Asmongold Reacts to "Top 10 WoW HARDEST BOSSES That Were Not End Bosses" | By Hirumaredx

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top 10 hardest bosses that were not into bosses in world of warcraft you know what number one is spine of deathwing i can already guarantee you it's going to be spine of deathwing all right let's go it'll be going over the hardest raid bosses in the game that were not the end boss of their raid which is usually the hardest boss in whichever raid you're doing and at number 10 we have oro this boss actually holds the record for being the longest a boss has gone unkilled while it was available to fight as it took the world first 87 days to down the boss after defeating the twin emperors okay you got to remember though this is like back in classic where like everything was [ __ ] up so like anything that you consider like in classic or bc sure like there were plenty of goofy things going on then but after that i'm really kind of curious what's going to be beyond that or yeah it was bugged or something like i don't know the world was basically just an optional boss in aq40 yeah so no one really care too much she's above the reason the boss went unkilled for so long was because the boss was just kind of buggy which was also the same reason c'thun went unkilled for so long okay oro had this mechanic called sandblast yeah do a huge 180 degree cone in front of oro and stun all targets hit for five seconds and it drops her aggro he would always target the player with the highest threat yeah so the way you're supposed to handle the ability was to just have your tanks alternate kiting the boss to the direction which doesn't hit the raid yeah that's what we do now off tank tank it to the other direction exactly which should account for not hitting the entire raid exactly stunned it would also wipe the threat from any targets that it hit so the tanks would have to have a steady rotation of always being ready to take up the threat otherwise it would just start one-shotting all the healers however it would not start one showing off the healers because they'd be arranged he'd be one shotting off the melee and that's what happens to our raid every single week every single week we have dps warriors that die because uru gets knocked out of range and they pull aggro and they die sandblast was only supposed to gated two times but instead would go off a total of four times before it stopped using it which meant it basically hit everyone in the raid since there was no way for tanks to kind of position it in time wow and if tanks did manage to steal the buggy sandblast ability he also had another ability where he would just go underground and then never come up because of these two bugs and the fact that he was an optional boss and no one really knew he just starts hiding from you he's like oh can't get me down [ __ ] yeah she's hiding that's great man what a terrible boss just kind of left him alone and worked on c'thun instead probably a good idea the big boss that everyone wanted to kill yeah he was equally bugged and a whole bunch of things that made him unkillable yeah c'thun was completely eventually they fixed the sandblast ability to not hit four times in a row yeah and of course they allowed him to actually come back up from the ground so they could be attacked that's actually really [ __ ] funny oh my god they're killing c'thun that's really clearly just one day later since no one really bothered to work on him very much i'm not really sure how difficult oro really was but he should definitely make a list like this so uru was really hard because he did a lot of damage uru had extremely high damage on a tank like uru was like imagine uru is just a big dick and he's just slapping your tanks around and like so you gotta keep that no he did like you gotta heal him up as much as you can and that's what made uruz so hard it wasn't actually because not oo no man that's you guys think you're really cute huh adding him at the number 10 spot seems pretty reasonable okay all the other ones on this list actually had guilds wanting to do attempts on them yeah and at number nine we have fetid development oh dude on the mythic version of this fight it was supposed to be a patchwork style dps check so if you didn't have high enough gear this boss would show you that you weren't really ready for the final boss this boss was awesome i loved this boss yeah i love this [ __ ] boss i remember whenever rich and i casted this so method had a strat that the ring of peace would knock fed a devourer back so method's original strategy for this boss my understanding of it was that they were gonna just spam rings of peace and keep fed a devourer locked in place and prevent him from doing any mechanics and then just kill him but apparently he was so hard that they could never actually get it in place and make it happen because of how ridiculously difficult the boss fight was it was crazy so the fight itself was very simple and only lasted six minutes yeah which is super short for a regular this was really hard to find standard for dps check and one of the mechanics the boss had was a three little eggs would spawn in the room yep two small ones and a big one and a big one and while they existed all they would try to do is get off a cast of an ability called inciting essence which would just call the boss over to eat them and then heal him for thirty percent of his health yes it was basically a swipe yeah because you wouldn't be able to dps him down before the enrage timer if he healed for so much yeah so obviously killing those three eggs when they spawned was a huge priority absolutely when the boss first came out they had so much health that it was almost impossible to kill a single one of them before he ate them and healed up yeah in fact they had too much health where they was basically just over tuned and it was completely overtuned and even blizzard acknowledged that it was overtuned like they said like ah yeah we just kind of [ __ ] put it up to 11. uh we'll just see how it goes you know i just see what the kids can do oh man i would be so mad if i was a high-end raider there had to apply two nerfs to the fight within the first couple of days so it did fulfill his job of being a dps check yes the dps check was too high way too high very difficult way more difficult than it should have been compared to everything else in the raid exactly the dps requirements were kind of on par with the final boss cocoon yeah although it got fixed quickly and the world first was achieved after only 133 attempts only 133 so it only makes it number nine on this list yeah it was pretty fun and at number eight we have siegecrafter black fuse from the siege of orgrimmar dude this boss was one