Asmongold Faces a Refugee Crisis in FFXIV | DAY 9

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boys today we're bringing it home today today we're going to go up against these bosses we're going to do what we need to do we're going to succeed we're going to overcome and we're going to work towards heaven's ward okay let's talk to uh can i talk to her again she won't talk oh there we go history is our friend young one wait young one what the [ __ ] what the hell do you mean by that oh she's talking to the kid i see oh she always no no she's teaching the kid that's all it's okay see look at that yeah good job good job keep it up that's good you know motherly instincts it's very important all right let's go over here we're going to talk to milfina she's a thousand years old no she's not that's not true uh i skill yeah i don't know it should interrupt but we do have a problem what's this what's a man oh it's gilfina okay what's the matter of the problem a band of refugees hailing from mudallah at this time have come to residence tolls seeking asylum it would seem that they expect us to afford them the same treatment that we gave the dominance at present they are in the seventh heaven awaiting a formal response i see mayhap this was to be expected i shall meet with him at once so her mom is a cat girl asman gold i should be grateful for your presence this morning uh-huh okay so do i well do i have to deal with the the [ __ ] refugees or do i have to deal with the primal i have to talk to the refugees okay yeah that's she's a cougar no she's it's a cat cougars not cats because if they were cats and they'd be called cats cougars have different ears okay it's completely [ __ ] different guys come on like let's not let's not split hairs here everybody knows what i'm talking about whenever you're talking about a cat you're not talking about a cougar you're talking about a nice cute little cat with fluffy fluffy ears and everything like that that's what people are thinking about whenever they think of a kitty cat all right there they are draggle-tailed refugee what the [ __ ] do you want i apologize for keeping you waiting my name is milfina and i leave the scions at the seventh dawn twelve be praised it is you that's right what up we're ready willing to work same as the dormants just give us a task and we'll see it done pray calm yourselves i appreciate your enthusiasm but i know not of your situation beg your pardon antecedent but i ain't so good with words we've been living off scraps of udallah for years now trying to piece together our life and replace the one what one got took they say there's work but there's nothing for an honest man nothing that wouldn't sully's soul sooner than his palms any road the flames do what they can for us of course but it ain't near enough and it's only getting worse when the calamity brought us to our knees those rich bastards and the city didn't help us up they climbed on our backs damn that sounds like uh i've seen this happen before i don't pretend to be clever but even i can see what's coming i know we had to run and the only question was where and then it came to me revenant toll i mean you took his other foreigners in didn't you surely you'd do the same for us uh yeah it's not gonna happen sorry i fear the situation is more complicated while it is true that we accepted dorman's petition for aid that decision was a product of extraordinary circumstances i sympathize deeply with your plight but pray understand that it is not possible for an organization of our means to aid all them been affected by the calamity and so it is with great regret that i must deny your request damn damn oh [Music] he's on his oh wow he saw his he's got he's on his hands and knees damn but we've got nowhere else to go you're turning your back on us if i might have a word oh no what do you want ayo tidings from udawa mel lady alphanod alphanod has been wound wait what oh my god how serious i cannot say for certain but i feel it might be according to the flames refugees started a riot they went wild apparently lashing out at any and everyone the refugees went wild then they had a riot oh my god he got down voted yeah what the [ __ ] this is brutal yes can't be right why would they they must have been provoked the demonstration was meant to be peaceful i've heard this one before seventh hells now the blades have an excuse to round us up and kill anyone who tries to resist oh my god antecedent please if you won't help us build the new life at least help us keep the ones that we've got they're mostly they're mostly peaceful protesters of course we're not the ones to stand idly by and watch innocent suffer however until we know more of the circumstances surrounding this riot they're uncertain of what aid of any that we can provide if the authorities determine the refugees attacked without provocation then those responsible will have to answer for their actions how can you be so blind find alpha naught and quickly if he is in danger or worse i would have none other than you by his side alphanaut is being treated within the hourglass hurry asmingle okay it is time for us to hurry asthman gold all right let's go back over here oh he's fine he's just while he's sitting over there it's not even a big deal he's totally okay the [ __ ] is this this is totally fine now what come you must have gathered by now that tataru is given to exaggeration as you can see i am quite well yeah i'm sure you are look at that [ __ ] look at the way he talks man he talks like such a [ __ ] this riot was anything but an isolated incident damn that's not good there is a restlessness in the air tensions long simmering are at last threatening to boil over oh [ __ ] yeah this does sound very similar wait what's this a nation infamous for the great disparity between the wealthy and the poor oh the majority of the populace accepts this state of affairs because they believe that every man bears responsibility for his own lot in life it's america to an uldan money is the foremost and some would say the only measure of a man's worth damn small wonder that the wealthiest wield the greatest influence what a surprise there yeah where do the refugees fit into this social hierarchy what place is there for those who fled al amigo and the destruction of the calamity well they're outside waiting to get in because they ain't wearing shirts plainly there is none they have no wealth no power and no worth to the uldan way of thinking they may as well not exist damn that's brutal choosing to ignore their existence however is patently not an option general rauban and the sultana understand this which is why they ordered the immortal flames to provide the refugees aid and sucker yet none would dispute that the expenses incurred by this policy grow by the day with no end in such true it costs a lot of money to pay for those people that's very accurate this has prompted more and more uldans to question their obligation to aid these worthless wonders damn bro he just says it bro he just says that [ __ ] they're pissed off because his tax money is just going to other random [ __ ] the manner of lord volume is low i can't do anything about that for all refugees an attitude shared by the rest of the monetarists and you may be sure they make no effort to conceal their opinions damn that's that's the wall of phil right there that's the guy that wants to [ __ ] he he doesn't want any of the refugees in his town if it's only a matter of time to refugees united protest nor is it any surprise that some among them and ultimately resort to violence yeah not a surprise there [Music] that the immortal flames should choose this of all occasions to engage in joint training exercises with the other grand companies by the time they return the situation may well have deteriorated beyond mending damn that's not good that's bad what the [ __ ] dude alpha now wishes to investigate the circumstances surrounding the riot as we told you before it was all been inevitable that the incident of this kind would eventually occur given the rising tensions with an assault mate [Music] nevertheless i have reason to believe that this particular riot may not have begun spontaneously have i peaked your curiosity good then you will accompany to me to haul flames i would hear what general rauban has to say on the matter all right let's go over there i do really like this city as i said this city is really nice it reminds me a lot of iron forge but the reason why i like the uh lisa lamassa more is because there's more cat girls there and like that's the place where all the role players and the weirdos go it feels like that's the place that people go to hang out and this is just like a city in the game i don't know why but there it is all right let's talk to what's dr braubon this is my guy man now is not a good time corporal bald my hands are full dealing with the refugees precisely the matter that we wish to discuss general off and on back on your feet already uh you may credit my swift recovery to your surgeons i guess that's like sturgeons or something like that my memories of the riot are still somewhat muddled i trust you managed to regain control of the situation not entirely we secured the city soon enough but not before the unrest it spread to the surrounding territories pockets of resistance remain throughout thalon if we've sent what forces we can spare to root out the last of the belligerents but progress is slow and they are damnably elusive well i can well imagine given the majority of the refugees live outside the walls it stands to reason that they would know the lay of the land well i do not understand how it is that came to be so well prepared on my little incident bro this is just it's so weird for me to read like what they're saying because like this is the same stuff that people say about like riots and stuff like this in real life like it's just like especially about like being well prepared remember like there was all that drama about there being like palettes of like bricks and stuff like that during the riots last year and like now i'm seeing this here like where is george soros come into this yeah george