Asmongold Reacts to Bellular's Thoughts of his FFXIV Streams

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so i want to show you guys a [ __ ] video here uh a bellyare that what he did here look at this look at this [ __ ] so you you take a look at this this is one of the best pictures of me that anybody has ever done and it's on a react video like this is it it's on a react video ff14 is healing his soul he's becoming unwithered just because i wore the beanie is that right is that right just because i wore the [ __ ] beans leave a little spoiler for the for what's to come we're going to talk about final fantasy 14. we're going to talk about final fantasy 14 and asthma and gold's actual experience with it which i will say like i'm going to say this now i'm really surprised like in a really good way i am extremely extremely happy to see how everything's gone around it's like i said um at the start of the stream it's been an incredible week for mmos overall it has been like a it's been true it's been such a godsend that ff is exploding with asthma playing it to 210 000 people i think and then later on to you know 100 plus thousand people they're really really good and then he goes and plays tazowish and loves that as well yeah we love hazardous here the raid's really good people are having fun everybody doesn't know like that's the that's the dungeon world of warcraft people are having fun in ff14 of creation fantastic it is generally genuinely wonderful yes yes it's the thing that's been popping off on the internet and this is actually something that i think you know what your man i was going to say joshua double barrelled what's his name thingy strife hey josh oh yeah we watch his videos all i could remember was double barrel name british accent well very well dressed in his videos um but yeah yeah he makes good videos he uh did a video that was i mean it was his conclusion the video was that if both of these games came out now most people go to ff instead that's that's what his video was was that's the point they made yeah and a part of it was you know sort of involving asthma and gold so i just wanted to bring up like for some of the broader like mmo culture context you've got the likes of you know him making videos like that we've been discussing ff in our stream asman reacted to a few of our clips imagine i think a mixture of that some other people imagine that um you can do it what what's her name annie brain gone crap she was on all over zappos okay and you know if you you know it's like all these things sort of came together azim and goldwyn we're gonna get into how that went uh the pc gamer article some of this stuff leaking out into the not not just the other nah shut up man i meant the other girl that was on all craft like shut up like you guys starting all this weird [ __ ] man stop man stop like i'm gonna stop this right now like yeah the other girl how how many girls yeah we don't have a whole lot of girls on all craft we've got like maybe three four girls on all craft the entire history of the show there's the wow bubble there's the mmo bubble there's the broad gaming culture bubble and it's actually a lot of what his video um was about yeah is just this idea of uh because it's an mmo so it's barricaded in spending a lot of time in your character oh yeah one of the most important things for people oh yeah is that they feel like they're investing their time in a you know in a stable world that's going somewhere so even the perception that something is on the downturn is extremely damaging to an mmo and nobody wants to see his videos yeah we've got all these stories floating around um and you know like i guess for us it's like just because we're around channel we're not just going to close ranks around well and pretend everything's good right now everything's perfect or we're going to engage with what's what's actually going on we're going to engage with reality yeah unlike a blizzard seem to want to do yeah it's not about feeling good within our bubble yeah about the big picture and uh you know like it or not azam gold is part of the big picture he is the largest world of warcraft streamer uh and that does mean that if he makes a move or in and around another game regardless of his thoughts about that move or his intent yes i know people he's about to say people are going to take it a completely different [ __ ] way and think that wow's dead like yeah i totally [ __ ] get it i totally understand it like some waves so yeah i mean yeah he goes uh where he goes discourse follows and people also follow like there's the sheer amount of people who have joined ff based on him i imagine is completely completely obscene i mean i even know a couple of examples where it is just you know they were on the fence don't join the gold put his foot in everyone oh we can trust asmongold's feet as a temperature gauge for the water in we go well also azam and gold did have some first reactions to aspects of final fantasy 14 especially aspects regards to uh we have disgusted length yes yes those things yeah the graphics look janky in a lot of ways some of the art is off-putting to me and the cat girl stuff was kind of weird abso [ __ ] lutely like absolute [ __ ] lutely dude some preconceptions um but then he got into the game and his preconceptions were a bit shattered is from sort of what i understand melded like butter under a hot knife that there is no better advocate for this game than somebody who was initially skeptical with a whole bunch of his audience being skeptical yeah and then he enjoys it true and you know it's not just a small audience he had a peak of over two hundred and ten thousand twitch viewers that's a lot his first day and you gotta remember how that's crazy just how big his following is so if he you know if he moves from one game to the other game the wow directory will drop ranks like outside of jet outside of i think maybe major woe events like you know some classic launchers i mean he's even at