Asmongold Ranks Every Single WoW Race & Class Spec | TIER LIST

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Is this of how cool each class is or how good they are pvp / pve?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fahzrad 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Is this of how cool each class is or how good they are pvp / pve?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fahzrad 📅︎︎ Apr 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
wow you guys actually made a tear list for all the wow races all right so guys today we are going to do the tier list for all of the playable races in world of warcraft so what how should i rate them before i before i get into it how should i rate them because should i rate them based off of their war their effectiveness or whatever their coolness their race that's boring um the racials will be all right looks and racials and storyline okay so for trolls trolls are the the shittiest race in world of warcraft they're complete trash every single time that the story advances is whenever the trolls get [ __ ] in the ass there are the dumbest race in the game and because of that i'm going to give trolls a b trolls are going to go right to a b all right so that that's pretty much where i'm at and uh yeah that that i think does make sense now obviously let's go over here and we're going to look at these blood elves or high elves because we have to specialize let's just say they're blood elves okay so blood elves are basically crack heads that are addicted to the sun well magic and kale those is their dealer and then finally that guy got overthrown and now they're just kind of doing their own thing so i'm gonna put blood elves i'm gonna say blood elves are i'd say an a i think blood elves are an a this seems pretty accurate to me guys what do you think yeah this seems very very good to me all right let's go ahead and look at the other ones now the next one are the goblins i do think the goblins are i i do really like the goblins i said i really enjoy the storyline of the goblins they're really funny they're interesting they're cool i think goblins are i think goblins are somewhere around like the b range the b to c range so i'll put goblins at a a high c for now okay yeah goblins are going to be at a high c now we have pandaren now let me go ahead and be completely honest with you here okay i have literally no understanding of how the pandaren storyline works i have no idea of what happened in the pandaren storyline i don't know if i don't know anything about it and you know what else i don't care too pandarens pandas should have never been in the game pandaria should have never been in the game it is ridiculous the fact that they even considered doing this like it is so stupid it is the dumbest idea i've ever heard in my whole life they are complete trash they should have stayed as an april fool's joke now the dark iron dwarfs the customization for the dark iron dwarves i think is really really [ __ ] cool i really like dark iron dwarfs and i think they are probably one of the uh they're probably one of the coolest races out there in terms of the way they look the racials are really cool and i like brd it's my favorite dungeon classic while brd is my favorite dungeon of all time so i'm actually going to put the dark iron dwarves i'm going to be real with you guys i'm going to put the iron dwarves at an a and i think honestly they could even go up to an s like they could 100 go up to an s yeah these are really really good now they're kul tiran [Music] i think the kul tiran are [ __ ] stupid i think the entire idea of the kul tirion is [ __ ] stupid i think it was just purely a plot device to add in a new type of human into the game [Music] i think the females are a little bit too chubby it's not not necessarily ideal but it's okay um they're very thick yeah they're they're very thick and least for them you can say they're big boned because if i remember right the logic in this is that the kul tiran literally mated with drust right and that's why they're bigger i i think that's the story is that they just live in america no dude that's not it man called tyrion's are in a yeah so this is so these are the uh this is the american race and wow all right i'm going to put kul tirans as a d i think kulterians are kind of stupid now light forage draenei let's go ahead and we'll move on to the next one so the light forged draenei i think we're gonna do we'll do this here and then we're gonna do this here so basically uh they're they're fighting the army of the light it just seems ridiculous and stupid it's such a it's basically just a re-skin of the existing characters like i i don't know it just was boring to me there was nothing new about them they were just trash like it was such a a random race to add into the game like the high mountain touring made sense uh the other ones made sense like the void elves made sense the nightfallen kind of made sense i guess but the light forged grey and i were like oh yeah these are draenei but they're yellow give me a [ __ ] break man give me a [ __ ] break boy dolls didn't make sense you're right they didn't yeah void elves did not make sense i thought they were dumb we're going to go ahead we're going to rate void elves but i think void ups are a little bit cooler so we're going to put void elves out like a b because i do like the way they look they do look really really cool okay yeah they do look really cool okay the racial's ropey i think the racial is really cool now high mountain tauren i'm gonna be honest here i think highmount and tauren are [ __ ] awesome i love highmountain tauren high mountain was i stormheim aesthetically was my favorite but high mountain was my favorite storyline in all of legion and it's not even close either it was so cool and the uh the the paintings on them are so cool it gave them an opportunity to add back in the old remember the totems that the tauren would carry around in warcraft 3 and they'd beat the [ __ ] out of people with them dude i used to love i loved high mountain i love the high mountain tauren i think the charge thing that they have is good everything about high mountain is is dare i say it lit i'm going to give highmountain tauren an a or sorry an s i really like the high mountain touring they're one of my favorite races i think they're really really cool now the mag heart works the mag heart orcs the reason why i like them is kind of it's kind of like a weird reason why i like them is because they gave you all of the all of the orc they gave you all of the orc customization options that you always wanted like you always wanted to have an orc with like the [ __ ] handprint on his face like [ __ ] the urakai or yeah they're akai in in word of the rings you always wanted to have an orc that had the hairstyle of grimace they added that in with these characters and because of that i'm gonna give the the maghar orcs an a i think they're an easy easy it's the easiest a that's ever been easy humans are a d well let's see all right so we got humans now humans are effectively malformed vicryl that are literally a curse to the vikral race because of how weak they are in my opinion [Music] i'm gonna give the humans