A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ & Mcconnell Try to Survive | RAFT

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bro i i swear yesterday what when you did the when you did the face the the soy jack face when you looked and you pointed backwards i know i laughed about that for like 10 minutes bro well then when you did that phase like [ __ ] could crack me yeah i know that and the worst part about it is that they went and they [ __ ] made that a youtube thumbnail yeah bro now now that now i have to live with that for the rest of my life okay so we've got um well we're on a raft uh so uh we have a oh it's just shark don't go in yeah don't go whoa wait wait wait no no i just want to see what's gonna happen that's all okay so i right click to get that thing back so like what happens if i jump in the water look do you see ahead of us there's an island we gotta hurry okay all right all right let's go there let's go there okay um all right so i go down what if i hit the shark though just just get items okay all right all right all right i'm getting items it didn't work okay all right all right let me throw it again i'm gonna get this one right here get the plastic get the plastic it didn't work mine's not working but it's left please the island's right there please i'm trump i i just it doesn't middle left but it it just that i didn't how the equip and unequip it okay tab all right um i'm gonna put tools wait what okay there all right i changed it oh okay go get the barrels please i'll get this sharp right here right here right here no that's the shirt i'll get him i'll get him i'll get him i'll get him [ __ ] okay he got away all right we will get barrels that was my barrel okay i'll get that barrel uh did i get it reel it in reel it in you got it okay all right how do i reel it in oh oh okay okay okay oh wow so i got wood no please wait what wait what did i do wrong hold on do you have any stone do you have any stone uh no why i only have two stone oh [ __ ] it's over what do you mean it's over like here i go i got this one right here we're good okay so we've got we've got wood and i'll put the wood down i'll make the how how does this you don't have any stone at all uh i have a i think it's a garbage can well say goodbye to the island wait why don't we just go to the island right now you can't because we don't have a [ __ ] anchor what if i go okay it doesn't work that way all right um you just you [ __ ] me up just now how wait a second no we'll be able to get stone we'll be able to get stone we need uh there'll be stone in here no that's that's plastic okay um you have to aim ahead of it okay okay so the best things you want the best thing you want yeah it's going to look like a like a cabinet kind of thing and the second best thing is a a barrel okay a barrel all right what if i [ __ ] sir hold on watch out watch out okay okay and if it's close enough you can just take it out of the water oh wait that's a bed that's plastic that's a bet what no i think it's it's either a bed or a piano what was it it's plastic listen the game is a metaphor for how polluted the oceans are okay so don't try to think too deeply about it but oceans are deep what if i oh my god just a minute just meant to mention he was right there man like he was right there [ __ ] waiting for me dude like i just said it all right that's the thing okay hold on wait wait okay oh okay all right i got him no no don't worry about it i got him i got him i got him stop stop stop don't worry about it i can fix it right there wait we can build a sea fortress i know we need wood though okay okay i just got i think i got a piano there's a there's a thing there's a thing that's the best look look look that rip that right there yeah that's what you want to get this right here over here look at look look at me okay i got a piece of me okay watch watch i'll get it okay okay you you stole it from me but i would have got it yeah okay i got this one and what about that leaf here okay are there um uh giant squids in the game i don't know uh if there are i'm gonna get them how do i [ __ ] how do i miss this [ __ ] that boomer aim it's not boomer aim like i'm i'm getting a lot of these look at that i okay so i just i i can't i can't kill them right like it's just i i feel like this is just not it's not going anywhere okay it's a spear all right i'll make myself a spear so how can i make a spear okay fishing rod stone axe i don't have any stone i don't have rope oh i have one rope shark bait building hammer i need planks no you don't need a building humor don't worry about that all right that sounds good let's go over this way what happened to the music audio master volumes none okay there that should be better okay picking that one up right there good and i picked that one up right there damn dude i'm good yeah i'm certainly get the hang of this oh my god bro you're gonna have to make a new one soon probably why'd i do that bro i do i'm winning i picked that one up look at that pick this one up right here there's another one oh i see it's okay getting this one here good how the [ __ ] where's the audio just i'll i'll get this one i'll get this one you can get that you can try to get those barrels those three barrels ahead of us yeah okay all right all right all right i'll get the barrel oh i can get that one you're welcome man oh you all right so um let's see here i'll go over there and get these there we go good it'll start again soon [ __ ] uh we're going to kill him like guarantee what's going on watch out watch out shout outs okay all right yeah we get the barrels that's fine i'll get this barrel over here [ __ ] you gotta get these barrels i don't have any plastic okay okay okay okay all right on my way all right um come on [Music] got wait i got one good get the others get the others holy [ __ ] i'm actually winning wait nice dude holy [ __ ] it's loot boxes yeah we're winning okay we got this there we go good we built the house and so what can i do now yeah how much plastic do you have how many plastics uh yes i do i have eight i knew that oh there's an island over that way five dollars per loot box yeah it's like this is like diablo immortal riffs is it 25 this this game was like 20 bucks okay got that one dude i'm actually really good at looting these i feel like my skills in pub g are starting to pay off wait oh boy it's getting pretty [ __ ] dark here it gets super dark in the sky uh i'm kind of worried about that um okay can't see yeah no we're good we're good everything's all right so okay uh we you see that barrel right yep you only get that one okay good all right pick all these up then i go down the kraken there's not gonna be a kraken guys like just stop so can you sail this can you like move it around you can but i don't know how okay all right let's try to pick that one up i'm just trying to get this uh there's um uh there's a uh um yeah it happens uh there's a shark yeah it happens happens like every five minutes i think would be pretty cool if it didn't like it's a it's a bit much it's an angry boy yeah it's a baby shark no no it's not they're gonna be fine guys everything's okay all right so we pick up the little leaf let's pick up another that one's mine see i got that one that was me oh let me loot that all right good so wait uh are there waves that are coming this is not oh [ __ ] for good wait what uh just keep just keep getting things okay uh [ __ ] okay okay okay i'll just keep i'll keep getting things yeah fine all right it's okay it's the megalodon it's not a megalodon like those are extinct this seems like a relatively realistic game yo look at me look at me okay okay i see you take a press tab all right and then throw the plastic out like onto onto the raft for me dropped it did you get it yes okay good get the uh get the things get the things get what things and the water oh yeah i i didn't all right i'm getting it i'm getting it just get the barrels [ __ ] pearls barrels oh oh barrels i thought you meant pearls okay okay i need to do something yeah go ahead do what let me do what i i didn't know i mean i don't know if they're perils or not oh that looks like a blue one let's pick that one up give me your leaves give me your leaves okay okay okay okay all right all right leaves leaves are out i threw the leaves away let me pick that one up we're not gonna let anything no no no board left behind i probably shouldn't have done that i could just walk over and pick that one up right so i kind of [ __ ] up there aim farther okay getting this one i [ __ ] okay i'm kind of worried i think that we're going to get attacked by a shark soon yeah i'm just i'm starting to kind of like you know feel it a little bit it's going to be coming up real quick board ape raft club stop man wait what the f how the [ __ ] did you make that we're dying we're dying we're dying it's a simple grill yo get the the barrel the barrel i'm the barrel wait what happened to my wait i i my broke my hook is don't worry i know i know uh plastic hook okay all right i'm gonna craft that oh okay that was easy damn i was worried about that okay so i just so crafting's instant in this game this is no big deal you don't have to you can just yeah bend down pick it up so what if there's like okay eat this beat there's a beet on the grill okay all right um i will pick up cooked beet and then this is gonna be uh uh i'm gonna use this i'll put it right there and then i'm going to tab um i'm gonna use this and how do i i'm gonna press three maybe and i'm going to click on it uh it didn't really do anything wait it says i can't i can't eat any water wait a second okay so you can't drink seawater so what you do is you have to make a cup and then fill the cup with the sea water and then put it in the purifier heat the purifier with purifier with the planks and then once it's done cooking you collect the pure the the uh good water in the cup and then you drink it oh my god it's a purifier so i can't just drink the sea water this is a little bit this is hard this is the game you wanted to play it's actually kind of good you know what this game does it makes me appreciate ocean pollution because if it wasn't for ocean pollution we would be dead right now it's kind of like it's one of those weird things where it's like yeah it's a bad thing but is it really bad yes yes wait what's did he yeah he did okay well it's good for us you got it all wrong drink water okay let me drink water all right so i'm gonna do three and i'm going to put um less mouth button okay drink and then how do i how do i place something on one of these press e press e it doesn't work fill with fresh water oh oh we got it okay so i'll drink this oh wow wow that was a lot okay good and let's see all right it's about to be daytime again i'm pretty sure we're making good progress saved yeah i'm not gonna die guys watch this literal barrel god call me donkey kong look at that big loot it's like a it's like loot boxes even in this game man we can't get away from them even even at c we can't get away from the loot boxes let's get that one get this one okay good grab that there we go you got two blueprints oh it's daytime okay so settings so listen uh hold the hold the beats in your hand and put the beats on the fire okay oh i'm beating it yeah i got it all right good yeah that was easy oh big barrel big barrel go for it yeah there you go are there like um a treasure chest yeah that's what the red things are basically oh [ __ ] okay oh [ __ ] i missed it okay good so could we build a raft that's theoretically so big that it covers the entire ocean no i think the game would crash before that happened but it is possible i mean probably the guy uh let's game it out or i think his name is he did that okay so yeah you could just make a really really big raft technically so you could you could just like avoid the whole ocean situation entirely