WE LOST HIM! Aѕmongold's New FFXIV Girlfriend | DAY 4

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back at it again gentlemen another day i've been hearing a lot about some forces some bottles some bosses some things that i'm going to be doing very soon here in final fantasy that will actually be challenging i'm going to be completely honest with you i am ready to go big dick level 34 asmin gold bald i'm ready to go up against the hardest challenges milfina is waiting to brief you on your fellow scions and any development oh shit we got all the boys together now what the maelstrom requests our assistance okay concerning the kobolds they sent such copious notes on i presume yes and no it has more to do with their findings which portend apparel far greater than any beast tribe what is it what are the findings what sort of peril she's so hot the worst kind shit a tribe of kobolds in the vicinity of lim cello minsa has reawakened titan isn't that like one of the primals why why do they keep doing this over and over they keep bringing them back our task will be to slay the primal oh the maelstrom have fucking support for the endeavor i'm ready let's go they are no strangers to the havoc kobolds can wreak what do you mean they're like level fives who gives a shit they're kobolds years before the grand company's reformation two primals leviathan and titan chance to converge upon the sea wall wreaking untold devastation well that's not good there by the grace of the navigator were the mercenaries melvip hired able to fend them off well that's good yet it did not take long for the beast tribes to regroup and they summoned their primals once more they just keep doing it man thankfully their second coming was decidedly short-lived that's nice but that is beside the point so long as tormented souls will them to exist the realm will never be rid of primals well we have to make sure everybody's happy all the time anybody who's not happy goes to jail until they are happy on the beast tribes and the kobolds in particular ever since well good which brings us to the matter at hand what's that unlike ifrit we know scarcely anything of titan well i just look it up don't worry about it it'll be fine the modestly named company of heroes disbanded five years since and mercenaries are not in the habit of keeping chronicles damn expect the worst true the maelstrom's help is of course appreciated but even if we had their whole armada at our disposal we could still find ourselves over-matched so then they want me to beat this guy 1v1 if they can't kill him with a bunch of ships they send them one they're going to send me probably by myself to 1v1 a guy that they can't even defeat with a bunch of ships is that really what we're going to do the kobolds lack the gentle sensibilities of the sylphs a peaceful resolution would be more than welcome the echo will not avail you this time i fear if you are to survive your steel must need speak for you all right i like the sound of that sounds great let's go to work no one would think you were coward were you to decline uh actually i feel like my entire chat would be spamming pussy so that's not gonna happen we're gonna have to play this one out uh yes i accept accepting has accepted thank you thank you you're welcome i'll send him to lim solominsa without your stolen can we menphilia yeah we do whatever we want may i ask that of you yashdola oh wait they're going to let me bring my girlfriend i never thought it in question ever reliable fuck yeah dude well we will spend all right to win victory you may count on the full support of the scions of the seventh dawn fuck yeah let's do it we'll aid the fight from afar sangrid go to the grand companies tell them of our plight and solicit their support wait they have to do the quest oh thank god i'm so happy oh this is so great now i've been promoted so high that i don't even have to do the fetch quests anymore okay i don't have to be the the fucking the messenger yeah now now now fucking thaliddred got demoted uber danger and this girl that they all got demoted down and now i get to go out and do the cool shit will they get the fuck around mariology send word to the students of baldessian and alfino if you would alfie oh that's that stupid-ass render compile all the information we have on titan little though it may be i love how they always put the lalafells on the bottom left of the screen because that way my screen my webcam covers them like you don't have to see them i think it just makes the stream a lot better overall you'll be apprised of the tactical situation when you reach the sailor's ward okay provision yourself for the journey may you walk in the light of the crystal wow okay so now what i have to go back over to uh i guess over to lisa lamensa and see what they have right all right let's go over that way then okay where's the guy i need to talk to to defeat titan storm and commander what the fuck is this hi hail adventurer and welcome to maelstrom command if if you wish to know more about enlisting speak with a personnel officer unless you're the guest that we were told to expect ah forgive me no i don't want to join your stupid-ass fucking club you guys suck to business then it was told the antecedent the kobolds have once summoned titan over a little moon ago we began to observe the basement moving south and increasing numbers to ugubangu our scouts uh subsequently confirmed the object of their aggression crystals fodder for their fel primal oh damn she's tall forgive the lack of forewarning high commander the admiral wish to address asmongold personally yeah that makes sense we are no strangers to conflict long that the sohogan and the kobolds plagued our people nor is this the first time that we have had to address the primal threat in the past when titan rose to threaten the peace it was the company of heroes to return to but they are long disbanded and we must look to another brave soul breast with blessed with the strength to face this foe so now we turn to the scions of the seventh dawn aka me i ask much of you i know but the need is great can i count on your help asthma and gold watch i'm gonna nod i guarantee i'm gonna nod yep yeah we're about to pop off on titan dude about to beat the fucking shit out of him damn dude look how fat dude look how fast he is all right and i think i need to go over to wrath of titan yeah there it is okay let's go talk to that guy yeah this guy's serious he lost an eye pardon you want to slay the lord of crags you must slay him captain the people of lisa lamenta are depending on us huh you fancy yourselves hero then like just in the tails now just be do don't be so quick to judge long have i labored for the well-being of you and yours and my associate here is bathed in efforts hellfire and lived he is blessed with a power that protects him from primal influence thus he was able to lay low the lord of the inferno we know full well the risks that have taken every possible precaution we lack only the knowledge of how to enter the titan's lair prey be so good as to grant us the boon of your wisdom and we shall be on our way a man who can't be tempered useful but it will not be enough it is true that the company of heroes fought the failed prime fought and failed primals but each victory was bought with the lifeblood of brave men and women and titan was the worst we faced we defeated him in the end but he took from us some of our very best even if you possess the power that you claim i have no reason to believe that you will succeed uh apparently he doesn't know that the game goes all the way up to level 80. so we're probably going to be all right i believe what you will we mean to try though our lives are forfeit we will not abandon la mensa to the right of titan if you are passionate i will grant you that and you deserve better than the greeting i gave you but i will not send you into okamo on a whim to be plain i do not wish to see you give your lives in vain at the very least i must have insurances that you are more than just common adventurers i oversee security from master george's estates please if you can demonstrate your abilities by attending one of our by the gods man have you heard nothing we said we don't have the time to perform trivial tasks the enemy is at the case thank god see look at that like michael see it my my girlfriend knows about this she knows all about she's like bitch shut the fuck up let's go can you imagine do you imagine words can sway me girl oh shit bro this guy doesn't even know what only fans is he's never sent for a girl in his life if you dislike my conditions and you're welcome to find your own way into ogamobo just fucking god damn it i thought it pains me to admit but i feel we have no choice but to question the man's demands this stupid fucking idiot yeah much remains to be done if we were the best titan forgive me but i must ask you to undertake this task alone now we use the time to see the remaining preparations okay leaving the dirty work to others are we very well uh pray whatever happens with the good captain bids however trifling remember the fate of lisa lamensa hangs in the balance okay before i send you on your true task i'd like to verify that you're not a waste of my time a knicks recently has been prowling the beach to the east as you can imagine my master doesn't like this large slimy creature anywhere near his lands the beast is cunning but you should have no difficulty luring it out with herring slay the knicks all right let's kill next oh there it is okay so we'll do this right here destination and i guess we'll put in this right there oh use right yeah i use okay we put a fattened herring where'd he be at wait this is like fishing the whole thing oh shit all right let's go that's a big boy right there stunned him got him there we go there we go there we go that is a big boy look at that holy shit okay i'm gonna hit him right there 145 what how much the damage does this do can i interrupt this no i can't moving out there we go got him wait that's a dead ass bitch bro that was just a dead ass bitch that was no big deal did you deal with the knicks the knicks has been deleted two highly distinguished individuals or scheduled division will costa rocha uh in the near future and master georgia wishes to welcome them with an elaborate banquet while money is no easy out there's no object everything master georgia desires cannot be so easily purchased it is an extremely exotic fee so as well your mission is to seek out and obtain the rare ingredients okay adventurer if you have not the endurance to complete this mission how do you expect me to believe that you can outlast the lord of craggs either do it or don't i have work to do okay let's go talk to this guy great all right it's right over there perfect yeah just go to whole foods yeah just go pick the food up and then just go there like we don't need to do all this what do you want landl do you require existence this is the one that would challenge the uh the titan the ingredient you see is the egg of a giant amanda dostos the method of acquisition not he needs to explain a available things to me all right lancel what do you have to say let me be clear this business between you and i and the captain must remain the secret oh he's got oh he's got a cat girl girlfriend this guy's a pimp see i don't regret my time in the company in the slightest traveling the world meeting interesting people killing them it was always it was all jolly good fun we've had to go through the great wings to ensure that i am seen as a model citizen with no chase for drinking whoring gambling and all those other activities that i so dearly miss so i understand that if you ruined my little charade by waggling your tongue i'll fashion a noose around your with your entrails and hang you from the nearest heaven pillar well what are you waiting for this is perfectly common toasted in the nest just east of here just right for the taking now i expect that you live long enough to claim it the mother strays far from her child surely you'll be attacked the moment you lay hands on the egg there will be other heroes asthma gold you do not need to challenge the titan abandon your quest or your corpse will rot in this swamp god damn okay let's go over this one trial by turtle that's apparently what the quest is called all right let's pick this up amodosta egg that's easy that's no problem all right we're good okay um all right we got to kill this thing that's a big boy right there turtle swamp let's stun it there we go okay that's that's a big boy right there we'll hit him with the dub there we go nice perfect okay that's easy all right he's dead great that's no problem at all i like how they always play up like oh man dude nobody's gonna be able to ever do this nobody even the strongest adventurers could never think to survive against the turtle and then i just immediately fucking kill him he's dead it's over such bravery such recklessness that will serve you well against titan leave the egg with me and i'll see that it gets to the captain you make you should make haste towards southern though and then the forgotten springs you'll find a man named and he will be your next guide safe travels asthma gold is this a two person mount no okay never mind let's go turn this one in all right what does this guy want start your business adventurer this is the one wesquiat sends to me i have not the foggiest idea what he sees in you and until i do you will receive no aid man these these guys in the company heroes it should be the company of dickheads man persistent bugger very well let's have a look at you you've seen your sierra battle and there's no mistaking that and did you manage to obtain yamados egg however it was not more than the display of brute force and blind courage uh deny fought once