of the coolest bosses that blizzard has ever made like i i really think like siege of orgrimmar like this is probably i like this boss fight probably more than garrosh this is one of the coolest most challenging interesting boss fights that they have ever done i love this [ __ ] this fight was downed after 230 attempts and was one of the harder fights in siege of orgrimmar and basically because it had a lot of tough mechanics that's road difficulty yeah the fight had this laser beam which would target a random raid member and then follow them around for a bit yeah you kind of hide it through the road for basically the rest of the fight yep and since a laser beam would start hitting people as soon as it targeted them you couldn't really have designated areas to put all the fire in so you just had constant streams of fire throughout the entire raid fight and i liked it so much because of that because you had to make like siegecrafter was one of those fights that there were so many random variables that you couldn't have the zombies in your raid that you could just program to do x y and z like they had to actually make like organic decisions inside of the fight it was so well designed like this is one of the coolest fights that blizzard has ever made just had to deal with and not run inside of periodically throughout the fight a couple of robots would spawn in the corners of the room who would then cause a little safety dance where drills would pop out of the ground and hit everyone in its radius has happened basically throughout the entire fight there was a lot of movement involved in trying to run to the robots to destroy them so they would stop them i wonder if they're going to put both them also running out of the fires and avoiding the other raid members flames that they left on the floor and of course the constant bombs that would spawn and slowly walk towards players until they killed them or by players what he means to say is the elemental shaman or sorry enhancement shaman in my raid like we had this enhancement shaman in my raid that did really really good damage but he just could never do mechanics like he just he just couldn't do it i don't know why he just didn't know how to do mechanics period so we had so many people it was him and this other guy i think his name was it was reg right we had reg doing it there's one other guy that kept blowing up mines in the raid oh that was me yeah because i wouldn't want to get out of the box like i told the raid i was like i will stay in and wipe the raid before i lower my damage i said listen we can pull this boss as many times as we want but i only have one chance a week to parse i'm gonna make it count and so if i die everybody's coming with me it is what it is yeah that was me until the bomb itself was killed exactly which required constant kiting and while all of this was going on there was also a belt phase that a couple of dps players would have to go solo where they would hop into the corner of the room and go on a conveyor belt this was really fun some of the robot parts if the dps players failed their mission and died on the conveyor belts yeah it would immediately kill you on mythic difficulty it did 9 million damage like basically 10 million damage so there is no way for you to avoid the fire things so if you couldn't do the conveyor belt belts properly there's no way that you could get through it you had to learn how to do them and you had to have multiple people doing them at the same time then it was basically an instant wipe for the group so always on heroic yeah a whole bunch of mechanics and consoles you know what i mean you could also just fail the entire fight if the dps players on the belt messed up their job exactly i remember when i progressed on this raid back in this opinion exactly i'd say more than half of our total wipes were just because a dps player died on the belt and we had to reset so they could try again yep the belt had its own little frog segment where you had to depends while moving which was kind of difficult for a solo raid mechanic which would make or break your attempts well it was literally you don't want one person to do such a hard job in order to allow the entire raid group to succeed well that's why it was so good that's why it was so good it's like this was the raid boss like you would have a lot of raids that were stuck on this boss because they have like 10 good players in the raid and they had 15 other not so good players in the raid and they could never get past black views because they couldn't base all the uh they couldn't build all the responsibilities around those ten players which is exactly what the belt entailed and see yeah this separated the raids from the circus design they tried out and then they basically worked requiring dps players to have that much solo response yeah it was [ __ ] awesome and generally if one player makes or breaks the raid it's usually the job of one of the tanks and at number seven we have dark animus this was one of the fights in the throne of thunder raid and was definitely the second hardest fight in that raid instance right behind lei shin the thunderlord the final boss here's how you can tell that this boss was really hard this boss had no achievement there wasn't any sort of gimmick that you had to do for this boss because the boss was so [ __ ] up and so [ __ ] annoying on its own that it was the only boss in all of throne of thunder that had no gimmick achievement because the boss itself was a [ __ ] gimmick number one and number two [ __ ] this boss number three i hate this boss number four oh my god i'm just thinking about it oh my god it was so bad it was so bad it was so [ __ ] bad like you had to have i'll let him explain it and if he doesn't explain i will and dark animus had an impressive white count for its world first yeah it was insane [ __ ] in at 333 wipes before the first kill was achieved which is only slightly less than the world first of mythic jaina from battle of dazar lore it was downed after 343 god damn so what was so difficult about dark animus was basically math the fight yeah the way they encountered work was the boss himself dark animus would basically wipe the group if his energy bar got to 100 yep which is known as anima he was just like zero anima and in heroic difficulty he would start draining anima from all the robots in the room after two minutes had passed and since there were about 25 robots in the room it would completely fill its energy reserves after four casts of the ability which you would use every five seconds or so after and so you would keep the boss you'd keep some of the golems alive because you couldn't afford to kill the golems because whenever the golem died it would put the anima into