soros is going to be in this [ __ ] game man i can't believe it but i don't understand that's how they came over prepared uh before my little winston i absorbed several refugees were armed and not with butcher guys or pics forts but with martial weaponry i need heartily add that this equipment is costly no one can deny the tensions between the endowed citizenry and the refugee population did have increased since the dominance were turned away but uh but would that motivate a starving man to purchase arms in the food i think not true uh and one of these did not given a single guild to spend who could not survive without the aid provided by the immortal flames surely they would sooner sell a weapon than bring it to bear against their benefactors come to the point yeah cool playing games man very well my point general is this is powder keg of discontent was not set alight by chance these events were deliberately set in motion and now order must be restored this is my first duty and to it is done until it is done any investigation can wait i do not have time to discuss this my scouts will be returning soon damn so he's saying that is this a false flag or is it is this an inside job oh my god dude our allies may stumble upon truth in time but i have far more faith in your abilities has been gold therefore i propose that we conduct our own investigation independent of the authorities okay that's good independent journalists so we are wait wait we're infowars wait am i alex jones now i'm trying to investigate these riots and find out that there's actually some secret monetary power behind it what the [ __ ] they're gonna be turned into chocobo's gay yeah commander swift will know what they are he will bark at the request of such information but i have no doubt that you can persuade him with your silver tongue okay got it i shall seek answers in my own way all right got it let's go back over here detect the baldy there you go okay let's go back over here and talk to swift you look as though you have something to say corporal bald do you what you ask is no simple favor for such information to fall into the wrong hands the lines of countless soldiers will be at risk even so there is wisdom in your words an able individual even one with ties to the flames may be better suited to this task than a regiment very well the brass blades have recruited suspicious activity in the vicinity of the lost hope it may be related to recent events but we doubt it i suggest you begin by speaking to the blades posted here where the hell is he oh he's over that way all right let's go talk to him and he must be inside of the cave there he is i like the music the music is very nice what is this yeah don't hurt me i'm not one of them i beg your pardon uh you're part of the flames but you'll not with the flames i see before i bet you to speak with me then i take it that you agree to help 12 be praised for that because we haven't a moment to waste everyone knows the flames are on the march uh orders the others have fallen under the fanatic spell but not promises of revolution and retribution of holding the ruling class to account and taking that which is owed ha a childish fantasy true i did everything that i could dissuade others from leaving but few would heed my words now that one of the idealists has returned however the madness of the merchant's plan is plain for all to see look behind yonder my tent and you will understand why okay oh there he is he's right here he's just chilling okay what up bruh well what are you doing don't draw don't draw don't drop oh he's got [ __ ] ptsd god damn all right we're gonna slash soothe him sooth you're a good boy oh there you go you good boy you're good boy it's gonna be okay who are you what do you want if it's true i follow the merchant and the many gods strike me down for my folly uh what they what they will not give you must take he said and when we asked how he revealed the cache of weapons that he had brought and imported us to seize control of the means of production what the [ __ ] i thought about running there and then the others were so excited he split us into two groups and sent us off on our own but whenever the flames found us we didn't know what to do our leader tried to parlay with theirs but then they started arguing and fighting and then everyone was fighting and then the flames started shouting to give no quarter and oh god's the other group they were still there if we don't stop them they'll get massacred like mine was the other refugees are hiding in the caves south of lost hope but their approach to them would be fruitless they would sooner call us agents of the sultanate and try to kill us and listen to reason why the twins might even die uh dane to do the deed themselves epoxy and all bloody sell swords they were supposed to train us to fight but the ones he sent with us vanished during the struggle wow that's crazy as we only had never listened to that merchant's ridiculous claims he said our cause is righteous and that the gods would never set for us to be defeated though if they were forced to confront reality that's it challenge the twins to combat and show my brethren that the strongest warriors are no match for one man maybe then they will lay down their arms so i have to 1v1 these guys to show them that socialism isn't real okay let's go do that let's see okay oh wow this is a little nice area i've never seen this before desperate refugee all right what do you want seven hells they found us everyone grab your gear and make for the rendezvous point so what that's your game is it high sorry to disappoint you lad but we're more than willing to kill your ourselves what the [ __ ] i'm under attack armed refugee oh my god okay let's kill this guy um i feel like i can't make jokes about this yeah i can't make jokes about this okay um these guys are dead now what oh let's go let's go kill this guy too all right there we go um yeah ci cia plants yeah these are cia plants exactly okay and i got knocked down for some reason i don't know why i guess oh it's the other one the little lalafell is trying to kill me okay we'll kill all these guys too it's no big deal all right now what this guy's dead oh there's another one saber rattling swordsman is that what he's called jesus okay look at that they have the exact same amount of health and they're just getting their ass beat the exact same way this is no big deal look at this it's easy easy easy easy all right are they all dead now it's over right now what [ __ ] what's he doing you beat him like it was nothing fall almighty what are we gonna do now well that's it so i just beat the sh i just killed all of them and now they're dead okay great well i had to let them know man it's all balls exactly you've returned did you find my brethren what are the twins what happened i see you had no choice better than a handful of them take a beating like you then get butchered by the flames tell me what did the merchant have to say whenever it was over he said i'm uh i'm the big [ __ ] king that's what he said huh but what else would he be unless unless you went to stone straw to recruit to recruit others so we have to find george soros find him convince him to cease his mad quest i'm sure it will lead us to ruin let me guess i'm going to get ambushed no i'm not okay i thought i was going to all right what's this here have you seen my parents oh [ __ ] that's sad damn oh no every single time that i see something small crying i just assume it's a lalafell they told me to stay here with the other sniffle they told me they'd be back soon but it's been days they left with the man from mandala the they the man said that they were gonna change everything make it so we could live inside the walls with everyone else i liked whenever he said that i didn't like it whenever he talked about making the rich people pay everyone looked so angry and i got scared okay say mister are you looking for someone [Music] i'm looking for a merchant or i'm looking for someone's throwing up trouble i would say i'm looking for a merchant she's a dumb girl she doesn't know like i don't have to talk around that she's just a dumb girl it's a little girl who gives a [ __ ] you mean the man who left with my parents why don't know where is he oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] who's this wait look over there i think that's him wait this guy well now which of these gullible fools shall be my so he just says it which of these gullible fools shall just be my next victim damn so he's just he's just a bad guy this is self-report yeah wow that made it really [ __ ] easy well get over there you i what are you doing you defeated baphomet go get him mister go get him what are you doing where is this little [ __ ] there he is right there miss trussell merchant what's up [ __ ] what's up you dumbass little [ __ ] you again why are you pursuing me this guy's antifa obviously sedition treason revolution that's preposterous who has filled your head with these lies refugees the self-sane refugees who terrorize the streets of udallah you have no evidence to prove your accusations none cool we just kill him right here it's fine no no i will not accompany you to the hall of flames you have no right to detain me am i being detained wait i just leaned forward like that damn i thought the cops were supposed to shoot him what's this wow actual actual interrogation for the sake of the argument let's say i did do the things that you claim surely you don't think i give credarnan's uh arse about politics it was only business only business always looking around to see if anybody ever heard him say that that's true and smart we can't move forward like that who's this you know both that i am not the one you want however if you agree to protect me i swear i shall tell you everything okay he's gonna shoot him with an arrow this conspiracy goes deeper than i thought oh my god oh my god it's the fbi this is what happened with the guy that killed jfk man what the [ __ ] man this is oh my god what's all this commotion those seven hells tell the others to spread out and search the area the killer may still be close i'm pissed dude i'm [ __ ] pissed yeah the guy that shot him works for hillary clinton exactly hold adventurer i would know more about your relationship with the victim as well as the events leading up to his death it wasn't me that shot him oh the man was responsible for the recent riots mayhap we owe his murderer damn bro damn bro wow that's rough uh this man was responsible for the recent riots mayhap we owe his murderer a debt of gratitude damn bro these lalafells are savage like i feel like that they feel like they have the most evil characters be lalafells because it's like they're just so small and cute that you can't hate them too much in any case it's obvious that you are not with the one that we seek let me carry on with your investigation scion okay uh well let's carry on with the investigation oh [ __ ] commander swift has kept us surprised of your recent activities you've made great strides towards quelling the violence volume better guys i think it's gotten a little bit better despite our best efforts to determine what provoked this uprising the truth continues to illusion it's george soros as you uncovered art which might shed some light on the mystery uh-oh saiyan this information does not leave this room i won't tell anyone it's okay i won't tell anybody if it's decision to reject the domain refugees appeal for asylum had lasting repercussions a number of those displaced by the calamity claimed it was proof of a policy of discrimination sounds like blizzard together with a group of all amegan refugees they organized a series of demonstrations to protest against the sultanate damn which became heated or did not descend into violence that's good until a certain incident served as a call to arms oh [ __ ] [Music] arrows upon unarmed protesters i just i can't get over this oh my god i just i i can't get over this this is unbelievable are you kidding me oh my god wow it was this atrocity which prompted the refugees to take up arms i need not tell you what followed yeah we assumed at first that the attack was born of a miscommunication when emotions run high they happened but suspicions were raised regarding the unit's commanding officer who might oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] sure enough our fears were soon confirmed the dog confessed that a merchant had offered him coin to give the order a merchant in the employee of telegi adeleji it's actually george soros like how is final fantasy 14 a realm reborn post story red pilling people what is this i i i don't even know what to say yeah but he spoke in favor of the doman's cause and has ever seemed sympathetic to the refugees plight why would he do such a thing know you of the carter no reclamation bill uh oh oh oh annex the carton of flats so that refugees may establish permanent settlements this is not looking good when last i looked that was disputed territory what the [ __ ] i some might even call it a battlefield damn destruction wrought by muhammad was greatest at the carton of flats that much is common knowledge right that's the place where the battle happened right what is less well known is that his rampage laid bare ancient alagon ruins of which no record exists oh at the crystal tower there are certain differences of opinion as to how these ruins should be handled which is why each nation maintains a military presence in the region to this day what the [ __ ] you differ though we may we are still allies therefore oh my god in the interest of preserving the eorzean alliance reached an this is unreal man any conflict which may arise during the course of military exercises in the region shall have no bearing on relations between our navy so this is literally like the middle east like uh what the [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] dude this is crazy oh my god in full knowledge of this delicate state of affairs telegi adeleji proposed the car to no reclamation bill jesus a shameless bloody ruse which stands to benefit him in but one conceivable way what does it successful you will gain control over the disputed territory under the guise of assisting in the resettlement effort and you can be sure he'll build an orphanage next to every alagan ruin what the [ __ ] dude look at him he's just a [ __ ] he's an evil scheming demon the man would threaten the unity of the air look at this and risk countless lives for personal gains look at the framing of this all black except for this [ __ ] picture of benjamin button who's actually a capitalist mastermind that's having people kill each other like what the [ __ ] man this is george soros himself oh my god he walks a path on his own of any faction and beholden to none of his fellows on the syndicate jesus this guy's savage the goat by incenting the less fortunate to violence he hopes to convince others that the cartoon reclamation bill is the only viable solution so he can make all the money his sympathy for the plight of the domains was not but posturing to gain credibility with the refugees of that there can be no doubt what the [ __ ] dude forgive me but what could possibly motivate to legend to go to such lengths what is so special about these ruins that he would risk his position on the syndicate and most likely charges of treason against the sultanate true yeah why money omega omega the [ __ ] is that the [ __ ] is omega say it an oligon monstrosity not unlike the ultima weapon oh may have larger we know not it has yet to be fully excavated what the [ __ ] oligon inscriptions indicate that it was created to fell bahamut himself [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] it might explain why nail vandanas chose to bring the red moon down upon the cartino flats oh that's the boss that we killed in [ __ ] and then number nine of like that one uh coils of baphoma given the ends he went to to ensure aorzia's annihilation destroying the one weapon which could stay the elder primal may well have seemed like good sense that does make sense when first i bore witness to the power of the ultimate weapon i doubted the evidence of my senses and now you tell me there is another such weapon one which could contend with bahamut bahamut damn look at look at my wing dude it just goes right through the it goes right through the chair because dude my transmog's so good it doesn't give a [ __ ] about physics man it doesn't give a [ __ ] we were skeptical ourselves truth be told until the ultima weapons existence came to light we thought the inscription had been mistranslated damn yeah i bet at present omega is more akin to a fossil than a tool of war that's good cease to function as such its true potential cannot accurately be gazed wait oh [ __ ] am i gonna have to fight this thing if someone were to restore it as the garleans did the ultimate weapon i have little doubt that he would wield untold power and this is why the the lalafell wants it power enough to subjugate ulda like and the rest of eorzea besides which is doubtless white talented legend yearns to have it so he wants to control the world what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude that he should aspire to world domination he who has ever walked two paces behind lord lolorito in matters of commerce damn the wallet fell was running laps around him god damn okay he's in acknowledgement of his own temptations that he seeks this power won't be tied us all should we allow him to have it damn okay so we gotta why don't we just go kill him pray waste no time chasing rats only a fool would believe that secrets can be kept in ulda damn this whole place is savage what the [ __ ] it would seem the implications of the sultanate's refugee problem are rather more far-reaching than we assumed i can see that say it so why don't we just just shoot him why don't we just go to his house and just shoot him and then it's done it just i mean why what's wrong like what are we waiting on i should be glad to know the truth that throughout all the chaos was a product of one man's lust of power sickens me how long do you think they intended to hide the existence of omega from the scions that they even felt the need to do so was most troubling it would be in our best interest to learn more of the military activities in disputed territories you are of course the scion best suited to disaster corporal bald do take a moment to visit the hall of flames and make inquiries the earliest available opportunity okay that's fine uh be gone well this is no place for children wait what the [ __ ] damn is that the girl that lost her parents jesus birthplace is savage corporal bald the only hope i know i'm doing my best guys i was looking for you mister you said you were the man who left with my parents you know this girl yes i do i met her and then the guy that found her i died uh so he visited stone shaw as well i see did you find a man where are my parents with him they were not i'm afraid however i can think of several places they might be if you'd like we can go and look for them together oh you help me look mister yes oh look the redditor he's being a good boy he's being a supreme gentleman i like this of course you must need to finish speaking with my friend he's telling me a secret you know and no one else is allowed to listen perhaps you could wait for me at the pillar over there are we required but a moment okay okay mister i'll be waiting get out of here i'll take her to the quicksand wait the quick take her to quicksand oh that's a place i was thinking for a second uh mayhap mamodi will know what to do a legion of guardians an aether starred primal even dealing with an eskician would be preferable to the charade sometimes i fear as milfina is too ambitious we rush bro i thought that said hitler um and yon responds to threats as they arise without concern for the strain that it places on our limited resources and on ourselves mayhap the time for change has come damn aspen gold this is me phil milfina i know this is sudden but i must ask you to return to revenant's toll with all due haste at 12 00's taking time for the worst i will explain in detail once you arrive thank you for responding to my call with such haste he's going to tell him to leave rest assured you have not