Asmongold Impressed By NA New Transmount Competition (Alliance)

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it's been a while it's been a while since we've come in here into the n a and we've given the alliance a chance to redeem themselves now many times before we've done these transmog competitions and let's be honest it's been a clown show so today i want to see some really good sets i don't want to see any clown sets i don't want to see any fire lands andes i already see you you're right there better change it better change it all right uh shield spam the faceless one okay what do you guys think about this set i think it's pretty mediocre right he's using those shoulders right there i think those are the mr pandaria pvp shoulders with the helmet right there for an 8.3 set as well as the belt that scythe right there that comes from the warlock questline and also this shirt there he's not even wearing a chest piece at all i think this is kind of mediocre honestly let's see what the mount is get on your mount uh oh the red shoulders with the mat the red shoulders with the mound are really [ __ ] good dude like that is actually really really really [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] i like that a lot but overall i don't think this is really that great i think it's okay but we've seen so many of these other n'zoth transmogs like this before this doesn't really excite me like i've seen a bunch of these already and it's just like okay cool here's another one like i don't know i think it's just average at best uh that's about it man yeah so many old sets yeah i think it sucks man that's really all there is to it lo-res weapon yeah i think that's kind of a negative but overall it's kind of okay uh not really a big deal i have a pirate helm well i don't think that's a little bit i think that's a little bit worse okay so decent enough but it could be better [Music] kura okay so we've got the that's the void elf gloves shoulders boots and uh shoulders and boots and then it's a warrior so he's using the leggings right there um i really like the weapons and i really like the weapons with the shoulders i think the weapons of the shoulders look really really [ __ ] good uh as we all know obviously purple does equal wind tavr to the silver moon which is the warsong gulch tabard and uh the helmet right there from engineering uh i think that he's gonna get on i'll tell you what mount i think he's going to get on like get on your mount avoid talon [Music] it's the second option i mean that's the other one i would have expected to that looks pretty good i mean it does look pretty damn good i would say so what do you guys think i think it looks alright i mean it's not super original it's not super amazing right but what i really like about it though is that the purple on the mount matches the purple on the tavern i think that's what really kind of ties the armor and the mount together and it actually does look really good with those two things coming together so i actually like this a lot in the way that it actually it fits together very well i know obviously it's not ideal right it's not perfect it's not probably the best set that we're gonna see but overall i think this guy did a pretty good job man yeah it did a pretty good [ __ ] job man uh will weapon mug with that uh these are the uh the size of the unmaker man yeah they're the scythe at the end maker i like it though this looks good man uh good job kira i'm proud of you almost a full set it's pretty close to a full set so i don't know if it's going to win but uh it's decent enough cerax of the black harvest from the guild weekend pandas [Music] i kind of like this tier 4 shoulders for warlock i even got my felguard with the right trance oh the fel card has damn that's the fel card with the weapon from the legion invasions events holy [ __ ] that is impressive god damn with the helmet right there from antorus the belt right there from 8.3 which weapon is this this is one of the demonology weapons this is really good this is real that's impressive he's got the warlock [ __ ] weapon all right let's see the mouth why'd you get on this mount you had a transmog that was a solid seven episode and the mount could have i just could tell you got the first stay back from nine months of not playing well you know what you're also going to have nine months of not winning the transmog competition like there's a lot of people that have that mount it's not a big deal nobody gives a [ __ ] it's completely rng it's easy to farm i just don't have it yet because i haven't gotten lucky this isn't about luck it's about skill today you've shown us that you have none as well as no honor because i'm going to get that mouth the next time i kill it 100 fire ward in knox so those shoulders right there are i think from cataclysm that's a ruthless gladiator shoulders i believe the belt there comes from hellfire citadel the helmet there is obviously from brd the weapon is from firelands and this is a firelands andy without it being a fireland zandy i'm very impressed by this there are actually no pieces here from firelands now what i like about this the most are the gloves in the boots the dark gloves and the dark boots is really what ties this together and makes it look [ __ ] amazing i love this man the staff yeah the staff well yeah i guess the staff yeah you're right about that but i guess i didn't really count the weapon regardless i think this is really well put together and the set looks [ __ ] great i like this a lot this is is this the elite ruthless gear the elite ruthless gladiator gear holy [ __ ] okay yeah this guy's taking it seriously he doesn't play the game for fun all right get on the mount [Music] damn damn that's really good holy [ __ ] that's really good oh my god dude i i love this man the warforged nightmare it fits so well and like so here's what's so good about it is he's got the red hands it's like the red under armour and the mount is made out of like [ __ ] lava or some [ __ ] this is incredible man i like this a lot holy [ __ ] and yes obviously it's a storm out we're not gonna get really really excited over that too much but i still think that it's [ __ ] amazing like this is incredible man uh inoculux like [ __ ] nice job dude nice [ __ ] job i i don't really know if it's pay to win like it's just ultimately like you can go with anything and this one works really well like i like it a lot good [ __ ] job innocuous great [ __ ] job let's go to the next one inquisitor [ __ ] ready the [ __ ] is this so we've got the old deer gloves the chest piece and also the boots there i believe with the shoulders from nighthold and the chest piece from i don't even know what chess piece that's from this is okay i mean it's okay not amazing though i really don't think it's amazing it's just decent now i'm going to step back in a minute i that what i like the most about it is his uh leggings and the helmet i think those are the two high points of this set now what's the weapon here this weapon right here comes from ulduar this is one of the old war swords and the uh the cloak also looks really really [ __ ] good too overall i think this is a really well put together set and if he gets on a good mount this could actually be a contender [Music] oh oh dude here's why he got on the mount guys everybody knows why he got on the mount he got on the mount because his shoulders match the horn like that's the whole reason there's not anything more to it there's not anything more exciting to it at all uh that's it he just got the shoulders that match the horn and that's all he gives a [ __ ] about man i'm sorry to say dude like it's uh it's kind of sad but uh there it is uh why my man i don't know dude chess piece matches it ruined by a bad mog i think this set does look really good but this mount honestly is pretty [ __ ] mediocre it looks like it's gaudy and just annoying and it's got a bunch of different colors in it that don't really fit very well together i think this mount kind of sucks in general so personally i would say this mount and this combination aren't really that good man it could be a lot better could be a lot better better luck next time long time no see time ward reptilian from the guild hero academia so the uh shadow ends pre-order chess piece and wet and helmet uh those shoulders right there which shoulders are these from i think these are from i don't do which ones are these i don't even [ __ ] remember giant pumpers what the [ __ ] i don't remember at all what those are from and then the helmet the chest from old deer dog well then oh oh it is yeah you're right it actually is a chest from all deer i didn't realize i thought it was like two different items i thought was just the legs and then the gloves also from all deer the boots i believe also from all deer and then the shoulders i don't know where these are from and then the weapon of course comes from 8.3 i think it could be from pvp or also nylotha uh i like this i actually like it i i know that sounds crazy but i think this looks pretty [ __ ] good um i actually thought that for a second he was wearing the full set with the helmet but other than that i just don't really feel like there's anything too crazy about it i don't know like i mean we'll see how the mount looks but i don't know if this is really going to be a winner or not let's go ahead and uh we'll see what the mount looks like but the time loss proto drake hmm i just like i don't think it's really there man like i know a lot of you guys like you probably want to be like oh man it's good it's really nice like i don't think it is i feel like this is just a it's a boring boring [ __ ] set i mean it's a boring amount like it's just oh man i feel like these like you guys need to like guys like you you have to do a better job with these mounts you can't just say i'm brown so the mount's brown like it's it's more complicated than that reptilian this is a cool looking set and i think the weapon is really cool with the set but the mount absolutely doesn't [ __ ] work man it does not [ __ ] work now the inoculux is good cura's was good yeah those were good because it matched on a deeper level right and uh other than that i just think the rest of these are kind of [ __ ] annoying man uh i don't know what else way to say uh there it is let's see the purple set well this isn't a purple set this is a uh i don't even know what color this is the [ __ ] is that what are you doing what you doing what is he doing what are you doing what are you doing yeah it's way better yeah that's unironically a lot better okay it's not even like yeah that's that's a hundred