FFXIV Turns Emotional for Asmongold Favorite Character | DAY 10

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victory round of combat last honor the fallen the living forge ever on towards the light of a new day dude she's actually gone because i was thinking i'm like i didn't see her in any of the cinematics or anything and i guess that's why gentlemen it's time to go to war there's dragons in here [Music] oh my god damn damn dude is this us oh oh alrighty boys let's go ahead and let's do it let's get to work let's pop off damn look how much health i have man i'm dude i'm geared out i'm so ready all right let's pull this guy right here see how much damage i can do oh my god dude i'm hitting this guy for dude i'm doing big numbers oh my god look at this and then i just hit this guy right here holy i pull that guy i pull this guy i might as dude i'm just i'm just walking around man that's all i'm just walking around let's see is there any more mobs no this one seems to be about it all right let's kill these guys yeah it's totally fine wait didn't even do anything oh okay all right so we're gonna go ahead we're gonna pull we're gonna kill this guy i'm gonna face him away i'm gonna get his ass i like this guy looks cool okay oh we got boss music for him too it's not looking good for me all right big big damage big dick damage snow drift can i move out of that i don't know if that's something i move out of or not okay okay pull this as well frost farm all right that one's dead great let's see if i can hit him right there perfect this seems pretty easy so far massive damage tundra uh what does that do okay it doesn't really do much of anything all right so we just have to move in a little bit more that's totally fine i'm assuming he's gonna do the circles on the ground again it'll be harder to avoid because of yep there it is uh because of the reduced amount of space in the room okay and now is an ad gonna spawn like it just spawned before let's go ahead and see what's gonna happen okay it's looking like the boss is just gonna die and there we go right yeah we beat him damn god yo we he almost beat me man like that was close wait what's oh wow damn look at that wait did we just yeah would we just go to canada don't worry about it i'm good okay move out of there here we go i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine don't worry about it boys everybody's always worrying about me everybody's always thinking i'm gonna get god bro i don't get god it doesn't happen yitay yidi yeah it's yidi okay somebody says to turn his aoe towards the ads okay uh y'all so that's an ad frozen miss okay an ice cutter okay so what about this buff it can i hit this thing and do damage to it yeah wait why can't i just kill it isn't that a better idea okay that thing's dead so there's just more and more ads okay so what happens if it hits that okay oh wait what the wait what no wait can you kick the snowballs into him wait a second what is that how does this work how do i how do i kick the snowball anymore wait what about oh wow that did a lot of damage didn't it well this is a hard fight how do people beat this fight this one's really hard jesus okay we should be able to kill him before he even does it again so it doesn't even matter okay yeah no i don't know how anybody can do this okay good job very proud of you guys you guys did amazing uh amazing incredible players that only uh only just like the best could ever do let's go door to oblivion what the unlock the door to oblivion yes what the what the dude oh my god that's a big boy all right fenrir who's in he in norse mythology all right let's go do what we need to do boys pop off pop off let's go pet him yeah he is i thought so doesn't thor die in ragnarok by fighting finn rear odin does oh that yeah i forgot it's a spoiler apologies okay avoiding that okay this shouldn't really be that hard to avoid we just don't stand next to it right okay and there's i guess more crystals that are going to spawn yep there we go all right i'll move this back a little bit lunar cry i don't know what that does but usually whenever the boss stands still and does any mechanic i just move to the side of it okay this is vulnerability damage taken at baudery is encased in ice okay i had to line and site that ability isn't it i'm assuming that's what i had to do okay it's fine we lost somebody it's not a big deal though sometimes people die it's fine just rest them up it is what it is okay let's move out of that i gotta move again there we go okay and oh i see i see so then we have to run to that one exactly let's go let's kill the boss big dick damage get the out of here got him dude got him dude got him dude all right let's see here oh is this the crystal to summon shiva because this looks like a lot of the other ones too tales do not do you justice warrior of light wow okay okay who is it i don't know who the this is given the name but i earn the name iceheart i don't know who that is i have no idea this endless cycle of hatred of bloodshed of sorrow you would see it continue own noble warrior of light yes that way i can get more loot i would not i will not i will bring an end to this war between dragon and man oh no matter the cost so there's going to re-summon time you will come to understand that what we do we do for the greater good that's what they all say what the uh this what are you doing what do you hit her what are you doing what are you doing are you kidding me this is what is my character doing what bro i could have chopped her man wait what the hell what and stephen you come to a straightforward straight from the archives of house 4 attempts i trust that your time here prove fruitful shiva was real a living breathing woman of that i can be known down in this respect she differs from every other figure that we've been summoned each of whom was worshipped as a god the soul exception being good king mughal mugged the seventh the myth made manifest in response to the fervent supplications of the mughal's guard saint siva may differ but what are the heretics there of a tribe of outcasts at war with a mighty nation who yearned for the resurrection of one who embodies their beliefs if that's not placing one's faith in a higher power than what is crystals and conviction milfina they both have them in abundance it sounds like we've got a new boss fight coming up then my survey team has conducted a preliminary analysis of the eighth right iceheart used to escape they believed that which they believed that she teleported to another athlete somewhere not far off to the west despite the apparent proximity of the second a threat however they have been wholly unable to dissect its presence entirely now unless i heard iceheart has some means to mask its signal she's using nordvpn uh you can only presume that it's had it destroyed to prevent them us from following her like me you're a doubtless eager to conclude our business with iceheart but until another path of her sanctum is found she will remain beyond our reach milfina and the archons are sparing no effort to secure an alternate round until such a time they succeed i suggest that we are given some thought to the realm's other problems i shall go ahead to gridania and readiness for the coming council meet me and they'll feel his altar all right let's go back to there i've only been there 40 times what's this oh everybody's together this is not good change has come to the guardian empire and we must discuss the implications what happened the rumors are true then the war of succession is ended what happened it is a new emperor reigns in garland oh who who was it