believed that its strength would save him he was wrong and now i am not many years ago i joined the company of heroes to hone my skills instead challenging my predecessor before i was ready even whenever i was young i understood that victory gets to the patient the cunning the cruel and the pragmatic that is why i claim to my position and that's why i still hold it and it is why that i will not help an unproven whelp the children of the sands do not offer aid to strangers to do so is a sign of weakness however if you are recognized as a skill hunter in your own right it would be permissible to assist you across the desert of the east lies the amazon encampment that dwells the warrior there renowned for both his strength and his guile to even face the salman jalla in battle you must first find a way to lure him away from his encampment that will be your test to draw out the veteran oh so all you do is get a spear [Music] well i'll just go in there and throw the spear at him then he'll be dead and then i won't have to worry about it okay so what do i do here i go over to the destination and then we have to find out where the guy is and we're going to use the spear right here and using spear bloody guzzarmbe use the spear to wore out the amanjala veteran all right now we kill him no problem okay now a big dick on him big dick on him right there look at that damage i'm out of control man easy easy easy get the fuck out of here get the fuck out of here let's go let's go tell me adventurer is our old nemesis dead yes he is dead he has been defeated his dick has been beat tis a fine necklace and benefits a veteran of countless battles that will make an excellent trophy the spirit belonged to one of his brothers i knew when he spied for afar he would be unable to resist venturing outside of the encampment to see for himself do you did you discern my incent or was it dumb luck i wonder either way you impress me adventurer i shall tell you of the ingredient that you seek the captain was always fond of this brand of wine it would be grateful if you could deliver it deliver it on my behalf i was a reckless angry youth whenever i joined the company and he would have been well within his right to cast me out everything that i have i owe to his wisdom and generosity a whisker was a firm yet fair teacher an expert molder of men and i suspect that it's still the case even now please give him my regard tasman goldberg all right let's do it and we'll put right the fuck back over there here we go well met asmingold lando and uno both spoke highly of you what brings you here today my favorite i shall have to thank the not pronoun uh personally now yeah but one ingredient left fortunately you will not have to travel to alana this time to obtain it well that's fucking great truth be told i was never intended to collect the last ingredient brave fox my old quartermaster wished to bring it from la costa herself however not long ago she sent where there's been some trouble at long stop and the delivery would be delayed indefinitely she told me that nothing of the incident itself but i fear the situation may be dire no i would like to hate her myself i have no choice but to turn to you okay dungeon time oh shit the things we do for cheese what for cheese i don't really like cheese a whole lot like cheese is okay but like there are people that eat cheese just by itself gouda that's what i used to always use for cheese without with chips but that's different because it's with chips bray fox all talks tongue flaps of whiskey out be reaching ears at bray fox uplander is come for tasty fresh gooby treats yes yes quest prize of uplander deep and long stop flighty beast chase gobby flock from homes gobby flock needs gooby uplander to give safety to long stop with much hand lending bray fox's long stop is now accessible okay let's see what this is and oh it's level 32. all right boys you ready to see tank q in action there it is new dungeon light party what is this that's a big boy i'm gonna go kill him right now i'm gonna go kill him right now let's go i'm gonna kill him right now let's go come here come here bitch where are you going wait what the hell what's going on what the fuck oh i tried to okay let me tell you thanks dan yeah there we go okay i got them all i got them all i'm big stupid guys you guys remember i'm big stupid let's go oh this is just one mob wait what's this gobble fucking danger uplanders take gate key oh so now we have the key and we can turn back around so i guess now we can open up the gate and keep going he was already oomed this this the oh yeah the green one's the healer unlock the head stop okay great all right let's go let's go let's go i'm ready let's do it easy just have to aoe all these guys down it's no problem i shouldn't even worry about this got him now those guys are dead perfect and now i just have the pelican see what happens nope not today perfect look at that movement right there guys look at that movement i feel like the the damage is really low am i wrong or what can we pick these guys up okay or does he just have a lot more health yeah maybe that's it maybe we just maybe he has like way more help okay we got that killing all these there we go dude give me the loot give me the loot give me the loot what the fuck is this piece of shit fuck okay let's keep going okay let's go back over here we're gonna kill these we have two clout chasers here and let's see if i can pull some more of them there we go and one at four clout chasers and one asshole nice dude look at that damage look at that fucking damage see that guys wait a minute who did who's this dick ass boy who's this dick ass boy inferno drake so this boss right here this is the attack wizard now with the attack lizard what he's going to do is probably going to do an attack and because of that attack we're going to try to avoid him and what he does okay here we go i want a combo here i'm waiting to see if there's going to be any ads oh yep there's one right there tagging that wait what the hell it didn't go on wait what's this is it fixated oh there we go okay we're good all right popping cds fix it yeah i didn't know so let's see if the other ad is going to spawn or not i guess we'll find out very very soon what's this debuff here wait how does this person have aggro okay this has got to be a fixate cause i'm literally spamming on him okay i'm a pop cd here okay stunning the cast good nice where's our chest ah shit okay i don't need that all right let's keep going we're going into the belly of the beast this is a very nice like calming uh relaxing place minus of course the giant dinosaurs and stuff oh i watched rich do this dungeon before yeah i remember this let's go over oh shit that is a big boy okay let's pull this and we'll also pull this here there we go we have to beat mr krabs by mr krabs i mean mr frog i don't know why i thought that was a crab okay let's face him away yeah that's that's that's not a that's this is a frog well this is not really a frog either but it's a it's a thing this is no big deal you just okay oh this is a fucking joke look at this this is a joke dude what the fuck is this okay aviatar who the fuck is aviatar dragon breath moving out of that fuck okay got him this is no problem wait what's going on what's going on running away wait what's a [Music] iliotar text to the sky [Music] what what ha what uh oh battle mages britches what the fuck is this who the fuck wants to be a battle mage damn we got more assholes and clown chasers all right let's kill these i'm gonna double pull here i'm gonna i'm actually gonna double they can handle it i know they can handle it these guys are very good at the game okay very high very experienced players there we go dude yeah yeah i think this is fair i tried to aim oh i leveled up fuck yeah dude that's like 37 or 38. i think it's 37 34 no i'm level uh i'm level skilled that's why it shows me at 34 right now [Music] okay now what there's a chest i'll get it in a minute uh i didn't see it yeah i'll get the chest guys i'll get the chest chill out chill out boy i i get but i get the chest real quick all right okay where does chest be there no chest be there at all chest was remove the patch the time down damn bro that's too bad i missed out on it that's sad all right oh oh is this the dragon's lair oh shit is his bitch asking flying yeah oh shit this is my first dragon fight all right guys let's do it tagging him dodge i got lucky there got it okay this seems easy so far yeah this seems easy so far guys wow that's a lot of damage okay let me use the cd look at this i just sit there on attack what an easy easiest boss my whole life easiest boss my whole life dude look at this okay what's that okay there's poison swords hp okay got it let's move him out of here [Music] okay okay um all right let's move them to right so i'm assuming these don't despawn so in the in the instance that these do not be spawn we're just gonna keep fighting him right here okay let's turn around reposition and that way they're all in that area okay hopefully that's unfortunate that they're standing there they should not be standing there hopefully it goes on that rope guy oh nice okay that's so good that's so good okay should be a kill though oh nice nice the rook guy saved us thank fucking god easy fucking boss dude easy fucking boss dude that's a dead ass dude get the fuck out of here i don't have time for you dude i don't have time for you dude get the fuck out of here boom dude there it is dude hit me up with the purple boys let's go [Music] i can't need on it wait i want it fuck yeah okay player accommodation let's give it to um i think it was that one it was a rook guy that was really doing well but he already left damn that's crazy the only guy i was gonna give it to left he was doing such a great job of positioning okay let's see here what's this goodly uplander has thanks of gobby flock fighty beast was trixie foe but uplander outwitted with plans making uplander has goodly head for fighty think true bray fox happy gives tasty fresh gobby trades to clever uplander i think that means he gave me the item that i need cheese is stinky sweet gabby treat special make with secret gobby arts no party complete without gooby gouda bray fox ever say all right so we got the gouda bro these dungeons give you a lot of fucking experience holy shit dude i'm already 37. i'm 30 fucking seven dude all right let's go back over here waste yeah i so i i gather you solve brave fox's little problem yes i does solved it by the gods that unholy stench this is a definitely goblin cheese judging by the smell this should be quite flavorful now how is it made you best it's best you remain ignorant of such things i still remember whatever i learned of what kind of milk they use it's not milk thanks to you our guest shall be honored with a marvelous banquet but what good is an exotic feast without an equally exquisite aperture luckily i know just the person to ask i thought we were gonna i thought we were going to war what happened to going to war oh great all right sweat grime and blood uh eureka blood and adventure unless i am mistaking what brings you to wine port let me guess a request for the finest vintage i can muster this paper's most of loam and perfume costed the soul and there is also the unmistakable odor of goblin cheese yes master gajerger would not settle for anything less than the best jerseywits and his crew must be quite busy preparing the exotic feast okay let me guess but i suggest you have no interest in my affairs you wish only to suspect discuss the wine please can we just discuss the wine herein lies the problem nothing in my possession is sufficient quality of this occasion the best vintages in town are hoarded by berglet who owns and operates the largest winery in vilbrand somehow i doubt that you will be receptive of your request but given these circumstances we must uh needs beg his assistance all right let's go to burger wargle oh damn this guy's got a nice ass house okay let's see what he's got for me oh he's a chef you can tell he's a chef but i look at his mustache what rank amateur bottled wine is this the impurities have rendered an eye on drinkable dismissal is too good for the man responsible he should be made to drink every drop of this polluted swill oh it's gordon ramsay well what is it i'm in the middle of an important investigation or sorry discussion and i do not care for interruptions then you know if i've been here it spoke to me huh neither you know my friend has the palette appreciate my subtle qualities of my private stock i would soon serve you gubu urine then serve you my worst vintage be gone from my sight [Music] god damn this guy's a dickhead i like him all right let's talk to him again really he said no in those words well i can't say i'm surprised very well we shall take an alternate approach there's a chance however small that another resident of weinberg uh port can furnish us with a suitable wine backass back ass grapes were once the pride of the town as they were used to prevent sorry produce vintages which surpassed all others this includes the most aromantic the most complex the most flavorful of all wines the legendary back-ass wines were born right here in wineport pardon my enthusiasm i once had the privilege to sample that particular wine it was an otherworldly experience well i don't care i don't drink if we cannot convince bergot to part with his wines our next best option as ridiculous as it sounds is to find someone who has a bottle of back-ass wine and offer them every guild that we can spare okay let's talk to that guy i do like this area this area is very nice relaxing wait how the fuck do i get over there oh i can just jump over this edge okay we got it perfect i just i cannot get over the lalafells man they're so annoying