WotLK Classic Won't Be As Good As It Was In 2008 | Asmongold Reacts

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let's go ahead and watch this one here while classic what rather glass won't be as good as it was in 2008 is this going to be a depression video good all right let's watch it while players will always trade any amount of fun in exchange for the tiniest morsel of efficiency the most minimal insignificant advantage is worth more than any amount of enjoyment this has never been more clearly on display than during these last few years of classic remember that epic adventure through azeroth everyone was so excited about before classic launch yeah all it took was a few youtube videos explaining how dungeon grinding was slightly more efficient than questing have all these classic andies throw away a decade's worth of nostalgia just to hit 60 slightly faster and who could be fair i would have liked to quest out in the open world but you literally couldn't because you were on a pvp server and you just get stream sniped by 100 people i didn't want to do dungeon grinding i thought it was boring like i would have rather done questing because i thought it was more interesting but you just you you couldn't you couldn't do that when everyone would stack full world buffs on their main and then log out for the rest of the week just so they could have a chance at doing high dps in some of the easiest raid content in wow history with wrath coming out soon are we doomed to head down the same path yet again this is the last example oh man absolutely not this one's gonna be totally different guys this one a this one we're going home who's ready voice and video some kid wasn't born wrath was out he totally knows why wrath won't be good he's right what he's saying is is generally right i think that the point that he brought up about classic wow and dungeon grinding and there are people by the way who like dungeon grinding and like for example there's a lot of people who loved classic wow raiding but they could give less of a [ __ ] about leveling they want to get to the part of the game that they like or pvp maybe like 60 pvp that's what they enjoy so i i think that it's a little bit reductive to say that dungeon grinding or how people leveled in classic was indicative of them not really liking the game or them subverting their own desires but i i do think that it is a point that's worth bringing up for sure here we go in the classic trilogy and this is our last chance at a classic experience maybe we should take a few minutes to evaluate our approach this efficiency first attitude is just as pervasive today as it was back then and it permeates every corner of gameplay from leveling to gearing to end game rating while players are more permeates every corner of gameplay from leveling to gearing to end game oh man like it's oh joe that's the thing is like i thought the staff was the staff of dominance wow how did i get this rating i still can't believe that joker got kicked out of method he got kicked out of method for ninja looting his staff here's our more results-driven it's no longer about the journey it's all destination the only thing that matters is progress and achieving goals and i want you to really ask yourself is it really fun to play that way a lot of people will say yes but i think the kind of fun they're describing is a little bit different than the kind of genuine enjoyment that i'm talking about the way modern gamers approach wow not only flies in the face of how it was originally designed to be experienced but it's antithetical to having fun in the first place the community expects players to use every possible advantage that's available to them whether or not it leads to a better experience i feel like this guy joined the sunwell guild and he didn't have his flask and they kicked him out of the guild and he's like you know what [ __ ] these guys i'm gonna make a video about this uh-uh like yeah i'm making it i'm making a video about this right now like i've had enough of this [ __ ] yeah because like i think that it's totally [ __ ] fine a lot of people like speed running sunwell and it's totally okay to be able to do that the problem with classic wow was that there was this weird expectation that everybody had to play in a certain way everybody had to oh you had to level up this way you had to raid this way you had to have this comp you had to get this gear when actually the truth is you didn't really have to do any of that at all the problem is that if you says you no no you're right that's what i did in my in my raids if you aren't playing optimally you aren't getting gear because i don't want to play with people that aren't aren't putting into 100 right because if if you let people come into the raid that aren't putting in 100 then everybody else will stop putting in 100 as well that's what happens so if you don't do that then then you're rewarding people who don't put in effort mcconnell yeah and we didn't give mcconnell a lot of loot remember that he was very upset about that uh yeah that's it yeah i love marita yes it's a meritocracy if you if you don't have a meritocracy all you have is a race to the bottom that that's the only thing yeah if you don't hold people accountable and give people rewards based off of their effort you just have a ever decreasing uh effort of the game like that's all there is to it now of like anything you're doing so i think the problem with classic wow and this isn't as much the