A Week in the Wilderness with My Dog (Part 2 of 6) [Extended Version]

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[Music] baby just kill promote at my feet I don't know about all this [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning when to you oh you sneeze [Music] [Music] that fuzzy teddy bear slept like a rock all night long oh I slept pretty that good to the witness [Music] well we gotta go across this big ol Lake here so skiers we're up to get up get moving here yeah that's not pretty good but you can hear it's breezy out is the Sun just rose so uh it's gonna be a windy day it could affect our distance we move maybe probably won't those we can get across this thing we can at least get to that one Lake but anyways let's get up make some coffee you don't feel a little stick for Muncie a little bit you move it let's do it you don't for you to be free be free go ahead live your own life go ahead all right be free you gonna step oh oh oh [Music] Monte's always so happy when I emerge from the tent hey Monty hi puppy hi old with him but no buts [Music] how'd you sleep good oh look at it out there you can see the colors seeping in yeah you know those colors over there all call us a little breezy but I think the winds aren't too bad at all very small waves it is breezy but and there will be Gus but there's at least not big waves like look at those teeny little things so I think we got to go straight that way see how you can see the low line that's generally where you portage through to other Lakes is you're not going to be portaging of that that would be awful so I'm pretty sure we have to go there you know you when you're reading maps and stuff that's kind of stuff you look for if you ever having trouble but you know it's pretty it's yeah that's this prop that's got to be where we're going [Music] [Music] ha [Music] Hey [Music] they can ingest right there critter [Music] different don't you don't you argue with me [Music] [Music] yeah Oh little fluffy bunny I can't I can't just play with sticks all day [Music] he's sassy pants this morning hey sassy pants ooh ooh a little bouncy bunny okay so we're going to try to keep throwing the stick per Monty here as we pack away camp and we queue coffee and oatmeal sequence 2.0 or classic versions same thing we always do let's do it but do it [Music] [Music] probably the amount of water oatmeal asks for soupy [Music] uh-oh Oh maximum soupy that's dangerously soupy [Music] this is the soupy us out meal we have created there's not any more room for water to make it super look at that this is an oatmeal at soup oatmeal soup [Music] let's go hot [Music] do hot [Music] juniper berries look at that [Music] I've been having this habit lately where it take a couple sips of coffee and they a little oatmeal and then I got poop [Music] so I usually it's hot paetynn make a nice poop and then it's cold by the time I get back a copies not I can already feel it coming on [Music] in this case I gotta let this cool down that's a little too hot Suns coming out it's already been a warm day it's been it was a warm night it was super breezy but I just used my sleeping bag liners and barely even I didn't really use a sleeping bag last night it was very warm for even for especially for how windy it was and there was a breeze going through the tent it's breezy on this playable and even right now you know it's early and the Sun is up but it is warm it's gonna be a hot day today I can feel it now we are gonna be so Quentin I think all the we've only got two bigger-sized Portage's today the rest are fairly small so as soon as we get moving here we're going to just crank out these I think we've got one little teeny and then 2/3 miles so they're not crazy big they're just they're they're smaller so we'll just get those done then we've got a bunch of little forages so we should be able to move fairly easy today get some fishing in the other thing it's gonna suck is if this breeze persists it's gonna make fish and tough so we'll see but anyways I'm gonna finish up my oatmeal I'm starting to feel my poo come on so I'm going to do that and then we'll get finish packed up pack away that DSLR get in the boat get to moving [Music] and from the old life preserver right as well most importantly it's not the life preserver the aviators can't go pal it without these no sir it's really quick I want to touch on the life preserver you'll notice that sometimes I'm not wearing it and that is a personal choice that I compare to riding a motorcycle with no helmet not smart decisions but sometimes you know it's a choice so if I feel comfortable if I feel like I'm totally fine I'm not gonna wear it you know if I go you know it's just it's a choice that's what it is lunes lunes so you know not everyone's gonna agree with that but you know what if I make a mistake and I draw because it that's my own dumb fault Darwin's theory of evolution that's what