who would be oh the birth and all too rapid expansion of the garlian empire is commonly attributed to the strategic brilliance of solace zos galvez yet he did not rule alone several members of the royal household also distinguished themselves during his reign what happened to the old emperor nevertheless it was the eldest son who stood to inherit the throne until his most untimely passing oh he's dead okay makes sense i thought i was fortunate when i learned the beast look at those shoulder pads god damn who's this guy damn he didn't give a would that the guardian empire had died with him damn that's sad this guy looks badass i want that armor yeah this dude this guy looks awesome yeah it was the grandson and his uncle who had the strongest claims was it not ah yeah that's right [Music] this guy looks like a vampire man oh indeed yet claims count for little without the power to assert them high legatus varus yay galvez is a respected military leader not so his uncle damn dude this guy look at that stupid man he wearing his hat wrong he looks like an idiot with that hat on it doesn't fit on his head look at that what the is that supposed to be damn like i was badass this is some space marine let's go now what okay given the troubled nature of his succession the new emperor will require time to seal his grip on power yeah yet have no doubt but that he shall for there are none left with strength enough to oppose him yeah a guy seemed pretty badass since the success of operation archon the remnants of the 14th legion and the forces occupying al amigo have done not but fortify their positions i uh i would like it'd be better if i could just join the empire instead i think that i think they're way cooler but you can be sure they'll be ready to march on us again if their emperor gives the word when not if they say this virus was so set upon aorzian annexation that he spoke out against the meteor project damn this guy's a dick the new emperor's intentions are of great concern to us all yeah it seems that way i propose that we set aside the cartino dispute for the present and discuss what measures the alliance might take to prepare for a resumption of hostilities with gala mold all right garam mall there's a problem again i move that we re-examine the question of how our former allies in ishgard might be persuaded to retake their place at our side could they ozil but stand as one to a deal a grave blow to our enemy's ambition so we got to get those guys back on the same page as us man they're just around okay now what yeah it's not looking good is it she has nice titties well we'll see what that is in a minute yeah first i gotta find this out okay where's the girl a chocobo caravan wow what the [Music] what the okay is that her who's this wait who's who oh damn am i right all right all right dude there we go none other i bid you welcome to revenant's toll and thank you for traveling so far on such short notice yeah for sure so if i could ever say no to urianje maybe i should learn shakespeare moon breeda is an accomplished charlene scholar landon moon breeder okay she has played an invaluable role in our search for a means to capture asean souls wow that's great charmed i'm sure absolutely [Music] yeah sure great yeah i think this is uh this is a yeah this is a great quest this is awesome okay and let's talk to her again let's return to rising zones in one so much to discuss yeah i i agree i definitely agree uber dangers girl nah nah nah at least not for long what she has for us moon gods it's been ages oh wow oh longer sister oh wow [Music] a joyous reunion indeed damn of course it is moon and i are like twin sisters that's crazy wow that's just crazy save in appearance and aptitude got him dude now what what do i got to do now everyone if i could have your attention okay what do we have to do we have with us an esteemed guest who has come from jolyan to assist us thank you so much for being here oh she has those goggles super dangerous that she might share with us her extensive knowledge of etherites okay let us know as many of you are already aware she has been overseeing our research into white auracite okay example of which she has been good enough to bring with her great well i had to come didn't i you'd have to be bloody daft to turn your nose up at a chance like this where better to conduct my final tests than a land so steeped in either you can taste it damn damn that's the good stuff playing the passage of the years hath done little to dampen thy youthful spirits what is this oh horianji where in the hells have you been hiding damn bro this guy's a pimp wow yeah unhand me jesus i come all this way and that's what you have to say to me god damn i much preferred when you were pleading with me to drop everything in hurry to your side what was it you said none save thee can satisfy this need jesus man oh my god oh my god i think she's i think she's my new favorite yeah this is yeah she's the best 100 wow no thine artless attempts to misrepresent mine all too innocent motives do the little credit jesus dude this guy oh he's embarrassed mine intent as well thou knowest was about to impress upon thee the gravity of the circumstance lest thou doubt a dare form entity shall shortly be summoned save if thou and no other grantist might compares thine aid yeah i don't i really don't know what you just said i have i really have no idea what that means so we're just gonna click ahead of that uber virgin yes chill you still haven't found it then you're missing etherite you're chilled we have not no we know that iceheart teleported to an etherite not far from the first yet even after careful analysis we could not locate the second beacon okay we now suspect that the heretics destroyed the second etherite to impede our pursuit our allies continue to scour snow kills ice hot sanctuary but we have no guarantee that they will find it yet it must be found for even now iceheart prepares to call upon saint shiva man that's not looking good at all but if the etherite's been destroyed then that's that no there's no way that's that because there's like 10 more quests i have to do although you see i told you sure she used the first etherite are you she didn't just use teleportation magics oh that's a good that's a that's a good point look at that that's a good cornball witness to her escape i can say with absolute certainty that iceheart used the etherite okay okay got it in that case there might be a way so long as the ethereal current is still flowing got it truly how how how do that how do i do that we use the current to recreate the beacon how do we do that as you know etherites are a bit like lighthouses we use them to reconstitute our physical forms or crossing the ethereal sea without them we'd lose all sense of direction and our essence would dissipate well that sucks however we don't rely solely on these beacons there are currents of ether which flow between them currents which help guide us to our destination okay now these currents will gradually dwindle away to nothing if an etherite is destroyed but if even a sluggish flow remains we could theoretically use it to direct a surge of concentrated ether towards the void left by the beacon and thereby fill it up again so what do i have to click on that says complete quest [Music] like opening the floodgates yeah what do i have to click on though correct me if i'm wrong but will we not need a veritable reservoir of ether true in concert we might manage to channel a sufficient volume yet that is not my chief concern to direct the flow of so greater volume of ether with the requisite precision would be a nigh