Asmongold Reacts to the BIGGEST Classic WoW Adventure! | By Barny

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wow holy what a [ __ ] video gentlemen this has been a video that's been in production for a very very very long time all right guys is it barney the dinosaur yes yes he he uh barney the big purple dinosaur has a youtube channel now that's the way it works so you're gonna see them dancing around just like the uh just like the old days by the way i fell through the map into cabins of time and i can't get out so if anyone could send help i'd really appreciate it please send help i can't i can't leave 2019. i'm [ __ ] stuck like i i i'm actually [ __ ] stuck you're gonna stay stuck you ain't getting out of this what is this 11 minutes hearthstone oh my god i don't know what to do i'm sorry man i'm about to head out so no you can't leave me you can't leave me alone in the cabins of time sorry man i don't have to tell you like i really do have business to attend to i'm sure you do i'll i'll see you later so he's just stuck he really left i can't believe this okay i guess i'll just look around then uber danger literally messaged me on youtube or not on youtube on twitter the other day he says listen i know you're busy with lost ark but you have to react to this it doesn't matter it doesn't matter i don't care what else you're doing you have to watch this video on stream we're all waiting i've heard tales of the cavern deep where timelines converge if on your journey this place it's mad season you do not eat the sand turn and run do not delve down oh my god forget what's found i pray you do not make a sound do not eat the sand temporal sickness fractured mind should you try to appear you eat the sand oh man i don't even [Music] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this whoa whoa oh that's a big dragon um listen i actually didn't want to be here in the first place i fell through the ceiling i was fighting a warlock jesus christ i promise this is the truth yes most visitors relay some version of that tale to me oh thank god see saved anyone before what well then i can be the first you don't have to eat me you could just give me um a lifelong band until next expansion because i do need to come back here for uh two dungeons and a raid ah you're yeah there won't be a next expansion you did not see everything everything hello am i am i can i just leave then what does that mean hey i saw what would have happened if i didn't forget oh see that has your attention oh what if i was to eat them you must never meet them actually i said eat them my cavern is not the shortcut to you learning the arcane hearts what the [ __ ] is this [Music] okay here we go here we go [Music] sounds like grayson yeah a little bit jesus christ data recovered by which western digital oh my god in lovely memory of my mental well-being [Music] what the [ __ ] dude this is like a whole movie oh my god this is crazy look at this okay yeah this is a massive [ __ ] crossover this is unbelievable man there's like so much work that got put into this oh if it isn't my favorite regular good to see you again what would it be the usual they should really call me barney bar keeper right uh no but the bees are very important that i need their honey for the meat that you're drinking what's that video when the [ __ ] you talking about i don't make oh wait wait wait wait wait wait it's like we the last time that she made a video was like i'm not even [ __ ] kidding you guys it was like a year ago like i remember this story right and the story was that barney was last in line like straight up last in line for scarab board and finally they were able to uh they were able to get it or actually not able to get i don't know if they're able to get it but uh it was definitely possible i'll say that for sure stop fake reacting okay fine all right i've i watched it yesterday i already know everything that's gonna happen i've already seen this i watched it in incognito mode guys yeah she yeah uh barney's trans and so it's uh yeah it's a she chill yeah like it's it's not a not a big deal think about it like this it's not a he or she it's a rogue just watch the video there's only one there's only good one good thing about the internet and one good thing about this kind of [ __ ] is uh it allows everybody to be anybody and you can be and you can do what you want and not be judged on like [ __ ] like that watch the content like the content you like the content the content's good that's all there is to it nobody's going out like this is the kind of stuff right everybody is the same people complain about like the woke stuff like there's nothing woke about this there's nothing like it's just just watch the content what i was supposed to do last year that was before i missed when things were simple well i suppose you've waited long enough now where did i leave you oh i remember the video my hard drive had just crashed and i lost everything that's pretty bad but then i got shoes to 11 on the scarab lord list that's pretty good jump back into syllabus there are two elephants in the room i need to quickly no shot one chronologically this doesn't happen until several weeks after the entire aq event had ended but spoiler alert my data was eventually recovered that's pretty good i very much appreciate all the kind messages offering recovery advice software keys and even financial assistance to help cover the recovery costs but and i and i mean this in the most undick head way possible guys how do you think i made those first two videos if the footage wasn't eventually recovered i promise i'm not trying to come for your critical thinking abilities okay yeah i know most of you are american that's pretty bad but yeah it turns out when you're a content creator and you complain about technical stuff on twitter sometimes you get contacted by epic social media specialists who work for i don't know let's say western digital you know only so i remember what happened with me is every single time i complain about something that's technical i also have people that contact me it was my brother works in i.t and he fixes computers do you want to send your computer to me and it'll come back and it'll be fixed that's what i get data storage who want to not only attempt to fix your hard drives for free but also send you extra hard drives for free to make sure this kind of thing never happens to you again that's [ __ ] insane wow because i make video game videos naturally that's right only a loser says no to a free win and yeah it's free stuff i really needed that win but wait easy there's more after western digital supplied me with multiple new hard drives totaling five terabytes of storage and recovered 95 percent of my original data i candidly spoke to their social media specialists in