i'm not even talking about the gaps underneath this thing look at the gaps um now the other side is worse trust me it is way worse i'm only playing this because my wife has just rang me and something is going on so um courtney seems to think that somebody over here in western australia has got covered and if that's the case that means they're going to be shutting everything down again so i'm going to play this one just to see what we'll see where i'm at with it i never know i could win it's not looking too easy top tray looks like has anyway let's do it let's see what happens i've got 200 bucks in the car if i need it i sort of think about them what happened oh wow look at the gaps in the top i could just play one edge but i just don't think there's enough tokens on one side i mean if i just play let's say the right side for instance oh yep i thought it would be easy to knock down thanks dave i don't need to worry about it now good little ripper now i just got to get some pushes happening i don't have a huge amount of coin clips [Music] yep so i've asked i've asked my wife if she can give me a call when she finds something out on what's going on because nobody's 100 sure i'm only going by what courtney's saying now i mean she's on facebook and all those other things so i guess they would know come on i got like six coins left and i haven't even heard anything before oh come on please oh thank you okay got one coin left [Music] come on something full please fall okay here's something else for bukka all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] yep about 10-ish hey [Music] i knew it looked gappy all right now i can play one half so i mean the left hand looks like it's about to drop a bunch of coins but they're thin i might actually go right hand side with an odd one on the left unless i've got something to play with a coin that i figured that was going to is come on stop bouncing i'll take them i'm just waiting for the right hand side that was my last two coins [Music] all right let's tell him up so what i got i reckon i've got about 20 coins hey who's getting worried not me um now the problem is the right hand side doesn't have a huge amount of coins hanging over anywhere near it so i'm just going to sort of go middle left [Music] come on come on be nice to me i'm just going left now oh i got two coins left that was it two coins i'll take them all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] [Laughter] let's say more than 10 less than 15. maybe uh yeah maybe around the 15 mark actually [Music] thank um [Music] come on i need some really good pushes that was my last coin ten bucks you beauty all right let's tell it up well 10 bucks and about 25 coins nice all right so i've got off the phone to my misses and yep they uh we are having a lockdown at six o'clock tonight so six o'clock tonight we're having a lockdown supposedly for three days um i've got no idea what's going on if there's an outbreak i sort of figure if they're closing down at six can't be too bad well i guess i'll find out when i get home so three days oh i've only got like i might have two videos in front so i reckon there's gonna be a day there where i'm not gonna be able to post if this place doesn't open oh let's keep oh i'll keep on this guy oh nice don't you get stuck there tim [Music] oh here we go there's my last coin all right let's tell it up see what i got all right 70 bucks sweet a little ripper and underneath all that there's about 70 coins if i just order something and you're sitting there waiting hey can you hear the crickets um i was supposed to be going metal detecting tomorrow i can't go metal detecting i look forward to that all week ah let's just hope that i'm closer let's just hope i don't close everything down it's a pain in the butt [Music] so what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to get in more coins flat but to give me some bigger pushes let's take a look at that [Music] that looks thick come on [Music] and the rest yet [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] two left [Music] oh take a look i think this is oh man that is awesome can't wait to clean this one out 20 bucks i thought so much more filled on that but clearly not well it wasn't in there coins 130 yeah i reckon there's about 130 coins there so i couldn't wait i ended up bringing up courtney just to find out what what she knew and yes 100 we are having a three-day lockdown starting at six o'clock so i've got six hours [Music] because it is about i think it's about quarter past 12 right now [Music] [Music] come on oh nearly [Music] i'm just trying to get one of those hundreds off right now [Music] can you guys hear me hear me playing with the money on this side so basically i'm just doing that but what i'm doing is actually getting it straight with one hand i'm trying to get it neat with one hand come on get one off back at me sideways oh that sounded very big all right so the one in the middle the 100 that is doesn't want to seem to shift so i'm going to go for the one that's on the far left [Music] come on push it off ah so close [Music] [Music] oh nice didn't even try [Music] 20 bucks you oh man that sounds so good i'm not watching the bottom tray i'm watching the top [Music] hey that was my last coin come on i'll take it all right let's tell it up see what i got 30 bucks you little beauty [Music] once again i thought there was more in there but no um i'm gonna go close to 140 coins so i really think there's 150 coins in there but because i'm i'm a little uh i get a little excited i have a tendency of over counting them out of 10 oh no i just dropped the coin [Music] one point i'm going to try to get that other 100 off the top there somehow [Music] foreign oh man i'm definitely going to lose coins out of this one i can see it building but i'm persisting [Music] [Music] a handful of messy coins yikes [Music] so thank you come on it's close [Music] oh i didn't see what it was but it was loud and then that bottom tray looks way different to what it used to be all right so that just makes it all that more important to get that 100 off [Music] [Music] so oh man [Music] i know exactly what they're thinking right now let me uh let me just tell you what debbie's thinking right now chase if you want to get that 100 chip off at the top you've got to take some of the coins off first now tell me dude in the comments if that's not right that's not what you're thinking right [Music] now [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] i got two coins left [Music] all right let's tell it up see what i got 440 bucks am i happy yeah i'm happy oh i'm sorry yeah i got a little bit nuts bro when i start seeing stuff like this but i'll tell you what though if they didn't just put a smile on your face i don't know what will maybe me farting no i'm not gonna do that um definitely lost some coins i don't think we like too many but i reckon there's less in there and then what there was before i don't know i can't remember what i had before um no actually it's probably about the same ish let me just put a fish in there [Music] all right so somehow i'll try to get that hundred off of there and i've got to do it very very quickly as you can see a lot of the stuff is down near the edge [Music] i think my best way is just to load it up [Music] oh thank you all right now i can start removing some of those coins off the top i don't want to go too light though because i will start getting build ups [Music] again [Music] [Music] all right let's just have a quick look oh thank you i'm getting a little tiny build up here nothing special there this one here is starting to concern me that's why i just wanted to check it [Music] sometimes it's better just to stop what you're doing and actually have a look a proper look not just while you're you know a glance down every now and then and that's generally what i do all right so top tray wants to get real thirsty right now so [Music] bucks thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah i keep missing my run [Music] i got about three coins all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] 90 bucks sweet i'll take it too all right you sit up there yeah i lost so many coins there's like 110 coins in there i reckon i've lost near on 30 to 40 coins so that just goes to prove it is definitely building top trade looks a bit heavy too but i mean they're not all up there so you can definitely see it's building oh man i hate it when it feels so annoying oh thank you as you can see if you're pushing the right amount of coins it's not that difficult unless they get big then it's very difficult [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i'll show you exactly what i mean i'm not sure if everybody can see what i'm seeing um don't forget i'm looking at this from a quite a serious angle looking down you're looking at it from pretty much a flat angle so just watch that hundred dollar chip right there keep your eyes on that and you just watch what it does i've been watching it this is what i mean by um when it's filming i didn't mean to double stack all then [Music] you just keep an eye on that hundred [Music] [Music] ah come on messy coins i just missed another run it's like trying to land a bloody plane [Music] [Music] and you can see that 100 is not shifting very far at all i mean it is shifting very slowly ah come on [Music] one coin that was it all right so what i mean about the 100 it's pretty much in the same spot i mean it's come forward probably 10 mil but that's about it so all right let's tell it up see what i got all right 20 bucks nice yeah we're slowly getting our coins back uh 130 coins that's what i reckon [Music] so come on nothing happened [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so okay thank you oh my god [Music] huh [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] come on say more stop open my back [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i reckon i've got a profit i think it'd be a little bit bigger of a profit if these hundreds would just nick off okay that was my last two coins thank goodness my army's falling off all right let's tell it up see what i got 100 bucks sweet oh take it yeah we lost our coins again maybe it is like 120. [Music] so i'm just trying to empty the top tray just a little i am watching the bottom tray very carefully [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so well we are slowly getting somewhere but it is slow [Music] [Music] [Music] come on right um i don't know where to aim i don't really want to aim for the middle [Music] [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell it up so what i got ah i still think there's about 120 coins in there [Music] [Music] so so let's go [Music] oh stubborn very stubborn that's all right [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] getting closer i'm holding way too many [Music] coins [Music] oh [Music] i think i'll put them in just a little bit too quick oh 20 is missing could have been 100. [Music] come on fishing coming so right about now i would normally back off and start emptying that top tray follow me on if i do that i'm scared the thing's going to block back up again i'm going to end up using more [Music] coins [Music] oh there's a coin sitting on top of a hundred i need to keep that there that'll stop the little bugger from sliding back okay that's my last three coins come on mate i expected more than that all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] 20 bucks nice uh that's not nice well i mean it's very nice but it's not what i had there's like maybe 110 115 coins there um yeah i lost a lot of coins i'm guessing they're all stuck along here i'm in the top guys i'm hoping i can get some of them back because if i had to kept those coins and just cashed them in i would have more money now than what i would if i just stopped you know what i mean [Music] oh nice nice [Music] all right there's still a few coins sitting over there going to see if i can grab them oh that's close it's mainly this clock that i'm that i'm sort of looking at here that one there i mean it hasn't got a lot of coins in it i'll have a little little dab at it though oh wow [Applause] i'm thinking i should stop why didn't i stop the right-hand side is building up the left-hand side i'll take that that'll do i'm done there'll do now i'm done no need for me to put that in yeah semi catch oh good catch all right um as you can see i could play for this but i'm not i'm not going to take the chance um i mean that's that's good that's that's pretty empty so coin wise you know it's not too bad yeah dollar wise yeah they're all gone they're all down there actually they're all up there now um there you little beauty all right i'm gonna tell everything up and i'll get back to you totally stopped at a good time i'm happy hey hey look at that nice okay so the telly goes i know with in chips 100 in notes uh end up with 117 coins i thought i had more than that uh yeah i've really got to put marks on sammy anyway got 117 coins and they're worth 351. um that's actually a really good motor size 351. anyway i'm 351 bucks for the coins so at everything together is 1 251. minus the 250 that i pay to play one thousand and one dollar nice uh so a thousand bucks oh yeah absolutely brilliant so um yep i'm more than happy with that so it wasn't the easiest game that i've ever played but sure as well wasn't the hardest either so yep more than happy so um i'm dying to find out what's going on with this covert so um i'm not even going to attempt to play the other side even with 117 coins i reckon i'll be struggling so yeah no it's it's not something that i want to do so but anyway um i'm gonna go catch everything in i'll be back [Music] all right look at that 900 here so 51 to the 10 50 bucks to the um jar as i said on the previous videos i'm just going to call it the jar so um but it's the tips jar so exactly where it goes too i'm not 100 sure but i know the staff benefit from it so and that's all i care about anyway um yep what a great great game um i've had a really good day today so um yeah more than happy anyway if you like what you see give us a thumbs up and you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and i will see you in the next one i got no idea when that's going to be
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,053
Rating: 4.9587631 out of 5
Id: -ybK1dnKzzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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