case is it's people that have like a different philosophy in the game joining a guild and then being mad that the guild doesn't have the same viewpoint as them so like in classic wow if you join a guild and then your guild is like all getting all the world buffs you know it's an alliance guild they get warchief's blessing and then you show up with rallying cry of the dragon slayer and [ __ ] two elixirs and then they get mad at you you're wrong because you join this guild and everybody else is doing this you're not doing this you're wrong but at the same time if you get all the buffs and you get ra you get [ __ ] warchief's blessing as alliance you're a fury warrior you [ __ ] got everything min max you leveled up your blacksmithing you've got everything you go in there with elemental sharpening stones to molten core right you're big [ __ ] it as hard as you can and you get mad that you get passed over for lewd over somebody else whenever everybody else is just getting uh you know like rallying cry and maybe zg buff then you're the wrong one then you're the one who's wrong because everybody else isn't doing that it's about fitting in and being part of a group you see what i'm saying like yeah like it's it's about you finding a group of like-minded people and then playing with them actually one of the most commonly overlooked instances of optimizing the fun out of the game is the ubiquity of endgame rate add-ons and guides it's become entirely normal and expected for every player to use things that trivializes content they've never even seen before you even want a new raid tier like sunwell what's really bad about that is the fact that it creates a social pressure to do that you now have to do that it is you you are required to do this at least where 99 of players have never even set foot inside you're expected to have read up on the fights and install add-ons that essentially play the game for you in players i disagree with this cinnamon i disagree with where they're coming from with this sentiment i think it's absolutely expected that somebody who is playing the game in a team environment has a working knowledge of the fight if everybody else is doing the same thing i completely disagree with the idea that you should not have to do that if you are part of the team if you are doing this and everybody else is learning to fight and then you get mad because you because they want you to look it up ahead of time and not waste their time you're the one who's wrong yeah it depends on the guild again it's people like yeah it's like if i go into a run and i want to clear the raid quickly and then there's somebody who doesn't know the fight and they don't ask what to do and they just wipe the raid they're wrong but if i go into a pug and nobody else has cleared it and i'm mauling at everybody for not looking up a million guides and min maxing it then i'm wrong it's again people that insert themselves into a group of other people and then expect the entire group to conform around them it is like [ __ ] peak like [ __ ] main character syndrome narcissism [ __ ] i hate it fit in or get the [ __ ] out don't even realize what they're giving up by doing this they're trading the joy of discovery and the deep satisfaction of taking down a difficult challenge for nothing more than some extra purple loot and it's so strange because we don't approach other gamers this way they're giving up by doing this they're trading the joy of discovery and the deep satisfaction of taking down a difficult challenge for nothing more than some extra purple loot and it's so i find this to be disingenuous i think this video is very disingenuous so far uh the reason why i think this is disingenuous is it's their job that's why they all have the same jerseys on uh this is something they do and also like i i find that it's also disingenuous and and not true because there is no implication that there are some people who enjoy the competitive aspect of the game uh it's being presented in a way as if any competitive gameplay is automatically bad because it's considered antithetical to what classic used to be which is partially true but why is it that the what classic used to be is always the only thing that it can be it's reductive i i find this to be a horrible point strange because we don't approach other games this way there are guides and walkthroughs for just about every game in existence but just because the answers are out there doesn't mean you have to use them your car oh no i'll tell you one thing if i'm not fighting the ball if i don't know about the ladder the hidden ladder behind the invisible door that i have to kill the guy for and i walk by that ladder i'm gonna hear about it i'm gonna hear about that other game do we use third-party software to tell us where to move and how to play well let's imagine for a moment when eldon ring was released every single player before they even turned the game on for the first time installed a third-party add-on that announced when a boss was going to hit you and told you when and where to dodge it's pretty funny to think about yeah you're right about that uh let me think so other games that have things like this uh elden ring i mean there are people that have like third party mods for eldon ring but most of them don't really make the fight easier they in a lot of ways just change the fight yeah i i don't really think so it's only mmos i think the reason why another big factor for this is because it's a group environment