Time to Move On.. Asmongold Reacts to "How I lost my best friend in WoW" | By Pint

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how i lost my best friend and wow a lot of people have asked me to watch this video and i believe that it's time for as long as i've played world of warcraft i wanted to be a gladiator what the highest pvp rating you can get the top one achieving that will get you the sinful gladiator's soul eater a unique mount unlike any other in the game that's a good one yeah classic players you grind like four months for a bug i get a [ __ ] dragon dude yeah it's an optimistic dream especially since i haven't like really pvp much before it's not could i have my reasons more than just a mount i had myself a tragic backstory full of sorrow and loss and no matter how many hours lives or potential girlfriends had cost i set out to be a gladiator three months ago knowing that nothing would stop me from this guy wants to go for a gladiator but he's a classic player it all started nine years ago how would that work fishing on the darkwing aisle exploring okay oh i just caught something and that's when i met him my companion rival not armor oh [ __ ] green smoke what's that what the [ __ ] from that day forward we set out to uncover the mysteries of world of warcraft oh wow we spent our days glitching out of bounds and exploring every image of the world together and it turns out necrotis was a pretty good death knight showed me the ropes to the game we raided together we pvp together wow one time we even one day in a battleground necrotic starts telling me about another guild that he was in before i even started playing yeah a guild full of elite gamers legends of their time absolute virgins and one to rule them all the single death knight and i mean single extremely literally in this case who taught nicardius everything he knew that death knight's name was tommy tommy you completed every raid on the maximum tommy i was expecting like a cool ass [ __ ] name not tommy the [ __ ] is that rank one titles are results jesus has more gold than most players ever had in a lifetime oh my god tommy had it all except for a friend i only met tommy a single time and his wise words still echo in my head lamal you're so [ __ ] dumb bleep sound effect yeah that's definitely a wow player right there he was so cool hundred percent from that moment onwards me and nicaragua did everything we could to hopefully be just like him one day yup and our journey to become some of the greatest wow players ever had begun everybody had like that we started taking ratings like we had that i had that same [ __ ] player that same type of [ __ ] player that i always wanted to be like too man i'm very used to this he got banned yeah expansion we had some pretty cool belts i set out to get gold challenge modes in a challenge mode your gear is easy it's quite a challenging mode very funny after that please unsubscribe and most people didn't do these they were pretty hard so they paid to get carried through them yeah nothing changes does it but i set out to get them literally the [ __ ] day before they were going to be removed so in a painful 12-hour grind i got each dungeon completed it was so easy until the last dungeon and make no mistake this was a painful journey yes many close calls and broken groups which saying it now really doesn't give it justice on how [ __ ] batshit insane i was to do this with random people all in one day seriously dude like no one did this this was so dumb of me to do i don't know well desperation that's what it was i can guarantee you this is what was going through his head oh my god i'm not gonna get it i have to try and do whatever i can and this guy is just inviting people out of pure desperation that's a hundred percent what it is the reason i'm doing this is because if you get gold times in every single get the armor you get a title a special mound and most importantly you didn't get a [ __ ] drip a special set of gear made just for your class that after tomorrow i won't ever be able to get again oh dude it just so happens that my final dungeon was the worst one that no one wanted to do that's actually not true uh storm stop brewery was the hardest one seizures in that siege of nazal was incredibly easy because you could just chain the globs and one shot the first boss and some even world first groups use the globs to go all the way throughout the entire instance i don't know what this guy's talking about this is a completely casual video and if anybody knew anything about challenge modes back then uh it was just a joke but it's okay yeah actually seed is out tempo it was a [ __ ] though it was [Music] luckily for me i had my friend nicolas by my that's good and despite the fact that he definitely didn't want to do that dungeon he tagged along anyway this dungeon there's a specific part where you must kill waves of enemies because there's no cheese or skip to this it's actually one of the longest challenge modes to do yeah it is didn't bode well for us because we only had enough time for one run what servers went down with a heavy heart and a near wipe necrotic tanks the second to last boss oh my god before the servers went down your boy got the achievement what i wish i could make this video jesus but farming your legend that's actually [ __ ] cool like straight up that's [ __ ] badass that [ __ ] happened to me with the armani warbear weren't you the god of challenge modes yeah i was i was dude i got challenge mode still on every single character man like except my monk because monks are dumb when it comes to these challenge modes i gotta say the bottom line is it's one of