been summoned i guess not that if it was not urgent to business then we have received the most disturbing news from the order of the twin adder they have reason to believe that the sylphs may have called forth their revered guardian the primal ramua i'm sorry i may have then it is not certain the elder sincere informs us that the elementals themselves murmur of the award of levin's return to the forest the stealth lands however display no signs of undue commotion forgive me antecedent but in the fact but the fact need not contradict the elemental's testimony unlike his more bellicose commoners the [ __ ] um garuda and so on ramua is reputed to act only in defense of his children yeah that's why we didn't attack them earlier or stopped them earlier i remember this i imagine that he would soon make his presence known if there were any foolish enough to directly endanger the sylphs or their territory the abrupt list of this development concerns me were we not keeping a close watch on the touched ones and their movements the preparations for summoning ritual were indeed underway to would surely have not escaped your notice oh it didn't i was pretty sure it was going to happen just not this soon wow well great great reconnaissance there thank you so much maybe take off your [ __ ] sleeping mask next time and you'll be able to see what the [ __ ] going on are you kidding me how do you not know that how do you forget about that i beg your pardon you saw this eventuality and you did nothing to prevent it yeah exactly go off queen i told papa i suppose i could have reported things to milfina earlier but honestly there wasn't much we could do except wait and see you know this does feel about people poking around in their territory oh who gives a [ __ ] they already summoned once right after the calamity that was because the guardians came trampling through the forest and so long as castromorian stands the sylphs cannot be blamed for wishing to have their guardian deity on hand in short yida and i are in agreement the actions of the forest folk were inevitable and unavoidable yeah right and i maintained the observation uh would have the best policy had not been for the sudden influx of strangers into the black surround that alas we did not foresee by all accounts the recent violence in eundala drove a number of refugees to seek safety under the concealing canopy of the trees oh [ __ ] so the refugees are making them summon the guy just like the cells perceive this panic migration is yet another invasion and quicken their essence to summon efforts to summon their god i am put in the mind of titan and the kobolds once again it is the affairs of men which have paved the way for a primals coming indeed one cannot help but wonder what manner of the place erisio would be without the civilizing influence of mankind be that as it may this regrettable development does afford us a unique opportunity asmingle though you're dealing with the selves of little solace you once succeeded in preventing an untimely conflict with gridania i wonder might one who has treated the self so fruitfully in the past not achieved similar success with their patron deity if vermouth can be convinced of our intentions it may be the first step to breaking the cycle of the primal summoning fond hope were such a thing possible we would not have been at war with the beastmen since time immemorial maybe this time we can shut up [ __ ] you had your time let us continue the discussion ain't on we must needs first consult the nation most affected by vermour's presence the elder sen sears requested for your personal assessment uh involvement asthma gold pray report to commander helio at the adder's nest all right we've got to go find him steal yourself for the worst well i hope for peaceful resolution to this matter experience suggests that your meeting with the lord of levin will prove less than amicable in such an event your fellow science will of course lend you whatever support you require i have a feeling i might need my family to beat this one but we'll see what happens asthma gold of the scions your arrival has been most anticipatoriated the appearance of a primal was ever the cause for alarm and unease though my men steady ran for any stand ready for any eventuality i know none more qualified than you to snuff out this threat indeed i would have you do so without delay elder sincere however would like to speak to you first she is of the opinion that your diplomatic rather than martial skills may serve better to our cars i will leave further explanation to our warned leader pray make your way to nafila's altar the conjurer in attendance will admit you into the lotus strand oh great we have to go talk to the flower girl again that's exactly what i wanted to do jesus christ this is the uh the main meeting place i like this area this area is really really nice scions of the seventh dawn on behalf of the people of gradania i bid you welcome your presence is of great comfort to us all in these days of uncertainty yeah i think that probably the half the problems they have is because they have a 17 year old running everything like let's be honest i summoned you here to share tidings of a most urgent nature it's a problem but a short while ago the great elements and your choice was clarion in its intensity ramu is returned unto the forest ramu who's that oh that's ramua okay scarce had his words ceased to echo in mine ears when we were visited by an emissary from little solace those are the little cabbages as there they are what up bro a guest informs us that the sylphs too have sensed the presence of the lord of levin oh [ __ ] though his exact whereabouts remain unknown we may safely assume that the primal was summoned within the heart of the silf lens all right makes sense unlike the other primals you have encountered lord ramu is no raging avatar of destruction he is revered as much for his wisdom as his strength serving as both arbiter and guardian to his children given that we and the silts found a way to share the twelves wood it is my hope that this sagely immortal will be amenable to reason and that conflict may be avoided uh well the fact that he's in the duty finder and there's an extreme version of the fight makes me believe that's probably not going to be the case blessed as you are with the power of the echo you are one of the few among us who may commune with a primal without fear wait so i have to talk to the primal i would ask therefore that you represent us in this most delicate of negotiations oh no oh no the twelves wood has suffered enough upon this we and the sylphs and i would venture lord ramu himself are in perfect accord let us not endanger our shared home by engaging in unnecessary hostilities let's just blow them all up with a bomb how about that dear friend i beseech you safeguard the peace which exists between our peoples ramu is a good guy uh no he's not he's a bad guy uh he's a bad guy 100 bad guy who is mr special rock that i have to have a conversation with there's mr special rock oh [ __ ] shoot him [Music] what the [ __ ] god damn it's gandalf wait what is that beard oh my god what is this titan garuda and leviathan can i ask a question so if having the echo makes you immune to the uh essence or the allure of a primal why is it that uh yashada thala dread and them don't get uh tempering yeah tempering yeah exactly why is it that they're not affected they're also scions will they have it too no i thought min uh menphilia or milfina whatever but i thought she was special because she was the other one that had the echo and the other ones don't have the echo oh he has to temper them on his on his own okay i thought it was just a po well it was like if you look at them it just happens on your own i am ramuel guardian of the children of the forest holy [ __ ] thou tramplist upon secret soil bringer of light by what right tough man intrude in this sanctuary of the silves yeah true yeah it's all right we're good the gridanian's proper piece their words are born of delusion and insult damn [Music] oh [ __ ] he's got ads for my children's desires they did but wish to dwell beneath these bows in solitude yet even that was too much to ask a man thus did they turn to me for sucker the sentence i pronounce upon thy kind is just jesus it matters not the good intent of one excuseth not the misdeeds of the other damn thy conflicts have brought not but anguish and misery unto the forest all blamed a fly with a darkness that resideth in the breast of man what the [ __ ] dude this guy's not playing around when sprung this calamitous seed in the beginning no such duality existed the light and dark given form when man was born oh [ __ ] this guy hates this guy hates people man not least why strife and sorrow follow ever in thy wake thou canst not deny the urgings of thy known nature [ __ ] knowing that thy mere presence here potential tragedy will thou persist in his pretense of peacemaking geez this yo this guy's yeah he's not playing around oh my god well there is the crystal which i bestowed upon my wayward charges that they should entrust so precious a gift to thee oh yeah because they gave me the crystal remember the elder did that's right yeah remember that thou standest apart from thy kin thou art the bringer of light i there is something more indeed very well i shall consider thy proposal should thou survive my trial look at the beard oh my god his power comes from his beard i hope not i'll never be able to beat him harmony i must have proved that thou art fit to play the role worthy and prove to me thereby that thou hast strength enough to stay the darkness which threateneth to consume thee yet if thou shouldst be found wanting know that all men shall perish in the storm of my judgment what the [ __ ] so it's all on me jesus come to me bringer of light i shall await thee on the field of battle holy [ __ ] okay lurianjay it is rare indeed to find you so far from at home what the [ __ ] is he doing the lord of levin himself yeah that's the guy had i loved herself save and painted renderings made faint by time ever shall this scene remain etched in my mind's eye beg pardon my lady