i don't know i mean i think i'm gonna put them at like a c i'm gonna say humans are like a c guys what do you think i think they're cooler than the goblins but they're not as cool as the void elves i i think the actually i don't know maybe the void elves should go down to a c what do you think yeah yeah i think i'm gonna move the void elves down to a c because they were they didn't really make a whole lot of sense um okay so let's see here now we have the night fallen the nightfallen this might be an unpopular opinion okay but i think the nightfallen were [ __ ] stupid it made literally no sense to me that they got added into the horde after all of their main people that they're the closest like relation to are night elves and then i just went to the horde i think the nightfallen were just an excuse to give horde elves again and i'm tired of that and i think they're stupid i think they look stupid i think they act stupid i think they are stupid everything about them is stupid and i'm gonna actually put them there's nothing that can be worse than a panda right but if there was anything to even be close it would absolutely be the [ __ ] the the night falling or night whatever the [ __ ] dude they're hot as [ __ ] no they're they're garbo they are absolute garbo man pandas deserve an s yeah um if s was the worst if s stood for [ __ ] then yes they deserved an s all right next are the zandalari trolls i really like the zandalari trolls and to be honest the zandalari trolls are the only cool trolls of all of the troll kingdoms like they're the only ones that have any degree of self-respect like that none of the other trolls have any self-respect they are just embarrassing clowns so i'm gonna give these zandalari trolls i'm gonna put them as an a because they're better than the original trolls like literally almost anything is better than the original trolls it's all above human yeah in terms of war and everything i do the imani trolls the imani trolls got cucked over like 50 times man they're clowns the zandalari are the only ones that are cool all right now you have the dwarves [Music] guys i'm gonna be honest i love the dwarfs i think they're [ __ ] amazing it's probably one of my favorite races in the game whenever i make a new character i i i'm gonna have to give the dwarves an s i love the dwarves i think they're super super cool man i'm a big fan of the dwarfs i think they're probably if anything probably my favorite race it's hard for me to say but i'll i'll put them as my uh i'll put them as in front okay actually um okay yeah we'll go with that all right so the night elves now i'll be honest with the night elves i think the night elves are the storyline of the night elves is relatively interesting i think they're like a a high b a low a they're they're like a high b a low a what do you guys think yeah a high b low a i'll put them in front of the trolls and that is uh it's hard to say yeah we'll go with that yeah we'll go we'll go with that for now okay [Music] so next uh of course yeah drain i or did all right so the gnomes where did the gnomes come from because i actually don't know where the gnomes came from they're just these little small things they came from gnomeregan the curse of flesh so it was the same thing so gnomes are just like smaller dwarves right there there's nothing else away besides that there's smaller dwarfs yeah the thing is with gnomes right is everybody that plays a gnome is almost always obnoxious and this is something that you can pretty much be certain of no matter who you talk to if they play a [ __ ] gnome they're probably obnoxious as [ __ ] i don't know what it is about it but gnomes are just there's something about people that play gnomes i just can't do it man i just i just can't [ __ ] do it like this there's something about they always think that they're funnier than they are and i think that's that's the main thing is i literally like remember a crack monkey real funny it's like a it's like a monkey on crack he's jumping around putting dots on everybody you know that and that was what i had in my head whenever i i thought this [ __ ] up like i was the same damn thing i was the same goddamn [ __ ] thing so we're going to put gnomes i'm going to put gnomes down here at a [ __ ] c dude gnomes are stupid as [ __ ] i hate gnomes man like i've always hated gnomes they're dumb you know we think i take them even lower than that honestly i might i might have to re i think this is about it's all right maybe maybe a d but they're definitely better than kulterin i mean anything is better than kulterin so yeah we're gonna go with that okay so the last ones are the draenei okay so the draenei are literal space goats that came from a far away land in a rock that's a spaceship now in my opinion i think it's dumb i i think it's it's a dumb story like it's it's just stupid like i get that like yeah they came from outland but like how do they get a spaceship to move around why can nobody else do a spaceship i think it's dumb so here's what we're gonna rate the draenei okay we're gonna give the draenei a c and that's about where i'm at yeah i think that's that's pretty much where we're at now the wargling the wargrain were created because of interdimensional dogs that bit them and then now they can turn into dogs do you know what i'm going to rate the organ i'm going to rate them a big [ __ ] g and the reason why i'm rating them this low is not actually because of the race of the characters and here's why listen to me this enabled furries in wow before you had the war grant it was like ah you know it was tauren kind of right but the wargrain they enabled it they were like the stamp of approval that blizzard gave all the furries and they said listen this is for you [Music] i am not gonna do i'm not i'm not okay with it man the wargr they allowed this to happen the level boosts yeah there's that too as well yeah they're furry baiting panda fur is yeah but the thing is the warden came first the the worgen were the ones that opened the door they opened the door the pandas like ah you know they were just like whatever the worgen here's the problem with the wargram is it if you look at different people like every time that i tweet something bad about storm outs look for the replies and any of the people that are supporting the replies usually have furry avatars right so click on that furry avatar and look at the picture the picture of those furry avatars looks so much closer to the wargrain than people do to the [ __ ] pandas the pandas are not really so the reason why this is it okay let me explain this right is that the way that furries so furries don't just want to [ __ ] a wolf right and you have people that are like all on the spectrum of being a furry the way that it is is that furries exist on a spectrum there are people that are like they really like [ __ ] things that look almost just like the actual animal and other people that just like girls with like uh you know like cow ears or like girls with cat ears okay so and like everything else is just like a normal girl so there's a spectrum the problem with the furries is that the furries were so close to that mainstream spectrum of what furries normally get into that they allowed