Asmongold Reacts to ex-WoW Streamer MELTDOWN over Blizzard Fans Defending Them

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mr gm made the tweet made a tweet yesterday he said that there are 600 and something items in the final fantasy store this was clearly a response to people complaining about the blizzard store and so pyromancer pyromancer had what's often referred to as an epic gamer moment and it wasn't just a moment it was a period of time and i saw like a clip of it but i'll watch the video here and i'm going to show you guys about what happened so this is pyromancer obviously he's streaming on on twitch he's playing this other web game i don't know what it is but he's uh he's jimmy on twitch and people are asking him about world of warcraft why can't you buy them with gold like in wow hey dumb [ __ ] you realize you can literally buy gold for a while through the built-in in-game systems right you can literally pay real money to get the gold to buy them what is the [ __ ] difference dumb [ __ ] you can literally buy gold that you can use to buy gear the difference is that you can grind your gold to buy wow tokens yeah nobody does that and everybody knows it right and the reality's like yes here's really what it is like the idea okay so this is really all right so this is the idea that blizzard and blizzard apologists give people they say that oh the wow token is for those working dads they've got two jobs three kids and one and a half wives and whenever they come home they've only got 35 minutes a week to play the game so the wow token helps them get into the game and really make some real progress but the reality is that it's not ted with two jobs three kids and one and a half wives it's uh let's see um it's jeffrey who's sitting at home on his [ __ ] my at his mom's house playing [ __ ] to video games on the sofa off of his tv screen because he can't afford a monitor and he's sitting there waiting for his neat bucks check from the government another stimulus check that [ __ ] biden is gonna send him so we could spend the entire thing on wow tokens to buy the few remaining mounts in the game that he hasn't already been able to farm it's not it's not these [ __ ] super casual players that are doing it it's the [ __ ] neckbeards they're the ones that are pumping money into the system because they're the ones that are the most addicted am i wrong jeff actually it's fair because jeff you know my friend's jeff's name actually is jeffrey and he did actually use his mom's credit card to buy gold back in burning crusade i'm like jeff how'd you get flying he's like i'm just really good at farming and then his mom comes in she's like you still need my cart no nobody does that yeah no no they most people don't do that no no hey jakester you know how many old transmogs you can get in wow do you know how many old discontinued transmogs you can get in wow oh only the ones at the black market auction house you know how many you know how much a piece of [ __ ] gear goes for depending on the server it depends shut the [ __ ] up please your comparison sucks dick okay if you want to be a dick writer and you really want to still you still want to try and simp for that [ __ ] company all right all right one one minute 40 second that's how long the enrich timer for this fight is so anyway i i want to say that yeah this is not now we're getting into the enrage timer thank god and we've got nine minutes left um yeah so this is great here's how i see it is that um the final fantasy store sucks too like you pay for the game you pay for a sub you buy expansions it's the same as wow final fantasy shouldn't have a store either i think the store is dog [ __ ] but you have to say that the wow store is worse because they literally allow you to buy and sell currency like it's just worse because you can buy and sell currency they're both they're both bad like like i don't see why people are like oh one's good and the other one's not good no they're both bad it's just that the wow one is slightly worse still on that train you are still on it you're i can't believe it i i literally cannot fathom how [ __ ] dumb blind [ __ ] i can't believe it dude i can't believe the wow community i can't do it dude you guys are actually [ __ ] idiots he's mad dude it's like if i can't believe it dude he's mad i cannot stand i can't stand i can't stand the game i can't stand this is the face of a person who's had to review world of warcraft lore for the past five years you have to understand this this is the kind of person that has to deal with reading uh that sylvanas will never serve after she serves for two expansions nine expansions yes think about it blue play it i can't stand the content creators who are still simping for it because they're [ __ ] all of their money depends on it so they stand around and pretend like they're not talking [ __ ] about other games to disguise the fact that they're terrified he's sneak dissing mr gm here because of the fact that mr gm made the post about the final fantasy story it's very clear that's what it is and that's why they were arguing on twitter uh it's obvious and um italian too here's the reality is it the only real people that should be afraid of wow dying are are like the high-end competitive players because the majority of them have i don't say that i don't think that they don't have a personality i think that they have a negative personality because they can be near somebody else who's interesting and not only not be interesting themselves but make that