yeah that's probably a good idea we should do that oh i got it nice you turn the music off press t okay whoa your raft is your home your hook is your friend if your raft breaks you patch it up if your hook is lost you make another there's nothing you can't make if you have the right salvage watch out for sharks okay that's my girlfriend apparently in the game um okay let's see sister yeah that's what i said yo put your [ __ ] in the storage containers over there um oh we got music all right there we go my [ __ ] in storage containers yeah oh wow oh wow wowie i have one stone look at the beet and eat it cook the beet okay okay all right all right all right i'm gonna beat it [Music] pick up cooked beet okay i'm going to eat the beet and i'm going to wait how do i how do i add wood onto the thing i don't look at it and press e you have to have uh you have to have planks in your inventory is it maybe not my inventory right here probably not uh i don't [ __ ] know okay oh i thought that was a turkey there's already wood yeah i've got it oh oh i didn't i see i see what i did wrong okay i'm just i was being a big dumb idiot it's all right guys that that happens uh sometimes okay good picking this up and we're oh we're gonna get a barrel coming right to us this is my lucky day all right looting this amazing it's a loot crate you need water to survive um i don't know if you've been paying attention we're in the ocean okay like we don't need to worry about that here let me drink some water here and place plank okay yeah i'll just bro like can you not like rip chest wait no no chest is fine chess is fine guys don't worry about it i thought we were gonna lose it too craft a spear okay yeah that's a good idea wooden spear um oh i need more rope okay let me see if we have any rope yes we do all right i'm gonna i've got my spear okay okay okay um all right oh oh it damages it so i don't want to do that too much yeah i'm not gonna do that that's bad there we go we got two of them right there oh we've got an island coming up too i know i know you need to okay okay i gotta make a stone i have one stone i'm gonna put it in the store get the the barrel i dude it's right there yeah i'm just gonna click on it it's fine like don't just chill out man chillax no for the island boys listen we're about to be we're gonna be getting we're gonna be going to that island right there it's gonna be great drop repair bot okay all right now let's use the beats oh [ __ ] um okay all right let's put that beat right there all right uh i'm probably gonna need to put more beets on there somehow well we need more uh yeah okay so there's nothing over there there's like nothing period man oh let me loot this one as soon as it comes out palm leaves oh my god that's a long one all right let's see if i get this one i did nice and we've got ourselves an island too okay here we go we're making progress paddle to the island bro that's what i thought uh yeah i put it in there i put it in there yeah you saw how i put it in there right i have one extra yeah yeah all right cool okay pick up that barrel nice swim to the island no watch out okay oh my god he made the battle should i get a paddle too well we made it we're good we're good we beat this is this over we are we good now like i i think yeah that's the game where what about like an a oh you alright alright you made the anchor all right good so what if i go in the water here okay this should be good careful the shark where where where where where where where where where oh he's on me never mind yeah just ma'am i'm getting i'm getting out i'm getting out you [ __ ] freak me out he was on he was on me don't worry yeah i'm just i know i'm stressing okay so what if i go underwater and where is he he's not anywhere maybe he's hiding so can i do anything with these the bamboo oh what's this pick up a blue flower oh we don't need that don't need it don't need it i've already got some i've got black flowers too but just drop them i we literally don't need them as far as i know well i mean i think that you have to because they wouldn't put them in the game if we didn't need them yeah i mean there's no way pick up the stones in the water okay all right i'll do it oh my god bro are you kidding me ah bro are you good okay all right all right all right we're good everything's fine guys he wants to be like you he wants to live on the land it's too bad what about these jesus christ i i don't know how to do it um okay okay let me think craft an axe all right let me craft an axe that's a good idea okay so uh stone i don't have stone i need stone and i don't feel like we have that many stone anyway there you go oh wait i'll get the coconut oh you okay can you cut down some of the bamboo because mcconnell got all the stone [ __ ] no okay um we need shark bait but we didn't fish uh i'm dying wait oh yeah i am dying okay let me go over to the water and i'll undy okay good and let's go here and where's the red flower can be turned into paint here take this take what here come over here okay how do you run sprint or uh uh shift hold shift dude you can't you can't because you're dying you can't oh i was wondering why i was so slow eat all this all right i'm gonna eat oh cause there's water in them so you can eat them with the water all right let me try to go in through here he doesn't see me he doesn't see me i'm out of his line of sight right i just like what does that mean what does that symbol mean like if there's like a hook with a star yeah to hold it click and hold okay all right i'm gonna do that i think i can get it without the shark attacking me actually probably not here we go i've got the shark's attention okay okay okay all right all right i'm gonna get this one i did it i got i got three of them holy [ __ ] yeah keep getting them keep getting them okay all right all right i'm trying to that was about all of them there were i'm pretty sure oh wait there's another one all right let me go [ __ ] [Music] okay all right all right all right okay um all right let's focus can we kill the shark what if we wait until no never mind okay i have black flowers i have blue seeds i got scrap oh that's the metal that i just got i i think i'm assuming that's what it was i'm not 100 on that one but we'll see use your spear and kill the shark i will okay we should be good here come on give me that rock give me that wrong give me that rock give me that where's that where is he where's he out where's he out where's he at where's he okay we're fine okay let's get this rock right here here we go we're just getting big rocks big rocks big rocks oh that's a big big rock okay metal yeah i'm good guys i'm good i'm good i'm good okay um let's see where's the other ones oh they're right over here okay good and there's no all right there's no back got him got what what no way killed his ass no [ __ ] way where are you i already already already looted him i killed him yeah sure sure okay wait pick up a wait wait what's this is a watermelon a yellow flower seed oh that's pretty good they respawn uh we'll find out i guess well i guess i should just start should i just start farming here i should just start rocking right yes okay good all right we're gonna get as many rocks as we can and that way whenever we get back on the raft okay this is probably a stupid question but wait where's my thing oh it got broken again uh plastic hook okay let's make another one of those so this probably really what you don't believe me huh believe me about what you don't believe me is that it no i don't believe you all right where are you at i'm over here what's up [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh how you get how did you get that is that do you buy that in the store no you gotta kill him to get it oh [ __ ] yeah is that like a amazon prime drop or something yeah it's gotta be something right okay so uh let's go this way we'll keep we'll keep looting more rocks so i know the game is called raft but can you make a ship yeah okay wow um yes holy [ __ ] go deeper and find different ores okay let me do this first i'm just looting all this just a bigger raft well at a certain point a raft becomes a ship at a certain point a ship becomes oh wow wow that's that's deep okay i'm good i'm good i'm good y'all were stressing me out were you thinking i was gonna die that's not gonna happen guys i'm a professional okay look around here the shark is about to come back by the way oh no he's not he'll be fine yeah it'll be fine it's make big bobby's yacht that's too big oh what's this nice so i got this one and oh my god almost died oh i've got to get all right all right okay all right all right we're good okay um so uh we have you take one shark me i take one shark meat for now oh wait wait i can i can eat a watermelon oh yeah do that do that oh that's a big oh man the watermelon only had water in it there was no melon [ __ ] okay i'll put some of the rocks in there and that's about all i've got oh i've got more stone okay good yeah it was all it was all water no melon okay i'll try to get some water too maybe oh it's cooking it's cooking is that what sharks look like that's shark meat oh my god you ever had shark meat in real life no it's very spongy oh but it's good it tastes good is it yeah i'm thinking i guess like a doughnut exactly isn't that illegal i don't know if it's illegal i'm pretty sure it's not illegal place a plank place a plank oh oh so you have to feed the fire i get it all right that makes sense so are there more oh can i kill the bird bird [ __ ] okay i don't know i don't really want to go out there until it's daytime okay come on by the way every time you throw that it wastes a durability oh okay never mind i won't throw it okay so we're going to wait till it's daytime and get any spears uh i have one spear okay give it to me i'll kill the shark you're not good enough no i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it i'll handle i can handle them okay you want to thrust the spear as soon as he opens his mouth at you okay like as soon as you see his mouth open you push the button like a parry yes just like a parry and then keep pressing it as he's swimming through you so what watch what are you watching yeah let's go i this is this takes up my view i don't like it oh wait all right all right ready shouldn't i get that nah are you ready okay just watch what i do and try to try to do it okay okay all right so there he is right okay now watch uh he's coming he's [ __ ] all right you want to get back hold on no [Music] yeah i'm good okay all right good all right let me go ahead oh we got to eat the food it's a cook shark and let me just put that right there and then we will eat this oh wow that was big food wait what's wait do i have i need your spear because uh mine's about to the hell is that uh you need my spear yeah unless you want to do it all right all right all right there you go i wouldn't do it in the at night i mean i feel like that just makes it harder i don't give a [ __ ] [Music] okay all right sounds good drag it onto my head i where yeah where's my inventory oh wait a second um okay nice uh i made a i made a chair why it's right over here there you go there you go there you go get them i need another spear i don't have let me see if i can make another one let me make another one okay uh wooden spear yeah i can i can all right i'll handle them this time i'll handle okay i'm ready all right i got i got him i got him it's fine uh i got him next time don't die if you die by the way you lose everything you have on you i'm gonna take one more shot i'm gonna take one more shot i think i think i'm not gonna be able to say it's not one of those things where you can respawn and go pick it up you lose it it's gone okay dude i can't i can't i can't draw a campbell yeah just let me do it just get out okay i i do dude he's so dangerous give me the spirit [ __ ] come on [ __ ] look oh my god man here you can just stay home and cook food and clean the raft and all go okay greek that's fine [ __ ] okay so uh i have to wait for my health to replenish it's okay i could okay no no we got em we're gonna get em we're gonna get them right here come on [Music] there we go wait what why isn't he moving harvest them uh okay no way holy [ __ ] holy now take the meat out how do i put the thing on my head okay so open your inventory drag it onto the the shirt slots below it how do i put the now put the meat on the grill how do i look though like an idiot okay all right uh let's go ahead we're gonna put the meat on there there we go all right now put the other meat right in here good and i'll put this down i'll i'll keep this i'll keep this for now we might want to use this later on okay now we need to go farm while the shark's dead okay okay okay all right we're gonna get so you want to get sand and clay the the the brown and uh tan mounds on the ground like little dirt pipes okay whatever okay [Music] so what about like deep sea diving like if i go oh there's nothing down there have you been down there yes oh okay so like you you know that okay okay um let's see here poor wait or wait wait how do i drink okay good all right i got my water we're good there and we're gonna have the food too uh can food get burnt in this game like in valheim no no okay i was about to say it was a shark that was you you can deep dive off water i got it i got it yeah we're fine guys refill my water i will in a minute i just have to loot this first okay good okay i think we have like one more minute before the shark comes back all right i'll i'll i'll get as much stuff as i can we probably should set sail to the next island so are there really really big islands in some of the oh yes oh really okay okay i see and like huge oh wow okay very very big ones got it do they have like uh boars on them and [ __ ] like bears unfortunately yes and the boars are of they are pieces of [ __ ] they're some of the worst enemies i've boars and the there are birds that drop stones on your [ __ ] head they take 800 hits to kill they're [ __ ] ridiculous what this game is not bro i thought this was just like a chill game this is some real [ __ ] this is real [ __ ] holy [ __ ] man all right and all right sharks coming back is coming back okay all right all right i put the planks on there so it's cooking the food uh there was the food was actually supposed to be cooking a while ago but i forgot uh okay so we're gonna do a simple uh we could i could make a bed soup through the night can be used to revived friends um respawning in a bed also provides you with more health okay i don't want that equipment i can't make equipment yeah uh let's see here resources nails and wet bricks get placed off of your raft to dry oh a sign how do i make a sign i need a nail and plank okay how do i make a nail uh should i make a sign no i might as well um okay so uh let's see oh i need more planks okay where's the planks oh [ __ ] we have to go out into the uh and out into the ocean soon okay raft the lich king eat this eat this eat this i gotta i gotta i gotta okay um let's see which button is that okay eating oh wow that's big food that's big food okay yeah that food kicks ass up now it's button it doesn't this doesn't [ __ ] do anything what's this you wasted planks on the chair yeah how do we how do i get rid of this well why would you want to get rid of it it's stupid how do i get rid of it refill fill it with seawater okay e okay um do i drink this oh [ __ ] it went down i'm cooking it's cooking okay okay you're too you're too stupid to drink no no no no i i did it i did it it's right there okay we've got it we're fine you just don't actually i'll get the stone axe soon so should we set sail wait oh it's the chair uh we almost lost the chair put it in the [ __ ] what put it no i just i brought it back we don't need it no we don't know that i mean i don't know everything oh my god brother i don't know everything about this game i have no idea are you ready to go yeah let's go i'm ready yeah take out the anchor let's go what's this okay and now we're going off onto the wild blue sea okay [Music] don't okay okay it's fine i won't hold on just get the [ __ ] thing uh no no i gotta oh i've got i've got to get more water give me a sec why are we angled like this okay uh drink all right we're good i have no idea so let's see water dude this [ __ ] is hard yeah this this [ __ ] is hard okay um all right we're good cause you spend yeah yeah we're good causes e no no no no i got it i got it i got it okay and i [ __ ] up again great oh there's a there's a box there's a box right over there dude i know i know what's map oh i can't do map okay paddle oh yeah you're right let me actually no i think we're going towards it anyway just no no we're going towards i know i know it's fine i'll get it how do we fix the angle like the angle is it really i mean like is that is that a problem oh i got it what'd you get what'd you get uh a bunch of planks and plastic and uh that was about it i just got plastics and planks to be honest is a pretty shitty box yeah like this is a dog [ __ ] ass box we need a sale okay how do we make a sale oh can i oh i can make the sign now we don't need a goddamn sign stop [ __ ] wasting a resources [ __ ] i'm gonna turn friendly f i'm actually gonna turn friendly fire on four wait i'm gonna [ __ ] kill you it it i just you know i would just it's just it's just one sign i won't make it oh i actually do have another one never mind i don't need to make another one i already have two uh i don't know no no no no no no no no no no get it yeah there you go oh god [ __ ] yourself why did god do that of all the things they're gonna eat [Music] man this is a [ __ ] how's that even gonna happen oh wait how's this oh there we go i got it now all right good okay there's a wait a second oh wow that is a big one yep that's a big one that's a big one that's gonna go there okay okay okay okay get all resources all right all right i'm getting all resources wait i can hit a dubby i can get two things at the same time you can get as many as uh oh my god i didn't know okay yeah damn i'm gonna start winning now okay good is this wow yeah it is uh this is the mythic grade it's a mythic sepulcher uh that's right what are we gonna do mythic dude mythic what nylotha and wait i thought you did mythic night well let's say you weren't in that race no no okay so mythic nilotha is easier than probably mythic g'huun the thing is like we just need to get everybody in like discord that's the problem it's like if you don't do that it's going to be a [ __ ] disaster because like that's what happened with us is like we we tried to do it and it's like if you don't have people that you can tell them what to do even on mythic oh my god that's a that was a that was a dolphin i'm pretty sure that's what you call a dolphin oh there's gonna be some [ __ ] oh dude this could be a good island okay okay okay all right all right big dick big dick okay let's get that one over there it's rich yeah true probably even makes the same sound oh let's get dirty i don't i don't oh all right all right let me get this and [Music] plastic hook there we go giraffe makes no sense yes it does what do you mean what's wrong with the raft i feel like we have a really good raft those are dolphins um i don't know really what those are like i've never you know i've never been on like i've never been out at sea before oh [ __ ] we have to we approach them at the cover of night okay here we go all right we made it wait oh i'm dying uh do we have any food yeah okay let's go ahead yeah let me food real quick oh it's because i was gonna use the um i see okay so now i'm still missing water but i think i can get water at this at this island here it's okay yeah i'll be able to get water from like a watermelon or something oh my god this is a really it's a oh i got i got a yellow flower okay that's good white flour bell flower white flower okay yeah let's go up here that's a good idea it's a red flower a blue flower a red flower okay yes dude whoa what all right what what oh man a container wait a second let me get up there i'm almost got lucky bro there's a container here what's in a container i'm about to find out oh i got a pine cone oh wait what i got nails oh i had those i needed those to make my sign yeah i already had that that's not a big deal like i mean are you talking about you already had that yeah wait how oh because i crafted them yeah i already had them it's not a big deal okay so stop wasting that is a big deal don't waste i have one nail i have one nail yeah that should be good oh i got another flower okay you're dying you're dying yeah uh yeah that is that that is true i don't know where the water is here i have some watermelon okay okay oh that see like why'd you get i was trying to get those yeah come to the okay i just got hit by a shark you want one of these yeah wait my inventory is full uh how do i uh i can't throw away the sign i'll throw away the blue flowers for now okay all right let me that's a that's a big water oh my god yes okay all right yo after you eat the watermelon drag the decoration things your your hot bar and then use them the decoration stuff okay decoration package and stuff like that yes okay let's use it you learned motivational quotes what you researched cabard let me see if i can do that how do i make a cabard oh there it is okay uh let's craft this okay and i'll put it right here wait it's not even that big what the [ __ ] is the point of this this is the dumbest thing i've ever seen in my whole life it's decoration so you mean i just wasted all my resources to make that and it had no value whatsoever yes okay all right that sounds sounds great so i've got this now and look around look around here okay i'm just trying to figure out like maybe i should get one of those is it gonna hit there oh well i might get the shark no i didn't he's coming i probably should have told you there's a shark right i'm fine okay okay all right well there is a shark though filled with fresh water and we drink that okay and then i fill this with salt water and then i place the cup of salt oh well that's oh i get oh i get it now i was doing it wrong the whole time yeah that's it is this final fantasy yeah [Music] nice you got his ass all right go farm go farm go okay all right all right going far all right let's see and we'll go down here we'll pick this one up okay yeah it's it's lost ark actually of course all right and or wait let me do this okay good raft walker uh i don't know how right dude i don't know how rather watching is gonna go like i i feel like it could i'm worried that wrath is gonna die really fast no it's uh it's gonna be better than pvc yeah why why do you think that uh i mean you can literally just go look like van rookie put out or not vinder zaryu just put out a video of him doing naj and it was about 100 times more exciting than anything i've seen in tbc ever really yeah it's just it's gonna it's gonna blow a tv yeah it's gonna blow tvc out of the water no pun intended uh wrath story time oh i did the wrath story yeah i've got that rat's gonna flop i don't know it's like i just i wonder because like i did a lot of pvp and wrath and i i in general thought raph pvp was a lot better than tbc like tvc pvp in my opinion just sucks like everything that i've seen about it it just seems like it's like [ __ ] rng it's just [ __ ] i i didn't really like watching it raffle it's gonna thrive i the thing is like i'm just not sure if that type of content is like oh i got seaweed nice i just don't know if it's as good as i remember it because the thing is like now it's gonna be like [ __ ] super meta-gamed like everybody's going to have you know they're going to know everything about the game and it's it's not going to be the