furries to see this and think to themselves the calories yeah whatever right oh i'm saying a cow goes look you get what i'm saying they they they look just like some of the furry avatars now the pandas don't the pandas are really just panda people they're not really that sexualized in the same way that the dr that the worgen females are like the morgan females they look like they look more so like female humans but they just have fur on them whereas the pandas just look like pandas you understand wait true okay true okay thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you okay good i've thought about this a lot all right where did the orcs even come from where did the orcs ever come from they came from draenor but yeah but how did they become orcs how did the oryx become orcs saruman created them i remember that we're going to put orcs as a b race they're a just solid b race nothing too exciting about it just a solid b race somewhere around there ogres wait ogres didn't turn into orcs did they i don't think they did orcs are just a native race to oregon to draenor so i think they're two separate races man i'm pretty sure they're two separate races they're devolved ogres which came from ogron which devolved from gronn look all right i i don't know uh orcs are all right i think they're kind of cool actually you know what i'm gonna put orcs in front of night elves i think nigel's are stupid oh orcs are way cooler yeah orcs are definitely way cooler and um they they're not hitting in the a category because all of the all the races in the a category don't take else like the b category takes l's all the time like night elves takes l's all the time like the zandori trolls don't take else uh the the the [ __ ] mag heart orcs don't take else all right so next one the undead i like the um the like the nihilism element of the undead i think that's really cool but what i don't like about them in game is that you only get undead it doesn't make any sense like you only get undead humans you don't ever get undead dwarfs really you don't ever really get undead uh night elves you don't get any of the other undeads it's just humans the death knights are a little bit different because they're ghosts i think that's weird so i would be i would be i'd say that the undead i know why they do it it's just for like visual clarity it makes sense but it is still disappointing so i'm gonna say that they're undead night elves what do you mean sylvanas raised them uh i don't know like we're the undead night elves because sylvanas isn't even a forsaken she was a banshee and she's just wearing her own skin the dark rangers oh that's true that is that is a big true that's very very big true okay i didn't think of that all right so the undead i'm going to say are probably i'm going to put the undead as an a i think the undead are really cool the undead were my first the first character that i ever made in wow was an undead yeah i i really really liked the undead i thought they were awesome i was a huge fan of the undead yeah big fan of the undead now tauren the last one tauren i like tauren i think they're cool i'm uh not super into them but i do think they're cool i think that tauren are probably some of my favorite races in the game to be honest with you i i really really really like torin and i like their like kind of it's like the the tribalistic element of it and there's nothing that's really bad about the tauren i feel so i don't know like i think it's this is an s race for me for sure tauren are an s for 100 the only thing that i have to decide is that are they better than dwarves or not oh let's do this [Music] and i think this is pretty much accurate there you go what do you guys think i i feel like this is a pretty accurate a pretty accurate list you guys like the list does it look good tauren suck where the volpira okay i will put in a few of the other ones as if they were added in not i mean clearly they're not added in but i will put them in as if they were okay so let's just take a look and see what they would even be so the first thing you have are the let's say these are the mechagnomes okay the mechanomes i think would probably just be like a about the same as the gnomes i think they're just kind of dumb the mechanomes would be a d the volpira would also be a g and i think they would be slightly better than the uh they'll be slightly better than the worgen but only slightly like because they're both furry races that's all there is to it yeah they're both furry races for classes do the club all right you guys really want me to do the class to your list all right i will do the class to your list blood death knights my opinion i think blood death knights are one of the coolest specs in the entire game i love blood death knights i think they are absolutely badass and they are 100 an s tier now frost death knights i actually don't like frost death knights i think frost death knights are boring and i think that they are not they don't fulfill the death knight fantasy for me in the way that i believe death knight should be and the way i look at it is that like death knights seem to be really slow moving and by the time that they actually get to you they do a ton of [ __ ] damage frost death knights don't do that i think they're trash i'm gonna put a frost dk at a c i'm putting them at a [ __ ] sea arthas yeah and arthas got his ass beat now unholy death knights i think are way cooler than frost death knights i like how they spread diseases they feel more unique and never remind me of the original warcraft 2 death knights and you guys have to understand it warcraft 2 death knights were one of my favorite [ __ ] elements of war in like olive wow so just keep that in mind i think unholy dk is probably an a tier or maybe even a the original wrath of the lich king unholy dk was absolutely s tier it was [ __ ] amazing everything about the original rather witch game dk for unholy was so [ __ ] fun man like everything about it was amazing it was op as [ __ ] but overall i would say dk's unholy dks are probably around like an a this is where i would put the dk races i'm just i'm not going to rate the classes i'll just rate the specs okay so now we have havoc demon hunters i think havoc demon hunters play extremely well you guys think they're a d i don't think they're a d i think havoc demon hunters are very well designed they're obviously extremely powerful but the way that they can turn into the metamorphosis form how much dude does does havoc demon hunter how much does it encapture the idea of what a demon hunter is supposed to be because i think that it captures the idea of what a demon hunter is supposed to be really well like i really think that it does a great job this might sound crazy but i think havoc demon hunter is an s tier spec i think that the movement that it has the abilities and how few there are with the abilities but how well they fit together i think that they are 100 percent an s here and also on top of that they can jump around that they have the i beam they can turn into metamorphosis form they can do the blade dance they're [ __ ] badass man demon hunters are really cool but if you guys want to feel any better about it vengeance demon hunters i think are