other person next to them less interesting as well it's like it's like a negative five and everybody's personality is a ten you know like they'd bring other people down at the same time and the reality is like there is nobody who is more boring than a competitive wow player now i think that there are a few exceptions like for example i think that you know a lot of the guys in the limit i've met some of them i've hung out with them before they're actually really cool i like them but i'm talking about the people that want to sit around and run [ __ ] mythic necrotic wake plus 23 for the fifth time in one day like i'm sorry bro but like please i i can i would rather play hello kitty island adventure and it's just [ __ ] boring like that's all there is to it it's just [ __ ] boring the reality is that mr gm obviously everybody's going to have a they're going to lose viewers whenever they move out of their main game that's just the way it goes um obviously like for final fantasy for me obviously i've done very well for a lot of reasons but you know in historically i've had the same thing happen um but you look at like uh pyromancer like if you are making content about the game and you are your personality is what drives that content you can move to another game much more easily than someone whose biggest accomplishment is what number they can do on the screen because it's the only way that they have to cope i'm [ __ ] sick of it dude i'm [ __ ] sick of it i'm [ __ ] sick of the wow community i'm [ __ ] sick of that [ __ ] company i'm [ __ ] sick of that [ __ ] game i'm sick of putting so much of my time energy and love into that [ __ ] universe to have it all crumble around me because perverted mid 30 year old and 40 year old men can't keep their [ __ ] hands to themselves and it's why the game sucks too of course it is of course it and there it is like that's literally all there is to it i'm sick of it as well it's just it's so [ __ ] annoying and obnoxious man and it's it is it it definitely makes the game worse man 30 or 40 year old men yeah it's [ __ ] weird it's so [ __ ] weird the sad truth is that if these [ __ ] people didn't have such such terrible inner uh inner uh such a terrible uh work morale and uh culture that the game wouldn't suck well yeah it's like if you're sitting at your desk and half the time you're sitting your desk you're worried that some [ __ ] manager is gonna come up behind you and start rubbing your back that he just you know happens to only do to you and the other female employees your mind is not going to be in the place that it's supposed to be your mind isn't going to be in azeroth your mind is going to be in the [ __ ] cube crawl and nobody wants that there's there's they're thinking about other [ __ ] it's like imagine it's it's like the guy driving remember like the video of like the the clown making the [ __ ] things while i'm trying to drive the clown college nobody wants to deal with that dramatize much like a hallmark movie i dramatize much are you kidding me man these people get like ptsd from that [ __ ] imagine having somebody do that to you it's [ __ ] weird especially whenever there's like no there's like no way to solve the problem it's like what do you do do you talk to the manager and then potentially get fired do you try to stop him and then have him retaliate later oh it's so stressful man it's so [ __ ] stressful i've never had it happen to me but you don't have to [ __ ] have it happen to you to see what's common sense maybe i wouldn't have to talk [ __ ] about level 60 boosts and maybe i wouldn't have to talk [ __ ] about the disgusting monetization and broken promises of things like reforged of things like classic [ __ ] gbc where you can literally buy a mount for real money there it is maybe i wouldn't have to get that mad maybe i'd be willing to pay 15 a month for that [ __ ] game huh i've given thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars dude i have to thousands of dollars there's a thousand dollars in books i don't want to [ __ ] hear it dude i stood there and i white knighted and i [ __ ] sympt for blizzard for two expansions straight dude and you know what i got for it [ __ ] nothing i got nothing i got a lot of wasted money and a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] content and a bunch of lore that doesn't make any sense because steve the newser can't write a [ __ ] story if i outlined it for him let's introduce thanos to the game and create an infinity gauntlet and let's redeem sylvanas yeah i mean it is thanos i mean let's be honest the jailer is literally thanos but it's like he he's going around and he's getting all the different [ __ ] infinity stones which are the sigils he gets all them he completes the glove and now he's going to go and go to the [ __ ] uh the sepulcher of the first ones or something like that it's the same thing but here's the difference is it thanos has been crafted over 10 years of foreshadowing and then he's also here's a big part of it a good character because you have a backstory on thanos there's thanos talking to gomorrah there's thanos who's actually intelligent he says things you like that you like that thanos is cool and he makes other people that are kind of [ __ ] of the story look like little [ __ ] and i [ __ ] thought like thanos in my opinion i've said this before thanos is probably one of the best crafted at least since heath ledger's dark knight the joker like like that that that's the last i think that he is the best villain since then