and whenever you are enlisting other people's time and you're doing it in a constrained time period like a four hour time period for a raid let's say or three hours you have to make sure that you optimize that time so because of that that's why people download the add-ons i think that would have any impact on your overall experience it would make the game substantially easier and yeah you'd be able to beat it faster but would it be as satisfying they take down a boss would plays like this still be impressive now imagine suggesting to your fellow elder ring players that hey maybe it might be more fun to try and learn their attack patterns instead of using this addon only to then have them loudly proclaim well dying over and over again doesn't sound like any fun they'll tell you it's a stupid idea because the developers designed the game around this add-ons consistency and why even play without it imagine people saying i find not to be like a little bit different right i mean like if you want to talk about like retail wow i think that's true that is not really true like classic definitely they have to use this add-on because they have jobs and a limited time to play and doesn't everyone deserve to experience all of the content and there are a lot of people that have downloaded mods for games that are harder like eldon ring or sakiro that make them easier like it's not that it's unheard of it's that it's just not really as big of a thing i think that it's very hard to make a comparison for a game that's a single player game than a multiplayer game because like the goals extend beyond yourself so like whenever you go into a group environment and you hold back the group that's a lot different than holding back yourself it's about the culture of the game yeah i think the culture is definitely different for sure i think it's bad too like i want to say like i agree with this guy's overall premise although i think the argumentation is not that great i think that the overall premise that as good as it was because add-ons and like min maxing is like kind of true but i think also like there was a bunch of add-ons and minmaxing back then like remember like getting items for your gear score so you could put them on uh and then whisper people so whenever they shift click your name it would show your gear score as being higher than what it actually was and then you would unequip the items whenever you got into icc so like we always have like this stupid min maxing stuff it's nothing different or unique or crazy it's always been like this it's just going to be a new version of it every single time some bosses fights are impossible without weak horrors and wow as well that's bad like i agree with that's bad dare you mr hardcore elitist suggest that your way of playing is somehow superior using computational add-ons like this is very useful if your goal is to complete the game fast and with as little friction as possible do those things make for a more enjoyable experience i don't really think so one of the most universally fun experiences in gaming is challenge and mastery people will play a difficult game for hours and hours to reach that feeling of excitement and satisfaction that comes with the problem is like it's a very hard it is a very hard sell to tell a team of people that you have to learn this without any add-ons whenever they can just download add-ons and also you have to keep in mind i would look at add-ons a lot the same as like a performing performance-enhancing drugs right like steroids or something like that if you made steroids legal everybody would start doing steroids well why is that well it's because it makes you stronger and faster it's just common sense like that's the way it goes yeah that that's just that's what it is and so all the people competing use this because they want to win and also like that's also another really big factor i didn't even really think of until now that i'm talking about it is that the people that are in these high-end guilds are competing for ranking and because they're competing for ranking they're going to take advantage of tools and resources that are not necessarily fun because they want to win becoming a tough challenge but a necessary ingredient for that sense of achievement is a period of difficulty and even frustration preceding the wind to actually feel excited about it increasing usability and making things easier won't give you that emotion shaving off the sharp edges is just a sure way to make sure your accomplishments feel meaningless and hollow when i was going to play dark souls for the first time in 2012 i visited the subreddit and sought some advice for newcomers and i saw the same messages everywhere go in blind don't use guides get off the subreddit and don't spoil it for yourself and you'll be glad that you didn't so i didn't and you know what they were right the game was brutally difficult but learning the mechanics and beating some of the tougher bosses was one of my favorite gaming experiences of all time and i think that like the best thing to tell people is i don't tell people not to look at a guide i tell people that don't like beat your head against the wall for it for a while but like there are people that quit because they can't figure it out you know there's something that's unintuitive to them or they just don't really know what's going on i don't think that's bad yeah i don't think that's bad but i think that you should like in general this is the way that i