back ass wine don't remind me you used to have a cellar filled with the stuff thought you couldn't keep the wine safe from sieves and elementals never calling that a bloody primal blowing up my goddamn house okay so his house literally got blown up so uh he's got bigger problems than wine right now they're cute delete from games they're the they're the final fantasy versions they're the final fantasies volpira jugu bagar what do i have any back-ass wine i wish i never had a chance to try it for myself sorry friend but you're a few years too late damn well that didn't fucking do anything you're welcome sean lamont he wishes to share the reason with you is it a magic uh plot device that's allowed a bottle of wine to come into his possession that we can then use for the thing that just completely occurs out of random chance by the gods so eager to wash yourself with a wine business but i just discovered something extraordinary about dress palm wine he sealed each coconut with a shell and a leaf a leaf that has a very distinct shape and unusual odor i thought i was gonna be mad at first but now i'm certain these are the leaves of back-ass grapevines yup yup do you know what that means somewhere in rain catcher gal rain catcher gully the legendary vine still grows all right let's go show the back of sleeves to dress let's go talk to dress all right dress here you go hello what is it again it's a leaf isn't it i chose it because it was pretty i didn't know it was rare i found them uh near the juggernaut to the south but i didn't see any grapevines i saw fresh goo-boo traps maybe maybe the leaves came from the vines growing in the back of one such beast if you go looking for it please be careful some gubers are more territorial than others and you may have to defend yourself okay so we just got to go beat the shit out of some animals and then we're gonna get the vines okay there he is so we have to kill shamu here okay and i'll do one of these oh does that ruin my combo no it doesn't it seems like it doesn't okay big numbers nice dude i'm deep dicking this guy holy shit look at that oh my god fuck yeah dude there we go all right now what oh i turn it all the way in back up there because that's where i got the leaves what did dressed have to say asthma gold tell me everything here's your stick this is your special stick aha i was right the smell the texture i hold in my hands a back-ass grape vine cutting thank god it's gordon come now enough of this nonsense i've already talked of your discovery and i refuse to believe that a common adventurer and a novice venture could that's right 12 is my witness this is backass grapevine wherever did you find this fantastic specimen it was in your backyard stupid what you would offer this to me why there is none better position to reconstruct the back-ass vineyards than you master burglaram you have the resources the knowledge and the passion to do so it will be selfish of me to keep this cutting i never knew you cared so deeply about your craft thank you good sir i will not squander this gift in just a few years time i swear that every tavern across eurasia will once again be clamoring for a cast of wine port's legendary back-ass wine thank god sir you didn't oh the sniff the bottle the scent of the label this couldn't possibly be a 1547 backass that's impossible this vintage has not been around seen since before the calamity it was a crown jewel of my personal collection for years i debated opening it wondering if today or tomorrow would be the ideal time but now i realize that it was never meant for me it should be savored by the saviors of wineport i say he has made us an offer we cannot refuse master ger gerger will find no finer wine you have forever changed wine port asthma gold thank you for your kindness and for your generosity but do not permit me to delay you any longer pray deliver the wine to captain waistcat all right all righty boys let's go i bet they're not even gonna invite me to the banquet man i guarantee you i'm not even gonna get invited to the banquet watch let's see waste yet your prolonged absence was beginning to concern me so where the wine that you were asked to bring okay 14.57 or whatever the fuck it is is that seven house a 1547 backass even i know how rare that is i have to admit i didn't think you had it in you but congratulations asming gold thanks to you this will be the most luxurious feast costa de soul has seen in years what's this here oh wow they have dancing cat girls oh we're on a date now wait oh shit am i really gonna get cocked blocked by another one of these jesus christ oh my god i just i don't know what to do man why you shot us sir bald oh my god a thousand pardons for the stream discourtesy i was wholly unaware of your true identity sir how i known i would have never permitted my men to subject you to some unspeakable or wait this is the guy we were doing all this for no i was seeing something was amiss wait what was this you didn't seriously think that i would send you running to the length and breath of eurasia for the banquet did you him your mockery captain your intent was still unclear to me until this moment and unlike me aspen gold has no knowledge of your traditions mayhap would you be so good to enlighten him what is this no fair is fair and there's no sense dividing it any longer we five are chosen by our brothers and sisters before the company of heroes disbanded we each swore a solemn oath that any who would follow in our footsteps must be weighed and measured not by their reputation but by their deeds each man would judge these by their would-be god players by his own criteria and if even one found him wanting he would be rejected without a second thought but if he proved himself worthy we swore that we would do our utmost to support his cause this world has been full of brave souls eager to give their lives for a righteous cause but all too few capable of making a difference with their sacrifice to send wave after wave of hapless adventurers into the into the jaws of foe against whom they have no victory is worse than futile titan is not one to be challenged lightly and we will not be complicit in the deaths of the unworthy which is why the five of you are destined to test asthma goal with such commendable thoroughness time well spent i am sure but tell us captain what is the assessment of you and your fellows he's a brave one that much is certain he's willingly walked in the midst of danger despite my repeated warnings that he had cost him his life his skill is undeniable he stalked his prey as relentlessly as any child of sands and struck with precision when an opportunity presented itself too many adventurers these days care only for fortune and glory asthma gold however cares also for twitch primes however this is a generous and kind soul i am certain that he has no shortage of loyal allies that will gladly fight to his side willy uplander is a talent for planes maker trixie foe for mighty rock man why do they have that idiot in it like what the hell was that yeah what the hell is that i can i can only concur with my colleagues assessments we the five of the company of heroes here by judge you a worthy challenger cast down your ward of crags asman gold bald and write a new chapter in the history of erasia [Music] fuck yeah fuck yeah dude alright let's go with the formalities out of the way let the festivities begin some of the dancers pour the wine eat drink and be merry my friends for today we celebrate the birth of a new legend asmin gold ball titans bane [Music] damn dude [Music] damn dude the banquet was for me what the fuck dude i impressed even the impress the cat girl that's what it's about bronze bronze skinned beauty wait what the wait what wait what what kind of a quest is this congratulations sweetly now relax and enjoy the show it's only just begun what the fuck this is awesome okay oh i get an exotic feast okay oh the guy's making me a bunch of food look at that wow where's the pizza fuck yeah dude yeah we should just order mcdonald's let's be honest okay you're kind to indulge the mazman gold this banquet is much for the company as it is for you whatever they claim i do not deny that they mean well but now is scarcely the time for celebration they have all but pronounce you the victor of the battle with the battle has tightened as yet to come the hour has come for the good captain to make good on his promise we must speak with him again okay do you get to uh is there like a romance option where you can actually marry the cat girl or is that not a real thing in the game yeah is it no no you can't okay all right weskey what do you want wes cat truly intends to tell you how you may face titan this time you must be eager to face titan as promised i will show you the way do you know dwight travel to the bronze lake in upper lakostra then you will meet with real another man who once served with the company to ensure that this knowledge does not fall into the wrong hands he will remain in hiding until you have given the correct signal give me your map you must whistle loudly at three locations i mark only then will he appear to meet you at this fourth location i realize this may seem excessive now but you will see that it's more reasonable once you comprehend the risks inherent to our method what kind of risk is this man all right now we actually get to kill titan let's fucking go all right rio what do you want greetings mate might be the one the cap said but come calling thought so pay attention now because i'm not explaining myself twice years ago when we were weighing up how to get to titan one of our scouts stumbled across this beastie man a thraxi what's the look for not familiar with them no i'm not he speaks of an unamplified aethrite that has been claimed by a beast tribe lest you wonder there is no fundamental difference between such a threats and knows which you have we used on countless occasions has been gold well if it ain't the shirley and lass welcome back forgive me for interrupting i had planned to await your report but i succumbed to curiosity the tunnels behind ogubagu are form a bewildering labyrinth that no outsider is ever full ever fully explored how the company of heroes managed to navigate it is a mystery that i have long pondered well they probably had a map give us a bit of crevice wubb we weren't daft enough to try going in from the front is he trying to hit on my girlfriend like what the fuck uh the kobolds were always digging new tunnels and filling the old ones with traps one wrong step and the next thing you know you've got a dozen tonsils rock on your noggin suicide to even try the funny thing is the kobolds didn't even have fine have trouble finding them their way around that's what got us thinking i mean ugamugu mines are like a bleeding city aren't they they ain't getting around the city that the right pain in the acid didn't have an ethernet would it so it stood to reason that the kobolds did have one didn't it that makes sense so even if there were a threat shards at the depths of ugabugu would that mean you would need to attune yourselves to them before you could identify their signatures within the live stream ah well that's where you're wrong love bro this is fucked up hillary's right in the titan spaceship oh so they got help i don't rightly know how he did it but i do remember him saying that it weren't nothing that shirley and scala worth her salt couldn't manage all right diddy now locating a beacon in the absence known to the signature might be possible if the aetherites in questions happen to be uh yes but in order to guide the traveler to set beacon safety a second party would be quiet it is possible in theory at least yet i cannot be certain until i try plainly all will depend upon whether or not i am worth my salt it's okay i believe in you cat girl josh tola will will deliver us you are last don't worry about that have a bit of faith in yourself i'm really i don't like this guy man this sucks we all go to zuma's run and take a closer look at the 8th right it ain't far be sure to find a few cobalts blocking away nothing you can't handle all right let's go i'm ready there's my crystal right there this is eighth right the company of heroes used to gain access to titan sanctuary that's right is pop amigo uh suspected in the present state the aethrite signal will not be strong enough for our purposes however i will may be able to use my own energies to amplify it alas this task will monopolize my attention for the duration damn it seems you'll have to proceed without me asthma gold i must needs remain here and supplement the speaking's power lest you be denied your only path of escape it's okay i'll just use hearthstone i will summon the maelstrom forces stationed nearby to protect us with effort it's possible that i might be able to stabilize the eighth right signal and thereby join you albeit briefly thank you i'll be able to have my thank you dude alrighty let's go until such time until i do you'll be on your own okay now let's see if i am worth my salt all right here we go [Music] i've located another beacon one far below the mountain i can only speculate as to what you will find there so stint not in your preparation all right all right boys we're gonna fight titan right now let's do it having passed seemingly endless trials opposed upon you yes that's true very true uh by the company of heroes you have been interested with the knowledge of a secret way into the naval the domain of the primal titan courtesy of your strollers um what's this your magics um the beastman aethrite is now primed to send you to the confrontation of the word of crags gird your loins gird your loins for a struggle of titanic proportions okay we have been girded big dick big dick oh shit looking over the boy yes yes an invader from above uses