holy [ __ ] i must beg thine aid on a point of research if thou art resolved to face lord ramu i would ask thy leave to observe the event did he just take off his sunglasses and he had more sunglasses under his sunglasses is is that right are you kidding me man all right let's find him i'm ready let's go i'm ready to pop off man all right ramula bring me into your realm and let me defeat you [Music] [Applause] switching [Applause] oh [ __ ] [Music] there he is is this us or him that's him [Music] [Music] all right [Music] let's do it [Music] okay all right i'm gonna go in on the boss i'm gonna attack him until he's dead all right let's go thunderstorm okay we just get out of that that's easy [Music] okay thunder spark big dick damage big dick damage big dick damage big dick damage there we go there we go you love to see it bro this is easy well this is easy thunderstorm again okay oh it's on players now all right got it fender spark i am out and the avoid is perfect another perfect avoid by me okay so he does that that's a pretty good amount of damage there i've got to make sure i use a cd for that okay no problem there okay i can avoid that no problem 100 uptime yep i'm getting better at the game imagine that okay i'm assuming i don't need to pick up the trash i don't know what chaotic strike really does thunderstorm what is this here uh do i need to move out of that oh are they i'm so confused how this works okay moving out of that oh i see there's lightning there okay got it [Music] yeah this is easy this is easy okay so 50 we're doing great guys let's keep it up we're doing amazing [Music] okay [Music] staying focused chaotic strike i don't know if i'm supposed to move out of that or not but he stands still whenever he casts it so i assume i am okay standing back in here i don't know if i'm supposed to still stand the nose or not judgment bolt what is this here um okay that was didn't really do a lot of anything okay that's fine everything's okay everything's okay thunderstorm again there's a lot of these little things here rolling thunder i don't know what that is okay that's not really that much damage i'm gonna just use the cd here uh make it a little bit easier for myself [Music] all right big numbers here big numbers here big [ __ ] numbers huge damage [Music] thunderstorm again [Music] this is going really really well okay i see [Music] what am i was i supposed to jump that i have no idea okay how does this work so i just have to kill this guy right i'm pretty sure i just have to stand here and attack like yeah this it seems like yeah i just stand there and attack great okay i'm handling this quite well okay he's five percent health bro this is easy are you kidding me dude this this on ultimate is gonna be a joke bro we're gonna one shot this oh my god [Music] this is easy wow i can't believe how easy this is i'm so good at this game i'm so proud of myself for being good at the game [Music] ah there it is voice i have taken thy measures ringer of light yes and i judge the worthy champion the task of excising the sin that hath taken root in man's heart is thine yep shrink not from employing thy strength in service to the forest and the wider realm beyond life hmm if man is to be delivered from the dark it shall be by thy guiding light alone stray not from the path for if thou dost thy people shall be truly lost so does this mean i can't roll dark night because dark nights are dark and we can't be in the dark is that what's going on restart game yeah true what do you want thou hast slain the lord of levin a regrettable act but a necessary one wait we we killed them i thought we just uh i thought we just kind of passed this test since when we kill him what the hell do you mean in witnessing thy struggle the truth have been revealed unto me okay if i mistake not it may yet prove a [ __ ] in the eternal armor of the aseans we gonna beat the illuminati but let us conclude our present business i shall expound upon my findings at the rising stones and on okay welcome back word of your immense encounter with lord vermouth precedes you i would faint share news of my own but uber dangerous discoveries must take precedence upon witnessing your defeat in the lord of leaven our learned companion was struck with a profound insight regarding the nature of the essence and mortality let us assemble and discuss his observations together i'm glad that a lot of these are voice acted if everyone is ready let us begin all right let's begin everybody take off your clothes urianje the floor is yours oh it's not one of those okay never mind i i gotta go as all here i gotta go no in its final hours as our orders headquarters the waking sands did play host to a most unexpected visitor yeah [ __ ] unwelcome though his presence was his words that day did serve to confirm a truth long suspected that the aseans are eternal beings to whom physical destruction is as a temporary inconvenience why can't we just like uh put them in a box or something because if they can't [ __ ] go if they can't change their uh like they they can't [ __ ] oh that probably wouldn't work in the intervening time marianje and i have striven to discover means by which the aseans might more permanently be slain and tis my belief that we have found the thread that will allow us to unravel the twisted skein of their existence in the moments prior to leviathan's most recent manifestation yeah the sahagan elder who summoned him was observed to undergo some manner of ascension so why can't you just put him in a box that way he can't die and change his spirit to somebody else why can't you do that the etheric readings taken by yashtola at the time of this transfiguration have proven most enlightening wait she's got a tattoo on her neck is she a thot what the [ __ ] since when wait that's a sigh what is this bro like oh my god all sign that's a science tattoo well i don't have it it's just like uh the disruption to the flow of ether was such i don't know like a initiation was the agitation i scarce had need of my goggles i see that the significance of yashtola's readings might better be understood in the context of my known taken at the instant of the lord of levin's demise unlike the primal the sahagan was not subject to etheric dissipation yeah because he went to the other guy he transferred his essence before discussing our new discoveries it may benefit us all to recall what we know of etheric behavior okay so how you respawn what the [ __ ] [Music] let us begin at what some might call the end what is this when we who dwell in the material realm die our spirits dissolve into the flow of ether and are returned to the ethereum oh the shadow lands yeah i've i've seen this before yeah okay uh yeah i get this the restless energy which diffuses that plane streams back into our world giving rise to new life okay makes sense it is as the heavens did decree the way of all mortal souls this is a great powerpoint presentation tweaks this world and the next do the ethereal current swirl bearing the very essence of life thus not the cycle of birth death and rebirth continue unabated okay i got it so it's a big cycle oh [ __ ] finals behave somewhat differently oh [ __ ] in order to manifest and then maintain a physical presence in this realm they must consume vast quantities of ether most often in the form of crystals though they may seem to live their flesh is but ether given shape so they're they're basically mythological crackheads got it thus a defeated primal leaves behind no broken corpse rather the essence of its form seeps back into the land once it came and the energy of its shattered spirit is called back to the ethereal realm okay got it that makes sense there it waiteth till next the prayers of the faithful do draw it forth from the sea of ether to take their offering of crystals and make for itself a new body well damn so then they just wait to get summoned back in so it's like basically uh which brings us on to the third group these so-called immortals they exist in a manner all their own so it's like if you're playing an online game and they lose the game they have to go back to the lobby and the lobby is the ethereal realm that's basically what this is quite even as the elder fell to the admiral's musket shot i witnessed the release of an ethereal cloud which immediately took possession of a nearby minion this is how they possessed uh thala dread yeah this is how that yeah that makes sense a soul that dissipateth not upon the death of the flesh that's what it was the secret of life everlasting and in the claws of a sahagan no less but i wonder what would happen to one of these obstinate spirits should there be no suitable host for it to claim that's true yeah what happens then if molten death entails a return to the ethereal realm it seems doubtful that the soul of an immortal would venture there oh okay so it's in limbo is that right nay it merely withdraweth the distance unto the shore of the ethereal sea perchance but no further okay so it's yeah he's basically in limbo yes it exists in neither this realm nor the next abiding instead in the space that lies between them so it's like the twisting nether and wow where whenever the demons die they go into the twisting nether and then they can come back the aseans took control of fancred by means of a crystal of darkness yeah an artifact which if our theories are correct serves as a gateway to the place i've just described holy [ __ ] i was hoping people had forgotten about that we haven't [ __ ] idiot welcome to the presentation this is a group project and you're getting a c because you're late i am sorry my friend what he doesn't even have yeah look at this of our research have brought us unto an answer okay what is it the sahagan ascended to an immortal state but he did not possess a crystal of darkness through which to flee this realm thus was he consumed by leviathan oh so it's in limbo and the guy ate it while it was in limbo okay it didn't have something that tethered it it's like a hor wait it's like a horcrux spirits like like uh what's in like manner and thereby deny them resurrection damn damn dude it's a phylactery yeah so let's just have