Classic WoW FINAL BOSS! Asmongold Raids Naxxramas & Defeats Kel’Thuzad for the First Time

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all right let's go inside yeah they're going inside same question oh do not move up do not move past this area gentlemen i'm going to explain saffron saffron is a boss this boss has mechanics this boss also does damage to people in the raid so here's basically how it works um so saffron is going to put uh he's gonna put blocks on four people whenever he goes up in the air whenever he put the blocks on he puts the box on those four people everybody needs to spread out and then after the fourth block goes down you need to get behind saffron also you cannot auto attack saffron while you are behind the block if you auto attack saffron while you are behind the block it breaks the line of sight and you will die the next thing is going to be the debuffs the curses mages we've only got like five of you so we need to have big dick d curses okay big dick d curses i want to see big d curse dicks okay and also blizzards that are on the ground if there's a blizzard that's on the ground do like everybody else that plays final fantasy and get away from it this is an easy boss every single one of you should be able to do this do it right and do it well sir boys let's do it come on okay i'm just gonna move them out just a little bit i'll keep them right here until we go into the transition spread out around this area you have plenty of space okay get away from those blizzards guys let's make sure we're getting away from those blizzards i feel like i'm getting perry hasted a bit so uh warriors make sure you're not getting you're not parrying the boss it's not good for me yeah i see so yeah now my damage is going down all right let's go spread back out spread back out let's go guys spread back out get ready for the blocks spread out spread out spread out spread out spread out two three four go go now wait there's five oh there's five now what the [ __ ] i know there's five since when is there five roy really good damage man crazy damage lloyd roy with the godlike damage wow what a what a huge amount wow he's pulling aggro oh my god i'm just gonna let him die [ __ ] him all right let me reposition him everybody stay stay focused guys stay focused let's go okay we're doing great just keep them in position keep these dispels out sophie's had this for too long sophie [ __ ] blo why didn't you bubble sophie i don't understand why didn't you bubble you had i you you just died don't just die all right we're doing great keep it up keep it up guys really proud of you try like night drop my threat's going nuts guys yeah that's a good idea probably should do that boy that was crazy your damage was insane all right we have one more of these execute this properly and we kill the boss spread out spread out spread out spread out one remember wait for the thing two is probably gonna die here right is this prince it's mad and crazy okay all right there it is behind the blocks boys behind the blocks baskets we're gonna we we're gonna talk we gotta talk about you man yeah we gotta have a conversation after this run that that was some clown [ __ ] you just did what are you doing okay stone shield it's fine i guess i'll i'll stone shield right now i'll use the lesser stone shield i mean as slow as [ __ ] yeah how do you time it sir it doesn't matter like the thing is like you can i guess you practice this now it doesn't matter okay kill boss oh [ __ ] i don't have master okay it doesn't matter who cares please please let the shield drop please let the shield drop kill boss he won't go up again kill boss kill boss you won't go up again be smarter with your movement guys be smarter with your movement there you go there you go big numbers big numbers you want to see it okay this is a kill it's a kill 100 kill um even if i die right now it's a kill good job okay uh pass everything to me so i get everything i'm just kidding uh i do want to get my to discourage though let me get that look at this item dude we'll get this [ __ ] item our preparations continue as planned master it is good that you serve me so faithfully soon all will serve the lich king and in the end you shall be rewarded so long as you do not falter i foresee no complications of this this is the reason this is the original is this your security measures have failed see this interruption immediately yes master look at this cloak dude look at this cloak dude increases damage and healing by 26 one percent crit chance one percent hit chance this is gigantic that's the way the coke looks like power of the scourge permanently adds to shoulder slot item increased damage and healing by 15 and also increases your chance to land a critical strike with spells by one percent so it's one percent crit max testing can i get that shield block trinket um increases your chance to block with the shield by three increases your block value by 23 increases the block value of your shield by 235 okay guys so everybody knows how to do this boss right so all right let's talk a little bit about this boss number one phase one you have three types of ads you have the abominations you have the little dicks you have the big dicks the little dicks that's casters kill those melees only job you never go outside this outer circle like the octagon pretend like like i don't want to see any [ __ ] khabib's going outside the octagon stay inside the [ __ ] octagon