dark animus so also on top of that these little anima golems if they get next to each other they enrage so if you had two of these [ __ ] next to each other they just go and you just die like i'm not even kidding you like so if one person did it wrong everybody else would just die it was the worst did they hit hard they hit very hard and if you had two of them grouped up only a tank could tank two of them and three of them was impossible with just one shot you started using it and the way you managed this mechanic so that you wouldn't die after 20 seconds was in the small would only absorb one enema per robot that it absorbed from yep so if you simply move the anima from the smaller robots to the bigger ones you wouldn't be able to absorb as much exactly as quickly you killed the smaller massive anima golems in the room could hold about 36 anima each yeah each of the small robots had four anima and the way you transfer the anima was to simply kill the robots next to the bigger ones exactly and that was basically the whole fight just moving all of the smaller robots next to the bigger robots so that you can move their energy in the meadow was one big one alive the dark black started absorbing everyone's energy it would have a less robots to do it from giving you more time to kill the boss before you reached 100 energy and wiped the group yep now here's where the massive amounts of wipes came in look at the skeletons by the way look at the skeletons that are all around these guys be this is back in the day like where like so i remember this in uh mogus and vaults we tried to do stone uh like the first boss to stone guards or whatever and our tanks were terrible obviously tanks are terrible and we had so many skeletons that everybody's frame rate would go down by about 20 about two hours into the raid because there are so many skeletons and we had died so many times the little robots would gain a super buff if they were standing next to any other robot which basically increase their damage by about three times and allow them to one shot whoever they hit it was insane there were so many little robots in the room you basically had to have everyone in the raid pick up one robot to take care of and just hold on to it until it was safe to kill it next to another one of the bigger robots so you had every single person in the raid was tanking one so you had like some [ __ ] d if you have a [ __ ] resto shaman that dumb ass had to get aggro on an anima go on and guess what happens usually they'd mess it up like and so then they go oh what the egg roll and you see him and then as soon as he goes near the other ad they [ __ ] get that electric buff and they're like and they just go right across the map and kill whoever they have aggro on it was so [ __ ] bad man like i hated this boss but if you accidentally pulled the little robots over someone else's robot or just one of the stationary robots in the room since they would also grant the buff yep then the robot might accidentally one shot you and then run to the highest aggro target next which was usually a healer and then it would run through a whole bunch of other robots on the way which would cause those robots to one shot whoever they were on and would just cascade into a wipe very quickly basically imagine this boss fight is trying to set up a uh trying to set up dominoes during an earthquake basically like yeah trying to set up dominoes during an earthquake as soon as you get like one or two of them up oh the other one's falling down and then the other one knocks all the other ones over and it's wipe again like most dark animus fights lasted for about 33 seconds like most attempts were about 33 second attempts because the hardest part of the fight was the very beginning because that's whenever you had all the adds so you needed all 25 people in the raid to have perfect position with the robot they had assigned to them yeah and you also had to have everyone pick up all the robots instantly as soon as the fight started without letting any of them cross and one-shot people guess how many times we did a poll and somebody wasn't ready and so their anima golem just ran right by them like dude just watching this video triggers me like it just it triggers me so much like i remember this happened and it was so [ __ ] annoying man as you can imagine this led to a lot of very early wipes yeah where nearly half of the 330 wipes were within the first 25 seconds of the fight and there were also problems if they accidentally killed the robot too early as they would try to get the robot as low as health as possible and then that way they could then move it to the bigger robot when it was time to move the anima to them yup but if the dots they had in the robot accidentally crit a few too many times in a row or someone else accidentally placed a dot on someone else's robot oh they could completely screw over the handling of the small robots and cause them to transfer oh something else or even give it to the boss which was really bad so it was all about positioning making sure you dps very slowly and we're very good at basic math of having all of the four anima robots move over to the 36 anime robots without letting any of them cross paths and at number six we have star auger this was one of the middle bosses available in the nighthold raid and had a few i just want to remind everybody every time that we talk about star auger i want to remind everyone that um i had the rank one world parse for all classes on star auger back in nighthold and for those who don't believe it it's actually highlighted on my stream right now and anybody can go down and look at it and that was back whenever i was good at the game and uh star auger was a terrible fight that i absolutely hated but i was really good at it things going on that made it a tiny bit more difficult than it probably should have been one of them was its star sign mechanic where periodically throughout the fight this was not a difficult random raid members would be marked with a star sign which they had 10 seconds to remove by simply running into another player who had the exact same sign as them the way you could tell these apart was each one of them had a different color and a little mark above your head but also if you ran into someone who did not have the exact same sign as you or if it fell off without you getting rid of it through the mechanic yup then it would explode and deal damage to the entire raid grant and also debuff on everyone which lasted for two minutes which would increase the damage of the next explosion by 200 percent no it would not increase the damage of the next explosion by 200 percent it would increase all damage taken by 200 percent one grand trine that goes off was an instant