at least and he is like he's in the top probably five of like all time for like any comic book or like action movie i genuinely think that it is it was absolutely [ __ ] amazing and to think that like you can just do that without having all the foreshadowing everything like that uh it's just it is so stupid they basically added thanos into wow and they took out all of his voice lines all the while in the course of this single expansion we have a new [ __ ] novel sylvanas we have exploring azeroth eastern kingdoms western provinces we have another one fails and folklore of [ __ ] azer of azeroth we got another one shadows rising how many books are you gonna [ __ ] get out of me how much money am i gonna pay before i can finally explain the lore to the people that want to know about it to the degree that it's actually comprehensible how many do i have to buy how long do i have to go how many videos i have to make recapping the video that's recapping the video yeah four years later people still aren't having the misconception about your [ __ ] lore because you can't publicly come out and say anything even remotely [ __ ] worth listening to about it oh man god oh wow what a day what a [ __ ] day he's wild and yeah he is wild and man like that's what he's got to do and the community's full of a bunch of broken-hearted people who feel alone and are now feeling weird because they're stuck between a weird spot of supporting the company that makes the game that they used to be in love with and not wanting to support these weird [ __ ] ass grabbers and bob who's running his [ __ ] company into the ground by recruiting the same law firm that ian has acosta's formerly worked with to investigate their inner [ __ ] policies well this is a law firm the law firm is very famous for um breaking up unions so again it's like blizzard could have uh you know they could have done a number of other things but what did they really do what did they really hire well the first thing that they did was they uh they hired somebody because you know the sexual harassment stuff again like you know like you don't [ __ ] with their money whenever the they think the employees or the employees are getting angry they're going to start asking for more money like oh okay all right everybody settle down well let's go into [ __ ] you know threat level midnight here this is the real [ __ ] danger is that the employees might want to get paid more money tell me it's not a joke no it's not a joke they actually blizzard activision blizzard literally did hire somebody who or sorry a law firm that's famous for its union busting efforts yes that's actually that actually what happened nothing suspicious about that bobby koetick [ __ ] i'm so [ __ ] mad dude i'm sorry no you're not no you're not i need uh dude i need that outs i need that out so bad no you're not you're not sorry this is a phase two transition i [ __ ] needed that dude yeah we'll see i needed that so bad dude i was gonna walk around it's just like what's this dude what is this and all of these and this and all of those and this and that and all of this in this [ __ ] meaningless act that's sad yeah that is sad man down i will never serve [Applause] [ __ ] idiots it is sad it definitely is sad whenever you see people that just feel like they are um uh that they feel like they're they've been taken advantage of and lied to and everything like that i i think that like especially with blizzard people feel that way more so than with a lot of other companies and it's sad for me to see that because i in my opinion i just want i i do think that in the long yeah they feel like they're betrayed right i mean these are you know we've been loyal fans and customers for years and you know to have this [ __ ] happen is just it's it's sad man i've talked about it a lot because i'm just so bothered by it i've been stressed out about wow for so long dude see i never really get stressed out about the game like that's one difference is like for me i don't really get stressed out like if the game sucks i just play a part of the game that i don't think sucks and if i don't have fun no really i'm not like i get stressed out in terms of like oh whenever i'm streaming and it feels like there's no new content and it's like oh what am i going to do yeah 100 that stresses me out but whenever you're talking about like actual stress from the game itself nah man that doesn't stress me at all like who gives a [ __ ] i mean it's the game is the game and i'll go and play another game like you guys like there's like a weird thing where people don't remember at the end of wrath were like we had no new content for nine months and then blizzard locked everybody into during cataclysm and annual sub to get free diablo 3 because they knew they weren't going gonna put out any content for a whole year like i remember these things and everybody's like oh wow this is new when did this ever happen before every [ __ ] time it happened every time what do you mean the only times it didn't happen was a burning crusade and the only time that it didn't happen in burning crusade is because people sucked at the game and they couldn't just get boosted all the way up in the black temple gear and then go do sunwell which is effectively what we had in wrath because people got all the togc gear and toc gear it was a joke and that's what happened that's what it was it was not this is not new this has always been the case so i'm not getting stressed out about it because i'm used to it sorry for those of you that