that would be but no I mean I'm fine for the most part if it's ever wavy or frigid cold water or just dangerous output a lot but for some reason the winds have died off completely it's like calm now like listen nothing so that means we are going to drop it in iron and troll strange so maybe it's warm system just came through last night or something whatever it is I'll take it I will take it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so we've got a choice to make right now do we throw them on T in or not I'm just kidding do we go with a steel leader and not have any bites or go without a steel eater and catch fish but potentially lose our fifty nine and a quarter inch pike that we catch because the steel eater curse is a true curse it's real [Applause] we've got water rushing out from right here but it's super shallow so I don't know if this is gonna be any good I'll take a few casts but we'll make it snagged because our core rounds jig is too heavy [Applause] we're have to real and fast we can't can't slow retrieve here it's only about a foot deep but could still be fish waiting near this is flushing in food [Applause] it's gonna be a hot day today you know sometimes it's interesting not knowing good fish a lake holds he's gotta assume Pike bass walleye Monte you aren't just [Music] he's struggling right now usually the aligot Pike bass walleye that's just what I assume every Lake has until them surprise different or if I know that there's supposed to be like Lake trailers [Music] Oh stick dagnabbit will be a nice drop off here dang it I'll let it sink too long got a nice Rocky Point here seemed like anyways there's supposed to be a good drop off so Monty is just gonna be upset or thirsty [Music] not to your ships not an awful lot right now oh man just gonna cast in the deepest part we're just gonna let it sink and if this doesn't work we're just gonna move along and cast a long trees and stuff like we normally do think today we're gonna probably jump in that water regardless of how we feel because we are scummy we are scummy today whenever you go to sleep whenever I go to sleep and I'm like already like sweaty and stinky man I get sweaty and sticky at night it just makes all your sleeping gear grow so if I go to bed tonight after another day of sweating all my stuff's gonna be nasty I don't want that no sir no sir [Music] now this looks good there's just like a whole section of trees down here if I cast how long this and I don't get a bite and this is right near the drop-off - then I'm not gonna be happy with this Lake to cast too close want to let our lures sink near the edge of the trees but we don't wanna let us sink into the trees turn boat around oh yes drops off right in the structure let us sink too much there oh we got it back all right but that was well that's not good I know we are getting we're getting this is gonna get snagged on a rocks that was a bad cast what do we got here mistake that stupid rats nests I just dealt with was the worst one I've ever had to deal with it took me like 10 minutes I didn't think it was gonna we were gonna salvage it but we did and now we've blown past where we were fishing so we got to go well at least we get to like fish the other way now Monty just super done we're not getting out yet you are going swimming the second we get to a portage here and because we are a stink right now you need to calm it down son no bites [Music] there we go there we go that's we want snacks thanks next why the bate cancer doesn't like the little small tosses maybe they don't like how fast the sewers falling I don't know and there's a snake dant we're gonna keep moving the cats and no bites that's interesting no bites that's not that's not right for a beautiful lake like this Clearwater all right well maybe for some reason they're hanging out in the shallow part of the lake they're gonna just keep moving on yeah just passing I'm just gonna do pasture trees I don't want to lose any more get more snags so we'll just faster to spot we've tried I've tried let it sink and shootin for a minute Islands deep can I sit along these beautiful trees here in faster trees so either there's fishing isn't very good here or they just don't want my white jig at all maybe it's just like a lake trout lake I don't know it's like I said I don't know what's in here at all so if it's lake try they're definitely not gonna want to bite you know right next to shore like I'm casting oh you never know that's what's fun about just trying I mean it's obviously we weren't fun to catch stuff now that I think about it there's got to be Pike and lake trout in here because I know that last lake has Pike and lake trout when the water flows like right into it we got to be in here the pike should be all in here all right let's see if we got the luck of the beaver no fish some reason I'm not having any luck here we're considering this the last cast on this lake and