play video games i don't know if you've noticed this right is i beat my head against the wall doing it my way until i realize that i'm not going to get through and then i'll be like okay now let's use the obvious solution right that that's what i always do like i would agree just look at the success of the franchise over the years so why are players prioritizing efficiency over fun if it leads to a worse overall experience why do we approach the game so much differently than we do other ones well look no further than the influence of influencers on twitch and youtube oh wait oh what's up we do other ones well look the four horsemen of the classic wildpocalypse myself s fan tips out and [ __ ] stay safe it's because of me no you're you're right i said that if if i was gonna do a raid i would want to have people like i don't want any rep paladins in my raid uh-uh no rep paladins it's a bad spec it does no damage it's [ __ ] useless get out no moon boys yeah we only had dps warriors and people that were rogues and mages because that's the way i wanted to play the game yep sve sven said [ __ ] you ass but i'm making my own guilt when he made crusade that's what it was other than the influence of influencers on twitch and youtube to see why people's perception on what the game is really about influencers on twitch and youtube look at that oh my god wow s fan in the stadium tips in his old house like me with my that's like the old old chair wait what the [ __ ] that's the old old [ __ ] that's the one over there yeah i was only 42 in this youtube to see why people's perception on what the game is really about has changed so drastically over the years these thought leaders in the classic wow space have demonstrated to their audience how the game should be played streamers have far more time and experience than your average player and they tend to play in a way that circumvents a lot of the fun aspects of the game because they likely have different goals than you and i for instance they're supposed to he he's definitely right about this is that uh whenever you're streaming the way that you play the game is gonna be different because your goal as a streamer is not to play the game it's to make content for the game it's to entertain an audience and that's what i've always said i think that's the smart thing to do you shouldn't go and uh not do that that's that's a positive thing i i it's important i say that all the time is like the way that a streamer plays the game is not the average player's experience to be entertaining an audience they're supposed to show off content that fewer players have a chance to see for them playing efficiently and stacking up achievements is just part of their job this has imparted a distorted perception unto the viewers that wow is about best in slot gear gdkp's speed runs and parses when true no i don't think that's true i i don't think that it's because of streamers i think that streamers are an agitating variable sure i mean you can make that argument absolutely why not but i i don't think that it's it's a it's a direct outcome of streamers like if you take streamers out of the equation i still think that people would do gdkps and do biscuit and do speed runs and parses how do i know that it's because people did biski or gdkps and parses back in original wrath whenever there were no streamers we had gdps on my server um everybody cared about the best gear it's like remember though it was the the bell was it the belt or bracers for my future side and like a sarfang uh that you'd want the leather ones like everybody knew about biscuit yeah this it's nothing unique or whatever uh this is something that always has been the case and also um people don't want to waste time and that's why they did it back then and that's why they do it now there's a story of streaming start from a gdk period someone streamed someone that's someone was tally and uh yeah that's all comes down to players become insecure whenever they see people with more progress or damage well it's because it's because commodification of players and the personal nature of mmos has become automated so you are no longer a player you are no longer ted or bill you are warrior 3 and warrior 3 does 600 dps and warrior 4 does 700 dps where you're going to bring warrior 4 because he does more dps it's that simple i i don't think streamers are the reason why this happened really the best aspects of the game are centered around the social interactions with other players if you think of your favorite memories that you have from the game chances are really good it had something to do with the people that you were playing with at the time the courage in the game is merely a vehicle for these social interactions yeah i remember i remember people that i played with more than guilds that i was in or bosses that i killed i think this is a big true and also a real assuming well from a content first perspective is a bit like eating the plate instead of the steak what we're left with is a culture of bigger number better person community in the game reduces you down to your item level and your parses so there's this immense social pressure to keep up and not fall behind you have tons of players who don't even remotely consider themselves speedrunners rushing around as though they're trying to break some kind of record it's not surprising at all that gold buying and gdkp's have become so prevalent when falling behind means there's almost no way to climb back up and you