regards to my being able to even tell me that this happened because i have social anxiety and i dude the way i solved that problem because like this same [ __ ] happens to me this this same [ __ ] happens to me is i i have everything saved in like three different places because i know that stupid [ __ ] is gonna happen and i'm always ready for that like i'll have all of my screenshot saved in you know like three different areas to ask permission because i really wanted you guys to know that they literally saved this video series and i don't mean just data wise i mean if it wasn't for that dm on that day that my hard drive crashed telling me that there's still hope i don't know that i would have even had the motivation to continue even with me being pumped to number 11 on the scarab lord list so i said that and they responded would you like us to sponsor episode three wow wow would i and i was going to do that [ __ ] for free that's crazy if you're in the market for data storage i suggest wd black don't get caught out like i did in there because you didn't browse numerous storage options today western they saved this video series they saved my channel and most importantly they saved my data elephant so like basically if they didn't do that for barney we would probably have never had this video that is nuts holy [ __ ] did i just spoil this in the title that's a really really easy [ __ ] advertisement right there hear me out okay before you come to my humble in with your pitchforks and yeah thunder fury guys it's been over a year since the great bug farm of 2020 i play wow every day and i stream it too still tv as much as i would like to say i smuggled the rarest mountain in the game past the watchful eye of all my stream viewers and have kept it hidden away in the bank all this time in preparation for a grand reveal during tbc the expansion that famously invalidates round mounts faster than any other expansion to date rendering the scarab lord mount flex obsolete because it can't [ __ ] fly no that's no way the scarab board is still the big dick mount because where do you flex on people you flex on people in the city and in the city you can still be riding it and on top of that being able to ride it in the city you can also go and you'll be able to uh i forgot what i was saying it's in battlegrounds you can use it in battlegrounds and that's the main thing that matters somebody asked we're gonna play lost ark as soon as i finish this video we're playing lost ark gentlemen like i just want y'all to know we're gonna watch this video then we are starting with lost ark because i have some uh i have some mobs to farm sorry that's the point i haven't just spent the last year using my wrapped amount for the meme i think it's just easier for us it's not gonna be two hours it makes the narrative better just keep it real and in saying that some of the best media ever conceived opens with a spoiler romeo and juliet no fiction this is cope but even so i made a promise that i would see this event this video series this journey right through to its community yeah and this is not where i gave up now i thought that this series was never going to continue to be honest with you because like after six months or something like that i was like oh you know well it is what it is right i mean you can't make videos like that all the time it is what it is so i'm actually so happy that it actually got finished i really thought it was never going to be finished how long this [ __ ] video is you know i've been cooking up already tears might not have the ending some of us wanted but in life you've got to push that lucky charm until you get it no further because you've got to tell about those still have to show their back oh my god this is the tale of a rogue who stood up against the odds spat in the face of fate and said my failure is on my own terms this is the tale of a rogue who struggled to the bitter end giving nothing but a hundred percent at every opportunity so that even defeat might be a proud moment this is the tale of the rogue who ran out of time that is so good holy [ __ ] that the music the the god that is so clean wow boy am i sick of this [ __ ] wow i had just reinstalled world of warcraft onto a sea of thieves external hard drive i won in a twitter contest for posting the funniest sea of thieves clip barney beekeeper scholars will in the future refer to this moment in my streaming career as foreshadowing scarab lord events but i'd argue obtaining free hard drives due to funny internet video it's just a little bit [Music] and i don't mean the bugs what oh my god i have no add-ons but that was not all oh my god yeah see that's the thing that that that's a wow player brain the first thing they think about is their add-ons even if i re-download them i won't have their settings saved but that was still not all by the way oh my god that is scary in five days that is so [ __ ] stressful when i was trying to log off yeah exactly remember how me and a bunch of my busy bees were using my untold riches to gatekeep the war effort's completion well with me offline for a whole 24 hours trying to fix my hard drive there was no one left to provide gold to the auction house sitters which means that the war effort had been completed there was now five days until the gates would inevitably open and there were still three scarab lords ahead of them there's no way there's no way you're going to get it i'll tell you about how for the next two days i farmed more bugs which is exactly what happened but i don't really think we need any more of that at least for now instead i'd rather talk about some of the the thing is like if you think that lost art grind fests are bad look up how to actually get neutral with the brood of nasdormu people i met during my time in silithus oh this is starting of course with you need a hit man oh you're wait what if you're playing world of warcraft classic for the pc on i want to make another goal and someone whispers you wanna make 100 gold an hour i would recommend you immediately block this person and for the next 24 hours just to be safe some things are better left unknown me however well of the abyss also i got bug brain so i would have said yes to anything to be honest yes need this scum back alar killed oh my rat cleaning reputation was preceding me name and guild please i responded even though neither of these things actually mattered i was trying to imply that there were certain alliance members i wouldn't kill especially since at this point we were leaning heavily into the collusion memes even going as far as to leak submission form 1072c to reddit which implied we would have to ask permission from the best thing about that is if you leak this to the classic wow subreddit they would think it's real like the classic lost