same type of experience yeah everybody has deathbringers will everybody has uh dfo [ __ ] everybody has everything and it's like what's the what's like the long term of that i don't know i'm kind of curious to be honest are you doing a long leveling scene for wrath i mean maybe not long but like yeah of course i'll play it a lot the first day like i don't really like doing long streams okay pick those up there we go all right i think i can loot this right here oh come on i got it all right there we go okay good and uh well i mean like a 16 hour stream right like an actual long stream that that's what i consider long hook a bird no way i can hook a bird can i actually hook a bird no let's see no yes all right all right let me see if i can okay we got him [Music] [ __ ] all right [ __ ] i've got to lead my attacks more shark is back okay okay all right what do you want to do do you want to start sailing uh i'm gonna kill one more time for food and then we can go okay all right um i i don't think you can hook the birds maybe there's other people that can but i certainly cannot okay let's go down here okay any plastic bro uh plastic uh no i don't uh there's some plastic in in my cupboard and let me use a oh place a plank oh i i can oh i get the shark food okay that's good let me eat that shark food and then we probably should maybe maybe i put a potato on there yeah let's cook a potato oh that's good okay perfect flowers are trash in general uh probably not i feel like flowers have i mean they've got to be good i mean it it's oh i forgot to put the potato on there um it's like they're just going to be in the game for no reason well actually i'll hold on to the chair for now in case i need it and then we do have oh we have the other sign uh we're good all right and so we need flowers until you get bees what's this this is a uh it's a game called raft yeah it's called raft i don't really know like we can you make a gun in this game i have no idea yes okay good watermelon okay okay um was that mr shark no it wasn't are you sure that we should have thrown away all this stuff yeah it's garbage okay all right sounds good well i think we should go out sailing let's go dude that's what we have to do right oh what's this oh that's the anchor okay more pollution yeah yeah it's fine well it you know it's like what they say like garbage and garbage out totally normal how big is this world [Music] infinite okay would you like if the anime updated the animation for wrath um updated the animation i i feel like a lot of what makes oh there's a barrel that way there's like a bunch of them uh a lot of what makes wrath like wrath is that it's what's gonna happen here oh it starts moving us all right i get it uh a lot of my what makes wrath wrath is the ability to oh i think there's like a island like right like way off in the well distance go to the boat yeah just get the let's get the crates yeah i got it i got it yeah okay oh we hit a dubby there too yeah look at that all right transition to sea of thieves i actually i i only like the thing is sea of thieves is a game that's really good if it's uh if like you're watching if you like playing with other people i guess yeah that's what makes it good oh [ __ ] off oh grabber yeah i got two of them there oh [ __ ] i need to get more water all right let me do that fill with fresh water okay let's drink this and then fill with sea water and then place it over there all right great it's hard to keep all these buttons in in mind there's just so many of them you know do vikas tomorrow i don't know uh i i'm not sure how long it's going to take that's the thing is like i know that they were asking me if i was going to do it i haven't like given them a response about like that stuff uh it's because i don't really know like because we have all craft and i don't know how long or how hard vicus is gonna be yeah it won't happen in one day yeah it's like what if it's like really really [ __ ] hard or something uh raw water on the open sea no no that's the thing it's like i don't want to have that like i'm trying to i'm trying to get as much water as i can i'm gonna fill that and then i can put more in here uh poor liquid yeah yeah there we go and then uh drink where are we oh my god all right i'm gonna hop over real quick oh oh [ __ ] you're gonna go all the way over there okay all right got it all right i got the barrel though we're good oh oh so it's just that's another raft [Music] oh it sinks into the water after you pick something up that's cool that is a very very big island i think we should go there i don't know if uh i don't know i'm ready for it i'm 100 ready for i don't know can you make a can you make a paddle uh yeah do you want me to make one yes sorry okay okay all right give me a second all right um uh paddle uh how do i uh okay um paddle paddle okay all right good and where's the paddle where'd it go [Music] don't worry about it i made one okay um all right you you want to maybe like give me the other paddle and i could use it for something just make an anchor how about that can you do that for me yep all right i'll make an anchor okay throwable anchor all right i need rope and we'll put rope into my inventory and i will craft the anchor and then i'll put this down and then i'll put the anchor right here okay you want me to put the anchor down now no um i could you can put it down but don't like don't throw it in the water uh okay oh [ __ ] we don't have food again uh let me do let me start beating okay good we got two beats right there and yeah that's a huge [ __ ] island oh my god here's the spirits start fighting the shark yeah i know it's just that there's so much going on that it's hard to keep in mind all right i'll make myself another okay i've got a spear now i i mean i'm waiting for the beets to cook okay as soon as the beets are ready i'm gonna be able to eat them it'll be okay all right open the amazon package oh yeah okay let's see what this is put it down put it down now i can't it doesn't let me raft anymore okay okay okay um all right all right uh put an anchor all right there it is okay now pick it up and throw it in the water pick it up [Music] uh did i do it okay i did nice what i i no i didn't dude [Music] okay all right let's run over this way i've got my spear i'll take on anything okay what's up what we got a hinge dude what what the hell is that a hinge we got a hinge the hell is a hinge is that a big deal i don't know but it's cool okay well great let's just go to the other islands dude let's just go to another one dude i feel like every time i go to one of these islands we get a bunch of really good stuff we have to go to a big island and then we have to get a um uh yeah like we can build like a house there uh maybe i can try to fight the the shark all right i'm gonna fight him [ __ ] wait i think i actually did damage to him where'd he go did i get him all right all right another one another one another one here we go big dick time big time is he oh [ __ ] it's raining he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming he's coming i'm gonna see him i don't see him i'll see him i just i can't get i see him oh i actually got a hit on him i think i'm pretty sure i'm dead get just get out man okay okay it's fine fine i i i did i hit him though some to the ocean bed no i if i do that i'll die okay this is going really well time whenever he opens his mouth i was trying to do that man it's harder to do than you might think that it is to do because i thought it was going to be easy it wasn't so like what is this here carefully might finish visit volcano island how could i do that like volcanoes are [ __ ] massive there's no way i'm going to visit a volcano island in here so what are we looking for in here sand and clay okay i feel like if i go into the water it's like the uh the shark is stream sniping me and anytime i do that you have to attack the shark the second before he opens his mouth no as he opens his mouth like the second okay all right well i i've got some more health i'm going to try it again all right come at me mr shark i'm ready i'm ready bro i literally man i i literally man too early all right one more shot one more shot bro i'm scared i'm actually scared i'm actually scared i'm getting out of the water i'm getting out i'm gonna get out of the water wait was that [ __ ] all right you're done stop man please i'm trying man okay so all right let me see can i make more food um all right good and i don't need any of this uh i guess i mean i i i guess we're gonna put down the other cupboard all right one shark meat is for me one shark meat is for you okay okay all right we'll put that in all right i've got some sand at least all right i made i made some progress okay now look what hold on okay look at the sand and the clay combine them into wet bricks and then put the wet brakes on the on the ship uh okay that's a lot what what part of that what okay all right all right all right sand and we've got clay do you want me to do uh all right okay um okay uh let's see here wet bricks wet bricks and we're gonna craft how many do i want to make all of them okay and let's see if i can get my water all right i got some water here bro this shit's gotta cook faster like i'm gonna die like i'm actually i'm i'm done i'm dying out of like [ __ ] uh come on man come on please cook please cook eat a potato i'm not gonna eat a potato i don't need that i'll be able to get it it'll cook in time i have faith actually yeah whatever happened to my potatoes i think mcconnell ate my potatoes [Music] [ __ ] it stop cooking them too okay um it's in my jeans all right all right all right we've got one we've got one steak all right let's eat the steak there we go nice all right so now we're making progress good and should i make a brick like should i just put a brick down randomly save clearly put the brakes down yeah i just don't know how they work uh to dry okay all right i'll put the bricks down to dry okay we've got him why did you put them on the oh because of why um you put them in the middle so that the the shark can't [ __ ] directly attack it [ __ ] [ __ ] now you have to watch this to make sure there's no way it's gonna do that it will you have to watch it make sure it doesn't now okay all right i will i'll take care of it it's gonna be fine make a sale i just didn't think about that honestly like the shark the thing is it could bite any of these what are the odds that it's gonna bite these bricks if you make another cupboard or chair or sign i'm i'm literally gonna enable friendly fire and kill you over and over i did not i like i didn't i'm actually gonna do that the second the second cupboard was a genuine accident i did not mean to craft a second cupboard however the first one the first one i i did i did do the first one on purpose um but you know other than that i uh i i did wait how the [ __ ] [ __ ] okay uh salt water okay poor liquid we're in the [ __ ] wood dude no i [ __ ] man because i made stop doing this [ __ ] no i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not i'm not doing anything wrong like here uh you are we have no wood we have no wood well i i don't know how to get wood i mean i i think if we want to get more about getting it's about using it don't [ __ ] use anymore man i didn't use any of it there was some that i did use but like that was on an accident like it's like i'm using the wood on purpose not that oh we gotta go because we don't have any wood and there's no water yeah yeah let's go let's go make an axe you can cut trees down there's no trees on the side i already already cut the trees down yeah there's no trees okay i've got to watch these bricks man yeah i've got to watch these [ __ ] bricks make an anchor in there i don't know if i'm supposed to do that or not like i'm just trying to learn and understand what i'm supposed to do that's all i'm just learning