our aetherites against us he has defiled the titan sanction he has defiled titan's sacred sanctuary trespassed violated defiled overdwellers must leave overdwellers must fly brothers and sisters fear him not his fate shall be decided by the lord of craggs hear me overdoer you and your treacherous brethren must be held to account for the breaking of the covenant you shall first be late you shall be first to face judgment and then lisa lamensa and her oath breakers liars and betrayers oh great father ward of crags we summon you oh titan [Music] oh fuck oh shit want them oh my god this guy's like a sumo wrestler what is this he has come he has come the ward of craig's titan has come over overdweller art thou deaf to their weeping thy vile kind coveted the ever blessing of the land murdered with my children by score all in service to greed such sins are beyond pardon ah but i am not the first to suffer thy defiance though just bring e for it low oh he knows about it wait it's me against him oh fuck i i don't know if i'll be able to do it godless overdweller dy myriad uh heresy is tsunaco unpunished upon thee shall i i weak a terrible vengeance all right let's go y'all ready to pop off okay they're all ready let's go all right defiance turn him around okay let's see what happens alrighty he's going down pretty fast everything should be going fine i'm taking big damage holy fuck what is this now what oh i'm not sure how that works all right moving out of that got it i'm gonna pop another cd since we're already pretty low try and drop big numbers on them big numbers on titan big dick on titan let's go here we go easy so far easy so far guys holy fuck big damage right there okay okay big damage there if my hatred is unending wait what wait titan's hard oh i have to kill that too okay popping cds got it all right titans are let's kill this big numbers big numbers let's go using my cds as much as i can i'm not going to use anything yet and it's almost dead almost killed the heart the heart is shattered all right now he's mad now what okay wait he came back he's back tremble before the might of the okay let's go pop that landslide okay avoiding easy easy easy guys easy easy easy no reason to worry way to the earth they have to move out of that obviously that is a cool animation i like that dude we're beating the shit out of them we're beating his dick off using a cool down since i'm low i might have to use last stand here we'll see what happens okay moving on to that um decide if i'm going to use it or not okay yep [Music] i was right i should have used it yep i should have do i definitely should have used it kill him now what wow so what happens whenever we whenever what happens when we die oh we just do it again okay all right let's go again all right titan's heart is he runs away he's afraid dude come on okay oh this is nothing dude who gives a fuck dude who gives a fuck dude let's use that right there okay what's this ability energy oh that's the interrupt i forgot about that okay all right now things get serious now things get serious let's go perfect uh let's go over here kill this got it broke it out nice nice yes dude [Music] get deleted the ward of craig's great father titan has fallen and i want to show uh in this cinema see there's only it's me i sow in the war i sold him myself i went 1v1 up against this little this little dick bitch and i deleted his face i deleted his i deleted him he's done 1v1 yeah that's right what up what up bruh give me that crystal meth this fight on extreme is very fun can i do it now can i do the extreme fight now 50. okay i might do it at 50. i'm going to do the 50. that'd be rude that'd be lit dude please do it 50 i'm gonna do i'm gonna do everything at 50 man i'm going to go i'm going to go hard i'm going to complete everything at 50. look at his little mittens shut up what the fuck damn this is the best drug commercial i've ever had this is insane i love crystal meth now fuck yeah so i got four of them now the crimes of the overdose never be forgotten never be forgotten no never choice your kin that broke the covenant we have only acted in defense to our lands cease your aggression or never will there be peace until our dying breaths we shall defy you deny decry defy get the fuck out of here suck a dick oh shit [Music] oh shit now these are the readings one would expect of an elk i've seen enough we perceived as planned oh fuck are you sure that is why is my lord your curiosity is untested and unproven we do not know yet what its true capabilities are then trust mine rihatian my curiosity as you as you owe as you so elegant fuck as you put it uh would be tested with a bested titan in the blink of an eye why if there are some truth to legends it could really subjugate the whole of erasia and just a while longer is that not so no no greater single power has ever been conceived much less realized what you say may well be true but while such devices may win battles i do not believe that it will serve to change the course of this war oh but they will have little faith my friend i cannot endorse this course of action damn he's walking out calls him a fool shit and now he has a fourth fascinating come on let me one shot him man i'm like 1v1 memo 1v1 me bro come over here come on v1 me carry on crystal boner for our throughout you have come your work is far from done oh look who's here yeah not remind me of walker's passing well the ass scans are nothing but elusive it is a little wonder that they should cast advanced tall predator magics it will all right they would choose to consort with the empire what common goal could they possibly share they're both bosses in the game probably i have to kill them [Applause] okay bring back bring back the girl oh sex scene at the bottom of a mountain all right yeah i feel he might arrive too late i see you at the matter hernandez as well thank you yeshua i will do what i need to do i have taken matters to ensure that we are not pursued yet i cannot say how long they will hold well i only need 15 seconds okay i will teleport you to the eighth right and zelma's run and we'll rendezvous at camp bronze lake agreed okay [Applause] [Music] can i can i [Music] yeah i'm not going to no no no [Music] all right let's get out of here fuck yes dude so i soloed titan minus the other people that were also there at the same time holy shit this guy says gigi thanks for the party hope you keep enjoying the game asthma well thank you guys i appreciate it thank you for the group i thought this was a walmart why i can't go into the walmart all right there she is what do you want i'm relieved to see you well but come let us discuss our next step the award will already have reached maelstrom command protocol requires representative r to inform you of high commanders inform the high commander of the mission success the honor is rightfully yours as been gold once again i must commend you on a job well done we shall speak again soon all right we gotta talk to rashiki let's go the man of the hour the legend the slayer of titans gods and deities all fall before my mighty acts i cannot be defeated the only death that i've had was because the heel were disconnected wait what the fuck dude always blame the healer i mean it was kind of their fault whenever they disconnected but to be fair i could have used the potion and i could have used last stand i would have survived and we had killed i just didn't know i didn't know what was happening thank you for coming asthma gold word of your triumph reached me some time ago but i am pleased to have personally confirmed first effort and now titan truly when i think of your achievements i feel the loss of the warriors of of light less keenly and there could be no greater compliment than that you and your order are heroes the people of lisa lamensa are forever in your debt i shall relay the details of your report to admiral forthwith please send my regards to the scions of the seventh dawn uh-huh hello it's milfina uh islamists inform me of your success you have won a great victory over the people of eurasia one that shall not be forgotten and what's more both you and nishwata have emerged unscathed why to taro and the others seem glad of that is that they did of titan's fall you can look forward to a hero's welcome we will be awaiting your return at the waking sands all right let's go let's fucking go dude let's see it oh dude that's efficiency right there boys you see that [Music] that's efficiency holy shit [Music] what the fuck what the fuck dude they better or not got they better not have gotten milfina they better not have gotten her man like if no bro what happened at holy fuck they're all dead enter the solar no oh no what happened this one is glad walking one is safe [Music] what the fuck happened man does this better be a flashback we'll be awaiting your return at the waking sands there is much to discuss godspeed okay thank heavens he is safe yeah we're good right luis suarez do you see your light shines brightly in this one and in time it will illuminate the realm once more yeah everything's gonna be who is it what's a god they're coming with guns bro what the fuck oh my god oh shit it's this girl it's a draenei she's got gun bro she's got gun hands come for the one who slayed and titan oh shit bring him forth oh you shall know no mercy oh my god oh my god that's terrible confounded stay out of sight i would leave a message with you okay they're not going to kill milfina are they i swear to fucking god if that happens i'm gonna be so upset i surrender myself on the condition you spare the innocents conditions there speaks the supreme side i'll grant you have courage but you would be better served by armor search all you will the one you seek is not here well it didn't even hit her wait what the hell is going on so it would seem did it hit like so it didn't hit her and yet you knew to look here but how what is it hold that thought oh shit oh no man [Laughter] wow conditions of surrender denied damn what a bitch ceases once jesus have you not done enough perhaps enough we must away though we have not found our quarry the high priestess of the science should suffice for now oh shit they say she also possesses the echo i cannot wait to hear her scream that's dude that's brutal man i said enough damn just shot he shot her own purse god damn bro the empire is savage bring the prisoners oh my god wow just fucking kick that thing against the wall bro oh fuck wait wait i asked one two in case wakima returned this one was to say the church in eastern thalam the waking one was claimed sanctuary this one tried to protect the waking one milfina from the imperial ones walking one oh no forgive this one save oh no is the light gonna go out oh it's so sad fuck dude we lost a little flower [Music] it's is it dead like i mean is it actually is it dead or like i think it is it's dead man fuck dude that's so sad i'mma be honest like kicking that thing against the wall that shit was funny though damn so we gotta meet up with milfina now i guess she's gone bro oh yeah i guess yeah she's a prisoner so yeah it would make sense that like yeah she's gone so it wait so i've got to go up against the empire all myself without any help at all i'm just i'm one man on a mission god damn all right let's go this way okay here we go is this something troubling you my son you have the look of one who has endured great suffering if there is anything i can do to help anything at all you only need to ask what will you say the wild roses are dead father and i do not know what to do forgive me father for i have sinned i have committed no sins i am perfect curse my enemies father call down divine vengeance upon those who butchered my friends i'm just gonna put number three the wild roses you see you may speak freely here we're all friends of the scions very true how how could this have happened are you certain that melfina was one among those that were taken by the guardians yes they played the cutscene man they checked the vod fuck let us pray no further harm comes to them i'm sure everything will be perfect and fine you may stay for here for as long as you want it's the least that i can do for a friend of milfinas i have known her since she was a child but i do recall the day of our first meeting i swore to do everything in my power to support her and i will gladly offer the same self-services to her brother and sister science so please no matter what you require do not hesitate to ask marcus would you come here for a moment yes father what's that stupid-ass thing on his head if you require assistance pray speak with marcus he is a trifle shy but i assure you that he means well i should explain marcus is a survivor of the battle of cardinal alas his experiences took a terrible toll upon his mind had we not taken him into our care he would have surely perished in the desert marcus i want you to look after asthma gold do you understand yes father a little bit too long oh shit i leveled up i'm 39. fuck yeah i recognize you asthma gold allow me to express my deepest condolences for those who left lost their lives in the attack i apologize if discussing this upsets you but you should know the bodies of your comrades are presently being removed from the waking stands and being prepared for transport here if you wish to leave this work to others i understand however taking part in this might help you find closure okay i find it funny that i can teleport without getting off my mouth but in order to interact with an npc i have to get off my mouth [Music] ah you don't look at one of those church fellas uh not that i'll turn you away no sir as you can see we've got a pile of unidentified bodies over yonder no one's come to claim them so off to the lynch yard they go there's only eight left to load up but seeing as i'm exhausted and