Overnight Canoe Adventure with My Dogs

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[Music] [Music] go [Music] [Music] I am so sweaty [Music] Toria let's go here come on you can do it man go ahead and break them [Music] this is gonna be so risky [Music] hike your roofs twirl twirl sit sit Ruger sit sit down good boy stay there [Music] [Music] I'm so wet with sweat Monty this this is risky we need to move a little bit but guess what we are on the water we need to get in the breeze now I'm gonna be huggin Shore because with we've got a very unstable boat right now so we're gonna well hello ladies and gentlemen as you can see we're doing something I've never done before and that is canoe and my boat camping with Monty and Ruger this is where their first time as you can see it's a little cramped little cramped in the boat so uh what we're gonna do right now is we're just gonna get to a campsite I'm not gonna fish I can't fish really like this this is why I don't bring river rock along normally but this was only one very sweaty portage and we're only on one Lake and we're too soon it will pick a campsite out and then he can sit in the front of the boat and I'll Monty in the back Oh Monty just farted good job good job so we're hunting for a campsite first thing oh the breeze has never felt so good a boys oh my gosh that is amazing so where are we we are at a place I have never been before when I have attempted to get here three times now if you watched my midweek fishing video actually this week that was my second attempt at coming to this spot and what I had to do was just basically bushwhack like a quarter to half mile and it actually wasn't as bad as I thought you know like I had there was a like an old old old overgrown law to track that you could not even really make out but I can kind of just tell where you know you could fall along like cut down trees and whatnot and follow that until it got to this like point where there was like a ravine and I turned right and follow that ravine there was like some fluffy walls and that went right through the link so it really wasn't that bad or confusing or anything but we're here we're on the water I've tried to get here they're supposed to be that your run-of-the-mill you know like bass while I sort of thing I think they're supposed to be traveled here as well and it looks just like a gorgeous Lake just absolutely beautiful mmm why do you stop it's the boats a little tippy right now but Ruger's is not gonna really move Monty's gonna shift but Ruger's stuck him over to my legs I'll squeeze him with my legs like this if I need to but he's being a pretty good boy well we're just gonna search up ahead I think around the corner where it's a little breezier because there's gonna be bugs and whatnot where he couldn't steer yeah there's gonna be bugs so we want a little breezy spot but what we're doing tonight is we are hunting or a fish dinner I would like to make some deliciousness tonight and I need fish to do it if I don't catch fish I've got to eat vegetarian vegan backpackers meal that I gotta keep I don't want to eat that no that's just worst case scenario back home so it's gonna go like this if I catch one fish one fish means I eat - fish means I eat and these guys get some three fish means we all feast so we need three fish we've got we've got four and a half hours till the sunset so we've got plenty of time the first thing we're going to do is get to camp immediately although swimming I'm going to throw them a stick a bunch we are just going to cool down we're gonna get water we're gonna relax we're going to set up camp we're just going to chill out for a bit playing in the Sun um yeah playing and you just cooling off and whatnot cleansing our sweat and then we're gonna go fishing for the rest of the night now roofs this is worth the challenging part comes in never doing this fruits bruise does this thing where he likes to AH when I cast he kind of chases the lure he's not like Monty he doesn't just chill and sit there and I can do whatever I want all day eat these little frisky critters I need to wear him down I need to throw on a stick and have a swim a ton otherwise this little guy will make it hard to fish and he won't wanna dislike sleep lay down now that we're getting away from for a little bit and to put up a light bet this guy's a little predictable here I don't have any boat hours and proofs it's mostly over this swimming are just playing around for the day not doing like adventure-style overnight stuff this is a first but he's doing really great so far this is chillin roots he's acting like Monty good boy and he just knows that we're we're gonna do some just good times ahead board the SS good times [Music] okay think this is gonna be our spotty boys I could put the tent it's got a nice view it's not really in the breeze but I could put the tent right here it's not the supermost even ground but this will work we can definitely make this work we've got sleeping pads and one I always put it right down here well it's kind of cleared out a little bit bye yeah super rocky and bluff II and I am just warm maybe we'll see if there's anything in here a little bit that'll work that's gonna do it for the night so let's get off the DSLR and I think we're gonna take a dip right off the bat that's we're gonna do first [Applause] [Music] I can't tell it's just like a sliding rock right now I don't want to slip and fall on each other no I don't want to slip and fall just follow you over the showers out I'm just worried that if there's a rock full of water I did see one somewhere out here I don't want to run into it I'm slippered oh okay I'm just gonna have to I really have to go for it [Music] hey guys oh that feels good I have ID hi money hi hi ruse Khmer Rouge it's okay Ruth hey rooks come on come here rooks come he wrote the stick come on it's over here Carter oops come on roots come here come on Ruth rooks rope skewer rooks come on come here come here come on roots coming hey rubes timberlands Ruger come here come on come on come on [Applause] rubes [Music] we're ready hitter no get in my teeth oh god boys Oh who are you gonna get my camera soaked I bet you are aren't you oh I'll just feel good oh it feels amazing ROK's oh yeah this is nice oh I needed to cool off really badly I want you in a rock there I wonder how deep it is right here okay I'm cooled off now now I'm gonna come onto land here I'm gonna keep throwing the stick for