100% ADDICTED TO FFXIV (Asmongold Highlights #52)

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big dick [ __ ] money watch this wait i'm not addicted i'm just dedicated okay i was the one that suggested you get the fursuit i wish they just gave streamers priority queue i'm gonna be honest guys i could look at this picture for 10 minutes just praising catboy's what happened to him like i'm gonna be honest i've been sitting in that golden saucer thing doing uh doing these mini games [ __ ] i've been playing so many of them there's probably something wrong with me piece of [ __ ] oh my god i hate this game this is so stupid man and i've done this so often and so much i have uh over a hundred thousand other little tickets [Music] okay two seven all right nine oh that's big [ __ ] money that's big big big dick [ __ ] money watch this wait no i did the math wrong oh god damn it [Music] [ __ ] now today obviously we are going to do my scratch off tickets and everything like that too uh i'm going to be doing that yeah addicted i'm not addicted i'm just dedicated okay like that's all there is to it i'm dedicated [Music] i get it right i don't miss five thousand [ __ ] [Music] i wish they just gave streamers priority view all right i'm gonna be on i think they should just give streamers priority queue like poe did i think that's the way they should do games nobody wants to watch a [ __ ] loading screen and if 500 people get priority q that don't do a little bit of [ __ ] difference to anybody else there we go all right oh that's 30 oh that's nothing bro that's nothing that that's 30 a bro i can do that so fast no equality [ __ ] and we ain't equal i'm sitting here playing this game in front of [ __ ] 90 000 people you're watching in the chat with your dick out on your monitor man shut the [ __ ] up yeah you're goddamn right i think they should get priority q for people advertising the game to thousands of people no [ __ ] [ __ ] this is like if white power or like the [ __ ] god damn it um if power rangers if the white power ranger white power ranger shut the [ __ ] up guys i swore to god if you equipped that and that goes on reddit i'm going to be so goddamn mad like you're you're going to get timed out for six years listen i i honestly think and i'll be honest i'm stealing this joke from uh from death mephisto um i honestly think that amazon really amazon and mmo players they were meant for each other because i know people with amazon might not like me saying this because both of them have to pee in bottles is that a full set no wait there's a jasmine you promise if i if i inspect it's not going to be a full full set oh [ __ ] what what what are you backpedaling for what was you got only one piece that's not part of the set down you know who else okay your firelands as me so this guy this guy literally went from preaching about not wearing full sets to not only wearing full sets but literally just praising cat boys what happened to him that's one of the most ridiculous things i've ever [ __ ] seen it's almost as ridiculous as not clicking on the sub button right now to double check to see if you have a free sub with twitch prime it's been out for ages give us a warning man no i don't need to give you a warning shut the [ __ ] up like do you expect people to give you a warning for a [ __ ] [ __ ] that's been out for 10 years what do you want me to give you a spoiler oh by the way uh they destroyed the ring and lord of the rings you have like a period of time that you have to watch a movie and then at that point i think it's like two weeks maybe two months for certain big things right and then people should be able to talk about it without people flipping out what do you mean just because you didn't watch it everybody else is going to talk around you now everybody's gotta talk around you because you didn't watch a movie shut up um all right we're ready to start i don't have time for this gankable says bald man bad jstn fear says where tf is carl the overseer sniveawish says where do i find the first quest schnitz says just you bud trilla says baldman omega seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven seven koronab says baldi is here maui says how to turn off tds conjure says oh god fist shy says bald cozy says it's off hey asman says poor guys final nut says omega lil bald jackson says ll final fantasy is only difficult because the classes are needlessly complex and the grades are boarded with mechanics wow difficulty is more genuine since it's based on gear checks whereas final fantasy difficulty is artificial since it's gate kept by skill very true very very very true that's a very good point i agree with that yeah i mean imagine like dude having a gate kept by skill just so it's like this weird like you know stupid-ass like dumb thing like oh it's skill-based like what does that even mean bro like what the [ __ ] does that even mean like oh skill based yeah right dominic it's on you yes he's got the death save he's got the death save come on dominic come on come on point nine point four get away aaron aaron get away if you need to aaron get