a [ __ ] d i think that they just added those into the game because they felt like demon hunters needed to have at least two specs because there are no vengeance demon hunters in the game there is nothing about this in the war whatsoever they're completely [ __ ] dumb they make no sense whatsoever a vengeance demon hunter so he's a big demon and you get to hit him get the [ __ ] out of here it doesn't make any goddamn sense all the mechanics around them were contrived they were weird they're annoying to chase after whenever you're trying to carry a flag they've got a death save that's built into their character that gives them a cool down on top of that [ __ ] that man demon hunter vengeance demon hunters are going down to a [ __ ] d they are trash [Music] moon boys moon boys are an s moon boys are 100 and s moon boys are completely original they are probably one of the coolest specs in the game i'm to say they're definitely cooler than the eighteen hundreds maybe not as cool as a blood dk but like pretty close uh moon boys have always been a meme and they will always be a meme they will always be a [ __ ] meme and you know why because they look [ __ ] stupid they've always looked stupid they look stupid ever since the day that they got added into the game and you know why because that's what people love people love how stupid they look flap that their wings it's so good is it made a glyph of stars that's stupid you shouldn't be like they should take that out of the game they take glyphostars out of the game i don't like it i don't like it at all so yeah we're gonna put moon boys as an s farrell i'm gonna give farrell a b okay farrell is good at two things being annoying and running away i hate the way farrell plays i [ __ ] hate it i've always [ __ ] hated it it's always annoyed the [ __ ] out of me and i just it's don't like this dude i don't like this [ __ ] at all and yes this is probably because i play a warrior yeah you're completely [ __ ] right but i hate it all right guardian druid i like guardian druid now how much do i like guardian druid not a lot i'm gonna put guardian druid as better than feral but i still think that it's a b it's b tier here's the reason why i think that it's b tier guardian druid over the course of the year listen to what i'm saying blizzard originally had the idea of the three tanks so you had the paladin tank you had the guardian druid and you had the warrior guardian druids had a lot of health and they were able to absorb huge huge individual hits warriors had really great on-demand survivability cooldowns and this is a burning crusade and wrath they didn't as much paladins were better but um they basically had really good mitigation they could always block an attack and then paladins were great at aoe tanking they could provide other bonuses to the raid and they could do a lot of damage so every tank had its own identity and i think over the years guardian druids have lost their niche and their identity in the game like whenever i play a guardian druid i feel stupid because i don't really think that there's any like why am i doing this why am i playing a guardian druid doesn't make any sense to me yeah they're losing their identity druids are the tankiest all specs have lost their identity though not really i think blood dks have done a decent job to keep it moon boys have done a decent job to keep it havoc team at hunter has done a decent job to keep it and so is unholy to an extent now restoration restoration i really like russell druids i think they're really cool and i think they're in eightier the reason why i think they're a tier is because of how well they've kept their identity over the years the ways that they can actually add to dps as well and also just heal with uh hots and stuff like that i like resto way more way less than i like balance like balance druids i think are the most original the funniest and some of the most iconic things in all wow so no i'm not going to put it above a balance i i think resto is really cool but i'm sorry like i'm a dps player okay i'm not a [ __ ] healer so uh yeah it's not going to beat on holy dk either all right next beast mastery hunter i like being able to use two pets now i like the idea of having a bunch of different pets that come out and fight with you i think that's really cool i think that the rotation is complete garbage [Music] like beast mastery hunters in in burning crusade had one button for their rotation and now in shadowhands they have advanced or invert in bfa they had advanced to two buttons beast mastery hunters are the main class if i know somebody is going to play wow and i think that they are terrible at video games i tell them play a beast mastery hunter you'll get through it it'll be okay every single time i'm gonna give beast mastery hunters a b i'm gonna give them a b it's the beastmaster enter and there's two pets right there next to him i think that it's a it's a very interesting idea of having the pets do all the work for you basically it's unique it's cool and i like it yeah i think it's cool now marksmanship this is going to be a little bit of a personal opinion but i hate playing marksmanship [Music] i don't know why i just think it's stupid i i've just never gotten into i i know like some of you guys are like hunter mains you love it i really don't like it i don't know why i just i just don't like i've never liked it there's never been a point in time where i've enjoyed the spec i like beast mastery hunter way more it gives you way more movement i feel like you can play with your pets way more there's like more customization marksmanship hunter is like oh look at me i got a bow who gives a [ __ ] it's just not for me man marksmanship is getting a [ __ ] c i don't like it it's my opinion this is my opinion okay i know some people might not care but this is my opinion now the next one we're gonna look at here is survival hunter let me just move all these down so it's not confusing for people survival hunter i think is one of the interesting specs in the game because blizzard actually tried to make survival legitimate and they tried to make it a melee spec i think they did a relatively decent job at it i think that's kind of cool the original survival hunter i thought was absolute complete garbage i thought it was complete [ __ ] garbage oh you put a dot on them and then you have explosive shot shut up it's trash absolute garbage i had to play it back in the day for mr pandaria challenge modes and i hated it i didn't like i didn't like it i don't know what can i say i didn't like it i didn't like having to worry about like over uh like eating your own like whenever you have the explosive shot you want to hold off and not shoot the next one i said [ __ ] that dude i said [ __ ] that dude like that's a 100 [ __ ] that dude but the new survival the new survival i think i'm gonna give that i'm gonna give it a solid i'm gonna give it right i'm gonna put right here the reason i'm gonna put it right here here's why it's because blizzard went out of their way to take a chance and do something completely new the new survival is for all intents and purposes a new class they redesigned that from the ground up and i think that it's relatively good now