carrying them over i might as well leave the remainder to you [Music] wait get the corpses oh no oh this is sad i like how it has a long cast bar for picking up the fat guy you know that's great [Music] wait wait actually the fat guy had a longer cast bar that's sick that's so fucking funny all right let's go over this way and we're gonna find the car uh oh this disconcerted coach man well ain't you a strong one four in the one trip record four in one trip yeah i'm uh i've slayed primal gods okay it's not that big of a deal all right so let's go talk back to elune we're gonna go talk to her right now i see that you decided to eat my advice i prayed that in doing so you found some small measure of peace the first carriage investor better wrong arrived not long ago and we have begun preparing your comrades for burial i had a hand in the initial rights and i would like you to let you know for many death crime quickly rest assured that i will treat them with the utmost respect and do everything that we can to shepherd them to thal's realm although we can form the rights for most of the scions there is one who we cannot accept i would like for you to return this one to our people the selfs of little solas oh man i gotta bring fuck dude can't we just like can't we just like serve her up as a salad or something like that why are we gonna do all this let's do it like i uh i want to get to dark knight really really soon man like i'm feeling like i'm gonna get there very soon especially with how fast i'm questing and how fast i'm going through everything like i'm not really worrying myself about like how how long each quest takes or anything like that i'm not thinking about it i am just playing through the game and being as direct as possible this one is surprised to see walking one in the little solace how can these ones assist walking one damn noraxia but this one does not understand oh shit man damn brah camuscio this one has heard much wailing this woman know what has caused so much distress terrible news elder one awful news waking one has returned to little solace but why these ones have not requested further aid neuroxia got got how did this happen explain everything at once damn bro what the fuck so not only anorexia but many of walking one's friends were lost as well neuraxio naraxio went to thalanan at the behest of this one walking one was with naraxia till the end tell this one that naraxio was brave tell this one that narraxia did not suffer this one is glad to hear walking one's words thank you for bringing narexia home walking one these ones remember also wish to thank praying once tell praying ones these ones will remember this kindness this one demands vengeance imperial ones must pay imperial ones must suffer when the time comes for walking ones to face imperial ones do not forget these ones these ones will not have noraxia's death be for not these ones will fight damn they're ready to go to war they're ready to kill oh oh it's the redditor oh no oh no i fondly hope that i might be the first to speak with you would that i had been so fortunate oh god at ease adventurer i come not on behalf of the empire on the contrary i mean to revive the scions of the seventh dawn are you gonna cast the rez spell on him how the fuck is that i have come in search of a legend the greatest engineer of our time master sid garland i have come for you what [Music] i fear you are mistaken child he is but a poor soul who bore witness to the horrors at cardinal oh shit i beg of you leave us in peace [Music] wait i [Music] oh damn hear me sid ayorzia needs you what the fuck what the fuck dude he's like what the what is going on what the fuck is going on here [Music] uh sinned was it here these belong to you so he lost all of his memories by telling him his name and remember remember his memories you bore the mark of greatness it seems that i was right damn our time together was all too brief but it felt as though my son had returned to me you have brought joy to an old man's life oh but it is time for you to help those who truly need you he doesn't say anything he's just like who are you yeah it's like imagine somebody fucking a magic elf comes into the fucking place where you live he's like yeah let's go you have to come with me i'm a magic elf alfie no level you at your service okay i'm not going to remember that as a scion of the city i stand against our primal and imperial foes as my grandfather once did all right that's cool it is no secret what befell our order at the waking sands word has already spread across eorzea damn that sucks the repercussions are far greater than you realize in the wake of the calamity the three city-states focus their efforts solely on reconstruction okay leaving the scions to combat the primal threat unaided that's fine i'll just solo another one it's not a big deal yeah i'll take care of it it doesn't matter and lo we are all but destroyed yet even as the nations mourn our demise and abandon what little hope they have left we cannot forsake our duty now least of all damn that's true and real the ixel have summoned garuda once more god damn it people as we speak are you kidding me oh no oh fuck man why they had to bring him back why they had to bring really he's like oh fuck are you serious destruction far exceeds that of other primals yeah worse in her present incarnation our baldessian colleagues believe she surpasses both efreet and titan in strength okay yet therein lies an opportunity were we somehow to defeat garuda it would serve as a warning to the other beast tribes that even their mightiest gods can be felt so bro it's like i feel like i'm playing whack-a-mole but instead of it being moles it's primal gods it's like no you get down yep you now shit there's no one that get that shit god damn it you wanna fight bosses i'm ready to beat the fuck out of her man let's go we are to face our foe we must first circumvent the tempest that shields her sanctuary okay [Music] and for that we need an airship your airship sid oh i have an airship surprise bitch surprise sid you do your very own airship damn it was last seen in the sky this is like done yeah you know what this is like before the calamity so let us begin ourselves it's like this guy just bought the boost he bought the boost halfway through the story he's like oh i have an airship i'm a oh i'm a i'm an engineer oh that's correct i'm the greatest one damn that's crazy okay well let's go what how do you jump in this game how do i open my character screen what's going on how the fuck wait yeah whoa what the fuck i gotta look this back up boosted sid yeah he actually just got boosted who is it oh shit oh shit let us put an end to the primals together we will show the world that the scions are still a force to be reckoned with okay all right let's fuck the primals in the ass [Music] you guys gonna make out behind the altar or what [Music] okay that's good enough they need my airship they need me well if they ever do a uh a movie of this i guess they can have keanu reeves play this guy this would be perfect he looks at the airship all breathtaking oh what a curious twist of fate that master sid garland would be last found within our church it defies imagination pardon your beg your partner's goal do you want to find his airship yes i do not know how much truth there is to it but the tale known as the final fantasy of the enterprise which grew popular in the wake of the of of the calamity much like the great gubu wall of udallah states that the enterprise flew northwest of gridania towards kurthus if true the airship would have passed through north shroud likely over the fall herd float okay so we got to go over there i'm not going to keep reading up fucking names because i don't know where to go all right declining that i don't need to do that so we have to go to here and we have to go to there let's get that done i don't know exactly when that's going to be or what that's going to do but i do want to do merch at some point i just don't really have like a there's like a lot of other things i want to do too right oh my god jesus okay all right hudaviks uh excuse me can you repeat that uh you wish to offer your services to house june there and what pray tell do you wish to exchange and receive an exchange absurd as we would prevent an outsider to pursue the records of the observatorium do not mistake our courtesy for friendliness the holy see of eisenguard shall allow foreigners to freely travel within these lands but we do not intend to offer sucker to strangers uh sir ludovic is doing his utmost to intimidate you into leaving uh how long have mercy are you still here you may take shelter within our walls if you insist but do not distract him while i am in duty we are stretched thin as it is and where is the hell is that night that i sit on patrol i should have returned ages ago okay we've got to go find the missing knight that's clearly what the goal is where the fuck is he [Music] what the fuck is this look at that oh my god that's crazy look at that dude look at that oh there's another one oh my god they're multiplying holy shit it's a trap i see that kneeled overnight geez i hope nobody oh no it was a trap fuck man i thought we were gonna be okay all right how about pop cds where's mick chicken give me a second let me talk to him yeah you got your ass beat we know what i know what everybody knows it dude the music here is fucking badass if it wasn't for you sir i reckon they'd finished me off despicable driving willing bastards death was a mercy they didn't just death was a mercy they didn't deserve that's what mercy didn't deserve but this confirms the worst i immediately reformed my superiors that the heretics were operating within this region fairly well friend transmog ptsd true who devotees who devote dicks i must say i didn't expect you to find my night much less rex to him i see i may have been premature in my judgment sir we are proud people behold the tradition but this does not mean that we are without humility i shall instruct the astrologers to entertain your request however i understand that ultimately their decision whether whether or not to pursue their records pray proceed to the observatorium and introduce yourself to edward is this the uh this is the observatory let me see if i can look up and see it oh wow oh wow [Music] okay all right edward what do you have for me ah the gentleman come in search of the airship this is highly unorthodox whatever could ser ludovics be thinking it is true how that we maintain meticulous records which stretch back generations however because this information is used to chart driven activity access is strictly controlled one can never be too careful with heretics and their sympathizers working about if you were to persist in your inquiries pray seek an audience with chief astrologer mort up above okay let's go talk to portal mort i'll be fast and we activate fast oh look at that dude look at that dude look at that little fool of my little fast feet we got a little fast feet dude what the fuck oh there he is okay fortimark what do you have what you got for me bro what the fuck what the fuck is this supposed to be no absolutely not give an inkling what is that you ask where our records have fallen into the wrong hands it could change the course of a war which is raged for generations i speak not of some mere spat between southern nations ours is a holy crusade and we are the arbiters alone's will i will not put our great nation at risk certainly not to help a foreigner locate a mission airship of all things pardon the intrusion for the mort but i wish to speak to you regarding the recent oh oops i forgot you didn't have a gift okay i'm sorry inquisitor you honor us with your presence sir the gentleman was just leaving hey what's in your party hat wearing son of a bitch tell me where the ship is [Music] come on look at that guy's face look at this guy look at his face this guy's an idiot man uh you wrestled hassan dundar's night from the heretics that was they feel indebted to you i am told you seek an airship last week in kothius last five years ago you've come to us in an inconvenient time i fear much has changed in the intervening years and little for the better well i wish you best of luck in your search i would also strongly advise caution the snows can come quickly in kawarthas one moment you may feel as though you have a firm grasp on your surroundings safe and secure in your knowledge and the next you may find yourself in a wholly unfamiliar situation blind to the dangers hidden by the blizzard i'm familiar with that it would be wise for you to focus on a single landmark while traveling do not give in to temptation and deviate from your course no i just auto run while i'm tabbed out i'm fine oh it's not aware that you ate it how stunned here in that fashion thank you sir nevertheless my decision stands i cannot give you what you seek okay i understand fuck you josie's attempting to attract your attention uh not with that much clothes it's not gonna work hi there sir i couldn't help but overhear your conversation with the chief astrologian there may be a way in which i can assist you but require that you perform a favor for me in exchange okay uh return from an exhibition to the uh observatorium he was adamant that you conduct his observations alone despite the presence of exol in the vicinity if you would seek out this atrologin and confirm these well okay so we have to find the guy that's probably dead i want to see what's up at the top here uh valpoint thank you very much to the five gifted subs man i appreciate it [Music] i'm good yeah i'm good i'm good guys apparently you don't take fall damage whenever you're uh you're not in combat so i knew i could take the chance [Music] oh shit oh fuck dude they're playing the music we're gonna get