now on top of that let's talk about the ads the abominations do a healing debuff that stacks on the tank it's irrelevant we'll kill them so fast the banshees do a knockback if they get close enough so banshees need to be slowed and damaged down by range also you can't let your pets go to the banshees because then it will aggro an entire side of the room whenever i call for everybody to move in you all need to move in with me inside of the green circle so you don't aggro the packs of mobs that are going to spawn behind us and then these small ads just need to be killed by ranged and also paladins can kill them with exorcism because they have low health and they're undead so those are gonna be three different types of ads that spawn in phase one now phase two this is when kel'thuzad comes out and we fight him now we're gonna fight kel'thuzad basically in the middle of the room the different people that we're gonna have stacked up on we have to create a triangle formation around kel'thuzad because of a mechanic that he does called ice block or sorry ice tomb or ice block i don't know what it is um but basically it freezes the target in place for um for four seconds and it does uh a hundred and four percent of their total health over that time so that means that we're going to be creating a triangle around the boss whenever kel'thuzad reaches 40 health that's whenever the real damage check happens and that's whenever the fight actually gets hard so what we need to do at that point is we need to make sure that we have everybody um focusing down and burning down the boss now kel'thuzad also does a mind control the mind control needs to be immediately cc'ed by tps by dps and so if you have mind controls in melee immediately hit a fear and fear the people that are emceed so the other priests can and the mages can can polymorph them everybody stack with me stack with me i have a skull on my head stack with me ira road how are you how are you ready stop moving up oh my god everybody move up together move up together we're moving in we're starting we're starting we're starting move in move in move in move in now move in now moving now move in now move in now leticus move in move in servants soldiers of the code okay good job obey the call of kel'thuzad all right boys it's time let's do it if they come to let them come to us don't attack mobs let them come to us do not leave this octagon melee do not leave this octagon do not leave this octagon let's do it stay focused and let's make this happen range can kill this pets watch out don't send in your pets do not send in your pets do not send in your pets do not send in your pets do not send in your pets okay do not leave this octagon do not leave this octagon good job stay focused stay 100 focused do not leave this octagon do not send into pets do not attack there's one of these soul weavers soul weaver range range over here ranged on the soul weaver the soul weavers can't get to us rains need to be killing these this is very important since we have minimal ranged and this is whenever the big boys start coming this is whenever it gets real this is this is the real game boys stay focused good job great work on that soul weaver keep it up they can stun yeah that's a really good stun paladins can be rotating stuns as well another soul weaver good job good job keep it up stay focused did you just try to multi shot there you need to be you need to be careful feign or right ponga ah you pulled you you pulled with the multi shot man kill the small adds kill the kill them so they don't get to us i i told you not to like kill these ads kill these ads it's fine get the soul weaver soul weaver behind us soul weaver behind us like it's so stupid like stop being [ __ ] stupid okay let's go it's a fat boy as a fat boy get on him that's a stun he's just dead in a stun holy [ __ ] that's easy to do wow kill these little small ads the small ads by the way if they melee they kill themselves and they explode for raid damage onto everyone if another one explodes everybody bandaged so we can uh preserve heal our mana great job on these paladin stuns guys really proud of you great work whenever the ads are whenever these ads around good job that's really really really close friends you need to be really careful about that okay good job next soul weaver let's go guys let's go get these ads i didn't even see him that's my fault totally my fault there good job keep it up guys keep it up remember these saw these small soldiers can do damage they can [ __ ] us in the ass very easily this is a easily this is an easy ass [ __ ] do you want that i actually don't answer that okay good job great work okay now this is gonna be over in just a few seconds so just be patient watch out with these soldiers okay good job kill these soldiers i probably actually should i do dps for this i'm gonna go dps yeah i think i don't think i should use a shield watch out for that soldier it's gonna explode and kill somebody how does how's basics dead oh he's the guy that [ __ ] up before okay that's fine yeah get these soldiers guys remember they do a lot of damage so you've got to be really careful okay get on these abominations good job keep it clean keep it clean keep it close and keep it clean kill these soldiers melee should not have to kill these it's really risky for melee to have to kill these it's really risky we have a lot of these guys coming out so just get ready for that great work