impossible task in itself i barely succeeded in facilitating travel to an unattuned beacon that which you described sounds considerably more difficult yeah but we're higher level now so we can do that don't you know that yeah we're way higher level now it's totally fine and dangerous every person who has attempted to teleport in this fashion has died in the process oh that did not have white or a sight at their disposal okay that's true we have the magic right use it to channel all the ether you can give me into the etherite however white or a site cannot retain ether for an extended period of time so we would need to infuse it immediately beforehand okay got it just so you know i'd confidently give this plan better than even odds of success that's great and if the worst comes to worst your people won't suffer oh cause they'll all be dead that's great thank you though it risked the lives of our best and brightest we have not the time to seek other options okay so we're just going to go on a suicide deal current still flows great we shall carry out moon breeders plan that's the spirit let's roll the dice okay let's do it [Music] sounds great to me let's go alrighty boys okay now what okay what is this captain planet oh we're charging it oh there it's ready what the what the dude uh how the is this gonna work ha it worked i think try tuning into the eighth right now feel for the current and try to locate the beacon okay let's do that you think yeah it's magic that's how yeah that's how it works we've done all we can asthma gold for now let us withdraw when your final preparations are complete you must seek out the beacon that we've created if by the grace of the twelve you arrive safely you must stop iceheart before she summons shiva okay well considering that there's an extreme mode for this fight i think i know how this is going to go that's nice what the is this what the is that oh there she is you should never have come here warrior of light i labor only to forge a lasting peace oh a peace you would deny us out of ignorance and blind faith damn matter if it is our fate to be at odds then it is mine to strike you down am i oh man men have forsaken shall be the fill this vessel with your light walk amongst your brothers and sisters [Music] she turned into an ice cube [Music] what the this kerrigan oh my what the f oh my okay [Music] awesome this is great this is yeah this is great all righty so um uh pretty much just attacked the boss i'm assuming right that's pretty much what we have to do let's go okay she's already 97 yeah we're popping off yeah this is no big deal no big deal [Music] okay hailstorm as well all right spread out with these i'm assuming okay good nice already 70 dude we are popping off uh let's see what are we supposed to do here uh okay uh i didn't even do any damage so i'm gonna assume i'm okay okay we're doing really really well we joined the chorus my brothers and sisters okay probably an ad spawning here i'm assuming yep there we go yep let's pick that one up now let's pick that one up too okay pick up both of these where's these ads jesus christ dude i have such a hard time targeting in this game no damage it's fine it's fine we don't need damage here yeah this is totally okay damage is unnecessary the only thing that's necessary is to win okay they're all dead and why does she have a buff here i'm not really sure why i'm gonna move her back uh damage up damage dealt has increased i have no idea why that was really close um i almost got knocked off the edge holy okay okay where's she going where's she going what's she doing what's she doing okay what the what the dude all right all right let's pull this let's go i'm ready facing your way as much as i can okay i'll move into that okay pretty easy to avoid that [Music] okay hailstorm to spread out with those so they don't overlap good damn bro this she got destroyed of course she got destroy oh my god wow absolutely deleted heated and deleted oh what the yeah what about the girl yeah i thought so accommodations i'm captain accommodations i don't give a you up huh that was some clown-ass garbage he tried to pull on me try and play that game blind bloody fool oh she's not happy about it that's what you get you of all people should understand the suffering war begets that no sacrifice is too great if it brings an end to the violence mine is the righteous cause you fight in a war you do not understand a pawn of liars and schemers what the and they are no less ignorant than you following the creed of their fathers without question never thinking to ask well just because you want to a dragon doesn't mean we have to reinvent the whole world trapped in a delusion of their own creation and blind to the damn warrior of light redemption is not beyond us yeah that's what the cinematic told me unfortunately we who walk before may lead those who walk after seek the keeper of the lake sea with eyes unclouded okay let's see that [Music] dude do not squander mother's gift oh she's talking about the echo so she has the echo too holy okay okay [Music] oh it's the illuminati it's a illuminati what do you want and so the vessel withdrawals predictable outcome it's the illuminati slat uh-huh see that think i wouldn't notice nevertheless la brea will be pleased how unfortunate okay great how unfortunate now what needless to say i am most eager to hear your account of that which occurred in karthus assuming you're ready to speak of it yeah excellent i shall summon the others at once okay does this mean the girls there nice okay they're like what the how the did that happen how the is that gonna happen what the dude iceheart used her own body as a vessel for a primal soul yep master louis writings make no mention of such a possibility can we be certain this entity was a primal wait that's what he did though whenever he became the phoenix wasn't it i'm pretty sure they're certain i think so good king mogul was a primal i should think both were ostensibly summoned exactly yeah let's not quibble over definitions of more concern is the implication that iceheart retained her will even after she was positioned yeah she came back and everything was fine talking about immortal wielding the power of a primal that's crazy it can't possibly be that easy can it there must be some sort of sacrifice required or maybe oh shoot maybe she's just special well she had the equities this woman possesses i know not but full sure am i that she was groomed for this role oh they trained her to do the privy to the secrets of summoning and but a single party standeth to profit from their dissemination the escations the illuminati well i wouldn't presume to comment on how the last came to know about summoning but i will say that what she summoned was a primal the readings were the same or near as damn it strange as it all sounds it's really no different from what you've faced before i see that yeah it's the same thing it's just a bomb it is time that we re-examined our previous encounters okay we gotta do all the fights over again your thing zida we are going back to gridania whoa we gotta we gotta kill garuda again why okay [Music] about iceheart's final words to you yeah hear feel think yeah it's the crystal that's what the crystal girl said speaks to her as well exactly if iceheart is blessed with the power of the echo she will doubtless have used it to further her goals or could it be that it was a revelation granted her by the echo which first set her on this path what the she did sorry do you think she has knowledge of the origins of the ish guardian dravanian wall it would do much to explain her unwavering conviction