away if you need to come on are you [ __ ] kidding me are you kidding me [ __ ] i'm not mad i'm not mad no i'm not it's fine it's fine i'm not it's everything's okay we did great it's out close that's all close man that's up close we are man choco but what the [ __ ] is this can i watch this like holy [ __ ] wait can i watch i'll watch it here [Music] is this actually in the game no way is this in the game did they get rid of this yes this is gameplay this is why people play final fantasy okay oh good okay let me i'm gonna get my phone for alert so i can at least see [Music] i had a whitening hit my house and it deleted my modem you ever wonder whenever the planets make a [ __ ] there's like a you know how the planets line up it's called like an eclipse or something like that well it feels like all the planets lined up to create like an intergalactic interstellar interplanetary dildo to [ __ ] me in the ass hi so what were you saying uh i was calling you because uh my chat was telling me that you got banned yeah i did uh so did they tell you what i said no i talked to someone from new world uh they're watching the stream and they said it was an accident and they're looking into it it was an accident that i got banned yes it was not it's not your fault oh so it's okay to milk cows unfortunately what do you mean unfortunately that's a great thing that means we can drink milk i mean you know it's just i mean like maybe but like i just want to drink the milk i don't want to make the cow okay wait actually that's something that sounds weird yeah that sounds really weird let's start right now with zep was transmog oh what wait what yeah what what what what what what what's wrong with what what's that so so can you explain what you're trying to do here um um i was uh oh [ __ ] man rich what are you laughing where's rich where's the rich yeah what is this you know what rich looks like rich looks like his parents live in a goddamn trailer and are obsessed with elvis and they dress him up like elvis for kindergarten check this out what wow that's cool can i uncover this one it's going to be little john isn't it can i uncover this one okay all right activision blizzard has is getting sued and i want to make this very clear this is not a twit longer this is not a disgruntled e-girl this is the state of california has done a two-year investigation on activision blizzard and now they're suing them according to complaint filed tuesday female employees make up around 20 of the activision workforce and are subject subjected to pervasive frat boy workplace culture including cube crawls in which male employees drink copious amounts of alcohol as they crawl their way through various cubicles and often engage in inappropriate behavior through female and towards female employees so it all makes sense now it really does it does it what look because they're going around oh man this is so good oh yeah boys yo what about conduit energy oh yeah let's do that that it all makes sense now conduit energy artifact weapons uh artifact knowledge garrisons uh [ __ ] sylvanas it all makes sense now it all does azerite armor oh they're gonna love it we've updated our code of conduct you don't even hold the players okay you don't even hold players accountable for code of conduct those people that have been [ __ ] account sharing for years you can't even cut it you don't even go get the bots look at the box and wow and you want me to take your code of conduct seriously for your employees you can't even deal with bots are you kidding we've really got some great sets guys rich what do you think i mean look i've been a fan of malachite since day one usually if i get up and go to the bathroom yes from all the all craft after show you if i get up and go to the bathroom i zoom in on malachite i'm not gonna lie my stream light you said that your stream likes uh likes dominic more than you my stream likes malachite more than me yeah i've been a big fan of malachite since day one and i'm not gonna lie that says something about our audiences and how different they are and why they want but but at the end of the day malachite not only a fantastic bard not only a fantastic dresser but a good friend that's it's impressive furry spectrum this is the furry spectrum so so this is pretty much it right this is a normal this is like a normal person right and they've got normal uh jesus christ okay uh they've got normal hair you know it's totally fine and then as time goes on they become more furry so this is really just level two this is not really being a furry number one and i'm i'm gonna be honest guys i could look at this picture for 10 minutes and i'm never even going to notice the ears like that's the real truth and i think that y'all are the same way yeah and so anyway that well i guess yeah that is level two because it's got the tail on it but regardless there there is definitely a spectrum here that furries exist on all right so i want you to understand this and get the uh get the appreciation out of it all right so she's so hot i know that that's such a oh wow wait don't take it off the screen oh man i