Aussie Coin Pusher EP 144

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[Music] g'day jason from aussie coin pusher here how's everybody going hey hope you're having a day like me having a group of um yeah take a look at that totally there's a silver in there hey i can only see one at this stage hopefully there's more um no coins on the top tray yeah that's dangerous so take a look at the bottom tray um it looks okay but it looks on the light okay if you know what i'm saying so you know how i'm guessing i've got no idea you can see the the chip wall in the middle uh it looks like as if it's actually sitting on top of the blue so it's not sitting on top of the coins that makes it a lot harder to push and well you can see the top tray no need to say anything about that so this is an instant one side game play one side only and i'm gonna play the right side i had to get in there before the pendulum nicked off on me so this is going to take me a little bit of time to get this get this game moving i think i wish the chips hadn't been on the outside they can give you a good push oh don't double stack those man a thousand camel fleas infest your armpits hmm i do have the 200 bucks in my car if i need it i reckon i'm probably gonna [Music] but i don't know at least i got that off i didn't see a lot of movement no movement whatsoever yikes [Music] oh yeah a little bit might not be as bad as i'm thinking i always think worse than what things really are [Music] oh nice gave me a little push too so what dave probably doesn't understand is i actually enjoy playing games like this where you've really got to nut it out you've really got to think what's the best thing to do and hope that you've made the right decision okay there's probably ten different ways you can play this and eight of them will probably lose [Music] that's two coins i reckon [Music] slow old game eh well i have actually enjoyed myself with it oh no nice as soon as i dropped that i knew [Music] uh probably got about 15 coins left and i know there's like three or four coins in the hopper [Applause] [Music] so thank you i knew i've got one coin left i'm not trying to see if i can get one of those 50s off no i'm not there all right all right let's tell it up see what i got um yeah there's like 11 coins there uh yeah i thought i actually had more than that but 11 coins you can still do amazing things with 11 coins oh the top's so light i can drop three coins in there nothing's gonna happen you watch i betcha sort of oh i nearly got that 50 off i'm only going for the 50 because i don't have the coins i need the push i want to use that 50 for the push oh good one jase uh forget about the 50. okay one coin come on find the only gap in the top tray all right let's tell it up see what i got two coins oh i'm in some trouble here oh boy what do i do do i go for the 50 and try to get a push using the 50 but if it bounces i'm in a lot of trouble so i think i'm going to stick with what i'm doing oh thank you all right i think those three coins let's tell you them up [Music] hey we doubled it oh boy come on [Laughter] it's so close uh but once again i've got a gap up the top and that's probably going to absorb these two coins so i'm going to have a crack at that 50. yeah that that was a big fail on it um i don't know what to do with my last coin if i go to the right it's nothing's going to happen if i go in the middle nothing's going to happen all right let's just go over there and we'll just watch nothing happen hey how did i ever know all right let's tally it up see what i got yeah i had absolutely nothing nothing fell so i had to go to my car and grab 100 bucks out i've still got another 100 in there well i've sort of got it on me but yeah if i need it i can use it but right now i don't want to use it this is another hundred come on oh so close take them [Applause] [Music] whoa [Music] i got one coin left come on baby i'll take them all right let's tell it up so what i got yep i reckon we got our 20 coins back that's all right all right all right and bye i totally forgot that's what happens when i watch the bottom tray [Music] oh yeah now they're starting to come middle's looking good i'll take them i'll see if i can get both of my last coins in the middle all right let's tell it up see what i got so there's probably about 30 35 coins there and the fibre nice we're on our way to the suck up flowers [Music] uh i wonder if i should load up the left hand side or now i think i'll give it an arc jace i'll get another round i'll see if i can get like 40 coins oops oh nice push oh i've got a little push out of it thank you [Music] so i got one coin left [Music] um the right hand side is just going to absorb it i reckon uh the middle is just going to absorb it the left is going to absorb it i think it doesn't matter where i put this coin i don't think i'm going to get anything except him for the very very very far right if i can land it over there that might give me a push-off come on [Music] pays to pay attention all right let's tell it up i still reckon there's about 30 to 35 coins i don't think we gained any but we didn't lose any that's the main thing [Music] so i had to get that 50 off