that we're gonna scoot on out of here actually there is one nice little choke point up there that will try then that's the end [Music] oh yeah little bit of a pinch point here I've cast that's all we're giving it well we're giving it up on this one nor luck for us all colors are looking beautiful up there in the Hills just watch it [Music] [Music] how was a sweaty porch well that breeze feels nice I am sweating yeah we got this for them today maybe we'll do it after this next Portage hmm maybe not I do not know hmm decisions anyways we've got one more portage till we're on a bigger lake we'll try fish in there we'll try casting hopefully we have better luck than that first Lake we tried well yeah let's get this done maybe we swim maybe we've done it it's getting cloudy and overcast II out maybe it'll rain I don't know I don't really know I didn't see my gos calling for rain much this week but I always take that with a grain of salt weather never knows what it's doing so let's go for the other Lake and decide once we get there [Music] oh just sort of random pretty hard got pretty windy during the portage here there's definitely some thunder I was hoping to swim at the end of this portage but I don't know anymore it's coming down no I'm trying to protect it under the boat Monte here he ain't I see you were getting wet oh yeah it's coming down as soon as I get there I want to put on my rain gear I've got the best of role in the world kinda it's a little lacking at the sides it's still pretty good this portage is a breeze it's all downhill oh man my pants are gonna get wet oh all right we gotta get their whip on some rain here I'm not saying the rain feels bad by any means but it's coming down right now watch he's gonna be stoked there's no way I'm not getting stuff from this oh this is great I love me a good rain quit just lightened up a little bit maybe he's gonna pass by quick that wouldn't mind I want a fish Monte put himself up on this rock waiting for me to get in my boat and get ready you ready for a liftoff Monte you ready all right all righty well it was ran pretty good for a minute there you just had a little lunch break he's a beef jerkey cheese DBQ habanero almonds a couple starbursts you've got some hydration in and it's just sprinkling now but it feels I didn't really need to swim after the rain kind of cooled me down but definitely feels good to have the rain so I'm not gonna bother wearing rain gear right no it feels too nice it's way too nice but we're on a big beautiful lake and it is time to catch some fish if it it's I think that this system is definitely gonna bring some cooler weather so if it starts to get chilly or anything maybe I'll put on my raincoat just for a little wind protection but right now it feels too good there we go it's like perfect fishing weather right now oh there was a few big cracks of thunder or were there were a few big cracks of thunder I should say oh that was I could I could feel it when I released it it's a good spot for a fish too [Music] I don't want to talk about it well the rains picking up a little bit and the breeze feels nice and cool so I think we're gonna put on some rain here might as well might as well throw the old contour Mundi what's your head stick will keep throw up to dry okay deal let's catch a fish [Music] at least let's try hopefully the rain doesn't mess up the fight at all which has been so great oh there's a fish right there [Music] nice little Bobby vas there we go we got a fish for the thing nice little Bobby goodbye okay so this lure still works that's good I got a rat's nest as I cast it there that paused to deal with them the fish bit all these are still biting name [Music] [Music] so doesn't quite look what today rainy day you always got to have a rainy day least one I don't mind if there's more I prefer if the whole trip wasn't rain that'd be something I'd have had a trip long ago where there was a lot of rain and it was actually during October so it was very cold and rainy a lot of the trip I think it was a 16 night trip and it was rainy feel like at least 10 of the days were pretty rainy which I guess isn't insane but that's a lot [Music] I was thinking that the rain was just gonna pass over but it doesn't look like it seeming like it's gonna be a probably rest of the day sort of thing cuz it was super warm yesterday we got that breeze all night it would make sense that a system is moved in I think it's rainin I think it's raining a little bit weather is called for a hundred percent chance of rain right about now so they said you're right for once a little bit of driving rain we're going into the wind seems like it's big droplets or rains that light little windy rain go back rain coming into a face rain I love it I love weather like this you gotta have a little weather you can't just have nice sunny days no sir [Music] just sip Lord in it right now I'm kind of blocking pocket up