subreddit literally like i mean these are people that get mad about story lines and in wwe because you don't believe anything oh no there are very few blind spots in my bug farming timeline but none so big as my hive ashy blind spot what's the good reason hive ashy was consistently swarming with alliance throughout the entire event alliance we had pushed down alliance who were molding over the collusion alliance who would absolutely kill me on site where i to show up absolutely believe me i tried to make peace so as to document the hivashi history but my pvp immunity could not be guaranteed but let the rocket show i really did try hiv ashy the one thing is like classic wow like the degeneracy of it was just on another level like i've never experienced such shameless degeneracy as whenever the gates of aq came out beyond everything and the one place never been more absolutely just gonna go to oh you didn't think i was gonna turn down a hit that would have me sneaking into the most densely populated alliance zone on the map did you i live for this seems like into the next room over to steal a rich thorium vein from fiber [ __ ] off i got prepped too and snuck away from my hive for gulf farming duties i would surely not be present for the 11 am attendance check to collect my buy hourly bug kill points but i would certainly hit present anywhere above bkp fraud if it means i get a death sting and spoiler alert i get a death you had attendance awards for killing for spam bro this was the sweatiest [ __ ] like you've ever seen guys like i'm telling you like this was an experience that few people can even understand that anyone was suspecting i was stealing oh my god i'll hit the thorium node on respawn and that'll just be another dub for the boss [ __ ] beekeeper god i'm good everquest was far worse you have no idea meltdown i bet you're right i bet you're right okay [ __ ] so we're back in the mine uh hive surreptitiously i crept through the caves this place was busy so i definitely didn't want to be here longer than i had to be and uh i was now to kill the mage in the back of the hive and that's good better even actually because let me tell you you can never get so barney got hired as a hit man to go around and [ __ ] kill people oh i'm like this is actually so cool msn dude i don't even remember the msn sounds like i've always had all that [ __ ] muted that's so crazy to even think back like msn aim remember that aol instant messenger practice killing it's as they say time saved killing a mage is time saved time saved killing yeah it seems time spent killing a mage is time saved later that's that's a real thing look it up deftly i dodged several alliances i crept through the hive to find my new target hired sniffing past dragon tears something yeah i have been very responsible for i found i activated cold blood for a guaranteed critter near enough cut the mage's bussy clean off with one swing god damn the mage attempts a blink getaway but unfortunately for them this is a certified match-up and i'm always 10 steps ahead like that blind for example that's to bring out the predictable ice block all according to plan now all i have to do is wait out this ice block and predict the final blink and because time always has a way of ending up on my side i know the mage is going to blink in this direction oh that's not good i had been bamboozled by the blink and now with the mage running out of the live screaming for help it would no doubt be mere seconds before everyone collapsed in their location i activated prep to reset my cooldowns activated cold blood and slowing down the footage you can see i actually passed right through a night elf rogue as we made it back to the surface almo was allowed one last look at the sunset before i secured that bag but i wasn't out of the woods and no sprint to escape the frost nova i was a sitting duck i had to think fast okay download complete check this out wow that was a that was a fast one for sure he'll be able to get one for sure uh i don't know oh dedication you chased his ass down you chased his ass down luna and that was it a clean hit so this guy was just watching barney run him down holy [ __ ] man the mao yeah no witnesses and easy 100 gold and i'd be banking at least you didn't say pogba's right but as i made my escape back to hyper golfer my client did something unexpected they revealed to me their actual identity and as it turns out peter hitman was someone i was already quite familiar with introducing the human paladin something you need to understand about me is that for every tale i tell you there's a hundred of the exact same nature that go untold the barney beekeeper iceberg runs cheap but you only ever see the tip on youtube but you can see oh no oh no look at the very top guys got him yeah very [ __ ] true guys very [ __ ] true tomorrow wasn't the only dungeon i entertainingly struggled through hallow's end wasn't the only role play event i attended and dragon wasn't the only person to meet with a terrible fate several times over so where does my client fall into all of this you ask well to cut a long camping story short i drowned him in manifold twice but despite all the many minor inconveniences this guy had suffered at my hands he had hired my services anyway and for that he had my respect and my daggers killing him again i whispered i wasn't going to get caught this time either i waited for the sand stalker to get in melee ring so so she's being paid 100 gold an hour just to spam kill this shitty mage oh my god what a [ __ ] convention [Music] oh super mario's was a super mario rpg i'm pretty sure that's what the song despite the sand stalkers stealing my kill in my [ __ ] promos almo was dead again and my client was free to come and take the farm as they left almost a foolish decision to revive right on top of his body and well [ __ ] scrub to be honest i'm getting bored with a couple of freebies secured this guy sucks my client and oh my god now watching over almo it was about time i took my leave and cashed out all things considered this had been a very lucrative business trip and i was ready to return to hydera golf for more farming okay fine i'll do one more but failure was not an option i was putting my perfect kda on the line and in a 2d one scenario the stakes had never been oh my gosh ambushed almo but the warrior immediately oh that's not good you're dead just then bk was taken i marked the warriors fight not being present and was instantly unstealthed by the warriors demoralizing shout despite resisting it instant karma i can't even be mad okay maybe i should run away after blowing blind to get the sticky warrior off me i crawled up the surface making sure to break line of sight so as to prevent the frostbolt bombardment from continuing my stealth parkour skills came in