it was driving me nuts [Music] um i've got a few theories i might just throw a couple coins on this side just to load up the top and the reason why i just did that this little book well that clump that was there that just fell down that's why i did it clearly i didn't need to [Music] [Music] i know right now i should be targeting that 50 that's sitting on the edge but i just really want to go for coins right now and if it comes off it comes off like i look at it i gotta i gotta go but i'll be very careful [Music] oh nice have a little push last coin we're at the guts ish all right let's tell it up so what i got all right 10 bucks nice 40 coins nice nicer [Music] i think i can start basically smashing the entire top now come on father you can fall there's my suck up flowers if anyone's wondering what what i mean by suck up flowers i'm talking about your newer guys um i always try to win 20 bucks so i can buy my wife a bunch of flowers if i end up losing so i don't get to sleep out in the doghouse i'm not game enough to go home if i don't have flowers if i lose [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay that was my last coin come on all right let's have a look see what's going on here um i'm getting a little build up behind these chips you guys can't see it but i can because i'm looking straight down on it so um yeah i'm starting to get a little bit of a build up there so we're going to see that grow i need to remove this right around the front here this side is looking good that side's starting to build just a little bit so i'll concentrate on that so pretty much what i want to do is i want to go the majority of my coins i'm still going to play this side but i want to go the middle to the right that's pretty much what i'm thinking let's tell you now 50 to 55 coins i reckon and me fiber [Music] that's my sucker flowers taken care of [Music] all right let's have a crack [Music] [Music] [Music] ah come on double stacking them [Music] [Music] so thank you [Music] come up [Applause] [Music] oh that's a good little push okay that is my last coin oh so close tenor all right let's tell it up see what i got yeah i can still got probably 45 to 50 coins there might be 50 in here thank you if i was drinking bourbon today that would be my bourbon [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so oops all right that was my last two coins all right let's have another look this side's not too bad um still some coins over here um the left hand side is slowly building up but that's not a concern of mine right now this is starting to build up quite nicely behind it i need to either push this thing over preferably straight down there that'd be nice get rid of all this stuff at the front this is going to be my target right now it's not because i want the money it's because it's stopping all my coins from coming over i need the coins so yes i don't think that i'm chasing the money i'm not that will take care of itself it's either going to go this way or that way whatever i just need the coins so um yep at the moment it's a bit of a wall well it is a wall it's actually stopping the coins from coming over let's tally it up okay i've got 25 bucks that's nice what's not so nice i've got 25 coins that's what i'm saying about that middle section all those uh all those chips that are right there they're stopping the coins from falling over and they're building up behind it i need to i need to do something with it but i'm going to lose all my all my tokens but i'm going to target a little bit on the right hand side that's what i wanted exactly what i needed [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] and there's my last two coins [Applause] [Music] all right this is definitely building it's building along the whole bottom tray now i'm in a bit of trouble i got 30 bucks out of it that's good that's not that's a ah moment um there's probably like 25 coins here i reckon uh yeah probably something like that all right i need to target this section here i need those coins and there's some coins here i'm just going to target the right hand side right now and try not to do any of [Music] that [Music] ah the right hand side's building up that's not good i don't have the coins all right i got no choice that was all my coins oh no look at it build hey you can see it there hopefully you guys can see behind it it's starting to build i can see directly behind it and that's getting thick so uh yeah i'm in a bit of trouble here so i'm gonna have to try what what i'm worried about i can go to my car and get the other 20 um you know the other 20 coins out of it well it's you know it's a hundred i've actually got the money in my pocket but um i can i can change that for another 20 coins but 20 coins isn't enough to remove clumps so what i need to do is i need to use the coins that i've got now even if lose them all to remove all of this um and then yeah yeah it sort of opens it up a bit so yeah i don't know uh this is a freshie hey it's a new one on me yeah that is i actually thought i had more coins than that um but anyway i've got the ten bucks and there's nine coins there oh [Laughter] i do enjoy tough games this is probably a little bit a little