these boys having them so a lot we're gonna set up camp but I need to drag mighty well this is a big rock Cochise oh that's well there we go lucky what are you doing I pulled on water Monty you walked it out of water Ruger you do it come here oops come here come here come here come here oh good lyrics come here come here oops come on you can do it come here come here come here come here rubes come here come here come on come here come here come here come here come here rubes come here come Ruger come here come here come on come here rubes come here come on come here roots killer who's coming who's coming roots come on come on come on oh good boy come on good oh you did it who did it I don't bite my head good boy roots you just needed a little real coconut lucky you got to get off your rock there get off your rocker or manty okay see it just kind of slips down maybe it's a little jagged well Oh why'd you send me okay alright so with these guys I had a third with these guys and gotta throw two sticks whoever goes for the first one and then the second one won't the second guy won't go for it won't go for that one but [Applause] rigor scared / stinkers all right we're busting up a deep the mosquitoes are pretty rough right now hey don't go there don't you do that it's all this wood is gonna be just soaking wet with these two turds these nutcases Oh apparently I wasn't recording that whole time so basically what I was saying was I got to stop throwing the stick because uh when I throw it one goes out like Montiel go out and then ruh-roh be back and when Monte almost gets to stick on throw the ruger the stick and then he'll go out they just kind of go back and forth back and forth and they do this alternating quiet stick throwing grabbing fetching thing in the water but if they're both on short I throw the stick they start barking up a storm and it's just very peaceful out here I don't kind of want to be loud right now so they don't want to barking the whole bunch look at your dog whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Monti not beaten Monti with the sleeping pad today is just not a good spot for it it's very peaceful there's no running around so I'm sorry but yeah it's not always gonna happen well we got a we can't give it to you guys every time you know then it becomes less special no now you're gonna be like missing it dang it maybe I'll even won't do it the next time we go camping is he ever gonna do it again and then BAM come on Noah okay so I'm just gonna keep setting up here getting my crap all in the tent it's a little bit tactic with just the small space and then I think we're gonna collect some firewood throw this take a bunch more for these guys and then we're gonna get to fishing the rest of the night we've got currently three and a half hours of sunlight so if we get on the water in the next 45 minutes that gives us you know like roughly two and a half three hours of fishing that'll be plenty I want to make sure that Ruger is ready to just relax in the boat because when it gets dark I think there's walleye in here we're gonna do some trolling so I'm just going to keep setting up the tent get the rain fly I'm gonna leave it on tonight there's stormy clouds rolling in and out but yeah set up and I'll throw the stick for the dogs you get some firewood right rubes are you doing roof are you crazy are you crazy rubes that was Ruby's crazy [Music] dramatic put a little turd nugget I don't know why he does that he wants to get this thing he doesn't mind getting away maybe initially after he dries out for a little bit he gets a little upset see this is the trick right here you get it really get out there you go Oh see we're gonna take a bad step and then he's weird then he's weird about it Berger you're so weird [Music] go get my boy Marty nut cases good boy buddy try to keep us going on the subway line here bargain I like the parking want the bar kid I just want the the fetch in isn't that what you guys want anyways you're parking all the time go boy Mikey you ready we're ready hey you go 90c Mikey's not barking I know you are too barking boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wait Bruce you got my camera round there hold on hey [Music] [Applause] good boy rude alright so obviously it keeps throwing the stick here tie them down and then let's get some firewood and get on that water first things first let's make this to a firing I could have a crazy huge fire you crazy ding sandflies ok I should do that will do battle dude all right let's get some firewood now so for right now since there is just an abundance of big and little sticks dried sticks everywhere I'm not gonna process anything up currently I'm just gonna grab a big ol pile of sticks some little sticks some bigger sticks and there's two big pieces of pine that's nice and dry it out right next to camp that I can press out if process up if need be afraid now oh yeah rooks really you think so yeah oh okay oh yeah watch out there's a tree there yeah you better watch it there's a rat and rat go back and get a few more now we're not gonna have an insane fire tonight it's a little drier out but there's still look there's no aah why your band but we're not gonna have a huge rip and fire with big dense logs have a little stick fire just so it's gonna burn up really quick but that's okay we just need a fire to cook on really and we don't need to cook a whole lot maybe we need to cook anything at all if we don't catch anything all right that's gonna do for now let's get on that water and do some fishing [Music] good why why'd you come here [Music] stay there good boys when my knees bleeding a little hope you can't see my nuts I'm free ball on it all right first obstacle is teaching rubes that he can lay down all right Ruth sit down go ahead sit down sit down go ahead rooks come on sit down good boy you can lay down good boy there you go look at this guy he's a natural he is a natural that's a good boy Monty 2.0 does not mean the obstacles are over by any means with the ruckus the rouga Stukas padukas see first off it's gonna be a little bit of a mess because I can't put anything up there with them it's gonna all stay by me all my poles are gonna be my way and whatnot the second thing is like I said his casting lure addiction he thinks he thinks everything's a toy so we have got to make sure that he will relax [Music] for that so let's see let's get out the pole we're gonna use say I brought three