The WORST Fat Phobic Body Shaming Game | Project Makeover News Anchor gets Called FAT

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it's another fat chick video sorry yoshi i know the whole fat thing is sensitive to you and if you are someone watching right now that is sensitive by the word fat why the did you click on this video to make yourself physically upset i have absolutely no sympathy for you because you decided to click on this video when you know darn well that the f word is a bad word for you and makes you feel some type of way but you still clicked on the video and you're probably in the comments section blaming me for you feeling bad about yourself well i say thank you because every comment helps me you guys are so freaking cute and thoughtful for helping my channel grow even when you're mad at me this video is sponsored by me and my lifetime support group the lifetime support group that comes with a 12-week gym program two home workout programs and a lifetime facebook support group that's right getting healthier is a lifestyle so of course you need a support group that will always be open where i'm very active daily if you're interested the link is below also we have a cosplay and crime video coming up followed up with scamming fitness model turned modest christian a pretty dawn tale please hit the subscribe button and the notification button so you don't miss it hello welcome back to the channel my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud mother of a pug and a chihuahua i passed theater nerd on a grown-up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably have been at least one person and some of you are ahead of the game and offended by the title wow whoa here is a star for you being offended and it's your lucky day you'll be very good at today's video because it's another episode of does this offend you where i share an array of stories that offended people and all you have to do is tell me in the comment section does this offend you or does it not it's a very easy game but before we start tiny announcement i have decided a theme for this month gmons yeah not demons d mom my inner demonic personalities have been waiting to come out of me they are literally bursting at the seams of my skin to come out and talk to you on camera about a lot of things that are pissing me off they're excited to chat with you they're excited to play with you they're very excited to eat you take that however you want it could be like a or um holy crap this is literally eating me alive you'll never know with them they're all crazy all right now without further ado let's all get offended [Music] so someone a gentleman shall we say wrote into a news station because he was very concerned worried actually about certain news anchors fatness i want to take a moment to address a situation that has become a talking point in this community over the past weekend especially on facebook that centers around me and he wanted to make sure it was very detrimental that this news anchor knew what he thought community responsibility hi jennifer it's unusual that i see your morning show but i did so for a very short time so he doesn't watch the show regularly he just tuned in saw that she was fat and he had to do his responsibility his due diligence of letting her know we're off to a great start i was surprised indeed to witness that your physical condition hasn't improved for many years did he look her up after and then be like oh shoot she has not been losing weight after all these years i need to let her know or did he just assume that she was like this for many years he doesn't watch the show so that was kind of weird surely you don't consider yourself a suitable example for this community's young people girls in particular whenever someone tells somebody else usually a woman they usually tell women this that you're not being a good example to young women punch uh who knows what if she's not trying to be a good example to young women it's not her or anyone else's job except for the parents and the parents need to make sure to find good examples for their kids and honestly from a past child you can shelter your kids all you want but eventually they are going to be exposed to some pretty dark have you been on the internet obesity is one of the worst choices a person can make wrong it's definitely not on a top tier list of the worst things that you could possibly do i would think murder was on top by the way i just filmed this month episode of cosplay and crime it's very murderous and horrific way more horrific than a fat news anchor and one of the most dangerous habits to maintain i agree becoming obese and staying obese is very very dangerous so we are in agreeance right there random person that decided to write to a news station about someone's weight yeah weirdo i leave you this note hoping that you'll reconsider your responsibility as a local public personality to present and promote a healthy lifestyle level of audacity and i am someone who is very anti-obese and very into healthy lifestyle and very much not into this whole fat positivity being obese is okay type thing but [ __ ] the level of audacity that whoever wrote this has is just astounding okay so first of all i wanted this story to be my number one story because i get so many dms from yo and they go as follows look look at this woman michelle she's promoting obesity she's obese and just standing there in her obesity-ness and she has the following she's literally spelling all of her followers that obese is the thing to do just by standing there on instagram oh my god michelle call her ass out tell her to stop and the way that the person is acting in my messages i go to the page expecting to see some sonali thai bull telling people that monitoring your kids foods and having them be active is a form of child abuse and instead of that i met with an obese woman wearing a bikini and enjoying her day at the beach saying hey i'm at the beach and it's fun so pretty much not telling people that obesity is okay they're just telling people that they're at the beach and and they had fun that's it here is a woman who's on the news who wants to talk about the news and this guy's over here saying she has a civil duty to lose weight and to just not be there because she's fat first the truth is i am overweight you could call me fat and yes even obese and her being fat and talking about the news is going to make other really young girls who watch the news because you know young girls watch the news all the time it's y'alls like 12 11 year old girls watch the news all the time like constantly like soaking everything up i i was watching sister sister in degrassi this is why the whole weird group fat positivity and like body positive whatever it's all called kind of sparked up because of [ __ ] like this weirdos that bother fat people that are just minding their own damn business trying to