this in warcraft right he's like kel'thuzad the reason why we can't kill him is because in the original wow you gave the phylactery to this guy who never destroyed it and the phylactery is like a regeneration device that that holds their spirit and then it allows the spirit to regenerate and uh recover its physical form she's so pretty she's so hot dude they're in life the path to victory though aren't most perceptive my lady so we have to put them inside of a rock only when we have trapped the bodiless soul within an ethereal prison can we hope to defeat its unnatural constancy okay thus might even an eternal paragon be consigned to oblivion oh wow god damn that's brutal we're going right down the basics of course far easier said than done at present we lack a viable means to entrap and extinguish an asean soul yeah true yet i believe it to be possible the pieces of the puzzle lie before us we have but to put them together just find a rock and put them in the rock oh no i will depart at once to convene with the sages of charlie yeah together shall we divine the steps by which our goals may be achieved i got it all right makes sense i have understood faith in you archon beg pardon antecedent but i would raise one final matter even now a charlie and survey party seeketh to ascertain the fate of the students of baldessian who gives a [ __ ] their findings shall soon be known who gives a [ __ ] feelings of dread i bid you surrender not to sorrow but abide instead in hopeful prayer oh isn't that cute ain't that cute i shall khan thank you wait he's an archon too or his i thought it was only that one guy that [ __ ] uh turned into oh [ __ ] oh no man look at him man this is the illuminati [ __ ] you got george soros hillary clinton george w bush barack obama all here together discussing the means of ruining our lives [ __ ] dude the word of love is returned to the aether is leviathan before him remus acquiescence is most intriguing inferno vortex craig wuerl and levin all have been humbled by the bringer of light that's me the limitless potential of man heidel and servant grows mightier by the day yet he prospers at great cost to his mistress whose strength is all too finite seven times if the mass has survived the rejoining but their souls are grown weak and wane i'm assume seven times the rejoining is that the uh the seventh umbral era is that the way it works is that what it is yeah yeah okay yet even as it innervates the ardor empowers our master all that remains is to nurture the strength of the gifted to forge the final key and that task is to where is which we bend every effort who's this oh [ __ ] it's the guy that looks exactly the same as all the other guys oh that's celebrate oh that's the guy we killed divine seeds were ever want to quicken uh in eurasia's fertile soil we need only lead men to the field then their eager hand shall take a new deity arise that which one that which was shattered shall be made anew and that one true god shall come again that's their death god by the way what's this here okay it's not looking good otg true damn damn bro damn bro who would be oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh god alphanude i take it the troubles in a dollar and no longer retire your attention there are some rumblings of discontent but the error simmering violence is largely dissipated tissue report that such i stand before you now that and to speak with you concerning the new organization we discussed i have a message for you ellie you re you recall the refugee girl the one whose parents were missing they were found unharmed she wished me to pass her thanks on to you oh that's great why alphanod i'm to understand that you made the effort to remember the poor girl's name wow i look forward to reading all about her and your report i do hope you left nothing good out [Music] oh what's this well why is he upset is he getting embarrassed pray forgive me if i tread over all the ground or first speak of this grand plan since the admin of several last renewal uh the leaders of the three nations have been deliberating over an accord that seeks to bring the disparate uh forces of eurasia together in a single entity a realm wide grand company if you will the military wait it's the u.n we're making the u.n holy [ __ ] the military might have such an inves uh institution would be drawn from every corner of the land and directed against threats of a single nation could not hope to overcome alone yet the purpose of this hypothetical organization is undisputed the logistics of its formation have become the source of endless debate and under these discussions continue the more i sense the impetus towards a unification draining away thus i have been campaigning for the creation of what might be considered a trial company it will be on a much smaller scale than what we can vote to eventually achieve but is capable of the same matter of unrestricted operation according to the science this my hope that the successful unionization of such a force will lend momentum to lagging deliberations also being a primarily military outfit i mean to assuage fears if it's misused by placing the fledgling organization under the authority of the antecedent the scions work tirelessly to protect louisiana's people but as you yourself has witnessed with the refugee revolt there are limitations to what we can achieve yeah actually whatever happened to the guy that was trying to get the secret weapon and control the whole world did we just forget about him like i don't know what's going on here uh with the new company under science command however we will be capable of responding to a wider range of difficulties without straining our resources or over taxing your formidable talents the goals of my proposed organization knows that the scions ultimately identical a point conceded in all concerned but before i can move forward with establishing this precursor to be true border spanning grand company this is the u.n it's yes it's necessary that i visit the three leaders again and gain their official approval okay ah [ __ ] i've got to go over there all right attend to the business of recruiting our inaugural members while i'm otherwise engaged with this bureaucratic formalities i've got to recruit new people our first destination will be lisa lamassa let us run interview with the bolar call okay sounds good well the admiral and i are finalizing uh promissory boundaries to signing parchments i would have you begin the recruitment process in earnest i would of course endeavor to spread the word of our organization through our various channels but i believe in a personal approach many who remain otherwise ignorant of the opportunity as potential members it's no matter where they should already be pledged to another institution only that they are willing to lend their strength when the situation demands it and you shouldn't range into the countryside the upper decks alone are populated with sufficient candidates to suit our purpose once those are ticked uh with your recruiting efforts meet me at the airship ticket counter when we prepare for the next leg of our journey all right wait a minute if there's three places we have to recruit people from how is it a leg if there's three legs huh all right let's go back over here oh it's the dick that's true that's that's very very true okay let's go back over here we're gonna talk to all these people and recruit them okay we're just gonna talk to these random people no reason to read out the dialogue we're just recruiting them you're the man who came his little amigo looking for the mass devil okay there we go company a champion some of the opportunity i need don't worry i'm not the same strip wing you met a little while amigo will red oh this is the guy that was going around causing all the [ __ ] trouble getting mad and then we had to make sure he didn't [ __ ] pop off yeah there it is how fair would you asthma goal what hidden gems did the streets of udallah offer up to your unrelenting gays a single alamegan youth well you certainly give us an admiral start even if our ranks are somewhat thin it seemed in trouble years following the calamity talked to aurezia's salvation must see mccann to grasping at clouds but there are still those who have risen to the challenge nonetheless and the hope inspires these people was born this small part of the victories you yourself have won thank you asthma goal that will not squander the precious gift play uh placed into my keeping these recruits will become the foundation of a new beginning and yes we are free to begin we have no doubt surmised the sultana has graced my trial company with her blessings the first wave of recruitment is over the documents have been signed and the finances have been secured there is not to prevent me from taking the next step you are concerned by the syndicate's involvement as was i thus the origin of every coin and contribution carefully scrutinized and recorded this organization will not be built on corruption uh naturally i would prefer not to rely upon outside sources at all but even my family's substantial coffers could not sustain a venture of this magnitude as for rumors and doubts right in the enterprise all things shall play this company had the chance to prove its worth speaking of time you should waste no more of it let's return to the rising stones and lay the first stone of the uniting of eresia absolutely what was the name of the cabbage that got kicked noxina [Music] is it noxina naroxu yeah yeah you know where she died yeah we had to pick up a corpse who is louis oh come on how much has rich spent on fantasia i can't count that high there they are what the [ __ ] tell me general what thank you of alfino's bold endeavor i think it is more than bold your grace his organization would pave the way for a united eosia this is my favorite character by the way this is the this is the only guy i like in the whole story uh yeah this this guy's [ __ ] awesome and every everything else is like whatever like i don't give a [ __ ] well do i understand his impatience since facing the common threat of the ultima weapon our nations have seemed farther apart not