raid wipe it was an instant raid wipe like you could not kill the boss with grand trine unless it happened at like five percent of the boss fight left like that was it like he would one shot anybody else past that it was insane man this fight was [ __ ] ridiculous so basically the raid could survive one going off but not two exactly we were very heavily incentivized to not get this mechanic exactly but yeah and it was pretty difficult to do this is kind of the same reason unaut has one of the highest amount of raid wipes in the game's history he has the same that he had a similar mechanical first phase which caused all kinds of problems this fight was an absolute ass [ __ ] as well like i i didn't like this fight at all but um nameplate [ __ ] made this fight way too much easier let me i'll let him explain it and then i'll explain why it was actually hard okay created an artificially talked about the white counter although this mark wasn't really the hard part of the fight no it was actually the dps race towards the end that was during the final stretch of the last 30 percent of his health he would enter a void phase that was so it was so easy mechanics on people which would not go in lane just keep adding more it was so easy through until the party just wiped so you just had to dps them really fastly and this part was a little bit over tuned and was hard to deal with all the other mechanics as well so eventually they gave the fight a little bit of nerfs they allowed players an additional 50 duration on finding someone with the same mark as them and lowered his health by about 10 which is a major dps nerf yeah it was a huge nerf especially considering it was a a very high damage fight one of the other reasons why this fight was hard is you had overlapping mechanics so the the damage check was not really that bad the jamming check was only bad in the context of so many fatal mechanics occurring at the same time so the odds are that like if you got into the third phase with 20 people alive you had a damn good shot at actually killing the boss but there was also a really high chance that that wouldn't happen because you'd have somebody die and you had in phase one during like the frost phase you had these little [ __ ] pylons that would move around except for the pylons here's what it was like it's like imagine this was the ground and then the pylons were uh let's see what color were they they're like this color so you can barely [ __ ] see them but you can barely see the pylons moving around and so you can kind of get an idea of where they're at but you can't visually discern them immediately so it's much more difficult to be able to tell like right off the bat oh this is where that thing's at this is where that thing's at so you'd have people that would run into the pylons and then they would die so you had a number of [ __ ] things happening in this fight and then in phase two you had like the uh this was a really great fight but some of the mechanics were just ridiculously [ __ ] overtuned like they were insanely hard i would have to say though this was a fight that i wish i had progressed with a top top guild on because i feel like it would have been so much fun to do because like for for our guild we just had so many wipes so like people just like doing mechanics wrong it was boring so the final phase was nowhere near as much of a dps race and at number five oh they didn't nerf warriors oh this is for the [ __ ] beta who gives a [ __ ] straws the corrupt this is the second boss in the black wing player one of the very first raids added to the game and was considered quite difficult for its time while they always like wow it's more of a speed bump than it was the guild breaker that it was in the original vanilla wow yeah you see this boss was kind of unique in the fact that it was required to progress throughout the world in classic wow this boss was not a road bump or a speed bump this boss was not even a bump this boss was like a it's like imagine like you're driving around and you drive over a water bottle that's what it was like that that's how much of a threat he was in classic well yeah you just drive over a water bottle so the raid and required a lot of personal responsibility with its mechanics the biggest thing of this fight was its shortened rage time mechanic let's be let's be clear here am i right mechanic it had one mechanic which was definitely helped along with the buff you were cutting a drone called burning adrenaline yep this would essentially give the player one minute to live and double their damage but it had the downside where it would kill you once the duration ended and kind of blow up and damage everyone else next to you so once you're where the mechanic you'd want to do as much damage as possible without pulling threat from the tanks and then just run out of the raid so that you didn't blow anyone else up when it was your turn to die the problem with this fight was the personal accountability of a 40-man raid team requiring people to actually perform a specific coordinated task like this which was not really the norm in the early days of raiding it's a week you have to understand you know how people were really stupid back in in like whenever i play classic wow people are just really stupid that i interact with as a general rule well in retail they're generally smarter but in vanilla wow they are the same dumb people that are in classic but with 15 less years of knowledge and understanding of the game so imagine that they're as dumb as the people in classic times two and then on top of that multiplied by uh a bad computer uh you know put into an exponential equation with bad internet and then multiplied with like a [ __ ] x variable with whichever parent or family member was currently interrupting them while they were raiding so this boss was really hard in vanilla for every single reason besides the boss like that that's what it was like this boss was not hard because of the boss do you really think retail raiders are smarter yeah absolutely like absolutely they're way better like retail players on average are way better than classic players it's not even in the same universe like they are twice as good probably three times as good caused quite a bit of wipes and a lot of frustration in all kinds of guilts especially since burning adrenaline could also be cast on the tanks so there was a chance you get unlucky and just have all of your tanks get killed the fight was so incredibly difficult that it kind of set the precedent for the rest of the game where blizzard no longer made the early bosses difficult at all so that people could actually progress into the raid and not get frustrated encountering such a hard wall so early and for a long time