i mean you would assume that you know what i mean i quit too fast apologies the lady iceheart implore thee to seek the keeper of the lake and did she not imply that in so doing thou would come to see with eyes unclouded that is true she did say that zoma was a king amongst kings who reigned for centuries on end but he is dead in his wisdom lost to the ages unless the ish guardian's fears are well founded okay it would seem we have yet another reason to stand watch over the keeper of the lake for our mercy we are well positioned to do so sounds good i got it ice hot shiva asians and midgard zoma i shudder to think how they're all connected well well i mean yeah it sounds really bad whenever they say it like that don't turn your back on family very i've heard truly bothersome business oh no it's george soros what do you want again george no man what are you doing no i do not foresee your problem on that front yeah the main concern is robum there is no telling what the brood might do bro we have to throw this kid in the garbage can in the flames day or night or you may leave the sultana to me i shall personally attend her grace what the oh no this guy's savage several one of the east aldernard trade routes that ought to keep lolarito occupied for a while nanamo ul namo for my sake pray be a good little sultana to the last what the what's he gonna oh no is he gonna kill her oh my god oh this guy's he's evil man i cannot wait like i hope that i hope that the way that we deal with that guy is we literally just throw him in the garbage can and then take the garbage can and roll it down a hill i have an important announcement to make regarding our effort to defeat the aseans what is it we shall begin as soon as everyone is assembled okay is everybody assembled now boom now we're assembled how about that my thanks for coming friends moon breeder the floor is yours okay by now i'm sure you're all familiar with white auracite the miraculous material that will allow us to capture asean souls oh so we're gonna put them in a lantern okay i get it back at snow cloak we verified its ability to absorb vast amounts of ether okay alas it leaves something to be desired in the area of stability the stone can only store either for a short while before expelling its contents all right in addition to aurascite's inherent limitations we must needs be wary of our enemy's strength okay our foe draweth upon an infinite wellspring of power even should we succeed in entrapping him the stone will not long contain his wrath so we've got to keep him in the box meaning that if we want to kill the swine we'll have to be quick about it makes sense it is our belief that an asean soul may be permanently undone if smitten by a sufficiently concentrated burst of pure ether okay the only trouble is we can't say for sure how concentrated the burst needs to be without knowing how much ether an asean soul is composed of we're basically guessing all right that's fine makes sense our soul clue lieth in thy struggle with la habrea during that encounter heidel and bid you forge what she called a blade of light a weapon which took the form of a luminous stream of energy oh an ultimate weapon okay yeah i've seen no description we believe the blade with which you vanquished your foe was composed of ether oh admittedly your victory proved ephemeral as lahabre was able to use a crystal of darkness to flee into the space that lies between our world and the void so what we have to do we have to make a special sword however that heideln placed the means to destroy the aseans in your hands that's great be that as it may it would be unwise to assume that you will do the same when we next encounter such a phone that makes sense quite so my lady we must needs find the means to forge our own blade of ether okay that which heidel did benevolently bestow upon her so we have to make our own special our special sword that is all well and good but it seems to me that producing such a blade will require a prodigious quantity of ether whence will it come pray tell uh yeah good question um oh what if we had two pieces of white arucite one to trap the asian and the other to store the ether for the blade that's too complicated oh nice try but it's as i said the stone won't hold ether for any length of time we'd still need to collect the stuff there and then sorry to say okay makes sense and therein lies the rub finding a way to create the blade whenever and wherever we choose makes sense towards see more research is in order just look it up on the google they never do that i'm going to linger a while perform a few more tests on the aura site great i'm glad she's going to stay in the store and i could do with some help orion jay why don't you lend me a hand damn man man it's still lucky it's so mine apologies but i am required at the waking side what lady min philia have given me a shot in charge of the premises it would be unseemly jesus dude what a chad oh my god soul charge you say so you're basically alone there then well that settles it i'll just have to come to you jesus this guy's a pimp oh my god like what the dude jesus my friends it was for no other reason than to make known to you my intent that i requested your presence here so she's gonna step down make my declaration to the people chaos shall inevitably ensue wow as the last monarch in the line of ul i make unto you this request what the oh my god help robon to preserve order and protect the people she's gonna step down forsake them and you forsake yourselves for a strong aorzia will ever have need of a strong ulda so rauban's in charge now that's good i like this it's better yeah i agree with this it's great yo grace are you yeah this is yeah this is good i thought he was in charge all along to begin with no other way yes it's way better yeah 100 time the nation shall become a true republic both royalists and monetarists shall cease to be ulda will no longer belong to kings or queens or merchant princes but to her people yeah this sounds like loser talk this would never work yeah it's never gonna work it's dumb as hell this is stupid man [Music] forgive me for casting aside all that you have toiled for in my name beyond this gesture i am powerless to help my subjects what the that's so like i mean i feel like that's kind of an overreaction don't you think damn we have a guest from ishgard who wishes to speak with you who is it the lord commander sent me hither to request your aid in a matter of grave import oh really you see now i had tataru summon you why's that now that we're all assembled perhaps you would be good enough to elaborate on the nature of the matter which brought you to us yeah exactly what the is going on is that's what we're trying to ask the observatorium's astrologians have sounded the alarm alarm why why can't you just say alarm like alarm what the is an alarm last night the dragon star burned with an intensity not seen in 15 summers not since the dravanians engaged the empire in the battle of silvertier skies well that's not good the brightening of the dragon star is said to accompany the raw of a great worm the astrologians believe that it was mid garzoma himself who cried out on this occasion what the after an absence of centuries the king of kings did return to lead his kind against the might of garlemold oh sure only to fall in his duel with the agrius proud flagship of the guardian fleet devoid of life his corpse remaineth entwined about the magitek monstrosity even on to this day what the aryanje has the right of it whatever this alteration in the dragon star portends the great worm has shown no sign of life yeah