is it perfect no it's not perfect but it's okay and i think okay is good enough and they tried and failed the reason why blizzard failed is simple it's because beast mastery hunters are [ __ ] broken like the pets do all the damage and you don't do anything with the pets so all you have to do is sit there afk and you're doing 50 of your effective damage like that's why that you you can't it's because they're malay if they weren't malay then it would be fine listen i think i think survival is a cool spec okay i do think it's a cool spec but i i'm not really not really a huge huge fan of it right i don't play it myself i like beast mastery more but i think that it's cool it's a really cool spec and i applaud blizzard for trying to do something different arcane now let me go ahead and say something okay [Music] the arcane dream [Music] for most of its history has been a nightmare it's been trash arcane for most points in time and wow sucked it's either here's here's what arcane is arcane is either at the top of the meter or it's at the bottom there's never a point where arcane is just in the middle chugging along arcane is either just dumpstering people like there's nobody's [ __ ] business it's completely broken and it's insane or it just sucks arcane i think is expect that blizzard almost got its identity right with mana management and like rather lich king somewhere around there but for some reason i think blizzard has never really zeroed in on what makes an arcane mage an arcane mage i would say that the closest thing that they ever got to recapturing that was in legion i think legion arcane mage was really interesting and really cool i didn't really like mr pandaria arcane a whole lot i know why a lot of people did but it was never really for me i i thought there were a few like that little thing it's like basically the little sperm that would fly around and hit people like that was kind of cool but that was about it yeah lately bfa arcane maybe arcane yeah the prismatic crystal and wod uh i didn't really like prismatic crystal uh i know other people did i get that but it was just never really something that i thought was cool anyway we're gonna put arcane i'm gonna give arcane a b because it's suspect that it's a speck that could it's suspect that should and it's a spec that very rarely ever has it's a b it's a low b2 yeah that's what's up now fire i'm gonna have to say guys i think that bfa fire mage was one of the best specs that blizzard has ever made it is one of the coolest specs to play it was [ __ ] badass that the end of 8.3 bfa fire mage was so [ __ ] badass it was so cool and then yes the the fire mage from uh legion was really good fire mage at the very beginning of the game like in in burning crusade and also in vanilla wow besides like knacks and stuff like that fire mage really didn't come into its own until way later on in the game and now i think fire mage is a long dick spec fire mage is 100 along dick spec and i would say that fire mage is probably an s t or spec i genuinely think that fire mage is an s t or spec it looks and here's why because it looks cool like this is another thing that people don't think about it looks cool whenever you're using whenever you're doing your fireballs you're on fire and you're like that's cool man too big cast time it's annoying that's why it's badass man popping that g pie dude i love g pie i think that's one of the coolest abilities in the [ __ ] game back in bfa it was so badass i think a hundred percent a hundred percent we're gonna do uh we're gonna do fire mage as an as an s t respectively it's so good man i love it you want to have those long casts because you want them sitting in that poly and you want to see that cast bar and them knowing that they are about to get [ __ ] in the ass and they have to just sit there and wait for it it's so good man it's so [ __ ] good now frost mage [Music] mage in wrath of the lich king and frost mage and legion were two of the greatest and most incredible specks that this game has ever had however many of the time after and before frost mage it was pretty much trash i it was just it's just i don't know why like it just it relies around slowing you and rooting you in place and just hitting you i think that it's trash man like what i'm saying is like there were times where frost mage was so [ __ ] cool frost mage was like one of the most badass specs to play i i think it warrior bias actually yes where is it where's the [Music] let me see if i still have this video up this was me back in the day see i i choreographed for my warrior this heroic strike he got no moral strike he goes like this just just get get to it actually that's why i do it when i'm fighting imagine it's like it's like not enough rage not enough rage you cannot do that ability yet not enough rage that's when i die so yes this has been a long-standing resentment frost mage is a d it's the worst spec in the game it's the worst it's the worst speck and it's the it's the worst one there's never been a speck in the game that's been worse than frost mage yep 100 100 that's a that's a [ __ ] that's a d all right brewmaster i think brewmaster is at least an eightier i think brewmaster is at least an a tier the reason why i think brewmaster is an a tier is that it mixes the aesthetic of what a uh it mixes the aesthetic of kind of like the the idea of a monk and getting drunk and drinking and stuff and all of the abilities fit together thematically and stylistically so [ __ ] well brewmaster is 100 i think a great spec and in my opinion i think it's the best monk spec it is the coolest and best monk spec i'm going to say brewmaster is up here as an s now missed weaver [Music] i think missed weaver sucks dick and you know why i think that sucks dick is because it sucks dick it's built around running away playing like a little [ __ ] [ __ ] they suck they put down that stupid little totem i hate looking at that i hate even knowing that it exists mistweavers are trash i've never liked them they're annoying and they used to be even more annoying if you can believe that they get to teleport around they're built around running away it's a [ __ ] spec it's getting it's getting a c yeah it's getting a [ __ ] sea now wind walker i'm all right with wind walker it's okay to me i guess uh i hate playing against it i really do but i think that the way that it plays and everything is very well designed and i think that overall it does fit the monk fantasy i think that wind walker is an a tier at least spec yeah it is fun to play i think it's an a to your spec somewhere around there holy paladin i think that holy paladins do you have to use holy power right now as a holy paladin do you have to use holy power or not yes okay then it's a c uh combo points is a [ __ ] healer yeah right yeah [ __ ] right dude i remember back dude i used to love healing on my palate and back at wrath of the lich king dude you would just sit there and you'd get all the glyphs on all the mana reduction and then like all the mp5 and you just bomb holy lights on people that tank would never [ __ ] die you'd do a judgment on the boss and it would give everybody light and then you'd see those numbers popping up everywhere all that green [ __ ] you could solo heal a whole [ __ ] dungeon and then cataclysm comes out and they pull this horse [ __ ] with combo points who the [ __ ] wants combo points as a goddamn healer nobody it's trash i hated it it made me mad and then as the entire time the only thing that's cool about holy paladins now the only thing that's keeping them out of the [ __ ] d range is the fact that they can pop cooldowns and go into offense that is the only cool thing about them everything else about them is garbo 100 [ __ ] garbo now protection paladin protection paladin i already know what i'm gonna rate this i'll be right back the reason why prop paladin is the best spec in the game one of the best specs in the game is because it does a lot of damage it plays really cool it was the first spec to be able to successfully aoe tank and aoe tank well it has incredible utility it has the highest tank damage of any class paladins are my favorite tank i love prop paladins if i was gonna level up any character any [ __ ] character for burning crusade i would level up a prop paladin because they are [ __ ] insane they are so good they have so much utility there are so many things they can do and they are way way cooler than pretty much any of the other specs man i love it as combo points though that's stupid but everything else is really cool and at least it's a malay class [Music] retribution paladin okay let's talk about retributionality this is an afk class number one it's constantly broken and overpowered it almost always sucks dick and raids except for sometimes where it's completely overpowered it's played primarily by people that think they're better than everybody else and it survives now on a gimmick without divine toll where would rhett be right now probably still decent but not even nearly where it is now ret paladins rep paladins have always and will always be not as good as warriors rat paladins want what warriors have naturally rep paladins have to use all this other extra [ __ ] and all they have to use the light whereas a warrior just has to rely on his skill and understanding of of his his mastery of weapons rep paladins don't have weapon mastery they've mastered some [ __ ] book or some [ __ ] who cares about that that's that [ __ ] [ __ ] man all right every rep like a prop paladin probably do more damage than most rep paladins do it's at the bottom it's a joke spec i've tried to play rep paladin a number of times i think they're trying library yeah it's a librarian man this [ __ ] is sitting there reading [ __ ] re reading out his book man the only good rep paladin was tyrion was is you know alexandros mograine was a warrior so just keep that in mind too the original ashbringer and then tyrion breaks frostmourne while we distracted the lich king to be honest so it wasn't really just him but then on top of that [Music] he gets beat by a boss that's not even an end boss he gets beat by crosses this this dude beat the lich king and he gets killed by a by a [ __ ] trash mob basically rat paladins are a joke man whatever happened to uther think about that uther's a [ __ ] uther got [ __ ] made by arthas and then on top of that he went to the shadow lands and he got [ __ ] made there too luther's a [ __ ] tyrion got beat by a trash mob where's the other ones where's it where's the other one bluther where's what's the other good other good paladins oh oh whoa whoa wait a minute turalyon oh what happened to turalyon he got his sword blocked by a by illidan's hand like imagine blocking somebody's [ __ ] sword with your hand with your hand dude like he just was like get that [ __ ] out of here dude i don't have time for that arthas arthas re-rolled he re-rolled that's what that's the whole point the best paladin is rex troy he's not even it's not even a war character it's just a player the second best is wow hobbs the third best [Music] yeah it's hard to say okay disciplined priests disciplined priests [Music] what would i even rate a disciplined priest discipline it's either really really good or just weird and i feel like all the time it's either one or the other it's very rarely are disciplined priests actually just like straight up consistently good they're either top of the meter or bottom of the meter i like the idea of how discipline plays and because of that i'm going to give discipline i'm going to give it like a i'm going to give it a high b i i like disappoint a lot i think it's a really cool it's a really cool spec actually you know what i like it more than resto i like it more than resto personally and it's probably my second favorite healing speck okay so yeah i'm gonna put it a little bit higher than resto because i think it's interesting now holy priest what do i think of holy priest i think holy priest is stupid i think that it's just a trash back it's a d i'm gonna say holy priest is a d spec it doesn't make any sense to me it's annoying it's boring it's just like they have like a few cool abilities and other than that like the last time the holy priest was relevant was in like vanilla wow i i don't like it no i i just don't like it i i don't [ __ ] like it at all the well yeah i i i just think this point is way cooler to play it's way more interesting holy priest is dumb how many times i saved your ass with grab uh never because i don't i don't i don't do mechanics wrong so i know honestly you know what i'm gonna put it even lower now now that you reminded me that they have grab i'm putting it lower than uh it's not lower than red but like i i'm gonna put it lower yeah that reminded me [ __ ] that i hate that [ __ ] all right we've got uh we got shadow priest here shadow priest and legion was [ __ ] amazing it was so cool shadow priest and vanilla wow was so cool shadow priest in and i didn't like shadow priests in bfa i thought shadow priest and bfa was stupid how i haven't played the new because they redo shadow because like they don't know what they want to do with shadow priest is shadow priest fun to play now because like i don't really know i honestly don't know what i'll let you guys decide where this one goes because i don't i've never really been like a huge fan of shadow priests but i do think it's cool high a-tier yeah okay we'll put it right here now we have this one here what is this assassination yeah it's assassination now assassination what do i think about this one i always thought it was kind of stupid to be honest with you i always thought assassination was just kind of it was just [ __ ] it's [ __ ] boring dude it's a boring spec like it was really cool in like bc whenever you got mute away and it was really good in wrath too but recently assassination i just feel like doesn't really have much of a uh it just doesn't like subtlety and assassination thematically what's really the difference between the two of them nothing really i just i don't think assassination has a place right now i don't think blizzard really knows the poisons yeah i guess you do have the poisons yeah that's true that is that is true the poisons i just don't i don't know if i really like the poison so i feel like the poisons that rogues have it just doesn't really feel cool like back in the day the original crippling poison was really really strong and i think