my greatest memories in wow yeah the new expansion looking absolutely poggers there's nothing that could stop us i'm looking forward to warlord's adrenal i only hope that you have as much fun in draenor as i think i'm going to have yeah dude dude one will stand against us those are the good days boys now i have some hot takes dark souls is actually better with a keyboard i unironically throw the body pillow because it helps with sleeping posture and the crippling loneliness well you could just you could have a body pillow that doesn't have sylvanas on it though like you don't need to have a body pillow with an anime girl this is an excuse okay like there are body pillows that are sold at the store that do not have anime girls on them could add a cat ears transmog but i think perhaps they should do that is that i actually enjoyed warlords of draenor more than most other expansions this is like this is like mcconnell man like mcconnell is so dumb for liking wod i really think it's probably one of the dumbest opinions he has is that he thought bfa was worse than wod like wod was so bad and nobody can even nobody can even debate it was the worst ever now i won't dispute that it's between wadden's gfa for the worst expansion but yes what was where i raided to the absolute peak what was where i rated the game the problem with what is that it didn't have much content that's true the content that it did have was very good and here's the reddest pill of all if you start playing wow no matter how bad current expansion is you're probably going to have a great time because there's like 15 years of [ __ ] to explore and what was that for me that's true this wanted to push hard but that's not right it's right on the main team for some reason probably because 14 year olds are more toxic and unpleasant than radioactive waste man i'm really cutting down my target audience with that one but that wasn't gonna stop us i like how every wow streamer has no kids that watch them like no kids watch my streams either like it's all a bunch of old men like if you're not balding you're too young to be in the stream plan to get in the team one so we left the guild and transferred servers i had fun but it was far from great okay oldest piece of wow footage i have on my pc all right what literally got me into recording my gameplay was so that i could record this guy dying and get him kicked from the guild i was a good kid my new chat only guild was clearing heroic pretty easily as the guy used to do the same thing man whenever i got promoted up to officer i would record every attempt and then at the end of the night at like three in the morning i would kick raiders out of the guild after i got done reviewing the footage and determining that they're dog [ __ ] i would kick them out of the guild guild stocks in the middle of the night clear mythic content i got incredibly busy i never get it by trying to quit you know during the entire several month long course of blackrock foundry had not killed a single mythic boss 150 wipes on beast lord darmac for those of you that don't play wow or didn't play warlords of draenor let me put it into perspective our last guild you know the one that was too slow and unworthy and cringe they ended up clearing the whole raid and they still played together to this day so i quit now if you'll excuse me i want money add time okay elaine take me this is this room hi i'm here to tell you about rage shadow legends the free game where you can fight demon lords take on epic [ __ ] and replace your need for real love by collecting video game characters you can find all that with the link in the description why you're really here it's the ladies ladies and gentlemen this is why i left so honestly what's crazy about raid shadow legends is like if i just saw this game i would want to play the game like that's really the truth if i looked at it now like i didn't know anything about the game i just saw some of the art of it i want to play this game absolutely you shut your mouth which is why i made a top five list of all my favorite characters in raid number five my damn saris now draw her telling me everything's going to be okay number four jingle hunter fellas hide your jingle bells because this man works more than one day a year number three eviscerator can we get more number two goku what just kidding goku is not in rage shadow legends number two goes to the number one character in the entire game what's up jordan elaine my ex-wife actually she's all five spots i miss her what i like about the game is building an epic team of anime waifus then i watch them respectfully as well jesus holy [ __ ] amazing graphics with over 500 unique characters wow this is like collecting them you know what elaine feels as she collects her alimony payments and this month raid has a new summer update i should probably be legendary this is good epic pvp yeah five new amazing i like how he adds in all the characters in the bikinis so people don't complain about the ad that's actually really smart because how how are you going to complain about the ad whenever it's just a bunch of girls in the bikinis you know so give it a try man there's big things to come hit the link below or scan my q a code that's what we're at 200k silver one xp boost one energy refill and one ancient shard and this is only for the last 30 days so hurry up yeah find your rewards here they pay ridiculous amounts but despite me quitting necrotis stayed focused he persevered through thick and thin you die what the [ __ ] what are you doing and is the guild coded he did it he achieved tommy levels of skill and prowess wow and dare i say he surpassed him