SHIVA EXTREME! Asmongold's FFXIV Skill Put to the Test

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gentlemen i'm calling for you to come in and help me defeat shiva extreme minimum item level silence echo loot rules loot master completion status duty incomplete we're going to be taking new players in here all right people want to see what's going to happen they want to see what's going to happen whenever i bring in new players well guess what i'll tell you what's going to happen we're going to win oh there she is you should never have come here warrior of light i labor only to forge a lasting peace oh sure a peace you would deny us out of ignorance and blind faith if it is our fate to be at odds then it is mine to strike you down am i off man men have forsaken you shall be the ins hit her with the axe get her now bro partake of my flesh fill this vessel with your light walk amongst your brothers and sisters once more oh still the hatred within our home and bless us with eternal grace she turned into an ice cube [Music] what the this kerrigan oh my what f oh my okay awesome this is great this is yeah this is great okay so um all right so here's pretty much the strat uh let's get a food everybody get your food buff if you can so uh what i was thinking that we would do is we will go and we'll attack the boss and we will stay attacking the boss until the ad spawn and then we will attack the ads after the boss and then after the ads are dead we will go back to attacking the boss [Music] good all right let's go ahead and let's pull the boss carried by food true all right let's do it okay we'll just stay right here for now i'll just pop my cd just so i have an idea of generally how much damage she's gonna do right now okay she's doing red pretty much average damage nothing too crazy okay she's got a lot of health i'm a little bit worried about this okay she just went up in the air for seemingly no reason that's a lot of damage okay dominic dominic's got it good tank swap good tank swap okay let's take the res i think we have to get out of that get into that there's like one individual circle that we can be in good job good job let's go great job yeah just get to where we need to be okay good job good job keep it up dominance got the boss okay so whenever she goes up in the air that's whenever the big damage happens is that right hail storm all right let's spread out right here there we go nice okay good this is going really really well guys keep it up nobody's died okay there's just aoe damage that's not a big deal at all okay all righty i'll wait for these right here does this deal damage ever they spawn or not no it does not okay i'll pick up this one over here too got it okay and i think i should probably pick up three right should i pick up three or two of them i don't know okay i picked up all three of these okay taunting these we're sorry using a cd on these okay i'll stand right here i think this is probably the best idea for me to be okay good all right all three all right three people all of our dps are dead every single dps player that we have is dead in the raid okay um this is not good so um there's a knock back we have to make sure we're closer to the middle of the room embrace serenity okay this is where she uh laps around and we have to like stand in the things isn't it i'm pretty sure it is yeah just keep rezzing people it's fine oh they keep attacking me oh that's not good oh that is not good at all [Music] what they have to be dead by then that's what it is they have to be dead by then a hundred percent that's what it is yeah they have to be dead by then that's no big deal the only way listen the only way for us to do that is to kill them so that means that on this next pull whenever the ad spawned kill the ads okay guys remember big dick on ads big dick on ads big dick on ads picking this one up picking that one up all right i got three of them right here big dick on ads guys you love to see it okay i'll use my cds here as much as i can and i think i can keep them together i'm not sure about this but we'll find out very very soon if i can keep them together or not okay all right one of them's dead looks like another one's about to die too there we go there's the knockback we're way ahead of the dps check we're doing great guys keep it up all right there's that one down amazing amazing good job and good job perfect all right now we stand the boss excellent skill okay now we just avoid this all right i'll talk the boss dominic i feel like your stacks are very high uh two minutes on this stack seems like a very very big problem so let me just taunt the boss yeah let me just get her okay i got her [Music] okay stay focused guys we're doing great just avoid every attack and do everything right there we go good job good job good job cam back on her keep it up boys keep it up big dick on boss okay i'll just use a little bit of cd right here okay that's just obviously like raid damage no big deal come on come on we killed this we can easily kill this dude easily kill this okay maybe i should use my cd after the end of this taking out that [Music] okay moving into this good rotating her around again keep it up guys keep it up you're doing amazing she's got a bow and arrow all right so that's bad bro she doesn't play games with that bow and arrow god damn holy all right let's go good i'm not sure exactly how this mechanic works okay that's fine permafrost i don't know what the that is what is going on here what the is this okay we're fine we break this person out they got knocked out of the room okay we gotta everybody focus on this so whenever she pulls out the bow and arrow is that some kind of like mechanic that we need to avoid okay let me just get back on her here we're doing great guys everybody we're doing amazing stay focused stay focused big avoids big dick avoids let's go guys all right i'll taunt i'll taunt i'll taunt dom i got her it's fine we can recover we can recover we can recover i'll use my mechanic i'm frozen okay dom's got it dom's got it it's fine it's fine it's fine we got this we got this easy boss come on dom it's all you swedish fish you guys got this you guys got it it's it's all right it's a white so the big attack that she does it's a tank swap and the way the tank swap works is that the mechanic kills me and then dominic taunts the boss after i die also let's talk about the ads the ads on the damage on ads was amazing you guys did really really well there also um let's talk about other stuff too i don't move whenever she does permafrost because it pushes you in a certain direction not a tank swap no it's fine i just use a cd i'm gonna use a big cd on this we're gonna be just fine let's go let's try this again no mistakes gentlemen no mistakes big dick damage there's no way this is gonna kill me there's no way this is gonna kill him what how okay let's go let's go let's go okay there's one one ad two ads and three ads we got all three of them perfect all right let's get them good job guys great job let's keep it up what the was that wait everybody's supposed to soak that damage is that oh you know what that's probably how it works i see okay okay that makes