poles oops and that's for one reason oh it's okay truce I'm sorry to keep them off to the side or he's gonna be upset the reason I brought three poles is because there's walleye in here and I will troll for walleye at night if I'm gonna have any luck I will troll three lines and just go crazy I want to fish dinner so if we have to resort to trollin we are gonna give ourselves the best possible chance what we were going to start with is a good old fashioned jig what color are we going to start we're gonna start with the chartreuse head right here like that eighth house no rose Oh Sees are you looking and then we're gonna throw on a black twister tail that's what we're gonna start things off with see if we get any bites all right so I'm gonna tie this on and then we're gonna take a few practice casts practice casts close to shore see how the rogue's reacts leave it leave it that was pretty good roofs I don't think he's gonna relax the whole time oh you might whine a little to leave it rogues it's okay it's okay homes he might wine a little he'll learn eventually I think after doing this for a couple hours you don't really have a choice but to learn let's do one more quick one pretty good rooks pretty good you done good I'm proud of ya boy he's lifting that paw he still thinks this is a toy look at him he's curious he's a curious critter alright well I think he's doing okay leave it rooks for me to be happy we just need to keep catch one keeper fish actually just one fish in general and I'll be happy just because all the work it took to get here all failed let's have some I don't catch any fish I'm going to be disappointed very disappointed so we need the catch we need to catch fish Oh leave it little stinker we still Colton but for now we're just gonna try rocky points drop offs casting out fast retrieval slow retrieval ooh I see a tree in the shade there well that's gonna be good it's okay rose just lay down this is what we're gonna have to deal with he's not used to this this is this is pretty much a training session wrapped into a caching cook overnight or adventure we need things to really go our way the main thing is though is that he's staying in the boat and he's not really given too much of a fuss he's just that whining is him wanting to play go on land jump in the water and he's just he's just gonna have to learn this is like I said a training session I'm sensing a fish in this little bait here you've got a maple tree there looks like it's just shallot up for bass come on is a snake it's nothing worse than the snagging spot like this your back-to-back snacks dang it oh it's really fellow here oh all right gonna be anything here all right sit down loose sit down oh wait okay sit down roots leave it sit [Music] [Music] it was a large-mouth all right [Music] [Music] okay we didn't get skunked it's not that big so we're not keeping it but we didn't get skunked crazy ruse you think you liked it all right don't go okay he's a pretty spring all right sold little bass I hope we catch some bigger ones oh and there's a samphire oh my ankle another fish that won't look be a smallmouth I own is very small Oh [Music] so far small fish it's ok Bruce what a little stinker Luger is sitting on the railing right now look at this thing man he's shaking it's okay we relieved it yeah Oh what are we gonna do with your Uggs needless to say it's not gonna be a quiet boat today [Music] come on come on there's a sand fly right there and Niall ate at them let's go I mean we might have to resort to trollin just with these two dots well mostly the roof just making it tough and we can just cover more ground trolling might be our best bet it's a nice little spot my feeling is that we can keep catching them casting in like this but they're gonna be smaller just evil I don't know but where there's a little Fisher's big fish where there's big fish you'll catch him it's gonna be a long evening of fishing roots you're gonna stand and widen the whole time sit down No sit stop your crying fish hold the roots as a skinny a little largemouth or small mom oh they're they're not they look like they're gonna be all skinny skinny little guys Oh maestro catching a decent eater for dinner stop it brokes just drink the water [Music] I just need to go deeper they got there's got to be good ones in here Ruger feels a little don't get it first just not very big another little guy well we'll do the fish can we get something with these little turd military me let's try Cass out here we need to go a little deeper oh you make it seem like you're just it's just the worst thing ever [Music] another small one sit down roots six Lente's just like you're gonna just sit Oh Oh mud you just farted not even gassy this Monty has just been farting up a storm jeez didn't even eat anything weird he was eaten probably eaten crap along the way so I think what I'm thinking is we're just gonna keep catching a little bass if we just keep going in so we might need to go out more there's a mini island we'll try right out here Ruger sit down said sit down it's okay to sit down I'm gonna we're gonna make our way back towards this little bay here I'm just gonna kind of troll this lure this jig behind the boat here just in case just in case pick something up we can't catch much in this Bay here you know having to lock other than these little little bass to keep biting worse than a troll around for a while and see if we can pick something bigger up Roland [Music] you gotta get works you get check it it get good boy stinker son is making it so hard to see I should just push the other way all right leave it roots feel as long as I tell him before I cast he's better about it oh come on I just can't see anything with that son I can't talk deep it is just blind so it seems like this shell will be is not where they're at Oh house it's a fish I think I got one this feels teeny if it's a fish has no it's fish it's just small leave it leave it roots it's okay the ruger is intrigued another really skinny this this lake must just be loaded with small bass that is not good that is not good I mean I've I don't know if I've ever seen that's so skinny like a look at that very skinny very very very skinny and small all right let's we're gonna go out we're gonna do a little trolling I think we need to go a little deeper and oh wait this is super show oh man all right we're gonna do a deeper see if the bigger ones are out there on the deep cuz this ain't working out