do their job they have a problem with it i don't mean to bring up the whole you know gender thing but would he do the same thing it was like a chunky male anger probably not her job isn't to lose weight her job is to report the news or isn't there another like news anchor story where the woman was way too curvy and people had an issue like they couldn't focus on the news because she was so curvy what the that's not her issue yep there was has anyone seen channel 8's new morning traffic reporter her name is demetria ablor and she's a size 1618 woman in a size six dress and she looks ridiculous i understand that when i watch channel 8 i'm going to get biased reporting and political correctness but clearly they have taken complete leave of their senses i'm not gonna watch channel 8 anymore actually i found a whole ass list of people body shaming according to you guys being a-holes according to me to women who are too curvy too skinny whereas a skirt pregnant it's crazy we're gonna do a video on this for sure because the comments are just a bunch of freaking jealous jans like i don't get it i don't understand you're dumb anyway i personally think this person was just being a huge ass troll and the goal was probably to make it on tv anonymously of course these people can never show their face you know similar to the whole stan's dad thing this is my daughter at the triathlon today go little girl your daughter has a mustache what the hell is wrong with your ovaries [ __ ] and then when he knew he was about to get discovered he flipped out do you remember mr skank hunt when you and your little buddies trolled the entire country of denmark and that was wrong too i certainly want to apologize for that i wish there was something like that that could expose all the trolls because watch them freaking squirm called my daughter r2d2 you know how long i've waited for this day they could never say these things publicly ever they had absolutely no self-esteem and no balls no no nothing if you didn't know trolls have no genitalia [Music] anyway whoever wrote this and noticed that the woman that they decided to nitpick on read it publicly on air sitting back like oh yeah i have done it i have finally attained the ultimate troll most likely of course the haze aka the health at every size warriors took the story and ran with it if you want to learn more about the actual correlations between weight and health and the associated myths that lead to bullying and bigotry like this check out the fat nutritionist which eventually if i remember we have to do a review on this person because with the name the fat nutritionist she just has to be very interesting many people are mad at this but the nice anchor did use it to take a moment to talk about bullying if you didn't already know october is national anti-bullying month now i am a grown woman and luckily for me i have a very thick skin literally as that email pointed out and otherwise okay love her for that one unfortunately there's always going to be bullies but now that the internet is so booming it gives the bullies a place where they can say some of the most nastiest and rude things without any repercussion all trolls report in ml i'm ready anonymous 821 signed into multiple accounts and standing by i personally wouldn't have read it on air unless there was a face attached to it because i believe in public humiliation okay for some reason whenever i pop into facebook this weird ad of a game comes up and whenever i see it i was like oh this is gonna offend a lot of people and it did this very offensive game is called project makeover in this mobile app game there's always some outlandish situation a girl is just sitting on the couch and gets a text from a boy and that boy wants to hang out but oh no she has a beard what is she gonna do shave it but then she's bald and then she meets the guy and he freaks out by her looks and runs away or there's a fat hairy and smelly chick on the treadmill and next to her there's a skinny chick and she notices her off-putting smell and hair and she runs away running away is a very occurring action in this game so what does she do she shaves her pits dyes your hair does her makeup with the inspiration of a raccoon and oh look that skinny chick doesn't like it i mean to be completely honest you didn't fix the issue that the girl had a problem with she still smelled bad this was an easy one just don't smell bad i actually agree with this because if you have a green haze coming out of your armpits and off your body then you stay and i will run from you this girl for some reason is a [ __ ] sasquatch and sasquatch chick has a date so what does she need to do you guessed it shave oh but look now she's bald but we can fix that mohawk eyeball shirt ooh she didn't like that very much for some reason a lot of them start with like a lot of body hair they either become bald and then you make them up they still aren't good enough and end up getting laughed at by the people they were trying to impress usually men and so many people think that it's just a body shaming fat phobic game that is going to hurt young girls and their self-esteem so whenever it comes up on my facebook i see a bunch of just the angry emojis and dang it i thought i screenshotted a bunch of facebook comments but i either deleted it or i can't find it because i have 4 369 pictures i need to do some spring cleaning but i just found some on youtube so i guess that whole outburst wasn't even needed i wish they'd stopped showing negative ads of this mobile game like people upset and crying it makes me feel sad seeing others feeling upset and sad am i just weird or do others get the plb where if you near or far away and you see someone crying and feel hurt in any way it seems to make you that person feel what they're feeling like an empath or something i mean it's like a game it's not real how do i report this specific ad so it never shows again this game is so demeaning to women one does not need to be pretty to get someone to like you uh a lot of the time i feel like you have to be attractive to the person i definitely don't recommend smelling bad shaving the top of your head and doing your makeup like a raccoon if a man cannot love you for imperfections then he could screw off honestly if being yourself means you smell bad i am not gonna be with you and the whole sasquatch thing was a little much not realistic i just don't know if it's all that serious being so unrealistic it just reminds me of cartoons so i wanted to see if there were any youtube videos on this and there weren't many mostly just gameplay i did find one from a body positive influencer called danae mercer i say everything wrong sorry if i did get it wrong but i say everything wrong but she is known for her this but this type pictures so she takes a picture of herself like looking super super instagrammy but then she'll also take a picture of herself looking