bit too tough but i don't get to choose i get the player come on just do something something fall over okay that's my last two [Music] ah did anything fall i gotta go take a look yep four coins [Music] i'm gonna go right hand side left hand side is just building now i just can't seem to get any coins out of it [Music] okay i got one coin oh look at that so if you take a look at the top tray uh you can see there's a massive gap right where i want to drop a coin if i drop a coin there yeah it's not going to do anything so i've got no choice i had to go right hand side i just hope that doesn't happen all right let's tell it up five coins [Music] so this is a decision i need to make i can probably get five or six coins from the left hand side but it's going to cost me about three i reckon um because there is a gap up there well let's just hope i missed the gap [Music] all right well i think one coin phil three coins um so now i'm just trying to decide i'm looking at the bottom tray i'm thinking the right hand side only because the top tray is probably the fuller out of both sides left and right i didn't have to bounce oh thank you i've still got one coin left nice see what are you guys worried about there's like 15 coins there hey so what i'm targeting is this little tiny pile here that's what i'm looking for that's where all the coins are right now or the ones i can get [Music] oh should i go to the right hand side and go for those 50s that are close i mean if i can get two of those off i can buy more coins come on all right last coin on that side all those 50 shifted all right let's tally it up i'll tell you what i just cannot catch a break hey [Music] all right right hand side that's where all the coins are [Music] oh i've got some come on hopefully that's just loosened it up a little bit i'll throw one on that side ah that didn't exactly go to plan did it come on [Music] all right let's tell it up woohoo now i totally didn't get that i just went catching my other 100 bucks i did have five coins uh you can't really play the game like that eventually you're just going to lose them so i thought i'd incorporate them with my last hundred and see if i can't push this bloody thing out of my way [Music] [Music] oh i'll take it i will take it oh nice come on get out of the way oh that's my last two coins and i'm looking for this oh bugger all right let's tell it up all right i've got the 60 bucks that'll do um probably 25 coins so what's that that's uh 900 oh yeah i've got another 100 if i need it all right let's get this 50 off [Music] i know it sounds like i'm going for the money but i've got it oh thank you but i've got a plan [Applause] [Music] so [Music] that was my last one all right let's tell you that's what i got 55 bucks about 12 coins at least i've got some money i can cash in again if i need to okay that was my last coin three coins back all right let's tell it up five coins this game is hard i mean it is beyond hard well my problem is i don't have the coins to smash the machine you know i like to just dump dump coins oh no i didn't hear anything fall all right i'm going to go check it and i've got to make a decision whether i use my winning money to buy another 100 coins or if i go home with my towel between my legs it's not cool yep you all knew i was going to do that didn't you so i am now into this game for 550 bucks don't tell the missus [Music] come on i just need something to happen something big [Music] ah guys come on give me a push i got one coin [Applause] oh all right let's tell it up so what i got there's like 12 coins there that's not too bad now a few more than i was expecting i thought i only had like five or six [Music] i think what i'm going to do is i'm just going to attack the right hand side come on oops push it off alright two coins left what am i doing come on one more coin ah day it uh yeah that's not where it's supposed to have landed ah um i hope something fell because if it didn't fall i do not have enough money to buy any more i'll be back in a minute [Music] that's it that's all i've got there was no coins down there um yeah i'm stuck i don't know what to do there's exactly 100 bucks there 40 50 60 70 89 yep 100 bucks i don't know what to do do i risk it and go for it this thing is absorbing coins like you wouldn't believe i've never seen this bad um if i had 50 coins i reckon yes definitely i could have a good crack with 20 coins and and potentially go home with nothing um yeah i've totally got to give that a go [Music] that's it 20 coins i haven't got a brass that's my name not here anyway [Music] if i lose these um yeah i'm uh i'm 650 bucks into this game right now uh what do i do do i slam them do i slam them in fast try for at least one big push or two big pushes what do i is it going easy it's not it's not been helping me so i don't know i think i'll go easy on 10 coins and i'll see what that does if that does nothing i'm slamming the other 10 coins in [Music] [Music] as they say over here screw it have a go at it all right let's tell it up so what i got i did really well hey um 25 maybe 30 coins there plus 50 bucks all right let's start again i've got my suck-up flowers and i'm going to need all 