serious there's a black sheep look at that look at that chocobo look at him move look at the force of his feet solid fire caller i'm gonna avoid these guys watch that jump perfect jump established astrologian oh you can tell they're astrologians because they all wear stupid hats that's great what a relief to see someone other than the goddamn birdman i thought i could finish my work here while the x-ray were away but they returned far quicker than i had anticipated always so i could hide and hope they might leave before i forgot to wait who are you you're not one of our knights a house of durndyr um and cannot be seen in the company of an unbeliever good day sir what the fuck what that's it we already finished what the fuck dude okay what do you want now the arrogant fool returned long ago before you arrived murdering about the disgrace and i'm being rescued by an unbeliever serves him right for underestimating the dangers our knights face every day but you are eager to locate your airship it may surprise you that by saving him you already aided your own cause how student gear is quick to regard outsizers with suspicions but as is their duty to sound the alarm first size of dravenian aggression yeah you already aided them twice for which they are honor bound to repay you even so they will not grant you access to the observatorium's records that is just as well because there are other ways you can locate your missing airship do i have to look it up on google was that right is that what i have to do because i can do that uh what's the proposed petition ward port wayne for an official introduction to the other high houses a word of how student deer carries tremendous weight in ishgard should the captain consent you would have little trouble obtaining information about the other high houses okay let's talk to portland i think i might have a little bit longer to go but i'm getting close man i really am oh shit i thought the bird would heal me it didn't work or a bird would make me take less damage all right who's this guy portland you've caused quite a stir in your short time here first you slay two heretics save a night and now i hear that you've rescued a man of our house i imagine you must desire something for your troubles an introduction to the other high houses i cannot deny you have given us no cause to distrust you but while you had performed two acts you would have me endorse you to three high houses it was only fitting that you ate us one final time would you agree another goddamn motherfucking quest all right what do you want me to do portland the third task i got it what do you want me to do uh porter bound the skyfire walks was ambushed on the road do it west of here though he escaped his life it would very much like to have his wares as well on the off chance at any portion of his shipment remains i would have you travel on the scene to the robbery and bring back what you find unless you intend to perform only a cursory search bear in mind that recovering the stolen merchandise will endear you to house hailin art okay i do that dude we'll be real quick just go up right over there just get that shit real quick done it's dead that there it is i hate him okay stolen wares all right oops can't move i got about that there we go got him i do i do one more again okay so i'm level fucking 40 man level fucking 40. okay after i wrap this area up as soon as i have to pour it out of this area we go and we do the job quest we have to talk to curious george god bless ye friend it's all here every last oh but wait the chest over there looks like it might have been pillaged bloody hell that's the personal property of ward francis [Music] are you certain clearly an attempt was made to open it but the lock appears to have held nevertheless if you wish to verify the contents in your shipping manifest to be my guest they're gonna open the inside of it a draconian rosary in the possession of ward francis uh perhaps this is not so difficult to fathom house helena i was whispered to be infested with heretics thank you for bringing this matter to my attention sir i shall inform the inquisitors immediately under these circumstances i must strongly advise against associating with house hey leonard your other introductions will need to be postponed as well it is the duty of everest guardian to root out and destroy heretics all else we must wait until this matter is resolved oh shit we got ourselves criminal some criminal scum here i see okay uh where's the guy that i need to talk to all right let's talk to uh sauerkraut here uh sir caro has something very important to tell you come closer and listen this is for your ears only okay let me move a little bit closer zoom in okay lord francis is no heretic he is a goodly righteous man wholly dedicated to the cause i know this because i served house alien art for years prior to the calamity you must go to starfire walks and warn him of the coming storm your inquisitors are ruthless and will spare him no mercy speak to him of edus and he shall know that you for a friend now go all right where's francis [Music] okay let's go up to there we're going to talk to francis let me go inside here dragon head where you at francis where are you at francis [Music] i see sir uh sir now has not forgotten my mother's favorite flower there's a pity that has not been seen in kawarthas since the calamity you may speak freely here friend brawl shit is fucked up what it's fucked up i'd rather soon die than become a thrall of the dragons i'll ask what matters uh matters a little what we say at this point although a draconian razory was not found in my position it would still be considered to many by proof of my heresy i must do my utmost to prove my innocence to the inquisitors for they may harven even harbor the slightest of down this will only add weight to the incessant accusations our house has suffered as late it's as though the gods themselves are plotting our fall you risk much by coming here it's only proper that i recompense you for your deed tell me what you desire and i shall do my best to provide you a mission airship i see it may require a prolonged effort to locate your quarry i shall direct you to one in a better position to assist you ward hartford in the house four temps commands the garrison at camp dragon head present him this letter of introduction and he will surely be receptive to your needs good we shall continue that's a whoa oh shit [Music] don't mind if i do all right what does he have wait is this like his girlfriend truth be told i would glad to welcome many more brave souls like yourself but enough chatter please pray tell why you have come [Music] if there's any justice in this world these charges will receive no serious consideration is beyond irreparable uh yes the letter made me mention of a pressing matter that was which has required your assistant what might that be ah so the enterprise you speak of was last seen above co-authors before the calamity five years ago i fear it may prove difficult to find any eyewitnesses to the events for while eisengard did not participate in the battle of cardinal we were embroiled in our own internal conflicts at the time nevertheless i'll make inquiries on your behalf and share with you my findings in the future in the meantime please enjoy the hospitality of camp dragon head i will see that you are afforded every courtesy as a guest of the house four temps all right fuck yeah and i get these leggings here these are the double leggings so wait a minute so if i want to be like extra thick could i go like this oh fuck bro i'm a machine i'm a killing machine look at this i want to see what i look like throws away you might unveil the sound situation you have doubtless rise by now the high houses of eisenguard last four attempts included are either unable or unwilling to offer you formal assistance in your search does not mean that we can that we are not influential individuals within each house that are sympathetic to your cause i will be sending missives to various representatives in eisenguard though i suspect that it will be quicker and more efficient if you were to make inquiries on your own lady nine of my own house four tips all right let's go talk to her all right here we go nine why hello there good sir wait what's going on here oh my god uh in the airship you say i hate to disappoint you but i know nothing of what you seek likely no one in the house four attempts does but if they did there would definitely know as well the topic on everyone left these days is what will become of old of young lord francis some say the accusations are long overdue given how many members of house hailing have been found guilty of heresy in the past days true very true absolutely true and 100 percent real so what's this here is this the uh what's this coliseum the fuck is this where does i have to go there does i have to go okay craven how long grant me strength there must be some way to oh who are you a friend of ward halsham i want to help you but i truly do but these accusations heresy have thrown houston into chaos right now we must focus on combating these charges and preserving our reputation wow great okay fuck you too then sounds good all right voldemort what do you have for me uh you've been busy since when i spoke um word heart transmission possibly going but i think if you think this endorsement has caused me to disregard its regard and politics polit policies you are sorely mistaken we are at war sir the enemy grows bolder by the day why in short since we've uh since time since inquisitor olympia into rise and cortis countless heretics have been discovered even amidst the elite of the asgardian society if ward hearts for harsh how the fuck am i supposed to say his name uh once wishes to waste his days chasing after a long lost airship then that's his choice but if he expects others to share in his folly then he is truly blind the present state of affairs okay sounds good let's pour it back over there all right horse fart what do you have fire countenance i take that you did not learn anything of use nor did i i fear that the whole of korthos is consumed by this talk of heretics in the high houses we can only hope that my initial in eisenguard excuse me uh provide proper and more pertinent information nice got him dude courthouse far is concerned for ward france's well-being all right i have much more personal requests to make of you it concerns lord franco who much has been whispered these days i have received a report that he and three knights were sent heading north to steal vigil okay let's go that way i have a lot of key binds i have to do francis what do you want francis the fiend is still here who oh my god what the fuck okay it wants me to big victim let's go damn that's a mini dragon get the fuck out of here on time for this shit on time for your shit mr dragon suck on my dick it was a foolish thing to do but i know i had hoped that i might demonstrate my devotion by slaying a number of the shale skin moreover it was house hailing art that yielded the steel vigil that are horde many years ago one might say that our defeat here heralded the slow decline of our house's once great name francis shall i defeat the dragons for you do i need to beat the dick off of these dragons do i need to destroy these beasts vanquish your foes and claim gory for your house once more the day my tribal approaches soon i must accept the judgment of my inquisitors whatever it may be but should uh but even should my pres frustrations fall on deaf ears i will proclaim my innocence to my dying breath okay um let's go port this back oh man i thought i was about to go into dragon like go to battle with the dragons that was about to happen it's me ward horsefart it's me where did you find it steel vigil huh a reckless plan but at least did not cost him in his knives his knights of their lives i have news for you as well the witness to the final flight that the enterprise has been found the last there was a complication it has become common knowledge that you paid a visit toward francis at skype paradox not long ago upon learning of this the witness became understandably reticent to make your acquaintance for fear being seen in the company of a man that might be later declared a heretic not an unreasonable fear given the zeal of which inquisitor goldman has conducted his investigations in any case if we wish to obtain this testimony we must first clear ward francis's name and by association your own even the inquisitors must acknowledge that this is no more than a crass attempt to sully house alien arts reputation whoever is responsible has overplayed his hand and praise how long that he did lord francis trial is upon us and we must now act if we were to clear his name all right horsefart needs your help to clear lord francis's name at the very first i knew that it would not be that so many members of house alien art were heretics at last we can give it we can give the lie to these poisonous allegations and put an end to this travesty i will need to prepare a formal statement regarding these developments for the holy see in the meantime i would have you bear words to inquisitor bergie what the fuck tell her that horse fortamp says nay demands the ward farce's farsel's trial be postponed until a full investigation has been conducted damn this guy knows what he's talking about lord bernie what do you have lord bernie what is it my child hmm word horse fart would have inquisitors do what but it's not possible inquisitor going proceeds over ward farce's trial and which drop even as we speak fear not lord francis is indeed innocent and he shall walk in hell and halls when the fallen heroes of escort bro this is like a witch trial what the fuck is going on oh my god these guys are crazy got y'all they're nuts man have you taken