so then i came back to the game hi remember me here so towards the end of the expansion most people in our guild quit you know because yeah because yeah so our guild kind of stopped raiding but for us there was still a lot left to do ganking people arena gold farms exploration convincing a 14 year old to delete their pastor before flying them what could be better than this so wait is he telling me that he did the exact same thing than wod that i did like he ran around with one of his friends in the game doing a bunch of dumb [ __ ] at the end of wod while we waited for legion that's exactly what me and mcconnell did me and mcconnell did that exact [ __ ] thing that's crazy [Music] bullets of draenor made you rich as [ __ ] it did in the last i had 10 characters administration from chinese culture fantastic architecture beautiful landscapes and multitudes of characters and storylines that were respectful to the source material and original so when worlds adrenal they knew they had to step it up a notch they sure did they did what any industry monopolizing company would do what's that that's right communism they just started giving people money for free what could go wrong well they didn't just give people money for free they also gave them gear for free if you killed like a certain amount of bosses in mythic all you had to do was you'd send your followers out on missions and they would bring back gear that was mythic quality enemy has still never recovered it's insane and of course what better way is there to spend your money than drip there are certain items in world of warcraft which are no longer obtainable yeah the most notable of all being tier three it was hard to get and was made unobtained i have it the most coveted piece of tears three is short dreadnought because while most tier three looks like a five-year-old's attempt to get hired at the local circus true dreadnought looks like the lich king armor and wow players love this guy so much that mentioning his name will make them jesus on command my son the day you were born the very forests of lordaeron whispered the name [Music] arthas oh [ __ ] god jesus what the [ __ ] not in front of the [ __ ] kids however there exists a special auction house where randomly items like no will be listed problem is dreadnought kind of goes for millions of gold no way it was a different story so one day when i was checking the black market dude this is exactly what happened with me like this is so weird like at the end of wod all i did was goof around with one of my friends and in [ __ ] in indiana wod and then this happened to me as well except it was in mr pandaria oh my god i noticed the shoulders were available so i called the crotis yeah my friend was poor and i'd often abuse that by paying him to help me with tasks for way under the amount of gold you'd usually pay someone makes sense because he was desperate but dreadnought is no small feat so i decided i'd be a great friend because if he's looking this drippy then i'm cool by association i skipped school and offered to pay any amount of gold that he'd need to win the shoulders and now he waited all day until he finally won the shoulders and how much did one of the rarest items in the entire game go for 10 thousand gold wait what the minimum [ __ ] price let me take you back to the exact moment where he won it well no like that could that had to have been like he played on a dead server because that [ __ ] was big money back then that was big [ __ ] money like i spent 180 back in mop almost almost yay gekko yoshi i'm so stinky at the moment with sweat i'm actually sweating and breathing heavy right now i [Music] this was one of the best days i've ever had in wow not because of the item itself but because of the day i spent with my boy you know eventually me and the curtis boss got matching feldrakes we attempted challenge modes and i got a spectral tiger dude we used to do this same thing man like i had this guy his name was corey and his his in-game name was auxiliary and bro after every rage man we had two characters that we level up together and then we would i would do a mountain run on my main and on his all and then we would do the mount run again on his main and on my alt and we would do this together and we got we farmed ashes of awar together we farmed uh [ __ ] like the zg mounts together i'm pretty sure too the new ones dude we farmed oh the malagos mount too we farmed a vault of archivon mount and we farmed all these mounts together and we would do this together at night it was so so fun ladies and so we took a break we played a lot of dark souls together at least until legion came out but that's when everything started to change what happened oh wow is great for teaching you life lessons such as how to manipulate the economy and how to talk to other human beings true in theory but the biggest life lesson that wow teaches you is that fleeting sense of youth as your social circle crumbles people get older and move on and you're left desperate for the times you had all while knowing nothing can truly take you back to the good old days so our guild died but we joined another one at the start of legion we cleared heroic and and then that one died too so me and the crotis just opted to make our own pugs and not join any guilt yeah it was fun and it was casual but we felt like quitters since we weren't pushing mythics anymore true we were playing solo but we didn't feel cool we were girl bossing but we gatekeeped ourselves nail emoji which is why when one night an old friend invited us to do mythical dan how could we say no despite it being one of the hardest fights in the world we