the head of those like classic events if anything happens in world of warcraft he is the not even the strongest i love this it's like they're just talking about how important i am like this is my favorite video i've ever seen this is honestly like i really need to watch more videos like this anytime i'm feeling like a loser anytime i feel like a loser i'm actually just going to watch this video from now on okay guys flights of the pie by a significant margin yeah i mean people meme about the overall viewership number of a game as if it really means anything is like as a i mean it means something but it's not a huge uh metric of success for the game just because of different cultures and different places to watch and stuff like that but like where what he's playing at the moment decides you know which number gets memed on yeah essentially if he's if he's in tazhavesh you look at the you look at the directory you see oh woes beating ff haha guess your weeb game's dead now idiots we knew it wouldn't last but then you know he's like that's really cool but i'm done for today yeah we go you know time to go continue through the questline as a warrior and then it goes back and then everyone's going ha ha don't laugh at the weebs now you know what the funny thing is is it's the same person it's the same person saying it in both cases it's the same guy because he's just the guy's just being an idiot right that's all there is to it shitty sylvanas dead game get get got like yeah so it is it is that's how big he is that he can kind of control the discourse because so many people just watch him and go this guy is how how do i put this he's an idealized form of the mmo player yeah he's i see i see myself in him which is you know 200 000. the quintessential loser must be so stressful god uh his i think his weight of expectations and the first the first super cut of him playing ff14 is over one million views i think at the minute yeah it is yeah and actually just about anything he's done touching ff14 has done extremely well on this channel yeah it's been very popular absolutely absolutely look it's pretty big blizzard you can't just and i guess like there so there is a side thing about blizzard employee adam hilliski who used to be a writer for um he was a writer for blizzard watch which used to be wow insider a surprising number of people will have read his work not knowing that he's also the guy involved in that drama when we talk i think we talked about the drama did we do that in the last episode yeah i was just having a conversation wasn't it that only happened this week yeah no that was just us having a conversation right i do think that like the reason why a lot of people a lot of mmo players consider me i'm like the uh you know whenever like all of the power rangers come together and they make like the really big power ranger well like you take like living with your mom uh balding uh no girlfriend uh bad personal hygiene uh never goes outside like you put all of those together and like every mmo player exodia yeah exodia i'm the exodia and you put all of them together and you form one being and that being is asmingle that's basically it because there's a lot of people that you know maybe they don't have a girlfriend but they they go outside regularly or maybe they have a girlfriend but uh you know actually probably they have a girlfriend that personal hygiene probably isn't that good you know it probably is a girl so like maybe they uh you know they take care of themselves and they have a girlfriend but they also don't have a job and they live with their mom or something like that right but like for me it's like i've got the entire infinity gauntlet man i have the entire thing getting into it much but uh you know it's certainly a bad luck that that happens when asmr gold moves to another game and that's actually not what um i believe that's not what happens he was talking about i believe that was him referencing asimon gold's uh tweet on pronouns from like two years ago or something um but i do think that a lot of the perception in blizz from little grapevine things that i've heard and perhaps some reactions to the blizzcon all craft that notably has never happened again that's true i mean come on let's think about this um i actually have a of a general thought but internally blizzard they're probably like oh good hopefully he stays which you know it is i'm fairly sure that's what a lot of i genuinely believe that i genuinely think that the blizzard the the people at blizzard are probably happy that i'm gone because as i said i represent every bad thing about the game like i i am the i am every stereotype blizzard has worked 15 years to [ __ ] go against they're like please can you stop making wow players be these basement dwelling virgin losers that don't shower and then they look at twitch and they see the number one guy is cleaning out a moldy [ __ ] food out of his table because his mom wouldn't do it for him and everybody's watching them and they love it and they're like wait no this is you're not supposed to like this this is this is the wrong way no please not again you see what i'm saying yeah yeah and like also yeah and then you have as well you know i have the um i don't i don't just tweet out the most acceptable political opinions sometimes sometimes i'll say something that deviates from what's acceptable on mainstream news and you know what people don't like that at blizzard they really don't like that at blizzard and you know what i don't care we'll think it's them disengaging with reality and not realizing that you know he is whether he wants to be or not but through some form of him being who he is and you know what his stream accomplishes he is the standard bearer for so many mmo players okay i pretty much know for a fact that in a few instances it's like they don't want him and they don't want his ilk yeah well this is not to throw any shade i think that actually there are many cases i'll read threads about myself