so well leader roofs leji don't you start - okay watch these bite Nedim - chaos [Music] there's got some nice trees couple more castes of war we switch to troll just for a bit leave it roofs okay okay we're gonna switch the troll for a while we need to find some deep water for a troll around work the drop-offs see if we pick anything up we don't we'll try to find a nice spot actually right up ahead seems there's a nice looks like a nice drop-off and there's some logs hanging up we got to try that first then we'll troll I have trouble when it comes to the trees [Music] it's just another little teeny bass [Music] dangit this is looking not good I don't want to be come on [Music] alright it's troll time is troll time same fish of the same size or I just don't know okay I've got two of the same lure out kind of it's my little my little vicious lair the chartreuse lair I've got the one that's four or four to six feet deep on this side and the other one that's like 10 to 12 feet or something in there I don't know one's bigger and deeper than the other one so we're just gonna let out some line here and we're gonna keep the shallower one on the inside edge and we're gonna see which one picks up a fish first if any and we're just gonna kind of troll Ralph a little bit look for a surfacing fish because it's if there's trout in here they start surfacing towards the night I know if I catch them if I don't see them surfacing they're probably just deeper and you just need to like I don't know troll maybe deeper you know like 15 20 feet down or something in like the deeper hole I don't really know if there's even trout here like ever since that last last fishing video I'm I'm skeptical about Lake saying they have stuff now pretty dang skeptical this is one of those things you don't know what you're getting into when you're trying out a new spot a bunch of sand flies they are just all over here little stinkers will they keep just one or the other right the Mack there you go that's what that's the spirit stay there over over overstay your welcome lingo I don't like that well yeah so far has just been little bass and weed something other than a little bass for dinner because you can't keep little bass meet a bigger bass that's so far I'm trained changing speeds up no faster than slower ooh this one's hitting bottom that's no good means we're to shell and there's a whole swarm of sand flies around there's gonna weigh for my ankles man ooh both of these are hitting bottom that's not good knees were way too shallow I'm gonna have to check these before I let him back out case there's weeds on him dang it bruises panting up a storm I think we're gonna head back to camp and let him swim give him some water he's been drinking out of the boat but he looks warm Riju Kate he look Mikey doesn't get like that Monty just chills I proved you look like you're just dying of heat it's not even that crazy hot out why I guess he's not used to it so I don't know we're definitely gonna let him swim he looks like he's just warm once once just chug some water got something oh it's small it's like you didn't pull on the surface don't be a small vesko beekeeper come on no it looks like it's another teeny bath No [Music] the Jews are doing great really great you sure we're gonna get you a break okay another teeny-tiny on the deeper one as I was really am in this is bad bad bad bad bad bad news bad news bad bad bad bad bad bad bad news oh ho no we might be eating a vegan meal oh no no no no so what it was is burger had to pee so bad he just got done peeing he's been paying for like 25 seconds I'm sorry I didn't know I remembered that you drink so much water yellow stinker he wasn't warm he just had to pee so bad he was shakin well I'm sorry ye y'all better know y'all better not you think you know better now you stinker yeah yeah yellow monster okay so there's fish jumping all over in here and I'm thinking small bass so first impressions of this lake it seems like it's just loaded with teeny bass and the unfortunate thing about that something just like wet dropped on me anyways the unfortunate thing about that is from my experience of teeny bass it's just that's all you catch just tons of teeny bass I'm gonna see if these things come here a teeny bass you know maybe if I could catch some gills or something it's okay clearly okay there is something coming from this big ol white pine it's like bird poop oh oh it's teeny bass a whole bunch of them that is unfortunate what I think it is I'm gonna if I'm going to do my best guess this pop this this Lake does not get fish enough and it is overpopulated with small fish I think the trout are probably they could be in here buddy stop turds oh man yeah there's these little bass or everywhere hey do that alright go ahead boys go ahead whatever but that they're just small now I'm not saying these teeny bass wouldn't be delicious they would be dang delish they'd be like a little pan fish it's just that it's not legal for me to keep these small bass now I know for a fact it would do it the lake some good if I were to take out like 20 of these things that's just not legal and I'm not about to do illegal stuff on camera and post it on the Internet now survival situation you bet your bottom that I will be keeping these and just eating them all I wouldn't be worried one bit but you know just for recreation out here to catch my dinner gotta stick to the rules gotta stick to the rules now I'm not giving up hope completely yet I am going to switch to the area back where I started look like a nice little hole so we're gonna try going deeper you know and then at night we're gonna hopefully see some trout surfacing I know it's it's late in the summer now so I doubt we're gonna see him surfacing cuz yeah I don't know maybe they will if they do we could definitely catch some truck they're supposed to be in here I just I just don't know hopefully they're in here cuz I could definitely try out I keep slipping I get anything and the unfortunate thing is if I don't catch a fish to eat not only do you guys not to get to see me eat something delicious I don't get to eat something delicious I eat that crap backpackers meal and then the food I brought out here - oh we just can't we can't let it happen we have to catch a fish we're goin till dark the only reason they got the muck boots back out and pants is because the sandflies were just having a field day the way I have the poles well even before that