came in to that i'm so sorry i'm not sorry i'm not sorry phase four i'm not sorry i'm not sorry and i don't feel bad you know why because if that happened in this game i would do the same [ __ ] thing dude i hope you know that if i had played if i've been playing this game for seven eight nine years and and square knicks did us like that i'd [ __ ] do the same thing dude yeah i think one thing that people need to stop doing is getting emotionally attached to video games and putting their identity inside of the video game now i know this is something that i've had to struggle with too right i mean that's how i know that it's bad like you need to stop doing that like it's just a video game if it sucks and you don't like it stop playing the video game that's all there is to it if you're yeah if the video game is bad stop playing the game until it's good it's your job but yeah but that's like that's like a stream thing right it's it's not my job to play world of warcraft it's my job to entertain an audience now the reality is there's a lot of people that are entertained by me playing world of warcraft absolutely but like in general um i do think that it's it's it's a misunderstanding of of what the goal of streaming really is but overall yeah people need to just stop getting emotionally invested in these games like normalize taking a break and stopping playing a game whenever it's bad and if you're playing the game and it is bad then just focus on things that you want to do like in a while that's what i do i'm like you know i don't like mythic grading anymore i stopped mythic raiding problem solved not gonna [ __ ] around with these people anymore man yeah i i do appreciate the video here from pyromancer i think that it definitely is accurate i'll read a few of the comments here real quick before i uh i move on honestly i can't blame him he's right we're all like this dude played some warcraft 2 demo it didn't really start following the franchise and warren until three and never has it been so terrible uh guy gave his life up for a while and now saying wow he's treated him as unfairly his hurt the thing is he's right can't disagree with you at all this hits so hard because it's true yeah the thing is like here and i'm i'm gonna say this okay and i i really mean that this is not like copium or anything i genuinely believe this like 100 100 i believe this i think that all of this bad stuff that's that's happening with blizzard will ultimately be good for wow i think that it will because it i think that it breaks a lot of people away from the idea that they have to play the game all the time i think that it is going to kind of wash it's like the noah's flood right but god has to had to bring in noah's flood to wash all the sin out of the earth and it's just it's what makes sense it's no i mean it sounds crazy no it sounds crazy but it's [ __ ] true and the reality is like a lot of the people that are working in the game people are so emotionally attached to it and i do think that like all this like controversy did break some of that emotional attachment and the positive to breaking that emotional attachment is people will start to look at things with clarity and they'll start to look at things with a genuine eye rather than trying to make excuses for every dumb thing that happens so i do really believe i do really believe that's what's going to happen somebody told me the mr gm tweet i'm going to read this and i'm going to talk about this just for a minute then after that i'm going to move over okay and this is going to be like literally like a three-minute thing um this jim says turn off the ability to reply to recent tweets at least i can control some of the views to twitter but unfortunately 325 common hate posts about me still exists uh made some mistakes last 24 hours we've got a lot to learn from this so mr gm is obviously talking about uh he's obviously talking about the the thread that was made about him on my reddit and so here's the thing um mr gm like i'm assuming you're probably watching this stream and this is bothering you i'm gonna do two things i'm gonna delete the thread and i'm also gonna say you shouldn't throw stones whenever you live in a glass house you had no problem tweeting and laughing and playing it off like mental problems like playing off pyromancer's mental problems whenever he deleted his twitter play stupid games win stupid prizes what happens whenever this gets turned around on you stop being a [ __ ] and the moment that this happens to you don't go and cry to twitter after you did the same thing to somebody else there will be no more comments or negative threads about mr gm on my reddit i do hope you learn from this because you're at fault just as much as he is and in my opinion even more because you're going and looking for sympathy never you started the drama it's pathetic let's play the game [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,413,520
Rating: 4.8878531 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold blizzard, blizzard lawsuit, blizzard sued, blizzard investigation, blizzard exposed, wow lawsuit, blizzard asmongold, blizzard drama, activision blizzard, ZackRawrr, classic wow, tbc, classic tbc, wow, quitting wow, quit wow, FFXIV, pyromancer rant, pyromancer, pyromancer metldown, asmongold pyromancer, ex wow, ex wow ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, asmongold final fantasy
Id: mnt773kl5pQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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