50 of that for the suck-up blouse because after i get 200 bucks out of my car that i can't hide because she knows it's there oops toby did not mean to do that come on give me a real good push ah why why are they bouncing oh there's another 50. okay that's my last coin come on push it over let's turn it up thank you um 90 bucks nice i'm so glad i took the risk maybe 25 coins plus whatever just filled in i'm just going to go slow because i think the uh my timing's out so i don't want to double stack any coins i'm just going to go two coins that's all about the fall [Music] in your face [Music] [Music] so that was my last coin [Music] all right okay i've got 80 bucks there nice and there's probably a solid 30 coins that's me coins all right sometimes you need to take stupid risks i mean i was already in the so it's just a matter of how deep do i go [Music] oh it's building again oh no i can't have that i do not have the coins all right let's go right hand side and left hand side only leave the middle alone [Music] um i've got like five coins i'm just gonna coin dump them on the right hand side [Applause] come on i'm targeting that oh man all right let's tell it up more than 15 less than 20. i mean i could have just said yeah 18 but um yep right hand side again i've got to target that clump of coins [Music] all right now i can play both sides i'm going to coin dump right in the middle i think i think that's what it needs [Music] oh my god uh there might be too many coins i've got six coins so let's go two go to the right hand side and then i'm going to clean them ah what are you doing over there it's not even close to where i wanted it all right let's tell you that oh we did really good then 20 bucks probably 25 coins it might even be 30 coins here all right let's just pound the middle just a little bit i need to get that cleared out ah that's what i was looking for that's killing me the middle that was all my coins all right let's tell it up 30 coins 30 bucks [Music] i'm slowly working my way back in from the dog house into the house [Music] so far from that buddy [Music] thank you that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up all right i've got 20 bucks and probably 30 coins so as long as i'm pulling something in like 20 bucks here 10 bucks there the odd 50 bucks it all adds up and it's getting me closer to my break-even point i think i'm not 100 sure but even if i emptied this whole thing right out and that 50 at the top i'm probably gonna break even um so i need to be able to keep getting as much of this stuff off as i can but obviously priority number one coins first oh yeah this is definitely not gonna be this is more like a fight for survival right now once these coins are gone that's it i'm not gonna be spending any more money on coins there's not enough in here to cover that right now as i said i'd probably be very very lucky very lucky to break even [Music] oh take it come on around 50. so the round 50 is sitting right there if you haven't seen it i've been watching him that was my last two coins all right let's tally it up all right 50 bucks nice and probably probably like 30 coins maybe 25. [Music] there goes antenna [Music] oh the 50 stuck on the right hand side no way that is my day i'm having today okay it's been a good day but all right i've got one coin left [Music] all right yes there goes that 50. you're gonna fall off i bet it does i'll be back okay yeah that coin totally fell off and it pushed that 50 i actually thought the 50 was gonna go over um now i've lost count uh 120 bucks and there's probably easy 30 30 coins in there oh we're getting closer all right let's get that round 50 out of there and then i'll be really super happy come on thank you oh heather that high pitch nice hey look at the quality of this one wow that is immaculate yep that you'd have to say is 100 not circulated uh i don't understand why dave doesn't put these in cases they should be in round cases wow take a look at it that is quality plus it's probably my best coin i reckon i did hear the ding which means another coin landed on it so i'll check that out little bloody ripper oh i now got a smile on my face [Music] so [Music] as you can see i'm not playing anymore there's my last two coins oh i just want to get that off you paid in the butt all right i'll be back okay i've got another 50 bucks and i still reckon i've got the same amount of coins there's about 30 coins there [Music] i'm getting closer to my break even i'm gonna try and work out how to get that one on the top there come on come on 60 off you come [Music] thank you thank you i'll take it that was my last coin all right let's tell it that's what i got [Music] okay i've got 80 bucks and there's about 20 coins there so definitely lost some coins which means it's building again and you can see it right about there i just tapped the glass then easy yep it's building in the middle you can see that this side here is not too bad but um yeah that's a concern especially when i'm only holding like 20 coins there's a lot of coins on the top tray i want to get off so i don't know whether i should be going easy or should i attack that i don't have the coins [Music] i'm just going