clutch as i narrowly avoided certain demise at the hand of almost cone of cold but it was too little too late i was already out yeah out of [ __ ] to give of course i walked right back in there but unfortunately for almo he had over-extended right onto the end of my cold ambush [Music] one lust thorium vein stolen from these trash idiots and i was out for real this time no fake out i promise and that's the end of my hitman story i took a flight path to daenerys put some useless trash on the neutral auction house and my client purchased them for a hundred gold and of course i made it back in time for the 11 30 registration no one was any the wiser i cannot as i said i cannot [ __ ] believe this is i feel like i feel like early classic was like a fever dream sometimes i'll go back and i'll watch the videos of it and i'll be like did this really happen was there really a guy that like took over the guild and wanted to he pointed at the stormland wall and he said i'm already building a wall to keep the horde out like did this really did we actually duel him did quinn really duel royson in front of you know like a hundred thousand people and beat him in a duel because royce and ninja would have gloves that he got doxed for on the wild classic subreddit like what did this really did any of the did any of these things really happen because like sometimes like it was just so ridiculous that you can't even believe it my absence and i stole that i could tell the story and people wouldn't think it even happened and they shouldn't number two me on the peon every day neon le peon wakes up at the crack of dawn to make his daily pilgrimage from durotar to silithus he does this on foot for he is too poor to afford the public transport but he does it gladly and he does it with a smile the journey is rg he's playing new world before it even came out and filled with peril but who else will take care of the fools down there if not for him every day neon the peon wakes up at the crack of dawn to make his daily pilgrimage from durotar to silithus to hand out ice cream delicious free hug with every code just don't ask him where he gets it from when i first heard of me on the peon in general chat i assumed he was just another hallucination another symptom of the brain virus this is as i said this is the way the game used to be guys it's hot oh man ice cream sounds so good right now in that moment i cried out help me me on and there he was bad bug new [Music] he had saved my life and came bearing gifts of frozen creams fragment in return i don't know if me on the peon ever became a bug king but he is forever so my my guild would spam in general chat the bald man will ride the black bug with like and chinese letters around it like they spam that for a week and people are getting so mad about it because i think there are a lot of people on the server that thought that my guild was farming scalar board for me even though i wasn't playing the game and i was getting people mad at me for something that like they're mad at me on a game i'm not even playing yeah the ball man will ride the black bug ever a grubbulous hero and also the only person the subreddit has ever liked including me no one's making nice memes about me man all i get is this [ __ ] and it's all [ __ ] true like oh [ __ ] i haven't gotten one of those for a while you know how in minecraft when the sun goes down all the monsters come out and it's just [ __ ] awful when the sun went down because as it turns out a certain collusion king may or may not have placed a hit on me to counteract my attempts to keep the gates closed those same roads that assassinated me at every auction house i attempted to fleece had now resolved to just straight camping me if i left my own hive it was in short a living hell fortunately this is where my enigmatic shaman tank friend hanging hayes comes into the picture and yes i said shaman tank so you already know what kind of player we're dealing with here every so often hanging haze sends me mayo whenever i receive mail from him i know i'm in for some [ __ ] because he seems to exclusively send meme items i've never even seen before potions that make you astrally project dice roll trinkets see like you know what this is like this is like such a weird thing and like i feel like on grogus that type of ganking and trolling and [ __ ] like that was actually totally cool and fine it's like the difference like whenever i get a hate threat about myself on 4chan i think it's funny i like it i like reading them i think it's funny to see the kind of like weird crazy stuff people come up with and like but if i get one on reddit it annoys the [ __ ] out of me i don't really know why i think it's because they take themselves more seriously like for example i take myself way less seriously like any any post that i see on 4chan i assume that this person right here wrote it okay i'll be right back i need to take a piss i had the uh i i tripped on the ethernet cable the other computer we had a rug over there but then i didn't like the rug so i threw it down the stairs so we don't have a rug over there anymore you wash your hands wash my hands man i got a clean dick why i gotta wash my hands for and discombobulators are all par for the course when hanging hazel's involved hell even recently in tbc he gifted me two rings which have a chance to freeze your attacker for several seconds and urged me to do arena with both equipped great idea by the way so when he heard i was being camped on the daily or nightly i guess he did what every good shaman friend would do he gifted me the portal's deck i won't always be there to guard you blah blah blah that's an expensive one too they say if you ever fall in battle this card can bring you back from the shadow lands if you're lucky enough that is yeah now once the trinket doesn't always work it has 20 percent of battle more times than i can even count at this point the item description says it's only a 10 reincarnation rate but this item proc so much for me i don't think i will ever go anywhere without it again rule one of being it's a trinket you have it equipped and it gives you a chance when you die to resurrect immediately rogers [Laughter] uh oh my god the delivery person heard it [Music] remind me remind me to tell you guys at the end of this uh about my story about chipotle and an uh uber eats ground in hive regal you don't really hear much of the outside world i got a story incessant nonsense in the general chat and uber danger's completely clapped google pixel phone mic i think i fixed it i think i fixed it okay what's uber danger holy [ __ ] i don't want to see those pots john i think you're going through a tunnel i think i'm losing the [ __ ] is this no no no no no never mind into my mouth but when there's a rat around you don't