they were just annihilating my ankles and they are just vicious oh man you swat them away in the incident just fly around like inches away and then come right back as soon as you stop moving they are just vicious I don't like them you're gonna hear me say that 1 million and fifty thousand and twenty nine more times at least but I don't like those sand flies I will complain about Lowe's every time they bite me it's the one thing I get to complain about I don't complain about much but I will complain about those sand flies because nothing stops them except for long sleeves and even if you're yours your long sleeves are tight against your skin tight tight so hope is dwindling hope is dwindled I don't feel very confident that we're gonna catch a big enough fish for dinner I mean we'll catch more fish that's not the problem it's fish of the right size fishing that are legal yet above the laws when you're in the building still gotta follow the roots Monte's shift errors a lot more chillax now that he doesn't have to pee so bad I'm sorry groups I didn't know that's what it was I would have known I guess I should have had an idea because he always drinks tons of water when he's swimming and stuff he just gulps up water and a fish he'll probably catch a teeny bass for the next three casts I sure I don't see now I don't know if I should switch colors cuz I mean this is working so it's gonna work for big fish too but maybe maybe the big fish don't like this oh there's an idea I I truly believe that there's just tons of small bass there's probably a very few keeper bass in here big bass Gers doing great though I'm proud of him here's a good boy he's uh you know I he's going after my lure like jolting but he's not like going crazy he's sitting in the boat just fine I mean this is a first for him he does not sit in the hole like this so he you know he said he did when we did that for night adventure that was the longest time you spent in the bony who's a little pup so he's like he's got it in his brain that he's used to this sort of thing but you know it's been so long since he's done like an overnight can you think well we had a beaver up there I think we just saw a beaver a beaver it's probably gonna be a name Reba I just want to see a trout surface so bad what do what do you think could Ruby just like you you think he's got it in them to go for the dog park and just be like chillin get treats and stuff I don't know I know that you're gonna always bet the euro and always be good at it your master your master Maddie your master what do you think roots you gonna be able to go for the dog park and stuff like that chillin on the boat all the time you've been sitting up and alert most the time but I think I've got faith about this you want this you want a stick I don't got a stick roots I'm just I just want to look at your your eyes this tree doesn't look half bad I bet there's a small bass under that was a terrible cast [Music] as a ruse it's another Schwaab it's a little skinny teeny little bass they're all like I think the biggest one was like 12 inches maybe alright alright let's simmer down I want to let you go okay all right we're gonna switch colors see if we can pick up anything this way just Jake this white home twisters hell alright so the only sure way I know to catch walleye is to troll this right here these little jointed Rapala so I think I might start to do that because the sun's about to set very soon and yeah I keep casting and just dinking around or I could just troll and hopefully pick up a walleye I'm probably gonna pick up a ton of those little bass but hopefully there's gonna be a walleye in there let's see something just surface in front of me that looked like a trout are my spinners on to the ready I'm not seeing anything else and most likely it's gonna be bass that are surfacing not trout I know what trout surface look like yeah each fish has its own surface look it makes and rookies it just looks it's very graceful is good it's like a big splash or anything it's just glass out here we just had a bite that was a definite bite a bite [Music] probably a bass but I've got hold for dr. wall I could have been a child I'll strike I'm gonna keep the hope going you know each bite we have that we don't get is definitely a trial or Walla it's not gonna be a little bit [Music] [Music] [Music] it is glass out here and there's nothing surface in there so whether there's trout or no trout there's no surface in trouble today [Music] so I got this little cooler here because I had some items is in the bottom see I brought a food bag I carried my food bag because I didn't want to stuff everything into my big dry bag so I had more space and I need this little cooler which I put in the bottom I just got it out and you know I figured since you know I had some room and uh normally I don't bring these out and canoe season I did my last video but you know what I'm kind of glad I did in this video I brought out some deaths still wild sours these sours I just love these sours I've just been having a kick lately but you know if I ain't catching some good fish that was a child service for sure had to have been okay that's good I'm gonna creep over that casteth that right when I cracked a beer od guest but that to me definitely look like a child services class there's still hope there's still hope I don't think the trout are gonna be biting like crazy but it seems to me like because of that I think they're in here that was definitely a trout source we can catch one of those why do you keep squeaking we need your squeaks are you just relax everybody chill okay brave Julie just a quick where it was where it serviced with a little victory cast with the spinner just in case just in case see it looks makes me want to troll a spoon or troll the spinner itself but then I can't cast that one services near me choice [Music] so what I was just saying about telling the different surfacing fish I am fairly certain that I saw some trout surfacing now I've seen this before where in mid summer you'll see one or two surface but you'd it's hard to catch them and I don't really know how I mean I'm sure you know a master angler at that the trout could catch him but they're just they might be just a little deeper then coefficient anyway is I do think they're in here so that's good so I feel like if there's trout in here there's probably some decent size well I don't know if they're I don't know if they follow the same