know i don't think that's true i i think that like there's a very easy way to climb back up you make groups for yourself you join a guild of like-minded people and i think the truth is that a lot of people don't want to do that and all they want to be able to do is just you know start right at the top and do that i i think this is a person this video it seems like he's blaming people for taking the path of least resistance and that's always what people do that's what always happens it's easier said than done well of course it's easier said than done that's why most people don't do it and they just buy gold instead most people don't want to put an effort to get rewards and if you give the if you give the option to not do that they will choose to not do that it's just what makes sense and uh yeah as i said before like a lot of people like why do you want to invite somebody into your group who puts less effort into making your character good if you can invite somebody who doesn't do that it doesn't make any sense why would you ever take somebody who willingly handicaps themselves like i i find it like like if you just break this down and you you take it down to like it's it's base level all of these complaints about the game are ridiculous i think they are absolutely [ __ ] ridiculous the do-it-yourself group with an undergrad leader uh will not form because people won't join to carry their ass well then get other people that are under geared and and progress through it yourself but no you don't want to do that you don't want to do that you want people that are geared to carry you that's what you yeah you want people that are geared that have already done it to join your raid and help you do it it's it's the entitlement for this is crazy took part in this rat race too when classic first launched i played non-stop i got maybe 10 hours of sleep during the first week and i spent the rest of the time away grinding dungeons and as a result i got into the number one guild on herod and we got one of the first ragnaros and onyxia kills in all of classic which you'd think i'd feel satisfied after such an achievement but i didn't i quit with that you didn't why would you feel satisfied with that it's a [ __ ] it's an effortless skillless accomplishment you just played the game a lot there was never a point where you probably didn't even pick out your route or anything you just followed the guide that your guild told you to do of course it's not accomplishment yeah it's common sense man yeah he had more time and skill yeah it's it's it's purely time-based i've never understood that uh people do that damn you're toxic no i'm not being toxic i'm just being honest like i i'm being honest like this is a skillless accomplishment that means nothing it's something that was done 10 uh 15 years ago every single step that you take has already been taken by a dozen people before it's mapped out to optimum mathematical efficiency and just because you walk down the path a week before somebody else doesn't mean that you're a winner it just means that you spent more time it's crazy like farming mounts it is not a massive accomplishment two it's like did i did i act like it was a massive accomplishment am i am i oh my god i have the golden terpeon in in lost ark i was happy to get them out sure absolutely i was happy to get them out but it's just a mount and it just takes a lot of time like it's not something i hold over other people it's just nice you sound better i the reason why is because i think that people that have this outlook on the game are entitled and they have this weird view that everybody needs to play the game the same way that they do that's what i don't like about this i don't like the idea and the uh like the the like that like i know better than you why you weren't having fun in your video game because of my personal experience you see what i'm saying it it's it's patronizing it it's it's reductive it's like a surface level opinion the the reality is that of course people are going to look things up it's common sense well days it wasn't worth it and i regretted it deeply playing that way sucked the soul out of the game and it was over for me after that and maybe that playstyle is how you enjoy the game most but maybe it isn't even if you didn't go to the same degree that i did try taking a moment to examine how you intend to approach this new expansion is an efficiency focused play style how you want to play or is it how you think you should play there's this myth that if you don't get ahead of the pack and rush through the leveling then the game will be literally unplayable if you take your time doing quests and exploring then you'll be caught in a giant swarm of other players that makes it impossible to level and maybe that was true in private servers but classic has phasing and scalable respawn rates that adjust with the number of players that are nearby this really isn't something yeah that that is generally true it's not going to be as bad i i think that's a good thing for sure uh oh i play for fun yeah questing is boring exactly i think most people the reason why they don't want to do questing is because they don't like doing questing it's that simple i have to worry about in burning crusade i was 100 certain you would have to dungeon grind or you'd be weeks behind in leveling but my guildies who went out and quested were leveling just as fast as i was spamming dungeons and they were probably having more fun than i was too so to