and understanding my life put a sign next to the rick's distracted strikes sharks no no we've already got a sign right there it'll be okay we're sailing away now i don't know how to get wood well no i just i just don't know that's all i just had no idea put a four around the bricks i don't know how to do a four because i don't know we don't have any wood or plastic yeah we're gonna be fine okay so if he starts attacking you need to tell me okay yeah i will uh i will don't even think about it yeah that's what i thought what i [ __ ] thought [ __ ] okay so yeah let me just start picking stuff up i'll be okay all right and let's see here filled with fresh water dude like this water stuff is hard yeah this [ __ ] is really hard uh i guess i should start pick picking stuff up okay um all right these waves make it a lot harder too the bricks might be dry now okay i'll have to look and see in a second okay i got at least one one one wood uh let's see bricks are dry i need plastic too i don't know of i don't know what what means what they are what they they're not dry they're not dry don't worry about that [Music] all right got that good and [Music] nice [Music] i feel like we're making was that an eel no never mind it's just a bug [Music] trying motion sickness and i'll remove the waves yeah but like that's it's part of the game yeah part of the game yeah yeah true oh i get sick because i see motion god how weak are you look uh things get a little topsy-turvy you gotta throw up your whole [ __ ] meal jesus christ there it is boys it's just that simple balls okay get this one here there we go nice i do people actually get motion sickness from a video game i've never had that happen uh i guess man that's why they had to [ __ ] add that [ __ ] to the the yeah right yeah oh yeah yeah because people were pissing their pants because that was they were on a [ __ ] train it wasn't a real train though i know there's i guess so all right we got one it's in vr wow yeah i've never had that happen food okay let me food real quick okay as soon as we can we will uh we'll eat this food oh oh we've got one of these things coming up too uh my my my video is almost dead what uh yeah captain hook those vr roller coasters are [ __ ] with tilting and such see mike i don't even like roller coasters in real life the thing is like you can die on a roller coaster but like if i'm sitting here in my chair everything's fine like we don't need to ch like everything's [ __ ] fine you know we don't need to change things up it's fine you die in your car too yeah but i have to be in my car to go to to go to get food so like it's a different uh it's a different situation okay let's eat this there i'm good i probably should get ready and make another one of those too okay good what if a meteorite falls on you yeah i just listen i'm gonna be honest i don't really like them i think that's all it comes down to uh there's no other really explanation for it other than that people get blood clots and chairs yeah i get up a lot though like i very rarely am sitting down for more than like a few hours like i'll go use the bathroom i'll go like basically i i so it's actually kind of a bad thing um you guys know how i'm uh like i have like the reese's peanut butter cups so basically i bought 15 bags of the easter reese's peanut butter cups but the problem is i'm out i i don't have any more i i ran out and so i'm on my last bag and i'm thinking like how can i ration it out to where it's gonna last until halloween and i feel like we're at a position now where that's just like not going to happen like there's going to be like i'm going to have to go and like get other reese's peanut butter cups from like that it's three months yeah it's three months ago i'm not going to be able to do that for three months like it it's just not gonna happen okay uh wait a second oh [ __ ] wants to cook okay we're good what do they call me you got it captain hook captain hook right there captain hook come on [ __ ] okay um all right let's go this way 400 [ __ ] last year a year yeah i think next time i'm going to invest like maybe a hundred dollars in theresa's peanut butter cups and so because like this time i was like i'll just put in like you know 50 bucks yeah and yeah i think i'll invest like a hundred bucks where the bricks go uh i think mcconnell picked them up i'm i'm pretty sure he did yes okay got it and come on you piece of [ __ ] got it all right we're good have you tried the white chocolate recent spinner cups yeah they're [ __ ] disgusting yeah absolute [ __ ] garbage i should ban you in chat just for asking that question they're horrible yo cook the beat you got the beat okay all right um there we go all right we're beating good and i'll use that and then oh i need water okay i'm starting to get the hang of it but it's hard to do man like this [ __ ] is very hard to do yeah i thought honestly when i first started playing this game i thought it was like okay well this game is a joke it's just [ __ ] so yeah probably but like shit's kind of difficult to bounce it's just it's rough man we got big stuff on the left big stuff on the left okay just a sec um okay uh yeah i see it i see it i see it oh wow okay all right yeah that's big luke you have watches fruit left missing everything no i'll get it i'll get it it's fine all right i'll do that one right there uh check my wife's warehouse no the thing is that like i have like a whole strategy of how i get oh i didn't i don't think that one gave me anything oh you looted it okay we're good oh there's another one of those uh those things yep hopefully we run into it yeah i yeah that'll be good mcconnell yoinked it yeah maybe speaking of joining did you see that i finished my uh castle uh uh sanctum domination mythic set so like we need to do that again [Music] you said we weren't going to it's no because i still need to get the mouth like we have to make like a raid to do uh mythic sylvanas because like i there's no way i'm not gonna have that mound craft a paddle and then after you get yours you can get mine right um i mean like i'm not really sure like when when anything's gonna happen right so it's like i i it just depends on you know how things go man you're you're a good friend dude i swear i told you i'd invite you yeah yeah i know it's things that yeah yeah you can come to the raid the sale would help a ton no we're making good progress we don't need a sale [ __ ] what [Music] never mind okay you learned painting how do you make a painting okay i need three nails and some yellow paint okay so how do i make yellow paint no do not do not listen to me yeah listen to me it can be made yeah stop i'm gonna read don't do that no i i mean i'm just i'm looking don't read i was just looking at is that what you want i was only looking at the options that's all is that what you want no i do not nobody wants that we need to make a research table okay so should we make a research table and just put it in the raft all right i know where to put it i know where to put it i know where to put it okay um motivational quotes um let's see i'll probably do that afterwards you have to make an r d section yeah i'm not seeing it anywhere here oh i just saw it research table oh i can make it right here don't mean to make it alright already did oh what's this medium crop plot lantern [ __ ] he got away oh my god man i'm missing so much [ __ ] i know i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it right here there we go there we go okay oh that's a big boy see that one oh look at that one that is a big boy oh my god yeah we gotta go over there okay there it is boys let's do it make nets i don't need a net holy [ __ ] that was huge this is massive okay do you have another anchor yes you do because i saw you like an idiot i saw that yeah i have two yeah i have two anchors i do okay all right this one this island is gonna be big this is big all right all right let's go let's go let's do it now on this island there could be boars and birds so be careful okay all right they will [ __ ] your [ __ ] up okay we just gotta make sure like we gotta pick up more wood we gotta make sure we get all the wood that we can because like that's what happened is like we just kind of got [ __ ] like as long as we've got [ __ ] yeah mix it up with e just pick [ __ ] up with e as we go across okay okay okay all right let's go all right i i would i would i would've got that okay here we go is that a what bruh what do you see what's on top of the island is that a dragon oh my god it's an airplane holy [ __ ] uh okay i'm a little bit nervous guys i'm gonna be honest like this is where's that where's the uh anchor uh it's uh i i got it i got it i got it just get ready not your head not yet okay you can put it down but don't don't throw it off okay you're gonna have to rotate it you can rotate with ours okay all right i'm gonna put it down now no no no no no no yeah i i know i i by now yet not yet not yet not yet not yet not yet not yet not yet not yet now okay got it i did it always a shark man why is there always a shark oh my god he ate me okay all right so we got another pine cone and i'll eat the pine cone we're good and now we have to look around wait don't do anything though don't do anything it's okay i'll move very slowly okay all right we focus there it is there it is what the [ __ ] what what what was in there bruh what what'd you get don't you see it wait oh my god the helmet i do see it holy [ __ ] oh my wow those are maybe that helps you see better in the in the dark we got two glass too wow okay i need to get rid of we need trees or something yeah i'm gonna get rope so i can make myself an axe make sure your food and shit's good too i am food i don't know if we have any rope oh we have one rope okay great we can make somewhere i mean we have a ton of uh i've got it i've got i got my axe leaves okay and see here filled with fresh water dude this shit's [ __ ] hard okay let's pour that in there good craft it you can make ropes with leaves oh really i didn't know that okay yeah i guess i'll do that then next time all right let's cut down this tree here i got a coconut wow okay what about this one maybe i cut down this one no i cut down this one for sure though nice oh that was a one tap what a [ __ ] ass tree okay wait what the [ __ ] okay that doesn't work maybe there's this tree no okay i think we're pretty much done with this island we got everything out of this island okay that doesn't work fake trees yeah they're fake trees man i come i can't calm down the [ __ ] is this all right i'm here wait i can destroy the what happens if i hit this with the axe you need a better c get metal ore i'm right it repairs it oh okay yeah i just don't want to take a risk and do something wrong you know okay let me pick this one up over here there we go big loop big loop underwater mats i'm just worried about mr shark that's all and outside of that i'm fine it's just that like especially like he's literally right there but he's he's he's [ __ ] right there you guys are gonna tell me to go oh go in the water going no it's a [ __ ] shark man look bro we can make so much more [ __ ] now look at your uh okay oh what what the [ __ ] cuts wool oh my god [Music] advanced purifier holy [ __ ] a scarecrow from your crop plots distracting attention with its beautiful block [Music] wow a stone arrow oh i can make those i won't do it but i can oh we can make a hinge here's what i need to do okay yes go dive down around the island and look for brown uh spots look for sand and clay i'm gonna kill the uh i'm gonna kill the shark again all right okay all right all right all right all right i'll do it okay should i get this medal yes yes okay all right i'm gonna get metal that's fine he's coming for you he's coming for you i got his ass you see he thought he could get me man he can't get me wait he thought he could get me he