percent better i don't know why you why didn't you just come in here with this this is way [ __ ] cooler like this is a thousand [ __ ] times cooler i know but i've used this before yeah well this is yeah obviously you probably got a placing with this one it's really good yeah purple equals win well in this case it does because the purple set's a lot [ __ ] better yeah you should have gone with that the first time man let's go to the next guy reptilian good try a steamed warsaw i kind of like this shoulders right there from mr pandaria mogus and vaults also the gloves as well from bogus and vault to end the leggings and the boots there oh sorry the leggings are actually from uh the leggings are from the uh hellfire citadel uh paladin offset legs as well as the chess piece the belt right there comes from antorus for warriors and then these weapons right here are five-man dungeon swords that come from wards of draenor and then the helmet there is the deadly gladiators helmet from season five in rather wedge king i like this a lot i really like this a lot this is [ __ ] insane this is really really really oh dude oh dude this is long dick warsaw i want you to listen to me right now more so listen to me right now if you get on a bad mouth i am going to be so [ __ ] mad at you don't even think about getting on a bad mount warsaw you get on a good mount right now show them show them where you're coming from get on it good now why did you get on this mount do you guys like this let me step back and look at it a bit i don't know i'm sweaty from what from farming to mount okay so let's talk about some positives let's talk about some negatives the positives the best the chest right the chest and the and the the face thing of this this is where it really comes down to okay that is [ __ ] amazing i really really like the way that comes together and the saw yeah the saw looks good everything about that is awesome but it's really only the chest that ties them out in now other than that i don't really think this is very great i think it's more or less average but thematically yeah it doesn't really match at all i think you could have probably gone with something a little bit better but this is okay and the fact that you have such an interesting and cool and unique transmog we are gonna try to give this a little bit of a pass and be a little bit more understanding okay it was it was at a nine and i'd say it went down to an eight which still means it's an eight and eight is pretty [ __ ] good and an innate transmog comp that's basically an eleven so we'll see what happens that probably i don't know might have been better i i don't know if that would have been better or not it's kind of hard to say i feel like it probably it's i don't know like the mount coloration is a little bit different it's i think it's worse yeah i mean it's just like the other one probably was better because of the chess piece uh this was really good though warsaw nice job proud of you shock shock with the helmet from nighthold the shoulders from blackrock foundry the leggings there or the belt i forgot which one from the uh the the heritage armor for blackrock uh sorry uh dark iron dwarves and then also the black hand from blackhand and the gloves in the boots from who the [ __ ] cares or some old item it doesn't even matter anyway i think this is okay i mean i don't think it's amazing i think it's just okay i'm not super excited about this or anything like that yeah keep off your mount warsaw so the guy gets a little bit more room to get on his mouth yeah i think it's okay but uh it's nothing too crazy uh we'll have to go ahead and we'll see what we got yeah it's better than i don't know if it's bearing before all right let's see the mount [Music] hmm what do you guys think i just like honestly like i think it's okay it's it's okay but it's not like crazy good i'll be honest i have like a bit of a bias against the really really big mounts because i just feel like they don't it's just so overpowering and it's hard to even get like a good idea like how your character even fits on them to begin with right i just i feel like they're just too big for these types of competitions and uh i don't know i think it's okay i think the transmog is about mediocre and the mount is like just an average combination i think this is just typically the kind of guy that you see in like a normal mode raid and he does middle of the pack dps and he doesn't talk to anybody you know not really very memorable you don't remember his name five minutes after you look at it it's not that big of a deal it could be better it could be worse but it is what it is we'll see what happens let's go to the next one noah bedelia delver of the vaults from the guild run through i'm going to be honest with you i don't think this is a particularly interesting transmog the chat is would you like the transmog if it wasn't on a draenei female like really would you like it if it was not on a draenei female because i'm pretty sure you guys [ __ ] wouldn't okay you're just liking it because it's on the draenei female okay obviously a lot of these pieces are for more it's drainer i think this belt is from uh uh what belt's up from uh [ __ ] hellfire not help our siege of orgrimmar and uh the weapon here obviously comes from elegant and mogushon balls i think that's the heroic version of star shatter um i i don't know man like i think this is average it's not crazy but it's average this is an okay looking set like i've seen so many sets that look just like this in warlords of draenor i want to see something that really impresses me i'll be honest guys one of the most impressive ones i've seen so far is warsaw's i really like his set because i feel like it's unique and it's not something that i've seen a hundred [ __ ] times before mila bella i want you to get on your mount and once you get on the right mount that's perfect that's perfect that's incredible wow that's so fitting like a desert bandit that's big that's so big mila bella that's so big oh my god i like this a lot yeah this is really really [ __ ] nice like this is the example this is that's what i was going for yeah obviously uh this is what these this is what i'm talking about and then the eyes match the weapon i just noticed that now that i see it there um this right here is what we want to see in a trans mount composition this is a mount that makes it [ __ ] better this is what we like to see dude and so even if you don't have an amazing set you put on something like this you get on a mount like this and it just totally [ __ ] turns things around because of how well done it is i like this a lot great [ __ ] job milla i am very [ __ ] impressed yeah this went from like a five to like an eight or a nine i am [ __ ] impressed by this good [ __ ] job milla bella i'm very proud of you very proud of you incredible land the fabulous from the old knob squad so um this is basically like a scuffed aquaman right like what is this what are you supposed to be so you've got the leggings and a chest piece and a record tier 2 rogue set you've got the trident from thunder strike which just about is actually it's pretty it's pretty fitting consider a druid of the fin an underwater druid wait a minute yeah that's really good that no this is a it's a unique idea how many how many aquatic themed druid sets have we ever seen this is one of the first ones that we've ever seen and you guys are like oh no no no no no shut up this is the first one we've ever seen this is awesome like i completely changed my opinion on it now holy [ __ ] lymph this is great this is great man let's see the mount okay that is pretty cool now i want to say one thing it's not under water a water moose yeah it could be a water moose absolutely yeah it could be a water move sick yeah that's [ __ ] of why why couldn't it be a water moves mooses can be any color they want all right like yeah this good old water moves no listen guys y'all are [ __ ] like you guys are being stupid right now okay i'm gonna say that right now y'all are being dumb like this is an interesting unique [ __ ] set this is a brilliant idea it's something that nobody's ever done before and they're trying out a mountain and obviously if we were in the underwater they probably would have gotten on an underwater mountain but they don't have one because we're not underwater we're in the [ __ ] desert so that's the way it goes this is a cool concept the mount fits very well in terms of a color theme and also makes sense if it's made out of water this is very very well done i like it a lot this is really really clean good [ __ ] job lamp i'm very impressed by this i like it a lot good job great [ __ ] job the azure drake no dazzer drake wouldn't have fit at all man it wouldn't fit at all this is a great combination especially with using that thing on his weapon too great job land don't let the don't let the chat tell you what to think this is a good set proud of you death lord sarah aleli hey asman i drew the all-seer picture on reddit thank you so much for the compliments highlight of my year well thank you let's see what the set is hydraulic armor chest piece so it's a little 51 blue item that comes from vanilla wow those shoulders right there are the elite version sorry heroic version of the dragon soul shoulders for warriors those leggings right there are the icc offset leggings for warriors as well there's the dk tier set those boots right there are the boots of the those are doom plate boots i believe that drop from a five-man dungeon and burning crusade that staff right there is a record staff that came from originally hellfire citadel's chrome rock but then it was record and uh put in a boe item for uh warlords of draenor not worth it for a bfa blue and bfa epic i mean and then there's gloves here which gloves are these i'm not really sure what gloves those are um let's see here and then the quote there is the seventh legion cloak i think this set actually does look pretty good uh it's a little bit odd is this like a dragon some sort of dragonborn set i think that's pretty interesting yeah weapon and shoulders look amazing together yeah i actually like this a lot i also really i think the chess piece obviously is one of the uh it's one of the better parts of the set i'll definitely say that but um this is one of the good things about i really do think that like i think that like the vanilla wow armor genuinely made the characters boobs bigger like i think that the developers did that on purpose and uh that's a good thing that's why classic's better than retail and so anyway um let's see the mount [Music] island storm scale the