me it doesn't even matter you just had to hit 60 before the reset to do cara what yeah what are you talking about the path forward is clear fresh is the way the launch of these fresh servers represents not only a chance to start this video is so dumb oh my god fresh is the way oh my god what is it who does this is the dumbest video i've ever seen my whole life like what is this oh my god fresh this is so bad wow on new characters but to start over with a fresh mindset instead of mentally checking out and watching netflix in your second monitor while mindlessly leveling maybe get interested in the story a bit instead of rushing through the experience see what it feels like to explore the world at your own pace and i'm not saying you shouldn't go out and play efficiently if that's your thing if you know that's where the fun is for you by all means i'm not here to say one way of playing is right and another is wrong but you spent a whole video doing that like that you spent the whole video like the whole video was about how the people that wanted to min max are bad but yeah what do you mean like it was the whole thing was predicated on the game having an assumption that you need to play optimally so yes the point of the whole video like what like this is like this is what was really toxic about classic wow is that everybody had their own idea of how to play the game and because everybody had their own idea of how to play the game nobody could accept that other people were totally okay without doing that yeah that's it they get mad if you don't yeah it's just it's so [ __ ] cringe really ask yourself if following guys and using add-ons is making it more fun or just easier and that's why i started this guild called blind we're doing wrath's raids without guides or weak auras or dbm because that way it'll be harder and therefore more fun and memorable this is something i've oh my god um let's see so you played through all of classic so you already know what all the bosses and knacks are going to do like is like how many like so what if you played the game back in wrath how are you going to tell that people are using like how do you know that somebody's not using an add-on you like install a root kit onto their computer and make sure they're not running dbm oh my god the points for people didn't play before i i it's just so weird man this is cringe as [ __ ] i just wanted to do for years and honestly i was shocked by how many people showed up in support of the idea i think it's important for people to know that when it comes to wow easy mode isn't the only option if you want a challenging experience it is if you play classic it's out there waiting for you check the link in the description to join our discord we absolutely have room for you and one of our raid teams as always thanks for watching and stay safe yeah i mean i i i i i think this is this is we'll watch we'll watch the the wrath watching is doomed if this doesn't change okay we'll see if this video is any better my opinion in general is that i think this is a this is a pretty bad video i i didn't like it uh the reason why i didn't like it is because i think that it was predicated on the assumption that playing optimally and efficiently is a somehow inferior way of playing the game and i i don't like that like the um like the implication was that if you play the game uh efficiently and you like speed running or gdkp's or stuff like that that you're wrong well i think that's stupid i think that the good thing about mmos is that it allows people to play a game the way that they want to play the game that's the good thing about it it's not about trying to tell other people how to play i i don't think he said exactly that if you watch this video the implication clearly behind this was because people are playing the game in this hyper efficient way and it's a bad thing like this is it's clearly a bad thing yeah i i don't know clearly no that's on you men so i think you're being needlessly aggressive about the video you do the same thing give your opinion about what you think the best way to put a game simply disagree with them i do disagree with them i i think that he's completely wrong i i think that the people that want to play the game this way uh should be able to play the game this way i also don't think that streamers were an indication or a reason why uh why the game is like this because these things happened in wrath of the lich king before they were really streaming or anything like that i do think streaming made it worse though i will agree with that but other than that i i find it to be this is again and this is what happens with like classic wow this is all the classic wow was was people that constantly tried to put people through purity tests of them not playing the game a certain way and that's why i don't really like this because it reminds me a lot of that same behavior yeah the video is not good interpretation taking italian vacuum yeah exactly and uh was worse uh than non-streaming service oh well herod's dead i don't know what's going on really it's it'll play however you want yeah i think the point you have to acknowledge is largely community makes you feel like if you're not maxing inspira gang that you should just [ __ ] off which is true well of course that's true because nobody wants to play with somebody who willingly handicaps themself how is that a bad thing like this is a game where everybody knows everything about the game all the information is available