he's just chilling man he dead tataru have the domains reported opt out of the ordinary get out of the room man like you're not even supposed to be here correct me if i'm wrong but if mid godzilla had wrought wouldn't we have heard it here in revenant's toll that's a good point it's a very good point maybe we're underground that's why raw is but a figure of speech dravanians can communicate in ways beyond our kin oh they've got uh telekinesis it is for this very reason that we are forced to look for signs in the heavens we cannot say with any confidence that a great worm roared at all much less that it was midgard soma only by directly examining the keeper of the lake can we be certain however it will take too long to gain the holy see's approval to dispatch the temple oh that's the church it's full of crazy people and controlled by the illuminati therefore sir emrick would entrust this task to you oh do you accept yes wait is that him so is that the wreckage right there well he dead we can see him he dead it'll be so fast oh that's a big ass dragon god damn the keeper of the lake what the dude bro it looks like i'm the only person who's actually that guys looks pretty cool but this is just literally what is this like a library girl and we've got a lalafell in here that's great you know this you know what this guy looks like he looks like those pictures of kids from like the 1800s whenever they used to work in the coal mines whenever they were nine years old you know that's exactly what he looks like am i wrong but pega meme yeah this guy's a he's a real interesting person okay let's see that all right let's go back over to here all right so we have two crabbies it's no big deal just kill the krabbys yeah just kill the crabbies who gives a i learned that a bit ago oh what the is this son of the keeper uh i should just pull everything right [Music] i'm assuming that's what i should do okay got all that just kill him eisenhower what the okay we've got everybody here let's go um i'm assuming this is an actual boss so i'll pop cds on them in just a second okay where he go oh okay that really confused me there okay he's already half health easy easy boss guys don't worry about it nothing's happening okay wait what are all these things what's he doing there what the okay so he's just bringing these over to him that's no big deal who cares all righty he's breathing on me it's okay yeah this is an easy boss guys don't worry about it okay so obviously all those had to explode maybe we had to kill them in time i feel like it's not that hard to do you actually yeah i almost died there honestly guys it's pretty close uh one player in the raid actually almost died thank god we're good enough to be able to handle this fight though okay let's go pull these guys always big poles if we need to okay always big poles carried by heroes what the do you mean dude i have to wait for it watch there we go i knew it all right now what oh what the what the can i pull him oh um uh okay um so i think i might have done something wrong here let me just go ahead and click on this oh you have to kill this and break them out yeah it's gonna be fine okay so we just got yeah we're just gonna kill this guy it's no big deal yeah it's a trash bomb yeah well uh that's the way some bosses are to me because they're so easy all right so this is a spaceship you guys know what that means right this means we attack it and we kill it that's what we have to do ah this thing's got a lot of health actually oh wait no nevermind it's already 90 90 health this thing's getting destroyed okay good but why is it is he doing flamethrower on me huh i'm sure that i think the healer is probably not happy about me right okay what's he doing [Music] what the hell is he doing stand in a fire dps higher that's right that's the way it works what the hell is going on here what the dude what the dude just get out of the fight and walk out the fire okay wait who's this wait what the where'd he come from okay let me pick this guy up right here there we go alrighty and i guess i just might as well kill this while we wait this thing's so slow this it's so slow there's like no mechanics at all in this fight it's a joke okay let's move out of this there we go [Music] bro i don't know what these guys are thinking man y'all actually think that i'm not gonna be able to do the mechanics right to beat these bosses man y'all are crazy okay [Music] oh wow oh wow you're walking on a dragon wait holy i am god damn okay let's move out of that again there we go perfect everything's dead all right so now he breaks through this yeah oh [Music] what the is this [Music] who treadeth now upon my bones and waketh me from slumber sweet how or you're supposed to be dead oh how are we going to beat this box thou hast forgotten the face of thy lord remember mortal and fear me what the [Music] uh wait is this like a spirit for are we in the spirit realm that's fine i just killed boss real quick okay all right sounds good disdain and admonishment okay the other dragon's gonna spawn here got him okay let me go pull the other dragon over to here good okay that's an easy avoid right there another easy avoid oh this is a joke all you do is kill the boss yeah you just kill the boss it's easy there we go there we go there we go there we go nice oh no no no shut up it's gonna be fine we're not gonna wipe are you crazy okay so there's obviously like two break points here that's all just standing between the two of them plasma release it doesn't matter it just does aoe damage look at this but it's destroying this box okay he's gonna do the blue thing again probably right about now [Music] okay nothing's really going on here hearken to me my lord okay let's get inside that obviously [Music] there we go okay nice nice let's go guys let's go perfect easy easy easy easy easy so i was taking a drink so i already killed him well this boss is almost dead dude what an easy boss get the out of here no wonder you oh um all right never mind come on okay all right next dragon okay mirage dragon number two perfect see that boys what's up what's up what's up you're about to get your ass beat you bout to get deleted you about to get deleted look at that dude god damn this shit's a joke god damn what the bro you think you're gonna beat me no wonder that dragon got his ass beat that's that's how you yes i that's how a winner wins that's how her gifts has thou earned the moment's reprieve what the what the speak mortal and i shall listen bro we have a picture of jesus in the living room and it looks a lot like this no way [Music] this is this look dude this looks so cool i'ma screenshot this this is so badass i love this is amazing my people have heard the song ish god shall burn good him the religious zealots anyway it doesn't matter to me sons must answer for their father's misty damn damn bro this guy's savage she doesn't give away do not forget we do not forgive we are anonymous [Music] why didn't you dodge what the we gotta go to walmart buy some more light bulbs for the magic crystals what the is going on man do i spent like two weeks getting those crystals what the mayhap thou think is me an oath breaker what the dude thou art mistaken if thou comest to harm it shall be by another's hand not mine what the is going on i did but strip thee of thy mistress's feeble blessing wait what the what he so now i don't have the echo is that right i got nerfed he nerfed me what the is what how can he do that he's what what the [Music] what i shall watch listen and wait [Music] i've just got this with me now so let me look at this so there's a cinematic of this right