to go easy and that's probably going to be my mistake [Music] [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell you that's what i got pretty close to 15 coins probably not quite 15. [Music] oh come on push something that was my last coin right the middle all right let's tell it up yeah probably 10 coins oh this game seymour you are killing me mate what have i done to piss you off all right last coin right in the middle all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] seven coins um not good i'm targeting that 20 right now and i think with my seven coins i am just gonna pummel it okay double stack that double stack oh another 20 bucks you little bloody ripper all right let's tell it up [Music] oh boy hey it's a bloody struggle i tell you that 20 bucks six coins um what do i do what do i do do i keep the six coins um or do i play on i just know i'm not shifting any of that let's just play on i should have kept them i mean that would have been the smart thing to do and the smart thing to do is not double stack them come on come on drop a coin bugger well somebody else is going to see this and say yes please i'll definitely have a crack at that um that's fine look i mean it's a real shame that i missed that hundred um you know and there's i mean there's 180 bucks up there did i break even i've got no idea i hope i did um this game i don't know if it was just me playing like and it probably was but yeah there is a tough game tough game but i have to admit i enjoyed it uh yeah you don't have to win to enjoy playing a coin pusher i love playing coin pushing machines i'd even play one of those little tiny things that you can get off at ebay yeah i probably wouldn't but had an absolute blast whether i've got a profit or i don't i don't know right now um i just hope that i have uh for my butt sake oh yeah uh sorry might you're going to get a whooping um i'm going to tell you everything up i'll be back okay yeah it's not sticking out the top this time um that's all right look legs it happens tough games do come up from time to time and i am actually still learning so you know i mean i've learnt so much from you guys it's it's amazing but there's always going to be something that's new and it's going to make me scratch my head i'll tell you and this one made me scratch my head quite a few times okay so the telly goes i've got 140 bucks in notes i've got 470 dollars in chips now how do you want to work this i know how i'm going to work it i came into this place let's just say 450 bucks 250 bucks originally my other 200 bucks out of my car that's 450 bucks and yes i did spend more than that but i spent my winning money you know money that i've won so i'm going to put that down to easy come easy go so i walked into this place with 450 bucks let's just say that 450 bucks and you know at both of them together is 610 you take that 450 bucks off of that i've still got 160 bucks so at the end of the day i mean yes i i had 200 buy-ins after that but i used my winning money so um you can say okay well i've actually lost like 40 bucks or something like that you can say that um i'm not saying that i'm saying i walked into this place for 450 bucks i'm walking out of it with 560 bucks so um that's the way i like to look at things i don't look look at the negatives i'm not a negative person i'm a positive person so um i've got to look for the positives hey even when you get your butt there's always that positive somewhere you just gotta find it i'm gonna catch that in and i'll be back [Music] that's it hey that's all it is so pretty much what i've done 20 bucks to the 10 20 bucks to the jar that's all i could do um and 120 for me i'm spending that on flowers for me misses um i'm not going to get my butt kicked because i'm coming home with this that's much better than coming home with a loss so um but she loves flowers anyway i absolutely love buying them for so yeah 120 bucks so hey you can't win big amounts all the time i'm just surprised i actually do win you know and that's only because of all the knowledge that you know i'm getting from four or five hundred people you know when you think about it knowledge from from a a variety of people let's just say that cause i don't know the figures a variety of people all coming in and obviously i listen i listen very carefully too and i think about them and i test them see what works see what doesn't all machines are different might be a brilliant idea but it might be crap on this machine but it might be great on josh's who knows so um yeah i mean with the amount of knowledge that you guys have been teaching me plus what i'm learning myself hey poor seymour sorry am i i do still love you buddy anyway look that's what it is um i'm i'm taking that as a win um theoretically if you really wanted to get technical yes i lost um but that's not in my eyes anyway if you like what you see give us a thumbs up and you want to see more subscribe i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,330
Rating: 4.9226518 out of 5
Id: u6msQQyBOuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 6sec (3426 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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