a little bit rain hit though we're gonna take a few casts because other side but I think I'm gonna prefer to stick to smaller lakes for fishing I don't know what this is gonna do for the rest of the day we're still gonna make it to our lake that we're going through today but depending on how hard it's right when we get there we might just take a few casts and fall along the way to a campsite if it dies off we'll definitely fish till dark do some evening fishing but if it's getting late that so rain we'll just set up a tarp and she'll have a relaxing day oh yeah there's definitely some fish in here now if I can catch them that's the only that's the other story I don't know it's all nice down trees I was a great cast we might need to make the switch to a town SIG's here because maybe it's just not falling slow enough because they do like to bite it when it's dropping and I'm trying to cast in here all these down trees it just might not be working out okay dang nabbit there's a fish near this tree what we catch him I don't know but there's there's no way this I wouldn't even believe you if you try and tell me there wasn't a fishing in this big old down tree [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so just one little Bobby on this lake bit more puffy small little Bobby we're gonna move along to the next Lake and it's a smaller Lakes little fish that one to see how we do there and then after that we might just move along three taking just a few casts as we've got 14 little Portage's till we get to our lake for the night and we've got five hours of light left so we'll get there with plenty of time and I'm not sure how much Fisher will do on that like I definitely want to the rains actually lighten up a little bit just now anyways we'll see what we get there we'll play it by ear oh yeah we're gonna fish the next Lake pretty dang hard and then the lakes after that we'll just kind of cast through as we move to our lake for the evening so let's do it all right come on Monte's Matt here is meant to keep him out of the water but as you can see there after a while pouring rain we've been on the lake for a little bit now it definitely gets filled up a little bit so it we got a stop and empty it out every once in a while but it still helps more because you can see there's water up here but now all the weights gone well there's a bunch of water in the bowl and if he was just if he was not on this mat and there wasn't at least a little bit of dry he'd just be sitting at a pool of water and he does not like that and that's what makes him stand up so even though it was getting a little wet here he was still okay [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] Oh No tink thank you Peter [Music] it didn't look like it was in the corner is mountain out of harm's way but apparently I was wrong [Music] [Music] come on spotter ban the 1peter norther bytes so far that was a good cast [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we're just gonna take a few more casts here and then we're just gonna move on and probably just not even cast really until we get to our lake because I don't know if it's me or if it's the fish and slow right now because all this thunder and rain there's definitely rolling thunder going on seems be getting slightly louder I don't know if I want to be staying on the water fishing hook what is it carbon nanotubes ROG oh yeah that's a little louder all right we'll do two more cast then we should probably just keep moving on and my knees being so good in the back he's just chillin probably super peaceful huh it's not a cold rain it's like a nice kind of warm rain I know I'd be passed out if I were him [Music] alright that last class that we got to get moving snick we've got to do one Redemption cast from that snag make out for it Oh thought that was a fight no all right let's get a dog than log e old Monty's sitting up to these ready he knows he knows his nose knows [Music] [Music] Lorena's lightened up a little bit for the thunder has not is still just thundering away flake isn't too big [Music] we'll have another little portage another small lake in another little portage it won't be on the big lake a big lake will try fishing a few spots there we're mostly gonna trawl on the big like I'm sure it's gonna be windy the rain blowing in our faces but you won't appreciate it too much actually you know what I just don't think he cares I just don't think he's a champ he's a champ so much for swimming today I'm kinda glad I didn't go swimming because I would have probably never dried off even though I'm wet still it's still wet true teeny could be some fish in here but see we've got three and a half hours of daylight left - teenie Portage's let's just keep moving I wouldn't hurt to get camp set up early today and just relax who knows maybe there'll be a nice pile firewood that's under like a piece of birch bark this all dry you never know