i was okay i was considered one of the hardest raid bosses of all time although he doesn't really measure up to a lot of the actual harder raid bosses no especially with how simple his mechanics are compared to anything else we have in modern rating but during his time period and how inexperienced the average raider was yeah exactly that's what it really was right he was really hard for his time but like nowadays obviously like the raid is just super easy like it's just super [ __ ] easy and there was also like the issue that like back in vanilla wow one of the reasons why people didn't kill him for so long is that you had to uh like he was only in the game or he was only in the raid for like two hours or something and then it would despawn so if you didn't kill him really quickly you were just [ __ ] so it was like three or four different things coming together to really make it annoying so yeah this boss was uh it was hard for its time but compared to nowadays standards it wasn't even close and at number four we have haudir from old beer specifically the hard mode version of hotel okay old war was the golden age of hard modes it was there are more hard mode triggers in old water than any other raid in the game probably kind of the testing grounds for the heroic mode that eventually became the norm as before old war it was not as good it was a downgrade over the old deer mode the alder hard mode was way [ __ ] ulduar hard mode was way [ __ ] better in all ways it was more interesting it was more dynamic it made more sense inside of the fight it was so much more fun to activate like i just i am such a big fan of the old wire hard modes and i was really glad whenever i saw they added like a couple of them back into the game in like uh i know they did one in tariffs at the end of spring but like nowadays they don't even try and do that [ __ ] anymore it was so stupid i don't get it didn't really have multiple levels of difficulties of raids yeah and of all of the hard modes in old war two of them are pretty famous for their difficulty one of them of course is the final boss yogg-saron and then firefighter right where you'd kill him without any of the keepers helping you and was definitely one of the hardest fights in the game's history yogg-saron yog-0 was in my opinion harder than mythic uh mythic glitch king or sorry heroic witch king 25 man like for its time i think yog0 was harder because you needed to have a a stronger more defined comp for it at the beginning because of the way that he uh like the the insanity mechanic worked and then on top of that you had to like you didn't have as much time like there was no buff for yog there was no buff at all and so the first guild that killed the heroic glitch king on 25 man killed him with the five percent buff it was paragon to kill them with five percent buff and then nobody else killed them until the 10 buff but lich king or sorry um what's what's called uh yog had no buff and you just had to go in there and deal with them it was rough there was also mimiron firefighter where you just pushed the red button and basically activated the hurricane yeah this is really cool too which just had a lot more fire than normal in addition to everything else doing more damage but actually hoe deer was the hardest non-end boss of that raid it's just not as much because it was fixed after it was known as a problem yeah you see the hard mode for oh dear was pretty simple all i did was kill the boss in less than two minutes yeah that was it it was just a huge zerg trying to kill the boss as fast as possible before it could reach phase two yep although the problem with this hard mode was the dps requirement was so difficult to accomplish that it was thought to be nearly impossible well the reason why it was so hard so like there were a couple of mechanics that were like i i can't really explain everything right i guess i'll explain a few things right so you had storm clouds that would go on a random player and then that random player would have to move around and apply the stormcloud buff to other players which would give them more critical strike damage and those beams of light would make you cast like three times as fast and then there was also like these fires that you guys can see on the on the left there and if you stand next to the fire you could stand still on cast and not have to worry about uh getting stacks of biting cold which is like a stacking debuff that would go up more and more and more the longer you stood still so i think the fight was tuned around expecting everybody to have all three of those buffs which was completely unrealistic that's like there's no way that would ever happen it was really really really [ __ ] hard even after the nerf it was hard at least with the gear that was provided in the raid so what some players would do in order to actually defeat this boss was they would kite some of the adds from freya's room to ho dir that way the mages in the raid could spell still the pollinate buff which would increase their damage by 25 percent for 30 seconds i don't remember this although eventually blizzard realized the fight was probably impossible so they increase the amount of time you had for the hard mode by 50 to 3 minutes yeah and then change the force warmer adds to no longer have the pollinate buff spell stealable so i find that actually doable but still difficult so that they can no longer cheese with the forest warmers holy funny thing is blizzard actually commented on the pollinate buff and said if they didn't want people to be able to spell steal it they wouldn't have added it to the room that also had a boss inside of it yeah it's just they were kind of expecting people to use it on freyja and not drag the ants to the other keepers rooms and use them there so while it may have been a difficult fight because it was hard to zerk down boss in two minutes there are so many mosses that are difficult because they were overtuned that it's almost impossible to really separate their tuning from how difficult the boss was because there are no bosses that have world firsts that didn't have bugs or you know some overtuning to them yeah the world first world first raiders are the um those are the unpaid beta testers for blizzard and so uh basically these people play the game 24 hours a day in order to beta test the content for blizzard that they didn't have time to do themselves so that's the way that it works with keeping those constraints in mind hodir is technically the hardest non-end boss from ulduar and i only put one fight per raid in these kinds of videos but mimiron firefighter would definitely also make this a list if i didn't have that little internal rule to just add some variety to the videos because rarely