keep it up two banshees i know i know just keep it up these ads come out it's gonna be just fine there it is there it is great job on these stuns paladins again great job keep it up remember this boss is a bit of a [ __ ] but that's okay okay get on that next one nobody's not gonna kill anybody fat boy that's a fat boy good job good job good job good job kill these kill these guardians you guys really have to be smarter with this we're well on range so just make sure that you guys keep this under control that's a that's a soldier he's going to blow up in the raid 100 there it is uh bandage guys bandage if you need to bandage if you need to bandage if you need to scream you're tired there it is okay he despawned everything everybody kill everything kite it around let's go kite it around let the range kill the soul weavers kill the rest of the soul weavers we have like three other soul weavers melee do not attack them melee do not attack them do not attack the melee oh that's the boss i probably should pick up the boss it's not good tawny taunting tony all right get in position spread out spread out oh the red thing you're not supposed to stand under anything melee triangle melee triangle melee triangle interrupt melee triangle that's why you interrupt frost bolts melee triangle melee triangle range kill that soul weaver melee triangle melee that's not a triangle that's a hexagonal there will be no escape i've got i'm emceed cc me awaits you see me cc me everything's fine just keep the cc's out just keep the cc's out everything's fine interrupts like why are we not interrupting why am i not being cleansed okay come on away so that was really bad because i got emceed at the very beginning that's kind of bad luck for that to happen so early why are you standing on top of me vilex just heal villex and keep interrupts out heal vilex and keep interrupts out do not stand on top of me why are you guys why do you not understand this why is this hard to understand like just stop standing why are you moving around like what are you doing more or less what are you doing wait what what is wrong with you okay here we go why is everybody stacked on one side does anybody know this boss okay get ready to burn them down get out of the red [ __ ] range they're too close together reiko and torinas i said to be [ __ ] eight yards apart master i require okay here come the ads here come the ads warriors of the frozen race cece cece kill and die for your master there they come no this is the big burn time uh warriors use death wish uh burn down the boss and quince and a cleanse void okay let me see if i can get aggro back burn down the boss burn down the boss burn down the boss you guys have gotten so ridiculously [ __ ] lucky it's insane dingus you should have interrupted that but somehow you you resisted it you got super lucky start see seeing these guardians start seeing these guardians let's go guys i've got aggro again i've got aggro again i've got really lucky stay spread out keep those guardians uh if you're a dps warrior pick those [ __ ] up shackle we've got two two two shackle shackle shackle shackle shackle shackle shackle interrupt that frostbolt i'm ready i'm last standing i it's done cool down i can't lie stand all right i'll pick up this one too somehow i went into [ __ ] battle stance for no reason i'm picking up this ad as well i'm picking up both ads i'm gonna put on my shield put on my shield okay let's go moving out of this staying on him using all these shield wall shield wall shield wall with picking up all the ads shield wall and picking up all the ads get the get the ads get the ads there it is stay on kel'thuzad stay on kel'thuzad stay on kel'thuzad burn down kel'thuzad burn down kel'thuzad let's go your soul burn him down burn him down burn him down come on guys take it home take it home take it home take it home you've almost got him you've almost got him come on come on there's no way man there's no way there's no way like oh my god no dude no dude come on boys come on take it home block if you need to block if you need to block if you need to i'm dead i'm dead unless i get healed what does adjacent mean wait somebody actually doesn't know what adjacent means does he always emcee the tank like or did i just get incredibly bad luck try to kill him try to kill him i'm spamming my executes true shit's gonna die here the dark void awaits you always gonna die oh my god range be spread out melee get ready melee get ready what did i [ __ ] up last time why did i not have him in position oh that's right i just messed up because i got perry hasted okay there it is get in position get in position get in position now in position now get these interrupts out interrupts interrupts and reps let's go remember we're not going to push them past 50 percent like at 50 wait for my call use your uh use your bandages here if you need to this is a long fight all we need to do is we need to do everything correctly and not make any mistakes that's all we need to do okay good job remember if you see that blue [ __ ] on his hands you need to do an interrupt melee remember watch out for the uh the things that can happen you know the uh the [ __ ] range be spread out this is going really well keep it up void awaits you keep it up guys we're doing great job we're doing a great job all right if we have stop slow down right now everybody slow down start auto attacking right now we're gonna wait for the first