wishful thinking [Music] [Music] whoo that was some good thunder where are we going oh what a nice day oh nice rainy day nice deep arene what do you think Bugsy do you think about all the rain [Music] cool it be enjoy enjoy when I'm putting a stick right you are Monty right you are probably gonna use our towels well actually no we're only LM use one it's just like a constant rumble of thunder I love it I wish I would do this all night every night for the rest of my life just rumbles of thunder like that just constantly I love butter lightning is cool too lightning is cool if I'm set up in camp and I'm relaxing lightnings not so cool when you're out traveling like this on lakes then I just like the Thunder Thunder he always means like you know it's lightning around but you see the lightning it's a little more like being [Music] there was lightning there's a big bolt of lightning over there [Music] get off the water right now see if we can capture it again who's right for that hill in the background it looked it was just a big enough hole oh well that was a greasy I was a real greasy Monty oh he's hiding his face we're gonna get gassed out the etiquette jur nose out of the Pokemon see there you go now he's got it with a surely passed out there is a huge bowl right here [Music] oh yeah man that was I was looking at the portage and he's across the sky right about the portrait so the big old bowl and I just dunked and like just made me jump the big ol crack a thunder slice how quickly to the portage of MoMA but that was that same system that had that big hole behind me so that moves quickly past now it's just rumbles of thunder and I haven't seen any lightning you know a little bit here but the rain is lightened up the Mafia's gonna squeak [Music] we're gonna keep our eye on this lightning I'm gonna keep my my foot off here keep an eye out if it does that again I'm gonna sit off the water for a minute I don't like that represent mr. sweet cool [Music] [Music] and there is another flash of lightning [Music] we're gonna stick close to shore just gonna race over this next footage and then maybe we'll chill out for a minute there oh I want to just get my rock war in the boat here just to be safe yeah I don't really like paddling in the lightning like that [Music] at least if I go near the trees they'll be taller than me you know I guess that's a good thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] pretty good waterfall Hey it is still raining there were any from Monty what do you think about all this it is really raining right now we're gonna figure that waterfall in the boat filled with water so I gotta empty this out quick what a day what a day what a day David just chill for a minute my feet I don't know about all this come on Mikey a little blue Matthew hood so there's been some pretty big bolts of lightning going on lots of thunder to pick up a lot so we're gonna relax for just a minute and then I think we're gonna do is hug Shore and take there's a campsite that's really close maybe a mile so not very far we're just gonna make sure there's no bowls but we're gonna if that one's available we're taking that one just cuz I mean it's lightning too much for me to be comfortable being on the water and as far as time goes we've still got two hours of daylight left but I'd like you know I'd like to have at least an hour to set up and relax but we'll give it like 15 minutes Oh see it's oh man that was a big bowl yes yeah I don't want to be on the water when that's going on that was a big bowl I don't know where the actual boat was but I saw the flash that was a bright one Monte we're stuck yeah it's not worth it I'd rather get to camp in the dark I guess then die I think that makes sense right it'd be better to get to camp in the dark and set up late then be dead sounds like it checks out it's not letting up at all so we are just hugging the shoreline and we're gonna we're gonna zip over to that campsite it's not very far it's right up here I kept looking at the maps I hope if it's not open that we're definitely gonna have to go just sit on shore and wait it out I do not like being on the water in this but Moki Phillips water lightnings not dying down not ideal I'll be happy once right camp this will be fun to sit in and just chill but all the lightning is like new we'll just keep this camera roll in the case anything really bad happens I guess so good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bring us down for doing [Music] Oh although someone here right now me monster hole punch for sharing a turf with some guys that have camped out here okay so the camp site was taken oh haha it was a torrential downpour there and the Lightning was going nuts oh my god when I got to the camp the camp site there was a couple of guys there and the camp site was occupied and they called me up onshore to wait it out because I was gonna wait it out in the matter where