can't get me there you go there you go maybe i should try to like help you kill the sharks or some [ __ ] no it's fine okay all right sand there we go it's metal at scraps no no i need both of them right oh there's a rod over here yeah yeah i'm going i'm going going okay um i think i'm out of out of water or something or out of uh no the opposite of water just air okay look okay oh i i got his ass i got his ass okay all right me and you me and you let's just take him down get out get out of the water get out of the water i don't know if i can i don't know if i can get out of the water i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going running okay all right all right i'm out of the water [Music] [ __ ] man stay out i i could have got him like i [Music] like i i i could have i think i think i could have like it would have been easy for me honestly okay um there you go there you go nice dude nice good teamwork good teamwork okay uh there's a shark coming okay nice [Music] there's a shark you see him where is he uh these guys there he is he's coming got him okay wait oh you got all right he's dead all right good let me go start uh let me go start looking around okay let's look around here we go big progress massive progress right here you should name the shark well he's [ __ ] dead we can't name him anymore let's look over here he already has the name his name is jeremiah it's from the bible jeremiah his name is shark bait no that would be that's my name apparently okay his name is bruce okay let's pick this one up over here great all right and walk over wait what happened to my oh [ __ ] okay um all right good and then we have uh i'm cooking food don't worry about it do you have something like deadly boss mods or something that tells you whenever the shark is gonna respond no i just do i keep track in my head okay the inventory is full you pick up random stuff you drop random stuff oh oh okay i just got i'll throw away the flowers i guess i don't really need those that much okay [Music] sue's oh oh oh oh oh coconut time it's coconut time all right that's big dude i feel like food you threw away food i did not [Music] i i did not ever throw away food what do you mean it's absolutely ridiculous you played subnautica no i have never played subnautica i haven't played any of those games like i'm telling you guys like i'm not uh like the flowers will be useful well i threw them away so we don't have them anymore how is this not a tree 40 seconds okay i feel like that's a hundred percent a tree spirit of fish no i'll get as much as i can out of the water okay guys we're doing our best we're doing what we need to do subnautica s tier the thing is like i don't know if i would play subnautica i i i'm not really sure i i think i wish that like games like new world and i think ashes of creation is going to do this more like they have more of a um of a of a water experience you know because i feel like that's like something that's a lot of come get some food okay let me let me let me eat this one real quick i'll eat one more box i'll get two more oh i can't uh how long until the shark responds that's he's about to come back okay all right yeah like new world yeah yeah like you should be able to uh you should be able to go out into the like i feel like if you want to go into like colonialism manifest destiny [ __ ] you have to be able to get on a [ __ ] ship and sail around what's right here oh i thought that was i heard a sound and i thought that was a shark but that was actually just okay it wasn't it wasn't actually okay so still no swimming animations by the way yeah i know archeage is best open warrior has like gameplay open water stuff but i feel like it's not like super good there's like a certain amount of it like whenever you talk about like the ocean right i think that one of the most important things with like having ocean content in like an mmo is to play on the idea of the unknown because i think that's one of the most interesting and compelling things about it right because oceans you don't know what the [ __ ] is under at the bottom of the ocean so there should be um an element of like disorientation and just like mystery to them you see kind of what i'm saying like that's you know what's at the bottom of the ocean how how could you know that did you oh you watched the documentary oh okay yeah i guess you do know that yeah try arc do i see a thieves i haven't really played it that much no shark's back by the way okay um anyway let's see here so should we sail to the other island hold on not yet okay please stop you're [ __ ] me up dude you [ __ ] my [ __ ] up okay okay i don't like subnautica i don't know no i do anything i'm doing my best okay stop playing the game i'm doing what i can i'm doing what i can you have one piece of wood do i have one piece yes there's four okay i'm gonna kill the shark again okay so go farm okay [Music] try and go around maybe i know he went through this i know [ __ ] remember as soon as he opens his mouth stab okay okay i got one tap on him i got one tap on him he's dead he's 100 out here okay i missed every shot all right come on now as soon as he dies all i'll farm and you go you go okay one more just go farm i got him i got him okay okay okay all right i gotta i gotta i'm i'm farming i'm far man for me okay here we go dude it's hard to get him man valentine's day uh what's your food in water uh it could be better it could be worse like it's like about to get to that last notch area i think like valheim was good but the problem with valheim is like there was only one type of thing in the sea with valheim right you had the uh uh the sea monsters and that was it or like the the the serpent sea serpents like there's nothing besides the sea serpents in valheim water and uh like i'm trying to think like you you had like those islands but the islands were not really functionally sea monsters they were just there the kraken yeah but like not really oh the leeches i mean that's not really water stuff right i mean that's just in the swamp biome what drop all your [ __ ] drop all your [ __ ] drop all your [ __ ] okay wait maybe i can hold on i can get you can you revive me yeah okay yeah all right he can revive me it's all right wait you're carrying me what the i need a bed how do i make a bed uh oh my god i'm actually yeah i'm actually getting carried um need planks plastic and nails okay [Music] oh man i need planks really bad uh hold on okay no change there he's been doing it for no no i'm fine i'm fine i'm fine i'm going to survive he's not he's not going to crucify me man he's just chilling like he's trying to help me [Music] okay here we go hopefully this is going to be fine i don't know yet but we'll see what happens i'm a little bit uh frustrated about this he's not taking no for an answer apparently not system with the 25 get the community subs thank you very much i appreciate that man thank you thank you so much you dropped 20x plank on the beach yeah i'm gonna go get it it's okay like this is completely normal like i'll be fine you might like conan exiles i really liked you know what game i played a lot was valheim i played the dick out of valheim like i was playing that game like [ __ ] crazy man and then i just kind of stopped uh i don't really know why it's i do know why it's because i beat the game like i [ __ ] had every trophy i killed every boss i had all the loot i had every weapon maxed out i was just like done but i watched i watched shroud play conan exiles and looked like [ __ ] like i'm gonna be honest you play it so yeah i played the whole thing solo yeah it looked like absolute [ __ ] wait press any key to wake up oh i could click the mouse button okay i'm survived so why is it that um so should i should i go for round two against the puffer fish no okay okay i won't no i'm not i'm not going to i'm not going to i was is the question okay i'm not going to do that no please say thank you yes thank you mcconnell you saved me uh am i even good to go out here because of the sharks no i have to kill it again okay all right let me get this one here maybe we should just go to another island because we've already got a bunch now there's a lot of [ __ ] here that we're missing okay let's do that where are you um i'm by where i died would you ever play arc i would love to play arc if it was a good game like i i know they're making arc two i think that arc like the the premise for arc and the scope of the game is really cool but like mcconnell got me to play this game i'm gonna be honest man it was so bad it was it was one of the worst games i've ever seen in my entire life it was just it was awful man arkansas is like 20 gigabytes now yeah well they have to have the chinese root kit in there that's why i actually enjoyed it it's so genuine yeah it definitely is janky okay what pick up watermelon okay i'll eat that good it's it's it has been eaten uh the devs are in it yeah no i just the thing is the game playing well was a big deal for me like for example like this game generally plays well if that makes sense like the quality of it is good like the responsiveness is good like i hit a button and it happens like that's something that i i hold in very high value with the game he's about to come back uh he he won't attack me yeah trust me like i i i sometimes i have like a a sense of these kinds of things okay let's pick this one up here try it again it's very different from elise i mean i tried it like a year ago i mean [ __ ] it wasn't that long 4k over here yeah it's like i love the idea of arc i just feel like the [ __ ] um i feel like the game is just like it's badly coated and badly designed that's all all right time to go back okay let's do it so when we get back give me all the sand and clay you collected and uh hopefully we can make a smelter okay sounds good i'll do that what about atlas dude i actually mcconnell you played atlas a lot didn't you atlas was super awesome when it first came out i i dude then i feel like i should uh the chinese kind of took it over and kind of ruined it the [ __ ] yeah like chinese developers or players players what the [ __ ] did that happen guys like interfaces shipper once is a [ __ ] gameplay of [ __ ] yeah it's just a really cool idea like having dinosaurs and [ __ ] is a cool idea so everybody talks about how great it is that's really all there is to it it's pretty simple okay so that's we just gotta go holy [ __ ] we gotta go okay all right let's do it all right give me your uh your sand and clay uh i put it in uh one of these it's in this one here yeah i got a lot of them all right just collect stuff then seven days to die yeah it may be yeah seven days to die was probably one of the it was one of the worst games that i've ever played in my entire life like i remember so like i had an ex-girlfriend and she wanted me to play this game with her and i didn't want to so finally she you know was cried about it for long enough i'm like okay fine [ __ ] uh i'll play your shitty [ __ ] game so i i'm playing the game and i hated it i absolutely hated the game i thought it was one of the worst games i had ever played and i remember i killed my own character and she couldn't revive me so like i literally had there was no way that i could play the game and i finally got out of it and i walked back on the well no it was not easy and uh yeah you have to play the stanley parable i missed a lot of really good endings i feel like i got a lot of the stanley parable done man maybe not every single thing but i feel like i did a lot of it yeah bro how do we [ __ ] man what how do we orient ourselves to [ __ ] like you see how we're going like we're long ways instead of you know thick way oh um yeah i get what you're saying uh [ __ ] okay got that one uh that's a good question i have no idea use a paddle yeah but it doesn't i don't know how paddle works a panel just makes you go