whenever he fights the dragons this has got to be a this has got to be it man and that's the ship that he took down holy that's massive oh my god that's how it happened that's the little bird that i have next to me now jesus wow that dragon's bigger than the ship and that's whenever it fell into the water [Applause] holy and that still didn't kill him baphomet's dad is it really holy okay yeah no wonder he's so powerful jesus christ is there something you're not telling us asthma oh i've got to tell her because that's the echo yeah you seem different somehow it's almost like you're missing something something important 12 foreign are you all right how do you feel i'm good i see it's a relief to hear that you're otherwise unharmed my friend i can scarce believe it you confronted the worm lord and lived to tell the tales yeah i'd be i beat him in a 1v1 they don't need to know the the truth i dare not presume to speak for him but i expect the lord commander would sing your praises i i agree with that i think so but we shall meet again soon okay okay let's go over here let's see what she wants all done with your chocolate dragon it's wonderful because the aesthetics are an x on the menu let's head into the solar shall we okay let's go do that now that everything's calmed down a bit relatively speaking i mean i thought it might be a good time to share our progress on the weapon okay let's find out about it i believe we're on the verge of a breakthrough okay tell me about it well don't keep us all in suspense exactly yeah true just in case anyone's forgotten let's start by reviewing what we already know oh powerpoint okay is the powerpoint presentation because its soul doesn't return to the ethereal realm when its host is defeated yes instead it flees to the place that lies between our world and the void the twisting nether therefore the first step to permanently defeating an asean is preventing its soul from making this journey you recall when we last gathered here i had verified that white aurocite has adequate capacity to entrap the beings albeit only briefly so that's what we have to do is we have to kill them and then put them in the lantern it's like a genius a small matter of their extermination uh put it in the garbage i to unmake an asean soap put it in a garden yes smite it with a concentrated burst or blade of purist ether oh sure however we wanted for both the data and the means to forge such a weapon okay short of experimenting on an actual asean you see there's no way to gauge how much ether itself is made of yeah i would say so as such we don't know what etheric density our blade needs to have in order for it to work a lot if it isn't practical to lug around the ether we need we'll just have to draw upon another source okay that makes sense and the only viable source is the land ah all right if you mean to tap the great river of ether know that it will entail considerable risk meddling with the currents may well induce a surge like to the one which despoiled more donor this seems like a mistake yeah give me a bit more credit will you why would we need to tap the river when there are veritable reservoirs jutting out all over the land oh we can harvest those okay that's actually really smart i like that that's great i i speak of corrupted crystals it might be that their aspect is out of balance but a crystal's a crystal it contains ether and we can help ourselves to it okay it's azerite champion jesus corrupted crystals are indeed abundant there is no guarantee that they will be in close proximity at a crucial moment but what if we don't need them to be what if we could tap their power from afar um away say okay if we could do that we'd have ready access to either aplenty in almost every corner of eorzea all right so you have a network it's like the internet of crystals i've yet to put my theories to the proof but i've got a good feeling about this if no one has any objections i'd like to see where this avenue leads sounds good let's do it she's probably just gonna be sitting over there chilling it's gonna be fine yeah she's just sitting there it's totally okay all right what's this hold on i won't be a second okay i'm looking around everything should be fine it seemed peckish so i gave it a taste of my axe damn i know i know as urianje never tires of reminding me an axe ill become at the hand of a scholar ah what can i say oh i have that actually to hear my mother tell it i came into this world holding one yeah that's the one that i have i have that one too and it's not as if it stops me picking up a quill is it i often think of the man who introduced me to the joys of learning he's one of the reasons i decided to come to eorzea i think she's the hottest one out of all of them yeah she's definitely the hottest one him and my excruciatingly stiff childhood friend 100 considering how unalike we are it's a wonder we ever got on what the the world's a strange old place isn't it hi that ought to do it well great we got it what the what the though so far so good at these concentrations it shouldn't matter too much if something goes awry just enough ether to make it interesting okay cool did you see that the way the crystal glowed i uh the siphon works i'm happy to say great with a few refinements it should satisfy our appetite for ether which just leaves the small matter of forging our blade yeah i'm not sure how to go about it just yet but i swear to find a way i'll put a blade in your hands if it's the last thing i do okay that sounds good i'm like wait what the hell he senses me a useful talent oh but i can't see him because i don't have the echo anymore because the dragon took it away yeah dude that's what it's got to be and asian are they on to us apparently by your brand i see you are an archon of charlene keeper of knowledge seeker of truth meddler oh i don't know what the hell's you're saying but i don't much like your tone uh-oh your instincts serve you well but come be not unsettled on my account that lovely brow was not made for frowns uh this guy works at boise let me direct my words to one okay understands them we meet at last warrior of light i am nabriales well i hate to tell you something but i've actually been demoted i got demoted by a dragon i'm not the warrior of light anymore and you have long been a thorn in my side i suffered the overweening presence of la habrea that men might host the power of gods only for you to undo my hard work damn dude i'm up yes oh bugger god damn settle down bro this guy doesn't around what the damn you must concede that i acted in self-defense that's true actually yeah she just went crazy on you man i guess that's it is what it is right but what's this i do not sense the blessing of light yeah what the hell is that dude i got demoted oh dear could it be that frail heidling has forgotten her champion this i did not foresee well shawn of light as you are you are no longer a threat and better yet the seal is broken what the now is the time to claim the staff what staff with it in my grasp i shall rise above them all and take my place at lord zodiac's right hand oh okay what did that bastard want with us well he wanted to he wanted the staff he wanted my staff nobreales he calls himself with charm like that i'll bet he has maidens falling at his feet unconscious well well well well but this staff you say just talking about it had the bastard grinning like a brat on his name day must be quite a staff uh-huh oh gods he means to marty master louis suarez staff oh that one that we have in the room menphilia's in danger oh no not no not her again are you kidding me bro oh dude she's so useless