ward francis to witch drop this is madness the inquisitor does not have sufficient grounds to subject them to that matter of trial i will not stand that way by and allow an innocent man to die asthma gold i would dispatch you and one of my nights to witch drop to forestall the proceedings until such time i'm able to join you in position inquisitor gayle in person i will endeavor to not keep you waiting too long do whatever you must to keep ward francis alive okay we have to save the pope justin charlie and fans mail of helena you stand accused of heresy against the hallway see of eisenguard is there anything you would like to see in your defense this ain't some bull is awesome bullshit brah they set me up man i ain't do nothing wrong yo fuck this shit man all this is fake anyway is for how long to judge whether you speak the truth prove your innocence in the god in the eyes of gods and men leap from the cliff and entrust your fate to the fury what what the righteous shall take their place in how long's hall while the wicked shall reveal their draken forms and be put to the sword in the name of house four attempts i beseech you stay your hand inquisitor we have come on behalf and ward ward horsefart my ward has uncovered evidence that suggests the charges awards against word francis are without merit we humbly request that these proceedings be suspended until such a time has been full until such time as a full re-examination of the facts has been conducted ward horsefart has allowed his personal relationship with the accused to cloud his judgment we will not allow facts to get in the way with our witch trial we will burn our witch today and it will happen no matter what to defy the will of an inquisitor orders to compete commit heresy a crime for which there is but one punishment you must hold them off until ward horse fart arrives asthma golden remember no harm can come to the inquisitor really really why not why not man well i i could because i could man okay let's pop this up there we go okay that guy's almost dead there we go you're dead got him holy fuck this damage is insane look at this big dick damn all right now on this guy holy fuck bro look at that ford horsepower has come forward horsepower it is come thank god he has come all right don't want to kill this guy too defeat his guards oh do i kill this guy as well all right i'll kill him as well got him 216. easiest easy in my life let's go massive fucking damage yes 261. 205. look at those numbers boys you love to see it 262. wait a wyverno a wyverno oh fuck okay oh it's invulnerable all right we'll ignore it we're good it's okay there we go got it oh we gotta go on this guy too [Music] nice got it perfect how are we not supposed to kill him though i thought wasn't supposed to kill the inquisitor oh okay all right i got it i got the draconian rosary fuck yeah i was confused there for a minute fuck yeah all right we're good i got the rosary the reverend takes to the skies yeah cause i beat the fuck out of a man it's not our intention to defy the or will of the archbishop but this trial like many others i fear has been orchestrated by the enemies of house elena they have used you and your fellows to so discord inquisitor to set brother against brother so that we may tear ourselves apart the fevered imaginings of a desperate man what proof do you have of this by the fury a draconian rosary the knight who refused to yield it was he who summoned the wavern a heretic in the rank of the temple knights this has grave implications he says fuck brah your claims it would appear they have merit ward horsefort i i withdraw my claims against lord francis pending further investigation thank you thank you i trust that you have not lost sight of what what first brought you to corthos asmongold pray locate your errant airship and use it what is this lord horsefart i not have the words to express my gratitude but why would you risk your reputation to save mine because i know you boy you're too loyal to betray eisenguard you're too devout to question your sentence had we been any slower you'd have jumped off on your own free will i would have done whatever it took to redeem house alien art praise alone that it would not come to that but it profits us a little to dwell on what might have been let us quit this place asthma gold pray visit me at camp dragon head once you have recuperated damn my axe looks so good man it looks so fucking good dude i love it look at that man fuck yeah all right let me head back over there where the hell was it all right francis what do you have for me wonderful to see you again asmiggle is there anything that i can do to repay you name it the airship that you seek is so likely inside stone vigil it shames me to say it that i too was once an outpost held by house alien art and the chaos that followed the calamity der nuvi and horde caught us unaware the fiends have held outpost ever since as we lack the strength of arms to retake stone vigil house dunder instead has been charged with the duty given that i doubt my words will carry much weight with wardrobe on nevertheless i will write you the letter before you depart a word of caution the cravens who attempted to destroy house alien art have yet to be unmasked it's true very true very very very true let's go over that one we've got to go over there and uh take it to the final house we're drum on lord gurdo permanente passage very well speak all right you wish to brave the ruined outpost filled with shale skin to secure an airship that may or may not be there are you the avatar of fury herself oh shit we are the scions of the seventh dawn wardrobe you know our name and you know our deeds we come to corthias to slay garuda lady of the vortex to that end we seek the enterprise the airship the master sid nangarwan who stands before you now master garland you're alive but that's impossible indeed it is my lord do not be deceived by their honeyed words these foreigners are not to be trusted shut up you stupid little bitch get the fuck out of here at this critical moment in asgardian history uh the house dungeon marshals its forces to retake stone vigil who should appear in house white brim front three mysterious strangers sid garland missing and presumed dead since before the calamity and two scions of the seventh dawn a defunct band of misfits recently exterminated by the empire the lesser houses have been duped by these grandiose lies but i should hope that house dunder would have greater sense i know not why these three seek sown vigil but i know that we cannot permit them to pass thank you for your council inquisitor for nearly a moment and for a moment i nearly believed this mummer's farce you three will not enter the outpost until we have reclaimed it and until you declare your true intentions as well can we just push them down to stairs could be moons before house dunder purges the dragons from stone vigil we cannot afford to wait that long sid asthma gold we must do whatever it takes to earn war dramon's trust is it understood yes it does understood i does understood [Music] okay now what where the hell do i go i guess it's down at the bottom before we can uh persuade war drama to help us it seems we must convince inquisitor uh gilliam that we are not his enemy but just how might we go about doing that we know little and less about the good inquisitor despite him being such a prominent figure in coerthus perhaps he should learn more by speaking to the people of whiteburn front share your findings with alphanaud in the square i'm sure he can formulate a strategy from there oh great now we have to go back to the render yes we have to go back to the reddit that's exactly it all right what do you want and christopher gillan of course i know him alas i've not seen him since the day he came to white brim front several moons ago my memory is somewhat muddled but i remember that the boys nearly buried us in snow that day and i had the ill fortune of being assigned to that night's watch while in the stronghold slept we we walked the walls and patrolled the exterior and a darkness black as pitch my route took me outside the eastern gate at one point where i caught sight of a silhouette illuminated by the light of the city thinking that it was a wayward traveler i cried out and gave chase but i slipped and took a terrible fall when i woke it was days later in this very bed where i was laying incooperating for my injuries he pushed you oh he rescued you oh he's always a nice guy oh fuck [Music] ah oh man like it's gonna now it's gonna be harder for us to kill him all right hosty what do you have the holy see is to create the creed that inquisitors are the arbiters of how owns will they are to be afforded every courtesy in the utmost respect oh what a surprise that the organization now can determine the will of god all right well the redditor is going to put a stop to this i've been to our slash atheism in case i have yet to notice my attire is ill-suited to this climate i realized soon after our arrival but i paid it no mind as i hoped that i might find the enterprise far faster instead we've wasted far too much time meddling in local affairs true never mind is our journey is almost at an end all that remains is to deal with this irksome inquisitor sid tells me that you've been busy making inquiries yes yes what us more closely review the testimonials you obtained asthma and gold may hap they will provide insight into inquisitor's golem's motivations alphanod's determination discovered uh inquisitor girl williams true identity i bet he's a dragon he's got to be a dragon right because he died next to a dragon since lord droman has already been turned against us i fear that his elliptical alone will not serve to convince him alone of our claims but who but what might per se to man so quick to disregard the endorsements of two high houses the cook did say that the lord listens through and respects the opinions of his knights if a certain night we're to provide testimony that supports our claim that may allow us to convince him all right i'm going to do that as a man of faith he may find it difficult to go up in such a horrible horrifying revelation nevertheless we must do so to find everything in our power to secure the enterprise okay let's do it easy easy easy our captain's a dragon yes the captain is a dragon that's correct [Music] all right we gotta talk to this guy first oh you've returned is there something else you wanted to ask [Music] there you go the inquisitor is an imposter don't be preposterous this could not possibly be true he is a paragon of virtue a dedicated servant of the fury you would have me believe that's all a lie yeah shit's fake yeah it's fake bro it's fake it's not real it's fake so if you're so certain your ludicrous story is true then go and speak with sirpunia she was at the eastern gate that night and she helped the inquisitor to carry me there i will never speak against the man who saved my life okay so we have to go talk to the girl let's go she would see what she has to say i think she's underneath here yeah there she is you i do not believe i know you sir pray move along and trouble me no more are you in the habit of handing bloody documents over to strangers well actually why do you sell me such a dreadful thing i know nothing of it nothing at all well that didn't help at all what do you doubt my words away with you i will suffer your slander no more alright slash doubt you are being doubted right now [Music] now what you know don't you fury take me i prayed this day would come whenever sir joel gave chase i followed close behind he didn't fall one of those dravidian abominations last out of them nearly killed him right then and there i drew my sword and rushed to his side strained to see the enemy but what came from the dark was not a beast but a voice he knew things about me about my family secrets i had never told another he said that if i kept this in his confidence sir joel what and i would be spared but if i defied him everyone i loved would suffer unimaginable horrors before they died god damn when i last agreed to his terms the man came forward his robes marked him as an inquisitor but i knew him to be false together we carried sir derived from the infirmity and on his first night in white brim front inquisitor gurleem was heralded as a hero bro he set this shit up so this guy stole somebody else's account and he's playing on it like he literally stole somebody's account you needn't trimble saw my child the righteous shall enjoy everlasting peace in hell and tall only the wicked but why why must i die by all that is holy i swear to you that i have never questioned the teachings of how own inquisitor leave her alone wardrobe on what is the meaning of this interruption are you aware that i am present conducting an interrogation are you not silence villain i named the heretic murderer of inquisitor and countless innocents damn yo he's bringing down the heat you were a traitor to eisenguard to your own kin and kiss what the fuck is that uh your sins are beyond measure beyond redemption oh what oh whoa what do you mean bro grave allegations indeed but you will find that your logic is flawed how can i betray that which i owe no allegiance no lord dramat my conscience is quite clear i assure you i wonder can you stay the same you whose hands are black with the blood of those whose only sin was to question question the nation of your crazed crusade you speak of asgardian innocence ha all of those complicity in crimes all of their lives by the archbishop's lies but i know that you will not hear me deafen by dogma as you are if you desire a retribution wardrobe on then come let us see how ice guardian steel fares against drabinian fang and claw fuck yeah we can kill him i'm so ready to kill this guy let's go show the heretic no