suit as bass I feel like if there's a healthy population there's always good sized trout but I could be wrong I could not even be proud but I think it is my best educated guess lets me think that there's trout in here so what that means is I'm probably gonna come back in spring next year and try for trial if we don't catch a new walleye and all we all.we catches a small bass then we're not gonna come here for those bass or walleye were is gonna come for trout and we'll give this like one last try box and just hear him [Music] [Music] [Music] what's that roots is that your first angry beaver those roots what do you know what those are it's okay roots it's your good point and there was I bet you're wondering what that animal is in the water that's roofs that's roof yeah it's a roofs but the mosquitoes are swarming right now so I bet you're also asking if I actually caught anything what I just mysteriously skip to uh start in the fire well I guess you're gonna have to check out my string peak alright so what I got it's just a nice Rock I didn't catch anything it's just yeah yeah that's how I feel about it two rubes so let's just admit it we failed it was bound to happen to us it happened to us one of these times or you don't catch a fish dinner when we're out for a fish dinner so what we're gonna do is we're actually gonna pack up and head home because there's no point of being out here if I can't eat deliciously I'm just kidding we got a dinner I'm talking about so what we're having for dinner is plain green cabbage so healthy Lord no bud hmm really dry browse that green cabbage I got cheddar cheese slices okay this one's acting up do you want some herbs no camera dude hmm you guys think about the cheddar cheese slices huh mm-hmm pray club Wow yes we got in here Oh avocados we're any burn acne those up right this minute we'll eat those up later well we need to go back to this this cabbage you know mmm you know there's nothing better than cooking a good meal and you're on the woods know how to cook or matter you know is that [Music] Reus Ruger clear hooves that was an animal that was something weird no enough jokes aside all jokes aside no no no we were gonna have gourmet fish sandwiches and I know I just made these in one of my fishing videos recently the summer catchin cook and they're really going to detail you know making them outdoors when you're camping for the night oh man it's so good so it doesn't matter if I made them a week or two ago or whenever I mean that was actually a month ago it would be just so good and the hardest part is that I caught a bunch of those little bass and those things would taste so good catch five of those cut them up put two Flay's on each sandwich or three mm-hmm be so good it just would not be legal and I try to follow the rules mmm rule-follower even though I know I know that I would not it's not that I would not get caught I know I would not get caught just that I just follow the rules bite the bullet follow the rules there'll be other times for fish sandwiches you know what we're gonna do next time I go camp we're gonna go to a spot where I'm fairly certain I can catch some good fish this was a this was an experiment this was a new Lake never been here before never made it to this lake now I know I don't think there's anything worthwhile in here other than the trout I think there's trout in here because I saw them surfacing it it wasn't like a crazy surface I saw like three or four maybe and they weren't near me but I think they were trout so I think this is a decent place maybe in spring I'll give it one more try and if there's no trout and spring I will never come back here but if I come back here and spring and there's some crazy trout fishing then maybe it's worthwhile just for the Trop at this bass no way there's no way there's good bass in here just a bunch of little ones it is not possible where you guys think you need the rest of this cheese I mean I got no fish to make sandwiches so we're not gonna make just gourmet grilled cheese yeah Monte I see you oh we got wigs first Oh whole what do you think about that you just got dissed Monte I'm just kidding there you go oh the mosquitoes are so bad a little more cheese as all cheese you get okay that's all there is no Monte the day was coming wasn't it Monte just happens to be the first time Brewer comes canoe camping with us so what are we actually having for dinner tonight well we are actually really having a Louisiana red beans and rice no gluten 600 calories vegan backpackers meal vegan I don't think I've ever eaten anything vegan in my life I've been carrying this along as a torture device a punishment for failing two and a half cups of water okay well let's start boiling water you know what I'm still gonna enjoy the crap out of that I'll be under maybe got some pickles in here pretty sure yeah I got pickles in here oh look at that pickles have these first mmm you look like this mmm I was gonna make homemade tartar you know um for those of you that watching my channel the whole time all my videos and whatnot you're definitely gonna see some repeat meals you'll see new ones guaranteed but you're gonna see some repeat repeat meals because uh I mean I make something delicious that I enjoy you bet your bottom I want to make that again and these fish sandwiches they're so good mmm made these last year think it's more like early season what I was hoping I'm making a planet I'm making them today it just is not gonna go that way so we're gonna blow up some water in Hampton backpackers meals Ruger is gonna I learned this the last when I last summer I took him if there's water we're camping near water which I always do in summer he will play in that water all night it doesn't matter how long we stay up he will just slosh around on that water he's doing right now he's just this is what he does when there's water there's a rubes he will just do this yeah you pickle burps I can see oh there's water on my lens I don't know why he does this but it's like he sees stuff in the water he's just oh that's why I brought three towels oh he's he's going for a little scraps I don't know if you can pick up the bugs around him he is in like ground zero for mosquitoes right on the edge of the water is insane he is just doesn't care I'm just gonna play around the water he's gonna shake it off with my camera or the fire I'll be back in that water in like two seconds there you go sir he goes he goes you know hmm