that over the course of time of them trying to balance the game they made the rogue poisons and the cool things that rogues could do with their poisons they made them less relevant and they made them less powerful and i think that indirectly made assassination more boring so yeah it's bleeds only now i don't know like it's it's just not is it 70 it's a 7 even if it's a 70 slow now i don't think it is all the time number one i think it's like i don't remember i i really don't remember but like now everybody has like eight different gap closers so it's completely different than it was back then i'm gonna give assassination this i'm giving it a low c i don't think the spec really has that great of an identity right now and i think blizzard needs to decide how to do a better job on how to make it better outlaw outlaw rogue i think outlaw rogue is really cool i think it is a bad ass spec i love outlaw rope like i i know some people might not be big fans of it or whatever for like its damage but like the theme of outlaw rogue the way that it plays and everything like that i think that is a 100 s that is a 100 [ __ ] percent s is a really cool spec you've got the gun with it as well i remember whenever it came out in legion it was really [ __ ] fun to play it was cool it was a cool spec man yes i do know that like the roll the bones i don't mind roll the bones here's why i don't mind roll the bones it's because every other spec doesn't have something like roll the bones in a way and because outlaw has that one crazy thing that they can do i actually think that's cool and you don't have to play like that if you don't want to i'm going to give outlaw i'm going to put it right here i think outlaw is one of the better specs in the game subtlety [Music] all right let's talk about subtlety i like it a lot combat was cooler no it wasn't a combat was trash it's a trash spec [Music] you guys really like subtlety why do you guys like it can i ask that why why do you what do you like about subtlety [Music] yeah what do you like it shadow step it deletes people here's my opinion on subtlety i think it's a dog [ __ ] dick sucking speck and i think the only reason why it's relevant is a legendary from legion that got repurposed for shadow ants i think that's completely built around one gimmick it's it's trash it's a it's a it's a [ __ ] spec and then you run away you attack and then you [ __ ] vanish you do it again it's it's a it it's a [ __ ] spec the way people play it or [ __ ] like it is a 100 this is like i i hate it i i hate it i hate this [ __ ] man it's such garbage and also i think the way that it's designed is so contrived it's so gimmicky oh well you have a huge amount of damage in this tiny little window it just sucks i i hate that it plays so badly for pvp i don't like it there are some cool things about it i will give it a b okay and i'm being very generous now next elemental elemental i think elemental is one of the coolest specs in the game i think elemental being able to spam chain lightnings and electrocute the [ __ ] out of people and hit them with those big dick earth shocks having the different elements fight with you as well being able to heal your teammate turn into a ghost wolf uh knock people back with thunderstorm like everything about elemental i think is actually so well designed i really really love elemental it is so [ __ ] cool man i remember whenever they added they they removed the cooldown on chain lightning dude it was like at that point man it was like [ __ ] open to [ __ ] floodgates man people were popping off they were loving it man it was so badass now i'm gonna go ahead i'm gonna put elemental right under the moon boy i think overall moon boys are a little bit better than elemental but elemental shaman is one of my favorite specs in the game i [ __ ] love it i [ __ ] love it dude now obviously it's not really in a great spot right now but i'd say historically with like lightning lasso and [ __ ] like that like elemental shaman is really cool and i do like it and i think that deserves a pretty high rating it is good now no i no i don't mean the damage i mean the play style all right next enhancement shaman enhancement shaman it's just not as cool as elemental that's all there is to it it's just simply not as cool as elemental i know some people might not like hearing that you used to be able to use a one-handed a two-handed weapon and go around one-shotting people and it was [ __ ] badass nowadays you can't do that anymore you're stuck dual wielding like a little [ __ ] and i'm tired of it it's boring there's nothing really cool that that enhancement can do that elemental can't do better i think enhancement is a shitty speck i don't like it i think that it's dumb i've never liked it i'm gonna put enhancement as a b it's a boring speck now a low b as well a low b no restoration you guys may or may not know this but restoration is actually my favorite healing spec in the game i think resto shamans are the coolest healer in the entire game i love being able to do chain heel i used to love back in rather dude mr pandaria shaman like mr pandario resto shaman was the coolest speck one of the like top five probably coolest specs that blizzard has ever made it was [ __ ] it was so good man it was so good everything about it was so good you could go into ascendancy you should drop the [ __ ] healing tide you had like the [ __ ] echo of the elements you would spam that you could do chain heel you could do riptide you could do [ __ ] lightning bolts and get your mana back you could drop a [ __ ] healing rain down everybody could stack up and you could see those green things it was so good it's one of the best specs man i think it's better than i think it's better than elemental i really do i love resto shaman it's my favorite [ __ ] healer it's big good it is big good [Music] now now we get onto warlocks affliction is probably my favorite warlock speck the reason why i like it is i like the idea that you can kill somebody without looking at them it is so cool to me i like the idea of being able to dod everybody up and then just tick them down or put all your dots on one person and burn them down i like the self-heal element that affliction has where if you're fighting somebody and you can you can literally [ __ ] drain the life out of them while you're fighting them that's so [ __ ] badass and you had like that [ __ ] bfa talent that made your drain life's do more damage it was so so so good man it was amazing affliction's not a [ __ ] spec but sub is of course it's not because affliction you're standing there they know where you're at but you they can't do anything to you because you're getting healed by eight different siphon lifes you're just sitting there chilling putting dots up doing whatever the [ __ ] you want to do subtlety sitting over there behind the fence oh i hope he doesn't see me i hope he doesn't see me i'm gonna go and i'm gonna stab him i'm gonna take him down to 70 health i'm gonna get dotted i can't go to stealth again give me a [ __ ] break affliction is amazing i love affliction it is one of my favorite specs it's going right there as an s t or speck demonology demonology i hate demonology it plays like trash and do you