need to hear it to feel it so it helps some people literally just come up to you and say there's a big rat upstairs barn according to one of my busy bees a druid had set up camp outside our hive taking our surface spawns and selling our fragments off to the highest bidder yeah that's about right i would have to pay a visit to the goof hive to hire an assassin until i found out who the druid was oh where's keisha need eyes on him you see him please tell me oh i see dude i need to get that halls of infamy when they allegedly committed one of the worst crimes you can commit in world of warcraft classic edition for the pc ninjaing the tiger mount from man for those who uh slow and fast variations i'm not explaining what these are above those are the warlock and paladin question a question special quest class mounts who wrote this dog [ __ ] side note the paladin mount is technically rarer than the warlock mount because in classic only the alliance can play paladins so therefore there's less of them you see what i'm saying above those pvp like if you see somebody riding around on this mount you know that they're on welfare completion of 1800 candidate rep farm which has you kill specific mobs that sounds familiar and then above that is the death charger a 1 drop from baron rivendare the final loss of the endgame dungeon strat home and that doesn't mean we have the zul grub mountain no no no no no the the no no the riven dares death charger is more prestigious in vanilla wow then scarab board straight up no shot like the zg mounts do not hold a [ __ ] candle to riven dare's death charger rivendare's death charger is a point zero two percent drop mount these both of these ones here these are like ah one two percent mounts who gives a [ __ ] rarest obtainable mounts in classic again not including scarab lord now don't type that comment you're so dumb and by the way uh by the way he's meant to ride the mountain the drops blizzard legit never fixed it not even in classic well oh really yeah you know you can't win them all right i uh the tiger is better the tiger is the apex mount the raptor is not as good as the tiger even if you're horde the rap the the tigers still be sorry even if you're alliance the tiger is still better rub raid but everybody knows only half the reason why they're so coveted swift rizashi raptor is the only raptor they can obtain in the game and inversely the swift zulien tiger is the only tiger mount the horde can ride so if you have the swift zoo and tiger even now in retail people see you riding that and you're stunting on them like even in 2022 if you're riding on a zullion tiger you're stunting on just let them know you can see why ninja ing one of these mounts would be a pretty big deal especially if it was the tiger mount ninja from a horde raid group but despite the ninja allegations the final verdict was that keshmu was innocent because technically he didn't really steal it the the loot just timed out in his bag because he was the master loser and a zg gdkp now i personally have never been to a zg gdkp which took longer than like 45 minutes so you're telling me this group took more than two hours after killing the tiger boss there are whispers and rumors on the wind that keshamu secretly sabotaged the raid to encourage the loot timer to run out before they were done but i digress this isn't even my beef with cashmere to begin with it's not my mouth it's not my problem i don't care the tiger mount looks awful anyway if you ask me also every time i go to zg on stream both mounts seem to drop anyway like wow you guys are really missing out you know i'll tell you one thing mcconnell has the tiger or sorry he has the raptor in classic wow mcconnell legitimately has the raptor i don't know why he has the raptor i have no idea why but he does it makes me so mad i'm gonna keep plugging my stream until you show up no you see might be so [ __ ] goes back way back back before zulka rub back before i was even raiding back before people had even taken notice of my superior world of warcraft content my beef goes back to jesus i had just failed to complete a lower blackrock spiral a friend from guild who was looking to start a dungeon and this is where our story begins now because i'm actually trying to finish these [ __ ] dungeons i had the genius idea to get everyone to say they agree to not needing on boes unless they're an actual upgrade before the run would even begin that way if someone did so so barney pulled the royce in barney straight up went and pulled the royce in oh my god in just something i would that's what's going on it's necessary to put their reputation in the mud with an idea this goes wrong sure i agree smiley face after a brief discussion on where we each needed to go we settled on scholars and i jumped into looking for groups to fill the party less than ten minutes later the job was already done because that's fast phase one wow classic was oh what a magical time to be here it was popping off every party members agree to my no needing on boys that aren't an upgrade for your class rules so this is going to be really good betrayal joins the party another 10 minutes pass and i show up to scholars alongside the warlock and the shaman with my patented guy [ __ ] love being a move i unlock the door which is lucky because no one else in this party actually had the key to the door without me entrance to this dungeon would require completion of a five-part quest chain a quest chain which requires completion of another separate quest chain to even begin it's like a three-hour ordeal it's i've never done it i play rogue but what can i say like we just did that naturally like i didn't even know it took that long i just went and i did the [ __ ] quests it was not even some more than others we summon the rest of the group and head inside for what would unravel to be one of the smoothest dungeon experiences i had had up to this point in the game i mean this shot this shaman was dropping wind fury i already poisoned my main hand though without a single death we cleared the first room the mini boss the second room the secret blood ritual boss and the third room i don't think i've ever been in a dungeon group this good even when clearing out the basement the uncontested worst part of the dungeon we didn't flinch nine parties out of town might skip this room and its bus but not us so are you telling me that barney had this great group and they went ninja they ninja [ __ ] out of this group five that is shameless in their prime ahead of the curve and thrice absolutely took that momentum and plowed through the hatchery and into rattle goes domain this trash is known to slap but i slept harder [ __ ] i learned it from my parents and then my shadowcraft boots dropped for those not in the know these boots are part of