oh okay okay okay enough enough joking I'm not gonna mind this meal yes I would have loved delicious fish sandwiches better but I'm still gonna eat I'm still gonna fill my belly still gonna have sustenance and I get to spend the night out here rubes as I'm saying still get to spend the night out here in the woods so I can't be too bad right see that's one two and a half little extra perfect this is like the absolutely perfect amount of water right here so we're all gonna eat together now rivers gonna Roy you don't gotta be careful he's an Ruger get over here come here come here you will not knock that camera over I mean you will but oops I'm sorry I can't Jen I can't Jen ahead yo Mike that camera over it's right near the water - on the rocks Monte's learned that the mosquitos don't like to smoke on the fire because he is definitely uh he's staying close because I he went right near the fire they're not really swarming him they're getting rugge though I won't Roos about to go back in that water that's okay I'm gonna let him you know last time I was telling him not to do you know go near the water whatnot I'm gonna let him just do whatever he wants because he doesn't get to go camping that often I can't tell him no I don't know why the mosquitoes are so bad here but it is like it is a swarm I put on deep I I go to myself I wasn't I wasn't dealing with it today but it sure is a swarm I don't even think Roos likes them you biting at those mosquitoes roofs we a is boots you're never gonna get them all Roos you just gotta learn to let them eat you up a little bit that's just how it is how it is with the skeeters I remind you anything about this Monty is not impressed where you want the street guru what see further on says what Ruger definitely a tava kado Ruger didn't mind Ruger didn't mind at all Monty still didn't care Monty I gave you the option our waters about boil let's get this thing ready let's get this over with I'm just kidding okay roots settle down all right come on in now oh that's a hot stain Hey okay this meal is all good to go it's a clear evening it's nice out there no this is gonna sit for a while see how this is Monty is this everything we wanted no is this gonna be something tasty so yes all right let's see what we got here with some salt and pepper on this avocado mm-hmm that's pretty good where's great Monty you don't like this you already told me hmm this is good hope that's picking that up very well but there's some definite lightning or they're probably headed this way it's really orange orange lightning there it goes yeah so we need to eat some food [Applause] you late that roofs yeah you lick that lips while you lick them lips this is what Monty gets out those all the time you're about to experience a Monty special almansi special a water in there let me just mix it up for ya racing about that little all right boys I'm not gonna make you do anything special for this one I'm not gonna make you wait just gonna make you wait so I mix it up that's all so it's done being mixed so go ahead go ahead you've earned it okay fork over here yeah that that lighting is approached that lightning is approaching so I need to eat and we're keeping the rain fly on tonight there is a ninety nine point nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine percent chance that this is gonna be too hot to eat hmm if you you really think about you can taste the vegan hmm oh man it just tastes like rice and beans and some flavoring it's not bad it's it's good right now I'm hungry so I can apply them I can't complain I can poke fun at it all I want but it's so good it's kind of spicy mm-hmm there's something down there roofs well oh there goes the rubes back in the water oh yeah yep he's waitin around the water again so what I'm gonna do is I'm you know I'm gonna eat this up finish this up here and I let my fire burn down kind of enjoy the outdoors until the lightning storm gets here and then we need to towel dry these dogs before we go to bed so I'll check back in with you guys when I'm ready to tell the dry towel dry the dogs and get ready for bed who wants this it's the Roosters wants this come on who wants it first oh it's the rubes hands down you want to first come on come here the roofs come here all right yeah you just gotta grab oh oh oh it feels so good Monty you like it to talk shop oh you should do much more silent about it let's get your ear oh yeah come on - come on over let's help go ahead go ahead car Monty boys all right so we've got Ruger he went slay on the ground he's a good boy he knows that it's called her on the ground monty wants his comfy nests he's kind of like half got that booty on that sleeping bag the other halves in the crack but it's uneven and this lens is fogging up oh you can't even see me oh that's probably why that makes sense use this all right let's see we can clean this off real quick it's a little better a little better this light is flickering anyways we've got the boys burger nose that's better down there yeah room just a good boy oh he's gonna pass right out where's your little bug I got Shahrukh's I got you and Monty's yeah half got that booty on anyways I I kill all the mosquitoes that's what I like to do every time before you go to bed you just take your headlamp you could check all corners no mosquitoes in this tent bug free zone there might be some little spiders or something but nothing annoying nothing terrible just all the mosquitoes are gone and the horse flies or sand flies don't come out at night so we didn't catch our fish didn't ever fish dinner was bound to happen still had a great day still got to check out this place I got to learn a little something about here and you know I learned that discovering new places is tougher than the looks or sounds tougher what tougher it's just tougher you know I've had I've had these some of these spots like oh I really want to check that I'll make you know I'm finally gonna do it and nothing no good I'm trying to find off-the-beaten-path places places that like you have to work to get to and so far all the ones you have to work to get to are just not worth it and that sucks I would love to find a place it's like just you have to work your butt off to get there and it's just loaded fish or it's just pristine or something like it sucks that the places you have to work to or just over populated little bass schools and those little chubs and just yeah anyways good evening but we're about to