didn't cause a single wipe and it did wonders for our egos knowing that even in the wow equivalent of a midlife crisis we still had it that was until we spoke to the right leader after raid and he said something along the lines of this great stuff tonight boys great stuff but uh just one thing oh no you played fine it's just your uh your artifact power it's a bit low oh you could just farm some mythic plus over the next week true that'd be great true all right boys you got some grinding in okay i'll see you see you next week that was that was me by the way this was [ __ ] me i was the guy that would message people and and people would be online and i would see them and they would not have artifact level it was 35 i believe that was the break point that was 35 and i would message them whenever they were in a battleground about [ __ ] get out of the battleground get back to my souls they're like well i just wanted to do a few with my friends like oh really oh really so so oh okay so you don't so you don't want to get any more loot in the raid is that right you want to get kicked out the guild is that right and this was me i felt it you don't have time for that but you don't have time to have fun man you can have fun after you get done farming all your artifact power i was a dick that's so mean no it's because like here like it was it was something that everybody agreed on that everybody in the guild agreed collectively that we were gonna have everybody this is going to be an expectation and then people don't meet the expectation you've got to deal with it boys you got some grinding in okay i'll see you see you next week and at that moment something deep and primordial in the very pits of my soul snapped that i had spent my youth waiting for other people to not [ __ ] up oh look it's not well everyone's dead see this is bro this is why i stopped raiding man it's like i would do everything right like [ __ ] 90 pulls out of 91 pulls and then every time you would have this same handful of people do [ __ ] wrong i just got tired of it man like i'm like i don't want to waste my time i don't want to schedule time to watch somebody else waste it you know like that's the truth i just got [ __ ] tired of it see waiting night after night for nadia nadia the priest from dark smee dark spear yeah i [ __ ] remember you even though it took me years to fall i realized i think in that moment i finally knew i will never at least just [ __ ] mythic writing it was fun sometimes but i just never felt like it was all that challenging outside of waiting for other people to not [ __ ] up or just menial grinds outside of raids to max out your character power but that's enough it definitely did get more boring in legion in a way because you had to do like all this extra stuff out outside the raid because back in the day you would raid to raid and that was it it was like a closed system whereas like now it's not really as as much the case have fun and ultimates yeah that's fine but like what i'm saying is like that's what rating was rating was making waiting for the dumbest person in your raid to not [ __ ] up that's what raiding was now for now so as we did our pugs we did our major towers and we did the occasional arena until the end of legion yeah our drive to sweat was fading and our sense of wonder or motivation along with it and with the release of battle for azeroth we both quit as well as like everyone else ah maybe it was okay perhaps we achieved all we set out to do true maybe we were like tommy now ignoring the fact that tommy got banned in ward for selling gold so is this it the enemies where it goes yes that was it for necrotic and bite never to play together again [Music] my god it's it's perfect is it him it's classic wow oh wow nicara sits here we have to go come on what are you what are you waiting for i'm excited i can't miss this right like the good old days yeah fine those were the days what about the what about the other guy what happened to him [Music] that's the dancing video i remember that too well classic wow was a really good time it was like it actually was fun it was fun for a while at least no dk in classic you just play warrior it's the same thing six months ago oh man [Music] oh it sucks you're gonna play shadow shadow what the [ __ ] is shadow nah nah bro i have a nah this video is fake bro this shit's fake like i don't believe this video anymore like for a while i was into it but like now it's just not it's just not real this shit's fake he's got a girlfriend yeah right thank video fake my new goal in wow was to tie up loose ends i collected mounts and transmogs that i'd wanted for years smart and with each accomplishment i obtained i felt the void of apathy growing until there was only one final thing left to pursue gladiator the final goal that me and the quartus wanted to accomplish i would do for the both of us so i studied war days spent skirmishing and learning from the best as it turns out wow pvp is actually pretty easy and i got in contact with some of the best pvpers in the world damn and also this guy on occasion several of these rank one players referred to my skills as all right and it was my new friend i trained harder than ever before rising and it was time for our final push we were winning gladiator level games oh my god right before i claimed victory no way is it nice i quit which seems to be a pretty common thing with me that was months ago and i still never went back to get a gladiator i could have got wait you're telling me that you quit out on gladiator at 2.4 k bro this is the same [ __ ] that mccon did s fan did like s-van had 2.4 k but he's like oh i don't care