and there are more cases of people talking about how much they dislike uh how much they dislike me but what they really dislike more so is you guys like there are a lot of viewers or a lot of people out there that they're like yeah asmen sucks but like what i really hate is this community yeah uh zack i don't know if you will react to this one i will get back to your dm soon and i will go on all craft so it's okay boys belle you are on all craft in 2023 confirmed can you believe that bell you're on all craft 2023 i do it i'm ready man i can't wait for whenever we get shadowlands part two or legion part two and then we're gonna have them on and talk about it bro that's gonna be lit um but uh yeah you know i'm not saying about the disparity of his people i just i think that is how some of the blizz people see it yeah that's what they would think they would you they would use the terms elk oh yeah oh absolutely asthma and gold and his ilk such toxic twitch players which they use in their chat they're the worst yeah whereas you're like you know you can you can see that but like there's 210 000 people watching you know you will feel it if 210 000 people unsub today and go play ff that is not that is not like a little bit of a whisper that is actually like that is a major thing and that's only the people watching at that time because you don't know how many unique viewers he had that stream um if he held 210 000 god knows there could have been 500k watching in that probably you guys want to see yeah yeah i'm just going to show it it is what it is there it is there's the graph of that day there's a lot a lot of people watched holy [ __ ] yeah there's a lot of people and and that's that's all it was probably more like based on numbers see if i can extrapolate from one of our previous live shows yeah i was going to say based on like based on our numbers what like unique views looks like compared to concurrent yeah i mean oh i have actually i have one up here this is a stream that we did it wasn't one of our biggest ones but we had um the audience tab that i go to i'll be able to get it up here the vaude had 2.5 mil apparently okay so we had a peak that's crazy concurrent you're you know this is looking at oh my god two million aches or something someone in chat said the vaude had 2.5 million views yeah so if you're looking at 2.5 million people seeing someone leave your game for another even though he's not leaving the game but that's the perception that people have no matter yes i'm fully aware of that thank you matt yes i'm fully aware that is the perception that people have i i am more than aware of that many times like no matter how many times jasmine gold says i'm not leaving world of warcraft for ff14 why are you leaving man both that's crazy you're gonna leave cause people will just oh my god playing ff which you know like in some part of their subconscious some part of their psychology it is going to be ff up boo down yeah because that's that's the kind of binary selection problem you've got there's some people here but like oh my god you're you're putting asthma in a pedestal stuff like i'm dealing with reality this is how we have to talk it's like if uh i mean i don't know it's like if ninja moved to cs go and instead of fortnite or maybe i don't know ninja moved to apex legends instead of fortnite yeah he did um and a lot of people played it because of him they paid ninja and shroud millions of dollars to play that game that's a great example um but on top of that it's not just me like and he moved over rich moved over a lot of other people moved over too like obviously you know i'm the most viewed one right of course but that doesn't mean that there aren't a lot of other people that are doing the same thing and also it means more because if ninja moved over to apex and apex was just garbage then nobody would give a [ __ ] it's like whenever ninja moved over to mixer ninja moved over to mixer it didn't do anything because mixer sucked ninja moved over to apex it did a lot because apex was awesome so like yeah just having a content creator play your game or look at your game does not mean that that's a golden ticket to success you still actually have to have a good product and i think i think mixer is a great example of that right or i don't know the the cs go scene but if a notable cs person you know goes the most yeah like maybe you're you're number one the best cs player in the world or something like that yeah signs an exclusive contract to be in a valorem team yeah who's also a really big streamer or something and now they're just playing that different game or you know uh i mean you can play this to anything right you guys get it you know that oh yeah the best lol pro in the world with the biggest stream goes and starts playing dota yeah that's what i'm getting at here you have to remove any of your own personal feelings to anyone involved here this is a bigger picture thing that's why it's newsworthy yeah i mean there's there's uh gabriel says he said he's leaving for real today after he finishes this raid i mean if he said that blizzard should be sweating they should actually have cold sweat hearing that if he did say who said that gabriel some ran some guy in chat yeah some random guy no not the angel man that dude that would be so bad you say that i'm not sure obviously obviously i've not been watching a stream because i've been preparing this and doing this but if he said that then that is absolutely like that that's fairly major but could have been to kind of continue with about idealizing him or putting him on pedestal i think the reality of that is important some of that might have been the language i used when i explained him earlier or explained what i think i said he's like uh the idealized form of people as an ammo player but i think i think it's not exact opposite i am the unidealized form it's like watching a cave man like it it's the opposite like it it's like somebody it's not somebody who's evolved i