I was if I had to just crawl up into the trees and sit there but no they called you up on shore we sat under their tarp they fed me a couple of shots of whiskey so wasn't so bad but yeah definitely had to weigh out that storm it was pretty terrible you couldn't even see across the lake you couldn't see the trees or anything but we're pretty much shooting for the last available campsite we've got like an hour til the Sun sets maybe hour 15 but it'll be pretty dark in an hour here but lightning is not so bad the rains lightened up I don't even know if it's really lightning out anymore but one bad thing is that I ripped Monty's poncho when I pulled all the stuff out the boat was filling up with water so I threw it up on shore real quick and it caught a log and when I went to grab it when I put them back in the boat it tore who's gonna wheelchair respects uh but he's just relax he was kind of looking at me funny when I was telling them we had to leave and they were you know he was under their tarp in just relax and here's the pretty read why are we leaving destroyed comfortable space why would we go back out there Oh cute it's nice now like I said I love I love storms like that when I'm set up being out on your boat is not so ideal it's not my favorite thing [Music] that's one of the things that makes these adventures so much fun is I had no idea that it was gonna storm like this I've been waiting for a rain storm like this all summer I have not got to be out in a downpour like this and it finally happened and I did not expect it it was pretty crazy there for a minute I don't know if I captured any of the good lightning but it was flashing like crazy it looks like it's about to get nice out looks like the rains gonna die right down and it's gonna be a nice looks like the sky's getting light I [Music] don't know what this is gonna do to the fishing I hope it doesn't affect it too much fight definitely a storm might make the fishing slow tomorrow we're hoping for a fish dinner tomorrow hoping to catch some Walters tomorrow oh we shall see but I think I can see where we're camping for the night right up ahead so we are just gonna zip on over there yeah we got an hour of light left as well get over there set up set up the tarp and yeah get ready for the evening we caught our fish of the day we've got a little Bobby jr. in a little Peter that stole our lure but hey we're on track for our fish every day and we've caught a Larry we've got two Larry's two pizzas and a Bobby so we just need to catch a Walter we're good [Music] I also ran into a couple of guys earlier today on supported jizz and they were just getting a kick out of Monty me picking up put them in the boat and then putting his rain poncho on that was pretty funny I just think it's another thing ain't no fuzz ball but you know I can see the campsite and I can see that it's open and it's right up there and there's this nice Island shoe that's got a couple of drop-offs [Music] so I'm thinkin I should probably take a couple of cats you know we got time we got an hour of light that's we only need like 20 minutes to really set up if I'm be if I haven't be a poky maybe 30 40 but if I'm going quick it's definitely getting light the storm has passed all right let's take some cats storms pass and take some cats look it up honey my hands are cold mad super prude all right we're just gonna cast from camper Monta deserves a place to rest his head for the day he done good he done enough okay site did not have really any flat ground and nowhere to really set up the tarp very well that wasn't like stuck in trees so we're gonna try the next thing there's a couple other sites that are close by we're gonna go to those we can come back to this one if Phoebe I can I think the other sizing right up here I'd like it this one's pretty open is still breezy and rainy so I'd love it if it was a little bit more tucked in we've got options we can always come back look at that the sun's gonna try to poke through and say hello never really seen this so much today just in the morning okay so it's still slightly raining it's not heavy it's just a light rain now but I'm gonna set up the tarp right here for us to sit and I think we're gonna sub the tent in here because it's nice and protected I don't know when this is supposed to end if it is supposed to end well that's pretty much not really that wet right here I'm wet I sure AM wet it's barely raining but it's still got my brown sheet here I'm gonna lay this down put all my stuff in it all my gear and fold it over so they can all stay dry [Music] you're not wearing Ranger I feel like I got freeze wet today pretty wet to be see how much rats nests we got a deal with today hold and never fail rat's nest it's double tight there we goin up some bad not so bad what do you think about that much [Music] alright that'll be good enough for chillin tonight what is it my tea why is it the Sun some