closer together considering the many problems we face should we not be glad that someone else is taking the initiative we have all pledged our cooperation yet the grumbling continues behind closed doors all da is not alone in her duplicity damn i myself have doubts as to the good this organization will achieve with the inclusion of the finest soldiers of the three grand companies it promises to be a fearsome military body but whom will it serve even under the watchful gaze of the scions it is not unthinkable that such a force could perpetrate a great wrong that's right that's right does it not concern you that a significant proportion of its financial backing came from the coffers of the syndicate that those unprincipled worms might forge this extraordinary gathering of voices into a private army and that's right it's black water all over the place your grace they have spared us no end of trouble at the hands of the primals true if they seek reinforcements i deem it unwise to deny them as for their finances full many gave generously and though our nobles proffered a sizable sum their coin did not spill from the pockets of lolorito and his cronies what a surprise and what of the presence of our stalwart adventurer friend in this endeavor i doubt the warrior of light would betray our cause absolutely not i would never do that unless there's a really good item for doing that like in fable then i would have to i would have to do it that sword was really good yet i have known people to change whether we will or no the events of the age hurl us this way in that like a dust devil skipping across the sands can not be done about tallechy what do you mean how is he still alive just go to his house and be like you're you're under arrest for being stupid and then put him in jail and make up some [ __ ] reason like are you kidding me how is this still a problem that's illegal to change the law i have explored all avenues for like a day it's your grace but as uldan law now stands we lack the evidence to convict him of any crime to arrest him on spurious grounds would only play into his hands to shoot him just shoot him uh oh oh [ __ ] he has all but committed treason and yet we can do nothing oh this is such [ __ ] you just go shoot him you know he's doing it yeah nobody's perfect oh oh no [Music] have faith your grace damn that's sad [ __ ] dude that sat up damn man and that that son of that [ __ ] that george soros son of a [ __ ] keeps causing her problems man you imagine that all right and phillia appears eager to welcome back to revenant's toll greetings has been gold alphanot tells me all is in place to help his trial company scion shall certainly be grateful to have the support of such an organization the inner girl company is set to take place here at the rising stones zataru is cooperating with alphanod to see that all is in its readiness so i'm afraid the recruits themselves have been left to their own devices for the time being quite a number of new faces have arrived at revenant's toll as of late now i wonder if slaf-born might not find himself overwhelmed will you speak with them and see if he needs any help let's go ahead and do that what's up slap born what up bro what can i do for you asthma gold i thought you'd have your hands full helping out with this new arm to the scions yeah i barely noticed your recruits arrived it was barely a trickle compared to the flood of treasure hunters we've had passed through here every day well i appreciate your offer of aid it's more than your burden that concerns me i'm told this trial company will answer directly to the antecedent who must work for me in the long run slapform the shipment we can't the [ __ ] oh no we were bringing a shipment to remnant's soil provisions earmarked by the uh by the frontier as we sought to cross over the mordant we were set upon by brigands i believe they may have been heretics there were many too many we only escaped their lives by abandoning the supplies pray forgive us if heretics are involved then i think this would be more of a case of simple thievery ishgard will need to be informed when did these supplies originate house four attempts uh we collected the provisions and champ dragon head prosper oh i gotta go over there house four temps yeah those are my boys i saved them from getting [ __ ] killed all right lightning your lobe i need someone who can help bring this into the status very conclusion our favorable relations with ishgard are far too important to risk half measures okay i can do that yeah this is good yeah it's horsefart i remember him thank you for your understanding a certain word horsepower will be glad of your assistance there it is all right let's talk to him how come your guy in game isn't bold i was 50 50 on going with this one or the other one but i like this uh this haircut a lot okay like i do hope that uh i i don't i don't want to go bald i'll be honest guys i really don't like even even if i do shave my head i don't want to have to shave my head does that make sense i want to do it because i think it will look cool rather than because i have to do it well if it isn't my fine friend jasmine goldbald would you you done okay oh okay okay all right all right very [ __ ] clever all right would you care about scrackle some muled mine uh so you're not coming my home your way to escape the biting cold in fact i was on the verge of opening an urgent miss of revenant's toll and i suspect the timing of your arrival was no coincidence all right shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up port horse fart awaits confrontation uh confirmation of the reason of your visit to camp dragon head [ __ ] delete it he's gay he's the prime benefactor of clown college the incident with the new frontier hands no no you need not elaborate i have been following their progress with no small amount of interest all right all right brave men and women all they do our nation a great service the existence of a fortified outpost in more donor will do much to dissuade them there's more doughnuts okay so there is the empire yeah the empire is still a [ __ ] problem right glad am i that you have chosen to lend your support to this endeavor of course never let it be said that house for tom does not acknowledge the efforts what the [ __ ] all her debts was in the spirit of gratitude that i arranged for sundry supplies to be delivered to revenue's toll that the shipment should chance to be way laid by heretics is poor fortune indeed okay poor fortune i say yet not without precedent damn you would know the truth of it these incorrigible villains grow more organized with each passing day of course they do they're pieces of [ __ ] this new unity of purpose we attribute to that leader the lady iceheart although i have devoted significant resources to the task of identifying this woman we have yet to learn so much as her birth name what we do know is that the heretics speak of ice heart and reverent tones and would gladly embrace death rather than betray her oh my god such loyalty is rare indeed and i fear to imagine what so committed a collection she must be really hot then let's be honest the brigands have not yet been so brazen as to risk direct confrontation here in dragonhead some few of their number have however been sighted not far to the west of here and with ever increasing regularity a visit to white brim front may bring you the answers you seek will you brave the snows knowing what implacable foes may lie in wait no because i could just fly stupid i hit level 50. okay what level are these guys these are all these level 39 it feels so weird that like i was just here but like now i've like i've defeated baphomet i've done all this other crazy [ __ ] like i've got like full [ __ ] 130 eye level gear like i am pimped out all right so where'd he be at there he'd be oh this guy i remember him asmingle is there odd you would ask me praise speak plainly i'm a man of action and need no honeyed words on a trail of band of thieving heretics you say by the fury but do you seem destined to cross paths with these villains i must contest them it's a sad truth that the wilds here are about to have indeed grown thick with their number they strike swiftly without warning and are canny enough to evade our most able trackers but it's not only merely new found organization that confounds us the heretics themselves seem somehow changed oh is it maybe another primal i know what the matter of influence the ice heart wields but the men we seem to face are utterly lost upon the grip of righteous fervor just an unsettling and unnatural zeal mayhaps you care to question one of their most recent victims all right a patrol found a unfortunate yep fellow lying senseless in the snow and carried him to infirmary assuming he has regained some sense of his faculties the merchant might be able to recall a small detail that can help you in your task okay let's go talk to the merchant right now mistreated merchant i'll tell you what happened why yes of course i'm quite recovered enough for that anything to help kept those catch those cowardly black hearts i was traveling my usual route to whiteburn front when suddenly a blow sent me reeling the next thing i knew i was on the ground and several heretics were rifling through my cargo arms armor crystals they were taking everything it was the one that noticed my binary gaze and stalked over to better acquaint my head with his mace before darkness claimed me however i distinctly heard the words return to snow cloak it was a miracle i survived at all and i'll not trust my thick skull to save me a second time all right so we gotta go over to the wilds we gotta find these [ __ ] boys where they be at 2.3 finishes soon really okay i'll see what happens like i feel like the uh so is it how many of the points do i have to do before we go to heaven's ward is it four or five i think it's five right it's five okay yeah it's five so we're already over halfway done then that's good so so i i'm glad man [ __ ] yeah awesome 2.5.5 oh shut up i don't want to hear about that there's no way that's that's real it's not real i feel like it hasn't been even nearly as bad as people