i'm not in near 3000 i'm in year 1000 okay that's where we're at yeah the caveman we all wanted to be yeah the golem exactly yeah it's all the it's all of the i think that like ultimately i'll i'll go ahead i'll explain real quick right i think that the reason why like especially like my streams have an appeal in a way is because of the fact that i have every negative trait possible and i'm not sorry for it and so the the reality of somebody who is completely confident and okay and completely chill about being who they are makes a lot of other people comfortable with who they are i think that's a big reason we see him see ourselves in him that's like not true in any specific like sense it's the idea of why he's so important i think i think he's so important because he is he is in personality and how he plays he is like the he's almost the north star of mmo player i have to say this like this video obviously has just been sucking my dick for 13 minutes and it keeps going i love it but you guys have to keep in mind like i literally live with my mom in austin texas and i'm 30 years old and i i just i after my stream you know what i do i lay on the futon i read twitter for an hour maybe i fall asleep i get up i go get like fast food and i come home and i jack off like that's my life okay like i'm not some god on mount olympus i'm not some weird [ __ ] you know uh entity i am just a random guy please guys keep that in mind where you know you know he his room can be american he has his snack box or he had his snack box that has maggots in it you know that stuff we look at that that's disgusting but you're also like i mean isn't there just isn't there a tiny tiny tiny spark of wanting to be somewhere in on that path in all of us subconscious conscious otherwise that's what i mean about the ideal he's basically he's the standard bearer for that specific player yeah so even even if they come if the comparison between i still have it as a person as an asthma governor is 0.001 percent yeah he's just done for the patch by the way yeah oh ground yeah you'll still you'll see that you'll be like yep that's yeah he is he he that's how he's got to where he is that's it it's not even my opinion like that's just it's relatability uh that is one of the major drivers of live streaming and all that [ __ ] yeah so yeah that's uh yeah so that's i think uh you guys haven't seen the snack box for a while like there's not a whole lot of new stuff in it i can get it up um i like my stomach's kind of bothering me a little bit like to lean and like lean back on i thought it would be a good idea last night i ate like half a pound of beef jerky and so my stomach's been kind of a little bit bothering me so i'm gonna see how i do standing up like this okay uh it'll be okay for a second dude like any time i'm getting to the point like now that i'm 30 right i'm at the point now where like anything like any any like if i have a headache i'm like oh my god i'm gonna die if my hand hurts i'm like oh my god they're gonna have to cut it off if i have a stomachache oh i'm dead you know what i mean like it's it's it's not good and so you guys gotta keep that in mind let's go ahead we're gonna look at the snapbox yeah as you guys can see we still do have the snack box of course we have the [ __ ] snack box i've had this for uh probably years now and some of this stuff is new a lot of the top the stuff on the top is new everything else is pretty much all the old stuff but yeah this is a big box of food as you guys can see a whole lot of stuff in here honey buns everything dude granola bars so people come over like my dad comes over anybody comes over and i just put it put it down there they whatever they want infowars my mom's really into infowars uh she's been watching alex jones for 20 years not really that big of a fan to be honest why it is uh big in the overall mmo discourse regardless of what anybody thinks about anybody and that is why supervillain blizzard people and i think a bunch of blizzard staff will actually be thinking yeah oh you know thank god i hope the ff people keep him because we sure as hell don't want them it's a good thing you know we never went and did another blizzcon yeah or you know like if that jab email was actually real or something and there was actually some some techy people who uncovered stuff that might suggest that jab email that said lovely things about both uh ourselves anzac that that might actually be real which is [ __ ] hilarious if true but yeah if any of that shit's anything to go by they're not going to learn the lesson they should the the person that a lot of mmo players find to be entertaining and or relatable even though controversial to some others is very much saying big things going to another game very much this is bad for you blizzard yes it does i mean [ __ ] hell asthma gold will do mind-numbingly boring [ __ ] in world of warcraft right i mean i see some of the ways he plays that game trying to i don't know if it's like him and annie fuschia are just going to fight for their all the things bar uh you know for forever but it's like if you're even managing to lose the interest of somebody who will play that hard yeah so well yeah of course i mean it's the same thing as the odin the odin helmet like i just ran it they're like oh how do you get it i run it at six hours non-stop without breaks and then i get it there it is i got it now nine hours yeah i was nine actually total nine hours you're right about that that's a kind of breach in dude because i we did have this stuff up here about like the stream sniper but considering we're talking about asthma gold now this is this is kind of funny right because uh we muted we are muted good happiness so this is like it's kind of funny right because he does talk in this about the boringness and how you know people said ar was like mind numbing or all were born quest was like slow and stuff yeah and he's just like i play classic what are you talking about it's fine this is