just out of [ __ ] specific dungeon set which after collecting every piece and doing a long quest chain eventually upgrades into the dark mantle set which is just completely broken i roll a 100 win this is my first ever time in scholars a terrible omen you see i hadn't figured this out back then but good luck and bad luck are actually the same thing it's all just relative to your perspective shadowcraft boots on my first scholars was very lucky shadowcraft chest on my 206th upper blackrock spire run was also very lucky when you really think about it in the naive pursuit of good luck i have cursed myself forever more i got what i wanted and now it is all i can do but to bear witness to that little myself was so naive back then i wish there was some way to go back in time to warn you i really do i'm so undeserving of what's about to happen [Music] put it in perspective all right this item right here was the best threat weapon in the entire [ __ ] game in phase one alcorn it was insane the phase one pre-raid offhand best for dagger rogues from molten core it literally doesn't get better than this so why am i wielding two gut goal rippers now you might be wondering uh because you got snubbed on core hound tooth positions played for 10 months straight sounds like grenades and uh everyone that actually ended up with those weapons quit or didn't that's actually why it sounds like grenade remember that no i have double gut goal ripper right now because even though i had the entire party in 4k well 720p upscaled to 1080p agreeing to not need on any boys unless they were a legitimate upgrade for your class yeah we all needed on the [ __ ] dagger anyway you see like it's it's need before greed until the item drops that you want and then or the expensive item and then everybody needs [ __ ] it's a boe epic you can't expect that from people i can expect it if you agreed to it prior to coming um i would have won and this is where i started huffing the copium i hadn't just been injured yeah he'll trade it to you right so yeah because he wanted to make sure it maintained under the under the bus 500 gold would he as it turns out those are the rules until they're not the team cleared the rest of the dungeon as i sat completely shook crying in the corner like a little [ __ ] when the dungeon was done i checked the auction house right away and there it was my dagger this ends bad for you made a mistake [ __ ] over and undead that day because as with every forsaken oh my god so that happened a year ago and i do not holy [ __ ] 307 days later i would have my revenge what did you think i had fun did you think i had forgiven oh my god now the terrible vengeance jesus christ it's not i had keisha camps all day until he eventually went to bed in hindsight i wish i got more shots of his ass getting [ __ ] man that's what he gets he offered to get me in on a doordash delivery scam and all he needed was my address oh yeah okay sounds great sounds like a great idea yeah all right this isn't going to be easy to say to you uh i mean you're not you're not stupid but you know it's not it's really not looking good for you with hayes finishing in the next 30 minutes we got to move on to his quest line so most of the guild is going to leave the zone and that's basically it's going to be you the rats and whatever else is left out there that cares about you getting scared it's like a bunch of mages that barely not drop a blizzard on the ground i mean it's pretty hard it's pretty hard to play one button class but they they make it look really hard the present you think he's exaggerating but if you played classic wow you'd know he's not you're going to have he's not exaggerating he's probably not substantial enough to carry you through where you want to get it i can't keep people out farming imaginary thug kill points at some point they're going to realize that it's a big scam and uh they're going to drop out so you're just letting you know if you're serious about this which i know you will yeah but if you're really really serious about this you got to make something radical happen he was right it wasn't looking good but i already knew that hell it wasn't looking good three weeks ago when i was 18th on the list let alone today when it's the start of my farm hours before the gates open however you can you can do it in 48 hours you can do aboard a hundred percent a few days ago if you have the whole guild on your side you struck me with the war effort now complete i was once again left with a simply obscene amount of gold laying around that no longer has a purpose that's big money also left with a zone full of fragments selling rats with a dwindling buyer's market quick timeline check it's currently august 16th every single guild who isn't final boss or goof has vacated silithus days ago i am the only scarab lord target left on the server oh my god price for a carapace fragment has fallen from a peak of 4.12 gold to sub one gold depending on your buyer yesterday i personally bought out the last remaining farming guild horde mafia of their seven thousand two this could actually be a stockpile for 75 silver so i could execute the final part of my monopolizing syllabus you see anyone now left in silithus not in final boss or goof is for beginners in the hopes of selling them off to the highest bidder however with me as literally the only buyer left on the server i now have the monopoly on the fragments 50 silver is the only price if you had stockpiled fragments you were forced to either sell them to me because it was [ __ ] yourself fragments are going to be vendor trash tomorrow so i think we both know what you're going to do if you wanted to keep farming well you could make up to two gold per mob kill which is still a way better gold from pretty much anywhere else a fair wage for a fair job but even with this in mind my guild leader was right it wasn't looking good i currently have less than 48 hours to not only finish my entire bug farm but then also you know the rest of the quest yes this is this is just the third quest of 32 it's really not looking good 48 hours 2200 fragments and that's still barely a dent in the 42 000 total migrants i need to finish my bug so so you would have needed almost 50 000 gold to be able to afford all this only about 5 000 gold left at this rate i would go broke before i'd even be halfway done but let's say i did it let's say i spent all my gold and i'm about halfway done could i finish my bug farm in a reasonable time frame warning well there's around 300 possible bug spawns on the map they have a respawn timer of at most 15 minutes and you can safely assume you'll get an average of two fragments per kill so with these things in mind if you work at peak aoe efficiency across the entire map and this is assuming there's no pvp there's no