made it out to be man i was going into it expecting much worse it used to be i heard about that ah draw your weapons foul wait i recognize you avenger you are coming seeking harry heretics then we have a sir we share a common purpose we were on patrol when we chanted across one of them in our raving parties and we pursued them here by rights we should have had them cornered in this ravine and yet they are gone vanished like icy wraiths cinematic was there a guy up at the top yes there was it's sephiroth oh [ __ ] damn no wonder they don't want to betray her yo no wonder that makes sense look at that face the look of disapproval you glimpsed the woman of top the cliff could it be ice heart herself come to sneer in our folly and where did she disappear the heretics must have discovered a passage through the frozen wall some hidden tunnel that escaped our notice we have not the uh we have not the men to risk further investigation all right so i've got to go talk to the guy your return is most timely thank you of their own accord my thoughts had turned to your task and the progress thereof i confess my imaginings tended toward the grim and bloody that's not good what's this for but you are here now and i suspect such frivolous wonderings do little justice to the reality of your travails tell me what did you learn of iceheart sheer thought indeed and this transpired at snow cloak sure did of all the highlands that towering wall has borne the worst of the region's brutal shift in climate so inhospitable has snow cloak become that we have still to survey the area in its entirety could its frozen heights conceal the heretics hideaway may have a more robust record okay so they're hiding in it the same as hitler went after world war ii to hide inside underneath the uh the snow in antarctica and build a secret nazi base okay yeah i i've yeah okay putting such construction outside for the moment we still know far too little of this ice heart that she is capable of commanding such a band of fanatics that speaks natural authority true and no small measure of charisma that seems that way as much as i would like to fathom this mystery with you the situation has grown beyond my personal purview i am bound by duty to inform the temple knights and request that they bring this matter to its conclusions so yeah we gotta go kill her that's that's that's easy i just do that doing reports the new commander has garnered thus far i am certain that they can be relied upon to take appropriate action easy though iceheart's true identity yet eludes us you have provided us with a point from which to begin sometimes takes but a single step yeah that's fine to prompt an avalanche on the matter of the stolen provisions i have already made arrangements for a second shipment to be sent to revenants thank you i appreciate that not will allow such an puncher to be undermined by one miserable dude horsefart's actually a nice guy he's so nice i might actually learn how to pronounce his name but probably not because it's pretty long yeah it is it's a pretty long it's pretty long name realistically all right let's go back over there yeah he's not that bad of a guy man hey not that bad of a guy best man at the wedding oh yeah yeah i do probably need to get married to somebody in this game so i get the bonus mail if you uh if you get married in this game you get a special mount all right slapboard aspen gold just good to see you return to the troll how fair did you in the frozen waste of karthus house four attempts to send this uh sentence to second shipment i must send thanks to lord horsefart for his continued generosity even as our town grows in prosperity right i fear it will attract even greater numbers for those who could do us harm in the name of greed or power all of us alpha dot's new recruits included must remain vigilant against such threats all right oh damn wait what does this look like [Music] oh [ __ ] this is like a thor helmet damn that's badass what about this one here that's cool what about mine this looks stupid as [ __ ] god damn it i got this i got the worst one all right let's go do this one sophomore has dudes in the progress of the inaugural ceremony while you're away in kawarthas preparations for the inaugural ceremony we're all but completed although tatara does seem somewhat flustered i've taken enough of your time won't you head to the rising stone sincere if your frantic receptionist could do it with a hand let's go talk to taro these parchments seem to be stored or in these documents why are they even here i'm sorely tempted to file this lot in my waste paper basket ah asthma gold you started with me you wish to lend a hand splendid would you be a dear and lend these uniforms to new recruits they're scattered around revenants told when i haven't the time to track them all down the revenant the recruits know to dawn their garb immediately in a symbol here in the rising stones you want to report directly back to alphanaut if you don't want to miss a ceremony i wonder if the signs will ever have matching uniforms [Music] bro mcdonald's has matching uniforms i don't want to work at mcdonald's what the [ __ ] yeah i don't want to have i want matching uniforms [ __ ] that okay let's go ahead and give this one to uh to him there we go all right and i'm just going to turn all these in ah yes sesame gold to taro mentioned that you were handing out the new uniforms i assumed that you now met with the rest of the recruits some new answered some of you answered the call to arms but i would put forth the established grand companies and such we are not yet an army but there is much the small core of elite warriors can achieve did i mention i thought of a name for the company it's my hope that we shall be named uh we shall be known across the breadth of eurasia the moment that truth draws near asthma gold once the last recruits have gathered i shall make the official announcement oh here we go what is stupid hats comrades your presence here this day signifies the momentous choice that each of you has made what is stupid hats with your strength now pledge to the scions of the seventh dawn you are beholden to no single nation you stand as the vanguard for a united eorzea damn [Music] from this moment forth i declare you crystal braves let us mend this fractured realm and face our enemies as one you kidding me you could have called them the big dick battle masters but you go with the crystal braves this is the dumbest name i've ever heard in my entire redditors rise up redditors rise up boys let's go crystal cowards it sounds better than their primals or the conflict in carton it is plain that the nations of eorzea cannot solve the problems which plague the realm yep thus does it fall to some few heroic souls to succeed where they have failed come take your place at the scion side as guardians of aortia and together we shall fight for the freedom of all yeah all right cool that's awesome wow super cool yeah oh god look at those people that stand outside buckingham palace guarding the queen you know they they can't like move or touch or anything like that yeah oh my god oh [ __ ] a rousing speech alpha alfano all should i say crystal brave commander lover you please antecedent the title is honorary i shall not be leading the troops into battle as it were we are of the same purpose let us join hands we're going to say grace be done to save this land oh okay the scion stand ready wow yay you know i really think that milfina is pretty much useless like in like all of the stories and everything like she's kind of just there for no reason i mean really like she's been about as effective as princess peach like she just gets kidnapped and we have to go find her and save her and she's supposed to be in charge yeah she's princess peach yeah i'm not kidding i'm eager to see what the crystal braves might accomplish this shall prove an interesting time indeed for the scions yes i'm listening hello to our worst fears are confirmed the entire aisle oh such power that's the students of baldessian this happened before kryl is alive thank the 12. wow i see pray inform me if her condition changes damn yes i shall pass on your words to eriangie my thanks i shall contact you unknown [Music] and on i just can't i can't get four chances when i learned of the loss of the isle of vale i did not hope that my friend had survived yet by some miracle it would seem she has wow she's still to regain consciousness it is true but better that than death true putting this happy news to one side we must now endeavor to make sense of the readings taken by the survey party okay let's find out here's the etheric disturbance which accompanied the isle's destruction is of a magnitude alarmingly close to that of ultima oh [ __ ] could the aseans be responsible for this devastation as well oh [ __ ] i wonder have you heard art from the mother crystal since the battle with the guardians ah no then she speaks to neither one of us heidel in silence pretends not but ill i fear oh no luis i pray you yet watch over us okay so that's [ __ ] bad that's really [ __ ] bad now what yeah that's what i was thinking too very good see the provisions are prepared for transport let's hope that the shipment is spared the fate of the of the last oh this is probably where we're gonna see that girl is that a dragon what's this uh uh oh the winds are uncalm and fierce this day damn that dracula's castle holy [ __ ] that's massive that's eisenguard yeah what is this [Music] his eyes are yeah there it is man saruman or pope francis actually more white pope benedict but you know it is what it is the crusaders wait what wait what [Music] oh [ __ ] [Music] oh no man that's not good at all this is the antipope man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 259,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, asmongold ffxiv story, ffxiv story, ffxiv patch 2.3, ffxiv 2.3, asmongold final fantasy day 9, final fantasy day 9, ffxiv day 9, a realm reborn
Id: 1xf8kx-2O1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 38sec (6098 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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