all fine exactly this idea that he's sitting doing that and um like people are saying he seems so happy in this video exactly especially when he's playing the game he looks like he's over the moon which you know honeymoon period with a new mmo is going to do that but people are watching this and go be like man he looks he looks like he's he's got 10 years younger he's so much healthier look at the glow in his eyes and obviously i maimed about it on discord this morning saying you know like ff-14 is healing oh my god he's becoming unwithered it's obviously a joke he's where he's wearing a hat the indoor's lighting's really good i'm wearing a hat because my hair looked bad and i ha i was gonna i was gonna record it without the hat but my hair looked really bad so i put on the hat that's the that's the real reason why i put on the hat okay guys i think he does look better overall recently like i think he has been being out there but like the reason is because i've showered more often i usually have been showering uh uh two times and now about one time a week but like i will shower before my stream because it makes my hair look good yeah i i i that's the only reason like i don't care about like being clean like i actually prefer kind of being dirty you know it's like building up an earth shield but with my hair it gets greasy so i have to wash it it's just funny that people even like are even joking about that was like it's oh look look how healthy he's gotten that he's having fun in ff yeah but that's uh yeah like he picks up the snack box and it's just full of fresh produce from the farm you're like he his thoughts are actually really really really good because i i actually love the guy i think he's i think he's a very very good professional streamer and also he's really genuine in his other channel and he's really eloquent like i have a little collar here that i just wrote earlier which is as always when he's removed from the pressure of live streaming he's remarkably elegant it's like he's sharpens attack and the fact that he can focus on the details he talks about with f14 when he's streaming genuinely impresses me because he's got 200 000 people watching and he's just thinking through stuff thanks man that's happening i appreciate that and it's wild yeah thank you it's wildlife it is almost more importantly don uh jandro here just said baldwin is into cat girls we got him that's it that's the thing it's straight up it's like got him no way we no like literally he's in the cat girls now listen dude he the first time he saw you still he was like who's this i was just like cat girl what's going on and then the next time i tuned into the stream he was visibly excited when he saw her big win the battle of ideas there was there was someone who had the they stole like the originally stolen god this is the thing right it's cause she's hot as i said if blizzard wants to redeem sylvanas make her boobs bigger problem solved everybody's gonna like her it's literally that simple i i mean there's no you don't have to reinvent the wheel on and had like you know they were basically fully cosplaying you stole it in game he saw recorded i was like is that her and then he's like imposter pick and then but every time he said he's like lit up and he's like really happy to see her like you got him completely got him there is also a youtube video which is a camera hood spy but it's a very short clip called asthma goes to something we got him boys or something like that referring to asmr and it's literally just him saying what was it it's one of the self one of the little floating pixie things one of the self flies past and like he shows a shot of them from behind and just goes damn she thick it's just funny but it's like he's properly completely engaging with it and that's you know people are elated by this generally and i think because everyone's just having so much more fun yeah which is why i think the radiance goes it's good fun yeah that's it everyone's just that's what matters right it's just it's a good little fun time just so happens to be that's what matters yeah it's about having a good nice fun time this is a good video i like it a lot i'm gonna read a few of the comments about this it's a great video uh i've honestly never had my dick sucked this hard in a video before it's really that great i love this what what an incredible video i'm gonna link it to you guys right now okay uh where he goes discourse follows well absolutely because all i never stop talking uh of course i wasn't just the biggest watchers one of the biggest switch trimmers uh on on on twitch uh biggest balls up by blizzard for sure absolutely uh yoshtola exists uh asthma damn she's hot we got him yeah sure as it's my three hours i actually spent like two hours in the golden saucer like last night i'm gonna keep farming that as much as i can as well just discovered his true home asthma and gold saucer okay dude asthma is not far off from your average gamer it shows how much blizzard hates their audience and wishes the industry would be more exclusive to people like them absolutely i think a lot there's a lot of blizzard uh blizzard people that actively i think resents uh the overall you know like gamer type people like me you know like absolutely they [ __ ] resent that a hundred percent i i think that very clearly [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 318,496
Rating: 4.9602971 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, asmongold final fantasy, new mmorpg, asmongold FFXIV, final fantasy asmongold, wow vs final fantasy, wow vs FF14, wow vs ffxiv, final fantasy vs wow, ffxiv, wow ffxiv, wow final fantasy, final fantasy 14, bellular final fantasy, asmongold bellular, bellular ffxiv, final fantasy review, final fantasy first impressions, bellular tries ff14, ff14, bellular
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 50sec (1850 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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