is it a problem except in a case like this where everyone would probably expect to see memories yeah i would have i thought we were going to see that too yeah number three we have the spine of deathwing this is only number three what the [ __ ] oh my god what the [ __ ] is number two and one the boss which had its world first achieved after 214 attempts and then the final boss of the raid was killed in less than a hundred the spiny deathwing is kind of the poster that had a boss in the raid which was more difficult than the final boss itself yeah because a lot of the bosses on this list they weren't actually more difficult than the final boss of their raid yog0 is i thought dude so like there was a bug where this chinese guild was able to kill madness of deathwing before they were supposed to and i remember seeing the video of it and i actually thought the boss fight for madness of deathwing was so easy i genuinely thought that it was bugged i was like there's no way that's the way it works there's no way it's too easy like yeah it's it's way too easy there's no way they're gonna just let it be like that and uh you know what a [ __ ] fight definitely more difficult than ho dear garrosh was more difficult than siegecrafter black fuse yeah he was etc etc but madness of deathwing was the actual final boss of dragon soul was kind of a joke in comparison to the spine of deathwing he sure was what was so difficult about this fight two things really this fight required an incredible amount of burst damage like so much that it was almost unheard of for a raid fight this was the first fight that we really had there was more class stacking on this fight than any other fight in the history of the game so you had basically rogues that had the legendary daggers and mages that had dragon wrath and it was like uh arcane mages and whatever speck of rogue that it was and those two classes were the hardest damage nefarian uh druid tank no there were actually more rogues and mages combined than there were druids on the paragon kill for uh for nefarian it was way more like you needed almost a full raid of this comp because of how powerful and how high the damage check was they basically cut the damage check in half and it was still hard burst damage is something that's only really useful in pvp because generally 99 of raid fights reward long term damage or aoe yeah not single target burst which is the most important thing on spine of deathwing and hasn't really been the case ever since the spina deathwing as the way to defeat the fight was you had to pop three of its plates off once the third plate was popped off this was a fun fight i really liked it and the way to pop off one of the plates was the dps one of the tendons underneath the plate which could only be revealed after you pull up one of the big elementals in the fight and the attendant was only available to dps for about 20 seconds at a time i think it was 18 so whichever classes could deal the most amount of damage you would just have to deep dick the tender little set up like everybody pops which is why most of the rate teams who got the world first brought nothing but rogues and mages as their dps since those two classes had some of the best burst damage in the game at the time i'll show you guys helped along with the fact that those two yeah they were the ones that the legendaries let me show you guys uh world first spine of deathwing take a look at this they had full mages and full rogues pretty much as all of their damage minus like a few other people just to buff their damage that was it neff had like 17 druids maybe i would have 17 druids i don't know about that uh was it 17 druids oh that's a lot of druids maybe you're right yeah maybe you maybe you are right i don't know like i remember this had like probably in my mind it was like the hardest and like most intense class stacking but regardless like both of these were [ __ ] insane like i remember whenever we did this in my guild we had people that were like going and doing all raids to get dragon wrath on their alts just because we wanted to be able to kill this boss classes also had the availability of legendary weapons yeah exactly increase their damage even further but it wasn't just the burst damage that was the problem the healing on the fight was also incredible [ __ ] ridiculous probably one of the hardest fights to heal in the game's history as well yep you see there was a mechanic on the fight called searing plasma which was a permanent debuff that would deal damage the player was on yeah was to heal the target for a significant amount of healing because the debuff would also absorb all the healing they took and it wouldn't go away until it absorbed a certain threshold which was set depending on the difficulty to the fight on but was usually around 30 percent of the player's health give or take so it was a pretty significant chunk of healing they just put on someone just to remove a debuff and the debuff would periodically go out all the time and since it never went away if you slacked on your healing even for a little bit where you just had to pump heels into the tank like you basically had to overheal this and then on top of that i believe i don't remember like how these ads worked i think that some of the ads like if they exp oh yeah if you kill the adds there was a soft enrage in the fight because if you killed the adds they would just like the globule would just spawn underneath them and it would go to one of those red areas and then it would respawn it was dude this fight was they would eventually get left behind in the healing and wipe this using nothing and steal anyone up after they took damage yeah the fight itself also had a ton of adds to micromanage as you needed one of your tanks to constantly kite a long swarm of bloods so the best way to deal with this healing mechanic was to just bring a rusto shaman because if they pop spiraling totem it could instantly get rid of the debuff from everyone i don't remember us doing this that's what spirit league totem did was it would constantly heal and damage everyone within its radius for 10 seconds until it would equalize everyone's health and since the process of trying to equalize the entire raid's health would involve massive amounts of healing and doing damage to the players it would almost instantly provide enough healing in order to meet the absorbs threshold well wrestle shamans in this fight were really good too because you had like there was so much there was such little space that you really had in the fight that as a resto shaman your healing rain would be healing pretty much the entire raid all the time like resto shamans in like cataclysm and and misa pandaria were one of the most fun classes to