want that the small every once in a while demonology is like super overpowered like what the [ __ ] this this tickets it's so good but all the rest of the time it sucks and the one time sorry the individual times it's really really good the reason why it's so good is because blizzard makes some sort of mistake and there's like something that's broken with the class like chaos wave at the beginning of misopandaria or being able to use that trinket from lee shin with curse of doom or some other weird [ __ ] it's never actually just good it's always some [ __ ] [ __ ] that makes it good demonology got cut by by demon hunters demon hunters literally stole the coolest thing that demonology had and they just took it for themselves i'm not going to vote a cuck spec anything above a [ __ ] d okay it is a straight up [ __ ] d yeah this is a [ __ ] d now destruction destruction destroy i think that destro in bfa was one of the most dangerous and deadly specs in the entire game not only could it heal for more damage than healers could heal for not only could it deal more damage than dps could deal but it could also tank better than most tanks i really like the way chaos bolt plays i like the idea of you know i'm a charge in my laser like they're they're getting that big dick cast off and you see it coming and you've got that big green piece of [ __ ] that's just coming at you it's so so good i really really like demonology but i do think i do think that it's not quite as good as fire mage i think fire mage is just a little bit cooler than demonology demonology the coolest thing about it is the fact that you can just be a complete [ __ ] and play it like you can be a complete [ __ ] and play it fire mage or sorry destruction i mean destruction sorry i don't even like it yeah destruction destruction destruction destruction destruction destruction the main thing with destruction i don't know why i keep saying it the main thing is like i used to watch drake dog and it was so cool to watch him play and even in vanilla wild destruction can have like these crazy pop-off moments but a lot of times destruction doesn't really do a whole lot it's mostly like the consistent spec is affliction affliction is always that spec that'll just completely [ __ ] blow other people away i don't really like destruction a whole lot but i think chaos bolt and the way that chaos bolt plays is really good i remember playing destruction back in mists of pandaria and it was one of the coolest specs ever i remember trying to leech my way into siege of orgrimmar guild raids so people would default me gear and give me all the good stuff from the raid and it was the only class that i got my legendary cloak on besides my warrior in mr pandaria and i had every class maxed out but destruction was the only one because of how cool it was now we get to the best uh the best specs [Music] all right warrior arms warrior is one of the best specs in the game i think everybody knows that [Music] i i think it's just everybody just they just we we just we know this to be true and it's so powerful that you have little babies crying these little these little destruction warlock babies crying on the forums because oh we only got a whole expansion of being overpowered well we can't to expand or to be overpowered we can't be bad again but warriors warriors sometimes arms warriors are not really that great but the players that play them the players that stick with them they are the true warriors an arms warrior is in my opinion one it's one of the best specs it really is i'm gonna put arms warrior right here arms warrior is going to be actually yeah yeah i'll put arms where you're right there [Music] this is a fair spec this is a fair decision it's really cool when was it ever bad yeah uh season five like for example like there's plenty of plenty of times arms warrior was not that good now also this is it's not biased this is completely true [Music] fury fury warriors think about it like this fury warriors are the strongest spec in the entire game they can literally dual-wield two-handed weapons they have more health than anybody else in the entire game fury warriors are [ __ ] badass just to look at if you see a fully decked out character there's nothing that's going to get your dick harder than if it's a fury warrior who's dual wielding corrupted ashbringers [Music] fury is the most badass speck in the game it's cool to play it looks good you get free whirlwinds you can jump all over the place you can heal yourself it's totally [ __ ] badass fury is an incredibly good spec i really like fury warrior a lot it's the best spec now pro warrior i think that's pro warrior i think it sucks i do i think prop warrior sucks here's why i think it sucks is because every other tank has that cool thing they can do besides spell reflection what do pro warriors really have the only reason that it was really good back in vanilla is because there was no other competition that's the truth is that there was no other competition the moment that any other any other class got a tanking spec it was immediately better than prop warrior like is shield block is cool no it's not that's [ __ ] shield block who gives a [ __ ] bro power that has holy shield and it does damage [Music] [ __ ] that prot sucks ignore pain arm besides that fury has that ignore pain is trash the only thing that was cool about warriors prot warriors the only time prop warriors were cool was at the end of rather lich king where you could stock full armor pin gear as a prop warrior and get 20k crits number one number two is during siege of orgrimmar where prop warriors were literally so overpowered and you had like this others i forgot what it was like maybe maybe it was in uh in legion where like you could heal for huge amounts and on top of being able to heal for huge amounts you were able to put up these massive shield barriers like prot warriors had very small moments in the sun where they were something different than just a [ __ ] with a shield but for the most for most of the its period of time pro warriors have just been garbo they're just boring like look at like in bfa when was prop where you're good from the clap from the clap from the clock from the quack over and over and over that's all it was man does this seem accurate does this seem accurate gentlemen finish the list i did i did this is the finished list because like these are just the classes i think specs are a better list than just the classes we're gonna watch this one video then after that we're gonna do the mount off [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 847,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, shadowlands class, shadowlands, shadowlands best class, shadowlands best spec, best shadowlands spec, best shadowlands class, shadowlands classes, asmongold tier list, asmongold ranks, tier list, wow tier list, world of warcraft tier list, best shadowlands race, shadowlands best race, wow best race, wow best class, wow best class spec, shadowlands tier list, wow class, wow race, wow spec
Id: -QEzfMXc3hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 50sec (4490 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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