mc everybody start auto attacking right now we're gonna wait for the first mc bound to everybody let this mc go away and then we're gonna push boss stop chasing spread out you're gonna get ice blocked spread out everybody heal yourselves heal yourselves heal yourselves heal yourselves let's go twosh's got aggro get get back try and go around twos triangle around touch push boss push boss everybody push boss push push push pause push boss push boss push boss master monster push boss everybody uh all damage on boss all damage on boss warriors of the frozen wastes rise up i could manage to fight it's so bad it's you wouldn't do it why wouldn't you do it get those guardians get those guardians where's my shield i'll pick these up i'll pick them up myself i'll pick them up just burn down the boss literally just burn down the boss just burn down the boss i'll deal with the adds burn down the boss i will deal with the adds burn down the boss i will deal with the adds panda's gonna get two of them let me get these two panda and then you can get the next one okay wait two he died the boss died we just burned him down oh my god let's see are you guys ready for the loot i am going to take the flackery can everybody agree on me taking the flackery okay good uh i'm gonna take the flackery so i can do the quest on stream let's look at the other items ring of the dreamwalker and uh let's soul seeker all right let's go ahead and roll these off play cart ring wrestle dawn of ruin dude gressel dawn of [ __ ] ruin oh my god okay rayco you want to win that one alright reiko congrats ring of the dreamwalker okay let's roll this one this is anne breeze with the 95 zanbruce with the 95 congratulations on that okay let's see here and i'll actually i will roll this one off i'll roll for this okay all right uh let's see uh gravemind with the 97. with the 97. congratulations gravemind that is [ __ ] insane pass on daggers trolling okay it doesn't matter okay uh nutty is gonna be number two then uh let me go ahead and double check here nutty with number two uh powder powder nutty okay nutty congratulations wait where's nutty [ __ ] you're a paladin you're not getting it the [ __ ] out of here 79 79 is the next highest okay actually eleni's two eleni's two okay give me a second only is two congratulations on gretel dawn of ruin and souls look at that dude oh my god look at that dude increases damage and healing by 126. inc improves the critical strike change of your spells by two percent missing 89 another guy that guy was i was pounding uh that is insane dude roll for soul seeker roy roy congratulations loy congratulations loy give me my staff can i see it can you can you show it here everybody if you got an item come over here so i can see it oh my camera's [ __ ] up since it i'm uh they think oh my god look at that dude can somebody give me a port to iron forge please the fall of kel'thuzad uh the follicle thought the phlackery is all that remains of the master of next ramos you better your better judgment dictates that you destroyed the phylactery preventing the lich king from ever reforming thankfully you seldom listen to that internal voice of risen of reason someone at white's hope will pay you hugely for this artifact who cares if kel'thuzad regenerates the full power wait what bro it's oh it's our fault wait what so we didn't destroy the phylactery raft spoilers what's wrath we're playing vanilla wow i don't even know what rapido which king is let me go ahead and pull it up again take the phylactery of kel'thuzad to white's hope chapel in eastern plaguelands you'll be able to choose between one of these two rewards look how [ __ ] good this is 150 attack power that is insane i bet that's pissed even in tbc yeah this is crazy and then this one also magical [ __ ] 85 spell damage this is an 85 spell damage item okay all right we're gonna definitely turn this in i want you guys to see it okay you know now that we're we're flying the tournament i'll talk a little bit about kind of like where we're where my thoughts are with next i i think it was really good like that was actually yeah uh that was really really good it seemed actually challenging yeah uh the raid actually seemed challenging okay gentlemen here we go father indigo montoy how are you fall of lich king blessed light what foundness do you hold boy in all my days living i thought i would never expected to see this father montoy appears to be salivating oh yes you will be greatly rewarded dear boy you will be greatly rewarded give it here now have a good one yeah i will and there's the mark of the champion right there boys oh [ __ ] i get little buff too wow that is so badass dude that is [ __ ] badass dude all right so yeah anyway guys thank you guys all so much for watching we had a great time i had a really good time at max again so until next time boys please [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 581,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic wow, wow classic, classic wow raid, naxxramas, classic wow naxxramas, naxxramas raid, asmongold naxxramas, asmongold raid, classic raid, naxxramas classic, classic naxx, naxx, naxx out, classic wow naxx, naxx classic wow, asmongold naxx, naxxramas loot, asmongold classic, kel'thuzad, classic wow kel'thuzad, naxxramas kel'thuzad, naxxramas sapphiron, sapphiron
Id: uaF7Sw-THMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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