play like ever i remember playing resto back in mists of pandaria and i genuinely had fun doing it like one of the things that i really liked about it back then is you had active mana regeneration as like a shaman it was [ __ ] awesome like i feel like uh i don't think any of the healers have that now besides monks right like it was disappointing like i really think that like healing in misopandaria was [ __ ] amazing it was actually [ __ ] amazing and kind of trivialized this incredibly difficult healing mechanic and because apparently totem was so good for dealing with this mechanic all the top raids that down spine to deathwing basically only had three classes brought along yeah rogues mages and shamans rogues and mages do damage to the tendons and shamans to rotate their spirit length totems yup it's probably some of the hardest class snacking that players have seen in a modern raid and it was so you would be tanking so many of these bloods at the end of it we had to make sure that our warrior tanks repaired every single fight like every single time that we would do an attempt they had to full repair because the bloods would break their gear i'll be right back okay i'm back sorry about that boys so bad that blizzard made all kinds of accommodations to make sure something like spine of deathwing wouldn't happen again yeah occasionally there will be fights where people class stack like crazy anyway and it happened all the time in the early days but dragon salt was supposed to be one of the modern raids after the revamp of the old world so like drag like the last raid to like really have like super bad class stacking besides maybe oonat was uh was tomas sargeras tumor sargeras was [ __ ] insane did you wash your hands why would i wash my hands i got a clean dick kind of stood out at the time and at number two we have fallen avatar from fallen avatar garris this is the final boss in its raid kind of like the spine of death and was so difficult it easily tops a lot of final bosses in terms of difficulty as it took 453 attempts before i think avatar is harder than like i didn't really do it like whenever it was like super super hard so i can't really say but it seemed like avatar like watching people do avatar and the amount of responsibilities that you had it feels like that that boss was probably harder than like almost any other boss in the entire game it was [ __ ] insane before the world first was achieved which actually places it pretty high actually that's a really good way of saying it you can't even kill this boss now that's how [ __ ] hard it is like even now with like everything that you have and like two expansions later almost you still can't kill this boss on mythic like it's [ __ ] ridiculous because that took the most amount of attempts to get a world first now a big reason this boss was so difficult was just played all over jaden was harder and the fact that it had four separate soak mechanics is something where avoid zoomer pop up in some way shape or form in which you want players to actually move into them so they can take the damage so it doesn't like the raid generally you want to avoid ground clutter but chumbo sargeras kind of went all in with soaked mechanics and had a little bit too many there was way too many blizzard heavily dialed back the amount to soak mechanics afterwards because they were not very well liked in the tomb of sargeras although one of the soak mechanics was a lot more difficult than all the others and that specifically was the dark mark mechanic this would so like even before you even got to that part of the face like so you had like multiple beams going to uh avatar and if one beam hit avatar like once right probably two or three times it was pretty much a [ __ ] wipe so you had to deal with on mythic you had to deal with the green beams and then mythic had purple beams as well and each of the beams gave a stack and then you had to rotate stacks between all the members in your raid while at the same time making sure that you're moving out for those daggers that he spawned because if the dagger hit somebody else it would drop a void zone that was there for the entire phase one it was [ __ ] insane like this boss was really really really hard it only happened during phase two when you guys fell below the room you would target three random players in which case it would blow up and deal damage that player and then knocked him into the air based on how much damage you did you could also split this damage with as many players as possible that were also inside of it when it blew up right it would absolutely one shot someone if they tried to solo sogu without that way they could absorb and split the damage between each other and only get knocked back a little bit yeah the final phase also happened on a platform with a lot of lava that you can be knocked into which deals a substantial amount of damage in addition to the fact they did the constantly dodge shadow tornadoes and the boss himself doing a constant tick of aoe damage which was kind of very hard to heal in the early oh dude it was so bad because so he gets here right this is his buff called seer and on top of seer if he was in the lava at all he would gain extra stacks that would increase his damage from seer so it was just like and you couldn't stop him from being in the lava all the time so you had to just like manage this over time like this was this fight was [ __ ] insane like i really think this probably like i don't know what number one is gonna be if number one's muru i think this one's way harder than meru stages of progression since the boss would likely destroy a part of the platform and then he would slowly walk to the tank through the lava but the boss would also gain a stacking buff for each second it stood in the lava which would increase the aoe pulse damage he dealt per stack and since you could literally not pull him onto the player before he got two or three stacks the fight would become unhealable before the platforms were all destroyed anyway yep and since it was such a difficult healing check in addition to a dps check if one of your few healers was chosen with the dark mark then it was an instant wipe since they did not have the healing to make up for one of the healers temporarily being unavailable for even a couple of seconds so eventually the fight got a whole bunch of changes they made it so the fel infusion mechanic would gain less stacks more frequently while he was the lawyer yeah they nerfed the [ __ ] out of dark marks and no longer apply to healers and to deal significantly less damage in addition to just nerfing the health of the avatar by five percent which made the dps check more bearable and even after all of these nerfs it still took about a