interruption yeah and then nothing else is going on you can get 2 400 fragments per hour so let's see that's really good i only need 21 000 fragments because i'm halfway through and we work at the peak possible efficiency and get 1200 fragments an hour i could technically finish my bug farm in 17 hours which would then leave 31 hours for the rest of the question you could do that zero hours you'll believe that it could work however most guildies were burnt out from farming they had left silithus i was left with a bunch of mages and shamans and respectfully speaking the mages were single target andes used to reading if i wanted them efficiently aoe farming the now mostly baron silithus i was going to have to teach them how to do it and also by the way on top of that is barney might not know this but you have an eight-hour window so you don't have 48 hours you have 56 hours because you have the eight-hour window between the time the first person rings the gong and nobody else can ring it again so you have another eight hours on top of that like it's totally possible totally totally totally barney can do this i really don't have the time to learn which means i am left no choice bro i i know i know it you have to do it i am drawn to this place i know things about it now things i shouldn't have seen things i should not know things i will now show you like the secret entrance to the cabins of time wow that is not the only thing have you ever thought about how your life could have been different had you made alternate decisions at key moments in your life would you be happier richer more fulfilled had you chosen another path never would you be worse off i think about this a lot i think i never do that a lot the caverns of time holds the entrance to every timeline and every reality that could ever exist but in the pursuit of forbidden knowledge sacrifices will be made one way or another i don't know if this is going to work but the theory is airtight and i'm really left no choice wish me luck it's time the thing is that a wise man once said you only get one shot you only get one opportunity do not miss your chance you even if it is so bleak even if everything is against you even if everything is just totally like i remember the day though the final night that the bear mount was in the game for the original za we started our run and the server crashed we came back and i got my [ __ ] bear yep it's not over till it's over [Music] yeah what you are witnessing here is a level 59 undead mage three experience points away from level 60 about to enter iron forge for the first and get level 16. and what better way to ding sixty than to parkour up the side of a giant mountain drop down onto this unsuspecting level eight night elf and palm pyro him to the shadow realm but i [ __ ] love being a mage mages and classic [ __ ] battle the temptation to pick rogue and with opie stealth op damage opening lock boxes and objectively the best pvp experience due to busted no fun allowed combos you're probably wondering why did i pick mage well because i want to be this guy and this guy and this guy and this guy why stop at just one mage when i can multi-box an army why pug dungeons when i can just pull the entire thing by myself why level in a group when i can just be the group god i [ __ ] love being a mage and i am all bad i promise it's on sight all of you are nothing you were all nothing nothing northwest for the carrot on a sticker trinket that gives three percent bonus for idiots that didn't pick mage am i right hello i can teleport and if you think i'm attending this role play event instead of farming as many scarab lords as possible how many are there all for myself what the you could stop me who could possibly stop me [Music] oh that's not oh my god [Applause] what [Applause] what no you know there was a part of me that thought maybe oh my god enough to just not show up well you know me shut up yeah we're not going to need any talking from you see i know why you're here bro this escalated so fast and i know you know that we've both seen this timeline play out so before i kill you let me ask you this why why are you here alas a rhetorical question i don't need an answer to because i already know the majors instead of not coming here and not dying like you could have done you came here intentionally to die for one reason why because you were never going to get scarab lord in the first place were you you already saw it way back then way back then and yet you still made all this fuss over it all those empty promises oh the sand really did make you delusional didn't it you saw the successful timelines and thought why not me even though you knew from the start you were destined for failure it would be admirable if it wasn't so [ __ ] pathetic so now you've come here to die like a coward in another timeline so that you might disappear a legend in your own and not have to face your own failure bro this asteroid is so fast huh well don't worry holy [ __ ] i promise i am achieving your dream oh this is amazing every farming spot in the game is capped by me every dungeon booster is me no mage can possibly hope to outbid me in any gdkp because i am the economy and don't worry about me getting scarabled i've already farmed 50 scepters because i am silithus even now as we speak i'm efficiently farming all three hives and the spire no one can stand against me i am fully self-sufficient the perfect single-player experience welcome to my world of warcraft and and so ends the tale of barney beekeeper the rogue who ran out of time but as for me well i still have scarab lords to farm which means all of you should have halfed already you know you guys used to be a lot more responsive now you're just [ __ ] useless oh my god if i wasn't here you would fall apart and i suppose i better oh my [ __ ] god the dragon like i commanded them to you just can't get the stuff these days i [ __ ] hate it i hate it here actually should have just not killed the priest dearest barney beekeeper oh my god this is beautiful to guard you and the ancestors foretell you'll keep fighting even if i'm not there to heal so please do me a favor and keep this trinket with you they say if you ever fall in battle this card can bring you back from the shadowlands if you're lucky enough that is stay back get away from me oh my god the reflect stun you want to know something mage me i am weak if i try to solo even one elite mob in silithus i have to use all my cooldowns and even then i barely survive you know what makes it easier don't say it my friends cringe see whilst you were at home studying the arcane i was out partying on the overworld dungeons at role players oh no socializing friends you've spent so much time alone that i bet you don't even know what fury totem does what a chain hill feels