island storm scale can you guys spread out a bit so i don't have to like i like to show just the one person yeah guys just spread out a bit yeah this is actually pretty [ __ ] good uh this is obviously like it fits right i mean this is obviously like a dragon uh a dragonkin trans mug because she's got the shoulders right there and i think the legs with the runes on them and i know it obviously was a dk set but just the legs alone don't really say dk on them really there's no skulls i don't think on it and the mount fits perfectly in terms of color and also in terms of theme this is very well done this is very very well done eyes matching them out uh no because her eyes are [ __ ] what um oh it matches the mount to outline yeah that's screw uh i'll say that for sure yeah this is really really [ __ ] good certainly this is awesome i am impressed by this this is this is actually a good in a transmog this is an example of a set that looks good on its own and then is enhanced by the mount this is perfect good [ __ ] job proud of you [Music] i will say one thing this weapon right here is extremely rare i believe this weapon is from the 10 man version of trial of the crusader isn't it crash gyrocopter rotor wait what where the [ __ ] are these i thought these were from toc tin man from like a noob iraq i don't even know holy [ __ ] well regardless it's from all the war really i don't think so um regardless it's uh really [ __ ] nice man uh i like this a lot uh obviously like the uh the shoulders are are pretty interesting with the helmet as well like the chess piece i think comes from toc i'm not 100 sure on that but uh i like this yeah this is okay he doesn't have a neck he doesn't need a neck man and uh yeah the helmet's covering his neck now this set isn't like the weapons are a little bit odd the gloves are a little bit weird and i think the boots are just kind of like you know they're just there but let's see what he's gonna do with the mount okay this could be good if it's if it's got a really good mount [Music] vicious war lion oh man oh man look i'm gonna be honest it's okay it's okay but there's really no there's no connection here like there's no that there's no continuity the amount just just waiting for the mount off after okay i'm not sure if i'll do one but i guess we'll find out uh all right yeah decent enough only sab with the insane can you guys please spread out i guess i said please this [ __ ] social distance okay holy [ __ ] only sad with the insane from the guild matt damon so this is what we like to call a mechagnome how can you tell it's a mechagnome because he only has three pieces of gear transmog because that's as many as he's allowed that transmog so this is obviously a hunter though i actually think i'm gonna be honest i actually think this set is amazing so those shoulders right there are the shaman shoulders from i think for uh i forgot where those shaman shoulders even from is that siege of orgrimmar and then the belt right there comes from normal mode or heroic mode uh blackrock foundry for hunters and then the uh the weapon there is i think from uh black engineering uh let me just double check here real quick let me double check what this uh this is shred iron shredder i don't even [ __ ] know this is really really good like this is a this is a mechanome transmog that incorporates the mechanome elements into the set in a way that doesn't just look goofy and stupid this actually makes the mechanome set look better and look more impressive only sablet i like this a lot great [ __ ] job let me see this guy's mount wait he's got oh it's blastotron okay memron said okay that actually fits really well eyes mount eyes match mount eyes match gun scope so the uh oh the eyes match the eyes holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] dude that is [ __ ] big i i love it man that's really really [ __ ] nice yeah amazing [ __ ] job dude really really good job everything about this fits together i like everything about this it's really really really good finally some good [ __ ] transmog exactly dude finally some good [ __ ] transmog great work man super proud of you you did amazing good like i i think this is actually like really really nice like even the uh just like the transmog in itself i think is really good yeah this is completely unique and for a lot of you guys like here's the problem right is we don't see a lot of unique [ __ ] and that's why whenever we see something like this i really want to [ __ ] get it i i really want to give it a a a certain amount of like [ __ ] what do you call it a certain amount of acknowledgement you know empyrion the lightbringer helmet right there from mythic emerald nightmare the purple from the helmet matches the tapard shoulders right there from normal mode siege of orgrimmar for paladins belt right there from tomb of sargeras for paladins leggings and boots right there from mythic trial of valor and then the weapon right there comes from normal myth racks and all the ear the gloves the gloves the gloves are from normal or heroic mode battle a tall bizarre and oh my god that's such a good combination grip says the other elected audience and look at that dude oh my [ __ ] god dude this is [ __ ] nice this is [ __ ] nice dude this is a paladin transmog in a new and unique way and then here's what's really good about it right you see the under armour from the [ __ ] chess piece here and then you see it going into the gloves which is why you chose to use these gloves and not one of the other traditional paladin gloves that you would normally use in sets that look like this this is attention to detail and a uh observance of a theme this is really really really [ __ ] good dude i love this set it is absolutely incredible nice [ __ ] job i don't see how this set could get any better let's see the mount come on it's about what i expected [Music] this is good it's not awful right i mean the thing is like there are no mounts in the game that match the type of uh the color theme that he has going i think this is pretty [ __ ] good like it's obviously not perfect right okay i think we all know it's not perfect but this is still really really really [ __ ] good [Music] it's so good yeah like i do really really think this is good super [ __ ] close yeah i mean especially for him being a paladin of the light and then also having the purple on the mount right there too like whenever you actually zoom out oh dude that's the thing dude whenever i zoom out on it and i actually see him on the mount oh dude there it is that's what we like to see right there the moment i zoom out and i see it that's what really really looks [ __ ] clean man this is great easy easy easy [ __ ] easy it's so good nice [ __ ] job in period i'm proud of you this is very very well done let's go to the next one purple father storm's end the helmet right there from the high mall set for dks the shoulders and also the chest piece or sorry excuse me the shoulders and the uh the leggings and the boots right there from heroic throne of thunder the belt also from highmaul set for dks the gloves and also the chest piece there from tier 14 warrior set with the scythe of the unmaker and also obviously using the cloak from the legendary quilt quest line now this guy is obviously a stardust crusader obviously this looks really good i've used a set that's very similar to this before i kind of like it man i do i kind of like it it's not this is not a full set it is not a full set this guy is like a cosmic [ __ ] warrior i love it what do you guys think like i i think this is super super well done like this helmet is actually one of my favorite helmets in the whole [ __ ] game and i never find a set that really fits and makes it work very well yeah i think this is big dick this is an absolute [ __ ] big dick set purple father do it get the mount [Music] oh dude oh dude that is good that is good now obviously the theme is a little bit different the theme is not perfect but i do think that this looks really really [ __ ] nice what do you guys think do you like it holy [ __ ] paul yeah i think this is actually really good yeah this is [ __ ] great man i like it a lot good [ __ ] job preble father obviously it's not perfect i know the mount's not perfect but i think the set that you did is really really well done i don't want anybody in chat to take away from that from you okay so you did a great [ __ ] job i'm very proud of you good [ __ ] work man this is like robocop not quite but it's okay let's go to the next one we've got wow i quit the faceless one with the helmet right there from the uh i'm assuming that's the uh either one of the new helmets or the helmet that comes from the uh divisions those shoulders there that come from blackrock foundry the chess piece that comes from somewhere who cares and the belt same thing and then the staff right there that's the ebb and show uh challenge mode artifact appearance with the cloak right there you can already tell which is the uh mr pandaria legendary cloak now here's a question that i have for you whenever you named your character were you assuming that you just quit on your transmog too because it seems like that's what you did this makes absolutely no sense this is a drab and boring transmog that has no interest or no value besides the shoulders and the weapon there's nothing cool about this at all wow i quit is a great [ __ ] name for somebody who gave up on their transmog now let's see if you gave up on your mount go ahead get off the mount be off now get off everybody here uh let's go ahead and say a big thank you to while i quit because um they have just established the brown standard of this transmog composition there is no way that i will think your transmog is worse than this and lower effort than this this is the most low effort transmog with a mount that does not even attempt to match it this is an absolute [ __ ] and it is the worst one that i've seen i am embarrassed to have seen this i am embarrassed to have you in my group while i quit you need to start working a lot harder on these transmogs because this is not good enough i'm not bullying him i'm just letting him know embarrassing absolutely embarrassing solaris storms in from the gildo easy hmm what do you guys think [Music] i think it's kind of shitty i'm gonna be honest i think it's kind of low effort and shitty now it could be the goal for this set could be to be a much more basic and and simple set and i can respect that that's completely fine but how do i really feel about this is it really that great i don't know i think it's okay that's really all there is to it it's just simply okay all