hundred more attempts before the world first was achieved which should go a long way to say how difficult the original version of the fight was if the nerfed version is still on par with madness of deathwing in terms of attempts this boss was in my opinion like i is going to have muru is going to be the last one there is no way that meru is harder than than this boss like i can almost guarantee you that the day that meru comes out people are gonna one shot that boss i really don't think it's gonna be harder like you to understand like the way that people played tbc back then was just not efficient they just weren't good at the game straight up they were not good at the game and at number one we have meru from the sunwell plateau and the burning crusade this is another one of the second bosses before the final boss and also took the number one spot in my top 10 hardest raid bosses of all time including final bosses as well now meru was difficult for kind of the same reasons as valus draws the corrupt he had kind of a couple mechanics that were just very difficult to deal with at the time for the player's overall skill level well this fight was so hard it was so hard that every single player in the raid was required in a lot of guilds to swap over to leather working so they could buy themselves drums and get that little bit of extra damage it was [ __ ] ridiculous like for its time meru was like a massive step up in difficulty versus like any fight that you would come into uh you'd come into contact with before then there's a blue post i'll read the blue post after this okay it will probably be trivialized once burning crusade classic servers come out and everyone has had years to practice the mechanics on private servers as what made this fight difficult was really trying to transition into its second phase during the first phase he had two main mechanics he would do one of them was summon a group of ads periodically throughout the fight and the other was to call in a group of ads from the back of the room which would happen on a set timer without a lot of [ __ ] damage and the way to beat the fight was to kill both of these sets of adds before he transitions the boss into the second phase which happened immediately after you killed the boss and he spawned entropis i feel like in general a lot more was hard but my god it was so [ __ ] boring i didn't do it like the thing is it's going to be rolled yeah i think people are going to roll this boss over and you've got to remember like if you compare muru pre-nerf to kil'jaeden preneur for sorry a fallen avatar pre-nerf like i i think just obviously fallen avatar is way harder like they had to left the boss multiple times for even to be killable so it to me i i feel like all a lot of these like tbc and vanilla wow bosses i don't even think they were hard like i would be really curious to see put the players of today in front of those bosses now and i don't even think these guys would make the list in the top 50. like that's the facts like i can almost guarantee you if i go and i watch a video of like one of the top guilds doing muru and then i go and i watch a video of one of the top private server guilds doing meru the people on the private server guild is going to be doing probably 20 more damage they're just going to be way better like that's all there is to it they're just going to be way [ __ ] better once enterprise entered the ring the ants would stop spawning and he had to very quickly dps down the boss before he killed the raid with his pulsing stacking damage an axe and five so since his final phase was just a pure burn where you had to kill him before he killed you everyone in the raid needed to focus all of their damage onto the boss and the healers had a lot to heal as the boss was constantly dealing raid wide aoe damage alive normal circumstances especially since the first iteration of this fight also provided spell pushback so if you had any ads left from the previous phase you just wouldn't be able to have the dps to kill the boss or heal the raid yeah that was basically the entire fight just trying to hit the perfect transition where you killed all of the adds at the exact time you killed meru which triggered the transition phase it was [ __ ] sound simple enough right no it's well it was actually so it was really hard five raids managed to kill meru before it received a major round of nerfs and even then raids were only killing them after that with massive class stacking and forcing everyone in the raid group to go leather working so they could get drums of battle that's the [ __ ] that was the meta right there every single person had to go leather working i was so close to respecting the weather working but i was like there's no way i'm ever going to leave blacksmithing like i've been a blacksmith ever since vanilla wow and i will never leave blacksmithing it doesn't matter what it is all right and that's the video if you want to know more about the hardest bosses in the game regardless of their position in that raid i'd highly recommend watching my video on the top 10 hardest raid bosses of all time which will be linked to the end of this video i will probably this video was edited by the flying buttress it was an excellent highly underrated probably watch it at some point if you enjoy highly edited world of warcraft videos i would definitely recommend you check them out links to him and all my other stuff will be the end of the video yeah that was a good video man that was a really good [ __ ] video i feel like all these are pretty well uh pretty well aggregated i think uru probably shouldn't have been on the list and let's see all the other bosses like vale probably shouldn't have been on the list either because many of the difficulty like mechanics were there was so much so much more contextual around why they were hard around like the time that they were difficult like the other bosses afterwards were objectively challenging like many of the other ones afterwards were not objectively challenging so i i think that's really what the difference is [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,217,317
Rating: 4.8366566 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold classic, asmongold hirumaredx, hirumaredx top 10, wow top 10, wow strongest, hirumaredx asmongold, hirumaredx, wow raid bosses, wow raid, asmongold raid, wow raid boss, top 10 raid, top 10 boss, top 10 bosses, zackrawrr, hardest boss, classic wow, hirumaredx hardest boss, wow hardest boss, wow hardest, top 10 hirumaredx, hirumaredx world of warcraft
Id: zL-qpGi5WYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 23sec (3143 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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