about the mouth what the [ __ ] do you mean have you seen it there's the coolest mount i'm so mad done better i could have grinded it out yeah but my best friend for the past eight years the one who made this dream with me as teenagers he wasn't there i'd love to say that solo queue would fix everything or that i'm coming back to give it another shot in season two i'd love to say i've got hope blizzard would fix it all and i'd love to be wrong about what i actually think i'd love to be one of those girls on twitter who have their character in a flower crown as their profile pictures they commission art of them and their friends i'd love to have oh bro that shit's so cringe to me man i hate it whenever people have fun in ways that i don't deem acceptable like that actually makes me so mad like if i see somebody having fun in a way that i don't like it makes me [ __ ] furious man like i have to read it and look at it dude it's just [ __ ] obnoxious that much fun and i'd love to know they can't have that anymore you'll never be an elf amanda because the truth is the months i spent in shadowlands one out of power i should never be an elf i felt like a job that i was just doing it for content or for some weird pilgrimage i've been missing a spark it took me forever to realize it's never about killing mythic bosses or the fastest times or the highest item levels and it damn well killing mythic i've been missing a spark it took me forever to realize wait a second it's never about killing mythic bosses or the fastest time i like how whenever even in the video he didn't even edit out all the [ __ ] advertisements man like the boosts are literally in the [ __ ] video fast loot fast 229 want to sell mythic free loot games are the highest item levels and it damn well was never about optimizing systems it was always friendship camaraderie discovery the wonder the sense of not knowing what was around the next corner and suddenly all of my achievements and rare items i got over the years felt so unimportant i don't care about being good anymore my hubris is longer dead i don't feel invested in my tune or my journey or who my character is in retail it's just numbers so my story on retail that's sad feels over what the [ __ ] i had a blast but why ruin that by forcing it along on life support and yeah maybe i'll come back like wow players always do yeah well maybe this is finally it maybe it's okay to let something i love end [Music] we picked a good time to do it yeah i'm going to play final fantasy and i haven't like quit tv what a loser wow follow my twitch if you'd like something imagine playing that [ __ ] you know the upload schedule i guess jesus is cooking streams what a loser you're pretty cool i also have it oh my god it isn't much right now but hey it's there and follow my twitter because i feel good when people like myself true and also subscribe so that i can take over cervix and then take over platinum wow and then take over asthma and go shut up [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here listen i gotta say you know what was so sad about this is whenever i go through and i look at these different pictures right this sounds weird but like i go through and like whenever i i see them i think to myself i'm like man like this is like whenever i found the phosphorescence stone drink you know this is like whenever i was doing this on my stream and there was like that whale shark that would go around your mobius and then this is the same thing fighting a whale shark for the first time like i see the pictures and i have so many memories of all this right i remember this is like two or three days after cataclysm came out and it was me and cora and a few other people in my guild and we went to get the world first kill of the whale shark man and it happened right there's right there the shadow moon burial grounds of the [ __ ] quest dueling outside of iron forge like this honestly reminds me just like [ __ ] doing the uh the eggs back in mists of pandaria this is back like whenever i would that was wherever i hit level level [ __ ] 90. back in the day that's whenever i would get my i remember i got the [ __ ] the white polar bear right there man grizzly hills i mean what else more is there to say this right here i remember in you was almost gonna get realm first level 80 and everybody else who was pushing for theirs we all put aside everything that we had to go and help him do the amphitheater of anguish like by ourselves even though a lot of us couldn't even get the quest and he was 79 and everybody else in the guild was like 75 74 73 like then like kaldara like this right here doing the withered army training on stream remember i would do that and i would play queen [ __ ] man like this dude well of eternity [ __ ] is it's so sad it's just it's so and yeah i got dc'd remember that yeah oh those were the [ __ ] days man i was so i was it was so beautiful man it really was yeah i love pints videos i want to say pints videos are [ __ ] amazing they are great i hope everybody gives them a sub and gives them some support too man uh absolutely [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 533,462
Rating: 4.9232807 out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, asmongold pint, wow funny, pint wow, pint classic wow, pint asmongold, zackrawrr, pint, never raid again, asmongold reacts to pint, pint reaction, wow pint, pint classic, quit wow, pint quit, blizzard, asmongold blizzard, pint ffxiv, pint final fantasy, ffxiv, final fantasy 14, asmongold quit wow
Id: vVG6TD3eD1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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