right solaris let's see the mount get on it get on the mountain [Music] why did you get on this mountain valjar stormling why did you get on this mountain why would you get on this mountain [Music] pants cloak highlight [Music] solaris that's not good enough this makes no sense this is probably one of the more low effort sets that we've seen so far it's not very good the mount doesn't fit at all with the theme of what you're doing i don't think this is great in any way i'm sorry guys it's just not good enough solaris better luck next time you're gonna need it rick taran of the deeps from the guild cliche asman i am from the deeps and my trusted steed subdued seahorse wouldn't be able to survive in this harsh environment i brought my next most pressed amount as in as a replacement now i'm gonna be honest here i think this is probably one of the coolest sets that i've ever seen this is [ __ ] awesome the entire idea of a set that comes from the bottom of the [ __ ] ocean is totally [ __ ] badass that weapon right there from terrace of the endless spring i don't think we've ever seen anybody use that weapon before the helmet there that comes from the island expedition that's a record version of the thr the fire winds set for uh for druids this is really good the thing that i like the most about it is that it's not perfectly put together it's a little bit mish-mashed and i think that actually works more for this set that he's going for now guys this could be a very big dick mountain it could be let's see it rick taran go hit us with the mount of course i like it this is good this is good i understand that you guys some the idea by the way guys is not always to match the colors the colors of the mount are not necessarily important the color it's the theme it's the idea of the mount if he comes from the bottom of the ocean what's at the bottom of the ocean [ __ ] crabs and he's on a goddamn crab i think this is [ __ ] awesome i love this victaron great [ __ ] job i'm proud of you and i think you actually put together a very unique set we've never seen somebody come in here before with a set like this and because of that i'm impressed all on my own yeah from bikini bottom exactly man this is really really nice job crabs are not from the deep if they're that big they are because they're really big and no crabs that's how it works this is really really [ __ ] good man rick taran i'm proud of you good work great work [Music] not johnny [Music] thank you thank you [Music] not johnny this set is not good [Music] i'm sorry this set sucks and you know why there it is there it is yep good job good job good job boys let them know let them know all about it proud of you guys [Music] this set is mediocre at best it's not mediocre best it's not good not johnny let me see the mountain get on the mountain not johnny stop i couldn't have thought of anything that was more low effort and pathetic and embarrassing than using the drake of the north winds with this pathetic mismatch of wrath of the lich king and mr pandarian cataclysm gear there is nothing redeeming at all about this set there is no established color theme that you've used throughout your entire set of pieces and it truly means that you probably randomly selected 12 different pieces of gear and put them on without even looking what you look like this is the worst set that i've ever seen in terms of plate i think this guy's probably a little bit worse overall whatever it is yeah wow i quit this guy's probably a little bit worse overall but you guys are really circling the bottom man like this is a race to the bottom and guess what you're both losing johnny think about it like this it can only get better from here i want to see you come in next time and come in with a real set this isn't a real set this is real piece of [ __ ] sets [ __ ] garbage it doesn't match at all thank you sir of course better walk next time twilight vanquisher diesel legion ah jesus i just what are you doing dude that's a helmet right there from the old war 25 men set and then the weapon right there from kolter's world quest the shoulders there from the uh what's that tortoise which is from the fourth boss and uh throwing up thunder heroic the chest piece there and also the gloves actually just the chest piece there from the mists of pandaria dungeons as well as the boots the leggings and also the gloves there from the uh legion uh questing and then the belt there from heroic throne thunder as well for dk's now here's what this set is here's what this set is this set is probably you and not johnny are almost equal like i think your set's a little bit better but that's not saying a lot like that set is terrible and yours is just bad okay like there's nothing unique or special about this set at all i don't know what you were thinking i don't know what kind of monitor color theme you have going on to think this actually looks good but if your monitor actually makes it look like this set looks good you need to buy a new monitor because it's not this is trash it doesn't work in any [ __ ] way possible and i don't know how the [ __ ] anybody could think this works at all this is circling the drain it's not even circling the drain it's all the way down in the [ __ ] sewer at this point that's reason let's see on the mountain get on the mount get them out now now come on get them up get on get off get on the mountain what do you guys you guys do this together you guys think this up together you guys going like oh [Laughter] the [ __ ] was this the hell are you thinking the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] i don't know what the [ __ ] you're thinking i don't know why you decided to get on this mount i actually thought that your set couldn't get worse but then you got on the mount and i realized that you outdid yourself this is embarrassing it's sad if your set was twice as good it would still be just as bad because zero multiplied by anything is still zero better luck next time you're gonna need it absolute [ __ ] trash [Music] already is from the guild red stag the shoulders and chest and also the gloves right there from an antorus normal mode dk set that helmet right there from the hateful gladiator blue set actually was the epic set from a rather lich king first season in pvp the belt and also the uh boots right there from the draenor garrison from the black rock set and then the leggings there that actually come from the that's the icc or sorry old war set for dks and then the weapon armageddon it comes from four horsemen on 25 men knox ramens parrot feather cloaked it comes from heroic uh heroic or normal mode i forgot which one heroic or normal mode uh freehold on the first boss i've i have that quote myself i don't know what to think about this set i'll be honest i love this helmet the face plates are some of my favorite [ __ ] armor sets in the whole game i love the faceplates but honestly it doesn't really fit with the theme of the rest of your set [Music] it's too different of a color the architecture on it is completely odd it's not the same as anything else that is the problem with this set other than that i think it's very very clean and very well done let's see the mount see the mount hmm the order of ember's quest [Music] exalted i mean i think this is kind of average like you're not going to expect to see a like a [ __ ] like a dark rider right i mean this is like some [ __ ] like dark lord [ __ ] uh riding around on just a random ass black horse okay i don't think that's really yet man the armor the horse doesn't really work man the horse's back is dying hard to find a black mount i know it's hard i'm fully where it is i don't know what do you guys think thoughts this is a set in my opinion that gets substantially better the farther away you are from it because that's me that means that you won't be able to tell how much different the helmet looks than the rest of the armor so like for example if i move back to here this set looks [ __ ] amazing like this is absolutely [ __ ] badass what do you want me to click on that m pepe that's good very very very very clever very clever elrius it's the funniest and most clever thing i've ever seen in my whole life look at my class if you're a warrior okay of course you're a warrior that helmet is only available to warriors yeah you have to be a warrior to get the helmet i was a rhett once i'm glad you've earned the error of your ways alvarez this is a decent looking set i do think the helmet is a bit odd but other than that i think everything else looks really really good all right we'll go on to the next one yeah it's not even close rival scrim now this is the person that was just throwing a soccer ball over at the other idiot but the guy was an idiot so i'm gonna let it pass that helmet right there is a tier five helmet for rogues and also the gloves there too the tavern of the night fallen the shoulders right there from uh hellfire citadel for rogues and then these weapons right here what are these weapons uh these weapons are from i don't even [ __ ] know are these the artifact weapons i'm not even 100 sure on that warmongering gladiators shanker i like to see that shout out to my friend ricardo hey got you bass there's leggings here these leggings here you can count the pixels on them these leggings here are from a burning crusade 5-man dungeon these are not very good they don't fit at all with the rest of your set but i think the color theme is really good and if i step back a bit it's acceptable at least it's not a full set very true get on the mount this set could actually win or could have a placing if he gets on a good mount please get on a good mount why pixels match the mount no they don't how do they max how do they match the mount or this then how does this what what what are you thinking oh my god oh my god oh my god i what is this what is it with these clowns i only got 244 mounts yeah and you probably could have picked a better one from that this is so insane man doesn't match at all i don't think it does like i tried there's a lot of people that tried okay since this you've been trying to make this set since this morning and this is the best you've come up with i'm gonna be real with you i think that armor is actually really good the armor the transmog itself is good but the mount no mount i don't like the mount at all man uh the mount could be way [ __ ] better man uh yeah it could be way way way [ __ ] better same transmog for a winner a few weeks ago no it was not on that same transmog from the winner was actually using the um so this is the same hold uh same helmet and shoulders with the original transmog as well as