decided to make an appearance this is a nice beach over here what do you think Monty what do you think you went flew your big weapon alright well I've got the tarp setup yeah I'm going to quickly whip camp together son sudden it's gonna get dark soon so I'm gonna do it quick I don't want to have the DSLR out it's stopped raining for now and we're going to sit out it's kind of opening our campsite we're gonna sit out away from the trees while we can and then we'll just go on at the tarp if we need to if it starts raining again but I was gonna whip camp together and then we're gonna start chilling and make it some grub getting some water yes big wet Monty Oh heaven to Betsy what a fun day that was fun I love a good rainstorm that is the best rainstorm I've been in all year for sure that was that was definitely a good one good thunderstorm was a lot of fun it would have been definitely fun to be it my campsite and like set up but that would have been tough to set up and regardless if I would have got here and it was down pouring like that like that crazy I would have probably just chilled and waited it out and we were just sat around anyways but it was really awesome that those guys hit Heather time to set up and they're just again come on in it was nice I mean we would have been fine sitting under a tree but it's definitely nicer to have a tarp or you can take your hood off and chillax but yeah I am in a hundred percent dry clothes I was a little damp around my waist because my pants kept slipping down and my range egg is a little short so it kind of when I would jump into my boat oh it's loons it would a scooch up and my just kept getting what wetter on the waist and then my feet a little bit and my underwear because same thing the pants will slip down the wetness would get in there and because I did that portage where I was getting around my legs but other than I wasn't I wasn't too bad just even with rain gear you still get a little soggy little salty but now I am dry and what I'm gonna do tomorrow most likely is put on my wet stuff before we leave that's the most fun thing in the world but if you put on your wet stuff your body heat dries it out so my underwear and everything socks it'll all be dry as long as it doesn't rain again but if it does then you get the same wet stuff wet again so I got this nice dry set of clothes but I can go back into and if it does start to rain right now we're not sitting under the tarp it is set up but we're out in the open away from the trees but it's not rainy anymore so that's why we're out here just cuz it's a little more light and it's just kind of nice to be out in the breeze and it's kind of dark I don't want to be under the tarp if I don't have to you know Monty you stinker I set this I set this thing up for him but he didn't care about that no sir not the Monty you put down a sleeping but if it's not a blow-up sleeping pad he doesn't want nothing to do with it so we're gonna try it a little bit different today we are going to not foil it this long so scissor up beside and we're not gonna let it sit super long imma try to avoid getting the really soft noodles I'm curious to see if these eight ounce portions are gonna fit in this bowl here my normal cookie so it looks like it's not gonna Monte this isn't for you oh man Oh barely know that's gonna be a nightmare Oh that'll work yep that'll work I'm gonna fill it up with so much water essentially what I'd like to do in the future is get to a point where I can bring out like instead of it because I put each one in a ziploc bag and I'm trying to be better about not using so many baggies I'd like to now that I know that like a bowlful is an 8 ounce portion of this type you know I could just basically bring out like three dedicated now jeans that are just spaghetti and just fill them up with spaghetti you know all my portions in there and then just kind of fill up my bowl so I can reuse the nalchi instead of having to use a bag every time eventually we're evolving slowly we'll get there one day of the ultimate system or maybe like a one of those like sealed square things all right you need some dog food punk tough alright we'll get you some dog food let me start mine alright and then we'll get you yours it's gonna be another breezy night that means I'm gonna sleep like a baby [Music] there you go Monty it's a nice spot we're doing pretty dang good I feel so far I only see what about right there ooh we're halfway through the trip I tried to use just enough fuel I'm sure I could definitely go out and make a fire if I had to right now you know it would be a pain you know I have to find some nice big piece of the wood like it could be done we've got a hungry stinky doggy it looks like you want some food so we better give it to him or else [Music] that got wet they may have a front little zipper on my dry bag here and it got a little wet and it's got Monty's pumpkin powder in