see it i see it okay yeah so uh that's basically i mean it's it it does look kind of this looks like she's ready to go to like a slipknot concert or some sort of rave and it's 2003. i just thought i just thought of some i thought of something i i was thinking while i was taking a piss i was thinking to myself i was like how much of a [ __ ] mcconnell is i really was thinking about that because it's like he could be in the race with me and we could be doing these raids together but he's sitting over there grand theft auto pretending to be a like he probably spends more hours pretending to be a police officer than police officers pretend to be a police officer what's this i knew this reaction reminded me of something look y'all got to calm down man listen i just got orders from fat joe himself what ain't nobody else getting this what we at capacity what that mean we ah we gotta get over here [Applause] is it really like the substitute teacher was so stupid that other people he was just having random conversations with people and like just talking about like i don't know the government and stuff with like 10th like 11th graders and so he's just doing this stuff and i see that there's the answer key literally on the teacher's desk it's sitting it's it's literally just sitting there it's like an unironic wow quest where it's like oh well where's the quest objective it's right in front of the table that you just picked up the quest at like this is a straight up shadowlands quest line i'm not even kidding like it was a joke and anyway so i asked my man teach what time is it data never taught us how to t they never taught us how to read a clock i don't know how to tell what time it is how much time do i have left to do my midterm he's like he's like they didn't teach you how to how to read a clock i said no they wouldn't do that i could i don't know how to read a clock at all he says wow this education's really going down the tubes he turns around so i obviously i take the [ __ ] sheet of paper i pass it over to my boys right and so anyway later on i realized like maybe five years later after i had this encounter with this individual i realized that this guy wasn't stupid he was on trucks why he was on some serious [ __ ] drugs hey guys i should watch our appeals content are you being annoying to try to get my attention and get me mad at you or something you realize it's almost three in the morning i'm just running a test stream to make sure that everything works right like i'm not being paid to overreact to you right now so if you want to be obnoxious and get an overreaction just try to type something stupid in my mainstream tomorrow morning okay i don't want to deal with you right now sacred ass focus with the 20 gift community subs i appreciate that thank you thank you thank you guys there's been a ridiculous amount of twitch primes everything like that you know the answers i didn't take that okay i didn't i didn't take that that's not that was not me man that was not me that was somebody else man like who would do who would do such a thing but they've made no they've never said anything in my chat wait a minute so this guy's getting framed somebody literally just made up a random name somebody made up a random [ __ ] name for a meme on my reddit and they have defamed the honorable good name of a two-month sub spurgmaster69 they have defamed his honorable name how absolutely disgusting this is man let me look at the other oh there's so many of these too what's this here try on [Music] oh my god what's up y'all it's me okay oh my god look it's it wasn't even my eye actually to be honest with you i was the one that suggested to get the fursuit got him got him it's me shroud [ __ ] okay i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry like for me i have no problem every single year i i pay a lot of money in taxes hundreds of thousands of dollars i pay taxes and i don't like it but i don't complain because that tax money that that i'm i'm going on yes obviously a lot of that money is gonna [ __ ] build bombs and i don't like it but some of that money is going to help the next person who was me 10 years ago living on food stamps trying to survive that that's the truth like i i i it is what it is man it is what it is and and why do i have that opinion i would probably have a different opinion if i grew up very rich and absolutely well maybe i would and it would be harder for me to come to the opinion that i have now but based off of my life experiences this is where i've been led to [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 444,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold twitch, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold moments, asmongold best, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold new world, asmongold tts, asmongold struck by lightning, asmongold gold saucer, asmongold blizzard lawsuit, asmongold furry, final fantasy 14, final fantasy xiv, asmongold ff14, asmongold plays final fantasy
Id: 5voi0N727Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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