forward like it doesn't like change your direction of the sail yeah yeah true is is that like yeah i don't know okay got that what about drag shoot i have no idea okay get that one over there nice seven days to die versus arc which one was worse um i feel like arc was probably worse like to be honest i i think arc was worse it's like i i don't know i feel like there's not a lot of very good survival games out and or like maybe this is true like a year ago because like this game came out this game is pretty good and like there's a few other ones but like most other survival games are kind of [ __ ] bad like v rising yeah v rising it really the best in my opinion the best survival game is rust like rust is the [ __ ] game man like i've thought about playing i see people playing like escape from tarkov i thought about going and playing that i just don't really know because it seems like one of those games it's like super [ __ ] hardcore oh you got it okay i thought we were just going really fast it seems like one of those games it's like just super [ __ ] hardcore wait is that a manta oh my god i think it is yeah dark hot player here yeah it's just getting [ __ ] bad yeah wiped happened happened today uh new world july update so the new world july update i i looked at a little bit of this um mcconnell are you thinking about playing new world again no why what do you do you think that you'll ever play new world no why it's just not like some other games that i could mention but i won't because apparently i'm extremely vitriolic towards it some games i'm just not the target audience and i have to accept that are you telling me that you are not the target audience for new world i don't know i i mean i i don't know the thing is like if you go think about it like this right if you go to new world and and you you look at the general chat everybody is complaining about politics everybody is arguing like there are basically no girls that play the game i i i feel like i feel like i'd fit in pretty well i think you would too place plank we've got it food all right all right let me food okay no i i'll food after this food yeah it's okay why won't mcconnell try lost ark while i was equally when i did try lost art i didn't like it really what didn't you like about it uh i didn't like when i opened the game instantly being greeted with [ __ ] 12 different little pages of [ __ ] that i could buy that day that would be gone the next day and i don't give a [ __ ] about it at all also i don't want to play a paladin that is a support i don't want to support my team i want to do damage no like paladin like this one guy [ __ ] sent me a video no no that's not the way that it's meant to be played in that game a paladin in that game are meant to be support just because you can uh do janky [ __ ] with the paladin and in lost ark and make it do damage doesn't mean it's going to do good damage okay it's going to do mediocre damage for a paladin you are meant to play support as a pound in that game which i don't want to do so i don't want to [ __ ] play it i mean i feel like plenty of people play it and they don't play support that's all i'm saying and it's like supporting like a supporting role in lost ark is not the same as it is in like uh you know some other [ __ ] game same as wow yeah i mean like wow you have to play support i mean to a certain degree not really i mean you're supposed to nah at most you like press sack ah that's it it's just make him play gun lancer i mean like are you dead set on playing only a paladin yes like there's nothing besides a paladin nope what about the fullest class of any game i don't know about that i mean they're all right i mean see can i get that barrel oh [ __ ] it's too far try it again try it again try it again try it again okay okay okay got it and there's a box too yeah let me get the box let me get the box though okay all right got that go this way all right let's see if i can get my water here go with fresh water drink that fill that and then fill that okay we're good perfect and uh shoot yeah diamonds we resurrected paladin i mean what about like crusader like would you compromise with like something like crusader with like a it's a little different than an mmorpg right like i can i guess i can accept it in a game like diablo yeah okay okay but then again diablo you can be like a [ __ ] hammer den and no one really expects you to like you don't have to you don't have to play an origin like you can kick ass as a hammer dan or a [ __ ] plane smite smite it in right like oh oh i thought you meant the game yeah yeah actually i did play smite big island on the right yeah there's an island over there probably someone probably should want to go over there what oh [ __ ] is it i don't know if we can dude uh i have no idea oh yeah i don't know i don't know dude that's gonna be rough make it make it make a thing make a thing i thought you made me a paddle okay i'll make another one no no make a make a uh anchor okay okay i'll make an anchor boom this is huge what what oh my god oh my [ __ ] god make the anchor dude okay okay oh yeah yeah yeah i'll make the anchor all right so uh anchor uh let's see um anchor uh where's the anchor uh i'm under pressure i'm under pressure okay uh anchor i got i got it no it's it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine okay all right all right i need a rope i need rope and rope okay let me find rope i'll be good okay yo get this barrel that's coming up okay we don't have any rope how do i get rope i know i know click the button get the barrel i will get the barrel i'm gonna get the barrel okay we got that one there leaf okay all right all right let's leaf let me leave real quick uh wait oh i want to get more leaves okay rope um yo you can just click on the image that's in the [ __ ] thing by the way to make okay okay i got it i got it i'm good i'm good okay we have we have an anchor oh my god all right boys all righty boys it's time it's [ __ ] time i am [ __ ] i i need another paddle if you can okay okay okay all right let me see if i can paddle paddle yes i can craft paddle okay there we go uh just use it you use it too just just face the island and use it okay [Music] there we go i'll put down the anchor in just a minute holy [ __ ] all right keep paddling keep handling this is a [ __ ] massive island [Music] oh my god can i okay do it now do now do now please please sit down please the anchor yes there's no way we're too far away just do it okay all right all right all right let me do it let me do it there it's it's there throw it in 13 13. okay i got it not the best but we're here all right let's make sure actually you eat you eat and drink the food okay they're shark and uh water ready okay all right all right and let's see here and i'll drink that okay good and then let's get some [Music] okay my water is almost done so i'm gonna try to wait for that maybe i i drank the wrong one what's the huge drama there was a bunch of uh if you guys can believe this uh there were a bun there's a bunch of drama on twitch uh between like streamers and people were like mad at each other and it was it was pretty crazy to be honest like i uh you know it's like yeah you believe that yeah no way i know the thing is like i don't really give a [ __ ] because most of the time i'm not involved with any drama at all like realistically like i just i don't do anything i just sit at my house and that's it nobody has drama with me like i don't have problems with people it doesn't happen besides your own community yes i yes all the drama is is completely centered around uh this that's about it okay let's pour that there we go good you're the biggest twitter drama queen no not really i mean like i very rarely fight with people on twitter i just block them that's it okay you ready to go almost all right this is [ __ ] massive okay make sure we have uh actually move wait what move okay i move okay store 20 stack items oh that's a good idea okay um i'll put this away and i'll put this away okay perfect you can cook your raw beets no i don't want to oh my god what is this this is a big boy [Music] holy [ __ ] i'm trying to drink as much water as i can what happened with greek is there more drama no i mean greek just said something that like uh pissed a lot of people off because the way he said it and um it's people people got way too people got way too in their feelings about that i'm gonna be honest like greek might have said it in a dumb way but like it really was not that big of a deal what he said yeah that's it nothing so bad the way he said it was like let's be honest it could have been better yeah that's about it and uh the quinn 69 special yeah yeah exactly all right you ready almost i wanted to smelt this down so we can uh get some axes so we can cut down the trees i've got my axe so i should be ready just make one for yourself you should be good people malt about everything is is spending for his future girlfriend why people act weird about it um i don't know and like that's what i'm saying right it's like that's between him and any other girl right like that it's like an abc thing it's an a b a b relationship see yourself out it is one of those things why people getting involved let's try this out someone basically wants woman as a slave huh no i don't think so at all i i think that uh you know wanting to have a housewife or takes care of the kids and does that i don't think that's a bad thing i i really don't that's a traditional marriage and i don't think there's anything wrong with that he shouldn't be ashamed or like uh shamed for that or people talk [ __ ] to him for that at all i think that's a good thing oh what what what oh my god check wait look at this shovel now check your thing metal fishing holy [ __ ] sweep net oh my god there's a lot of stuff wait we got a bazooka aim at an animal to catch wait what dude this [ __ ] is complex is it a bad yeah yeah but the thing is like i i feel like this is one thing that a lot of people do is they take what somebody says and they assume that it is uh it's what they meant to say you know it's like they did this on purpose yeah make it advanced purifiers you get some smelt uh sand down to glass holy [ __ ] this is complex that's the thing is though like an advanced purifier is like it's hard to make well we should go on the island let's go on the island man i know i know you're i know you're anxious to end the stream we will i'm not trying to end this i'm trying to [ __ ] get an island i know i i we will in a second i just want to make sure we're prepared okay because there's going to be [ __ ] animals on this island okay they're going to [ __ ] kill you so they're not gonna kill me i'll tell you that there's no way that's gonna happen how you find the game it's okay like we're chilling man all right let's see here eat again before you go uh yeah all right let me see if i can yeah yeah give me one second let me do that okay all right let's beat okay good and let's see here but yeah like i mean there's drama like all the time like right now i think there's a good amount of it and um just in general i i feel like a lot of people they they take it too seriously or they get too emotionally invested in it and i think that the best way to handle twitch drama is to treat it like it's entertainment and it's especially true whenever it's something that's like involving you because that's whenever you have to like be able to you know put the way that you feel aside and uh just kind of not give a [ __ ] okay let's how much longer with mcconnell would i survive in a post poco did i that's i mean i think that i would be fine okay guys raft has three times more daily players than new world that can't be true check that let me see let me see there's no way that's from um that's wild if that's true like no [ __ ] shot that's true okay let's see here lost ark okay lost ark is