okay let's go inside here wait oh you're here master always was staffed and kept in the solar isn't it quickly now oh you too that got joint oh so you were able to divine my intent what now warrior of light ah but that name is no longer fitting dull and quite incapable of borrowing my entry what the man this guy what do you mean what's going on here you truly do not know then i suppose it is only right that i enlighten you okay what did i do wrong the blessing of light kept you and your fellow meddlers safe it was that which prevented my kind from entering your domain teleports behind you nothing personnel what the my kind i say though it had no power over the likes of elidibus and la habrea being of this world they could come and go as they please while i could only look on okay but i need look no longer now that the seal is gone i mean to act unlike the others i am not given to waiting i shall take that stuff and bring about the next rejoining wait the escalations are the nazgul think about it except they can talk you can't kill them all you have to do is run from them and just stop them like yeah and they're working for zodiac who's sauron and they're trying to get the item which is the ring some good joining the isle of val the scholars all of it [Music] oh you will not harm her uh oh what is she doing again moon breeder man why must you insist on forcing my hand did you learn nothing from our last meeting ah but i forget what the let's fall upon deaf ears the staff is but a broken relic a memorial to the departed what possible use could you have for it true it's a stick this is fun you mean to say that all this time you kept the key never knowing what it was you presented oh the staff took simarti or rather the stone tableted bears is host to a great power together with the horn it can be used to draw vast quantities of ether from its bearers surroundings well how else do you think luis suarez was able to invoke the power of the twelve without making them an offering of crystals oh it's a staff summoning requires not only prayer but a profusion of ether even a child knows that if i did not know before you may be certain i do now but above all i know that we cannot allow the staff to fall into your hands i will die before i let you take it i don't think that's a good idea to say that insufferable woman i would happily end your miserable life here and now alas elitibus would never let me hear the end of it well just grab it out of her hand man like you can teleport behind her just grab it out of her hand and walk out but what do you mean how's this hard like very well if you will not part with a staff i will take you too yes joint that out of here man what are you doing wait what oh no we're not sending her into another jesus christ put her in a new castle man she's in another castle oh my god she's gone again oh no matt no after them quickly before the rift closes what the she's stupid like she should have not gone after that guy that guy stopped her axe with one finger like what were you thinking but are you crazy like what what what was going through your head only yeah yeah what is this oh what the dude what the oh damn i told you she's useless guys i told you i'm like wait what the there he is oh my god oh my god all right all right all right let's go we've got to defeat him in the cosby rift let's go um everybody's here we're all good to go i think everybody's pretty much here all right let's go okay doris it does les brea brand uh 100 tombstones if we complete this okay what do we have to do here uh i guess i might as well just pop the cd at the beginning here right nothing else i can do these disciplines aren't really that hard to deal with wait where'd he go um probably should move out of that maybe i don't know oh he's gonna summon ads i'm assuming right uh wait what the [Music] okay do i touch that okay yeah i do okay i'll touch that one too okay there we go all right good so we just have to collect his balls we have to stop his balls okay there should be one is there one more set because the the aura is getting bigger wow okay uh that was a lot okay this isn't really that bad oh he's already disappeared again okay easy very easy to avoid in case i this is yeah this is no problem okay he's gonna teleport to again because the beginning of the room no okay it's that one person we got lucky there it targeted the one person it wasn't with the group okay hit me see what happens can we see what happens okay good nice already 40 health [Music] okay is he gonna do i'm assuming he's gonna do another one of the ball phases yeah yeah okay let's do that physical vulnerability okay i'm just going to pick up these two ads here yeah that's fine magical vulnerability okay so you want to hit is just like different ads every single time different balls every time thinking that's the way it works so you hit this one here and then i hit this one here because they replace different buffs because one's physical and the other one's magical so if i take this one twice i'm gonna take damage right yeah i'll take damage okay so this increases my stacks i don't want to get hit by that one and i only want to get hit by the ones that are not okay i see wait why are people dead oh i guess i didn't figure it out okay let's kill his ass all righty quake three great game a great game i played it back in high school all the time okay where he be at there he be at those were the days man those were the days okay i'll pop some cds on him too might as well he's gonna teleport again i'm assuming yep there we go i'm gonna charge over to him can't get out of that i thought i'd be able to get a away too fast but it didn't work okay hitting it with the triple there we go he's at 20 voice 20 percent this is the easiest gg of my life got it uh what the is this gamma chicken feather attacks has also increased oh i'm probably not supposed to um uh it's like a tank slot mechanic wait what what what the um move in or out of that okay ethereal tier okay it's a soak mechanic it's a soaked mechanic it's a soaked mechanic get it good go to that one all right good got him i got it i got it i got it i couldn't hit the button it didn't let me hit the button i was spamming it okay just res me it's fine yeah just rest me we're good we're good just rez me come on conrad don't you oh conrad's dead milton milton milton come on milton come on milton take him down take all right all right let's go back over here try this again shadow round three okay yeah i know what to do now so conrad let's see where is he gonna go i'm gonna go to this side okay good conrad get that one conrad good okay now i have to tank these there we go okay good and he's gonna go get that one then there's gonna be another one that spawns here and i'll go over to that one and then he's gonna go to that one afterwards easy game easy game and i don't think i really need to worry about that one too much cranade will be able to get that one and i guess i can get this one here yeah there we go good and i'll pick this one up too oh that was close all right let's do it where he be at where he be at [Music] oh big dick damage oh big dick damage let's see it jesus that's four percent of his health god damn that's a dead ass that's a dead ass what's up bro what's up bro good thing there's no fall damage in this game [Music] that's good dude okay there she is you're safe thank the 12. i know you're welcome what the so you may have bested me this day but what of the next what of all the days to come so he gets to respawn and we don't that's not fair remember light no longer holds sway here oh my god i may return whenever i wish