a lot of sense everybody needs to soak it all right let's go ahead and do this all right perfect okay let's pick up these all three of these ads here this is perfect okay good and i even took damage from that amazing amazing let's go guys huge damage okay i don't know if these mobs are supposed to do anything but i think we can just aoe them down here we're doing great guys just keep up this momentum this is exactly what we need to have [Music] good and this is last one down amazing all right let's go back on her so remember guys the more damage that we do the faster she dies so she has her sword and shield okay now she's doing transition okay good [Music] let's do it all right i'll i'll taunt her first here okay as soon as we get out of this i will do this one alrighty where she be at okay got it [Applause] so don't move during permafrost okay guys that's the one thing we cannot do okay what does his staff do okay the staff is hailstorm okay got it easy okay whenever she does primer frost don't move [Music] do not move whenever she does that we're doing great so far guys keep it up okay now we're gonna have another transition there we go okay [Music] [Music] right i did not know that's the way that it was supposed to work okay we're doing great so yeah guys uh we don't want to move there uh it's bad for you it's really really bad uh if you do that you'll die trust me okay [Music] he's running away i'm afraid to move man i'm so stupid i'm afraid to move okay here we go and let's see what she gonna do now alrighty [Music] okay she's got the sword that's whenever we have to move together yep that's where we stack together good all right so now we don't move now see guys that's where we don't move okay good job good job good job nice excellent skill white out what is this okay we just have to stand inside okay that's fine keep it up boys we got this uh dominique you've taught off me i up i didn't know that knockback was gonna happen okay try to break the other guy out too break the other guy out too this is not good this is not good this is not good okay get to the middle good great great awesome [Music] well i'm absolute i'm after the worst player i'm actually still there i don't oh god i hope we don't jesus christ okay that mechanic is hard for me to like i'm not used to like not moving and like the visual for that mechanic is like like for whatever reason my brain doesn't identify it you know what i mean everybody else understands this fight except me so all i have to do is do it right and we're gonna kill the boss let's go good all right we got it nice job okay let's get into this next transition yeah i've got to bind my sprint to something that's better i think next time i pour into the middle of the room that that's a mistake because it makes it harder for me to get to the different places in the room in the second phase and like on this one we keep it like in these outside areas like right here you know and that way the knockback won't hit us but at the same time we can move in between the circles let's go [Music] tawny let's do it focus up boys let's go [Music] okay she's got the staff easy avoid easy avoid easiest avoid i've ever had my whole life okay now remember guys watch out after moving after she does the circle she's gonna have the thing where we can't move okay so as soon as you're out of your circle stop moving okay 50 there it is avoid this stop moving after this [Music] stop moving after this here we go okay take the reds take the reds get dominant get dominant get dominic it's fine it's fine it's fine let's go let's go let's go we're fine we're going to recover from this we will 100 recover from this just get everybody rezzed up one at a time everything's totally fine this is totally okay guys we've got it stay focused okay permafrost don't move nice job nice job we're not moving good job moving over to here good and now this is going to be the knockback i'm assuming right okay there's this stay focused guys just get res is out get everybody back up alive okay good and i missed that one i've got to move in with the group [Applause] okay there we go [Music] don't move do not move please don't move please don't move please don't move he's not getting another stack you should be fine come on move move whenever you can move move move okay there we go guys there we go we're doing great he's still he's stuck at eight stacks it's not going any higher we got this we've got this we got this let's go get the other guy rest up just get him rest up get him rest up as soon as we can save our lb for whenever she's either at five percent or whenever people are dead for healers okay we're doing amazing guys keep it up dominic's doing just fine moving out of that do not be in front of her do not be in front of her that arrow is dangerous good come on boys we can do this get her to the middle she's gonna do the circles again here we go she's gonna do circles right now i'm pretty sure circles and or knockback hit her with the limit break right now come on take it home [Music] i'm killing him damn holy man holy god damn that was rough like having to see like her weapon zooming in like that that shit's hard to keep track of it is all right let me see here i like the fight though i think this is a good fight what is this here oh that's badass give it to the samurai uh i'm gonna just put it on greed only i'm sure he'll need on it if he can right uh do the mount wait a minute is there a mount out of this fight okay everybody zone out everybody zone out uh let's go ahead we're gonna re-queue for this all right let's go all right let's get her okay yeah she's dying a lot faster this time good job so far guys okay okay good job all right now what where to mount where to mount boral ass whistle yo i got it holy i got the mount yes dude i didn't yoink it man i just i i'm like i'm just look i just got it that's all i just got them out i didn't yink it i just got it okay so let me just go ahead and use this borlas whistle you can now summon the boral ass mount boral ass legend states that the lady of frosh shiva birthed this magic steed from a unicorn offered by her followers and sacrifice wait she's horses too what the hell oh wow this one looks okay man i like this one this is a nice looking mouth damn dude damn dude look at that that's a good boy wow dude i'm gonna be honest with you guys you know what mountain i really want is this one right here this is the mount man i need that mount that is my main mount man this one looks pretty cool too i want to get this one as well yes dude this is badass man [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 352,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold FFXIV, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold ff14, final fantasy, asmongold plays ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, asmongold final fantasy xiv raid, asmongold ffxiv raid, ffxiv extreme difficulty, raid, asmongold raid, ffxiv shiva, asmongold shiva, shiva extreme, Akh Afah Amphitheatre, shiva song, final fantasy shiva, ffxiv skill, skill
Id: 3ecaBKIjFE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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