like am i right my shaman always has my back even if they're not here but where are your mages now huh you sent them off to farm more meaningless gold so you can continue the loop of doing everything by yourself and for what so you're not meant to be able to do everything alone and on demand the social aspect is part of the experience the tedium of forming a group the [ __ ] the believers the egos the ninjas and overcoming it all anyway that's the point that is the world of warcraft and the world is in a perfect place you can't always have your way and sometimes things go wrong but it's victory even worth chasing if there's no struggle this is so cringe oh is this how i sounded when i was monologuing to you oh come now don't try to hide from the truth barney we've always been cringed no no i am faced based on what cumin thank you stranger with the horrible mage dead my spirit can finally rest goodbye based on what you're saying that's just messed up i'm sorry cooman i couldn't save you in this timeline oh but you're not sorry you couldn't save me huh why is there so many characters in this scene who i oh it's me as a priest wait a healer wow i'm actually offended no i'm shadow wait shadow in classic why yikes okay so i guess you're the rude oh that's how he silenced me yes yes as you as we all theorized consuming the brain matter of yourself from another timeline grants you their memories which means if you eat his brain you'll be able to understand mage stuff i'll be able to lead my army of frost uh okay lich king just interrupt me i guess you know what you'll figure it out my spirit is finally at peace so i'm going bye [Music] [ __ ] i like that guy okay here i go cannibalizing again [Music] wait it's that easy it's that easy i broke time for this knowledge oh my god and so i left the mage timeline with my forbidden artist this is such a mine and i'm like really smart now you guys like did you know that these mages aren't actually conjuring fire or ice yeah that fireball that's just arc that's just arcane but it's really hot that frostbolt that's just arcane that's just really cold they're huge [ __ ] frauds i caught on fast okay i should probably teach these [ __ ] mages how to play i gathered all the mages inside my disc my hive and lo did i part with my forbidden aoe farming techniques that i definitely got from eating the brain of me from another timeline and not from wait so barney brought together all the mages in the realm to all collectively farm scarab fragments in the last final hours of scarab aboard pint not from pines wow blizzard yep arcane explosion okay there he is is there a way that you might be able to simplify that just not for me but you know for these guys hello it was a lot to take in some of these mages were unnatural some of these mages were clowns and some of these mages didn't make it at all but after the aoe training was complete my army of thrust was ready 48 hours left it was time to farm bugs oh my god [Applause] we're beginning to believe we are beginning to believe oh my god what is this [Music] this would be so fast too god this is just sometimes i wish i could go back to playing classic wow again for the first time it was so cringe and so stressful but there was something that was just special about it it's actually happening the bald man will ride the red cerberus it might happen today we'll see what happens i don't know [Music] um guys i might have miscounted we need 97 congrats let's go ashy let's go people [Music] we [ __ ] up the math guys so my bad oops 19 hours later we had finished my bug farm when i started this journey some three weeks ago i honestly never expected to even have a shot at attempting the rep grind let alone oh my god here i stood the 46th and final person on grubulus who would finish their reputation speaking of the gates they're due to open in 29 hours and you have so much time you can see the video length are you gonna make me spell this out yes okay firstly i haven't slept since i don't know there are still 29 questions and whilst the bug farm section is by far the longest hardest part of the quest chain most of these quests still need a large raid group to complete especially the parts of the quest they actually have you going into the raids molten core and the black layer furthermore my guild had fully completed 10 scarab lords at this point which meant pretty much everyone had used their weekly raiding assisting those targets they wouldn't be able to help me even if they wanted to and so this is unfortunately where my scarab lord story ends is what i would say if i was a [ __ ] oh i'm sorry did you forget who you were watching i made a promise that i was going to see this event through to the very end and those gates are not open never give up nine hours 29 quests zero hours sleep because that's my ninja way yes oh my god what a [ __ ] video a whole subscribe right now subscribe oh my god patreon patreon like the video look at that dude wow holy [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god it's so good wow like i'm gonna be honest like the first half was like kind of chill bro the moment that the moment the mage came in it was like [ __ ] just went it was like ah you know it is what it is and you know it is what it is whatever right but like things just went [ __ ] off the rails man like god damn that was [ __ ] dude that is oh my [ __ ] god like you guys that like the video subscribe to barney [ __ ] watch the video listen there is a part two of this we are not watching part two until tomorrow we are watching part two tomorrow i [ __ ] promise we are watching fart too i never promised [ __ ] but i am promising that we are gonna watch part two tomorrow okay guys we are watching it 100 i am so [ __ ] dude this video was [ __ ] amazing fart too no not fart two okay that's not it barney almost has a million subscribers guys almost as a million subscribers if everybody here subscribed we could get barney to a million subscribers but i'll say this listen these videos took forever all right if i would say support anybody it would definitely be barney with these [ __ ] videos these videos take forever to make i've made videos like this before i know these are a huge time investment these are massive undertakings and i'm gonna link it again link it again link it again yes please please give barney your support like give barney your twitch primes and not me barney on twitch please do that [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 798,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold lost ark, lost ark, mmo lost ark, lost ark mmo, lost ark gameplay
Id: bAe1AZhZenY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 33sec (3753 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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