the uh the nightborne tavern but he was using a different pair of legs and he was also using the challenge mode daggers instead of the ones that he's using right now and they were more of a bluish color that matched better than the warmongering gladiator shankers that he's using right now he won the transmog competition about three or four months ago i remember that let's go what's this here biden 2020 hey well at least somebody says it let's go [ __ ] you chat trump is 26 what all right um jazz dude champion of the frozen waste hmm [Music] i think this is just a mismatch of gear like so let's see what we've got going on here those shoulders right there are from the uh that's from the dk mythic antorus set the helmet there is the 25 man healing helmet from next dramas the chesapeake circle's first boss in antorus as well that coke right there comes from i think somewhere in bfa the the belt right there comes from blackrock foundry mythic and then the leggings there come from mythic tomb of sargeras the boots there come from warlords on oz on a dragon soul on normal mode and then the gloves there come from icc and then the weapon of course is shadows edge [Music] okay jazz dude listen i think this set is boring unimaginative all different well they are all different and that's obvious just by looking at your set for just 30 seconds because maybe you should have gone with some that are the same because then at least you'd have some semblance of a theme going on this is an idea this is the transmog that somebody puts together without understanding the nuance and the uh the the the finesse of transmogs this is the most unsophisticated transmog that i've seen in a long time what this person did is they took a color theme and an armor theme and they put the color theme and armor theme together and they just put together and a set with all the different pieces of gear that fit that color theme and armor theme that's it time out the political i don't want to hear about that stupid [ __ ] the odds are it doesn't matter who wins president your lives probably won't even change to begin with just getting mad for [ __ ] nothing i don't want to see that [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] up this set's all right but it's just just mediocre like it's it's not terrible right but it's just mediocre let me see the mount we brought it up with the guy [ __ ] just because i bring it up doesn't mean i want people maulding out over for the next 30 minutes in chat [ __ ] typing paragraphs to each other [ __ ] that dude [ __ ] that dude give our [ __ ] give me a minute look over here okay where's the rest of this i think this set is not really that good i think the mount matches kind of well ironbound race charger is okay i guess so yeah i i mean like this i don't know what do you guys think yeah what do you what do you guys think i think it's okay but not necessarily amazing man and uh yeah it's just it's not that big of a deal like i think it's it's okay but it's not really that [ __ ] amazing man uh it's overrated yeah it's just like i've seen people that use this mount in such a better way now the shoulders make the mount look really good but that's literally the only way to do that right everything else is just kind of whatever i think all the rest of it's pretty mediocre and all the rest is kind of like whatever why do you call everyone andy yes um jazz dude this is an all right set and i think the mount just fits the theme as well but that's about it man andy is a sword for anyone whose personality is consumed by a single thing uh i think its personality is relegated to a single thing not necessarily consumed but jazz dude nice try arena master capri from the guild narcolepsy i actually like this set a lot now you can tell that it's an arena master because the set's completely [ __ ] stupid and it doesn't make any sense and it's a human female with the exposed midriff okay this is obviously a uh this is obviously a pvp or transmog i think that we can all pretty much tell that for sure yeah i mean that's about it man uh i don't know man what do you think i think this is an all right set but it's not pretty it's just kind of whatever man uh i don't know man like what do you guys think pvp andy transmog check rating yeah it's okay yeah let's check his pvp rating we'll see what's going on 1700 well you know what arena master got removed a long time ago uh it's been quite a while since then he's changing his transmog i can see and uh let's see you can check my logs i don't need to man uh i think this set does look pretty good but obviously it's just a really really goofy dumbass set so i'm pretty sure it's not really going to win but we're going to go ahead we're gonna look at the uh we're gonna look at the mount and we're gonna see if maybe he can redeem himself i think it's gonna be a glide mount [Music] oh my god it's actually kind of good [Music] like that's the worst part is it's actually kind of good i i hate to say it but yeah like i i kind of like this i mean it fits together really well like this is good i don't know what he really did about it but i think it's the helmet and the the mount itself like this is really really [ __ ] nice man yeah it's a [ __ ] submarine i guess yeah it's a good point yeah it's a [ __ ] submarine and uh you know besides the fire that's coming out of the back but besides that yeah it's a [ __ ] submarine nice [ __ ] job man great [ __ ] job i like it a lot good job capri thanks good jibu the fearless i tried to do something different and something that i haven't seen before samurai transmog this yosemite yosemitsu okay all right i kind of like this yeah yeah so let's see what we got here all right so those boots right there are the same boots that i used for my set for uh tesla manor off and i still don't even know where to get those obviously i think having one sword on your back and the other one on your side is really [ __ ] badass looking the shoulders and also the gloves and the legs there all come from mr pandaria five-man dungeons that belt right there comes from lfr hellfire citadel the tavern there is the war walker's tavern and the helmet also comes from five man misapandaria dungeons this is a very very traditional and basic samurai transmog and i kind of like it yeah i i really actually kind of like it this is good jibu nice [ __ ] job man i i'm impressed by this great [ __ ] work it was between two mounts hopefully i'm right shadow pen tiger oh wow wow that's so much better than what i thought of i love this i really really like this a lot i am impressed want to see the second one yeah let's see the second one you really made a good call going with the first one like you really really did and you know what these guys might have actually saved you yeah very very good [ __ ] call i think g kuhn matches with this so [ __ ] good like i love this set this is amazing jibu amazing [ __ ] job i love this it is so well put together it is clean it is working it's trying to match title to jibu the fearless oh it's just [ __ ] perfect man i love it absolutely [ __ ] great i am impressed by this a lot great [ __ ] work man [Music] dragonfly seeker of knowledge from the guild strays what are the shoulders those are the 8.2 shoulders with the mythic eda to vargas and with the helmet right there from the tier 1 set for warlocks with the belt there from warlock set from nighthold with the tavern wait did the chess piece here what even is this chess piece this is chess piece from like what is this what even is this bio-weave robes i don't even know where the [ __ ] that's from i kind of like it though this is like some sort of like [ __ ] vampire set legion pre-patch holy [ __ ] i forgot all about that god damn okay yeah that actually is impressive it's a rare item okay now i'm gonna be honest [Music] i kind of like it like i do kind of like i think it's kind of good like the shoulders are really weird and i don't really see how the shoulders fit in at all but everything else besides this is really clean and it just looks good now let's see what we got going on with the mount here we go [Music] come on show us some out what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what do i even think about i i you guys really really like this the color theme is so unique nobody ever uses the cranes nobody ever uses the cranes and he is she is they are this is really really good i i i kind of like this i mean like just seeing something unique and different like this and seeing the idea of like a corrupted crane with like this vampire [ __ ] priestess or something like that this is badass man i i really like it a lot man yeah nice [ __ ] job i don't know what do you guys think do you guys like it 10 out of 10. i don't know if it's a 10 out of 10 but i think it's a good out of good yeah this is good asthma on legs wait what do you mean that's no dude look that's not how it is oh [ __ ] [ __ ] listen i'll tell you something right now you try to run down a deer you can't run them down cause they run away how small is a deer's legs but they run so fast i'm a goddamn [ __ ] deer think about that i can't run down and yeah i do i'll run fun it doesn't matter man i'll run this i've run as fast i need to man that's it dude they have four legs i only need two this is a good job dragonfly it's a good job i like it never skip leg day what's leg day let's go with the next one what the [ __ ] rip joe rogan what the f what the [ __ ] is this is i whoa why i like this i mean it's a little bit i i feel like all the pieces are pretty much designed to go together though i mean like you've got the belt right there from nywolfe you've got the legs and also the boots and the gloves right there from the dark iron set heritage armor and then the helmet there from the dark iron dark moon fair and then also the weapons there that come from that's gettaku that comes from or it could have come to narrow sets too right uh joule shark splitter etc but uh those are the swords that come from uh how many people are gonna shout out what is this what it was this pit bull's character how many more do you shout do you want to shout out some [ __ ] cities too okay settle down so listen shout out all the homies all right we got it done so listen yeah he's got he's got his mixtape coming out real soon i like this a lot i really think this is a good looking set it's interesting it's unique and i've never seen somebody use this helmet before in a way that's not some sort of weird sex slave kind of way so i like that a lot the backpack's [ __ ] stupid shouldn't have gone with the backpack the belt i also don't think works very well the