like this showing off her cellulite and a lot of people like those kind of things kind of like the behind the scenes of the perfect instagram picture to help make other people feel good about themselves because most of us have some type of cellulite loose skin stretch marks etc etc which is usually blurred out on instagram and she actually played the game now before she played the game she was like what the hell is this like any one of us who was scrolling and then sees this we would be like what the hell is this this is very unrealistic chewbacca would never shave his luscious law but since she is very body positive she's like huh this is not body positive but she ended up playing it and she found that it was actually very fun okay so here's the thing i've played this game so dang much because basically i was waiting for it to echo what its ad show i was waiting for like the hidden sexism and the hidden body shaming to come out but it never did apparently the game is nothing like the ads that get shown the ads are there to get your attention and to download the game ooh sounds like my thumbnails anyway she still didn't suggest the game because it would still make people feel sad female body hair isn't shameful unibrow is not shameful women sweating heaven forbid is not shameful and women don't just exist to make some man happy so my final thoughts the game itself is fun but i will never recommend it and she seems very sweet but i disagree or maybe disagree is not the right word but i just don't see it in that way this game is so outlandish that you have to be a very sensitive person to be hurt by this completely unrealistic game and maybe you are just very sensitive so i guess i do agree if you're just a very sensitive person who can't take uh these very unrealistic situations then don't play like if you're going to look at this game and you want to cry i suggest never getting on the internet ever i just feel like if you get upset by this game then you probably get upset at that part in spongebob when spongebob gave patrick a chocolate bar i wish we had something to eat though look what i've got rectangle when they have to make that chocolate bar last and then within what point two milliseconds he turns to patrick and he's got chocolate on his face i think i'll eat it now and pastor doesn't even remember eating it where'd my candy bar go you just ate it pat it's all over your face that whole zoom in on the stomach if that like that should make you feel horrible about yourself if this game makes you feel bad about yourself i've got a star every fat person should feel offended by this cartoon it's basically playing on the fact that fat people stupid can't even remember they ate candy bar i don't know i guess you could argue that this is a starfish and these are real uh cartoon women and it's only girls crying and changing themselves but from a business perspective women are probably their target market but it's just all very like goofy and stupid but as i suspected because of her personality is just very sweet loving accepting thinking about every single feeling ever her subs are very similar just very nice and sensitive which is not bad by any means to be emotional but it's definitely something i'm not used to and opposite of my regular subscribers my subs are sarcastic ass [ __ ] and i love it so i'm sure i attract a lot of people that are more like me who are gonna look at this game and be like okay that's stupid and move on her subs are probably gonna be more you know emotional about it and wants it off the internet i am so happy to see that i clicked on youtube today to see this game being spoken about i have been raging over these ads for weeks now weeks girl okay like you won't be loved or do well in a job the ads were absolutely terrible thank you for doing this some people even felt sick seeing the game i cannot stand this ad i have it half of the time and i cannot do anything to make it stop this is disturbing some even tried to block the ad i hate these ads so much couldn't have clicked on this video faster i can't figure out how to block them i play and it makes me so angry they are twisted wait why is she playing the game that she like hates completely just don't play it they tried reporting it i have seen many of this ads in my facebook feed and i was literally reporting to facebook every time i saw it not only because the body shaming but it also showed women crying for men and other awful things i mean girls cry over dudes and dudes cry over girls but yeah they should have one where the guys do all of this actually a comment made a suggestion i'd like to see one with men getting nose hair plus ear hair waxed rough elbows sandpaper rough feet fixed funky toenails clean wax toe hair wax shoulders wax back neck hair trimmed unibrows black teeth bleached and brushed pores handled with a facial knuckle hair wax underwear wash new underwear clothes wash dry clean new shows a decent suit to put on etc etc the list could go on and on men are tore back as [ __ ] too shake my head i actually would love to see that because yeah some of you men expect us women to be all put together and you can't even buy new underwear okay get your life together but yeah that'd be great if this game you know put in men and they would cry over girls and then everybody could just cry and then change their fans to try to get that person's approval and then it doesn't work and then just keep crying but does this game offend you or would you see it and be like what the and then just move on to a better game because this game sucks anyway that is the end of the episode thank you for accompanying me yoshi and butters on this episode of does this offend you let us know did anything offend you or do you just not care if you have any other stories fat positivity or not just something interesting make sure to dm me on instagram or leave me a comment on instagram as well or right here i do check the comments for at least an hour when the video is new and remember you don't have to be a size 2. having big biceps is great to have to scare away all the boys but not needed to be healthy but health is very important and i want all of my watchers to be as healthy as you possibly can with the occasional hot cheeto or two or three or a serving all right you guys i'll see you next video pick it up pick it up pick it up pick it up [Music] pop in my car bag yeah i get the bucket pick it up pick it up [Music] pick it up
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 143,358
Rating: 4.9728646 out of 5
Keywords: This Fat Phobic Body Shaming Game Makes Everyone MAD, fat phobia, fat phobic, fatphobic, body shaming, body shaming tiktok, project makeover game, project makeover ad, project makeover, project makeover gameplay, project makeover game ad
Id: HdmsUh2A6TI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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