why would somebody want to play with another person who's going to waste their time intentionally because they want to handicap themselves it's common sense like i i find this like again this it's it's so uh entitled that like i'm going to play the game the way that i want to play the game and i'm not going to you know like min max my character but i don't want to join a raid of other people that want to do the same thing you're blaming other people for not wanting to play with you because you don't meet their criteria just make your own group and make your own criteria that's it on such an entitlement being against the whole thing yeah exactly and uh some people want to have fun play the game problem isn't ten percent difference it's one percent differences that are stupid then don't join a group that's like that yeah that's what he did i know i think that's fine yeah that's totally okay uh what's this here people don't have patience to waste time it might be in classic anymore well they don't have time bro they don't have time to [ __ ] waste wiping anywhere like absolutely not and uh what's this your point of view is wiping doesn't have to be a waste of time there are other ways to play the game yeah you can play however you want to play absolutely but again i just find videos like this to be patronizing and silly i i think that if you make a video or you do something like this right telling people how they should or should not play wrath of the lich king i i think that's weird yeah that's all it comes down to uh play how you want don't tell me how to play yeah i think so and uh yeah was you're patronizing often too though yeah but people get mad about that as well uh yeah of course and uh it's not like classic you want to go on blind playing the expansion yeah exactly and that's what i think people should do guys reasons why rp servers exist yeah i think so too we have 40 other people waiting for longer in four hours means you didn't clear the raid that week yeah and i think that's why people want to see a better uh they want to see a better a better version of let me think a way to put it like a like they want to see people playing at a high level who's also just like hey do uh do it like this [ __ ] people off however you want yeah exactly so maybe you realize how toxic the game is [ __ ] nostalgia never go back to this cancer i don't dude bro mike why it's a fun game it's a fun game man like here it's it's so simple play the game the way that you want to play the game whether that is playing the game very casually or whether that's playing the game super hardcore you should play it the way that you want to play it and that's it yeah the guy made his own group to see how he plays i don't see that issue yeah i think that's totally fine yeah if he wants to make his own guild to do that that's okay i find it to be naive and weird but you know he's going to do what he's going to do that's what i said oh you're in chat hey that's what i said well let me read your message i did make mountain group i think so too but like don't you think that it's a problem uh it's a problem dude let me read your actual like the big message you wrote uh the point is for people who get sucked into the meta and don't realize there's a different way to play take a step back and evaluate whether rushing is what will bring the most joy overall support people doing whatever makes them happiest however that is oh that's fine yeah that that's fine sure yeah yeah i i agree with that sure like i the implication of the video is not that though i mean like if i if you watch this video i think that the entire video was about how playing optimally is a bad thing it it clearly is about how playing optimally is a bad thing and that's why i i had a problem with it that's why i didn't like it and how can it be yeah and it should be for each different thing it's mass made a video provocative so people like you would react to it well good we're going to get to the other video after this it was a good job and uh again like that's smart to do and uh that's why i don't like final fantasy yeah there you go and uh it's you being a little ins uh insecure wait me being insecure wait what what would i be insecure about i'm gonna play the game however i want yeah it's so weird like what do you mean like all i'm saying like here's the thing is that where's like the list right all of these things besides speed runs happened in original wrath of the lich king every single one of these things happened in original wrath and these are just an outcome of people playing the game this will always be like that okay let's go back and watch the other one okay when securities come into play it's a lot of concept it's just yeah uh it's real give your opinion how you want people play the game uh you paint those not doing as bad thing no i said very clearly in the video i think the problem is whenever people try to insert themselves into an existing group of people and then tell those people how to play if you want to make your own group and do your own thing then i think that it's totally fine but if you want to go out and you want to tell other people what to do that's what the problem is [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 318,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr
Id: GzjEGYr8v3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 6sec (2226 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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