belt's a completely different color than what you've got going on and the only thing that's redeeming about the belt is the fact that the belt ties together the what the [ __ ] take that [ __ ] off um the belt ties together the uh the weapons because the weapons with the uh the red gems in them match the weapon or sorry the belt with the red gems in them i like that a lot mount i think if anybody could ride a core hound and make it work i think it's probably this guy now i don't think it's necessarily amazing and i think that the core hounds are usually pretty badass huh uh it's all right it's all right so listen i don't think it's really that great man i think it's all right it's all right and i don't think that's a bad thing right things being all right is just fine for me overall though i think this is just kind of an average looking set it's nothing particularly amazing in terms of the mount as well uh and overall i'd say the mount is a bit of a downgrade i'll zoom out a little bit more just to get a better idea of it i mean i think it's also just like the fact that the big mounts don't really lend themselves to looking good in competitions like this but i do think that the color on the mount works very well in terms of the armor and also his character so that is an interesting choice to save her but i don't think that one really works either uh regardless i think this set is okay and i probably wish you would have gotten on this one before because we've never seen somebody get on this before ever in a competition so good job man every dark iron dwarves core hound yeah they do it a bit too much don't they good try man let's get mad morally champion of the naaru this guy looks like he eats mushrooms and he can tell your future by throwing uh sticks in the dirt that's basically what this set looks like to me he's using the belt and also the boots from the tomb of sargeras hunter set with the helmet from the legion set as well and the leggings there from i think something in tana and jungle but i'm not 100 sure yeah this is a straight up [ __ ] radagast shroomer savage vikings yeah he's like a [ __ ] viking seer that spends his entire time uh on some sort of drug morally you're gonna have to have a really really really good mount in order for this to not be a complete disaster i want you to understand that before you get on this mount this entire thing your entire opportunity your chances of winning this competition hinge on this mount do not disappoint us morally i'm gonna be honest with you okay i'm gonna tell it to you how it is this set is not good the mount look at his face get back on the mount i want to i want i want the chat to see this there it is those are your chances of winning this competition this mount look at his [ __ ] face it hurts him to be alive and it hurts me and just look uh come on he doesn't deserve it he doesn't deserve an orange okay you gotta chill out with that okay yeah this dismount it just [ __ ] look how mad he is dude because he's got a ride on somebody that looks like a [ __ ] idiot come on man you gotta do a better job than that you could have done with something way better than this and you went with the armored brown bear from the old dollaram that you bought for 800 [ __ ] gold anybody anybody listen back in the day if you had this mount you were a dumbass because it was like you were gonna save the money for the travelers tundra mammoth and you're like oh no man i'ma buy the bear [ __ ] that gotta do a better job man it's not good enough what's this here joshua savior of azeroth from the guild [Music] the old deer boots the staff right there from i believe the police please priest class order hall the shoulders there from blackrock foundry the helmet there from the uh the cloth set from the uh dark shore war front with the chess piece from now on the presets i believe too and the belt from i think throwing thunder but i'm not 100 sure on that one either this is [ __ ] good dude i'm the shungite champion this is really really nice job man i i love it man this guy is like basically in between a priest and khadgar this is what a priest needs to look like and he's a mage it is what it is joshua i want you to get on the best mountain we've ever seen i don't want you to disappoint us i want you to get on a good mountain i want to see a good [ __ ] set i don't want to see my clown sets see what this one i don't know guys what do you think it's either really good or not really good ah dude this is such a hard decision for me to make because i i see the set and i see the positives in it i definitely see the positives in it but at the same time i also think that to some degree it doesn't really fit with how extravagant the mount is whenever you compare it to the armor i don't know man i think that it could be more interesting but i do think that it's okay as well samurai fail i don't think it's a fail i just don't i just don't think that it's as good as it could be man that's all it really comes down to i don't think that it's as good as it could be it's decent but i think the transmog is by far like an eight and a half and the mount itself takes it down to like a seven it's my opinion let me take a drink dazza vengeance incarnate from the guild's seven deadly sins obviously with one of the most edgy transmogs that we've ever seen using the cursed vision of sargeras the shoulders there from the hellfire citadel for rogues the weapons obviously the illidan war glaves with the void edge enchant from the uh visions as well what the oh that actually looks really cool what the [ __ ] that looks uh yeah i mean we've seen these a lot though i mean let's be honest we've seen these a lot so you're gonna have to really get on a good mount here i'm gonna say this right now you have to really get on something different in order for us to take this seriously okay dasa don't you [ __ ] me get on a good mountain get on a good mountain let's see him corrupted void wing here's here's reality this is the perfect combination like this is exactly what you want to see i mean if you're going for a set that's like a super dark blue like void omniscient or not omniscient ominous set this is exactly what you want to look like now whether you like or don't like the set it doesn't matter because this in itself is a success in the goal that he was trying to reach i like it a lot lucid nightmare would not be better in any regard this is really really good i don't know if this is going gonna be a win right i'm pretty sure it's not gonna be a win but it could maybe be a placing we'll have to see what people think no originality i think there is a certain degree of originality i don't think i've seen anybody else using illidan's warglaives in the blue before before yet all right let's see here swift spectral tiger wow god damn dude congrats druid what are you doing get the [ __ ] over here druid of the delight druid of the delight i'm gonna go ahead and explain what this is all right this set is what you like to call um i think i have a word for this a phrase for this the word or phrase that i usually use is uh it's called um dog [ __ ] ass garbage i don't think there's anything unique or special about the set at all we've seen a lot of these sets before many times i don't think this is anything different or unique or anything interesting at all now you can get on a mount that would actually make this set pretty good but whenever i look at this i've already seen many sets that have been used that look just like this before and this is just another in a long line of those druid of the d knight i understand that you've tried very hard to come up with something that's unique and good but i'd like to reassure you that that's not that's not succeeded i want you to see the uh once you go ahead and um go ahead get get on your mount get on your mount man get on your mount that actually works really well i'm gonna be honest that works perfect that that's actually perfect like that that 100 is perfect like i i don't i don't know there's and there's not any other way for anybody to get on a mouth that doesn't work better than that one does that is really really really [ __ ] good to tell drastic hippogriff i thought that's what it was i want to make sure this is from the pre-expansion event from uh from bfa okay this was a really really nice looking mount i like it a lot this is very very clean the color theme is very unique and there's only one mount in the entire game that could have fit this and the teldrasso hippogriff did that job so [ __ ] well what do you guys think zoom out yeah look at that that is really really nice man like i i actually take back what i said like your set was like a five or a six and this [ __ ] takes up to a goddamn [ __ ] nine that is a really really good looking set man i like it a lot man yeah i think the staff is definitely the weak point you're definitely right about that good job druid great job druid hunt master four row six [Music] i am the unknown bounty hunter for human nesting where is slaying the most vicious creatures and taming the truly worthy to fight alongside me killing ruthless villains and be uh and bending their companions to join me and my will of the hunts okay so let's talk about some positives for one one of the big positives is using this bow also my wife laura says hi she be cancer two years ago and we watched the stream together has helped us through everything thank you azmon it's been my pleasure thank you very much i appreciate it and uh congrats to laura that's [ __ ] amazing it's great to hear this bow right here comes specifically from the slate is it slave pins it's not slate pins uh it's the last boss in steamboat it's the last boss in a steamboat it is an incredibly rare bow i love this [ __ ] bow it is awesome and we have never seen it in the competition before this is a badass heroic only bow it is really really cool the helmet and shoulders are obviously the uh the challenge mode mr pandaria set all the rest of the pieces are mostly assorted mr pandaria uh what do you call it uh assorted on awards drain or blue items or green items i think green and blue uh regardless i think this is [ __ ] amazing man this is really really good i had three pets i'd like to show you okay sure yeah let's see it this is barbecue barbecue why is he on fire why is barbecue on fire he that's [ __ ] bad oh my god wow holy [ __ ] these are super rare these have been removed from the game for years and then he has one more have you seen hangover yes paging doctor this is the tiger from the tiger mike tyson one of the fight holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude these are three pets i so sieve hd the league guy right uh like he plays wow and everything too like he has some of these pets i've only seen one of these before he had the first one i've never seen this tiger before that is [ __ ] insane dude that is crazy and then he's riding on this mount right here i'm not sure really if this mount works so this is the mount this one's from the uh wards of draymore timelocking this is the uh i forgot really what it was called what's it called again uh beast lords werewolf uh what do you guys think about this it's all right but i mean the pets dude i don't even care i don't even give a [ __ ] because the pets i've been in darmac's wolf to to be my mount i see that regardless i think this is [ __ ] impressive just because he has the pets that are so rare check his achievements okay yeah let me see his achievements 7670k one more thing to show you all right what is it rockshawa the shadow's main no [ __ ] way dude that's the first time i've ever seen this in game for those of you guys that don't know what this is this is a bow that used to come from the original chest back in the tribute to insanity if you got the chest and you did the tribute to insanity was it tribute to insanity was it tribute to to skill i for or mad skill i forgot which one this was a special weapon that would only drop if you completed it at the very end of tribute or sorry trial of the grand crusader it was a drop from i believe 10 men but it could have been 25 man i don't remember the item is super rare tribute to insanity i thought tribute to insanity was the cloak holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] god damn that looks [ __ ] good that is insane man hoard version is frenzy heart striker frenzy hearts i'm gonna look that up real quick holy [ __ ] look at the horde version look at the horde version right here it's actually one of the horde it's the insignia of the horde as a bow holy [ __ ] that's badass that is crazy badass and this [ __ ] isn't even in the game anymore dude like i feel so bad i missed out on those items man i i really do i should have gotten a the bow doesn't match it doesn't matter it's super rare this is crazy i have never seen the spelling game before never not at nine to 15 years that i played this game i remember seeing this bow even once this is [ __ ] awesome man absolutely [ __ ] awesome let me go on to the next one [Music] nice [ __ ] job man [Music] and call champion [Music] oh my god [Music] oh my god that's those are actually the original iceberg shores they used to draw from saffron and an original naxxramas using the sonic spears that came from the uh is that uh shadow labyrinth and the chess piece obviously the ice being chess piece the belt right there is being built and um the gloves in the boots right there are the this is a very interesting choice here the gloves in the boots are the vindictive gladiator set from from legion and then the leggings there are the level 70 version of the i don't know how i feel about this what do you guys think so obviously the set does look really really good white walker dog [ __ ] i don't think it's dog [ __ ] at all man i think it's really cool uh but also i don't think it's super interesting with the gloves and the boots like obviously so like what do i do whenever i want to use my ice band set see i use the same thing that he does but i don't have the shoulders so i have to use a different set of shoulders the mount will either make or break the set ass call choose wisely [Music] the original ribbon there's that charger he's going full classic he's going full classic i'm gonna be honest i think this is actually pretty decent this is a pretty decent looking set i i like it uh i think the mount doesn't really work that well though i'll be honest i think that it's okay it's okay but just being okay isn't really that good i think it needs to be much better than just okay i don't know what you guys think what do you think uh classic andy i don't think it's classic andy or anything like that i think this is a decent looking set it's just nothing that's super amazing or absolutely really really cool uh every mount matches their blue color it's kind of hard for me to say what i think about this i think it's okay but it definitely could be a lot better um the glacial tide storm is a decent choice but i also don't think it's like super amazing either it's just okay use the jane amount yeah i think the jaina mount probably would have looked a little bit better originally but what he went with i think does work kind of well too okay and uh sure bald or skull not a top knot i think that's okay too i don't really take that into consideration but i do consider it a bonus if people do have it that matches if that makes sense so this is all right and i'm mainly just jealous of the guy's shoulders let's be honest war crown the light of dawn exalted legs with the paladin uh the holy paladin artifact weapon the shoulders there which are also from i think those are the heaving i think those are uh those come from black temple those are offset shoulders from black temple the helmet obviously from opulence and then the tabard of the uh tavern from the white uh army of the light i actually think this is [ __ ] amazing like i unironically think this is [ __ ] amazing like war crown this is really really really good like no joke no meme no [ __ ] this is really really [ __ ] good man now this mount that you're gonna get on here this is this is a seven out of ten this is an eight out of ten set i'd see a solid 8.5 out of 10 set this mount here you are treading such a fine line with this mount i cannot even think of a mount that would work for this set we'll see if he came up with one [Music] oh the jeweled panther from jewelcrafting [Music] oh my god this is the best that you could possibly imagine like that's really really good i don't know guys i really think this looks great you've got the crown right there with all the different gems on the crown with the black on the armor with the black on the mount like this is really really [ __ ] nice and then you even have the yellow that matches the armor on the mount like this is perfect like i could not have thought of a better mount than this like i actually think this fits it so perfectly i am genuinely so [ __ ] impressed at how well this is done man this is absolutely [ __ ] amazing nice job dude like this is absolutely [ __ ] great what do you guys think yeah her name matches yeah war crown yeah it's actually true i didn't even notice the name match as well yeah this is really really good man and yes obviously the crown jewels all over the mount don't really match but that doesn't matter obviously just the overall mount set does matter though i like it a lot war crown you did a great [ __ ] job i love this set i absolutely [ __ ] love it good job deathlord ice list from the guild deathly sweets so this is obviously a death knight i don't know if you could tell that based off of the armor or the name or the guild name but it is actually a death knight using the starting death knight helmet right there the shoulders there from tomb sorry from hellfire citadel and then the gloves there from uh i think the gloves and the boots there from icc or sorry uh old war and then the belt there from legion and then the weapon here is i think the uh yeah that's the starting weapon here's the thing is this is a starting d case this is a dk set let's be honest this is the dk set but i actually think this is a really good dk set i think the hilt on the weapon matching with sorry the handle on the weapon matching with like the armor on the the chess piece and the belt that is so [ __ ] clean and then the fact that the shoulders cover up the yellow that's gonna be on this chest piece naturally along with the helmet makes this chest piece a completely new item and it doesn't make it look like it would normally look because that chess piece is actually a legion blue this is really really good i i like it a lot man i really really do okay let's see what the rest of this is okay let's go to the next one not next one see the mount excuse me favorite mount iron bound proto drake i'm gonna be honest i actually think this is really good i genuinely think this is really really well done the color theme is just absolutely [ __ ] perfect isis this is amazing this is what we want to see whenever we see a death knight transmog the colors are so well put together i'm going to go ahead and zoom out just so you guys get a better look at it and get an idea of what we're seeing here this is really really really good ice list i am super impressed by this and i think the color on this is probably one of the most reinforced color themes we've seen in a long [ __ ] time man i love this yeah this is really really [ __ ] good man i like it a lot it looks pretty basic though i think that's the whole point man uh it's i've been trying to get in for a long time now well it was worth it man nice [ __ ] job let's go to the next one trash master akira akai from the guild game over uh i don't know what do you guys think i i think it's okay using admiral dalen's sword with this uh this long offhand from vanilla wow with obviously the same crown of opulence i kind of like it in a way right he's like almost like a warrior he's like a priest king or something like that i don't know guys what are your thoughts i'll get some uh some opinions from chad here what do you guys think looks good below average actual trash master yeah it's very hard for me really to say if it's any that much better but i think that it's okay it's definitely all right not necessarily amazing though pretty boring pretty but i don't know i think it's boring right greetings i was once a prince from a faraway land but after using it losing it i'm a traveling merchant that brings you wares from far off lands okay akira okay he's a [ __ ] he's riding a [ __ ] llama i i don't know if i can deal with the llama man like the llama to me is just it's kind of awkward it's kind of weird what do you guys think what do you guys think about the llama i feel like it's decent aka he sells trash i don't think he really sells okay okay yeah he's got a flex on us let us let everybody know yeah listen it does look good i guess i think the theme is kind of interesting i don't really think the mount matches that well unless he tells the story that makes the mount make sense which i think is kind of cheating but in this way i will allow it because i don't think it's really going to place to begin with anyway it's okay it's all right erica it could be better though poundly berry the fearless cruel gladiators