there in the Montreal so it is nut if the Montreal got wet it'd be game over we'd be going home [Applause] that Monty's pumpkin powder got wet he'd probably starve himself unless they caught a bunch of fish so we just have to work harder on fish in there ray Monty would you say you deserve two scoops of pumpkin today what do you think - pumpkin scoops is that what you want let's say you're yourself too oh it did get a little wetness in there with double-bag in the pumpkin powder all right go ahead good boy three I'm going to look over my maps and read a book about knots that I brought out everything that's booked I need to learn some new knots while I wait for the spaghetti to go alright it just got up to a boil so I'm gonna take it off the heat here after I stir it up and we're just going to see how little it needs to boil to see if it would be all rehydrated good alright get this off the heat conserve some fuel and then sit too long it was a slight boil oh yeah that definitely did the trick it's just what was not too soft it was a little on the drier side they couldn't put enough water in there it's okay it's still gonna be good that's a bowl of spaghetti look at that he purr right there mmm it's definitely less soft it's better it's not the Stila is good as spaghetti noodles I won't deny out but with that being said it's still delicious or some about the textures being noodles Monte's Tiger over there get space in the grass Oh looks like I'm getting dark again my lights not doing so good all right I'm let this cool off for a minute I'm gonna devour this up and just relax read my book a little bit I'm not I'm gonna shut off the camera for now I'm just gonna have a relaxing night and just kind of chill out eat my food not a whole lot going on right now and yeah I will check back in with you guys when we are and I'm done eating here and we get to dry off and brush out or Monty here yeah that'll be fun yeah that's Monty laying in the soaking wet grass right now enjoy a little Cadbury fruit and nut before we do the great Monte drying 2019 this chocolate mug I mean I don't even ever feel guilty at all nope hmm the 8-ounce off any portion after a day of portaging and whatnot it's pretty good I couldn't hate like 9 or 10 ounces with a spaghetti but pretty good but I really know if I can eat more than the average person or or less or I feel like I eat an above average know what yeah when I eat nighttime meals I'm out out [Music] hmm that's good stuff all right load you let's get you dry dry ish we're not gonna get them all the way dry no way come here oh you're wet critter all right what's just you got some burrs on you we first you get on you might say oh no why they're back here you wild out all right we're just a lightly brush yeah just a look mara go ahead Bundy go ahead it just don't go on my sleeping pad I'm saying yeah the soldiers in El Monte come on lay down there you go poop but oh he's a big dirty dog stuff in his tail I got a my sleeping stuff still my backpack right here I'm gonna poop little tired a little sleepy it's only 9:15 setting records for how bad how early we're going to bed in this trip I got my wet stuff kind of hanging it's not gonna really do much my underwear is kind of getting a little drippy that stuff's quick drying so it's just kind of like running it out but this is a you know high quality outdoor $2 cotton white t-shirt I wear white because it doesn't pick up stains contrary to what popular belief is doesn't yeah doesn't the hold stains anyways this little meal I'm glad we had a nice stormy day that felt great I love it if they kept raining and storming all night but that's okay that's alright anyways we're gonna see what tomorrow brings sounds really windy out there again so maybe we'll have more rain tomorrow may well have Wendy maybe we'll have Sun who knows I have no clue what's coming but we'll find our I just hope it's not heat if anything as long as it's not super hot so we're gonna pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody Mooji you'd still wet you're still wet you stink like poop no Monty good morning spoon and mom aunty [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 79,344
Rating: 4.9487796 out of 5
Keywords: wilderness, camping, camp, bushcraft, bushcrafting, wild, wild camping, dog, dogs, asmr, backcountry, backcountry camping, dog training, canoe, paddle, paddling, fishing, fish, catch and cook, catch and release, how to camp, nature, adventure, adventurer, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, survival food, dehydrated meal, nature sounds, extended trip, wilderness area, canada, boundary waters, boundary waters canoe area, bwca, lake trout, wood processing, axe, saw, backpack, backpacking, portage
Id: 3aFxOlke1wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 3sec (5463 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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