pass out hopefully that thunderstorm comes in I'm gonna keep the rain fly open until it does I'll wake up but anyways it's time to pass out I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody my hair is just wonderful this morning no mess up not so bad last name I let the stinkers out yeah you too stink 1 and stink - just been chewin on sticks this one there flies oh it's about time I joined them so hmm yeah it's time to hot get up and get out there greet the day looks like it's another beautiful sunny day out there it sounds a little breezy so it's not so bad but I'd like to get that sweaty portage done before it gets too insanely hot cuz it's gonna be sweaty no matter what time I do it anyways let's get up good great today let's do it Hey sick there Monty hello long time no see guys II know it's bright out here whoo that sounds bright oh yeah it's a beautiful one it's definitely breezy look at that one coming in all right these boys want a stick throwing session I believe don't you morning stick okay okie dokie really my he's gonna complain go ahead want to get it get my finger guys not gonna complain too much that's the spirit boys got my socks wet your boy Monty ready get it Monty we got the assembly line going so yeah we're not gonna dilly-dally too long today probably not gonna do any copier but I brought it out but I'm just gonna pack up quick here I gotta end this up today so we've got a long day ahead we sure do what road go ahead let's go get that forget it Monty [Music] yeah I usually only eat breakfast on days they got a lot of work ethic mean I've just got the one porridge in a small paddle so you know I don't need tons of energy [Music] [Music] I enjoyed throwing the stick for them a lot when they don't bark about it they just fetch it so I'm gonna keep throwing the stick for bed here oh Rudy get packed up boys stop running away at the bang stick dang it definitely stings a little knocking our fish dinner oh man [Music] Ruger hey you watch it it's my camera but usually I always if I'm going for a fish dinner I usually always get it but this is the first time I didn't really hit my fish dinner on the day I planned it well lifted good roots just good you wrote her back on the dirt one thing I've wanted to say is I always use my watch to for a compass because it's right here and it's very convenient and it works great but I don't rely on it a hundred percent I have another compass here that I usually keep in my little equipment pouch or whatever but I always if I'm going to be using this I was like to double check it with a real compass I actually just got this one they used to have another little cheaper one but yeah it's let's see here North is that way so dad North so that's working I was like to this double check before I start using this and just you know periodically keep keep it in check make sure it's no point north they see how they got their different methods of drawing themselves off Matt DL lick reveal roll you sure [Music] okeydoke not too much more to pack up here so I've got to put away that their camera throw the rest of the crap on the bag and let's get on the lager get to paddling right boys right rooks right roofs you know bring me a stick energy here we go we got ourselves a full boat yeah first the second mate over here yeah that's a good boy groups ruses doing much better than I thought he would I thought you'd be a little bit more rambunctious than the boat not as ready to chill but he was definitely towards the end there last night he was just dozing off falling asleep having a grand old time they did really good I'm proud of them so we could definitely you might be able to do this again go to a different area least with us better fishing now I'm not saying that there's not big fish in here I'm saying that the evidence points to there not being a lot of big fish in here a lot of skinny teeny fish means there's not enough food to go around for all the fish are here so you know but hey you know what that's what you get for exploring I wanted to explore this lake I've tried three times I finally got here and now I know the only thing I think I'll ever come back here for to try maybe next spring we'll come back here one more time and we'll give it a try for trout if there are no trout in here or we don't catch any good sized trout and this Lake is dead to me I'll never return never ever what this like definitely needs is some some serious pressure killing some of those or at least taking and eatin those bass but you have to get permission from the DNR maybe it's right that hi there's another Lake that I fished in one of my videos that was like that with just there's a small like too many fish they were all small one of the DNR would understand I mean they have to right that's their job they would know more than anybody that you know maybe they'll say oh you know we stalked him like that but I think they'd know that that's overpopulation he's getting a special permit I could do that I would come down here with a cooler like telephone like a hundred of them maybe just this small bass would be just like delicious little blue gills be so good roots delicious fruit bluegill so mark the day the day that Ruger got to go canoe camping for the first time with me and Monty and the solo is the day that I got skunked fishing I think it's cottage but you know what I mean we've just got a little bit more paddling to do and I've got to edit up a video today so we're just cruising on out of here we've just got just the hair bit more paddling than that sweaty porridge I can already feel is gonna be sweaty I wearing my pants and my muck boots because there's a lot of ankle breakers and itchy bushes and thorns and stuff so I just wear it I'd rather sweat to get deal with all that edginess so as always guys see you later [Music] I'm just kidding I'm just kidding so as always guys if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 104,879
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camp, wild camp, wilderness, wilderness area, canada, canoe, canoe camping, adventure, adventurer, how to camp, backpack, backpacking, portage, summer, summer camping, backcountry, backcountry camping, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, fish, fishing, how to fish, nature
Id: xWRp3c1OKsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 18sec (6558 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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