doing pretty well i'd say yeah this is this is decent right 200 000 okay raft chart oh wow holy [ __ ] that's a lot of [ __ ] people what about new world oh boy oh boy i don't know what to say about that one boys i'll tell you that i don't know what to say about that it's uh it's a hard world out there new world yeah it's just uh old world now yeah i mean [ __ ] 900k down to 13k check seven days to die okay no way that shit's more popular than new world like no no i i don't i don't want to look at this anymore like this is just like this is upsetting for me uh-uh no okay okay yeah i'm ready i've been ready let's go stay close stay try to jump like on the uh wall here yeah yeah yeah okay it's like parkour food it's okay i'll get food on the island yeah i'll be able to find a um uh like some sort of an axe yes chop this down over here okay i'm on my way holy [ __ ] this place is huge okay [Music] all right i got coconut i got double coconut actually let me eat these see that guys i told you guys i'd be fine all right let's move [Music] we should be okay in this area right check our survival this way oh wow wait okay i'm on my phone okay if these give you coconuts i need some because okay food all right i'll get coconuts you heard of satisfactory um no i've never played saturday oh that's a good game factory is really fun check vampire survivors i feel like vampire survivors is uh it's like the game is let me go ahead and loot this right here i feel like there's a lot of people that like vampire survivors whoa wait wait there's some thing down here is this a leprechaun i think i saw a leprechaun oh [ __ ] there's an animal right over here where uh right where i'm pointing at that's a board that's okay stay away stay away stay away take care of them it's fine no please please please they will [ __ ] you up stop please i got them i'm down i'm dead ass i'm done okay okay all right all right fine if you're dead ass let's go i wouldn't say i'm dead ass if i wasn't okay i know he's coming watch out please you're [ __ ] me up stop i literally hit him you're [ __ ] me up stop okay all right all right all right my hands are off the keyboard that's it i'll get i'll get him with the spear there okay that's good that's good that's smart see that i i get i get him i get him right there rend yeah rend hold to pick up okay he disappeared nice we [ __ ] killed him [ __ ] that's all we have to do yeah you you get aggro and then i'll come in with the with the pokes yo doing that with no sound is rough not bad all right chop down the trees bro okay yeah yeah yeah yeah all right all right let me let me get this one here i got your present okay nice way to get brained by a bird trust me like i i can i i've i've killed a few birds all right it's gonna be fine oh [ __ ] i can't move i ate food i'll get it i'll get a food from here and then i can eat the food i'm hungry yes i know that i'm fully aware of that looks like wait a second what's up all right do you have another one because i'm [ __ ] dying no no i don't that's the only there's only one all right let's get this one dark souls yeah no scary yeah like that character yeah seven days today has had many quality patches okay i have one i can give you one yeah give me one okay you have a bunch of coconuts no i don't trust me these are miniature coconuts they're not coconuts yet okay i'm gonna look around here um there's like a deer or some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this oh i can't move fast anymore what the [ __ ] dude i can't run after him because i'm too slow uh [ __ ] i just [ __ ] man bro we need food mad [ __ ] okay just look on the ground there could be like plants or something okay yeah yeah yeah let me do that okay uh maybe if i go to this house i'm gonna go to this house maybe this house this house probably has food in it okay or for dinner it might be would you play an nft mmorpg um it depends on like why there's nfts like the main thing that's important isn't really that there's nfts it's that it's a good game like i i think that's the main factor more than anything else okay so sale oh what the [ __ ] oh my trading post holy [ __ ] this game is insane what is this this is crazy man micro transactions unlock yeah how much does this one cost trash cube and trade coin okay uh let's see i'm gonna look around here dude i don't know where the [ __ ] we are maybe i'll go up to the top there and try to cut down more trees that way where the [ __ ] i am where the [ __ ] is food berries oh do i eat berries despite being very red they're not very poisonous okay let me try and eat that okay i'm still [ __ ] all right let's see here flowers add the fl can i eat a flower uh crop plots dude i i'm still [ __ ] even without being [ __ ] i'm still [ __ ] where are you are you at the house uh yeah well i just left the house towards where uh towards the top of the thing eat the fish there's mango trees i don't know what the mango trees do okay so yeah i'll come up okay that's you that's you that too all right he won and give me one okay i'm thirsty okay all right and let's see here there you go thank you all right now i should be able to move properly okay good there it is there it is game one tap that puffer fish was wild that [ __ ] was [ __ ] broken man like that's some dumbass [ __ ] let's be honest like i'm telling you guys like that that's some rigged ass [ __ ] [ __ ] what's this nice holy i got a bolt metal ingot and vine goo wow okay so that's really good oh okay i'm literally stabbing it into his ball sack i'm turning my sound on hold on dude he doesn't want to what the [ __ ] okay i got him i got him i got him i got him i got okay okay okay i got him in the ass all right good watch out watch out no i got it again no i'm not gonna mess you up i'm actually i'm helping you you're [ __ ] my [ __ ] no i'm not okay good i'm helping got his ass got his [ __ ] ass there it is okay i dropped everything on the floor because i had full inventory but i did get his [ __ ] ass see i told you guys y'all were thinking i wasn't gonna be able to do it i just did it tea bag them that's sexual assault i can't do that bro i still can't i still can't believe people actually think that [ __ ] like that is dude uh it's not really is it really people like it's like one i would shake that was like upset yeah it's one of the yeah it's kind of like a one-guy situation you're right okay uh let's see i'll throw this away yeah it's just one person being unreasonable there's there's a lot of dumb people on the internet i'm gonna kill this thing come on [ __ ] [ __ ] this man yeah that's not that's not gonna happen man the jukes yeah i can't it's too hard that's a stone goat i don't know what the [ __ ] it is okay let's pick this one up i think i should be able to uh this one i i need to cut it down a little bit more did you get it okay um [Music] i got we killed it we killed bambi wait you can't skin or anything wait what it's totally pointless what what the [ __ ] we got nothing out of this all right whatever i hate this [ __ ] game okay there's just one street yeah i can't i can't my axe is broken okay uh let's just go let's go let's go i don't know if there's fault damage so i'll find out it's not it's okay i'll do it i'll do it i'll do it please don't dude please okay i don't know if there is okay they got sad where the head oh yeah yeah where's the head oh i don't have the head oh [ __ ] now i have to walk soul again okay let's get back to the bridge or the br whatever the [ __ ] it is i don't know what it is okay so a boat boat i meant to say boat not bridge okay good good good good water is a safe drop yeah but i didn't safe drop so it doesn't matter okay let's call it here uh i'm gonna get some food probably in a bit i knew it i knew it what i knew it was yeah what do you mean you knew it yeah i feel like this is a good place to stop we just [ __ ] got the whole huge island chad didn't i say that i said i know you're in a hurry to end the stream and look at that tell us in a hurry that's what i wanted to do god damn dude holy [ __ ] okay let me move over here okay and let's see here tried to vanity original sin i have never played divinity original sin i hear that it's good okay so go back this way and i think i can make it my god here my god oh my god why's he gotta be there he's just he's gonna hit me he's gonna hit me like that's just what's gonna happen like he's just he's gonna hit me that's all there is to it i made it holy [ __ ] i actually made it okay nice there we go we're good all right uh it's a turn-based system i don't play it i don't know if it is or not did you guys have fun watching this today was it was it good did you enjoy it was it nice and relaxing yes you guys liked it okay good i'm glad yeah absolutely i i think so that's good dnd style game very good maybe i'll try it i don't know this raft want more yeah maybe we'll play it again how much i feel like this game i probably only did like five percent of the game right that's kind of what i'm assuming [Music] less yeah i mean it's nuts man will i ever play uh d2 again you mean diablo two no i don't think so um i don't i'm not like really into diablo two it's just it's not really my game i understand there's a lot of other people that like it but like yeah it's just not really for me but yes guys thank you all very much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you thank you thank you guys tomorrow i don't know if we're gonna do vicus hard mode or not because at 3 p.m tomorrow we have a huge off-ramp we're having all craft with chris kaliki and we're going to be talking about notorious and their game and everything about like that so i'm pretty [ __ ] excited guys i am and i'm going to be back online tomorrow morning early in the morning ready to pop off go to work do what i need to do man that's it and then the weekend i'll probably do i know that uh you know i don't want to take too many too much time off of it um we will do uh more final fantasy on the weekend right we will do more of that and uh keep actually making some progress with that and uh hopefully try to spend a little bit more time on it because i would like to make like legitimate [ __ ] prague on it and everything like that and uh camp no i i plan on it right i mean like this is what my current plan is like yeah it could change if some kind of crazy [ __ ] happens right i mean like imagine like they uh release the dragonflight alpha well then i'm gonna go do that but like other than that i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna do that instead and uh what's this your level where you're off stream maybe we'll see what happens okay action creation stream tomorrow i think hopefully i'll be able to do both i don't know yet did you play rust yeah i played rust a lot i really liked rust rust was really fun ficus prague is three to five days we'll see what happens anyway guys thank you all so much for watching i really [ __ ] appreciate it thank you mcconnell for playing and all that yeah there it is yeah there we go yeah we popped off man i think we did yeah mcconnell came because i didn't know [ __ ] about this game you just gotta stab it as it opens its mouth dude i dude it's like i think it's lag i think it's because it's like what yeah because it's like it's on your server so it's probably like lag what year do you think this status um 2020 2022 no that's incorrect it's the current year dude get with the [ __ ] times i actually i thought i thought that i [ __ ] up the years for a second like i actually did all right bye see ya [Music] you
Channel: A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏ T͏V͏
Views: 925,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: viHBfJd-HoY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 146min 11sec (8771 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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