mercy must pay for the innocent bodies spilled true big dick damn this guy's easy he's not even doing anything but he throws rotten meat i'm really good at this game wait oh fuck um okay i'm gonna just stay on him i guess let me just stay on him everything's fine everything's fine don't worry about it guys we're chilling we chilling we're chilling bro we chillin bro we good we good bro it is what it is he's doing that eye thing bruh you're doing that eye thing i'm gonna stun his ass he's not gonna he's not doing nothing fuck you all right is it time for berserk is it time for berserk mode i'm about i'm out to berserk on him in just a second here what the fuck was that all right let's burger let's go yes the literal god of damage where does he fuck i knew he was a dragon i told you guys he's a fucking dragon i'm reborn we guess what you're about to get fucking aborted again let's go boys well this guy doesn't even know what he's doing this guy's a clown man he's a clown don't let the npcs die look man you win some you lose something yeah i think it'll be fine always they're not gonna die yeah they won't die got him is even dying uh my glamour's dispelled wait so we we beat this dude's ass so hard we deleted his transmog god damn your plans lie in ruin heretic choose your words wisely for they will be your last you may not recall the many asgardians i have sentenced but the families of the dead will never forget blood has been repaid with blood and for that i am content my only regret is that you let yet live but your end is nigh foreigner the dragons within stone vigil will rend you asunder and when you are dead white brim front shall fall oh i want to cut off his head defiant to the last leave the body for the crows damn bruh i love it asmongold i must apologize for involving you in the sword business you should never have been asked to intervene in this guardian of state of affairs of state rest assured i have not forgotten the matter in which uh brought you or missed it's past time that you were reunited with your airship thank fucking god i forgot that we were even going after an airship i i totally forgot about it but this is not the place to discuss those matters pla uh pray visit me in whitebeard front and bring your associates yes i shall do that yeah gang gang we owe you all a great debt of gratitude if it not been for you the heretic masquerading as inquisitor gelman will still be among us free to prey upon the innocent now i see now that i was a fool to dismiss your claims up hand but i must understand that it seemed too much hope that the science of seventh dawn still lived that's to say nothing to master garland never have i been happier to be proven wrong well it's gratifying to know that someone has derived a measure of enjoyment from your error now if we have no further objections i would appreciate if you would permit us to enter stone vigil and retrieve our airship yes of course at the very least i can do given all that you've done for us but entering the outpost is the least of your concerns i fear you speak of the geraniums that now hold the ruin yeah bro what do you think in part yes i should explain shortly after you arrived i had my men secure the old record scour the old records they confirmed that an abandoned airship had been seized by the soldiers garrisoned and stoned vigil in the days following the calamity as far as we've been able to ascertain it was still in their custody when the outpost was overrun by the dragons whether it be damage or destroyed during the battle i cannot say nor can i give you any assurances that have been removed from the intervening years for too long the ruin has served as a dravidian football than co-artists which they have struck us out with depressing regularity though we have pushed them back the walls behind the walls it has yet to be we have yet to be able to drive them out and i cannot say when the situation will change or how it will change forgive me lord jerome but there's no guarantee that you will prevail in any event we have not the time to wait we will secure our property without asgardian aid [Music] damn bro this guy's alpha as fuck i see well made that made may that be for the best i will inform sir nath regime of your impending visit may how long guide you science all right all right let's go talk to nate all right nate what do you have for me hey elizabeth goldberg drill mine who praised me for the situation you may enter stone vigil whenever you will alrighty boys oh okay okay we got some little mosquitoes you gotta watch out for them dangerous very very dangerous okay guys all right we have to go find our airship let's go it's a comb it's a coombo i know it's a kumbo i just wanted to see if the other one was even worth doing dragon avis oh this guy dies fast wait what the fuck what the fuck was that fuck uh point ease okay got him okay so is there anything special in here no there's not okay okay we've got to kill chundo yundo let's get him down it's okay okay now at least now i know i know what i need to do better okay here we go use that cooldown right now okay focusing right now okay he's doing fire on me it doesn't matter it does not matter okay where's he gonna go he's swinging he's swinging we don't want to be in front of his swingers good okay perfect [Music] i guess i'll just tank him against the wall if he's going to keep doing that let me use that right now i might as well put that up so it does a little bit of a extra uh reversal damage okay yeah he was doing fine like he's got plenty of mana everything's totally okay dude i'm deep dicking chundo young right now oh i can move out of that i'm stupid i should have been moving out of that okay i've got to pay better attention i've got to get my cast bars in the right place he's going to do the same thing again he's switching and he's going to do fire here right whenever he targets a random target yeah oh double swing double swings then fire okay and now it goes back to me right yeah okay here we go [Music] huh how did i get hit by that is it just like always hit the tank you can't move out oh okay got his bitch ass this is a stupid bitch ass what's the loot with my loot at where's my fucking piece of god damn it i hate that all right let's keep going let's walk through the fire it's fine wait why don't we just walk through the fire oh okay oh we can't walk through the car all right here we go let's get ready guys let's get on him okay you cannot stun this guy i feel like you can't stand stan can't stun pretty much any boss i'm doing pretty well so far wait what the fuck is this oh my god there's dragons that are going to help what the fuck is this isaac guard descends from the skies we'll hit him shoot him good job there we go nice oh we gotta go over here all right can i do it [Music] nice i did it fuck yeah dude perfect yes dude wait we have two treasure chests oh my god what's this here this one's also garbage okay we're gonna pass that one too both of these are bad is this a big dragon oh there's my ship look it's the enterprise yeah we'll just go over to it just be on the enormous sleeping dragon or just don't wake him up yeah just don't wake the dragon up it'll be fine the dragon is not our concern we have come for the airship and only the airship sid you and i will sneak aboard the enterprise and prepare for launch asthma gold you will stay here and keep an eye on the beast if it wakes you may need to provide distraction until we're ready to depart can you manage that can't you yes i can manage the dragon that settles it shall we said yes let's go [Music] we're good we good we're good everything's fine oh fuck so you mean to slay garuda next interesting most interesting god damn it are you worried that our strength greatly excused out of your previous primal conquest a testament to the fanatical devotion of our followers the xo are nothing if not zealous in spite of your past achievements i labor you to believe that it's best foe that you will i labor to believe that you will best this foe yet only a fool would underestimate the the great bringer of light the slayer of v for it bane of titan if any mortal was capable of defeating the lady of the vortex it's you win or lose this battle should at least make it very interesting entertaining spectacle assuming of course you live that long oh come on fuck [Music] alford the dragon yeah the dragon yeah we know we see it confound it all he's going to disappear all right let's go i'm ready let's beat his ass what the fuck is he doing okay here we go here we go easy game easy boss easy game easy boss all right let's do it pull over here so this is isengard himself [Music] okay that's a lot of damage okay he's flying up in the air okay so you have to get out of the middle of the room seems pretty obvious okay so i'm assuming it's gonna be thirds of the room perfect prime wealth okay i can move out of that all righty [Music] cool down right there it's the easiest boss in the game guys easiest boss in the game sheet of ice what's that oh that's nothing i don't even need to worry about that you just move out of it easiest boss in the game boys keep it in mind so oh that just does damage to everybody i don't even need to move out of that i thought it was a directional attack [Music] all right a defensive there sheet of ice again that's an easy avoid it's a very very easy avoid okay good all right what's he gonna do now okay i'm gonna use that i don't know if when he's gonna go up again fuck i just use my cooldown okay it doesn't matter where he died yeah where did yeah or even oh i just avoid that okay okay oh it goes that way all right so this is just like thelma's and uh someone plato [Music] yeah this makes sense he does it twice okay got him my stand i'm trying to do i'm doing two cds here two cds all right after this we big dick on boss after this we big dick um boss let's go berserk berzerk let's go big damage big damage on eisenguard huge damage there we go 289 got it and i should be able to move out of that this is an easy kill come on come on let's take it home boys let's go easiest kill of my life the easiest kill of my life [Applause] there it is [Music] all right all right dude that's how you play the game that's how you play the motherfucking game dude that's how you win all right let's go i want to see this what do i get [Music] oh i guess oh that's not that defense 45 oh yeah the both of these suck rexxa i know that they were very mean to you okay very mean you did a good job i'm proud of you yeah it was uh it was rough all right we got it boys there it is we're fucking done okay let's go over here and i will exit this area there we go all right comedy oh fuck i've got this accommodation god damn it oh shit i forgot all about that i'm not used to it man i'm not used to it oh another crack rock another crack rock dude i've almost got every single one of them now don't i oh shit i only need one more oh my god one crackhead to rule them all fuck yes dude asthma gold asmingle there you're all right speak to me what do you want 12 be praised i feared the beast had injured you well he almost did i see now why the others raided you so highly why you were caught in the midst of the etheric bubble with the dragon i was always certain that my next mission would be to find a new champion thank god sparing me the inconvenience i thought quite enough already which reminds me sid is already working on the enterprise as we speak let's go and see what he has to say all right let's talk to sid fucking redditer man all right what say you sid will she fly [Music] yes though it will not be a pleasant ride [Music] all right that's good well i dare say it be no more unpleasant than staying here it's a pity that the enterprise is not in a better state but if she will allow us to quit this place and i shall not complain if we are all in agreement let us return to gridania though i would like nothing more than the set course for the howling eye it is plain that the enterprise is in no condition to weather the storm she must need to be repaired if we were to proceed with our mission yes that makes sense that's reasonable those boots what about my boots oh what are those oh my god look at it they're so big what are those this is all from so familiar like i know this airship if i could just that's no use all right let's go let's go [Music] oh shit we're flying away in the airship oh wow holy shit dude holy shit oh how i've longed for a more agreeable climate than twelves would yet i will not deny the holy see in his charms endless detours aside our asgardian jaunt proved quite the adventurer alas our work is fall from done we have an airship to repair in a primal sleigh no rest for the wicked fuck yes dude fuck yes dude all right so boys um we are going to be i'm going to say uh so for ashes of creation because obviously a lot of people are wondering about this you're like oh are you are you not going to uh play final fantasy or whatever i'm gonna turn down it's not gonna be my volume guys it's gonna be totally okay because we're gonna be running it through another source it's totally fine totally okay guys and i am going to be i want to say just because i play ashes of creation for a couple of days for the alpha does not mean that i have in any way lost sight of the goal we are beating ultimate fights in this game i will not stop until i have an ultimate [Music] weapon [Music] you
Channel: Aѕmongold TV
Views: 797,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv day 4, asmongold final fantasy day 4, final fantasy day 4, Y'shtola, asmongold girlfriend, cat girl, catgirl, final fantasy cat, asmongold gf, love
Id: sTbZo4WWCOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 10sec (8590 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 09 2021
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