helmet from pvp and uh season three of uh what's up uh pvp season three of legion the shoulders there from mythic tumor sargeras the chess piece air and also the gloves and the belt all from uh 25 man naxxramas for the paladin healing set and the legs and the boots right there to come from also mythic tumor sargeras for paladins or sorry for dks and so with the shoulders and then also of course the weapons with the hungry and cold and the face of death are also better known as the slayer of the lifeless and the skull of ruin this is decent now obviously this is what you like to see whenever you look at a paladin transmog i mean this does look i don't know what do you guys think i feel like obviously it's ready they're ready to uh to raid ice crown what do you guys think bro it looks so good i think it looks pretty good too what's the cloak uh no cloak i think that it does look decent i like it it fits very well i think the chess piece actually works so well with those shoulders the chest piece and the shoulders fitting together is probably the most impressive part about this entire set now it is by the way guys only a combination of really two different sets and a helmet so i'm not sure really how seriously i'm going to take this but we're going to go ahead we're going to look at the mount and then we'll make a decision off of that chest that's a brown knot so it has to match the shield yeah i know that's good see the mount the gastly charger the gas i like so all right obvious obviously the mount right here matches with the gems in the helmet and i think that's obviously the best part about it yeah the mount matches with the gems in the helmet and i really really like that a lot and uh [ __ ] dog [ __ ] i don't think that it's [ __ ] dog [ __ ] i just don't think that's [ __ ] amazing right this is just a decent looking set that i kind of like paladin by the way oh my god it's not a paladin by the way or anything like that uh that's really all there is to it okay uh tin of ken because boobs and i'm a coomer okay well that's good enough overall i think this does look decent is it really going to be a winner or a place or a placement i don't really know is this better no i don't think so it's better in terms of the theme but not sorry better in terms of the colors but not in terms of the theme i think the original mount was much better yeah i like that a lot more it does look like uh an old school death knight or something like that she's very old-school is paladin yeah but it doesn't really look like a paladin transmog right so like if a paladin transmogs to look like a dk i'm going to treat it like it's a dk type transmog right that's just what makes sense to me that was the last one now gentlemen we're going to go around everybody get on your mounts get on your mounts i am going to pick a top five i'm gonna pick a top five we're gonna see what we got guys let me know what you liked let me know what you didn't like give me your feedback and let me know i'm gonna make my decision in just a minute here hmm it's actually a lot of really good sets here man there's a lot of really good sets i'm not sure if we're really going to be able to uh to pick out a top five here this is going to be really hard i think a lot of these really look great oh [ __ ] man this is gonna be really difficult okay okay all right i've decided i've decided the decision has been made now there will be some people that i do believe deserve honorable mentions but i will be giving out my top five i will give out honorable mentions afterwards as well guys this was actually a good in a transmog competition i thought that i would never say it i thought that i would never see it but gentlemen we actually have had a good in a transmog competition great [ __ ] job fifth place fifth place is going to go to mirabella i think this set is an incredible really interesting job and the reason why i want to give this set fifth place is very simple the fact that this set came in and it was able to not only divert of our expectations and subvert our expectations but do something that's completely different and actually make the mount turn and tell an entire story i think that's why i'm gonna give him fifth place you're on crack no the reason why i'm doing it is because it's a trans mount competition and the mount in the mount complemented the transmog so well that it made the transmog look better because it made sense out of the transmog by the nature of the mount like of course this is gonna be fifth place like of course it's gonna get a placing it looks really good it looks really really [ __ ] good i like it a lot good job mirabella great job fourth place now fourth place guys [Music] i like it a lot what can i say i think i might have some people that disagree on this but i'm gonna do it anyway fourth place is gonna go to imperia on the whitebringer this is an incredibly well put together set not only does the transmog fit the mount but the undertones of the mount also match the undertones of the transmog this is incredibly well done and i think that you absolutely deserve fourth place for this transmog this is very very great and i like it a lot eu spy wait you're an eu wait you're from eat wait you're from eu he's cheating he's from [ __ ] eu [ __ ] i knew it man i i [ __ ] knew it i don't know what to say but it's not a surprise i'll say that for sure just trying to contribute to making na transmog comes better well i mean you did a good job so thank you for that now third place third place is a set that i've uh i like this settle on i think it's unique it's different and it's original and because of that i want to give it a placing third place is gonna go to rick taran of the deeps this is one of the most unique and interesting underwater deep sea transmogs that i've seen in a long time he's using obviously the crab to fit along with it and i do think that that deserves a certain amount of accomplishment or not accomplishment a certain amount of acknowledgement and i'm really [ __ ] impressed by this i like it a lot this is really really well done rick taran great [ __ ] job you are getting third place because you deserve it great [ __ ] job the mount is a little bit odd and i think that obviously if he was under water he would have been able to get a mount that would fit fit better with his set but because this is a a land transmit competition he doesn't really have something that goes with this ideology right good job good job return second place second place is the second place that i want to give out it's something i'm proud of and more than being proud of it i'm impressed that i was wrong in picking out the mount second place is going to go to jibu the fearless from the guild indestructible this transmog is completely interesting it's really badass and the reason why i like this so much is the fact that the mount that you chose is something that i would have never guessed i would have never thought of and i think that it matches better than anything that i could have decided on my own i really really like this set a lot i think the mount is [ __ ] perfect everything about this is [ __ ] amazing jibu congratulations i think this is by far one of the best sets that you've come in here with before ever and i think you deserve to get second place because of it i love this set great [ __ ] job jibu now first place first place now i really think this is something that's impressive something that's special something that's different and something that's new because of that i'm gonna give first place first place i'm gonna give it to only sabot the insane from the guild matt damon this is one of the most badass and interesting and unique looking transmogs for a mechagnome that i've ever seen mechanomes are obviously very difficult to find good transmogs for and because of that i'm going to give him first place in the competition for coming up with something that's as original as special and unique as that and i think the fact that he used mimiron's head that has the same color eyes as his goggles really goes to show that he put attention into detail into the set and he really actually came in here with something that he deserved to win with i love this set i think that it's [ __ ] amazing and i think that he absolutely deserves to win this competition great [ __ ] job only sablet i'm very proud of you you did amazing obviously there are some uh uh some runner-ups lenith yours is amazing sarah lie yours was also really good i liked it a lot warsaw you almost got there uh inoculux if there was gonna be a sixth place it probably would have been you a lot of you guys paoli berry i like this one a lot too aaron akai the transmog was good these two were really really great it was hard for me not to pick them i don't even know if i made the right decision but regardless i think a lot of these guys that you guys did all these transmogs you guys came in here with were really good i'm proud of you i think you've done you guys have done [ __ ] amazing great [ __ ] work guys amazing [ __ ] work let's have a round of applause for our winners here i want to have a round of applause for these winners because i think they did an amazing job [Music] gentlemen this is the best the n a has to offer and for once i'm glad to hear that i'm glad to say that great [ __ ] job guys i'm very proud of you obviously uh next week we will go back over to eu and we will give them their chance to do transmog competitions as well because i've missed out on doing those and it's been quite a while [Music] gentlemen thank you very much for watching i am going to call the day i am very hungry i am tired i'm going away down we've had a great stream today we got a lot of [ __ ] done actually we didn't get anything done but we had fun and at the end of the day that's what matters anyway guys thank you all so much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it i always [ __ ] appreciate it and until next time boys [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 694,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold eu, asmongold competition, asmongold transmount, asmongold transmount contest, transmount contest, asmongold transmog, eu transmount, asmongold transmog competition, transmount, asmongold na transmount, na transmount, asmongold na, transmount alliance, asmongold alliance, asmongold alliance transmount, asmongold eu transmount, asmongold best transmount, asmongold mount, new transmount
Id: lYoG3zG30kE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 35sec (6575 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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