again and again and again eventually you will falter and the staff will be mine until next time scions can't do the there will be no next time this is the end oh well i thought we had to wait what what that oh wow we got his ass what yes dude we use a master ball what what trickery is this yeah you no no you cannot no oh ho ho dude he didn't want to be he didn't want to go in the pokeball man use to marty to gather ether quickly before he breaks free okay how do i do that okay so this is the the hammer oh concentrate call to mind the time you struck down la jabra with the blade of light i remember that oh it's got a shield why won't it work is it because we lack the blessing of light uh i don't know damn it so much ether and it still isn't enough damn that sucks fools no mortal prison can contain me i shall make you pay for your insolence oh we got nerfed yeah uh oh man please mother heideln hearken to our plea lend us your divine light yeah that's that's not gonna happen man why can you not hear us do our words no longer reach you because she ain't real bro she ain't real if only we had a bit more either yeah but we don't use the staff on them moon breeder what are you doing the master louis i understand now the choice you made the in death there is life farewell orion you daft old [Music] moon breeder no you mustn't what the what no it cannot end what the i am eternal i am what the f he's dead well where'd she go she's she's not gone right there's no way she's gone she's she's gone the are you telling me that we just disenchanted the hottest character in the game this is some this this is some man that's so like what the dude what the dude are you kidding me you did it my friend the asean is dead uh well wow this device is a legacy of moon breeders toils and sacrifice dude this is this is awful i shall hold on to it for safe keeping why couldn't we just use it use somebody else be like tataru come in here real quick i gotta show you something it comes in there oh there you go like why why did it have to be her you know like i mean for real man this is a not for tataru what what i mean like for real did i so nah yeah yeah what about papa potato oh man are you all right oh no man i am this is oh we were surveying northern thanolan when we received the distress call yeah we returned as swiftly as we were able it seems you have everything in hand however uh surprise what happened here where is moon breeder well that's dude that's up she gave her life to temper the blade of light i i have no words i'm so i'm so mad right now man like this is such i gotta take a piss this is so man this is some up this is stupid matt like uh why did they have what what it could be literally any other character ex except except michelada but any other character i'd have been happy man rather than await the inevitable she took her fate into her own hands jesus does does erionje know oh my friend there is something i must tell you i heard all my lady damn the moon sinketh taking her leave of the heavens yet her passing heraldeth the coming of a new day moon breeder hath fulfilled her destiny hath she not long ago far across the seas in the charley and motherland moon breeder and i did study under the sage tutelage of master louis oh what the full off did he impress upon us but knowledge existeth to serve the great this sentiment however was contrary to the nation's policy of neutrality which censured intercedence in the affairs of foreign lands oh my god in spite of vehement opposition he founded the circle of knowing and journeyed hitherto the heart of eorzea through his noble sacrifice was the realm spared its doom holy man this great soul whom all should rightly have honored was branded a pariah in his own land his peers did accuse him of forsaking his duty as a man of learning what the of meddling in the course of history when he left charlene behind master luis suarez gave nowhere to signal his intent to moon breda close as they were as master and disciple she was deeply wounded by the sudden exclusion from his confidence damn that's sad above all however she was confused dry as she might she could ill comprehend her master's motive the slanders that were heaped upon him after his passing served only to inflame the turmoil within her damn for years upon end she knew not what to believe torn as she was twixt the man whom she revered and the man who forsook her and his duty both what the damn that's sad louis i knew would never forsake his duty much less one of his own yeah this i know full well my lady it was not for want of love that master louis suarez hid his intent he but desired that moon breeder discover her own path free of the shadow of his influence long did i contemplate revealing the truth to her and long did i hold my peace he never told him after all was it not master louise suarez wish that she come to the truth unaided i told myself it was and resolved to let her suffer damn that's rough knowingly did i deny my friend the comfort she craved and now she has gone to her rest with doubt still in her heart damn that's that sucks that sucks speak is thou in earnest did moon breeder truly come to understand master luis suarez will before the end oh yeah cause what she said the realization has set her free she may now find the peace which have for so long eluded her damn man that's sad my dearest oh i shall miss thee damn i feel bad for him that's that's awful moonbreda gave her life that we might possess the means to defeat the aseans true her sacrifice must not be in vain let us continue her work on the blade of ether and see it to completion my lady i would mourn moon breeder in mine own way i beg your permission to return to the waking sands of course my friend take all the time you require we shall be here should you have need of us that's nice man that's up that's dude that's man dude oh my god dude man what the dude why what the like they had to bring her into the story and then oh my god dude she's actually gone man like but like all right all right can y'all tell me the truth is she like actually gone or is it like some dragon ball z thing where she's gonna come back she's actually gone because i was thinking i didn't see her in any of the cinematics or anything and i guess that's why dude man i can't believe this what a bunch of horse this is man a bunch of absolute complete horse [Music] man [Music] this is some real guys had i been quicker or wiser or useful at all but i was not and you paid the price true but you would not suffer us to walk sorrow would you you would tell us to pick ourselves up and get on with it and so we shall we shall defend this realm and her people to the last okay we will do that we shall do that [Music] what the is this oh life for death a fair exchange can they see him like did they know that a dragon just teleported next to me other bargains will be struck it's just me and him well this guy's way more useful than the crystal to be honest this is way better god damn yeah he's way way better victory around a combat last honor the fallen the living forge ever on towards the light of a new day dude [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 370,546
Rating: 4.921042 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, asmongold plays final fantasy, final fantasy xiv, a realm reborn, final fantasy day 10, asmongold final fantasy day 10, ffxiv patch 2.4, ffxiv patch 2.5, ffxiv day 10, ffxiv story, Moenbryda death, Moenbryda
Id: aMHgKh48Oi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 2sec (6062 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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